They're going to use democratic governors, district judges, and other under-the-radar governeering to defund and make life hard for any contractor who helps build the wall to find any work.
How Dems are going to Attempt To Block the Wall
poor shilling
You think Trump can't bring people in out of state OR even just defund their cities for assisting illegal immigrants?
Let those faggots try.
Republicans have a majority in the house and senate. As long as the cucks don't cuck too hard, the Dems won't be able to stump the Trump.
You don't think Trump planned for this?
The Republicans have governors for 3/4 border states, Cuckfornia is the only one with a democrat.
The border is strictly the realm of the U.S federal government, any meddling in federal projects is going to get shit on in court.
He can't stop them from Dems blacklisting contractors getting funding or giving them a hard time in legal proceedings.
Probably true, but they can put a shitload of red tape in his way thanks to all the lower court judges Obama appointed to make it hard for him.
Thats my point, they can put years of legislation in front of Trump/
I call upon the mods to reveal the post history of the OP of this thread.
This is the third politico-based nonsense-story thread today alone.
These are coming from the same person, and I call upon the mods to reveal such.
I'm just saying don't expect the Dems to go quietly even with a small minority. They founded the practicing of From-The-Bench legislation.
The law already exists to create the border wall. Any higher circuit court is going to quickly throw out a case if they dare try that.
With a republican house, and republican senate? Also 3/4 republican governors willing to work on it?
They have no power.
And here, nor do you.
I'm saying they'll try to delay it in lower courts
I didn't mean legislation, I meant arbitration.
he can make blacklisting federal contractors illegal
OP has a point that the kikes and commies will try to stump Trump, but he's edging onto concern trolling territory. Not to mention Jan 20, everything changes.
That's illegal already.
If they don't get rid of tens upon tens of millions of non-Whites, they'll just knock the fucking wall down in a decade anyway.
Already illegal, but impossible to prove more or less
Ok, real question. What about them animals? Wouldn't wildlife be affected in a bad way? There are lots of animals migrating through these parts, and not all of them are mexicans you know.
Animals would just cross at regular border crossings, they adapt.
Why are Mexicans going to be allowed to enter at all? I'd imagine the overwhelming majority of illegals are coming through regular border crossings.
Nah, about %40 come by visa overstays, another %40-%45 come by classic border jump, the rest come on "vacation" and just stay or come by boat.
Yeah, good luck with stopping the wall, you cucks.
Are you retarded? We can't preempt things by sticking our head in the sand.
why are you guys sperging out? he has a good point.
Because they're falling into that trap of once you win you can't criticize the win at all
He's right but for the wrong reasons. The states aren't going to be fighting this on an individual level. Trump can always threaten to cut federal funding, which would ruin just about anywhere. It's going to be fought in the house of representatives who are responsible for determining where the money goes. A lot of republicans never wanted a literal wall, and democrats definitely don't. It's going to be a huge battle in the "less important" house of congress, and no one will report on it whatsoever.
You mean litigation, not legislation. And Trump will just shamelessly pack the court, because why the fuck wouldn't he?
Who gives a shit? Seriously.
Even if they try to punish contractor that work on building the wall it won't matter. They'll just choose some contractors to come in from some red state to build the wall. The only state that this would matter in that has a border with Mexico is California. It's the only blue state. So if contractors in California get scared of from making bids on that section of the wall due to pressure from that state the feds under Trump can easily find out of state contractors for the Californian section. Easy Peezy lemon squeezy.
Obviously, I do. Do we really need more extinction? Media would be furious, and these animals are a part of an ecosystem. You fuck that up, and who knows what would happen.
There aren't any reports from ancient china about their wall fucking up the ecosystem that I'm aware of.
What kind of ecological impact are you imagining it would have?
Well I don't know if China's wall is on the migration path or not. The thing is, there are turtles coming in and out, and if they would have to maneuver around the wall - that is where all the predators would be waiting for them. You are also separating road runners from each other, and many other animals, so there is less chances for them to mate.
It's ok Jeb, we can relocate the turtles.
As for the other species, they might diverge into two distinct groups, but that doesn't really sound like an extinction level event.
I don’t give a shit what happens to some coyotes. We need to kill all the mexicans, and if some dogs get killed because of it, no one cares.
You're going to let hoards of mexicans come into this country so that Mexicans can too? Are you fucking high?
On second thought you're not high. You're just Jeb. Sorry for picking on you buddy, I know autism must be hard to live with.
Trump's more than capable of playing hardball. He's not just going to throw up his hands like oboingo if someone tells him no.
kek, more than two thirds of governors are republican.
Why even build a wall? More mexicans are returning to Mexico than they are coming to the US.
Also, Trump's cronies said that his "wall" was a metaphor.
Really? Because their numbers keep increasing. Consuela has 6 anchor babies, at 16 all of those kids have their own gaggle of shitspawn. You can have a few thousand beaners going back to Mexico when all the low-wage jobs get flooded, but that doesn't account for the generations of beaner enclaves that grow significantly larger every year.
Look, there are people who live in the US and have literally seen their cities and neighborhoods become mexican squatholes and barrios. This was not an issue a few decades ago. You can nag about "but some of dem are going backkk ):::", it doesn't change anything. They all have to go.