Today MGTOW is as popular as RED PILL was 2 years ago

Nobody can stop men from waking up the evil nature of women, and the rapid rise of MGTOW.

Today MGTOW is as popular as Red Pill was in May 2014…. and it's popularity is at its highest now in November 2016.

It's better to not continue the species at all, than our sons and grandsons live like oppressed 2nd class citizens who face negative discrimination their whole lives.


Biology can. Wait for the nips to get the tech ready before you go full retard.

Whatcha doin', rabbi?

Good. All the anti-MGTOW posters who rarelly explained the why of their motives owe us an explanation.

Their point was: MGTOW is bad because jews. DOn't MGTOW because jews.

This is Holla Forums one demands more.

if artificial wombs get invented you can guess who will be the ones asking for banning the technology. Trusting females with such important tasks as ensuring the existance of your race is too dangerous and as soon as we have the technology to replace them we shall only breed people of good DNA.


Well this is going to be a fucking fantastic thread.

YOU'RE JUST A FALSELY ACCUSING MAN WHO'S BEEN BORN AND BRED IN FEMINIST SOCIETY. What else can be expected from the likes of you…. but false accusations?

MGTOW is not a race based movement and we have many members who are white, black and Indian. Even the herbivore men of Japan are with us (majority of Japanese men). We are going to start a global men to put women back in the kitchen where they belong. Jews, Native Americans, Eskimos, Australian Aboriginals etc. are also welcome. Only men can preserve the good in this world and all men are a part of our team.

If the patriarchy returns, we'll all have our personal maid, sex objects and baby making machines (women).

Oh look ANOTHER fucking MGTOW thread today. Fucking kill yourself.


MGTOW is controlled opposition, a dragnet for the weak cucks who are semi-redpilled on feminism but can't take responsibility for themselves to save their people. There is no place for them here and as traitors, will be some of the first to hang.

If you fight your enemy, they win. Give up goy!

server ate my images

it doesnt matter how many reporters post this shite we aint buying it
MGTOW can continue wanking into their crusty socks without us


OP isn't really MGTOW. He's just some dumb lefty faggot "changing tactics".

Why are you here then? This board is whites-only.
Good, muds shouldn't breed anyway.
I can get behind this.
Welcome to visit our >>>/oven/
And how exactly do we do this without white children?


They're so busy picking a fight with other men, that they forget who is their worst enemy since the beginning of time….

Yes, it's women.

The "you cant get laid" shaming tactic of feminists. Typical.

If you're not a friend of the patriarchy…. you're a feminist. Feminism is based on mythology ONLY.

Wake up!!!

You're a tard but your dubs demand a reply.

1) Gender wars are a divide and conquer strategy. MGTOW is playing into that.
2) Any healthy folk culture will require healthy involvement by women. MGTOW is not contributing to a folk culture
3) Women are motivated by dick and confidence not by abandonment and whining. MGTOW fails to change the dialogue or take charge of the situation memetically.
4) All MGTOW arguments amount to "it's not fair." This is laughably childish. Nothing is fair. Embrace this and take your role as a leader among your people.
5) MGTOW walks away from fatherhood while complaining that fatherhood isn't appreciated. This is self defeating

Mgtow is bad because it's not a cause for a male-oriented, family-oriented society. It's a means to no society at all. It's the diffusion of people from their core, fomenting a lack of leadership for the small parcels of population that is not reached by other classical forms of leadership in some moments every day, like politicis and religion, that can't and shouldn't meddle and influence everything without leaving space for individual personalities to bloom under the influences of their own clan.

Mgtow means abandoning women because they are evil.

Anti-mgtow patriarchs means having your own family as it's own leader, guiding and influencing them as our people did for centuries (millenia actually).

Reminder to stop using kike-vernacular when talking about sex.


Any man who identifies as an MGTOW is a loser. The whole point is to go your own way. Not try to convince others why your path is so righteous.

Go your own way and shut the fuck up about it.

Also, this. I feel like Holla Forums is very MGTOW in the sense that it adheres to the beliefs that MGTOW founders held regarding the current institution of marriage and modern women.
Women aren't the problem, the sickfucks poisoning their minds and taking our children are.

unless you're a 42 yo virgin NEET fat fuck it shouldnt bother you
even the ugliest ogre with a face like a maggot riddled donkeys arse and a cock as small as his self-esteem can hire a whore for a pump and dump
im no fucking feminist but I understand the necessity to breed, procreate and have many children grow up in a stable and psychologically healthy enviroment

Yes, and that's by definition.

They chose to not deal with women, while there are millions out there with traditional families (how would trump win otherwise?).

They can't face the challenge of guiding someone and being their most important influence. They opt out, and fake as it's a choice they made. But the fact is that they have no such choice until they decide to man up.

This. If you want to give up, fine. Just don't try to drag others down with you into your pit of self loathing and despair.

sage for pedo-boy recruitment thread.

MGTOW is just another subverted movement that got cucked when they adopted a monicker, the idea of dropping out of kike-controlled society to "go your own way" and "shape the world in your image" is traditionalist as fuck especially if you're doing it with the intent of living off-grid and having many white children with a loyal wife.
If MGTOW wasn't a subversive element they'd have already pooled their assets and fucked off to Alaska by now.

I completely agree with you. But you fail to realize that reinstating the patriarchy and putting an end to this evil known as "women" is impossible if we don't "gang up" on them.

Eventually we WILL have to take to the streets and FORCE women back in their cages.

Men and women SHOULD be divided. Men have always been ill advised to keep the company of women. Women should be seen and not heard. They belong in the kitchen and should not speak unless they're spoken to. If they fall out of line…. they… get… BEAT. It's the only way they'll learn!!

You're totally wrong about the second point. All civilizations have arisen as a result of the patriarchy and it has been known that the stricter the restriction on women… the higher the form of civilization…

Women's motivation doesn't matter. Public places should have the NO WOMEN ALLOWED signs. AND NO DOGS ALLOWED!!!

When we legalize wife beating and marital rape once again then we'll tell women that "nothing is not fair". When we burn manginas to death we'll say that "nothing is fair"………. if they DARE to complain we'll tell them that their complaints are laughable because NOTHING IS FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!

You're mistaking mgtow with men's rights movement

MGTOW is just another side of a very Jewish shekel, the other side being feminism. Lurk more, you stupid fucking reddit nigger.


you're going back to "Syria", Farooq

MGTOW is a simple, slacktivist way of getting some traction going. MGTOW is not for life whatever the circumstances. It is a protest against the divorce and marriage industry which rakes in billions, the state of relationships in general and the state of gender relations.

Most men aren't going to become top tier anytime soon and certainly shouldn't have to settle for used goods, a grim reality that few men can even have a virginal wife anymore, so use them to start getting eyes on the issue.

You can bet women and the media will change their attitude and behaviour once the majority of men make it clear they're not going to take this anymore.

Probably, they're all fucking cancer. Men should strive to be ZOG-free and have lots of white children with a loyal wife that didn't fall for the marxism or coalburning meme

Reminder to stop using kike psychobabble when talking about the sexes.
That's bullshit and you know it.

Gender and sex are the same thing.

hahaha… your feminist shaming language isn't going to work! The real and FACTUAL loser is a man who gets married and has kids in this feminist society. The man who tries to get laid and deals with women is the real and factual loser.

We don't want to deal with women. Just FORCE THEM INTO SUBMISSION!! (once we have enough numbers)

I also understand this. Did you even read? You're just making false accusations

That's what you've been trained to believe. You're totally brainwashed.
I urge you to look at pre-feminist writings about women.
Stop finding excuses for these vile and savage beasts!! The nature of women has always been known and necessary steps have been taken to keep them in check.

Your narrative that "women are victims" of brainwashing or whatever is typical of an indoctrinated feminist.

Good luck getting the genie back in the bottle

What do you have against doggos?

Exactly, so why use the kike-word to describe it?

Anyone but the jews, goy.
That isn't my narrative at all you fucking retarded outsider.

MGTOW is a false movement meant to turn weak men into mellow cucks rather than angry ones, preventing them from eventually joining our movement

Just because kikes unleashed THE BEAST doesn't mean women aren't THE BEAST.
It's not so hard to understand.

They're like children, (((user))) not a bunch of evil scheming fucks. That's kikes and women fall for their memes easily.
Go back to reddit anytime, faggot.

Exactly!! It's just a temporary thing to reveal the nature of women and wake men up to the severe damage caused by women's liberation.

Once we have numbers we'll force women back in the cage.

Except that's the end goal of our movement as well only we fixate on the root cause of the disease, not a symptom.

also notice OP's >reddit spacing

If you're not going your own way who's way are you going?

You're saying that because you've been indoctrinated since you were a little boy. You see women as victims because that's how you've been trained your entire life.

The evil nature of women has ALWAYS been known to mankind. No matter which corner of the earth men came from, no matter which millennium we're talking about (even before kikes)… the men always said the exact same thing about women

The way of the kike

Fuck off

Why are you assuming going your own way and antisemitism are mutually exclusive?

lel, no. You will just be replaced by a stronger more patriarchal population, muslims

Wasted dubs.

Mgtow are the male version of feminists. You fuck sluts, then wonder why your idea of women is that they're a bunch of sluts. The family unit makes a nation, not some weeb virgin who's pretending to be James Bond because he doesn't have the social aptitude to filter out sluts from marriagable virgins. And you fags sure as fuck don't have what it takes to run a nation nor uphold principles or moral integrity, you're bathing in nihilistic degeneracy.

Except I don't see them as victims? I see them as retards who fell for a nefarious plot to destroy the nuclear family laid out by the jew.
More like the infantile nature of women has always been used for evil. Are child-soldiers "victims" too? Or are they fucking animals that need proper guidance?

go back to reddit, how did you even find this place?

This, the jew has contingency plans for white men dropping out of society, why do you think they're pushing nipland to welcome rapefugees?


Its easier to say then "not liking kikes" or "hating Jews", sorry to trigger you

You don't agree with me.

I never called women evil. MGTOW is what's calling them evil.

Because MGTOW men are weak.

Women follow strong leadership. As you lack that, you decide to go your own way.

While making innumerable excuses to explain why it's a "choice" made by "strong willed" men, to flee from their duty as "refugees" flee from battle.


Again why are you assuming I like kikes?

I wonder

So Hitler was pro kike because he never had children? I've never heard that argument before?


Hitler had a son with a qt french girl who went on to have nine children you fucking mongoloid.

The ancients knew about this years ago. You allow the sexual revolution, guess the fuck what? Society loses its cohesion. You're seeing this right now and, generally, this is a process that cannot be reversed.

Let me clue you in: you know why "MGTOW" is gaining traction? Because most men don't want to put in the effort to attract the modern day entitled whore, and who the fuck can blame them? Look at Tinder, look at OKC, ask yourself how much it feels like applying for a job application.

There is no longer incentive for men to want to take responsibility and work hard, not with women being the way that they are today. I don't blame MGTOW one bit, it's easier to say fuck it to the whole process and focus on your work.

you can hate Ahmed for beeing an illiterate goat fucker and child rapist but you have to admit that they know how to keep their cunts in check. If current trends continue, niggers and arabs will be the only races to survive the next 500 years because they keep their cunts in check. Once you start treating them as humans, they make your costs explode mostly for trivial materialistic trash while denying you more children and sex.

The easiest solution to our problems would be to engineer a virus that only works against nonwhite peoples and just release it in New York. Thanks to (((globalisation))) the virus will be spread on the globe in less than a month and we can lay back and enjoy the purge.


You are justifying White Genocide.

MGTOW is cuckholdry

Have the fucking spine and wisdom to stand up and take back what is fucking yours, White Man.

And every major culture and religion since the beginning of history. I know you didn't call women evil, and you won't because you've been born and bred in this woman-worshipping society. Men are slowly waking up, and you should also take off your feminist blindfold to see women for what they really are.

Good job op, you baited so many retards. Women defenders wouldn't need to worry about these threads if they just ignored them. Then again, white knighting is the only way to keep up their delusions that being strong equals loyal girl.

Charlotte Lobjoie, go back to your degenerate moeblob seasonal anime trash.



Women, in every way possible, are exactly like dogs. Beating a dog will get you a dog that fears you but acts out. If you command their respect by using stern rules and positive reinforcement, you get yourself a real good fucking dog.

You asked for this.

True but rubbing it's nose in piss when it makes a mess of things is an effective conditioning technique.

Before niggas start accusing me of being MGTOW, I'm not, so fuck off. The simple reason for me pretty much dropping women is that due to their nature, I can't respect them. Secondly, due to their nature, they're like an additional child and I have neither the nerves or energy for that shit.

And before you blame it all on the sexual revolution, the fucking thing did us a favor. It showed us the true nature of women after centuries of fucking charades, men thinking they're keeping them in line. I have no use of someone who I have to keep in check every fucking day of my life.

For all of you who are concerned about the future of the white race, don't worry, women will form harems and you manly as fuck men will have your fucking chance.

All I'm finding on his sources saying there is no proof he was related to Hitler and the only sites backing the claim have some less then trustworthy CSS

well whites dont have much to gain so its sorta freeing. Like ethnic women see them as parachutes and white women are raging whores, so they are free to not try. Just travel smoke and bang fine hoes for 200$.

ethnic guys more motivated that they can learn game like roosh chase white pussy harder then a refugee and either marry a good unicorn or go home for a good native girl.

Moeshit is fucking cancer and you have nothing to contribute to this thread.
In every regard, moe ruined japanese animation.
animu before moe
animu after moe

I wonder why the jewish media doesn't want you to think that Hitler had clildren. I fucking wonder.

never had*

What's with the huge number of slide and degeneracy threads today?

IMO you are wrong. Dogs are loyal, females will leave you for the next best oppurtunity that seems better than you


I'm glad they're killing themselves off but holy shit they could at least show a little self awareness.

You are justifying White Genocide.

What a fucking retarded message. Jesus christ user.

"Good boyim, women are never to blame for anything."

You are also justifying White Genocide.

Cowboy Bebop is fucking trash that promotes nihilism though. Get fucked.

And you aren't ignoring the thread. Giving a reply means he can counter reply, thus bumping the thread. Yes sir, you are the retard for caring about someone who doesn't care about something.

You too are justifying White Genocide.

Where have I heard this before? go back to cuckchan.

MGTOW is easy to understand. Women with the government as their tool to abuse men are too dangerous to want to engage with. If they had something to offer to you beyond a (very worn) wet hole then maybe they would be worth the risk but they don't.

It's not about justifying anything beyond your own preservation. We all admit women are nothing but children, but these children now hold all the power in society and some people don't care to wrestle with that.

Holla Forums should cheer MGTOW. It means there are more "good women" for them to choose from. A shit load of MGTOW aren't even white, so again Holla Forums should love it.

You are justifying White Genocide.

Are you trying to tell me what to do with my cock?

I'm not saying that you bump the thread, but if someone wished to, they could bump the thread by replying to each person. Instead of replying, why not just report it?

You continue to justify White Genocide.

No (see reason below)
Then I'm sure you understand that pain is delivered to sensitive areas of the dog, such as his ear or muzzle, when he performs a bad behavior.

Correct and he's not only wrong for that reason. Women create drama, fights and will nag you to an early death if you talk to your spouse too much. Falsity, treachery, ingratitude…. these are the qualities of women…. Male dogs have a much better/kinder nature than human women.

It's much better to spend your day with a male dog than a woman.

Exactly, you're weak beta cucks that don't want to treat the root cause(kikes empowering women and feeding all their degenerate ape-like urges) and instead ignore the symptom while hoping your ignoring the problem will help it get better hint, it won't. Look at japan and germany who is 40% MGTOW, they're just trying to push more r-type mud in while the white(and honorary white) race dies off

You are also justifying White Genocide.

I'm reporting everyone who bumps this garbage, enjoy your ban Holla Forumstard.


This is justifying White Genocide.

keep shitposting moecuck

Enjoy filling out those capatchs I have no plans to stop

The thread isn't even bumping anymore, I don't think you need to worry.

You're so full of shit it hurts. Only mostly white and asian men, that is to say the higher IQs will wih to follow that male feminism bullshit. While the most dumb races will continue with their threatening demography.

MGTOW is cultural marxism, another bullshit subversion only aimed at whites.

>>>Holla Forums outs itself

I don't see an anchor.

I actually argue that MGTOW should support European nationalism as they depend on a functional society.

The problem is even if you fix it, every woman who is 5+ today is already infected from the society we live in. So even if I fix the culture my choice is still between washed up whores which don't appeal to me. Do you have a solution to this or do you just ignore the 100 dicks she's fucked and all the nude selfies she's posted?

It has a shit load of niggers.

This is correct.

You are justifying White Genocide.

Only one outing themselves here is you newfriend

You are justifying White Genocide.

Yes, lower age of consent laws and making casual sex societally unacceptable but you're just going to call me a pedophile for wanting to breed with women who are of prime breeding age.

Now I do, I use autoupdate instead of mashing F5 like a retard. cripplekike kept that feature for a reason.



If you aren't retarded why couldn't you read the page number?


Just because Jews opened the gates of hell… doesn't mean that women aren't beasts from hell

You are justifying White Genocide.

You are justifying Male Enslavement.

Prime breeding age is 18-24. 16 is as low as you can go without serious risk but you still have massive risks.

How do you then deal with the next generation who just had all their partners stolen? You're left with a constant disenfranchisement of men in their early 20s with no partners if you keep this up.

I'd call you that if you thought fucking a 10 year old was ok. I'm guess you want 14-16 instead, which is ok with me.
Can't you read a number?
Then why not bitch to codemonkey if you can't read a number.

You are justifying White Genocide

I'm not a tradcuck but girl as young as 10 are getting periods now

You are justifying pedophilia.

By saying that we should "gang up" and FORCE women back in the kitchen so we can produce our children???
Don't falsely accuse me you falsely accusing product of feminist society!!!

Lower? Just abolish that feminist shit man…

its true though

plain old lack of vigilance, aka being a retard

Well if those gates were never opened the "beasts" would be kept in check and not cause problems because women can only function when their behavior is socially acceptable.
Make acting like a whore unacceptable and they will fall in line. Look what NSDAP did for germany.

Top fucking kek.
So, exactly what MGTOW wants for us now?

I'd go as high as 15-17 because that's what is legal in my neck of the woods and there's loads of traditionalist qts who have fathers that give a fuck about who they interact with, and yes I am slavshit

Fine, abolish it and impliment some other kind of system that prevents legitimate predators from fucking infants and young children.

You are justifying White Genocide.

You are justifying pedophilia.

Yeah he's being really blatant about it too it's almost like 8ch outside of Holla Forums is a hive of pedophiles and degenerates

I don't need to justify my love!

You know how people hate the boomers? Imagine the boomers also stole all the women.

Maybe a year ago but not since Jim the freemason purged all our boards.

A girl reaches puberty anytime between 8 and 12 usually. I think it should be 10 at least

No I said we need to "gang up" and put women back using our physical force. That's why I put the word "force" in caps.

he didn't purge all your boards. loli and thinly veiled shit is still all over the place.

They did, boomer sexual revolution led by kikes is why we're in the mess we're in today.

This is why international stuff makes it hard. I'm going to guess most of the people you'd call mgtow are from liberal parts of America. I know you have good intentions, but shaming the women here ain't like it is in your country. At least I think it's that way.

Did I stumble on to

Gnostism is a heresy, and the Christian quote is from a Catholic, not the Bible, and it refers to premarital sex irrc. Every other "ideology" there is retarded, Islam being the peak.

You want advise that has solidly worked for western civilization for millenia? Take a look at an actual Bible anecdote:

The problem with Mgtow is nihilism. There is no purpose to being cynical, childless virgins. It's just a temper tantrum as a response to a temper tantrum by women, who are driven almost completely by emotions. That's like getting a fight with a ten year old because he called you a lardass on Xbox live. There needs to be something greater than yourself in life.

I'd guess most of the MGTOW in this thread lives in USA cities.
Sure it is, women as a whole are infantile and need their behavior validated to feel okay engaging in it.
Reason why casual sex is so prevelant in the USA? Because it's pushed from the top-down and made socially acceptable, same thing with racemixing through the BBC and cuckporn memes.
It's basic memetics, pattern recognition taken to logical extremes and backed by the ZOG machine.

I mean the boards, I don't think that.
There are loads of "loli" boards filled with iaintclickingthatshit.jpg tier shit

it's the same as how there are bestiality boards dedicated to crush videos(which are illegal under US law)

Not exactly


How does that change anything?

You're retarded if you can't understand what I am talking about
some sickfucks share dubious links on otherwise-inactive "loli" boards

The Jew knows that there are plenty of mgtow sympathetic to Holla Forums and natsoc so they're shilling here to divide and conquer.
And you idiots fall for it.
they're not my problem, nor my responsibility, they've made that clear enough.
You don't go out of your way to support lying kikes and wannabe kikes when they've done nothing but attack you. Why should women be any different?

Dating is obsolete. It's mainly for loser guys.
Guys don't date anymore cuz they know it doesn't work.
Go out, spend money on dinner/drinks, have conversation while the smug bitch is on her smartphone half the time, don't even get a kiss at the end, and then the girl goes in an uber to Chad's apartment to Netflix and chill.
Smart men will either opt out completely or try to imitate the top 10% men. No point in going on dates when you understand the guys that women REALLY want are just inviting them over for sex after they use you for attention.

they also live in a third world shitholes where the only things to do are go to mosque, rape children and/or farm animals and blow themselves up. If they had more exposure to the electric jew, the liquid jew and political jew, they'd be masturbating to anime and playing Madden like the rest of the suckers.

I can also put my women in check, it's called not being a gigantic pussy that tells a bitch to shut it. They respond well to it, actually. But when I'm telling her to make me a sandwich while watching Big Bang Theory and smoking the herbal jew, she will naturally not have any respect for me, as I clearly don't have any for myself.

Sage because gay thread full of closeted homosexuals and hajjis

Alright it's bad because it doesn't help in birthrates and has dysgenic effect on IQ since high IQmales will wank away their DNA

But since old societies divisiness between males and women was encouraged, with the exception of childhood and dating/marriage.

Like every other board on this site?




In my experience with them yes, at least before they are rooted anyway.



Do you have anything to back that statement up or just more redtext?

The nazis were in the feminist 20th century and thus, still somwhat feminist in their outlook. The didn't bring back the NO WOMEN ALLOWED in public places and iirc the late 19th century laws on wife beating were also not repealed. To top it all off they continued to allow women to vote (which was allowed in 1918).

We need to go back to the pre-feminist setting, not this halfassed stuff.

Your personal analysis of gnosticism, confucianism, catholicism etc doesn't change the fact that the nature of women has always been accurately pointed out by men all over the world. THEY ALL SAY THE EXACT SAME THING. And no, it wasn't referring to premarital sex. FYI almost all the great Christian fathers have condemned women as evil. I can give several other examples of the most respected Christians.

I have to give my body pain if I want to get stronger. Similarly women should be given pain in order for them to be "corrected"

The bible clearly states that
If you truly love your wife you'll beat her. Women have not only been considered evil by all the great Christian saints, but women's evil also finds in the old testament. Just because Christians don't have to follow the old testament 100% doesn't mean that it isn't the word of God (as Christ himself said). The old testament clearly states:
If you're interested in what Christ had to say about the old testament here it is:

Of course Christianity has worked because its patriarchal.


You need more experience.

Protip: You're not

That depends but I agree. MGTOW is just a temporary thing. When we become the majority we'll bring back the patriarchy using our power (which will be in our numbers)
Anyone who thinks MGTOW is for life is an idiot.

We need to repeal the wife-beating laws of the late 19th century. It shouldn't matter whether you're watching the big bang theory or doing anything else WOMEN MUST OBEY IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. And if they show disrespect then beat them.

Ohh for fucks sake

you're not part or "we", Hajji.

You fags get BTFO everytime you come here until pathological denial. You just gave up posting here lol.

D&C Kike checklist

-Hate on gays
-Hate on women
-Hate on christians/pagans
-Hate on blacks
-Hate on older/younger generations
-Hate on "not white" european ethnicities

-Do not hate on Jews, they are white and our greatest ally.
-The Rothschilds, Quaids and Schmidts have not been complicit in fomenting wars and revolutions for centuries
-jews are not responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of whites in Russia, the Ukraine, Germany and other European states.
-jews did not aid and abet the moorish invasion of Europe
-Jews did not have spies like Jonathan Pollard steal our nuclear secrets
-They do not have 80-200 warheads aimed at global cities for their "Samson Option"
-Jewish George Soros did not fund revolution in Ukraine
-Jewish George Soros did not fund riots in Baltimore, Ferguson, Charlotte and elsewhere in the continental USA.
-Jewish George Soros did not create guides for shitskin invaders to rape Europe
-They did not strafe the USS liberty
-They have not plotted against the USA for over a hundred years
-They have not infiltrated the central banks, banking system and government with dual citizen israeli nationals
-They did not have art students plant thermite charges in the WTC then aid and abet the Saudi hijackers
-They do not traffic in black market organs stolen from kidnapped and murdered eastern europeans
-They do not participate in the white slave trade
-They have not attempted to propagandize and demoralize our country with Hollywood and the mass media
-They do not rape and cannibalize children to perpetuate Moloch worship
-They are not a major exporter of illegal drugs
-They are not a state sponsor of ISIS.
Israel is a nationalist state too, goyim!




btw "boyim" reeks of typical goonsnark kikery. kill yourself.


Nice sage, shill

Holla Forums can run, but they can't hide

mgtow will ultimately prevail because we are on the right side of justice and history

carry on the good fight, my brothers

kike tier argument and reddit spacing. fuck you.

People weren't against MGTOW from a logical argument stand point. They were against the faggy version.

That made up 50% of MGTOW and was the absolute most faggy part of it. Most of them are just waking up via feminism and open to race/jews or already aware of either to some extinct as MGTOW.

The fucking salt dude, you can't even argue a good meme so you report.


They've prevented this thread from bumping. Fucking censoring feminists!! You can't say anything against women these days.
When the majority of men become MGTOWs it will become legal to burn the likes of these censoring, oppressive feminazis to death.
Also, look at the cucks here saying
But I guess it's not fair to blame them because it's not their fault for thinking like this. Poor things. Feminist society has hidden the truth from them

tell me more about how you aren't a subversive element.

I want the enablers of white genocide to leave.

You're justifying white knight faggotry which eventually results in white genocide.


I am a subversive element, I post on Holla Forums and I oppose the political establishment. If you're implying I'm paid or of a particular ethno-religious background you're flat out wrong, but of course it's a comfortable tactic to use when you can't actually make a decent argument.

Nobody is justifying that shit.
>checkmate and >reddit spacing
How did you even find this place you massive nigger-loving faggot.

How am I enabling white genocide? Do you have any FACTS or are you just making FALSE ACCUSATIONS??

Gays, niggers and baby boomers all need to die tbh

Seriously dude, you're functionally retarded, and if you rebuke criticism of women, you are a white knight faggot, and you are justifying it.

It has already been made clear that MGTOW is temporary and eventually we will being back the patriarchy using our strength in numbers…. so then we can all have our baby making machines

Yet this guy keeps throwing false accusationg

What the fuck are you talking about? I'm responding to you, having a salty shit fit over a meme making fun of white knight faggots.


more >reddit spacing
I'm not rebuking criticism of women, they should be criticized and their whorish behavior should not be socially acceptable.
I'm rebuking cucks like yourself who think they can come here, make a blatant attempt at consensus cracking, and trick Holla Forumsacks into not having white children with their nihilist kikery.

kek, stay kike'd

Your obsession with "getting laid" and "getting a girlfriend" has turned you into an abusive monster. Women reward abusive men.

Another reason why women should NOT be allowed to choose what to do with their bodies.

I've done none of those things, I mocked a retard for accusing a meme of enabling white genocide when it clearly didn't.


Where have I demonstrated any obsession with either of those things? You're now pulling things out of your ass. You have no idea whether I'm even single or not.

It's true though, don't fall for the 3DPD jew

Oh because the kikes want the white patriarchy to return? hahaha….

Because cucks want the patriarchy to return? Yeah no.

no, because you don't. you slimy fucking yid

its true




I love it. So fucking true!! The chinese kept their women in good check before feminism.

D&C Kike checklist

-Hate on gays
-Hate on women
-Hate on christians/pagans
-Hate on blacks
-Hate on older/younger generations
-Hate on "not white" european ethnicities

-Do not hate on Jews, they are white and our greatest ally.

-The Rothschilds, Quaids and Schmidts have not been complicit in fomenting wars and revolutions for centuries
-jews are not responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of whites in Russia, the Ukraine, Germany and other European states.
-jews did not aid and abet the moorish invasion of Europe
-Jews did not have spies like Jonathan Pollard steal our nuclear secrets
-They do not have 80-200 warheads aimed at global cities for their "Samson Option"
-Jewish George Soros did not fund revolution in Ukraine
-Jewish George Soros did not have Israeli dual citizens placed in Ukraine government and businesses in order to drain the country dry of resources
-Jewish George Soros did not fund riots in Baltimore, Ferguson, Charlotte and elsewhere in the continental USA.
-Jewish George Soros did not create guides for shitskin invaders to rape Europe
-They did not strafe the USS Liberty
-They have not plotted against the USA for over a hundred years
-They have not infiltrated the central banks, banking system and government with dual citizen israeli nationals
-They did not have art students plant thermite charges in the WTC then aid and abet the Saudi hijackers
-They do not traffic in black market organs stolen from kidnapped and murdered eastern europeans
-They do not participate in the white slave trade
-They have not attempted to propagandize and demoralize our country with Hollywood and the mass media
-They do not rape and cannibalize children to perpetuate Moloch worship
-They are not a major exporter of illegal drugs
-They are not a state sponsor of ISIS.
Israel is a nationalist state too, goyim!


My hate knows no bounds, kike. You're getting ovened, Tyrone is going back to Africa to die of AIDS and fags are going in the bog

Big bang theory? And beating your woman? Faggot, if you need to beat your woman you don't have any authority on her, might as well simply divorce. A true leader of the house isn't a dictator investing in a living hell between 4 walls, but a family. You need your woman to respect and admire, that way she'll never want anything else, will love you as you have no idea, and will spread your word like the gospel.

If you rely on beating, she'll just try to not make you angry while you're around her and that's all. And out of fear, not anything else.

First the other user cites big bang theory unironically, then another mgtow faggot comes using SJW one-liners?

What the fuck mgtow? Are you even trying?

The very nature of MGTOW is jewish, setting the people against one another. How do you not see it? webm from related

You're just another brainwashed, abusive feminist. Divorce should NOT be allowed and beating women is an excellent way to instil fear in them so they obey you. I DO NOT need a woman to admire me or spread my word to anyone else (she shouldn't be talking to strangers and her eyes should be downcast in public at all times)

Women are supposed to be seen and not heard. In my house my wife will know not to speak unless she's spoken to, if she does speak out of line she'll know there's consequences. She will not get called by her first name. If I'll need something it's woman get me this… woman do that… When I marry my woman she'll take on my name. That means she's MY SLAVE and nobody else's. I only need a woman to cook, clean, take care of the house, make babies and give me sex.

Women should NOT speak in the presence of men.

Women are not people. They're just OBJECTS

Muhammad pls

Fuck you feminist scum. And fuck Muhammad too.

Gantz was a bretty good anime tbh

/r9k/ pls, I'm not saying they should be allowed to vote, but you should listen to more of Hitler's speeches. Your MGTOW bullshit is just another jewy movement to divide a people against each other.

Hitler's opinion on women is of NO VALUE. The world's ancient religions and cultures however, are. This is because not only do they define the rules for women, they also point out their evil nature.

Women have never been considered people, they have been considered lesser humans at best. IN 1595 it was even declared that women are not people. Another incident:

You're triggered aren't you?

Of course it should, it just should be a concept closer to justice than it is now, where women are favored over men by design. That's all.

You'll be lonely forever. You don't understand social relations and understand even less women.

Exactly, that's what she needs. A woman needs a man to admire and mimic, that's what her instincts are after.

Will? So, you have no wife?

From personal experience, as a true conservative married man, no woman wants that, and you won't want that in your house as well, it won't be a house you'd want to be in.

You don't need a woman, that's all you're saying.

But you were being abusive. You only think divorce should be allowed because you're a feminist.
It's not about what women want, it's only about what I want!! Women should not be allowed to choose what to do with their bodies, they should only be forced into marriage. For the sake of all good, women must be controlled!!
You were a fucking slave of your wife before you got married and you're still a fucking slave…. that's all you'll ever be!! You've accepted discrimination against yourself. So fuck you.

Have you fucks heard of "Go and make it work!"?
Completely absolving women of all responsibility is what allows this cancer to thrive. Let's say that I will give you the benefit of the doubt and the jews did continue guiding feminism, right? Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, and Edward Bernays (The guy responsible for starting the cigarettes to women), you would think that women would catch on to this and realize that this would harm them in the long run? They decided to continue on despite the warnings, so they reap what they sow.
It's the same bullshit all over. Next please.
Honestly, there should be a way to get easy surrogacy instead, it would solve alot more problems since men would know it's their child.
Any women like that would have to live in a society where family is prioritized over everything else, on top of reducing any view of communication outside. TV and internet is apparently full of sexual imagery nowadays.

Honestly, the easier way is to meme waifubots and artificial wombs. Scientists have managed to test out rats, combining their sperm with other cell types to give birth to children (25% success rate for completely healthy child, but its a large step!)

Only feminists court women. Men should beat women into submission… it's the only way…
God forbid that females and their sexuality should ever be free again!!