The Story Behind Pickle Rick



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What story?
This is womyn story editors going for the lolsorandumb audience.
Women are not funny.


Hey, remember when Rick and Morty was good decent?

you mean tomorrow night?
where's even the joke in this?

how does it even work?
are his vital organs inside of the pickle?

So I found out that not only is Dan Harmon a leftist nu male cuckold, but he's an absolute fucking cunt. I fucking hate his guts now.

He kikejacked the show from Roiland.
He slowly seeped in there, gaining more and more influence as the first couple of seasons rolled on…and now he's hired a bunch of SJW marvel tier feminists to replace Roiland, the creator of most of the show.

I've never watched the show, and probably never will.

Fuck this guy.

idk, but speaking of organs did you notice the pupils are hand drawn?

It took you this long?

Is that why Roiland is rushing to get this into production at Fox without Harmon?

Couldn't he get someone with talent to draw his series this time around?

there's nobody with talent to draw cartoon series since at least 2009

there is in japan

I like his style tbh

Get out you filthy weeb scum. Take your incest, tentacle porn and catgirls with you.

That rant is actually one of his better moves. It's him fellating his special snowflake fans and bowing to "fan-campaign" pressures that bring out the absolute worst in him.

That sounds fucking terrible. Better moves? as opposed to what?

Him taking a long drunken shit on some asshole "fan" is a lot more fun than seeing him tweet at the president and try to virtue signal.

fair enough


Compare Harmon then and now. One is an example of a very drunk man sending a well written soul crushing blow to the type of pissy slug that would tweet passive aggressively at his "favorite tv show creator", the other is an example of the spineless nu-harmon of today.

Oh fuck off, the guy was barely legible. As evidenced by his other tweets he's a foreign kid with a shitty grasp of english and all of a sudden some fat fuck faggot is piling on him for attempting an interaction. This shit is infuriating.

Now see that's what I actually find funny. I like the idea of someone who would instantly reply Harmon's drunken abuse with things like:
"The voice of the character I've cried for 3 hours today hates me. I feel terrible…"
"I'm trying to make myself seem humble right now because I hurt the feelings of a person I like."
"I didn't want to hurt your feelings! I didn't mean it in that way I'm sorry."
Being shat on. I kind of enjoy people like that getting an upsetting dose of reality about the pieces of shit they look up to.

Wait, but doesn't Roiland do pretty much all of the male voices on the show?

Yep. If Harmon takes the showrunner seat then Roiland will be in the same situation as Seth MacFarlane.

I don't. A lot of these are socially inept people with some kind of a mental issue that take things like these more seriously than they should. There was that one time Jim Sterling sent his followers to brigade some ridiculously small time guy that put some shitty game on Steam because it had Tranny in the title. And the person was visibly upset at that. Laugh but I'd consider shit like this bullying, they know they're bigger and they know they can do it without consequence.

Fuck Jim Sterling and fuck this Cuckalacuckacuck.

Why does this shit still exist?

as i said, nobody with talent

How does someone saying they don't think rapping about peas and carrots is a good idea necessitate a rant calling someone awful, a piece of shit, less famous than him, shouldn't have been born etc. It's just Harmon having a tantrum, what a fucking baby, mean drunks are the worst because the alcohol only exacerbates their normal spiteful nature. As evidenced by the fact that he didn't regret his embarrassing paddy in the morning like any sensible person. The fact they are still even up with no apology tells you all you need to know.

If you grow up as a nerd/beta and interact with those sort of people you grow to learn they are worse bullies for the most part than more socially acclimated individuals. It's worse now with 'geek culture' where Wil Wheaton and other literally whos enjoy the privileges of being a social person who is fun to be around without actually having to do it. They don't have to be nice or funny or interesting, they just have to ride the geek """"""""culture"""""""" wave and they can talk shit to any nu-male in a 100-mile radius. Factor in conventions, exclusive groups, block buttons, $10 forum fees and other shit and a truly cancerous type of person comes out the other side.

But Harmon didn't send anyone after this guy, he did his own bullying and was mostly shat on by tone-policing fans and sites like the A.V club that normally dig their tongues deep into his ass and give it a little swirl. I like someone that is ready to alienate their core audience like that and not really apologize more than someone who needs to pretend the Anne Frank center (and somehow Anne Frank herself) just btfo the president for likes and retweets.

He's only doing that because his core audience is white guys. He was always an anti-white kike.

Same except replace co-worker with guys I sell marked up lawn chairs to.

You are looking at it wrong. He didn't write those tweets like "I don't give a fuck, I can say whatever I want", he wrote them going "what will people find funny and get me epic upvotes on Reddit". He expected to wake the next morning to twenty articles of "See How Harmon Trolls The Haters With His Hilarious Rant!". It's the same wormy loser shit he does today.

Is that a profitable business?

That's so true.
It's amazing how insular and "mean girls" these faggots are.

nah. I what them to see he's a stinky fat drunk who thinks things that would upset them.

This is also not true. He wrote this coming off a divorce in the midst of an airplane bender. He let his filter down and showed you he's a wreck. If he were doing it for "le upboat" as you allege he would have apologized and taken them down when he saw it didn't go his way.



So? Am I supposed to respect him for live tweeting a tantrum and pathetically wailing on some nobody? Are manbabies who cry on Twitter cool now? He couldn't even have a real man's breakdown outside a bar with a hip flask and a loaded gun, he had to do it on social media. He's not secretly a man full of righteous anger who secretly is an okay dude, he's a loser lashing out. No wonder his wife crashed his marriage with no survivors.

the fudge? what the heck

meant to reply to this here not

jeez louise

Why was this removed? Wtf?!?


daily reminder only low IQ retards dislike rick and morty.

Its funny to see people call this show so smart and then fail to understand the current season of Twin Peaks. My "smart" friend has been keeping up with it only because he thinks it will make him look smart while he constantly is asking me whats going on.

Rick and Morty confirmed for the Dark Souls of animated shows.

That's how I know that is bait.

It has better character development than just about any other show on TV.

That's a weird way to spell "static and unchanging."

Is Beth and/or Summer don't use Pickle Rick as a dildo to pleasure themselves with in the episode tonight I will be very disappointed.