ITT: You hit me with your best

Hit me with your best photograph of the enemy behind the veil we all knowingly or unknowingly fight.The MORE mysterious the better.

I don't want memes or Kek or big nose jew drawn in MS paint, see attached pic for example.

You do NOT have to be able to explain your picture but PLEASE make it "real" - and little or no text, for a VISUAL project.

Thanks and happy sharing.

Also, please no Pizza shit, Im so fucking sick of these people and their shit.

Other urls found in this thread:



Thanks for submitting! Not sure I understand, but I guess I did ask for no explaination! lol!

Gimme more, cmon, I know you got more hiding in your backup folders!



Excellent, excellent. Keep them coming please!

SJW's, excellent, always disturbing!

Damn Kissinger got fat!

They all need to be gassed with extreme prejudice

We aren't making your class project for you faggot

LOL dude I'm almost 30, fuck kike-class! You're giving me you're best shit so I can help us all :p Share or shut up!! lol


Hmm, you did say your best… Top 5.


Holy Cuck Batman!

Man boob kike nose! lol

Holla Forums, you rock, keep it coming! The more random, the better!


That book is awful

I feel… weird after this series of images.. lol. Can has pink haired waifu plz?



yep.. sorry this is a better storage unit.

Da fuq, whore2's cat looks like my gf's?


Yes! Yes you faggots! Post! POST!!!

Although the more ancient and weird shit is nice, I can't exactly put "whore2.jpg" in the project lol


Damn right.



op you chiseler I know where you got that pic lol


Get the fuck out.


Dude I don't even remember where I got that picture lol. Wtf is a chisler?

Give it to me baby.

No, you get the fuck out, my thread. Image dump all over me baby.



Reported for redditfag and meaningless thread.



Got any ancient/physical type structures with blatant symbolism? Cmon,don't hold out your rare pepe's. This is the dump of the century!

I said no jews! Fuck Zion!

Just because I didn't state the meaning like an idiot right out in the open, does NOT mean the thread has no meaning to it's author. Silly half-woke tool.


Reported for reddit.



LOL. The irony is, atleast to me - knowing I have no reddit account - that you think you know everything about me.

Now dump some random images that aren't fucking memes or go find a thread you enjoy and have fun!

Jesus, gotta spell it out for some people.

Why the fuck are you dumping your pics for this lazy kike OP?



Come on, don't let one troll loser ruin the party.


And don't worry, credit can go to Holla Forums and not wheelchair chan.



OP, you don't belong here. Go back to plebbit.


Remember to sage.

:D My first time being called a Jew, that's dope.
Blah blah blah, wouldn't you rather go read something you enjoy?
Or are you a troll, in which case thanks for nothing lol.

Aaaandd back to feeling sick :\







Dude chill out, I wasjust browsing my saved images folder,looking at the creepy shit and wanted to see MORE rare creepy shit.

Dude,fuck off with your spam lol,I should be the one to report you.

Come on EightChan, don't be a crippleChan, post some real pictures!


Anons are shitting on you cause you talk like a fucking retard.
Also don't bring anymore goddamn attention to this place. It's bad the amount of skullfucking retards that have been brought due to pizzagate but this site doesn't need you start spamming it's existence all over the internet.





I'd like to see some anons try to rationally explain any of these, because I haven't been able to yet.

This is cripplechan you fucking idiot

He knows, you fucking dipshit. Just global report him.

How about you fuck off unless you sage.

Why not?


Okay then, I hereby promise NOT to bring attention to hideoutchan or end of the universe chan.

Sorry - I fairly admit I used to lurk Reddit but I barely go there since finding this place. My life was like the fourchan jpg of Redditfag -> Holla ForumsFag, that shit is accurate.

As for PizzaGate, I fully respect the need to investigate that shit in private, I've been following it and doing digging all but last 2 days cause I've been sick :p We gotta get their ass.

This thread just meant to be rare evil dick hideout picture dump! Like my OP pic. :p Calm down plz




Hey, fuck you
but okay





Thanks for all the interesting stuff to investigate! Sorry retarded trolls wreck shit people! But don't let that stop the party - dump whatever pic you want everyone here to see!




Jesus Christ, I went to little cesar's as a kid, makes you fucking wonder.




>reddit spacing




Fuck pizza. Night I started looking into it, my gf wanted to ORDER Pizza, I felt sick -_-;;;

Got anything else mate?

If you actually want to be useful the lurk moar

And noone responding to you is a troll, your the one who made a shit thread, that's why everyone came here to tell you to fuck off and report you. You're actively shitting up the catalog and sliding threads aren't shit when make garbage op's like this.
In other words, whether you realize it or not, you're the shill.

Sage the thread, dipshit.



>reddit spacing

Uh huh… well frankly the way I see it, you're the one shilling by accident, by derailing my legitimate work.

So until we ARE each other, we cannot know the truth, go find something you enjoy reading and keep the tab open


You know what I'm gonna help you out




Ironic shit posting is still shit posting.













Wtf is this place, the FBI without the water cooler? This was supposed to be redpill jpg dump, calm down. Any "derailing" it causes is by ONE spot. I think everyone needs to calm down and take an image dump on me :p




Is that you Sam?

















Awesome, more like this please!




























op is a fag
















I love this thread. OP is a fucking faggot and now his thread has gone to shit.


Case in point: you didn’t sage.









It's what he gets for being a redditfag that didn't fucking lurk for two years, also sage it retard
































FAGGOT FAGGOT☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻





























Oh it's already bumplocked. Well I'm done here.


Just hide all the spammers.








all of these people need to be purged. Jesus Christ how has it gotten this bad.





Hi op. Sorry your thread got shilled so hard.

The inclusion of Woody Guthrie isn't because I think he's an enemy, but rather because the faggots that follow have adopted his saying but have completely missed the nuance of his point.