Hey Holla Forums
I am from Germany and as you can imagine, me beeing from a big City, i see arab and turkish muslims every fucking day by the hundreds. that is terrible and i hope we will one day soon get rid of all of them.
now in the last 1-2 years ("refugee crisis" you all know what i´m talking about) we have gotten quite a few niggers as well. its not anywhere even remotely close to the number of niggers in the US and not all niggers in Germany are refugees. We also have some of the smarter niggers (that isnt saying much) who even go to university, but they are still niggers.
Now my initial question is this. i would assume that right now in Germany, around 10% of our (((population))) is turkish and arab( including north africans) muslim.
what do you think pol are we better of in that regard than the americans?? would it be worse if those were all niggers and we would have over 10% niggers in Germany (including the maybe 2% we already have)?? or a are arab/turkish mudslimes even worse than niggers??
Niggers or Arab Muslims
Turkish shitslimes are usually much more militant in regards to their shitslamic zeal than niggers, so you can deem them much more dangerous. They also leech off of welfare systems, mirroring one of the many negative qualities of nigger populations. Also, our women would rather breed with shitslamic arabians than niggers, so they have a higher sex appeal than them, so our demise would be decelerated if all racial minorities were in fact niggers.
However, niggers are much, much stupider than mudslimes that aren't inbred, so there's that.
All in all, you're better off with afroniggers. Sure, they steal, beat up whitey and are generally only useful when some (((entrepreneur))) makes them media or sport sensations, but at least they're predictable in their actions. Mudslimes are on a constant randomized mood. They'll get angry at you for not praising their god, they'll get angry at you for not praising their god enough, they get mad at you for praising their god, they get mad at you for having Christmas ornaments laying around, they'll get mad at you for having a daughter, they'll get mad at you for not eating the right shit etc. And all of this at completely arbitrary moments. Mudslimes are generally quieter and some of them can even integrate, but for the most part they're an unpredictable, race mixing force. I'd take a Mogadishu man over Ahmed any time of the day. Not that makes either good choices.
It is my believe that a 10% nigger population is better than a 10% sand nigger population. A nigger population an be kept in check, in the US they appear have archived an equilibrium. The kebab population is one with a mission of taking over the world, they have the numbers, foreign support and a unifying ideology. Niggers just nig.
The best thing would be to eradicate them from our lands.
yeah that is what i think as well.
with their pisslam religion bounding them all together, i think they are at least as dangerous as niggers. they are way more organized (in crime as well) thought less violent in the whole. i think they also dont rape just as much as niggers ( especially somalian niggers for example, but even in the US, around 26000 rapes by niggers on white women are reported every year).I dont think our women breed more with them than they would with niggers tho because (((western women))) only defend islam when they are at a distance. the vast majority would never want a mudslime husband or boyfriend or even convert. So would you agree with me that both are equally as dangerous, on a whole?? or does the organization give the slimes the edge??
also some imput by a burger would be appreciated!
I live in a city where we have plenty of both. Niggers are less clannish and don't pose an existential threat/aren't trying to undermine western civilization. Non-nigger blacks with triple-digit IQ's (though rare) are usually bro-tier. If I could trade all the Muslims for blacks I would do so in a second.
niggers are lazy and take money, but only usually kill each other. also, the US has a very small welfare state. the EU countries cannot – CANNOT – afford to take in either niggers or arabs without FUNDAMENTALLY changing their societies. You must understand that. Social democracy cannot work without a more or less homogenous population.
tl'dr: you're fucked. good luck
i know thats why i wrote we need to get rid of them.
i just wanted some input on who is worse, niggers or mudslimes.
This. Good blacks are fucking hard to come by though. I think I know 2. That's also not to say that a bunch of the white kids and spics aren't worthless niggers, but it's not as common as it is with blacks.
Muslims, though are 99% shit, especially if they're native to a Muslim country.
Honestly, if you meet blacks who have jobs they tend to be pretty decent folks, though definitely dumber than average. I am blue collar and we hire in a lot of nigs as temps. Most are good to bullshit with, and friendly enough, but there are a couple thug tier shitters that crop up (they tend not to last).
The US had a good number of civilized, smarter blacks back in the 50's. No gang wars, no rap culture, no hoods. Blacks dressed, talked and acted way more civilized.
Then something happened.
I dunno if it's ((())) or just the influx of niggers from africa that spread bad influence over the native, assimilated blacks.
The question is an oxymoron because most of the niggers who are emigrating to Europe right now are also Muslims. If you could trade all the Muslims in Germany for American Christian Niggers you'd be trading up, but if your choice is Turkroach Muslims or Nigger Muslims there's very little for you to gain either way.
Civilization-wise, Turks and Arabs are better than niggers. Look at Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and compare them to Detroit or Sub-Saharan Africa.
However, niggers can't defeat you in combat in any realistic situation, whereas Turks and Arabs theoretically can, so having them in your country will lead to civil war, rather than just looting.
It's the jews and democrats.
chronic shit posting to bump slide threads
It's like choosing between smallpox and the bubonic plague.
Niggers make it their mission to get a white bitch and make psychotic mulatto offspring, but their birth rates are only slightly higher than whites, they're unorganised and dumb enough to easily control.
Turks/Arab mudslimes on the other hand breed like rabbits and organise economically and politically to slowly invade and propagate like a nest of ants. White women are disgusted by them however, so there's much less interbreeding.
Pick your poison.
I pick rahowa.
Blacks, because americans were able to civilize them less than 200 years (until the jews fuck them up).
Meanwhile we europeans couldn't civilize the muslims in the last 1000 years. Those people are literally hopeless!
Take the plague, it can be treated. Smallpox can't.
Polite sage as all non-whites should be put to death.