Net Neutrality

Is this something to be concerned about? As far as I knew it only deals with charging certain companies more if they use more bandwidth, like Netflix. Does it affect privacy or the rest of the internet in any way?

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are you aware that what they call "net neutrality" is the same shit they tried to get passed years ago and everyone on the internet railed against it?
they just waited a while and slipped it through when the slacktivists were paying attention to something else.

I'm sure it's all just some frog-magic 4d chess that will manifest on the last day of his 2nd term. - Holla Forums

sorry, I wasn't clear. "Net neutrality" is SOPA/PIPA with the serial numbers filed off. It doesn't really have anything much to do with prioritizing bandwidth costs even though that's how it's marketed.

Net neutrality is for commies and kikes. You want your internet regulated? You want to give more control of your best method of communicating with the whole world to the same people who like to censor and ban things they find objectionable? They just keep inching through that door once they get their foot in.

Then why are you saging if its that important?

Step it up, user. Don't be so scared ya fucking wuss.
No one with a brain supports Net Neutrality.

I have a boss vpn, a gigabit fiber connection, and I know how to use tor.

I don't give a shit about reddit normies. I am prepared to keep shitposting no matter what

Spot the shill. Enjoy ban.

Kill your self.

>net neutrality = more regulation
Just don't call it a "STATE"


here, have an argument

The only argument that can penetrate your commie brain is a bullet.

net neutrality is about tracking all internet traffic and banning "bad sources" like this website. since you on this site i assume net neutrality is a bad deal for you.

Net neutrality has never been a thing. NEVER. I don't know where the idea even came from. It's pretty damn easy to notice that shit like Netflix has by far the highest priority on the network.

In the United States, internet is a utility like electricity or water. The FCC did this to ensure that no content is blocked and that the Internet is not divided into pay-to-play fast lanes for Internet and media companies that can afford it and slow lanes for everyone else.

Ending net neutrality will hurt all of us. Sites like Holla Forums could vanish altogether. Not from censorship, but from pricing it out of business.

Net neutrality a shit. Bring it up on Holla Forums and at this point they won't even bother debating it and will just tell you to fuck off for being a shitty troll.




Wow it's fucking nothing. Kikes projecting again. And like other anons have pointed out, what the media calls (((net neutrality))) is nothing like true net neutrality, just like they call a borders-less country an actual country.


End your obvious suffering. Reported for low energy slide thread.

Do you really think you're immune from this kikery?
This is the future you chose:
Sorry sir your unlimited

"Net neutrality" is a scam.

What a coincidence.
Tie this up with not locking up clinton and this paints a GRIM picture of the reality of Trump.
Another fucking stupid kike.

Can anyone explain to me why classifying ISPs as neutral carriers, separating the vertical integration of content provider from transport provider, is a bad thing?

I don't see at all how Title II classification leads to watchlists, government spying, etc. Those things are all happening anyway and totally unrelated to neutral transport.

So burgers may have to pay extra money for torrents and pornz.
It could also royally fuck up ecommerce, web-based businesses and anything related.
It will definitely give more power to jewgle, facebook, amazon etc.

I wrote a whole paper up on Net Neutrality back in college, and none of you fags know what you're talking about.

Unless things have changed since 4 years ago, Net Neutrality means treating all data packets the same from all websites.

Removing Net Neutrality means that websites like Netflix have to pay a premium to internet service providers because their websites take up more bandwidth, causing them to charge (YOU) even more for their services. This type of thing could also be used to strangle small websites like 8ch out of business, and make your internet even slower and more shit than ever.

Removing Net Neutrality essentially turns the internet into Cable Television, where you cant do anything independently because you cant afford to.

Here's a Documentary from 10 years ago.

For the only reason anyone should ever sage: I didn't think my post was worthy of bumping the thread.

Your own pic related.

Fuck you m8

There's pros and cons.
But mainly cons.
It monopolizes the internet to big broadband/fibre players.
Meaning it will be easier for a government to organize internet monitoring.

That's because Holla Forums is a shill haven.
They don't even use IDs because hurrrrr you can just use a vpn anyways

Some of the smartest techies are complete morons when it comes to anything common sense related.
