Trump disavows the alt-right
“I’ve known Steve Bannon a long time. If I thought he was a racist, or alt-right … I wouldn’t even think about hiring him,” he said.
Also: Daily reminder that Holla Forums is not Alt-Right.
Trump disavows the alt-right
“I’ve known Steve Bannon a long time. If I thought he was a racist, or alt-right … I wouldn’t even think about hiring him,” he said.
Also: Daily reminder that Holla Forums is not Alt-Right.
it's almost like we didn't have 500 threads about this yet
check the fucking archive faggot. reported.
There are several threads about Dicky Spencer and the conference, but not a single one about Trump disavowing the Alt-Right.
You fuck off.
Anyone with a brain saw months ago that the alt-right was a controlled opposition boogeyman set up to fail from the start.
So much for the great savior of the white race! Trump is another kosher neocon republican picking neocons in his cabinet, he's GWB on steroids!
Well after those jews and that whore pulled that stunt the other day, he kind of had to, didn't he?
He's the president elect for fuck's sake.
the alright wasnt even a real thing months ago. its still not a real thing. that spencer faggot is controlled opposition and they are using the "alt-right" buzzlabel to demonize white nationalists. of course trump is going to disavow this fucking retard sperging about "HAIL TRUMP!" now if trump starts shit talking directly at white people for not accepting more diversity, then there will be a problem.
OP may mean well, but is still a fag. Nobody here cares.
It doesn't really matter if he disavows the alt-right. You faggots made such a big deal about how "we're not alt-right, no one really knows what it means, stop using that label for white nat soc, etc."
We still believe what we believe, still support Trump's policies so far and what he plans to do in office. Right now it's important to raise the public's trust in him, and that won't happen if they all think he's racist. His policies of building the wall, deporting illegals, and bringing jobs back to stop wasting our tax dollars on gibs for nigs will at least be good for us. We don't need Trump getting shot by a rogue who got pissed that he was racist. His comment does not matter in the grand scheme of things.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
there were at least 6 threads that all got deleted for being the same spammy shit. fuck off.
The alt-kike is fucking retarded, what did they think was going to happen? Going around Roman saluting isn't going to win any fucking friends, it plays right into the public's programming without debunking any of the kikes lies. Further, you will never, ever get America to idolize Germany or any other country and frankly you shouldn't even if you could. The values pushed by Hitler were already present and introduced to America by Americans, instead of trying to go back to 40s Germany, the correct approach is to advocate for 40s America (or even earlier). America used to get it, that's the angle that needs to be pushed, not glorifying a foreign country.
I feel sorry for TRS.
What's this got to do with Holla Forums though?
Good. Fucking Richard Spencer, what an autist. I wonder how he feels about yelling "Heil Trump" now, DUMMO. Fuck.
it was a bellamy salute but theyre still retarded for doing it accompanied by a halfhearted hail trump, hail our people ploy. fuck that fag spencer and all those queers at that conference.
Holla Forums is not and will never be alt right
hurr it was a bellamy salute
fuck off
In the past he pretty much the alt-right isn't fucking real. He knows that it's controlled opposition. What got him elected wasn't TRS or Dicky Spencer fagging around but anons. And we have almost a universal consensus that we aren't alt-right.
The namefags never even paid mind to the idea of controlled opposition and subversion. They're paying the price while we're ending up unharmed as always.
Yes Holla Forums is AltRight, Trump is anti-AltRight because AltRight=WNist
fuck off kikes
fuck off why? stupid bitch it doesnt matter what their actual intent was, point is america was doing the roman salute before nazi germany. go to sleep faggot.
Good thing Holla Forums isn't alt-right
please no more of this fucking bait, we did this last night and cluster-fuck doesn't even begin to describe the ridiculousness of the constant virtue signaling by alt-righters and ancaps. stop trying to give Holla Forums a consensus
Doesn't change the fact that were all fascists.
That sucks for the turbo autists who are driven purely by ideology. Doesn't really matter to shitposter like myself. I like Trump's policies.
The crossposters are going to be supremely butthurt.
Leftycucks are so salty that Trump won that they will try anything to demoralize us, and it wont work. ENJOY THESE 4 YEARS LEFTY, YOU MADE THEM HAPPEN.
Reported. Thanks for outing yourself.
No, we are NOT alt-right. For fucks sakes, we've been over this a thousand times. We are The Right, the nationalist right America always used to be before it got (very recently) taken over, subverted, and run into the ground.
I hate you for making post without sage
making me post without a sage
Unlike the alt right we do not condone faggots.
Further proof that those dillweeds at NPI/TRS/etc etc are fucking morons if they thought associating trump with nazism would be a positive. Good luck getting more normalfags to be ok with the nebulous idea of the "alt right" now that their president has condemned it.
This isn't even a muh pr issue, its just plain stupidity. You don't have to censor your message but you don't have to act like a caricature instead. I will at least say that this has done a good job in increasing our shitlist with the amount of cucking going on from "big name" faggots, also funny to see those dumbshit 'woke' people who are now bending a knee just like goyimgate did
The only way I can see a resurgence of proper white nationalism in the states is if you guys drop the natsoc angle and take the founding father angle. Talk about returning the country to its original vision, which of course means no non-whites.
alt right is a kike media label and anyone who willing calls themselves it is a fucking retard.
wtf i hate trump now
I am not saying we are you dumbass, I am saying that making that post in every goddamn thread is nothing but fucking bait
Can't deal with a dissenting opinion?
Trump is going to make Mitt Romney, a mormon cuckservative, as Sec of State.
Trump was also rumored to put a Goldman Sachs and Soros employee as Sec of Treasury. The great white hope of the white race!
we have to expose the holohoax no matter what we try to do
We already had a thread on this, Holla Forums is not alt right. Holla Forums is trumps internet people, and Trump has refused to disavow us. Trump browses the chans while TRS is jealous that Trump never pays them a visit.
Wow I never thought of if that way, I'm now #withher. TUCK FRUMP
Something was going to happen eventually where Trump would be forced to disavow the "alternative-right." It really means nothing at all.
It was inevitable. Trump was never Hitler and we all knew that. Now we wait for Hitler.
stop posting about TRS nobody gives a fuck about their book club faggotry
No, they’re paid shills. Do not report anything to them. Use the global report function for ALL reports. Force the site owners to take notice of us.
Another rumor.
You must be thirsty from your lack of schadenfreude from Holla Forums. I'd recommend going to tumblr instead.
I wouldn't even go as far as that.
He was a stepping stone.
The alt-right as they call it is a subversion that includes faggots and other undesirables. We all knew he wasn't in support of that.
i knew this would happen before it happened.
Who the fuck cares about the alt-right?
They're controlled OP anyway.
Into the bog with them.
Lel. This will only make us more attractive when white people see the increased racial strife and conflict in the coming years. Trump is not going to be able to stop it. Things will never get better until non-whites are removed. And the percentage of the white population is still declining.
Listen to his whole speech its very american with a bit of esoteric larpism. The roman (or nazi) salute at the end was just a joke bro (he was drunk).You guys think there is just some magical formula to make white nationalism in america acceptable right off the bat.
There isn't.
Actually been on 4chan Holla Forums more often fighting CTR shills, but coming back here I've realized how easy some of you are baited. Jesus. Fishing for (you)'s is so easy, too easy!
You can't take banter at all.
oh it's this thread again
There's a reason why Trump posted on *chans and avoided cesspools like TRS like the fucking plague. Trump knows like most of us here know that alt-right is a colossal bait and boogeyman built to scare the left and serve as controlled opposition.
For fucks sakes did TRS manage to get Trump to post in their sekrit club? Of course not. Emprah had the balls to post a picture of his son in a tigger costume, tweet shit and respond.
Looks like the Alt-likes are feisty tonight. Remember folks, it's what you do that matters more than what you call yourself. Secondly, who the fuck wants the medias label?
if you want banter go to 4cuck, we try and have actual discussions here
Burgers,honestquestion,why dontyou just find Spencer and giuvehim the beatingofhis life? It'sobvious nowhe'sdoing shit like this on purpose to damage any nationalist message.
Forfucks sake,the guy isat best a complete and utter retard,or at worst a federalagent. He can't speakor make a coherent argument to save his life, can't give rousing speeches,ALWAYS fumbles and acts like a complete braindead autist, keeps showing up at the worst possible time, in the most cringe-worthy manner possible. I swerar to god if i lived in murrica he wouldn't have any teeth in his mouth for his next "Heil Trump" ruse.
This was goddam ridiculous, we don't need this shit, especialy not now.
I didn't even think he did a Roman salute, it just looked like he was holding up his drink. He had a drink in his hand. It was the dudes in the audience who responded with the salutes.
I haven't even called you a shill if you had a shred of reading comprehension.
I need a new keyboard, typed this so angrily i appearently bropke it.
Good riddance
Of courshe m8, thats what preoccupies most of my time. I try and teach people I know about it or spread nuggets of information on jewtube and shit. You just can't let it be the main feature of ethnonationalism, it has to be a curious side note that can be used to show jewish influence.
Believe me, I know we aren't alt-kike.
You underestimate how easy it is to make normalfags recoil with these sorts of shock moments. I'm not even saying we need normalfags, I'm just saying that if the alt kike wanted to win them over, this was the worst move to make.
report this ctr troll
Yeah I get that and you're right. I'm just saying it doesn't matter in the long run, because we are the only ones who offer a solution to the worsening decline of white people. Their lives are not going to improve when whites become minorities in their own countries, they are going to get significantly worse.
yeah and native americans used swastikas for their basketball teams before that too faggot? so fucking what. everyone knows spencer and his larping friends were doing it to be nazis.
I kind of like our label of nazi frogs even though it barely scratches the surface of our little corner of the internet.
not a ctr, I'm that guy that was all over the news for posting a holocaust meme to Emmy Rossum
all you have to do is form public opinion.
labels are just a means of helping to explain shit.
this is why we are averse to celeb faggotry.
once some popular person is toppled, it's not ogre.
work it out proposition by proposition.
don't let it all be packed together, slapped on some turbo-faggot, and tossed all at once due to negative association.
Jesus fucking christ, Dr. Pierce must be weeping in his coffin. What the fuck was that idiot spencer thinking?
Agreed. I know the most autistic of Holla Forumsacks simply can't get over their outrage long enough to comprehend the fact that nazi imagery causes the minds of most whites to SHUT THE FUCK DOWN.
I know it's wrong, I know they're brainwashed, but even the ones with a healthy amount of dormant racial awareness simply can't accept natsoc at this stage, and if these retards would stop fapping to reich imagery for two goddamn seconds and use their goddamn imagination like the rest of us, to present white nationalism in a format that would appeal to american whites, there might be some progress.
you do not build a castle all at once.
it is stone by stone.
Uh yeah but dude, everyone already knew they were Nazis. Even if they aren't Nazis, they are still Nazis. If they weren't caught on camera Roman saluting, they would have been caught at another event or somewhere else with Nazi imagery. It's just inevitable and in fact it's going to happen again and again.
Just laugh it off. This is all basic cuck psychology 101.
Trips speak the truth. A gradual, subtle transformation can be set back months or even years by one attention-seeking twat. Still, we pick up and move on. Given how quick the news cycle is these days we should probably just ignore this twit.
I think people's minds were actually opening up to the idea that not every slur of the left is accurate. I've been seeing normies on the web lately talking about how 'racist' is meaningless these days. People talking positively about nationalism. And look at what Spencer fucking did, he just validated all the leftist concerns by acting like a literal Nazi.
Honestly we need a way to deal with E-celebs.
Until we do that they're just going to prop up another controlled opposition retard and then burn him like Spencer.
You guys are terrible!
The holocaust did happen!
If it didn't happen then why are all the documentaries have stuff about it in them!
This, so much this.
Holy fuck i'am so fucking angrey at these clowns. I swear to god, i hope aTrump pay7s someone to break their fucking legs. Stunts like these are the equivalent of communist furries, for fucks sake what were they thinking.
Dr.pierce's coffin turned into a fucking blender, i swear.
form public opinion (all are within this scope) and don't give a shit about them.
plenty will pop up naturally.
it is unavoidable.
agree or disagree with anyone (redpill comments sections).
trump can shitpost as he likes.
Look, I'm aware that pro-whites will always be called nazis by media kikes and their useful cucks. The question is whether or not the average white person believes them or not. The average white person is fairly good-hearted, fairly honest, and a wee bit gullible since their instinct for in-group loyalty has been eroded. It's our job to win them back over, to reveal the left to be the bunch of mendacious, vindictive, hateful genocidal cunts that they really are.
The left, for their part, have guilt and historical manipulation as their primary weapons. They bash whites over the head with them day in, day out. The strongest of these is the holocaust, which is taught in american schools as a bigger crime than slavery (though that's changing). It's one of the biggest psychological hurdles, that nazi=evil, american=anti-nazi, therefore american=anti-racist. This mental block takes time, and subtlety and humor to erase (the fact that Holla Forums can be so goddamn funny is partly why I first swallowed the redpill). What you don't need is some inarticulate huckstering dickweed like Spencer screeching "HAIL TRUMP" and giving a roman salute in full eyes of The Atalantic, one of the biggest anti-white publications in the world. That. Is. Retardation.
i'm happy this webm exists, that piece of music from nausicaa seared itself into my memory ever since i first watched it
good post too
Kristalnacht can't come soon enough, i'am so fucking butthurt. What was the poin of that stupidity, Spencer, what was the fucking point? How much did the kikes pay him? what the fuck man, even the most hardcore natsocs on Holla Forums can see clearas day howstupid that was. Holy fucking shit just killme. In a single gesture he basicaly gave the media its credibility back.Some anons stilldont understand what just happened. This was the confiurmation they needed, and this turbo homosexualspencer justdelivered it to them on a fucking silver platter.
well, they will continue to shame.
and people can just say heil trump.
you forget that all it takes to be influential is to have some smarts, some humour, and a pair. a pair is essential.
This. Regardless of how you fags feel about TRS, mentioning them does nothing but divide us and make us look like a bunch of fucking morons, stop posting about them and the alt-right. And for my fellow autistes, stop taking the fucking bait you just look like fucking babies, there are worse things "subverting" Holla Forums than fashy podcasts, and Lawrence Murray.
Spence didnt do the salute. He lifted his drink in a cheers motion. Those faggots in the audience most definitely saluted. Spencer should have shot them the fuck down knowing full well he just gave the media exactly what they fuckin wanted. He should have shat on them immediately, but no way would Spence risk his fanboys wrath by doing so. Now Trump is going to be forced to talk about da evil nazis and all da waycist constantly. God fucking damn it.
the faggots in the audience are jews btw
This is why you should kill all infiltrators.
He knew what he was doing with the words he chose. "Hail Trump Hail Victory" sounds like someone on halfchan LARPing and he did it knowing the press was there watching.