Defend your leader with a single legitimate point and I will shamelessly convert.
Defend your leader with a single legitimate point and I will shamelessly convert
Yeah, we know. That's why you're a fucking gommie.
cuck faggot
Shit forgot my sage.
My leader is Kermit the frog.
He's right?
Darth Vader did nothing wrong
How bout you defend Marxism with a single legitimate point that absolves everything communism has done throughout history and I will shamelessly convert.
since when was steve bannon Holla Forums's leader?
the media just calls him the leader of the "alt-right" which Holla Forums isn't even a part of
in fact
Holla Forums is too extreme for the "alt-right"
also do you have a videotape of him saying that, or did he post that himself on social media? if not im not gonna believe that he said that and if he did say it, then im gonna guess trump wants to keep his enemies, in that case controlled op, close to him
we don't want you here on the dark side
I've seen literally thousands of threads today about how Holla Forums is alt-right and how do we explain such and such
This is now a National Socialist thread.
is there a game after Covenant?
I'm not a marxist, or a socialist… i'm a capitalist.
You have the nazi flag in the background like a badge of pride. You know they lost… right?
By construction
Seems like a pretty significant point to just let it go…
Trump is your leader. If he isnt, I suppose you wouldnt be afraid to criticize him?
fucking idiot
hot damn we got a live one here boyos
(tripled dubs)
Yeah, From the New World which pretty much sucked, and didn't involve Yuri at all. I'm actually not sure what the context of that picture is - canonically, it goes Shadow Hearts bad end > Shadow Hearts 2 > Shadow Hearts good end
National Socialism is necessary to protect the commons; it's what prevents a corporation from fishing every last sardine out of the sea to make a few extra cents per share profit. Besides, human beings demand to be governed. The problem with pure capitalism is the same problem as the problem with Communism - it requires different humans to ever work.
Here's one: he's going to appoint a Secretary of State who will NOT do shit like, oh, I don't know, deliberately destabilizing every single country on the southern border of the Mediterranean and flooding Europe with refugees. Which Clinton did.
Anytime they use ellipsis they are leaving out the context.
Who? Bannon? He worked for Breitbart, theyre better than CNN buts thats not saying much.
Holla Forums isnt alt-right and Bannon isnt apart of the alt-right anyway, his news outlet merely covered it and profited off catering to some of them. The MSM worked their hardest to co-op the term, put as many people into that tent and then demonize all of them to separate support from the president elect.
Implying we have a leader
Even leftypol isn't this retarded
We have no leader, you filthy prole. You don't understand us at all and yet you want to criticize us? First understand, then criticize. If you're looking for the alt-right then you can go here >>>/TRS/
Retard thinks trump is our leader
He also thinks people can't criticize their own leaders
Our leader is Hitler, numbnuts
Our leader is the King in the Mountain.
You think Trump doesnt want to destabilize every other country in the world?
Who is your leader? What are your criticisms of him/her?
What are you? Anarchists?
I think he wants money and glory, for his name and his fortune to live on with his family. Except insofar as it conflicts with those things, he's likely to leave other countries alone.
A free helicopter ride is a very nice and expensive gift to give your political rivals to bring about cooperation.
Anarchists? We are the antitypes of a new world order, a genuine one assembled from the bottom up, rather than imposed by wealthy kikes on the lives on working people through force. You're lying to yourself about why you come here. You're not here to teach us anything - you're here because you're perversely fascinated by us, and yet you refuse to dare to learn from us.
Alexander hamilton helped create the electoral college
Natural Law
we are the many that seek what is healthy and shun what is evil. We will always go with the natural law candidate, as anything else would only pervert the world further.
we are a group of peaceful malaysian underwater basket weaving enthusiasts
Losing doesn't make someone wrong. The good guys don't always win.
And the winners decide what is written in the history books
Good thing these jews can't write for shit
top kek. 6 gorillion! nevermind the actual population numbers before and after!!
We don't have leaders dumbass.
I swear to god I'm about to force this thread to get bumplocked too.
I'm assuming you are on the right side of image related, as are most people.
If the above is the case, then it will require you to completely change your perspective of the world, so I doubt you would convert with just a single point anyway.
Sure. Here's a few of them.