Apparently, our "faction" of the Alt-Right had "no impact on the election."
Paul Joseph Watson memeing at the EBIL NAZIS
it's easy to say he's controlled opposition but more simply put to you newfags, he's simply a bluepilled cuck. The redpill is hard to swallow and he's still outside the rabbithole, though he does see the rabbithole.
There are many like him. How far can you really go in this side of the political spectrum without getting redpilled? Guy's retarded for not having figured out already, but he's probably going to.
tl;dr ecelebs are cancer, and this guy is gonna get the forced redpill
kys D&C kike
I'm not exactly what you'd call "politically correct" but websites like reddit go way too far and it makes me uncomfortable.
This is the very definition of "e-celeb" bullshit.
This is some fucking virtue signaling for sure.
What exactly is "alt" about his views?
This guy couldn't recognise a Jewish Trick at a Krusty the Clown show.
Fuck off. Jonestein and all of his underlings no full well that it's the jews, but instead of exposing them, they run cover for them.
Somebody tell Paul that the Nazis are who started all those great memes and that there's only one Alt-Right, which is a pro-sodomy White nationalist movement.
Trump was elected because of Ivanka's husband, not you Nazis
He needs to get redpilled somehow, he's just a pussy. I've tried to before on periscope, lol. He just gets angry and goes off how jews may have a lot of influence but that communists weren't jews and that freemasons and blah blah blah.
Oh yeah, this is eceleb bullshit though, and his videos are crap, and he's fucking annoying. Jones & co. are intelligence assets.
pretty sure were getting hit with D&C threads
pretty sure he's talking about TRS and the Daily Stormer
we would fall under the category of memers, and most certainly don't fall under spencer
There is no such thing as the alt right you fucking retard. It's a kike made meme and you fell for it like a fool.
That should be an easy point to attack.
they were atheist according to these morons
he really is retarded, maybe in the UK they don't see jews often, so it seems bizarre and not worth looking into. Though, that's grasping at straws, because again, Jones & co. are controlled opposition.
Interesting.. because his buttbuddy, Stefan Molyneux, proclaimed racial egalitarianism is a lie. Yet he'll say Stefan had a lot to do with it. Many anons in this thread are correct. PJW is still outside the rabbit hole.
His conclusion here is purely emotional.
This cuck repeatedly claims that george soros is a "rich white guy"
I wish these faggots would just fuck off already, they aren't useful and if anything they are more damaging than anything else because they end up being a subversive entryist position. People get into similar views to ours through these people but are trained to act like the goodest of goys whenever something 'difficult' comes up
Ah, shit. Not going to go all that fast if that is where you have to start.
I guess I keep overestimating them.
Maybe he just wants things to go forward and not backward.After the idiocy at NPI I don't blame him or cerno for disavowing the alt-right. Spencer fucked up bad by letting that salute happen and encouraging guests. These guests are the ones that did the Nazi salute. They admit on hidden camera they jews and are very defensive when asked why they attended. This video
There has been much speculation that Spencer is an agent and I have to agree at this point. His behavior was already suspicous but Cerno found that The Atlantic not only sponsors him but is doing a doc on him WTF. Read pic related pls.
PJW is one of the smart ones.
Here are the two camps within the movement controlling the current revolution:
1) Jews are the problem behind globalism
2) Jews are the problem behind globalism but we need to disavow and damage control on the first camp in order to slowly redpill western civilization, else it blows up in our faces because of deeply ingrained confirmation biases.
I really don't give a shit which camp someone is in. The end results are the same.
Its career suicide to say anything about Israel and yet you guys all think that whoever doesn't talk about jews is some kind of shill…
I know that very well. I just didn't think it was necessary to put echoes around (((Alt-Right))) because I assumed that everyone already knows about it.
Have any archives about Alex Jones being controlled opposition?
I thought this as well. Almost from the first moment after election day, there was a clear directive in media to make it seem like Jared was some political mastermind. Does anyone else on Trump's team even get praised at all, much less anywhere near what Jared gets? Fucking insane.
Yep, he also thought Trump was a "Clinton plant" and isn't anywhere near as intelligent as he thinks he is.
It true. But understand, people come at this problem from different angles. The infighting this can and has brought is an achilles heel we must all be aware of. It's also being exploited in real time by divide and conquer shills. Most of the shit you see here about how shitty someone else is behind the movement is a shill.
I wonder… you have to consider that the alternative media is decentralized, so it's not like entrylevel good goy are only getting information from jonestein. They may also find David Icke, become aware of the Rothschilds, etc. It's not that hard for an investigative mind to come to certain conclusions with the wealth of evidence acting as puzzle pieces in what appears to be a horrible larger picture. I also speak anecdotally, because I know a few people who were introduced to this conspiratorial kike-aware perspective through jews like milo or paul joseph watson, but it didn't take them long to figure out how the central banking system is set up, and who it benefits most.
Him and filterberg are both sellout cowards. From sandyhoax all of a sudden being real to 9/11 being the work of saudis (who also framed themselves for it). They're traitors who abandoned principles for shekels.
Not suprised, always seemed to have a character of like a limp-wristed soft-talking liberal to me.
Daily reminder that attacking the right side means you're against us
lol stormfags are of no use now that Trump has been elected. Trump has already condemned you faggots. You guys are done. Keep LARPing as Nazis, since that is the best you can do.
The kike pawn has the balls to claim there's no evidence of jews jewing, total joke.
Him and everyone else at Infowars also claim that Soros is a "Nazi" all because he helped rat out a few of his fellow chosen during WWII.
There is no disavowing us. Just ask Ben Garrison
newfag shill get out
He didn't even do that. He was there when somebody else took inventory of some property belonging to kikes who had fled, that's it.
Back to cuckchan, faggot
They're afraid of winning and can't stand the strain of standing up to the left for a long period of time. They just wanted Trump to win and things to go back to normal. They aren't warriors or men of conviction whatsoever.
What's the weather like in Tel-Aviv?
yeah we need to start policing ourselves and calling out bad behavior and stop enjoying ourselves. we really should start worrying about our public image because we'll never be accepted by the mainstream if we don't act like good goys, oh wait no we don't…
That's cool, actually, because if that turns out to be the case, I look forward to turning Kek against Trump in 2020 - I always enjoy a good revenge meme!
Don't think there's really any way to argue this though - Trump just basically said outright that he doesn't support that shit, and given he's already won, I don't think there's any question that he has no further use for dese guys.
This is 100% correct. They're essentially blue-pilled cucks who are disturbed by the extremity of the left's dogmatism, but as long as people are reposting #MAGA on instagram and signalling a bit against BLM, they can go back to deluding themselves that everything will be okay with civic nationalism-lite.
Reap what you sow. Now it's gone.
Paul Jewsuf Watson. Never lets you down. I'm more offended by his claim racists played no part and they created the meme's. That is flat out oven worthy.
Fucking this.
Checked and Kekked.
I don't think I have ever seen anything more retarded than this shit. The people that unironically consider thrmselves alt-right are these same idiots that supposedly hate the media yet they are completely OK with calling themselves a name that the media gave to them? How worse can this shit get?
We need to stop these people.
OP is a faggot
Do you even know what tribes worshiped Kek? Aren't you worried that you're worshiping the gods/demons of the canaanites? The tainted lineage, the one that the current jews are a part of. The ones secret societies are filled with….
This is the one thing to take out of everything regardless of Richard Spencer or the "Alt Right".
Trump wins and the fake ass people who were "woke" come out over some media spin and the bandwagoneers jumping on something they didn't understand got BTFO'd when it finally comes out the Alt Right was racist lol.
Trump wins and all my independent and alternative media sites are completely shilling as if what the MSM is reporting is truth and denouncing ebil raycism.
I hate all media at this point. Fuck all of them.
lol (((jared kushner))) was an average student. His dad had to pay 2.5 million$ for him to get into harvard. A genius, he is not.
twitter .com/PrisonPlanet/status/801179724768825345
this is so fucking hilarious "we are diverse and kind and compassionate and" the same crap as libertards and SJWs, how i waited for this and its already well worth.
The media didn't give them that name - the guy who gave the Hitler salutes such as to generate the salt that this thread is based on are who gave them that name.
And they accepted it, because many think that guy is pretty based… Despite being a faux-nationalist and homosexual apologist.
It will get worse yet.
Too late now m80.
The 'alt-right' was allowed to act as a beacon, and many groups - WN groups amongst them - employed that beacon to gain numbers… Problem is, that beacon attracted all kind of shit, and there was no quality control mechanism, so all of that shit was allowed in.
Now that victory has been achieved, intent was to raise those standards - unfortunately, it seems we may be looking at a coup on behalf of the cuckservatives and degenerates which were permitted to subversively engage the movement, wherein they will attempt to claim the title for themselves in hopes of becoming the new face of the edgy-to-normies "right-wing".
Why do you like infowars? I thought it was just a meme to like them.
He's fucking retarded. I mean that seriously. Anyone involved with Alex Jones, infowars is too unintelligent to actually be right-wing. These people are neo-cons with bizzare conspiracy theories and a smaller budget.
I hate this shit. The kosher right attacking the real right is exactly what the (((media))) wants to happen.
TRS is really stupid. >>>/trs/
Unless these cucks can think of a better way to handle these debt slaver banks they can fuck off.
Watson's a known kike.
We had everything to do with helping Trump get elected.
Paul Joseph Watson needs a bullet in his brain.
Basically everything you said there was wrong, and reeks of dim-witted Christcuckoldry.
Just kill yourself fam, seriously.
So it looks like infowars/PJW, Milo and Cernokike are the ones who are subverting and destroying the alt-right. Holla Forums predicted this would happen and chose to disassociate itself from the beginning.
Holla Forums was right again
All these narratives and disavowals. In any case, we now have a government and rising class of popular figures that's pro-white (in a basic way) and against a number of jewish interests, and that's what's on the surface. From our position, it's hard to know whether anyone's bluepilled, subversive, or being stealthy. Decentralized methods are still the way to go, rather than putting on conferences and marches in public. Holla Forums is just whistling while dumping red dye into one end of the pool.
Good thing that TRS denounced Milo ages ago for the faggot he is, denounced Cernokike yesterday after he cucked out and never identified itself with the filter merchant.
They're a bit behind Holla Forums in these matters but it looks like they're slowly learning.
PJW is shit scared of getting his twitter shut down.
Patterns of action user. When you learn to see, it becomes impossible to unsee.
you are incredibly simple minded
Christcuckoldry confirmed, doubly comedic given you were the one trying to argue that Kek was a Jewish god, TOP KEK
Stay salty faggot.
Praise Kek
TRS denounced him, but all you have to do is look at the commentary for their most recent Shoah to find vast swathes of faggots trying to defend Cernovich - same shit they said about Milo too, "muh fellow travelers", "muh purity spiraling", "no punching right u guiz".
Its really quite pathetic - but that's what happens when you're lacking in quality control.
the most important question and issue this political season is, when will someone acknowledge the epidemic of lost and stolen balls in this country?
As are you apparently
Hi Sargon.
Is it possible that Spencer is just an attention-hungry sperg who doesn't know how to handle his publicity? That would satisfy Occam's razor.
You could have made the exact same argument about Trump. All his "free publicity" vis a vis media condemnation make it just as evident he's controlled opposition as Spencer, which is to say, not very.
I hate Dicky for being intellectually inconsistent and attention whoring. But controlled op? Doubt it. How many years has he been doing this? NPI goes back to 2011, I think. That's a fucking long con to ruin Trump's presidential race half a decade before it started.
Cerno, on the other hand, fucks a mongrel. Remember that.
The daily shoah is mostly shit memelording these days though, fash the nation is superior.
Plus what really matters isn't what e-celeb podcasters say but the forum consensus.
jews, cucks and mystery meat got Trump elected
When the fuck did I say I was proud of calling myself Alt-Right?
I'd sooner associate with TRS and Anglin than Jew Jewseph Jewtson.
This is why I fucking hate civic nationalism. It always come back to "diversity is our strength".
It's pathetic. These cucks no matter what the point of contention always fall over themselves to disavow everything that could be construed as negative,
Not a strong bone in their bodies
This is what happens, there all tearing themselves apart to try to get at the scraps of credit. I worked as a project manager and I lead the charge for a two year long undertaking. I had everyone, even people on my own team telling me it wasn't possible, from start all the way down to the last month till deadline. I had it all planned out, I worked 18 hour days in its planning and execution, it took a toll on me. We finished 5 days before deadline and all the managers and supervisors that were no fucking help and down right demoralizing, clamored around to take credit for my teams hard work. They are the most dangerous people to work with, they only want the good times and wont work to make things happen. They'll imagine into existence a bunch of shit that never happened to justify their worth and sell it to those that will listen.
Its great that there are places like this, where we can dig, create and discuss with out the clash of names, karma and cult of personality.
should be 'diversity is our failure, merit is our strength.'
/r/The_Donald showing their true colours.
Civic Nationalism without the cuckoldry is the fight against globalism and allowing the niggers to go back to nogland and build something instead of just shitting everywhere else and being a tool of globalism in the end. I think what the Chinese are doing in Africa shows the niggers that we had the decency to build infrastructure until they nogged it.
remember who they are. if they want to fight, they only bring it upon themselves. They forgot who runs the show now. If its war they want then so be it.
Quick reminder that this is how Gamergate ended.
Cucks turning on Holla Forumsacks, then lack of people who get shit done.
Naturally the capable ones will come over to Holla Forums and everyone else will circlejerk in their hugbox.
these digits.
kek speaks
These ungrateful normie scum have no problem stealing our language and memes though.
[cuckolding intensifies]
Wait, you don't think Watson was slaving away in Photoshop making hilarious memes for hours on end?
interesting fact in one of those comments, Richard never said the word jew in that speech CNN was kvetching about.
May our Lord take your dubs and strike these blasphemers down. Kek take my rage and punish these filth for trifling with that which they do not understand
I'm going to need a course of chemo after this cancer.
Civic nationalism is a paradox. There can't be no nationalism without it being discriminating towards other people. It's an exclusion of every other people, by doing what's best for your people.
To then say the country itself, is more important than your fellow people and then add on people, as in you're for your country in the way of the people of that country but still trying to be inclusive to other races. It doesn't work. It doesn't add up, it's a paradox and sure, it works in Italy, it works in France because they (the whites, let's forget about the immigrants for a second) are basically of the same breed but it doesn't work with other races due to the fact that they are ultimately going to compete over resources living inside the same inhabitat.
/Pol was right again.
Jesus fucking Christ, how pathetic can you get?
is he starting to backtrack?
No he is being a complete hypocrite. He's posting about how the left calling people racist doesn't work right in the midst of sperging out at white nationalist because the left called them nazis.
oh, so 2 ropes for him then.
Holla Forums just can't get past Jones not naming the Jew. The guy has a platform on national radio. Of course he can't just start ranting about jews. He's the most effective redpill available for normies. If you faggots could control your autism for just one fucking second you might realize that.
Jones is like a first step for people, once their eyes are open to how badly they're being lied to, if they probe deep enough they'll find the schnoz on their own. If they're not motivated enough to probe deeper, what use are they to the struggle anyway.
top tier my friend
Literally just a codeword for absolutely nothing
And was around for a year or so before NPI. The chance that he is a shill is literally 0%
His mentor is a kike though so never forget that.
False because Jones goes into unnecessary detail about unimportant shit which gives the illusion to normalfags that he is being insightful. Thus they become satisfied by Jonestein and think that he is the end goal, and do not explore more.
Great to see Mike Cernovich pissed! Fuck him!
News flash: Trump has already been elected, PR can go in the trash can