Which one of you did this? Pretty much all the inside jokes are covered. Brilliant. My fucking sides!
Which one of you did this? Pretty much all the inside jokes are covered. Brilliant. My fucking sides!
Other urls found in this thread:
wew lad.
At this point Holla Forums fantasy is real world reality, i wouldn't jump to conclusions that writer is one of ours.
top kek
Holy Fucking Kek, my sides have crossed neptune
I can't tell if this is a real opinion page or some sort of joke newspaper.
too bad they didn't print "burst into treats [sic]"
"my wife's son" ruins it. She's a muslim, she can't be lesbian. Lesbians don't have children.
Islam is an inherently feminist religion kaffir
swing an a miss there
what kind of fucking newspaper is this?
This is good.
Islam is progressive m8
But it's 2016!
Actually lots of muslims become shemales because apparently it's ok but sucking dick as a man isn't.
I think in Iran there are whole government programs for turning homosexuals into traps.
Came from here:
Some news websites picked it up too. Comments are very good
Still predy gud
Oh lordy I chuckled
Postan comments
Ok, I'm being a retard. I get the gassem bit, but what's Fathima?
As for how this came to be, my guess is someone sent a joke editorial with a joke name, and the editor didn't get the in-jokes and approved it.
Holy shit, I missed that.
Wait, who's the master ruseman ? The writter or the victim ?
my fucking sides
This is some clever subtle shit
Well done whoever did this.
top kek
Wow, some professional news right there.
Didn't mean to sage.
Archive of the 4ch thread: archive.is
chronic shit posting
bretty gud
so a tranny or a dyke. kek.
>[email protected]/* */
Looks like it's just some school newspaper or something, unless I'm missing something.
Now if this had made it into one of the major newspapers that would have been brilliant.
Absolutely lost it. Glorious, user.
You're a special one aren't you.
The only thing he forgot was the 6 gozzillion.
10/10 overall.
My sides!!! Saving the best kek for last.
Guys….are our memes leaking into normie space? Will they become dank and soon loose them?
Only one thing missing.
Otherwise, brilliant.
The dumb (((editors))) probably thought it was an error and corrected it.
I think you mean infidel. Kafir is only for the few of us that have read out of the koran and disbelieve. This is causing me problems getting health care here in Minneapolis aka Little Mogadishu because many of the rapefugee somaliniggers are stealing white women's jobs as nurses. I refuse to be treated by muslims/jews and it's in my health records. I'm kafir because I don't believe muhbuttmad.
don't let your memes be dreams
put them in a letter to the editor for keks
one of us
Forget the fucking troll article, what the shit is that about?
Feel free to go back :^)
My favorites are
and the one accusing the Muzzie guy in the comments ("This is a troll!") of being a 400lb Russian hacker.
Yup Iran supports this shit so they dont have to go full sharia.
I love that all the false flagging leads normies to Stefan. He's babies first redpill if you can stand his 1 hour long videos.
The meme is that we're Ben Garrisoning Crowder.
Definitely one of us.
well that demands an archive, here's your rape article goyim
Fatima looked like Megumin btw
like, dayum lad, sheeit of course she's legal.
it was u
My sides
Let's try to figure it out, shall we?
First of all:
This is the way that every thread promoting the antics of TRS/Firestarter Media/Matthew Heimbach (i.e fake nationalists who are manipulating emotion and whose mission it is to keep the right as off-limits for respectable people) begins.
Next, in the third sentence:
Feminism is clearly on the author's mind and she thinks that calling Islam a "feminist ideology" is sarcasm. The target audience will also assume it is sarcasm, in no small part because of the way people like said author use "you are just like the Muslims" when imposters claiming to be "women of the right" are criticized.
in fact Islam IS an inherently feminist religion, this is apparent to anyone who compares the rights and duties of Islamic women and Islamic men. Women are the clear winners aside from MSM propaganda to the contrary.
Thirdly - Miami.
Firestarter media has ties with Florida.
Fourth: shilling affiliates like the Jew Molyneux.
Fifth, linking Trump with extremism.
Virtually no one reading the letter will understand that it is sarcasm. The actual effect will be to add yet another example of "Trump breeds extremism and racism."
Mission accomplished.
It's amazing that Holla Forums views this as a good thing.
Remember, Trump isn't the president yet, they haven't given up.
tl;dr one of the TRS/Firestarter agents posted it, probably Sinead Mccarthy.
No one cares mudslime
Miami is for real. It's the second-craziest liberal arts school in Ohio, after Antioch. These idiots have spent fifty fucking years arguing over their Indian-themed mascot.
You have intentions for making the right acceptable for repectable people?
And you also post on Holla Forums?
Fuck off you colossal faggot.
You sure you're not forgetting Oberlin?
Okay, third.
back to 4cuck, hombre
t. KC-tier post
How does it feel to sit by yourself everyday unable to make friends because you lack even basic human social skills?
My fucking sides.
It's the current year, bigot.
Should have been Ben Garrison and Sam Hyde
that's not very progressive of you
Only thing that could have improved that article is "Stefan Molyneux, author of the Culture of Critique."
It think it's satorical user.
Now this is meme-racing
Holla Forumsracing, user
(captcha: rzogcp)
I'm literally shaking from your hate
Oyyyyyyyyyyyy what is wrong with you, goy?
not a rating a give often
This is excellent. It's good enough that I'm sending the person who wrote it an extremely rare boz pepe. If you didn't write this DO NOT steal. This is ONLY for the person who wrote this.
While I have to agree Firestarter Media, Renegade, Sinead and friends should become lamp shades, this news article isn't connected. You should be happy that Holla Forumsacks are becoming so numerous that they're appearing in small newspapers (Miami county Ohio, the whole counties combined population is 102,000).
Nice one OP.
That made me laugh more than it should have.
So they're arguing that he, in fact, does not know what love is?
Those are some pretty big goyim in the comments.
(those digits)
for WEW
Another undiscovered revision in the Kek Continuum? I guess time is like box of chocolates.
Yin and Yang
Good and Evil
We are Duality now
Goddammit Carlos, that's not even a pun.
I laughed harder than I thought I would. I assumed they corrected "treats" into "tears" as well since they spelled out what fucking POCK means (FUCK POCKS). It would be infinitely funnier if they left that in.
What? I thought it was where all the preps went. Nothing like Oberlin, Kenyon, Antioch. I thought it was further right than OSU or OU.
4 U
Holy shit lmao. Fuckin trolled
Good shit. Making baneposting great again.
A big guy must have written this.
Two things:
TRS is a legit group. Going on about them like they're Holla Forums is stupid. Frankly, you look dumb when you rip on legit groups. Everyone that's serious goes between lots of them.
Sinead is fucking stupid. That's her problem. She's not some professional agent. She would act a lot differently if she were some kind of clever subversive. Posting older pics of her doesn't prove anything, really. Do you actually know anything about anyone? I've met the bitch, and she's crazy. So, try to give decent reasons for things. If anything, you're the one setting off the shill alarms m80.
It's no accident that all your pics relate to Firestarter and not TRS.
I'm actually going to respect this, weird as it sounds. Not saving.
Respectful sage.
fuck my sides weren't ready
This is beyond autism, I can't tell if you are taking the piss out of Holla Forums paranoids or serious. Why is it so hard to believe some guy wrote a meme letter to a small uni paper during the post election period when everyone was salt mining and trolling?
I heard that Sinead is actually imkampfy/learningcode. True story.
Normalfags are too easy to troll.
In 5 years on Holla Forums, this honestly might be the worst post I've ever seen.
Thanks, fag
He's one of us, retard.