What is the West's rite into manhood?
Even savages had rituals to test one's worthiness.
If there are none, what should one be?
What is the West's rite into manhood?
Even savages had rituals to test one's worthiness.
If there are none, what should one be?
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There is none. That's why we have so many pussified limp-wristed nu-male faggots running around.
Your personal struggle, fag, and if you need to pose such a ridiculous question then I would say you probably led a pretty comfortable life with little mental or physical trauma!
Currently high school graduation is the ceremony that leads to adulthood, at least here in the US. Not much of a challenge, I agree.
That said, there are some rites, but they're not universal across the west. Most are only practiced by small portions of the male population. University/Fraternity could have been one at some point, but that degenerated. Highschool graduation is "meant" to be, but that is totally artificial. Not organic culture, the people don't really feel it to be true.
The only one I can think of really is having a child and raising it properly. Doing that would earn you the respect of the sort of people you probably consider men, making it a sort of unspoken rite of manhood.
On its face, these trials seem illogical and sadistic, but after facing such pain, anything is possible.
Imagine if even a fraction of western faggots could endure this practice.
Surviving has always been a struggle, in the past moreso than now. So even if that's a true rite of manhood, it's been degenerating.
We have something called "confirmation" which is basically a party with lots of gifts (a status-symbol) for surviving in a first world country for 15 or so years.
Part of these practices may seem brutal, but it's about scarifying your pleasure for the comradely and brotherhood. It's a patriarchal bond where you have a brother in arms no matter what.
No need to symbolize you are old enough to partake in a new aspect of life and physical draining task that's required for your community's survival. In this world, you are useless wetter you're 15 or 45. You're not by virtue worth anything since most jobs are not anything but mentally draining.
Well shit, fucked up like a newfag.
The "first hunt" that rural Whites still do is probably the closest, at least as far as widespread practices. European countries (and rich Americans) have the gap year journey as well as many sorts of traditions for high school seniors doing the local pub crawl which is associated with college in the US.
Gap Years are degenerate as fuck.
Even the ones not preoccupied with drinking and fucking to excess are involved in charity projects for shitskins and "finding oneself".
Gaining enough confidence in yourself to not care about what other men and anonymous shitposters on an nubian glyph drawing forum think about you.
Trust yourself and live your life they way you think is right.
Lefties whose minds are stuck in childhood constantly seek validation from one another and is the partial reason for the constant virtue signalling.
in the US? getting shitfaced on your 21st birthday.
Unless you have a cool dad, in which case you get to shoot a deer.
In Australia they have that walkabout thing.
kys objectivist scum
No, the traditional gap year is bumming around Europe to visit the various cultural wonders. It should be mandatory, in the US too. Plus, if you have anything against drinking, you're a cuck.
Go reread The Hero with a Thousand Faces and focus on the societal importance of mystery cults and the reenactment of mythology.
I grew up in rural PA where this was very much a thing. Still is. Unfortunately my parents were not locals and moved to the area when I was born. So they didn't get it, and nobody ever took me hunting.
I did kill a deer with a van once though, so I've got that going for me.
hitting a deer with your motor vehicle is more or less a rite of passage here in the North East. Damn deer
According to high schoolers, the rite into manhood is fucking some random girl you first met. There is completely nothing destructive about that at all.
Gap Year sounds exactly as degenerate/productive as college in America. But it's probably much cheaper. How do we get American teenagers to say "fuck college, I'll do gap year instead."? That's the only way we'll stop the massive student debt bubble that's been growing at an alarming rate…
There comes a time in the life of every human when he or she must decide to risk "his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor" on an outcome dubious. Those who fail the challenge are merely overgrown children, can never be anything else.
any nigger can do that.
it's not a rite at all.
A man has to be self sufficient to a certain extent, I didn't imply that one shouldn't care about his community. That's a part of being a good white person in general and OP asked about the rites of passage.
Silly goy, you're not allowed to have a racial identity with such rituals.
Off to the barmitzvah!
Seriously though: with a little variation: it used to be the first hunt (secular) which is now moreso the first job. Christianity is confirmation.
This should all happen somewhere between ages 13-16.
Being able to drink a lot.
So doing paperwork and digging trenches?
Unless you're infantry, you're probably not actively shooting at anyone.
We're going to end up cleaning house at unis before being able to enact the cultural shift to get the gap year popular in the US. In fact, kicking the commies out will push that back a bit as college will become more enticing again. It may also be impossible without a major shift in transportation technology and a proliferation of hostels. Overseas gap year is probably too cost prohibitive, but who knows how that might change now that the tide turns.
You had best drop it, any further slandering of the European tradition of alcohol will truly out you as a shitskin. Try going to Germany and telling them beer is a Jewish conspiracy.
Acquiring a driver's license could probably be put in the same category as first job. Or simply learning to drive, since that can also happen much younger in rural areas.
We need to come up with one OP
This is very important. I've been asking myself the same question.
Fuck off faggot.
I said getting wasted. If you're not moderate in your beer consumption, or can't tell the difference between getting sloppy and having a few pints with the lads, you're the problem.
Kek. The closest abos come to walkabout is drunkenly wandering the street looking for some asian kid to mob or getting fucked up the date by a 'tribal elder'
Then why even use faggotry such as "the alcoholic jew"? Anything taken to harmful excess is degenerate, yet you seem to have a fixation on and distaste for alcohol.
I think an American Gap Year should be a strictly American Gap Year. Travel America instead of Europe. American travel to Europe should be ostracized as snooty, so as to improve class relations.
Depends on your nationality and culture, i'd say.
Look up on how your ancestors viewed masculinity.
This thread makes me realize how little my parents cared about my development. Very rarely did they pressure me to do anything that would further me as a person or better myself.
Some faggy rituals to virtue-signal oneself? Simply lame.
If you really are based you don´t need that.
Precisely, something that primitive, shitskin "cultures" has.
That's every millennial ever. You're not alone in that my friend.
says the queer who's never endured any hardship to attain masculinity.
Just how cucked are you?
Absolutely not, travel to Europe needs to be encouraged for all classes as part of the remedy to the folly of Americanism. Thinking of ourselves as anything other than European colonists is a step down the wrong path and part of the reason why the US is such a shit tier country.
dat reading comprehension
maybe in previous decades.
now it's an opportunity to get culturally enriched.
Get a job. Move out of your parents house. Buy a car. Get drunk and fuck some whore.
Literally the only things you need to be considered an adult in the modern world, and we wonder why people in their 30's still behave like children.
Our right of passage is bringing the whole corrupt, diseased synagogue down on the global cult of pedophile, child-killing kikes controlling our planet.
Wait, is this really a topic that is going to attract shills? I mean, every traditionalist will tell you how important such rituals are to the stability of society, but I would have never believed that it was a matter that would be on the verboten list.
Cleansing the homelands is as essential as cleansing our own communities. There is no future without Europe.
Humans are tribalistic in nature. If you set yourself apart from the tribe, you're just a lone wolf wandering aimlessly around in the forest. Destined to die alone. Don't be a edgy faggot, stay with the tribe. That is were men can truely be men.
I'd HIGHLY recommend Jack Donovans work to you guys. Regardless of what some might think of him (Varg hates him) his books a fucking must read for any millennial "nu male" seeking to break free and reconnect with their masculine roots.
Give it a read. It certaintly helped me.
congrats, you're a man.
the only good thing is moving out of the house, which is a requirement moreso than an accomplishment
okay. how?
no shit.
but how is visiting tourist spots "cleansing Europe"?
Are you nuts? America's sense of cultural identity is in tatters. If we're going to make this Imperium thing happen, we need to kick it into overdrive with the nationalism.
Says the shitposter that wants ego-stroking rituals instead of action.
Remember, the gap year isn't going to catch on in the US until after the culture war has been concluded.
Not true, if you look at traditional society, multi-generation households are the standard. The idea of moving out is itself a modern conceit based in individualism and consumerism.
American nationalism is folly, ethnonationalism is the only path to stable civilization and that means a restoration of European identity in the US.
perhaps in a normal time, or in other places.
but now, nothing can be gained from young men being NEETs and retreating in their parent's basements.
Nothing can be gained by throwing money away renting or buying into a housing market bubble. There isn't any particular reason for someone to move out of an ancestral home unless the family is corrupted.
Holy Confirmation.
I bet you're the type of fag who has aboriginal art on their walls and bhudda statues in the garden
To not take America down the path of Imperium now would be a tragic squandering of opportunity.
That sounds like an excuse to keep living with Mommy and Daddy and have them keep paying rent.
Rent aside, the issue here is having the fortitude and discipline to live on your own.
Aside from doing uncomfortable things, we don't have much of that, anymore.
But being able to do uncomfortable/non hedonistic things for some delayed gain shows sign of maturity.
Which should require no more fortitude or discipline than what is necessary to maintain one's responsibilities in a family home. You're arguing against a tradition so vital that even the shitskin cultures have retained it since being gifted the knowledge of civilization by ancient Indo-Europeans. Unless you want to throw tribalism itself out the window, multi-generation households are the standard. If you want to be buying a place of your own, your intent better be to secure a place for your parents to come live with you in their advancing age.
There is no opportunity outside of European ethnonationalism. All other bases will crumble, just as you can witness in the history of the US. The Revolution was complete nonsense perpetrated by merchants and lawyers due to selfishness and the ideals behind the founding are Enlightment era liberalism held up as truth.
Spending two weeks alone inna woods with just a knife and the clothes on your body.
Quite the opposite, rites of passage into adulthood need to reflect a particular aspect of socialization and responsibility and therefore are meant to be communal events. What you mention would be more suited for martial or shamanistic rites.
Rome wasn't ethnonationalist but it culturally dominated the world. To waste the opportunity to do it again, even grander, would be a tragic loss to the future of humanity.
Isn't it getting your driver's license?
If it's "so easy a nigger can do it", it's probably not a good rite of passage.
Rome didn't dominate the world by any stretch of the imagination, you have to go to older Indo-European civilizations for that. Rome also collapsed due to the degenerative effect of multiculturalism and the subversion of Semites. It is not an example to follow for the very reason that it outgrew ethnonationalism. Civic nationalism is unsustainable as it opens the door to "the other". Homogeneous, exclusionary societies are the only stable societies. There is a reason that all of the Aryan colonial states were constructed to have a racialist and hierarchical system which was so ingrained as to be enforced by religious doctrine (derived from the truth of the eternal order of nature itself). There is a reason that liberal societies throw off both class structure and racial purity, because they are the hand in hand guarantors of civilization.
"Western society" as a civilization is a direct descendant of Rome.
Yeah, that is pretty much what I expected!
Self-improvement and action are what counts, rituals does not.
I am not even dissing rituals, if you pray Ebola-Chan kills slowly and painfully the invaders and cucks at least that helps you wish ill, hate the enemy with all your heart, such a ritual would at least be some good.
If you are a soldier in a future war and forces cucks POWs to kill each others and invaders so they can never come back to their side, such a "ritual" would be good.
Proclamations are not, that is part of the problem.
So is seeing wisdome is seen in inferior cultures is part of the problem too, ==fuck primitivism.==
Something that the right obviously has a problem with, not just the left.
If superior cultures have major flaws then we must look to hard thinking to fix them instead of feels and shitskin "cultures".
Why does Varg hate him? Homosexuality?
I do acknowledge that we need to be sociable but faggy rituals aren´t the way to fix things.
There is but one way and one way only, to be
the man with the knife!
There was a thread on this about 6 months, maybe someone has screencaps… I distinctly remember it devolving into a spurdo thread
In pre-christian northern Europe many rites of initiation involve hunting a savage beast or killing another man in combat
A lot of Celtic tribes didn't consider their boys to be men until they'd gone on a raid and brought back an enemies head on their belt
That was what the Spartans had wasn't it?
Well something like that
Throw a boy into the wild away from the comforts of his home and if he lives he was a man
As an aside, a sheboon tried to seek my aid in cheating on the computerized written exam when I went to take it. It may in fact be too difficult for niggers, or at least an actual high bar set for them. I was certainly disgusted though, as I left from having easily aced the pathetic test. The idea of helping someone cheat into a position of power over others, the danger of a vehicle in the hands of a fool, really rustles my idealistic jimmies.
And Rome is a direct descendant of the pre-Younger Dryas global empire of European origin, what's your point? Ethnonationalism or bust (though not even that can make it through an extinction level impact event, a thousand years of winter, and a subsequent extinction level impact causing a rapid rise in sea level due to the vaporization of seawater.
You don't understand what an actual rite of passage is. It's a test of competency disguised as the reenactment of mythic events. It is the action which is the culmination of self-improvement, the course of which is held steady over the generations by a mystery cult relevant to the aspect of society (general folk tradition passed father to son, religious tradition passed master to student, etc.).
Just go read The Hero with a Thousand Faces. It seems everyone fixates on the Hero's Journey itself, but I think the real value in the work is the study of the place of rites and cults in society.
Which was limited to the warrior caste and undertaken at the end of the first period of training. Those are very important factors to consider.
I'd would say this it is the drivers license.
Mastery of a machine, moving without colliding into others, knowledge of rules, and finally a negotiation under inferior terms with the state. Furthermore this license then becomes your primary form of identification with the extended tribe called the state.
It should be something else but that is what it currently is for most people. My top picks for replacement are:
Hunting and killing a large game animal.
Planting and harvesting an sizeable crop, 1/4 acre minimum.
Producing a master work of craft.
Building a house or barn.
Producing through mining metals/gems worth 3 months of food.
Making a great discovery.
I concur.
Getting a drivers license. It's a little bit symbolic in our country.
It's a little harder to get it than in burgerland and you get mobile, can work, get girls, etc.
Good picks, though a few would be better served as rites of graduation from apprenticeship rather than into adulthood. Completing militia training is another excellent candidate and can easily incorporate other rites within that period. Training of a service animal (or maybe the completion of a utilitarian computer program if we want to get future fashy) is something I'd consider as part of an agrarian lifestyle. Management of a ceremonial event is another one which can be considered for the emphasis on traditions and community emplacement.
I believe the rather torturous "endure this pain" to be quite misguided for the intent of a rite into adulthood and, much like the "retell an epic" or "undergo a solitary symbolic experience" types, is better suited for rites of initiation into esoteric aspects.
And of course, this is all focused on males. Female rites are an entirely separate matter, though based on the same idea of molding the neophyte into the tradition of society through the repetition of archetypal events.
So if you had the choice between a job and your own home, you would go for the latter?
It is just a waste of money, thought. If you have money for it, you better use it for ammunitions, knifes, books, dried food, gasmasks, toilet paper and toothpaste just to start with.
If you are unemployed, have time, learn usefull skills.
Stuff that you actually need or might need soon, not stuff to make you feeeel like a man or proove something to a pozzed society because if you do that, you don´t have a valid ground to call out cuck on the internets. -)
When the muslim women and children are on their knees before you and you have a pistol in your hand, will you do what needs to be done?
This is actually good.
Do women ever become adults? The rites of passage for women are menarche, marriage and first born. The first is biology, the second two are the result of male intervention. On reflection, for a woman to give birth is probably the true rite of passage.
Buying your first can of dip, buying your first gun, first truck, learning to work on vehicles, joining the military, there's a ton, but none are universal.
Western rite of manhood is getting a minimum wage job.
Yes there is, has and have been many, dating all the way back to the last ice age, though that would be before most of the good migrations though.
I agree with manhood is simply that you now have rights but also duties, such as defending your people and being trustworthy of them and them of you.
Forming a Volk could help you discover what you and your fellows agree upon and from where to go to get it. The end all of course is that you are in position to have children which will resemble you and thus be able to continue the cycle. After enough cycles a local tradition will spring up then.
That's one of the reasons why mix-races are always so depressed is because they cannot continue the cycle. As well by natural practices the mix-raced kids were usually the ones created with rape by the conquers, perhaps another reason why they are so directionless, nature dooms them to die and consume the resources of their decimated lands until eradication.
I giggled, but I suppose by the common definition you are correct. In traditionalist terms, the passage into adulthood represents the uptake of the mantle of responsibility. Women have obligations to self, family, and volk which girls do not. A quick and dirty example would be acquiring the skills of weaving, cooking, and the like. That said, most of those skills are meant to be known by (non-outlier) men as well. Unless you want to start bringing women on hunting and war parties, men have to know how to be entirely independent. Marriage (or religious vow) would be the second tier of rite for women.
Although you had best prepare yourself for the "equality" of nature. 95% of women are unfit for major roles in society and in fact do not even want such roles when not under the influence of a liberal world, but the far side of the bell curve win the genetic lottery to have drive and fitness that slides into male competency territory. Then you get .00001%'ers like Joan of Arc. Hell, she might have even been a .00000000001% if it turns out she was actually a psychic medium strong enough to channel the desperation of the French into a miracle by their conception of the archetype. We could strike kikes dead by name if someone of that caliber were alive today for us to meme through, or something to that effect.
Lose virginity and gain economic independence.
Military. Or at least militia. It's something where you learn about improving, discipline, labor and brothers.
Economic independence is a far less ideal way of measuring self-sufficiency. Providing for one's basic needs by direct action and entering into the responsibility of society are more important than a materialist conception of place in the world.
In the same way, losing one's virginity is meaningless in terms of societal responsibility if divorced from the establishment of family. In that case, however, it is the fulfillment of the rite of marriage, which comes after entrance into adulthood.
I think militias should be much more ceremonial (though not without fangs) than the active warrior caste military. However, I'd also say that militia training would then be a good passage into adulthood for any male, while military service would then be the way to establish full citizenship in society (right to participate in governance, GI bill on steroids, etc.).
So what you're saying is, Right Wing LARP Squads? I'm joking, but really, that's not a bad idea. If the militia managed to get training about as good as special forces training then you're golden. Spot on, brother.
You take a small boy, you raise him among men, you teach him craftsmanship, you allow him to help you on your projects, and he becomes a man. No rite needed.
You take a small boy, you put him in a class room 6/5, then into day care, you make the father a distant provider, you make the mother raise him with her false ideals and not knowing what she wants, in school you instill self loathing and alienation into him, and you get a broken child for life, with no rite of passage being able to mend the damage caused.
The LARP thing almost isn't a joke, if you study the concept of the mystery cult itself. To put it most simply, reenact the mythology of the founding era in order to take the place of the ancestors. Combined with the theory of the esoteric, the repetition is the very thing which is important. A properly balanced society would then be a conglomerate of mystery cults all pertaining to the stages of life and the niches of societal functioning. Every family a cult of itself, every profession an order of idealists, every community a reflection of the ethnostate.
There aren't any worth of a man.
Anyone can fix a car.
Anyone can do some handyman shit.
None of that shit matters.
Get Fit.
"Stay Fit" would be more accurate, as the responsible father would have a son in shape already, and adulthood would then represent when he takes it under his own responsibility to not skip leg day.
Yeah sure, I'll see you swapping a shot engine without any experience or creating a weld that isn't total shit the first time you pick up a torch.
it varies from family to family.
Were the peasants and serfs strong from worrying about every single muscle in their body and lifting metal slabs? You aren't descended from the upper class of the Race, who did have to worry about exercise because of how lazy they were. Get a job that requires heavy lifting.
In Finland we have mandatory military service for able-bodied men. Granted, there is a civil service alternative and the system is designed to get most of the men through, even if that means shorter service and easier tasks. However, many men serve for a year and everyone gets the basic skills for using guns, living outdoors etc. Also good for improving the health of the men and learning to respect each other and not caring only about themselves all the time.
Military service is traditionally considered in Finland as a rite of passage where "boys become men" (this is said literally). No surprise that there are groups that want to undermine this way of thinking or scrap the mandatory service altogether.
Also Finnish triple dubs don't lie :D
Fine digits, quality post.
They didn't have any idea what the fuck they were doing or who they were at all.
Speaking with my parents now or people their age, all I can see is how truly insane they are. Blind expectations and "because I said so" has mentally damaged at least 3 generations now.
Geting a STEM degree, becoming a doctor or an officer. Lets get one thing out of the way, if you do not manage this or something similar, you arent even a human, let alone a man. These guys can start proper families, thrive in the private sector, have built everything and are taken care of. If you arent one, for all intents and purposes, you are worthless or lower class, living on the outskirts, depending, waiting for hand outs, and most important of all, you simply can not compete. Source: literally ALL fortune 500 companies and all of private sector, the primary generator everyone else leeches off of.
We have had several, getting a car, getting a job, graduating high-school/collage. Most of these have been subverted and there was never really an "official" one.
In the western tradition we have had a graduated progression into adulthood.
t. retard who fell for the stem meme and has nothing but a worthless degree and empty pride after h1b poo in loos took his job
Enjoy having nobody to fix your car and build your home, you fucking retard.
There is a reason China and Pooinloos arent top economies, they can only copy stuff and write useless bloatware. Enjoy being non-essential shitter or a non-employable minwage lowlife.
Son, STEMs invented a fucking car, and the only reason you dont see them going around fixing cars is because they are too busy fixing space stations and launching satelites, dominating industries, automating your job, and making 6 digits starting.
Fucking kill yourself, STEMfag.
Your arrogance is degeneracy of the highest order, and will be your downfall when you notice you can't compete in an already over-saturated field.
I'd fucking laugh at you from the Beyond if you stood there with your pants down and nobody to do the actual work for you which, you know, has to be done or else your neat CAD-generated images with pretty colors are nothing but another worthless piece of paper you can't even wipe your ass with after taking a dumb in a toilet clogged because there are no sewage plant operators in a city full of trash because nobody comes to pick it up.
I bet you're some shitty street crapper who thinks the land of the soiled road will be a superpower in ten years.
Enjoy building a robot that welds in construction and another robot to maintain it, then a robot to transport the robots on sight an a robot to cuck your wife while you're at it.
What, you think you can't just be replaced with another sucker waiting for a position in his field?
Don't make me laugh.
Mandatory military service. Finland and Switzerland have the right idea.
Military service a.k.a conscription.
Basics of military conduct, self-defense, respect for authoity, co-operation with others and camraderie are all elements that take the selfish boy and put him forward as a responsible male who works for society which in turn gives him the deserved respect.
I missed the conscription in my own country by few years so I didn't go but in retrospect, I would not regret it if I did go.
First Communion
Going away to college. It isn't a good one. But basically you go into the world and support yourself for 4 years, and then return to your family after a grand ceremony. Afterwhich you're supposed to start your life
The only true passage of manhood in the West would be leaving something of value behind when you're gone. Whether it be a family (preferable) or some kind or major achievement that improves people's lives.
This faggot gets it. You can be an 'adult' but still be a boy. A father is usually something to aspire to.
Only a negligible percentage of guys are actually supporting themselves.
Most have Mommy and Daddy paying for school, have a scholarship, take loans, or some combination of the three.
Surviving high school while surrounded by a horde of spics and niggers is pretty significant.
I've found that if you're good looking and Act like Negan from the Walking Dead Bitches panties hit the floor about 10 times faster
Primitive peoples have rites of passage because they are kicked into adulthood at 12 years old and this is a way to force them into a manly life without requiring any investment from their society.
White people do not do this. Europeans have a long adolescence and that's a good thing, because by the time we reach real adulthood we are well rounded individuals who have slowly learned through years.
TLDR shitskins are adults at 12 but they remain at that level forever.
Europeans are adolescent for a long time but slow learning means there is no end to what we can achieve.
This is what historically illiterate people actually believe. Even the Cuckstians retain knock-off rites of passage, and the source of the idea itself was from pre-Younger Dryas Europe. Shitskins have the rituals only because it is part of the knowledge they received from the magicians of the gods.
Sam as the Spartans… Kill a slave
point still applies
Chewing 5 gum
Snorting cocaine off a dead hooker's ass.
Your goal should be knowing how to use authority to create order. Buy virtue of being born male you automatically have the opportunity to achieve this, doing so is the struggle. The first step is gaining authority over all aspects of your life, starting with yourself. If you decide to have a family then you must learn to have authority of them. Same with your job. For most men this is as enough, so you must go and learn how to master yourself. From there comes the establishing of order. What I mean by order is natural, universal order. It is your duty to discover these laws and establish a livelihood around them. Since initiations have no place in our society you must create your own through a constant life of struggle, and a desire to improve. Unfortunately you must be your own tester, but the right spirit is to make do with what you have .
Whats wrong buddha statues? Buddhism is an ancient Aryan doctrine. If you are NatSoc and believe in the origins of the white race then you would realize actual buddhism is not cucked at all. Buddhism is not what the (((gurus))) of today or whatever tje fuck they call themselves say it is.
Not really, your point completely misses the actual function of such rites. It's not about accomplishment; it's about entering into accountability for failure to accomplish.
getting a job? savages didnt have those. taking care of a family?
Owning a kikephone.
First communion in catholic countries. In protestant countries you have none, thats why you are cucked to death, you read the reformation but not about the jews and their lies.
Starting A Family
It's always been that for white European, and maintaining a healthy one with your kids growing up right is how you recognise if a
Man is going a good job.
But that's been lost for some time now, the new adults of today are doing a piss poor job of it.
The start of the boy's ambition to reach that goal is the point of adulthood. Essentially, that is part of why marriage rites exist.