On Oct. 10th, There was an armed attempted to break Bradley Manning out of Prison by intel/gvt goons

Have you guys heard about this? If you haven't, prepare your mind before reading this PDF, cus it's about to get severely BTFO'd by the utter insanity of this witness statement from Manning.

PDF ''(originally uploaded by some faggot who writes for the New York Times named Charles Savage): documentcloud.org/documents/3213878-Binder2.html
[archive: archive.is/87WS5 ]

IMGUR album of PDF: imgur.com/a/eBFpo
[archive: archive.is/vgeAF ]


This is legit Blockbuster-Hollywood-tier movie shit, tbqh fam. Probably the weirdest/craziest true (allegedly) non-pizza related series of events I have ever read probably ever read about.

Anyways, came across this a few days ago on some dudes Twitter who did some goofy quasi-fan-fiction-but also-accurate write up about the events and timeline leading up to the current clusterfuck that Wikileaks is currently in the midst of (archive link if you're interested, actually a really good timeline of events: archive.is/bwDAT) on one of the #whereisAssange-tier hashtags. He was suggesting it may be linked to Julian's abrupt disappearance somehow, since the guys tried to "break" manning out right in the days leading up to Julian's internet getting cut and everything starting to go screwy w/ Wikileaks. That's about all I know in regard to that theory, tho.

There is CERTAINLY lots of room to speculate on this shit tho, provided it is indeed true… Since I guess it is also possible that the trannyfag was just having a psychotic break from the solitary confinement and gender disphaggotry or wahtever it is he has.

Thoughts? Linked to Assange/Wikileaks? Should we dig more in to this?

Oh yeah, one last piece of relevant information: I beleive Julian Assange once said that if Manning were to be released from Prison by the gvnmnt, he would immediately at any time give up and turn himself in peacefully. So therey's that too…

Other urls found in this thread:



source for pdf?

Always. If this is bullshit we should debunk it. If this is legit it is a top news story.


That's a very bizarre story.

Bradley Manning is mentally ill, so how much of this is truth and how much is just the product of his imagination?

NYT article: nytimes.com/2016/11/05/us/chelsea-manning-tried-committing-suicide-a-second-time-in-october.html

I thought there was a chance part, or all of Mannings statment could have been just added in to a copf of the original PDF by some dumb nigger for the lulz, but nope. The NYT website seems to have the entire PDF and statement, extra pages and all on it. And that's enough for me, I guess, since we all know how super-ultra-mega legit the NYT is. ;^)

Manning's statement on NYT website: nytimes.com/interactive/2016/11/04/us/document-chelsea-manning.html?_r=0

PS. For all unnecessarily autistic archive fags, here, saved you a click, muh fuckah: archive.is/

If this story was even remotely true, his "rescuers" instead of waiting for 13 hours and LEAVING WITHOUT FUCKING DOING ANYTHING would instead incapacitate him and ship him to some fuckoff warehouse. And we would never hear from him again.

Yes, because not wanting to support the Lugenpresse is autism.

Also, what sort of lethal prison break involves waiting around for 13 hours? Even degenerate tranny Manning should have been able to figure out

Of course anybody planning this would know that it wouldn't be plausible, and apparently Manning didn't think it was plausible. So are we to assume the planners were incompetent?

No, I think Manning made this all up. Or maybe the guards were just fucking with him because they were bored.

nice ty

Ya know, I haven't read a whole lot in to Mannings case tbh. but I get teh feeling he is a very intelligent fella, and the whole trannyfag episode may actually be a ruse by him, in order to gain maximum sympathy points from the huge portion of the Maarxists and clueless college leftists that initially showed much support and interest in his case since he was exposing someone on the perceived "right", like turbo-cuck, George Bush. Being able to say how much this "lifelong ailment, battle and struggle against your psychologically torturous 'trannyfag issues' in such a hyper-masculine world full of DOnald Trump supporters" in the future at your upcoming parole hearings has got to be a serious asset to have, especially if you get a leftists judge, and could end up boading very well for you…. You guys think Manning could be on his Machievellian-shit with the whole wanting to cut his cock off shit my niggas? Or you think he's just a mentally gay man larping as a woman in prison out of pure boredom?

I always thought manning was kinda a pussy before, even when he was a man, but just google imaged him, and damn… Look at that smug mother fucker go…. Albeit.. In better times, of course……….

Why would they need him to come out on his own? That makes no sense when they could just lie about what happened or destroy some tapes of what occurred.

Manning has been on tranny drugs for a while and been unable to interact with anyone for about as long. He's probably completely batshit insane now.

I think it's more likely that government interrogation and isolation broke his mind and he now suffers from insanity. I mean, what you are suggesting is possible, but I think my explanation is more likely.

This entire character is an obvious psyop, jesus christ…

I've always suspected the whole Manning ordeal is about keeping order in the ranks. Like, "see what happens to you if you do shit like this." I have no evidence he's really a tranny either, other than the word of the people keeping him captive and incommunicado. He looks terrified in the picture where he's dressed like a woman, as if someone just slapped a wig and some lipstick on him for a photo op.

It would serve dual purposes in discrediting him in the public's eye (no one likes trannies, not even liberals who view them with condescending sympathy,) while also showing other intel guys that if you go against the structure you'll get tortured and made a laughing stock. I don't know what this new shit is about though, might be some sort of bungling torture like psy-op, or just a general media psy-op. It's important to understand we don't hear anything from the guy himself, we only hear what his captors want out there.

The whole bizarre ordeal and how they're framing things around this guy has led me to believe that this was some sort of real whistleblower who actually leaked some unauthorized documents, in contrast to obvious intel shills like Assange and Snowden. But all of this is speculation of course.

Gonna play doubles advocate here. This could also, in theory, be done by some government agency, assuming there's enough bribes/blackmail, that the agency is incompetent enough to do things this way and that Manning's compliance is absolutely required. However, there's too many problems with that line of reasoning.

Manning Statement Archive
archive.i s/SmHCD

NYT Archive
archive.i s/2bRAR

Break up links and archive so we don't cause a spike in traffic from Holla Forums. They might memoryhole the article if we do. Webcrawlers also search for complete links. Also screenshots are good, but someone else can do it.

"Crazy Person Says Crazy Shit – More News At Eleven!"

Do you people seriously archive links and shit to avoid ads, instead of simply installing an adblock bplugin? Or are you that worried about improving their hilarioshly shitty metrics .00001%?

Serious question. Or am i retarded and there is something I am completely not considereing? If so, please, feel free to BTFO me with dat knoweleydge fam.

They recently nailed some guy to the wall for taking a selfie while on a submarine. Stuff like this happens all the time too. They have an abundance of examples to keep the troops in line.

It's more about breaking the direct linking surveillance tracking. A courtesy to newfags who don't know what's good for them and a small, inefficient fuck you to the agencies.

Everyone here uses adblockers. Use ublock if you have any question about this…

We archive articles because sometimes articles get altered or removed once we start discussing them. Also because it prevents us from showing up in their server logs, particularly preventing any referral leakage
Yeah, that's great and all for you or me, but we can't make EVERY user use such blockers, and just one jackass clicking a direct link will be enough for that site to know that Holla Forums is linking them. Why bring that attention to ourselves if we have the option to not?

It also prevents our views from being counted, which many sites keep track of to grade their writers. Even if you don't load the ads, they care about how many people read the article. Better that we not give the authors any credit for their work, because fuck them.

If an establishment news website accidentally prints the truth and that is reflected by Holla Forums traffic then they will retract the story. We need to outsmart them.

Sounds legit…

Yeah, that is more or less the point… I believe they were attempting to entrap manning in to going along with the escape attempt, in order to incriminate him to keep him imprisoned longer and/or give him a gun during the escape so they can legally and easily kill him without any further major incidents/problems, as TBP seem to be having quite a bit of them as of late… Only Manning was on to them from the very beginning, and did not cooperate at all, which was not expected. They were probably expecting him to at least partially buy in to the ruse and get him out of his cell very quickly, as that would probably be the point where they can legitimately start tacking on new charges. That was actually probably the main objective of the 'op', if it did indeed happen as Manning stated, to get him to willfully leave his cell on his own… without that, or if they forcefully removed him, they got nada in the court of law on him…

That theory is further supported by the fact that they actually DID end up sticking around for 13 hours, seemingly trying to simply gain his trust in an attempt to 'lure' him out of his cell. Furthermore, as soon as Manning blew up on them and started cussing them out, making it %100 he would never trust them no matter what they said, they left almost immediately looking disappointed and not saying much.

Im also pretty sure than I read somehwer ethat Manning has been imprisoned in military prison longer than anyone else in history who has been charged with the same crime he was convicted of, so they may be getting nervous that he will be set free soon at one of his next few upcoming parole hearings, especially since he now has the ability to play the 'tranny card' for sympathy points. I think it may be as simple as them wanting to entrap him to stop the very likiely interviews and statements he would give upon his release about the torture and psychological fuckery they inflicted on him during his incarceration, which could end up posing an annoyance to TPTB if the leftists glob onm to it for whatrever reason and get all uppity over it. Or maybe Manning does actually know some more, nuclear-tier shit that he never ended up being able to leak before getting cauight, and theyu know he knows.

This is pretty much my interpretation, though I can see at least 2 or 3 other somewhat plausible scenarios, but I'm stickin with this one for now.

All of that seems plausible.

Though I'm sure if he's ever released, he'll die in a "car accident" the next week.

Even in those other scenarios, why couldn't the "attackers" open the door?

The other side of it could be the feds actually did do this to make Manning look crazy when he mentioned something that actually happened. It's a known government tactic to try to make political enemies look crazy by doing stuff to them that others wouldn't possibly believe, like agents following a guy around and doing nothing - just following him everywhere within a few meter distance.

If they opened up the cell and dragged him out he would obviously not be complicit. The idea there is to make him seem complicit in his escape so they can nail him with attempting to escape which would keep him in there even longer and fuck with his future hearings.

I always presumed the Manning circus was just an intelligence operation to promote 'gender-fluidity' or whatever it's called.

They know where you came from when you click a link. They also know your IP, and can often get your Facebook, google, pinterist, discus ect ect ect accounts linking back to your real name.

With this info it is trivial to build a database of Holla Forums users.

Just a heads up for all those calling Manning mentally ill. Intel agencies sometimes give people the option of torture/death or publicly coming out as trans in order to undermine their credibility. Sometimes this is done after someone gets suicided. A prime example of this is David Shayler, an MI5 agent turned 9/11 truther who one day decided he was a woman and started living in a squat. Not sure if this method is quite so useful now that it is the current year.

I don't know if this applies to Manning, but there are a lot of newfags around these days who don't know stuff like this.

Polite sage for slightly off topic.

It is on-topic, anyone who gets near something inconvenient gets turned into a tranny
Quite alarming taking into account the Wachowski brot- sisters and their work

It's extremely effective. Everyone is pretty uneasy around trannies and suspect they're a bit off in the head. You know how liberals and socialists will proclaim equality with niggers but won't actually live or have anything to do with them? It's the same thing with trannies. They proclaim how much they care about them, while being repulsed by them in their hidden thoughts.

Both of the Matrix directors turned into trannies. Quite a coincidence, although to be fair they were brothers so maybe they just played their degeneracy off each other.

Sounds like they wanted him to break out, then they could legally kill him.

Could we get Jim or Holla Forums BO to do something site/board-wide?

I am trying to find the thread on (4)+(4)ch that supposedly exposes Spencer and TRS as shills and plants but failed to do so. Anyone has a link or id?

Btw. Is it a coincidence that it happened so close to the WL & Assange stuff?

is it true that 99% of wikileaks material comes from manning?

yet snowden is the hero that everybody knows the name of

Yes, the Wachowski bros/sis
One was writing a more detailed Matrix analysis and suddenly he went to the navy, the other said he respected that but would have hard time adjusting to his now sis
Then he turned leather man. Really bizarre and unsettling taking into account many of us joke about the Matrix plot being a reality; they basically got punished for pushing it
Then you have that they made V for Vendetta too, in which the iconic scene for those who actually saw it is the prison cell narratives pushed to the protagonist

I don't know man, jews/extremely high-ups historically have been information hoarders and they possibly have info we can only dream to see the cover, let alone being crucial Alexandria recovery boxes. Yet they are some of the most chaotic and evil sons of a gun we've heard of, what the fuck do they know that makes them think our existance is pointless to do all kinds of shit without moral repercussions, or what/who tells them to

More like character assassination by the government.

Why do you believe what the media or government say at face value. When they went, "oh wow suddenly bradley manning wants to be a girl! hahaha!" your first response should have been, "bullshit."

The stuff he leaked wasn't even particularly egregious and they're resorting to psychological torture and sadism. This is the kind of behaviour I'd expect out of the villains of a hollywood B movie, not the fucking united states armed forces. Manning didn't disgrace anyone, the US intelligence agencies and military forces are disgracing themselves.

Here's something: what if all those people transitioning is the intended result of brainwashing? You'll fight against us, we'll punish you by mentally breaking you and convincing you that you want to become a tranny.

INB4: Kaney becomes a tranny after his "visit" to the "hospital".

I would love that. I don't know how to make that happen though.

Laurelai Bailey befriended him via YT before his arrest. Bailey was also a character reference at his trial.

That's what i implied, they get punished for pushing something against, or something we shouldn't think massively as a population
Really weird. Let's stay away from Soylent and from publishing books in jewish houses

They wanted him to "break out" so they could just shoot him in the yard. Honestly hes pretty smart to not leave his cell.


That explains it. How many pies will he stick his shit-covered fingers in?

According to the WikiLeaks documentary "We Steal Secrets", Manning started feeling gay and confused when he was in the military, but was embarrassed about it or something. My guess is that sodomites in the military used and abused him to the point of him being so mentally unstable and traumatized from the ordeal that he saw himself as nothing more than a "slutty bitch", so to speak.

From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_assault_in_the_United_States_military:

That's my speculation, anyway.

can anyone tell me more about this person?

And somehow remain unscathed. Bailey is>>8339245

He approached Bailey for advice on the trans issue.

Where to even begin, user.

Maybe someone else can give you some kind of better explanation. He's most probably an MK asset. Stay away, never engage.

You know, most prison cells don't give the prisonner a choice in staying or being moved.

Any evidence of that beyond the word of a mentally deranged attention whore and the system that keeps this guy isolated while presenting him as a very strange person to the public?

They really need to shut the hell up about the military rape thing, and put an end to it quietly. What the hell ever happened to discretion? This topic is so public, it is tarnishing the American brand.

Man stop our corps from being so damn gay, then

I think the same thing happened to John Hutchison the physicist. He invented an anti gravity machine and the usual shit happens with government and raids and then he suddenly became a crossdresser. He's alive and does experiments from home with his wife assisting but every once in a while he'll put out a weird tranny video or even do experiments while cross dressed, as badly as Shayler does it. He and his wife seem unable to hold back the giggles as he does it.

There was a massive bust up on plebbit when it came out that Bailey was going to be a character reference for him. Many people tried like hell to inform Mannings lawyers that Bailey was not credible or trustworthy to no avail. It was a long time ago so I can't drop any evidence for you.

1:28 they cut out something….

"I'm happy with myself, I don't want to try to change myself"

this is not something someone with "gender dysphoria" says months before becoming a tranny

Fuck man, start stringing them up or something. I don't know but it's got to stop. The headlines have got to stop. It's bad for our country.

What brand?

Literally the "worst attack on American culture" in the 2010-2020 decade is (and will be) a shooting at a fucking fag club hosting latino night.

hhahaha is that real? please let that be real lmao

American nationalism. Degeneracy is a symptom of a declining American society. Fixing that necessitates fixing the brand so people believe in it again. Why would any American have any sense of pride for a military full of anal raping faggots? It's got to stop.

Chelsea is muh waifu!!

The tranny part probably is a psyop.
That or just crumbling to the torture, whatever.
I say let any of the whistleblowers off the hook, but if I was pardoned I'd still leave this country as I'd feel there was a target on my back for the rest of my life.

Laureliar isn't a person. A person has empathy.
A warning about that link: you can't unread it or unsee it. And by "it," I mean that faggot Bailey.

They're torturing him with psyop

It's like poetry.
Maybe the mentally ill cuck dreamt it up in a schizophrenic fit. What did Manning whistleblow again? Wasn't he the one that whistleblew in a way that got a bunch of our people and ops fucked and killed?

You sure don't user. They wanted him on camera cooperating with fake rescuers so he could get charged with that and never have a chance of being freed.

The desperation is palpable.

There is zero chance the main TRS niggas are shills. There is a much larger chance that Spencer could be some type of shill in some sense, I guess, but I doubt that as well.

Why did you even bring that up in this thread, btw? And how come everyone and their mama goes massively out of their way to encourage dissent against TRS, and also I've noticed this with Weed as well incessantly over the past year or so on Chans.

I guess the shills and their managers must really have made an executive decission that TRS and Weev are uniqure or special in some sense, and see them as a real thread. Literally can't go anywhere near an alt-right safe space on the web and not me utterly inundated with D & C shills constantly going out of their way to attack people like Ghoul, the rest of TRS & Weev, specifically.

Anyone else notice this? They've dont a pretty good job organizing people on the net, as well as for IRL stuff to boot, & Weev is just weev, a smart fella w/ nothing to lose who's antics are often pretty damn effective. I'd consider the TRS group and weed pretty clear, significant enemies too if I were the PTB. if the growth rate of the #altright continues as it has been over the past year, shit could get very fun and interesting within the next 4 years.

So yeah, you are indeed a D & C shill tho, right user? ;^)

Wow. That post is borderline unreadable. My bad fam. made like 40 gramtical errorrs/typos/ Not sure what happened there, probly could use some sleep.

Shut the fuck up, you stinking TRS NIGGER. Your whole post reeks of their bullshit. Not going to point it out. You cunts are so oblivious to your posting style.

Wanna get real autistic?

Archive.is is compomised

lbbqqt fanfiction. Ain't no one risking shit for a tranny degenerated, mental patient.

Well, if a mentally ill, psychotic degenerate who wants to cut off his own prick and has been in solitary for 6 years made the statement, it certainly must be true. Because the people who are guards at Ft. Leavenworth aren't nigger pogues, they are all tier 1, highly motivated special ops.

And (let's even assume they were), the Army's tier one soldiers would want to risk their careers and even being put up against a wall and shot to help a trannie who gave away military secrets escape. Ye, all makes complete sense.

No way these are the delusions of a lonely, mentally ill tranny (notice how everything in this statement is "according to her"):

"On the night of Oct. 10, according to her statement, four people impersonating guards conducted an hourslong attack on the prison, during which she said she heard sounds indicating that the attackers were shooting and torturing her cellblock’s actual guards."

no, he's still a man, he has a mans body with a mans brain it and a mans penis and balls and hormones etc. He was allowed a sports bra and makeup though. So transvestite at best.

Be more autistic.

snowden is a psyop

Air is a psyop.

This makes no sense. If anyone had the power to put on this play, why not just kill him and make a fake video where some dressup actually escapes and push that story?

It doesn't really make sense that he made up this shit either, he's smart enough to think up better fiction…

So we're basically at "mental breakdown", but considering that this is no normal prisoner, it seems unlikely too. I can't make sense of this…

ITT: Things that never happened

Prison fucked him up bad.

All he did was do the right thing.

Friendly reminder that Bradley is only a tranny because some faggot guard wanted to feminize and rape his boypussy.

havent heard that one before. Sauce? Or are you just being a faggot?

Can we keep faggots and faggot words off this board? I had never heard that word until here. Where did you even come across it? What sort of fucking degenerate are you? Friendly reminder, this isn't cuckchan or reddit or wherever you got it, and faggotry, last I checked, was not welcome here. Even if you will say you "meant it ironically."

Fucken oath. That's like, the biggest understatement of the year. I'm so creeped out right now hearing these additional connections. wtf. :/

Going on to SIPR, stealing sensitive videos where soldiers MISTAKENLY killed civilians, and revealing them to the propaganda-hungry enemies of the US is not doing the right thing.

Exposing corruption in the government IS doing the right thing. And for that, I thank Assange and the rogue agents from the various alphabet soup organizations who helped him get it out there. But Assange's coordination with Manning left a bad first impression with me.

It would have been cool if they had gone after the very premises of the war and exposed 9/11 as a false flag operation perpetrated by Israel. But going after the soldiers themselves was a bullshit tactic.

i would agree had you not exposed yourself as a hypocrite by using foul language yourself

Yeah, sure.


Wait, it was a prank?

The Degenerates in America are not going to stop. The win everything, they run the whole society now.

Oh, no one here is against foul language, you must another reddit import. But that specific word is so coded with fucking faggotry I feel like I'm going to need an AIDs test just from reading it.

"some sense"

Stop deluding yourself, Spencer is astroturf, he's as fake as Huma and Anthony Wiener's marriage.

Hutchison is a pure con artist. His videos are made using primitive camera tricks. I remember one video where you can actually see the fucking strings. What Billy Meier is to ufology, Hutchison is to fringe physics.

being a tranny is like dieing your hair blonde to normies in "current year" universe

This reads more like a psychotic episode than it does like an actual event. Solitary can and will fuck you up.

This guy had his mind fucked with for years, and there is no telling what chemicals they put in him. He was sleep-deprived on suicide watch, and having been up for 3 days before, you hallucinate. This story sounds like someone who is really fucked up writing down his dream/hallucination.

This. Parsimony.

The ZOG forces are pozzed beyond redemption. I won't muh PR for them.

Go fuck yourself faggot
