What are your thoughts on skinheads? Are they really as bad as the media says they are?
Are they going to make the West great again?
Lastly, why haven't you shaved your head yet? Even if you're not part of skinhead subculture, DO IT FAGGOT!
What are your thoughts on skinheads? Are they really as bad as the media says they are?
Are they going to make the West great again?
Lastly, why haven't you shaved your head yet? Even if you're not part of skinhead subculture, DO IT FAGGOT!
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I only know one skinhead and he's a degenerate. Tatoos, drugs, the whole ordeal.
Those kinds of people are worthless to us.
They never did anything right.
they might be good use for rwds and to fend off niggers
They're a worthless bunch of drug-addled degenerates who have latched onto nazism to be edgy
Degenerate faggots that are mostly lead by controlled opposition. An effective white man would dress well, and promote values outwardly. A man you want to be like. These faggots are just fodder for strawmanning, and media representation. They were the "alt right" before that new strawman technique was enacted. They should all be strung up for the degenerates they are.
Dumb as fuck and racist to the point that they don't realize they emulate nigger behavior
Some are, some are not. Depends on their 'group'. By example, Stolnygrad is a group of 'skinheads' (although I don't know if this is the right name for these kind of people). They do sports and are extremely against degeneracy. Same for Lions Versus and bands/groups like Gigi and Lunikoff
False. They're essentially niggers themselves. Low IQ, violent and prone to all kinds of degeneracy. It's plainly obvious they have issues. We need honest and upright, disciplined people who are normal and don't make clowns out of themselves. While violence is occassionally necessary I'd sooner put my trust in a normal looking guy who has his shit together than some juvenile fuck with SS tatooed all over his face.
the racism isn't the problem - it's how that racism is channeled.
OP is a faggot and skinheads are degenerate untermensch. It's going to take bonafide gentlemen to #MAGA.
they are good people
Soldiers without Generals.
The enemy, attempting to poison the minds of generals against viable soldiery.
40% of the White population is sub-IQ 100.
And the mob is a powerful tool.
The real patriot skinheads are, football loving hooligans who are being degenerate and shouting racial slurs without even knowing a small part of their history is not… btw a good way to identify a 'real good skinhead' from a hooligan is to look at 1) behavior and 2) wether they claim the holocaust did or did not happen, most real patriot skinheads know this, the hooligans who equal patriotism with supporting their national football club do not
Less than useless, their thoughtless and openly aggresive behaviour(quite similar to how niggers act) has done a lot of harm to the NATSOC-cause. White subhumans that are too dimwitted to realize that their german idols would declare them "untermensch" at first sight. I guess we could use them as grunts if we ever need the numbers but Im unsure if they are even intelligent enough to follow basic orders.
I don't particularly like skinheads, though most of the Nazis I've met in real life were degenerate one way or another. I've found more success converting normal people into National Socialists than talking to anyone who is NatSoc. Most of the time they have something severely wrong with them and lack any ability to communicate or function in normal society.
1. The first Skinheads were niggers in Jamaica. Fact.
2. They brought it to England when they first migrated in the 50's and 60's. White kids adopted it and mixed it with a lot of looks, namely preppy New England looks (Sta-pressed jeans and shit) It was mostly working class kids who wanted to dance to music.
3. The right wing movement co-opted this movement around the 60's and 70's and turned a lot of kids on to the idea of nationalism and fascism. This is the National Front.
They became known as Boneheads and Racist skins, where as the older skins became known as Traditional skins.
This has happened with other youth movements like Black Metal with NSBM. Ect. It's an effective way to red-pill kids.
Unfortunately, they don't grow the fuck up and act like adults and cling to the subculture which just makes themselves targets.
At any rate I know a lot of skins in America. I know one Black Skin who hates seeing white women with black men, and has FUCK ISIS on his facebook. He's a solid guy and pretty smart.
A lot of them aren't overtly racist, but will discuss it when they fill safe and most of them are patriotic and hard work.
There are also anti-racist skins called sharps that are total idiots.
Some are just dumb kids trying to latch on the fashion.
I fucked a few of the girls for fun, but it's all high school drama constantly and buying records like 15 year olds. It's a dead end in terms of culture imo. But I wouldn't discount them as a core of people.
If I ever got into trouble I know I could depend on them to back me up with knife and gun.
I've also discussed organizing self-defense and weapons training with them.
Personally. I'd much rather be a subversive Fascist and hide in plain sight. It's easier to communicate ideas I feel, but whatever.
For the music.. I like some of it. But It's not something I go to a lot. I find Tattoos and shaved heads pretty degenerate.
Also, I love my hair too much.
Useless idiots that bring shame to the reich's legacy.
Was one for years. loved it. kept the haircut.
but all in in all it probably did more damage to my reputation than I' expected.
Don't do it. The kikes instrumentalized it
it were great fucking times tough!
everyone: remember sacremento and what heimbach said?
Degenerate faggots, who generally haven't got a clue what the ideology they follow outwardly is all about. But they do make for great streetsweepers against the antifas. Basically, they have all the problems that SA had just amplified. Useful as thugs but they will have to be purged when no longer needed. Most will prob be made normal men easily enough, but plenty are irredeemable.
Do niggers make good soldiers? No. Neither do skinheads.
If anything skinheads and other such clowns are harmful to us. Dress normal, be normal - that is the true revolutionary act. The only thing skinheads accomplish is to alienate normal people who might've developed an interest in right wing ideology and are capable of thinking for themselves and breaking the conditioning. Merely seeing these degenerates jump around and scream like monkeys to shit music is enough for anyone to want to distance themselves from them. No sane person would willingly associate with skins.
The (((media))) would want nothing more than to have a nice boogeyman like the skinheads associated with us.
I've never met one. I assumed they weren't really a thing anymore.
Saged and reported.
This unfortunately describes about 30% of Holla Forums
Fun Fact: See Untermensch was about how the Slavs were being oppressed by Jewish communism. It wasn't derogatory.
Useful idiots. Degenerates. Nigger-tier whites.
We can use them to overcome our enemies, but they're useless beyond that point.
Careful not to make the same mistakes. That is a warning to the high ups. Don't take discord and throw it away. A multi-culti heeb army is NOT ok.
So Untermensch actually meant "person under the boot"?
We'll need them as shock troops. Hitler's SA wasn't exactly upper class.
Honestly, I'm loathe to have any disdain for our lower brethren. They may be sub-average, but they're still our kin.
Holy shit, your liberalism is showing, you middle class priss. You're not half as familiar with the movement you're trying to criticize as you pretend to be. You're signaling in ways that betray your thinking and values as decadent and liberal, and you're either not self-aware enough to notice, or you're a poser, dilletante of some kind of fake.
Basically, your line of thinking boils down to:
Aside from leftists, bourgie liberals and prissy alt-righters, nobody reacts like this. For those of you who take up the cry "degenerate" in reference to skinheads, you don't belong on the right because your values and sense of praxis are antithetical to your self-proclaimed principals.
If you have a shred of integrity in your heart, reflect on this. If not, dismiss my words and remain limited to places without consequence, like Holla Forums. You signal in identical ways to progressive materialist hipsters. How can you be this blind?
On track, but it's a little more complicated than that.
Skinhead subculture started in Jamaica and the British West Indies with sugarcane harvesters and dock workers forming a youth movement around Reggae music originally called the Rude Boys. The music gained traction and slowly became identified with Trojan Records, a label which specialized in Skinhead Reggae (Claudette & the Corporation, Symarip, The Charmers and more). The subculture was imported with immigrants from there to the UK in the '60s, reaching a fever pitch in what many nostalgic skinheads call the Spirit of '69. The Rude Boys, combined with the British Mod culture, forged the classic skinhead. Although predominantly white, the original skinheads were racially integrated with more than a fair showing of blacks in the group.
With the rising popularity of Punk Rock, skinhead subculture found a new identity as a working class group. White skinheads started identifying with Punk in greater numbers, with their Ska and Reggae roots gradually being displaced. Oi! as an identity was largely pushed by Garry Bushell and his magazine Sounds. In his own right, he was as influential to forging the "street punk" image as Malcolm McLaren was to marketing the Sex Pistols.
As this was happening, Pakistani immigrants started to become a much stronger presence in UK, and the skinheads, both black and white, came to deeply despise them. Despite their racial integration, casual racism was common among skinheads, even the black ones. Skinheads regularly antagonized Pakistanis in Britain (see Paki bashing), so the precedent was already set for White Nationalism to take over. Add some Punk Rock nihilism with the decimation of the working class under Neoconservatism's growing influence in two of the major Anglo powers and, presto, you've got the perfect storm.
In some instances, White Nationalism wasn't even necessary to exploit the racism. Skinhead organization The Anti-Paki League existed as far back as the late '70s and early '80s, years before National Front even looked at the Skinhead movement for recruitment.
How about you fucking tell me what they did ever right instead of your fucking sob story, you filthy degenerate low class sudra nigger.
Yeah, I'm sure hitler would be proud of skinheads who get swastikas tatooed on their forhead and fuck their sisters you fucking retard. There is nothing liberal about not liking complete fucking idiots
If you think, that a bald violent tattooed alcoholic is a role model Aryan man, you have to neck yourself.
If you think that being poor equals violent, uneducated and drunk, neck yourself.
If you think that misdirected violence is something an Aryan should be engaged in, neck yourself.
Hitler was homeless, yet he used his money to buy books and educate himself. He didn't brawl on the streets, he talked to people. He didn't drink or smoke, he tried to be an example.
The so called neo-nazis are a blight on National-Socialism and will either be absorbed and reeducated or will hang with the kikes.
i think d&c
tbh this
oh my god
Aaaaaand, there's goes the quints.
this. they reek of underageb& signalling
it's just a working class subculture that's taken on the banner of nazism. They don't represent natsoc, they're a subversion of the hooligan subculture that injected it with natsoc. If we infiltrate techno and turn it rightwing, it'd be the same - you'd still have the ecstasy and hedonism, but it'd be a vector of rightwing ideology, instead of the leftist tranny shit it is right now. Like we did with future fash - it's just an internet movement but if it had irl shows, it'd be degenerate too, just teens getting drunk and hooking up. Just next time we have to do it right, and not let our subversion get subverted.
It also did accomplish adding natsoc values onto the existing degeneracy: masculinity & patriotism. PR doesn't matter, skinheads don't make us look bad, they just scare the shit out of antifa. And yes, they'll be purged when the time is right.
those arent quints lad
those be sexts
Source: Your ass
It's a hair style like anything else. There will be the 1488ers that want to burn every bridge and lead humanity to ruin in the long run but at the same time there are ones that just want jewish subversion gone from their nation. Hell, there are even ones that just like the hair style itself and nothing more.