Think we can shut it down? We all know how twitter is, but even this seems a bit too heavy-handed for them to ignore.
Think we can shut it down? We all know how twitter is, but even this seems a bit too heavy-handed for them to ignore.
best part about it, is he is getting savaged in his replies. dude is a fucking retard to boot.
Yep. He sure is.
What's up with this nazi meme that popped up just a few days ago?
Is this your first day on the job or something?
what the fuck does the clapping emoji mean? is this some normalfag speak shit?
Haven't you noticed how they went from calling trump supporters "alt-right" to strictly referring to everyone as nazis?
Are glasses numale now? I've glasses since I was 8.
Do I need to go out and buy contacts?
It's nigger babble.
Spics use it all the time, and so do wiggers.
I've had*
Who is this supposed to be? How is he different from any other sperg commenting online?
What wrong with that exactly? The left constantly guilt tripping white people, calling them racist and such have helped push the overtone window to the right. It's practically a self fulfilling prophecy now.
That's kike 101 level shit.
How about you beat him up instead? How abiut instead if memeing wanna be tough guy bullshit abiut RWDS we actually do something in real life? You can't call people cucks and nu-males when they actually beat the shit out of you.
It's designed to grab attention and drive home a point in your mind more forcefully than a normal sentence.
Ricky Vaughn on Twitter used it all the time to name the Jew, so they had to shut him down.
But its fucking true? You're not a national socialist? Are you not an anti-Semite?
I've worn glasses my whole life user. Only a faggot would judge a man as 'numale' based solely on a pair of specs
He says he's Australian. Acts like one too.
If you wear thick plastic rims you are a numale.
The rims aren't thick, big lenses though because muh fashion. Tortoiseshell. Crooked because I'm too poor to replace them.
It's actually pretty funny. The alt-right has been trying to coopt us for a while now, but the left might help us coopt them. Nazi is a much better name to call someone than alt-right, and if we work with the liberals hard enough, then we can go back to being called Nazis again.
good luck. ive actually been in a 1v1 fight before.
You do know nazi is a derogatory term made up by a jew, right?
What is his supposed to mean?
he's referring to hipster problem glasses, which are often not even proper lenses, just fashion accessories worn ironically.
They're not specifically talking about us though. There's only ~4000 people here. There's millions of Trump supporters out there and most of them are only slightly better than the average normalfag. Calling them national socialists just because they're sick of the establishments shit is disingenuous.
All the more reason to roll with their terminology. Take their supposed power away.
Sort of like when kikes started using (((parentheses))), except they failed miserably and ironically outed themselves.
b-but I voted for trump..
At least I'm not balding.
so does sam hyde nigga
don't worry about it
How's your IR and UV sight?
I have a pet hypothesis that people with zoom vision can also see a bit above and below the accepted human spectrum
The last time I heard about people deciding to get physical with nazis, all nazis emerged unscathed and some antifa kid got stabbed with a knife.
Nigga, you'd be blind as fuck.
I have better low light vision than average, and can track fast moving object better, but can't see UV or IR.
5 diopters corresponds to 20/500 vision
Have you ever really tested that?
I mean, if a person could see a little bit of extra light on either end, how would they know?
How would I test it?
It's well known that antifa are all bark and no bite. If they didn't have the big papa governments strong arm known as the cops, they'd all get turned into fertilizer pretty quick i'd say
With any luck they'll make good on this and kill Spencer and the right of the TRS shilling faggots.
What are they going to do to me? Beat me up over the internet? Give me a break.
A completely darkened room with an array of little lights that produce precise frequencies at both ends of the visual spectrum and some extra ones that produce frequencies slightly above and below visual spectrum maybe?
It's a good thing, since I AM NatSoc, but I certainly am not "alt-right". The jews are finally being honest.
God I hope this happens.
Why do these faggots always do that with the emojis?
No, just wear your glasses if you need them, be yourself and don't care about retarded fashions.
Sacramento. Antifa had weapons and outnumbered the "neo-nazis" and still lost.
There's been times when the antifa faggots outnumbered a guy literally dozens to one and were ran off, they're only strength is numbers and they can't even do that right.
How the fuck does NA fags not bring concealed weapons just in case these fucks show up
We know NA has absolutely no muh pr because everyone thinks they're skinheads anyway so why do they care if people think they're violent.
And apparently I can't grammar for shit, I am ashamed.
Didn't the "neo-nazis" disarm the antifa then stab them with their own knives?
Probably because they will get absolutely no slack from law enforcement.
I would, but then I would have that shit on my record since leftists usually call the cops when they get their ass beat. I'm not afraid of any leftist. I'm afraid of the government's response to my beating of said leftist.
aren't self defense batons or something legal in the US? What about pepper spray?
Things that are specifically meant for less than lethal self defense I mean comon some guy got stabbed for christ sake.
Weapon laws vary state by state.
never back down
It's commiefornia. It was probably illegal for them to not bend over and spread their anus for antifa.
How'd I do Holla Forums?
if you arent a philosopher or a lumberjack/someone who works in the cold, you shouldnt have a beard.
>thankful bart [email protected]/* */ 8h8 hours ago
>thomas violence [email protected]/* */_violence 8h8 hours ago
and that's that
Eh, not terrible, at least it involves gilling gommies. I rate 6/10
In california you can't have an expandable baton in any situation.
Fucking commies i swear
Then like I said pepper spray would be a good idea
Just throw stink bombs at them
pepper spray is wind reliant and therefore fickle, and is also regulated in commiefornia. cant have more than 2.5 ounces of the stuff.
Maglite 5D or 6D
Kek wills it.
This thing will pack a punch.
Why are they so mean?
We're peaceful nazis. We're non-violent and peaceful. So peaceful.
Until we are not.
i thought that the alt-right was suppose to soften the transition to nazi for the public
Alt-right is a self-marginalizing term. "Alt" makes it sound, at best, like a fringe kook thing, and at worst, like gay hipster faggotry (like "alt rock"). There is absolutely nothing good about it and lots wrong with it. Only an utter retard would use it to describe themselves.
dem digits mayne
wouldn't the people discontent with the current two party establishment on the right be draw to it due to disenfranchisement with the established right?
No, because it'll at best look like a fringe kook thing, and at worst, like gay hipster faggotry.
It does not look serious. And it conveys weakness. It's conceding the Right to people who aren't really right-wing at all (globalists - neocons, classical liberals, whatever). The proper answer is not to say "ok you are the main right wing, we'll be an alternative right wing and watch you from the corner" it's to say "we're the right wing, you fucking cucks, now fuck off, we are the GOP now". Conceding the mantle of the right (which is what alt right does) is weak. And nobody likes weakness.
Lots of these faggots suddenly. It's like they're being paid to dox themselves.
Do these faggots actually think that they're scaring anyone?
Everybody (mostly us) wins if we let Antifa kill Milo. He becomes a martyr for us, and there's one less Jew faggot in the world. As for antifa, I guess they get the satisfaction of killing him?
Somebody post that image of those guys in Austin who aren't even holding their guns correctly
2016, the year that just keeps giving.
"let's bash this homosexual jew's head in for criticizing political correcness"
"I am against all forms of fascism"
isn't it suppose to be an internal struggle against those people though and to show a push against the trend of establishment right's march to the left?
All you have to do to rout antifa is brutally ruin one of them and throw thick smoke grenades into the crowd. They are an entranced hivemind in an alpha brainwave state, and the blood shocks them out of it, collapsing the structure into fragmented lizard brains. They then scatter seeking protection from the "Fire".
thank you user
The current year can't get any better
He looks like his knees would turn to jelly if you started petting him
Petting is only reserved for animals and anime girls you faggot
Trying to fuck with a Jew when you're a lefty is just a bad idea in general.
Biting the hand that feeds.
Like one of those human puppies I see lefty cucks posting on my feed?? So cute. Yet so unnatural.
I hope to see a repeat of this without any hesitation on the cop's part to start whacking antifa on the head.
lmao this is him irl bisexual ausfag
he is from brisbane, be careful out there guys
I was going to say:
Is he the guy from the Austin picture or the just from OP's picture?
Calm down. Look at this cuck's face. It is the gaze of a nu-male.
Can confirm. Most nu-males look like soulless husks drained of even the will to live.
I'm a youngfag and I bet even I could beat this guy's ass
Every cuck beats off to being tossed away by a superior man. They enjoy humiliation and self destruction.
Berlin: Antifa thugs confused over being attacked by immigrants - not Nazis
It could be any form of physical contact, they're incredibly attention-staved.
Are you anti-mosquito?
Hell, all the nu-males I know are in social work and furryfaggotry. They are super deprived of hugs. Creepily so.
I wonder if that's why they let others hit them…?
this is the bloke from the OP's picture
Unloved carrier of the very dominant "butt ugly"-gene here.
I think they're just guys raised by their moms and swallowing the bait hook, line and sinker. They are bluepilled to the max, they actually believe that women like being treated with respect and tipped fedoras and that defending women over the internet and faking outcry will make some m'lady fuck them one day.
My theory is that they didn't get the right wake up call at the right time. Mine was when I watched Fight Club for the first time. It showed me that the difference between being a loner and being a pathetic loner is a tiny attitude change.
Why do I feel such an urge to hurt them
That and fat women
it means you need to pronounce the tweet syllable by syllable and clap between syllables
The avatar is from some TV show. ("Thomas Danger" may be dumb, but he's not that dumb.)
My best guess is that you slam the table as speaking to emphasize each word, so you sound like a real hardcore anarchist pozboy.
Because almost all of them have that smug/ironic look in their ugly low-T cuck faces, and you feel the need to display your dominance?
Do philosophers work in the cold or was it just Diogenes?
I am pretty sure these things are fairly common among every kind of male.
Their behaviour and their faces scream nu-male though.
oh god, that pic, that tex, those dubs
spilled my coffee….
that little guy standing his ground Good job
Brilliant, love it.
Having to speak spic in Pittsburgh… there's the problem right there.
That's basically what he is saying.
checkidy check
Pretty much this
Where does he hang out? If you isolate the general area he hangs out i'll keep an eye for him.
Where the fuck do you live?
Remember to include the fact that Spanish user got life in prison for murder.
The best option is to avoid conflict.
why don't we just infiltrate antifa?
all we need is some fake social media and some black clothes
Completely wrong.
Cuckoldry is a sport of the rich and powerful. They do it because it gives them a temporary relief from being a 24/7 authority figure and alpha male.
Politicians, CEOs, the rich and powerful, these are the men who enjoy cuckoldry.
At least, traditionally. It has in recent years become a thing amongst the lower class, as desperate beta males who will do anything to keep a woman, give into the feminist power fantasy and black-cock fetish of their significant other.
The typical cuckold of 2016 would be someone like Kyle Hunt.
The Jews jewed themselves into honesty.
Sieg Hail!
Do it faget, I dare ya
It's the type of glasses, the hipster ones that looks like they came out of the garbage can of a retirement home are the ones that fatties and cucks use.
Here's a comparison.
Confirmed for bad genes and faggotry, deserve to get bullied
lt is used to simulate a beat to a rap song.
yeah but hes a martyr now. id say his actions were a net benefit.
Have fun with your assault charge if you try it nu-male faggot.
my sides
we could provoke them to attack us and then kick their ass
at least you aren't a manlet ;_;
Typical, commies always think somebody else will do everything.
wew lads
Not all of us are that lucky.
But there is something to be said about being forced to use nothing but fists and rolls of coins they're currency, not weaponry, I have the court's word for that
I Work in Construction all year and it gets below zero here frequently.
I also run my own business
it is absolutely a kind of real fucking cancer going on in his
in his mind*
Come on i guess post interupted for dubs
Apparently they stole that joke off of some guy on Twitter.
Because they're fucking try hard's. & whenever they use them, they come off as sounding like a autistic 14 year old, with emotional problems.
Say that to my face and see what happens faggola
dat nose
My schlomo sense is tingling
He's a big guy
das hate speech
Yes, and calling ourselves "alt" would be conceding that struggle to the cucks.
It's like newfags think we won't know they're fresh off the boat.
it means he's using tor, newfag
Self defense it is then. With extreme prejudice.
My penis is literally a weapon under california law!
Yet I'm the newfag
What is tor
Sorry, I realized once I posted it that it was ambiguous. I mean to reaffirm your "lurk" comment with a "more" directed at
Same team, my friend.
that is the same user, turn on color ID's
Come on..
Oh. Well, I will admit, that's a behavior I wasn't expecting/ on the lookout for. I have been rused.
Don't worry
You aren't alone
Aw shit son. Double Hitlers. You can have 20 minutes alone with my sister. Just don't bruise her face up or anything everything else is fair game though
Think this is his address? 14 Gordon St, Milton, QLD.
Noice. Someone should drop a couple of these in his letterbox
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the -government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now post this in another thread, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't.
This isn't fake apparently, if u copy and paste this to three threadsin the next ten minutes u will have the best ay of ur life tomorrow. u will either get kissed or asked out, if u break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. in 53 mins someone will say i love you or I'm sorry
That looks like it. Maybe we can get a brisbong lad to drop him a pepe in his letterbox to make sure.
Would be funny if we could get the cunt to start kvetching about 'nazis' mailing him pepes on twitter or even to the cops kek
Make sure to send him some real rare Pepes
Already on it, and the fag who volunteered to be doxed.