Brussels votes for ‘EU army’ to operate ‘where NATO is unwilling’
The EU army is just a conspiracy theory they said.
Brussels votes for ‘EU army’ to operate ‘where NATO is unwilling’
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EU Army to be ratified… saddling Britain with £420mn annual bill despite Brexit vote
The European Union hopes to ratify plans for a combined, continent-wide army on Tuesday night, which could lumber the UK with an annual bill worth hundreds of millions of pounds, despite Britain’s intention to leave the bloc.
EU politicians met in Brussels on Tuesday morning to thrash out details of the proposed force and will later vote on establishing an “EU-wide system for the coordination of rapid movement of defense forces personnel.”
The touted aim of the army is to fight where NATO will not go, if need be.
Britain could be forced to help fund the project because Article 50 – the clause which must be invoked to trigger an exit from the union – will not have been enacted by the time the project is ratified.
Many in Europe believe such a force is required to bolster the union after the British exit.
“At a time when public support for the EU is being called into question in some member states, defense and security is an area where the individual and collective benefits of more Europe can be easily demonstrated, especially regarding the likely challenges to EU’s standing as a strategic actor following Brexit,” the EU has said.
The initiative would also see the creation of a European defense minister, who would oversee the army’s foundation, and an almost immediate injection of £76 million (US$95 million) for “preparatory action on EU defense research.”
If the UK proves incapable of untangling itself from the plan it could be required to shell out up to £420 million per year.
Daily reminder.
of what?
that cuckchan loves to larp?
While I would love controlling a slave army made up of the other, lesser European states, we all know this only serves to further muddy national lines and identities and increase dependencies on the EU.
And we all know who would really be in charge.
If this is the attitude that they are taking, that the EU Army will be a force extension of NATO, then NATO must be immediately disbanded. NATO cannot be allowed to function as backup for any EU Army.
He's not larping.
Everything he said comes true.
post yfw you will live to see the EU die
EU is Soviet Union 2, were Soviet Union was made by bolsheviks using revolution, European Union is made by miensheviks, using salami strategy.
What does that mean?
Now that the US is no longer a player they have to take the controls in their hands.
It means that Trump is a bad goy and the kikes are assuming direct control.
dont make me laugh
they cant even control their fat ugly wives
if trump keeps his promises the EU is done for
Inside Europe, as an attack towards USA now that their great plan failed, harassing Russia to force a reaction - at which stage the NATO army (same guys, different banner) steps in to "defend NATO-countries" and other shit.
Middle east because why not.
It's right out of Rome's playbook in how Augustus handled Antony and Cleopatra.
It's really hard for him to keep his promises. Unless he goes full Hitler after inauguration, they will slowly entangle him with bureaucracy until he's immobilized.
It means that EU army (led by Germany) will "protect minorities" and "sustain democracy in EU.
Fuck off JTRIG
german army guys are predominantely conservative/patriotic but they also enjoy being military so its hard to tell if they would kill other europeans
You mean white genocide?
Ehem goy…
I'm just realistic. The whole government are Jews and Jew donor puppets. Trump only has a handful of dedicated people on his side. Although he will have executive orders, his power otherwise is pretty limited.
So unless he finds away to drain the swamp really quickly, it will suck him in. I just hope he has a plan for that. Kristallnacht would be a good plan tho.
Openly and offensive against "allies".
Like forcing Hungary to follow what the Brusseltwats "vote" for - we all know they put in people loyal to the highest paying bidder or blackmailed sobs.
It's basically to use NATO-forces against NATO-countries at EU's will.
I can't believe that the US and Russia are going to invade Germany again.
Fuck you, German kikes
Gotta get the army up and running before the British public figures out that it's been had on Brexit.
I've been checking around a bit, can't find anything about it other than on RT.
Got some more sources?
Gotta save them poor rapefugees
Just a blackout in the German media then.
I remember this being posted around the same time on infinity. Goes to show that people either didn't pay attention, or the so called "alt-right" thing has brought many newfags to the site. Either or, maby people will be more inclined to stay up to to date on this topic
These kikes have no idea that they're basically tying the noose round their necks.
Who the fuck will fight for "Europe"?
Every fuckwit and their mother knows that Russia is not a threat. Even the normies don't want this manufactured war.
And France and Germany have immensely unpopular governments. The fuck did these kikes think? That they'll be able to turn Europe into an empire in under 20 years? The HRE took 1000.
We can't have an economic union do we? For fucks sake I just want to buy cheap across the border and travel more easily. The kikes have to come in and start a war or two or else their microdicks can't get hard when Mohammad fucks their harpie wife at night.
Whole Eastern Europe will start show them the finger becouse this monster looks eerily as Soviet Union.
Even if the idea of an EU army was valid, this is just delusional.
PIIGS are fucked as ever but now you have France that is pretty much in trouble as well. Germany cannot feed them all nor defend them.
This is clearly brussels private army to mow down any potential uprising against the status quo. Let's just hope more countries exit
the only explanation I have is that the kikes are in panic and now want to speed everything up. This will not help them and make them only more unpopular. If brits find out they will have to pay for this crap they will be mad.
Bumping to combat the sliding.
By imposing this enormous spending, I think they're trying to
1) strip countries of their national defense because nobody is going to fund two armies that do largely the same thing (until it's too late), or
2) dismantle NATO and eliminate the military influence of the growing number of Euroskeptic countries, or
3) all of the above.
Alfred von Schlieffen did nothing wrong. Brussels should burn to the ground.
Go be a defeatist cuck somewhere else.
Everything he said was already known to be the goal before he said it.
Time for Frexit.
Does this make us the Jedi?
Daily reminder?
John Titor told us this would happen 15 fucking years ago did we listen?
I wonder if the army will be used for wars in the Middle East or against Russia or nationalistic groups in Europe. Or, maybe all of them.
Well, the poor disenfranchised commieforinans will need help from the ebul 1588 neo frogmen of the trump empire. Going by their retarded track record, I would put money down that if that initial report of the wall going through the middle of California to treat it as a DMZ then it would not be a stretch for the EU to try to create a foothold there to "save" the leftist cucks.
according to Titor it will be involved in an intervention war in Ukraine that kickstarts WW3
See goyim, the economy grows and EU is strong! Disregard the collapsing infrastructure and poverty!
Kikes trying to kike the kikes?
Hopefully this will wake the corbynite fags here in the uk wake up, most of those cucks are anti-military and will have to go through some impresive mental gymnastics to justify this authoritarianism.
True, this definitely can't be laughed off. There are more than enough excellent goyim in Europe to pool together to create a sizeable military force, which will 100% be deployed into ebil far-right fascist countries like Hungary to "ensure the safety of minority populations" or some other bullshit. This is very dangerous stuff.
Maybe they want to employ those million unemployed refugees to kill evil whitey.
What in the fuck? That was, and excuse my reddit vulgarity, LITERALLY what they were doing, guarding their borders.
I hate this situation because I want to see Europe remain in some kind of a union, maybe a confederation style, but the current EU leadership and bureaucracy is so pozzed. The EU has a lot of potential, but the current leaders are traitors. I'd like to see Europe remain united in a healthy way, considering Europeans ethnic groups are around 10% of the world population. They need to stick together.
The Ukraine is a beautiful place.
Tbh everyone involved with the EU on the administrative level needs to be killed fam. Get some Slavs to smuggle some funs in for you.
Sometimes I feel like the failed management of the EU is really just a way to get Europeans discouraged with the idea of a Europe cooperating with each other and destroying an ethnic European identity
It is, and Europeans are a beautiful people.
Gas yourself, Burger
As early as the 90s you have debates and documents about that they want to do it. Calling it a conspiracy makes you just look like a retard who dosn't know shit about politics…
Yall ready for some free HK shit when the EU and the EU peacekeepers try to start shit with the US? I know I am. Practically free guns.
Trips confirm that Putin gets a new gun range for Christmas!
The Greek city states who wanted to fight off the Persian invaders united together in a confederation style in the face of losing their sovereignty and culture. European states will have trouble fighting off this third world invasion alone, when their neighbors.
Population of Hungary - 10 Million
Population of Poland - 38 Million
Population of China - 1.35 Billion
Population of Africa - 1.26 Billion
Population of India - 1.25 Billion
Population of EU - 508 Million
Easy for 1 lion to get overwhelmed by 100 hyenas when he refuses to cooperate with other lions
Jew-Mongoloid motherfuckers are speeding things up!
As much as I like Meme posting and amphibious warfare most of Cali is bone dry desert and shrub. I'm going to miss Yosemite NP, that place is only going be remembered in old postcards and hazy memories after we're done burning everything to the ground.
I recognize that reaction image
so they have to pay to equip the military that's eventually going to annex them back into the EU?
Now that's what I call kikery
Is this the EU trying to commit suicide?
It's a corned beast thrashing about at this point. At most this is when things get the most dangerous. Stay safe Eurobros.
Looks like we frogmen gotta help the Princes take back Great Britain and torch Scotland to sterilize the poz that grows there. While we at, help them get the royal power they lost and meme it real.
There's no need to take out Yosemite, the coast is the containment area for the ones who opened the gates
Right now there Skittish as rats. and they might have some Weed Growing friends in that area. They won't break south but they sure as fuck will break north. I wouldn't worry too much. the next generation will marvel at the renewed splendor we wrought with their bodies.
I wonder about it sometimes. An army force to act when NATO won't. At what time will NATO not act, but the EU will? I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but this means without US involvement. What won't the US touch with NATO? What has the EU bitching about for awhile now?
Either they are itching to fight Russia without the US meddling or mobilize their military to help migrants flood their nations.
Then there is the Turkey question in NATO. Am I missing something?
Like say an axis around which can revolve all those European states with a will to collaboration and peace?
So this is why they are stalling on article 50.
With a will towards defense, preservation, and prosperity of European people and culture.
Daily reminder that faggot is a retard
This has been known since 2015.
Anyone who payed attention to the history of EU since it's inception said this would happen
Backup plan to Clinton.
They're ineffective as a threat, more likely to self-immolate than attack other countries let alone Europe.
And China's making it's own low-key incursions into Africa meaning in a scenario where war has broken out to that extent, China will absolutely take the chance to start making resource grabs in Africa. Which will result in at least some kind of dent being made in both their populations.
When you have millions of curries running to your country, should your first thought be, "Man, I wonder how their economy is doing?"
Heres the deal.
Russia hopes trump is easier to argue with so they can keep the parts of ukraine and maybe expand borders a little. This goes with some nice deals for american russian trade.
EU is afraid of this and thus wants its own army. It wont work tough bcs the whole fucken EU is so preoccupied sucking rapefugee dick they dont see the money and other issues. For example: germanys army is massively underfunded and understaffed. Sure, new tech is pouring in but at so low rates that its practicly useless in a defense situation. Morale is low.
Now combine this with 10 equally shitty armys. Now you have some number of guys who are going to be sent vs russia without US support. Suddenly russia got a chance to steamroll europe.
Its a mess but nothing new if you look at 1500 politics. Everyone fucks over their neighbors for some money and power.
And half of the EU doesn't want to be in the EU, it's being set up for failure.
Why is an EU army bad? not denying it is but I'm ignorant to their military capabilities.
What happens when Germany decides to create an army out of its millions of brand new "Syrian" "refugees" who coincidentally are 80% male and prime military age?
We revive Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar
That means going to war to save ukrainian kikes from Putin wrath.
You see the US is never going to war with Russia, even less now, because there is no version of reality where an US president risk getting his country nuked for European peasants… (FFS that's the entire reason why France and UK started their own nuke programs!
And someone has to stop Russia being a bad goy, and that last generation of white people isn't gonna kill itself.
So we need an European army, to crush any nationalist gov inside the EU and fight Russia.
EU would get surgically steamrolled in 3 days tops.
They will cleanse the white europeans then to fight evil nationalists.
If only. The russian military would probably get stuck in a stalemate if it takes offensive action
Regardless of actual capabilities, it's an issue of the people IN said army.
The french arent likely to pacify their own country in the case of a revolt, but the italian / german / british / spanish wouldnt care as much.
Because the soldiers are going to be non-white mercs so that's a big worry. EU army is not here to protect Europe but to oppress them.
this aint true there are no shitskins and barely any negroids or asians in any European army
but consider it like this
they'd use soldiers from Romania and Serbia to patrol the streets of Paris and soldiers from Denmark to patrol the streets of Rome
since most soldiers in Europe are slightly nationalistic at best and dont grow up in upper middle class mixed race families learning 3 languages from birth
it'd be easy once you've perfected the art of information control to use one former nations soldiers to oppress another former nations people when the soldiers dont understand the language of the populations they're putting the boot down on
You're close. It will be Europeans in Middle East and Africa, Africans and kebab in Europe and America, Americans in Russia and Asia, Asians in Russia and South America etc.
Europeans, whether they are British, American, German, Australian, will not fight each other. But a bunch of niggers from the UN will be more than happy to crack down on evil whitey.
that comes later when the USEU eventually merges with the UN
they're still a while off using Rwandan and Pakistani armed forces in 'joint training exercises'
They didn't even dare attack Chechnya this time around, they fucking bribed them instead
This is because the regular Russians didn't want another silly domestic war in their motherland.
Nobody on the Planet as of right now, can afford both in means of money and political power to raise an army worth a damn to wage a legitimate war (except proxy wars in Middle East of course).
because building greater israel is a great excuse to overinflate the defence budget
Did you just wake up from a coma? Way more likely US/Russia with Cali succeding with UN and EU help.
This isn't anything new.
Kikes operating above and beyond the law, murdering white Europeans to further their agendas happened on the verge of the 21st century in Europe not so long ago.
Expect the same from this (((EU))) army.
lad its the United States of the European Union
get with the abbreviations fam nice satan trips btw
It's not a meme. Realistically Russia can steamroll whole NATO, including US. Stratfor showed Russia winning the conflict in 8 simulations out of 10.
And that's not even taking in account the societal divide and dissent and low morale in the West.
What really would happen, is NATO countries collapsing during the first week of war, due to internal issues.
Ivan, current year Russia is lucky if it even gets to the Weichsel (aka Vistula for you pollacks)
What's gonna stop them? The refugee hordes? Or an army of cuckolds?
Fuck off, cuck.
There is no need for a "union". It is merely called "being an ally of another nation".
During WW2, were the US, UK, and Russia some confederation, or were they just allied nations fighting a false flagged and gravely mistaken war against Germany, Italy, and Japan who were also not some (((confederation)))?
You clearly have no idea what a confederation is and only tie it to the Confederate States of the US
And nice buzzwords and virtue signalling, you cumguzzler
user, who do you think will be these soldiers free of politics and beholden only to their masters? At least their employment rate will rise.
Just like in my vidya!
Kikes doing exactly what kikes want.
Which means: dismantle your national army and just pay for our (((globalized))) force.
Dammit, forgot the sage. This thread needs to be in the first page.