What is Argentina's secret?

Argentina seems to be the only white country with a healthy population growth. It doesn't seem to have a lot of non-white minorities, who would conceal white extinction, like in the US. Anyone have any idea what is going on there?

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Abortion is pretty much illegal there.

Abortion only helps niggers have more fatherless niglets.

Also Argentina is more white than California that's for sure.

Fucking Africa is whiter than California by now

Gentlemen, I believe we are being raided right now.

I really don't get that meme.

3 kids are aborted for every 1 born.

So take your birth rate multiply by 3, that is what it would be like, if aborted children were born.

I've been to Argentina, it is white. Their secret is: they're like Italians. They mostly don't give a shit about sensibilities. That said, they're getting super pozzed right now.

Argentine here
Ask me anything about my country

This cartoon is bullshit. The liberals steal children from right wing families through (((education))).

What are the current politics like? I heard the economy went to shit? Is it better now?

1 guy = country is pozzed?

Seeing and more and more meme-less Argentina threads being made on Holla Forums make me happy. Let's try to keep it like that.

Our country had been ruled over the last 12 years by corrupt fucks, we had our own Hillary Clinton, they where leftists faggots.
The economy is shit and the current (((goverment))) didnt do anything to fix it, people are very poor and the crime is very high, also we have weimaresque inflation.
Now we are being ruled by kosher approved center leftists.

Well, are you guys aware how all other white and developed countries are in a horrible demographic decline? What do you think is the reason that you don't? Anything unique about your society?

My country is a former socialist one so we are decently religious, and i would say feminism-proof. Still we are gettng less and less children. Most blame it on the economy, but then, the most developed countries have it even worse.

Are people largely religious? Is the economy okay, despite those bankruptcies?

Are there natural blondes?

Post passport cover as proof.
State-issued ID or local customer loyalty card will also suffice.

How's the weather, and what is it like having Christmas in the Summer?

It's pretty much impossible to make fun of Argentina when we've seen what's going on in Europe these last two years, my black friend.

as another fellow Argentinian, I can confirm this is true.

The only way for the economy to grow is to cut the spending by the government but they are too stupid and worried to do so, we subsidize almost half the population and no one wants to work and self sustain.

Another thing im getting worried now is that the millenials are getting hammered with marxist propaganda on jewbook thanks to fucking buzzfeed and other shithole publishers. My friends believe what these publishers say without researching for themselves.

yes, there are.

There is white economic growth but we have a shiton of mestizos and indians, some native and some immigrants from paraguay and bolivia.
Whites are bluepilled as fuck and they dont have any kind of racial awareness.

Huh, so maybe the reason is poverty.

You say you have a lot of crime? We don't. What kinds of crime? Mafia? Street thugs? Any problematic minorities?

Good too know. There is a documentary here about Afrikaners living in Argentina, have you ever heard of Afrikaners living there or even seen some?

How's the weather, and what is it like having Christmas in the Summer?
I live in a pretty hot place we have 40 degrees at summer, i hate it.
We may have mass looting at the end of the year thankfully i own a shotgun and i am on the process of getting a handgun.

I've seen some, but from where I am its super rare to come across one

Of the drug dealing, smugglers and problematic minorities kind.
The only good thing of the smuggling problem is that if i had enough money i could get a fully automatic weapon in paraguay.

I will, wait a bit.

so do you think this population growth is all non-whites?

Stay safe

Fills me with joy thanks user. Best of luck with your country and your people.

I'm also an Argie so ill join in on the question answering.

As for current government not doing shit, I'd like to think they're trying as hard as they can to swim against a VERY corrupt and VERY lefty current.

The redpill floats around (some people with my father included are very NatSoc) and people see whats going on internationally, but the media doesnt help much (Spouts CNN lies about Trump and rapefugees)
We endure. We sure as hell wont let our country wither and die in front of us. If only there was more action like that one odin gang that beats up rapefugees. We could use some street cleaners.
As with every culture and society. Our is rich and very worth preserving.
Majority, but not all i believe. Lots of jews though.

Yes, there are. Our women are very pretty in general.

All of the above. Ranging from high level government corruption to low life street scum.

There are a very little number of Africans living and you can see them selling shit jewlery, but they arent a problem as far as i know.

Weather is usually nice, lots of rain this season. Christmas in summer is pain for me because i was used to snowy ones when i live in the US.

Here you have your proof.

Afrikaners, the white people who live in South Africa, a small number of them moved to Argentina apparently and formed a community that kinda stills speaks Afrikaans and what not.

Our mestizo problem is very big, we need genocide right now.

The Boer community is pretty small.
We have a larger number of welsh people in the south.
Patagonia is a great place.

Oh, my bad. I don't know anything about that, but I'm sure it's as said.

Thanks mate!

Might just be the specific geographical place and humidity throwing that number to shit, though

t. another argie

Second Conquista del Desierto when

There is a fair share of blondes, half of my family are.

We need to redpill them brother

i meant Holla Forums

Atleast its not paraguay's constant summer all year round.

RWDS in Argentina NOW!

Fuck Argentina and any Argentine on Holla Forums. "Argentines are white as fuck" thread?


When South Africa becomes a completely uninhabitable shithole, Argentina seems like a place our people would adapt too, considering making it part of my exit plan.

Tough fuckers in Rugby you lot, shame the nigs have destroyed our once great Springbok team. Argentina vs RSA was always my favorite

I live in Argentina, it's definitely not white, just because you went to good neighborhoods for vacations and saw pockets of white population doesn't mean it's white, it's full of mongrels that came from Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela and so.


fuck off


where are you?

Reminder that any argie not supporting PSR is pretty much dead weight.

those idiots shill for the patria grande
they are cucked.
We need another Roca not peronist fucktards

Get out of the ghetto then.

it seems that you have never been in corrientes, the pampas or the patagonia

Yeah man, Argentines are white as fuck! They totally aren't half-breed Christcucks. I mean, the Brits sure learned their lesson from the Falklands conflict. Right, Holla Forums? Viva la Che en Cristo, right?

I am from Chile and I have been in Argentine, so

1)Just like here, only wealthy people is white.
2)Their women have huge ass and boobs. Also, they are even more slutty than here.

You have never been in argentina have you?

I asked a question.




3 of my uncles have more than 4 sons and daughters, my family is only me and my brother because of birth problems that my mom had on childbirth

Tell me more about Patagonia…

It is as white as europe if you ask me maybe even more, it is a pretty nice place, a lot of forests and mountains, also it has important gas reserves also pure water.
It would be the perfect place for a white ethnostate, some people believe that the jews want to steal it.

Latinos are especially self-conscious of thier supposed whiteness. The reason for this is the same as the navy seal copypasta poster. Fuck latinos.

Simple answer is: Yes and No.

We whites pop out babies, there are big families. BUT the mestizo families pop out even more babies because they get a federal subsidize for those babies, its one of the reasons why they do that.


Uruguay is whiter.

Believe me i hate mexicans, and i hate every neighboor we have that isnt chile uruguay or southern brazil.
I have been rooting for trump since he started running.

And this is why we need a mestizo genocide.

Yes uruguay is whiter, next question.


I'm just going to leave this here

Buenos aires, Zona Norte, mostly middle class white people, but I commute daily to the capital, and see all the mongrels. It's a strange lonely feel to be a stranger in your home country (and my families since before this was even a country)

They are somewhat cucky, but it's the best we got, and not racially aware as far as I know.

I study in the capital, major population density, and central to mongrels and welfare children, god just nuke this place, or better yet fucking bio-nuke, at least we keep the monument like that.

Whites do pop babies, but mongrel out-pop them because they get federal aid for each child, and better yet, a couple of mongrels can get the payment for the same children twice, as they aren't married, each one of them receives it.

Where was it sampled?


Keep dreaming then. They're our last hope, they are clearly anti-israeal and nationalists. Good enough if you ask me.

Buenos Aires is shit, it has been filled with mestizos since peron took over.
Get out of there.

I've got an argentinian girlfriend and she always tells me that Argentina is a extreme shithole full of brown peruvians.

They would flood argentina with mestizos rather than admit that argentina was great when it was a safe haven for whites worldwide.
There is no political party worth supporting.

If you are talking of buenos aires or the north she is right, but this is a pretty big place so there is every kind of region.

I know you're right but i really dont want you to be right.
Then let's make one! MAGA 2: South American Boogaloo

If you ask me that should start by shoahding the politicians.
All of them.

They are self-conscious, because they know they aren't white, but they don't want to admit they are part of the problem. They use the few actual whites that decided to live there as proof that the entire country is white when it couldn't be any further from the truth. Using Argentinian logic, South Africa is a white country because of the Afrikaners that still live there.

We have a far larger percentage of whites than south africa.
Also all your posts (2) have been just memeing, not stating facts.


Because the overton window can't possibly fit the narrative you describe, user. They would help push it more to the right. Step by step is how we make progress.

There is no actual way of saying how many whites there are but i am sure that we are the majority.

If it was done in the capital then I say it's accurate

Our best bet right know is
A) conquered by white non pozzed nation
B) Coup by white non-pozzed military dictator

A year and a half more and I'm done, also, getting a bike so I don't have to deal with mongrels as much, my neighborhood is ok, so what little I have to go to class is bearable

Mostly Buenos Aires, and the North west, but she is right, due to universal suffrage, and Democracy with any sort electoral college Buenos aires, and the poorest mongrel places decide the election.

Purge now.

The 30000 werent enough, we got to finish the job


its like saying than a study of london represents the whole uk or a study of washington represents the whole usa

Don't be a fascist gorilla user, it's 72000 now

This is the man that made argentina white on the first place.
He was our own bismarck.

That means you're not a nationalist and a retard. You should kill youself.

This nation is a cuckstained shithole.
The best we could do is making our own northwest front and creating a white ethnostate in the patagonia.

Because it isn't the white argentinians who are having children. It's the gorillion paraguayans and bolivians injuns that Krishner&Co imported.

also she imported niggers from africa, i fucking hate them, every time i see them i think of emptying a magazine on them

I meant that people in the capital are mongrels, not that the whole country is full shitskins.

We have many great procers, Sarmiento was also racially aware as fuck.

Didn't think that through, a solution born from within would always be best, best bet is RWDS, but if the cucking continues as it's has then it would be very hard, other option is for white provinces to declare independence.

pretty sure US is lower than 79%

Sarmiento was a white nationalist before white nationalism even existed in southern america.
He wanted to genocide all the indians.


Anything else i should add to the To-Do list?


oh and dont forget
I absolutely hate the massive amounts of shit graffiti on the streets, and its worse when its around or on monuments.

Just build community and social networks of supportive people. When they realize that their newfound community will either be defended or destroyed, they will see the light.

Okay Argentinians, listen, you have to take control of your country, bevause the moment you do, you will have a golden age.


Listen to this guy, who predicted american isolationism years before trump was even a candidate.

Could work but we would start from scratch, we would need serious support from a friendly white nationalist goverment.
There is none now.

Twelve goddamn years, and you expect the new government to simply fix everything in just one year?

Argentina is more white than the US.

Send help.

The goverment is jewish controlled, they wont make shit better.
We need to kick out the politician class.

Yep, he also wanted mainly to bring Anglo and Aryan immigrants.

TO be honest the best way I can see for Argentina to be great again is for the whitest provinces to secede, create a federation of sorts, with open & conceal carry, build an ethno-state, and then slowly but surely purge and reclaim the rest of the territory.

Not really, but, they've been going back on their word, the taxes on riches are still fucking retarded, they aren't as bad as the Kirchnerist but they aren't good either.

Yeah, as "white" as the hispanic/mixed blood criminals in the US.

Top fucking kek m80, El Che is, as ironically as always, a leftist symbol in Argentina. That means most people don't give a shit or hate him.

Their definition of white must be pretty interesting.

Yet another (1), serious fucktards stop shitposting and contribute something.

That is wrong it must be about 60% to 70%

People don't have to autistically devote themselves to a thread, you autist. Besides, you only gave that guy 2 minutes before you started sperging about muh (1). Are you retarded or something? Of course everyone's going to start out with 1 post.

by 1st post you mean another shitposting of /int/ memes

Sounds good enough

Mi Buenos Aires querido :^)

That is the villa 31, some parts of buenos aires look like straight out of paris, and i mean before it became a nigger infested shithole.

Isn't San Luis talking about secesion

Yep, it's beauty is obscured by the mongrels which surround her.
We could have this in all of Argentina weren't for cucks, niggers and jews.

Yes they are

Good, how white are they? Are they pozzed? Is there any province talking about it too? Should we (/argentina/) meme it?

kek says we should meme it

Niggers get lots of abortions, you idiot. If you ban abortion, way more niggers.

It is a pretty white part, but here the people dont even grasp the idea of white nationalism
It is the southern zone of argentina.


Kek listens and provides.

Argentinian 'whiteness' is the same as Brazil… As you know, mixed-race people can look white, and in South America that's as good as anything.
I'd bet that at least half of Argentina's so-called whites would be on the wrong side of the wall.

You havent been here, we have a decent amount of blondes, even some gingers.
And green or blue eyes arent that rare among whites.

Ok then so we start memeing the formation of a true Argentinian Federation, starting with San Luis, this will we our very own MAGA

This typically is a marker for overwhelming white genes.

This isn't. Also worth noting that you can buy blonde and ginger hair at any pharmacy.

This could be the start of something very interesting.

First we need some argie memes
Lets start with someone photoshoping the face of pepe in a sarmiento portrait and a wojak indian crying.

I have something on my mind, gimme a sec.

Ok, always wanted to get around photoshop, does it work on linux?

Should I create a thread in /argentina/??

Come on lets do it

get GIMP, its better and free.

that place is dead and all what is done there is worthless shitposting, i rather keep it here at Holla Forums when this thread dies lets make another thread about memeing a argentine ethnostate.

Brazil has a lot of whites, they certainly aren't the majority, but they're still a big chunk of the population.

/argiepol/ threads?

sounds good, but i dont think that there are a lot of argies here, i would rather keep it as a meme magic thread and constructive shitposting

Those dubs seem to say yes to me, we can give it a try when this thread reaches bumb limit

I think we should make an /argenpol/ or something like that for the argie 1488ers

If kek wills it so be it.
I would love to see argentina uncucked, else i will try to move to trumpland

This motion has been blessed by kek. In a few ill post some OC.

Will probably be shitposted into oblivion by /argentina/.

Same here, I'll do my best to unpoz this country, but if the faggotry is irredeemable then I'm going to Clapistan

Links of San Luis secession if anybody is interested


Can't do that when Trump gets e-
Oops, too late m8.


Is it just me or does the outline of whites looks like a Jew

ya tenemos esta pa

It's my understanding that most of argentina is at least slightly mixed, but there is a small minority of people who can trace all of their ancestry to europe.

Blondness is also common in Pacific Islanders and Mestizos are part Pacific Islander so possibly the Argies might be more Pacific Islander than other Mestizos

That's self reported. In the US, "hispanics" report themselves as white too, and we all know 99 percent of them aren't white spaniards. Not only that but arabs do as well too.

Cuantos mas memes, mejor.

I'd rather die than set a foot on Burgerkikeland.

From what I hear, Argentina has been having a shit ton of mestizos and redskins pouring in from other parts of S America, with Many of them coming illegally. Arg and Uru also have much lower birthrates than their darker neighbors. Supposedly, Argie and Uru cunts sometimes get BLACKED by niggers from Brazil while visiting/vacationing, although this may just be a we wuz/muh dik tier rumor.

Anyway, I don't know a lot about South America, but it seems to be functioning about like everywhere else. That is to say, low white birthrates, mass immigration, and degeneracy. Pretty much no group of whites have escaped it. Even the vanishingly rare, isolated pockets of Indo-European descendants in parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan that have managed to survive and stay unmolested by the mud that surrounds them for thousands of years are being finished off now. We can hide no longer, we can blindly flee no longer. Resistance is the only option now.

bretty good, always thought our flag was missing red thought

That'll come later, when we slaughter shitskins.

Birthrates are a problem. Where I live I see lots of families of 2-3 white kids which makes me happy but if you ask the little shitskin beggar how many brothers does he have, I've heard them say 9 myself which is sadly typical.

it was hilarious when the news came of of only being like 6000 ish and the lefties fuckking got anally blasted.

If southern Brazil can secede then maybe we could join pls ;-;


Explain to me how Argentina and Uruguay keeps electing marxist/socialist fuckers who just screws up with their society. Heck, this even happens in southern Brazil.

Then explain to me how Argentina had two major economical collapses while Bananaland is having its first (with no coincidence, after electing four terms of hardcore socialists one after the other, AKA Dilma/Lula).

Hey there. Electing Tarso Genro again in RGdS? Or watching Paraná's feminist movies about racial discrimination and cultural marxism? You know, cuck shit you fuckers like to give birth to.

Maria do Rosário also comes to mind.

that's why we need a purge

Mestizo gibsmedats, bluepilled whites, wiggers and funding from kikes and marxist rulers.
But now we arent ruled by marxists, just current-year lefties.

Da joos of course

This kike is a minister on the cucked goverment of argentina.
He is the happy merchant personified.

Daily reminder that Southern Brazil has the highest rates of AIDS, the highest state deficits, has elected left-wingers far more than any other region and has one of the highest rates of Voodoo practicioners in the entire country.
Please Argentina, take them.

First try, but i couldn't think of anything clever. I'll also include the template, in case anyone is smarter than me.

Wasn't Argentina a communist shithole under Peron?

here comes the butthurt northeasterner
I'm not even southerner I just have family there (and they are racist as fuck)

As if the leftist cancer doesn't exist in Europe or the USA as well. So I guess any rumor of a reaction in these places must be a lie too.

Brazil needs electoral colleges tbh

Funny. They act as if they were persecuted for being Jews in Europe and had to flee to S. America as "catholics" (many still remaining crypto-kikes) while in the same breath admitting they changed their name also because they had the most profit from the slave-trade, specially in Brazil.

Bien memeado

Its a good start

Yes he was fuck that nigger, argentina was great during the 1880's to 1916, from there everything went to shit and peron made all the shitshow that our politics are, peroniggers go into the oven.

Mestizos? I thought Argentina was the promised land of

It used to be at least until the 50's from then on the numbers of whites have decreased in percentage, now we are about 60% or 70% white
Most where spaniards or italians, but there where other euros as well.

When will you wake up white man?

So just like USA and little better than Brazil

Yes in fact we are similar to the usa in the sense that both countries where shaped by white immigration

Do you faggots believe in the escapped nazis meme?


not that much, but still not freely available.
middle class can abort safely. lower class has an increased risk.

memes aside, if you consider european ww2 refugees "white", once upon a time, the relevant part of the country was white.

you could see one or two every now and then in buenos aires and maybe another major city selling fake watches/jewlery.
they don't mix, have problems with the language, the rest of the people see them as a novelty. not relevant in any way.

It is true a former nazi was the instructor of swimming of my dad and another one was the driver of my grandpa, there used to be a lot of nazis here, that got shut down after ww2 and went underground
One of them was menguele another was eichmann and other was priebke

Well my gf told me about one of Bariloche's school's principal being a nazi.




Up to 8.5% of the population identify as mestizo (of mixed European and Amerindian origins).[3][15] They mainly live in the northern provinces, and in some districts within the Greater Buenos Aires area.

Nope, you're just clueless to what the current problem is, mamahuevos.

You realize that an US-style Electoral College wouldn't change the outcome of any election Brazil had since 1989 right?

Brazil is just permanently fucked. Bring the monarchy back for all that I care.

The answer OP, is manyfold: Catholicism, lower IDH and economic insecurity which encourages people having kids as a surrogate pension.

Here's another version just in case.

Bariloche used to have a lot of nazis also there was a german-nazi colony on the south of chile that was involved with pinochet's goverment.

They're white as fuck (mostly Italian and welsh) despite speaking mostly spanish. They killed/kicked out all the shitskins and there's like, less then 1% there now. It's good because it's European. (and a small % argenindian, but that's a r1b and Q phenotype anyway)

the nazis also chose it because Argentina for a long time was known for it's economic prosperity that started in 1800s , that was richer than most of Europe combined and gained popularity as the ideal place for the poor european to have a new start. Also even since the beginning it was a unique country , unlike most spanish colonies in south america , Argentina was mostly whtie even from the beginning , as opposed to it's neighbors.

being that unique got them their high status and positive view of the nazis

Which reminds me, we have to bring back free helicopter rides.

dubs (checked)
Pinochet was a closet NS if you ask me, we had our own pinochet, he was called Domingo Bussi, was the ruler of a small province of argentina where the commies had a stronghold in the 70's and he purged them very hard, i had the pleasure of knowing him in person.

That's because spics are counted towards whites in those stats.

Honestly, I want to get out of here as soon as possible.

I would tell you to come here, but we need a lot of work to do to fix this country

>tfw mestizo de la zona sur
How can I help uncuck such a pozzed region?
Polite sage for slightly off-topic.

Would it be difficult to immigrate to Argentina as an American?

You could help by removing yourself and your fellow mestizos to a bantustan somewhere in northern argentina.

It is pretty hard to get inside legally, i hope that trump brings open borders policy for whites as it used to be in the 1900's, that is the kind of border policy that i would make here.

Nope, our immigration laws are a joke.


Be the fucking best person you can be.

Prove that you're an important cogwheel to an engine. Be productive, study, know how to talk and disprove cultural marxism. Make other mestizos swallow the red pill about the reality of Argentina.

Even the nazis took blacks, jews and non-aryans who proved to be important citizens to the cause. You are not white and will never be, and that does not mean you cannot be as important to your nation as the purest of whites. If you can set an example to other mestizos, you're as important as everyone who's contributing.

What do you mean, 'get inside'?

Surely you have some kind of tourism industry.

What if I just didn't leave?

correct. amerindian/mestizo don't believe in birth control.

poor man's countryside canada ripoff.
bad roads, spanish speakers, some nice landscapes, wouldn't recommend live there unless you're retired.

git gud

I mean immigrating as a permanent resident.
I already have tourist visa, but is not good enough to immigrate.


Would they lock me up if I overstayed my visa?

Oh, you mean moving to argentina, my guess is that you could enter illegaly as easy as the bolivians do, i doubt that you would be locked up.


Thanks! Any other ideas?

They'd surely put you in a concentration camp.

If Argentina is anything like Brazil, it should be pretty hard to immigrate.

I definitely want to leave this shitty country asap as well. And I live in Curitiba, which is a perfectly fine city. But HUEzil is cancer and cancer spreads.

Buenos Aires was pretty comfy when I visited there back in 2012. Shame Argentina's economy is so FUBAR, I guess I will just move to patagonia and live a NEET/innawoods lifestyle.

How about something like the PNT banners?

Put pepes face on this portrait.
This is the man that promoted white immigration making argentina the whitest country in latin america.

Very, very few though, especially in proportion to the general population. It doesn't compare to any European nation or even the US or Canada, where it's incomparably more common to see natural blondes.

Argentina is more white than most Latin America, but the 90+% is not true.

Argentina has a very broad definition of white.

You'll see there a lot of people that wouldn't be categorized white in Europe or US and Canada be categorized white in Argentina, just because the person looks more white than not.

In terms of absolute numbers, for example and bizarrely enough, Brazil has a larger number of direct euro-descendent whites (I'm other words, European migrates that didn't mix with non-Europeans), even having a much smaller % of whites (and this is already considering that census data in Brazil overestimates the number of whites).

The miscegenation that occurred in Argentina involved Indians, not blacks like in Brazil, it happened a long time ago and doesn't happen anymore (for a long time as well) and had more time to dillute, but this made the population become accustomed with people that wouldn't pass the one drop rule be regarded as Caucasians.

And it's not because of hardcore immigration laws.

It's because immigration employees will require certain "benefits" to work. As in, "help me help you, gringo".

On it.

Actually it's because of hardcore immigration laws. Foreigners have a bunch of restrictions in what they can do, and it's surprisingly hard to get work/student visas.

Another thing we have a MP that opposes black and border immigration lemme check what was his name.

This one
lanacion.com.ar/ 1952583-las-polemicas-declaraciones-de-miguel-pichetto-sobre-los-inmigrantes

Shit i broke bad the link.

Argentina's per capita red meat consumption highest in the world - twice the US amount.

i feel you man
same here. my on the face NatSoc it a bit strong

Can confirm, Asado is very tasty
It is cow meal cooked with coal

This is why.



The captials are mostly white eccept in the rapidly growing gethos on the outskirts but there are many abos form Peru, Paraguay and Bolibia lurking in the fields away form big cities
you could say they are our Mexicans, nut at least they are more usefull and hardworking most of the time except Peruvians those are useless niggers

We had a lot of European migration through out our history and a satisfacotry low population of kebabs and dindus
sadly the dindu population seems to have been increasing latelly with niggas imported from Senegal, they act fairly civilized so far. but that could be cuz they probably number less than one hundred per city, probably not even a thousand through the whole country

And yeah, people here mostly doesn't give a shit about political correctness, there are posed hippsters but they are the laughing stock of our educative sistem instead of the authoritarian dictators they are in Merica
There has been some femitard activity latelly but everyone hates and ignores them
Our media is pozzed as far as PC culture and international news go and our last president was a corrupt Marxist cunt. like a diluted vertion of Shillary our current president (Mauricio Macri), however, is little more right leaning and is doing a great job fixing all the damage the Kirchner dynasty caused as well as punishing the filthy thieves

One thing is for sure here
a lot, and i mean A FUCKING LOT of people hates the kikes
and the ones who do not hate them arethe ones who do not know why they are hated and generally dislioke hating people without a reason, but everyone else, anyone who has had even a casual encounter with your average kike, despises them

It's not like you can go screaming Seigh Heil on the streets without rising a few eyebrowns around you but the worst you could get is a slap on the wirst by the authorityes for disturbing the peace

Her face looks Jewish.

It's not bullshit. Liberal education indoctrinates people but 80% or so of kids grow up to have the same views as their parents regardless. Conservatives have above replacement level kids already. Libshits have the most abortions and the least number of babies. The democrats in the US have been relying on immigration for 50 years to win elections.

Your dubz won't erase the fact that even with all the make up, beauty procedures and air brushing can't disguise how unattractive she really is

I live in RS.
I remember seeing an episode of Survivor, placed in Tierra del Fuego. Comfy.

There is indeed a plague of mongrels that should be exterminated, that's for sure, and since they reproduce like roaches they surpass us whites in numbers, that said they are still like roaches in a pile of trash, many of them are illegals and even if we had double the amount of mongrels we have now, we still wouldn't even be a shadow of what Merica is as far as mongrel populations go
stay salty gringo

I dont think they surpass us yet, but things arent looking bright for whites in southern america.


Took a long ass time, but I'm happy with the results even though I'm shit at editing and even shittier at drawing


Thanks buddy, we surely need to get the meme machine going.
Make Argentina White Again.

The downside are our cucked gun laws to be honest.
And there isn't any serious pro-gun group or politician or party.


America is 57-60% European white. They could Hispanics and middle eastern people as white in that 79% number.

Also the fact that our army is in ruins
Britcukcs demolished our army after we bitchslaped their naval empire while being a mismmanaged sudaca noob army, and concidering how bad our last dictatorship was the population was deligthed to see the army in ruins

Falklands war was a waste of lives and it led to the return of (((democracy))), the brits can keep them as far as i am concerned, but i do believe that northern ireland belongs to the irish.

More OC fresh off the meme machines.

Absolutelly, I belive in the merit of military conquest, the Islands are theirs won in a fair fight or at least as fair as wars get
But they came here thinking it would be like taking candy form a baby and when they got back they had scars all over their asses, that's why they hammered our army flat after the war

And democracy may be shit but honestly, i'm very happy not to live in a dictatorship, the stories i heard of the time were sinister.

One sugesiton.
Lets drop redpills on the comment sections of the two largest newspapers of argentina La Nacion and Clarin.
Also drop some memes, the lefties there would be flipping their brains, because there isnt a serious right wing political discussion.
We may get banned but if we overwelhm them, we could flood them.
Sounds like a good place to start bros?

The biggest flaw of the dictatorship is that it was corrupt, some military leaders are rumored to have had deals with the commies.

What kind of memes tho?

Only the highest energy memes. Kek wills it.

I would shitpost agaisnt both Kirchneristas and Macristas, fuck them all.
Also things like that argentina was better when it was white nationalist, in the period of 1880 to the 50s we actually where a world power and peronist ruined that.
I think that enough meme magic may do something.

Good idea, lets try and put logic and statistics behind each meme as well.

Also Roca prussianized the army, we had german military instructors, until the 40's our military uniforms where just a copy of the german uniforms.

Very nice job m8.

Agreed they both need to be gassed.

Some logic


Perosnism must die, it is a cancer in our national politics.
Fucking mongrels are loyal to a brand at this point, they don't even care about politics they just chose cus it says Peron on the label

And nobody really likes Macri either. He is, at best, tolerated.
People voted for him just so the K candidate wouldn't win, i voted for him knowing full well he would buttfuck me like every other politician so far, but i was eager to see how the Kirchners were made to suck his dick clean afterwards.

Most Macri defenders do so only to spite the Kampora, who are still as salty about the elections as SJWs are about Trump

Argentina's problem is that we do not have it's own Trump, there is no charismatic leader to rally behind and meme him to victory.
We need a hero

Indeed, what?

Should we use Simpsons memes?

We could use their popularity here to make our message reach out further.

Lets create one, we need to press some politician to make at least a conservative, anti-immigration, pro-guns, less regulation and less taxes (we are overtaxed to death) and that supports a strong currency and joins the trump-putin club.

Yes good idea.

We already have Biondini and Salbuchi. We could try to meme one of them into presidency.

Is Kicillof a jewish name or are there any sources pointing to the fact that he's jewish? My jewdar needs an update.

Could work but we would need to press them to be more pro-white, they don't have a ethnic agenda.

Yes he is it is very good known the fact that he is jewish.

Kicillof is the second child of three siblings born to psychologist Nora Barenstein and psychoanalyst Daniel Kicillof, both non-practicing Ashkenazi Jews; Kicillof was raised in the neighborhood of Recoleta.[14][15] His father committed suicide when Kicillof was 22.[16]
Source wikipedia, also very (((coincidental))) that his father gassed himself when he was just an adult.

Señores, tenemos trabajo que hacer.

nobody really cares about racial stuff around here, at least not particularly serious, we lived in a countri devoid of niggers for so long that we never really had the need to care about race
It would be best to aproach from the Nationalism angle

Argentine nationalism praises the spanish race-mixer past, depises Roca and Sarmiento and praises Rosas (a blood thristy warlord) and Peron, the man that put us in this shithole, so argie nationalism needs a big overhaul.

It worked well last time I checked.

One thing that i would make is deleting the Malvinas obsession that nationalism has, it needs to be dropped out.
White British built everything that is there, therefore it belongs to them, Argentine goverment can fuck off.


I think that the press was supportive of the nationalist goverment until it became unpopular.

They were still saying we were winning until the last days of the war though.

Yes because the drunk imbecile of a president that we had tried to keep the population under control, he was no genious.

The press toes in line whit whoever is in power at the time

The Malvinas Argentinas thing ain't gonna go away anytime soon in any talk about nationalism. recognizing British sovereignty of the islands is as taboo her as denying muh six gorillons is in Germany.
The moment you even hint at sugesting you may possibly consider the remote posibilty that prehaps, maybe the British do own the Islands, you will be gazed and scorned at as if you were a treacherous, filthy, disgusting rat who just took a massive dump over the grave of every soldier who died in that war

Yeah no shit, he didn't even understand the Monroe doctrine and thought that the US would actually help us in a conflict against England.

Not something new, but i do believe this, obviously i hide my power level, but the average argie doesnt care about malvinas, a lot of argentine nationalists where soldiers in the conflict so this would be a very bitter pill to eat.
But we do not have a right on the islands.

Maybe a better approach would be to say >Malvinas is now history, and no matter how hard we try, we cant change the outcome of the war. It's best if we just move on and focus on the bigger and more intense problems of the country.

Cat-lady tier. In the US, we'll get the first nigger on our currency if Trump doesn't stop it.

Actually that is what i believe.

Jungle beaners aren't white. It's also to easy to have a larger percentage of actual whites than South Africa as a large portion of them were killed or driven off not too long ago.
That's funny, because you've been delusional enough to think brown people are white. You can keep memeing Argentina is White all you want, but in the end you'll always be a jungle beaner.

Why on Earth would I be salty when my country is actually full of white people rather than the brown hordes that plague Argentina.

That's funny. I've never heard of any of that.
I have no idea where you are trying to go with this as Holla Forums isn't Argentinian in the slightest nor is it a collective. I can only assume the inferior brown mind is to blame here.
Whatever you say Pablo. Stay burrito.

Argentina got its shit pushed in during the Falklands conflict and you jungle monkeys would have been sent back into the treeline had the Brits felt like it at any time. I think the Argentinian government is still preaching that they won it when it couldn't be any further from the truth.

dumping various argie pics and memes

High quality shitpost but still shitpost m8

Exactly, Malvinas now is a non-issue. Let's focus on purging gov and streets and fixing everything. That's more important. Argentina First!

Nice one lad


He should be our leader

Buenos Aires pure post-hispanic civilized more-than-castizo-call-me-criollo argentine here.

Argentina has a healthy white population, yes! But don't let this fool you: since 1960 we're slowly receiving lots of bolivian, paraguayan, peruvian and chilean non-white sub-human scum which do the jobs we "don't want to do" (eh, italians did before them) and they come here and identify theirselves as white.

These boli-peru-guayans (originally 2 million of them) multiplied fastly because:

1. Argentina has free, full ius soli, encouraging non-whites to come here and breed freely without the fear of being deported with their anchor babies (12.5 million of people nowadays).

2. Argentina was cucked from the start, read the article no. 25 from our constitution. Also, we can't deport them if they come here without legal permission. Pro tip: we also have fully open borders, with the exception of some private, civil made fences in the bolivian and paraguayan border.

3. Every single public school is nowadays crowded with non-whites, including the forementioned boli-peru-guayans and even sub-human nigger dominicans, by at least 7 times fold for every white student. This number gets higher the less white people are in that region (Salta, Jujuy, Formosa, Santiago del Estero, Tucumán, Catamarca are the niggest). In there, they get culturally marxized, with cultural appreciation for the "invisibilized native original populations" (They get to cry for the chilean Araucans in the Desert Conquest and not for our actual Argentine Tehuelche, Huarpes and Pampas killed by them, also we get culturally Bolivianized because of the "Bolilobby" we are getting, they try to push bolivians and not actual argentine natives, saying aymara is argentine, ignoring the pampas or even sometimes the guarani peoples who are nowadays fully argentine).

4. Every white thinks they are 1/64 native or somehow tries to be affirmative action positive, smiling at niggers, laughing at "funny" nigger videos, letting boli-peru-guayans take white women, accepting LGBT agenda…

5. Whites will remain in our Hearthland: Rural provinces Buenos Aires, La Pampa, RĂ­o N(S)egro, CĂłrdoba and Santa Fe.

6. Sadly, non-whites form slums or take lots of abandoned houses (Villa 31, 1-11-14, San Telmo occupied houses). They generally turn our neighborhoods into a wreckage if they are not bolivians (who are nasty rats to everyone, as the jews, but these with their families, they'll try and exploit them if they are willing to purse a snatch from their poverty).

7. White birth-rate is as high as 1.8 for me, non-whites reach 2.4 tops. Yes, non-whites generally have 2 kids, reaching ferocious numbers of 6 or even more. Whites, of course, don't. White women will even try niggers from Senegal (approx. 10,000 nig nogs) and racemix… Yes, it's saddening.

Fuck this shit, I'm the first in 10 generations to live. USA, here I'm going whenever I end my career!

hahahahahaha sure bud.

>Daddy Merica had to save you tushies again
How's Londonistan been doing latelly by the way?
did Mayor kebab enforce Sharia alrready?

Buenos Aires isnt in better shape than london if you ask me

Argentines, please explain to me the relationship between Peron and German exiles after WWII. If Peron was so bad then why did he allow Mengele to import his pure Jewish soap and lampshades?

asking for other men to fuck your women.


Peron was a corrupt fuck, a leftie and liked to copycat the personalist style of mussolini, he was in fascist italian i believe.
He took them in because he was paid with looted gold from ww2, but he wasnt prowhite by any measure.
He was a mestizo also and his wife was a coalburner slut that roused the women with feminist crap.

It was good business.

Hey cockcleaners, as much fun as dick measuring and "MY DAD IS BETTER THAN YOURS" tier arguing about countries and histories, we have to focus on the facts:
So instead of this nonsensical bickering, how about we behave like the people we say we are and need, put our differences aside AND FIGHT FOR OUR SOIL AND BLOOD.

You only need to sage once, Judaical friend (1).

forgot this

I'm a bit disheartened to hear that, but it's better to have the real facts.

As le hWhite man from a country where we are an actual minority I feel like getting a nice rural bride from las Pampas. Wouldn't live there though, if stereotypes are to be believed.

1)There is only one "L" in in prideful.
2) It's the Royal Navy.
3) The US did fuck all in the Falklands war.
4) calls people buttblasted whilst trying to salvage some pride.
5) Yeah, so our capital is over-run with brown people, at least we can remove them without displacing the native people.

Im not sure that we are actually a minority without census there is no way to be sure.
I believe we are still a majority.
Even if we arent we can still get out shit together, we need to start memeing argentine white nationalism, we need to get on the road ideas of white identity for argentina.

Oh, I'm Mexican.

And Americans should be 62%, 48% adjusted for the younger generation so far as I know the numbers.

intredasting. In America, there are 12 million illegal immigrants alone. Including anchor babbys would multiply that many times. My mother is a nurse in a hospital and thinks Mestizos are a majority of a population because of their extraordinary procreation.

Trump promised to end birthright citizenship and we need to demand this. Fuck abortion, tell judges to have a good interpretation of "jurisdiction" in the 14th Amendment.


That's pretty fucking nice if real

Stay burrito, m8.

Did I strike a jungle beaner nerve? Even with the migrant invasion, the UK is still far superior to any country in South America.

The main issue with your statement user, is that Argentina still isn't white. I honestly couldn't care what Argentinians are doing in their country, but these are the type of shit threads that used to plague half/pol/ all of the time. The issue with Argentinians is that they have a huge identity complex and won't stop talking about it to everyone and anyone.

Seems real. I was also a bit skeptical because all the signs were in German, but there's some in Spanish and crowdshots of not very German people in the sauce.


I am actually suggesting that Holla Forums tries to spread the redpill to a southern american state where we can try to meme a ethnostate, if we can do it with a world power surely we can do it as well with a third world shithole.

We have a large but mostly quiet german community.

A redpilled Jonestown, good idea.

I wouldn't know that I always assume that Argentina's whites are about 50-50 Italian/Spanish.

But kikepedia cites 50,000 German descendants living in Buenos Aires and the Nazi fleeing to Argentina trope I guess. Sure.

This already happened in the chilean patagonia.



Abortion is illegal there

I know people with roots from Germany, Portugal, Spain, and Italy. Myself included with those last two. I'm sure there are more, but i cant think or am not aware of them.

Wikipedia tells us that there are 3.5 million argentine-germans.

I believe that I remember reading of a relatively large German community in Brazil that was looking to break away from the jungle hordes. You could try looking there.

If the whites in south brazil separated from the rest of the country i would consider moving there.

By classifying hispanic whites' as white

Yet another (1)
That is an artificial term made up by the kikes that run the census up there in Washington DC
If you are white you are white it doesnt matter your language, if you are a mestizo you are a mestizo.
There is no such thing as a latino or a hispanic, with the sole exception of actual latin speaking europeans and spaniards.

Yup, I should have delved a bit more into that, I just read the "Germans" part of the article on "Ethnic groups of Argentina" and that was the ionly number I saw, but you are correct.

if it is illegal then the welfare need to end. non white parents are producing more kids than white parents. This is not a good sign.

How come nobody posted about the (((Andinia Plan)))


Our new $100 bill has the star of israel on it and the new $500 bill has the Andinia Plan map on the back

Kikes buy a lot of land in the patagonia
We should hijack the andinia plan and use it to create a white country instead of a jewish one.


This handsome man here.

I am talking of using the blueprint of the Northwest Front to take over the patagonia instead of the northwest, it would be far easier than snatching the territory from the usa.
Our military is weak as fuck, there wouldnt be any serious resistance i think.

user, don't be silly, thats the climate region
oh shit
I never wanted to have animals instead of real politicians in our bills. It is another effort to erase our history and infantilize us

Hey now, they're still trained soldiers vs angry shitposters. A plan like that would require alot of manpower, thinking and resources. Difficult, yet not impossible.

We had a muslim president for 10 years fagget

They arent trained soldiers, they are underfunded, with obsolete equipment and dont have any serious motivation.
Argentina probably has about 10.000 soldiers now, i doubt there are any more.
It would be free land for grabbing, what would it take is to grab it before the jew do it.

The highlited parts of the map are the yaguarete's natural habitat and where else they can be found. T. biologist friend of mine

Still (((coincidence)))

We will make argentina great again!

Sadly trump is a cuck that wants to take at least 3000 rapefugees.


yes, thats what i meant

Argentina's situation is more comparable with Spain/Italy/Greece in terms of ethnicity, demographics and culture but without Africa and the middle east looming to constantly absorb refugees from, instead they deal with mestizos from the north that at least share their religion and language.

Well my friends, this has been an enlightening thread. Hopefully /argiepol/ or something similar kicks off and we can get to work on making Argentina great again.

Shadilay my friends, Shadilay.

But we dont have our own golden dawn.

I got dubs (checked)

Shadilay hermano

Meme magic will set us free

Do your country have snow?

Yep, in the south, jungles to the north east and desert to the north west.

Gracias por corregir el recto

this is not really true, in argentina being racist is common. for example calling someone a 'negro' (black) will not raise a single eyebrow since we use it everyday to refer to the scum of our society (even if they're somewhat white)

Where's the Mexico is white, and the Philippino Gook? I need more delusional revisionist history induced hilarity.

Agree with this.
Es nuestro propio Trump

12 million out of a total national population of 324 million people means you are better than Argentina, with their 12.5 million out of a total of 43 million people.

I said before and I repeat: do not believe Argentina's census data. Nor Brazil's. These countries, for some reason, never release the actual realistic statistics.

That's terrifying. It shows that they are not trustworthy.

Depends on what you consider white.


Depends on your social circle, with my high school friends there is mostly no problem because we aren't niggers, and when walking home, were on more than one occasion harassed because of our clothes.
In college tho it's different

Of course not because they
a)Don't want to show the true demographics of the country
b) People don't trust in the government enough to accurately do a census


I don't know if that's meant to be ironic, in the sense that no government is trustworthy, but compare census data from AR and BR with some european countries, US and Canada, and you'll see that the census data from these latin america countries are a lot less credible.

And for some reason, they always try to make the country seem more white than it is.

t. h'wite huefag

colleges breed lefties. when they start working in the real world they start seeing how thing really are. obviously this depends in witch uni are you going to.
the "ironic" i wanna be back its trying some times in some circles. but after some discussion i exorcised the communist on some friends of mine
never back down, dont hide your power level. lucky in Argentina we can be a "facho" and not be locked up for this. be a beacon of sanity.

Couldn't let all these repeating digits go unchecked

I'm in ciudad universitaria, so it's a middle ground. I'm slowly tried to drop redpills, but the results was people started distancing from myself, although I said I did make some dents.

i, morisco, rize or die BROTHERS!


Rize or die brother!


Why the fuck does this guy look like a video game character?

This image could not possibly be more retarded.
Did you not notice how it includes whites and spics as the same race in that? Argentina could be 95% spics, 2% actual european white, for all I know from that picture.

And funny how, whenever you see pictures of a group of people from Argentina, they're all brown-skinned. My guess is that 99% of Argentina posters who claim to be white, are not actually white-skinned, and likely will claim that they have no mestizo blood but are brown-skinned for some reason.

bklarg2 is best bklarg

(I spent a lot of time getting that Black Sun design just perfect)

My god the PSR thread with salbuchi was much better than this shit, regardless i'll see what i can do from a hopefully more objective point of view as an Argentine
As for the self haters i know you're brown and hope you move to the US and then get deported to Mexico so you can see what they actually mean when they say 3rd World

White families have babies but theyre like 2-3 while the mestizo minority have like 6 per family so that's probably why the graph is so high. Saddening really

Pretty much this too, we're usually proud, don't give much of a fuck about things and we're resourceful however the (((globalists))) have found a way in to make us give a fuck about things through a rather violent wave of hardcore feminism fueled by the media being obsessed with each single case of a woman being murdered even if it was during a robbery. Now im not saying Argentina is a safe country but we're doing much better than almost anywhere else in the 3rd world yet the media just takes every single case and talks so much about them they make it seem like theres a women genocide right now, in fact theyve coined this "femicide" term and currently femicide is a charge that gives you mroe years in jail than homicide
And you all know what happens when women pursue this "I'm independent and proud, don't objectify me i'm not something that belongs in the kitchen you sexist" trash.
We can still pull through but we're about to miss the last train so i'd say we got about 5 years until we get a somewhat relevant nationalist movement going on or every white here might aswell pack their bags and go to greener pastures
As for the demographics i can explain what happened
And about a year ago a "right wing" candidate got elected which is our current president but he's merely a cuckservative who openly supported Hillary during the campaign and is now covering his ass for betting on the wrong horse

As for demographics i'd say we're at the very least 70% white with most whites being somewhere in a gradient between southern european and northern european leaning to the southern european side, there is definitely a large mestizo/castizo minority but everything else like blacks, asians or pure natives are just tiny minorities with the first two mostly living in Buenos Aires
The northern regions weren't influenced much by the influx of Europeans and some had large populations of natives with forts and such unlike the rest of the Argentine regions which has caused Northern Argentina to be mainly non-white and some areas of it are more culturally close to neighboring nations (Bolivia and Paraguay) than the rest of the country
Oh yeah the borders are also a fucking joke and you can walk in without anything said to you, Some Bolivians offers a service to pregnant women which is about using a bus to bring them to public hopitals in Buenos Aires so they ahve birth here since Universal Healthcare for everyone who walks in and some of em like the free gibs so much they stay and move to a slum or invade abandoned buildings making them into lil ghettos

Actually, I was wrong, it actually DOES list mestizos as being part of the 3% non-whites. In which case, that statistic is just a plain lie. Which comes as no surprise since, as many other posters in the thread pointed out, Argentina and Brazil lie about their demographics a lot.

The really perplexing thing is that, for America, it doesn't list the percentage that are mestizo at all, and includes them as white.


Thanks, man. You explained it the best. I wish the best of luck to you guys.

I still want to mention this geopolitics expert again, who predicted american isolationism before trump even appeared. He said that it is geographically very easy for you to prosper, as soon as you get a normal government. Don't lose hope.





My IP was reset overnight.

Losing every soccer tournament where they can't buy the refs

Countries of South America will never achieve anything. They are too corrupt and never take on the entrenched interests that drag down their countries. They LARP a lot that "this time we are going to make things different" but sweep crimes of the powerful under the rug and revert back to the same archaic corrupt structures with a new setup to give an appearance of progress made. They are on forever marasmo condition

Blaming JewSA and Western Europe as the norm… both have their share of fault because the game is rigged to boost US and Germany, France, UK etc. But the game is only as rigged as you allow it to be, hence putting shit together. Never happening.

And gone are the days of control of the US in the region… they can't meddle as much anymore. Pressure here and there but nowhere near the level they had at a time (which the extent was to go clubbing on Honduras). So these countries have a lot to blame on themselves.

That's because they're a spic shithole.
All third world shitholes have high fertility rates regardless of race.

Pepe. And Sofi.

I want Holla Forums help to redpill some people down in argentina.
This country is falling apart and could be a great place for white peop if we got our shit together.