Woman faces amputation while Obama is cutting off the artic ocean from drilling to spite trump


Law enforcement claimed the water cannons were not being used against the water protectors, but livestream video from the area showed that to be a lie, despite several mainstream media networks using Morton County Sheriff’s Department’s narrative.
Along with the water cannons, a large amount of tear gas was used on the crowd, along with rubber bullets and concussion grenades. The total count of people injured was reportedly almost 200. One man was hit in the head with a non-lethal round that split his head open. At least a dozen people had to go to the hospital.
One woman in specific may have had her life changed forever. Sophia Wilanski may lose her arm after she was struck by what is thought to be a concussion grenade. The graphic images were posted to Facebook showing the severity of the woman’s wound. The images show that Wilanski’s arm has significant damage from the projectile that hit her. In the last image, you can clearly see the woman’s bone.

Wilanski is reportedly at a hospital in Minneapolis. It has not been confirmed that she will have to face amputation, but for the time being, it is a real possibility.
Human rights have been a concern for all those standing against the Dakota Access, but last night those concerns were pushed to a new level. Not only were the officers carelessly firing non-lethal weapons into a large crowd, they were spraying that crowd down with water in 23-degree weather. Medics in the area were doing everything they could to prevent hypothermia from setting in.
To add insult to injury, law enforcement took the main thing these people are fighting for and turned it into a weapon to use against them. To think that water protectors were attacked with water in the freezing cold shows just how heartless the law enforcement in the area really is.
On Sunday afternoon, peaceful water protectors went to Blackwater Bridge to remove two burnt vehicles off of the bridge. The vehicles have been used as a barricade by law enforcement for weeks. It was a peaceful gesture that was met with sever oppression and violence from law enforcement.

Other urls found in this thread:


Am I supposed to care what happens to a non-white?

If rubber bullets, tear gas, and concussion grenades were used, it must've been an unlawful assembly and they were probably warned to fucking leave. It's her fault for being a retard and sticking around. Maybe these communists will learn how to participate in the government process without protesting and rioting at night.
That confirmation bias though.

Moral of the story, don't stick around in an unlawful assembly, fucking criminal scum.

Bump for you, shirts getting real


We choose to stand out in freezing weather all the while being told to leave, and then got hurt.

Niggers nigging and I'm supposed to be shocked? If they didn't want to get btfo by law enforcement maybe they should have stayed home and drank malt liquor instead of going full chimp mode.

Since you started acting like communists

So a bunch of injuns protesting for the environment get non-lethal'd nearly to death, but actuall communist agitators rioting in the city streets get free run of the place.

Totally legit.

Yes, when?

That would be when you retards allowed a nigger to hold the highest office TWICE IN A ROW AND DID NOTHING ABOUT IT

I don't know why I find this so hilarious.

Thats fake as shit, look at that bone, its way to dirty to be an actual human bone.

Human bones are actually white as fuck, second look how thin the thing is, it looks like a fucking chicken bone. Thrid look at the lack of blood around the area. If you look ath the other picture, there is cotten from her jacket from were teh wound is, thats still fucking white, a wound like that would have gushed all over the place, and would have coaked his jacket in blood.

Its bullshit pandering, infact all the stories about this went up at the same fucking time her go fund me page went up. Its lib shits trying to get more money for free.

Whoa it's almost like being defenseless is a bad idea

I wish LE would use these methods on people actually causing damage rather than on nonviolent enviros.

I'd say about 3 years ago.

Wait til u see the wall protesters and how decisively they are dealt with

But the elected leader of the executive branch couldn't possibly have any effect at all on how the executive branch (law enforcement) works.


I've heard that the entire thing is bullshit from the start.. as in, these people aren't even locals, native americans, or in any way affiliated with the tribe. They are just over-eager protesters who want to fight something so they heard "oil" and "sacred land" and rushed off to pick a fight.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the indians on the land already agree to this pipeline shit anyways?

I'm thinking - "what did those protestors do to deserve that"
Then I remember the violence of the other protests. And the police deaths.

What the flying fuck?
What's happening to the supply?
Did the protestors try to sabotage or stop the supply??


Careful. You should never be that trustful of government authorities.

This nigga serious?
I think that looks pretty legit. And considering the vital resource involved, water, things can get this hairy.

They'll find a way to blame Trump for this, even though he hasn't taken office yet.

But will they stop complaining after they get power back?
No, they'll go back to gun control.

Fucking retarded.

Theres some good goys on my kikebook who are constantly sharing this dapl stuff. They're planning on protesting even though they live in different states. I was iffy on it until all those news came out in support. That's a dead giveaway that the protest is bullshit.

Good. That's half-assed tho, should've shot live rounds at the crowd.

Gun control is wholly predicated on the idea of using force to enforce it. Who will be using that forced? Armed agents. Same people who would be defending the people putting these policies into effect.

It's their typical "It's okay when WE do it" mentality.

Pretty much every protest is bullshit, these days. This one might have ties to the cult of green energy, but it's pretty much guaranteed that these people have no horse in this race. Just like all the anti-Trump protesters who didn't vote, and all the white people at the BLM rallies, and all the foreigners saying they will stop fascism in the USA.

you do understand that a protest with our views (even the rather cucked ones) would have much worse consequences for the participants ?
as funny as it is to watch subhumans being fucked by ZOG it's just fluffy rehearsals for what is to come when the white man begins to free himself from his shackles

That looks nothing like an arm, unless the bitch is 500 pounds.

Holla Forums isn't pro-cop, until cops become pro-white.

As long as they are killing niggers, they are ok in my book.

In an rt article it explained how a few days before 2 trucks were set on fire by "non-violent" protestors and they were attempting to remove another truck from the bridge when the police decided to use non-lethal force

I really wish this "peacful, non-violent, dindu-nufin" or the better "mostly peacful" descriptors would stop.

I don't know much about this whole thing, just what I've heard about Natives protesting the permanent polution of the Missouri or Mississippi or something.

Is there any reason why we shouldn't take their side on this? I'm not advocating, just legitimately asking. I mean, I don't want a bunch of toxic shit permanenty in a water source either. Especially not in the name of more fossil fuels

we should have just taken the oil, folks

They are killing proportionally more Whites, pinko.

When we do it, we won't be standing in tightly packd groups holding signs.

When we do it, we'll be spaced out holding rifles. Their current tactics would have to be ammended substantially

Remember to not use misdirecting vocabulary to hide the truth, those are rubber coated slugs.

She deserves death. Non whites out!

Nah, they don't Because whites don't break the law, and when they do they don't chimp out at the cops.

Wound widens the area of the arm affected. The perspective also distorts things, making it harder for autists like you to make out what is actually on the picture; an arm that is damaged beyond repair.

It's federal land outside of their reservation. Plus, they lost all claims to this land in the 1860's.

Total bullshit for anyone to even take them seriously. Send in the 7th Calvary and let the military pacify them.

HAHAHAHHAHA mein sides. MN reporting in. She's probably at HCMC (Hennepin County Medical Center) aka Little Mogadishu's clinic.

Federal land or not, is there any reason that anyone shouldn't be protesting the pipeline?

What I mean is, are these protests what they appear to be or is there some hidden agenda? Do you have a reason to actually be against it or are you just a block headed moron who wants to see random people killed? Again, just asking

kinda funny. right now cops are just decoration.makebelieve for those who still don't understand what is to come.
if we cleaned our countries up they would just be as useless (although no enemy) as they are now cause crime rates would be plummeting towards single digits.

Yes. They hate Indo-Eurpean culture and technology. They want us to go extinct rather than expand relentlessly. This is why we leave them here on Earth when we ascend to the stars.

All mentions in the article were "rubber bullets" you communist faggot.

It's not their land.

OK, I get that brown people hate us, but about the pipeline and the water quality…

So you are arguing for the interest of the federal government? Do they get to pollute an entire river because it is "their land?"

I'm just asking because I don't see a reason why the feds are in the right here.

Requesting video of "peaceful" protester trying to shoot cops with her .38 as she is being arrested.

considering it is an oil pipeline with the marvelous safety record they have that will run under a river that is used for drinking water downstream.
the 1st proposed route for this pipeline was over-ruled because it endangered water supplies too.

It's a pipeline, not a toxic dumping ground.


t. everyone in Bismarck/Mandan

Unless, you know, there was a quarter sized leak in it. I just don't get why you guys seem overwhelmingly for it. I mean, I get that environmentalism attracts a lot of leftys, but you don't have to be a liberal to want to protect the environment (or in the case of a major water supply, national infrastructure as well.)

It just seems like an objectively bad idea to run an oil pipeline anywhere near a water source to me.


She's not black, edgelord. I don't know what she is, but even if she was black, no one deserves what happened to her.

Well, no one outside the Clinton Foundation, anyway.

Have you ever looked at a map of the United States? Are you aware that this country is bisected by the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers?

Do you know that the oil is being transported over the Missouri right now in rail cars?

Welcome to Holla Forums, now get out nigger

Yes, I am aware of that. No one consulted me about creating a dependence on fossil fuels. Yes I realize oil is a necessity. No, I do not like the idea of risking a human water source and natural wildlife habitat unnecessarily.

What I was originally asking in this thread was if there is any evidence that these protestors are leftists with a hidden agenda or just environmental protestors.

If it was 'beyond repair' it would have already been amputated, not 'amputation possibly being considered'.

Shitty fake thread you've made here. Kill yourself faggot.

Oh, they're the latter. They're not smart enough to have an agenda other than show up, cry, break shit, and wonder why nobody likes them. Dave Archambault was the one with the agenda, but his agenda got fucked over when he imported these idiots.

I don't think amputation was the point of the thread, Dr. user. Way to waste some doubles

This. If you have to amputate, the decision is made within first treatment to stop infections and unnecessary harm.
t. Soldier B med.


just in 2016

try to find equivalent water pollution caused by rail transport

They should have used real bullets, then there would not have been anyone left to complain. Liberal scum.

Then why are we all so happy that they got reckt by cops? I could understand that sort of bloodlust for the commie filth "protesting" in the cities, but it seems overly violent for a bunch of enviro hippies. I mean goddamn, I didn't think Holla Forums was so anti-environment

Dickbreath, you randomly call fellow anons niggers. You don't do it when referring to the subject of an item or it causes confusion.

Welcome yourself.

Pol is one person.

It should have been obvious to anyone with an average IQ that due to the context of my post, I meant several anons ITT. I'm sorry I didn't spell that out for you fuckface, but I tend to address my ideas to people with enough intelligence to understand the point I mean to get across.

You fucking biased kike. You should try looking harder next time.

http:// www.riverkeeper.org/campaigns/river-ecology/crude-oil-transport/crude-oil-transportation-a-timeline-of-failure/

Isn't the oil becoming shit?

Sounds about right. Like a burglar complaining about getting shot when he breaks into someone else's home.

You obviously don't belong here

Just i 2016

Well, we are going to need it when president Trump severs our ties with and sanctions the terrorist states of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

No nigger, it is you who is in the wrong place. Mabe you share more in common with ignorant leftists than you think.

You know we have IDs here, right?

How much does USA have oil?

Would an oil (organic matter) pipeline built through a window area ("sacred/cursed" land) create an artificial leyline?
I'm actually quite curious now. Build the wall, build the pipeline, let's fucking study it.

So much that oil companies are going bankrupt because of the low prices, but they just file, reorganize their debt, and keep extracting. Peak oil is total bullshit, because in the thousand years it will take us to get there, we will move on to space based energy resources.

Enough that peak oil no longer matters, but we can never let Texas leave.

~21 billion barrels known and easily accessible (as in not a violation of the law/wildlife reserves) and about ten times that in total.

She wouldn't be suffering if they just used real ones.
If I had a goybook I'd be commenting all over their page telling them to demand LE use 'live-rounds' next time. Get the idiots to think 'live' means you're more likely to live after being shot with one. See how many jump on board that bandwagon.

If USA have enough oils then why did they need to import the oil from Saudi Arabia?

Forgot this.

They just found 20 billion barrels in Texas about a week ago. Are your numbers accounting for that?

Makes sense to me.

Water? You mean that shit we can literally make from scratch? Or that shit we can extract and purify using ancient technology like fractional distillation and reverse osmosis? That water?

Yeah go fuck yourself. White people can literally make potable water. We literally don't care if some oil spills on the ground if it helps us ascend to the stars (hint: it helps us).


No, the numbers I looked up are 3 years old.

Probably some shill hired by Warren Buffet to protect his interests in BNSF railroad.

But they keep Saudi Arabia rich and I don't like it.

It is shitty at the moment but the bright side is that it is unsustainable. Sooner or later they will run out of oil or the paper they traded it for will become worthless (or both). Then the true lulz will begin.

This is like the injuns selling manhatten for a handful of beads. The classic american ruse.



Or ya know, we could just stop allowing (((companies))) to engage in shoddy operations without a care for the environmental damage. No one's getting to space without that sort of oversight to hold technology to the standards of our race.


Which of those water "creation" methods can do it on a scale so massive as to replace those resevoirs? Why hasn't it been done yet?

As always, the concern with is not about who it happens to but who does it.

European bone is actually more yellowish than white. I'm not sure what the reasoning is, but nig-bone is closer to the pure-white you're thinking of. You can see it in the melanin-enriched people who don't immediately start fucking their teeth up with drugs and cigarettes.

As for bone thickness, it's hard to judge, but the radius and ulna are both rather thin bones.

Finally, the lack of blood is something that happens with wounds caused by massive trauma such as an explosive. The blood vessels constrict during shock, preventing further loss of blood.

Source: IEDs in the Middle East.

That said, I have suspicions about the nature of the images. The angle implies that the victim is taking a picture of a gaping wound with shattered bone poking out. Further, the layer of fat doesn't look right, but I might be wrong because the only thing I have to compare against were soldiers and not soft-bodied mid-thirties women. The other pictures show her sitting in the passenger seat of some car, instead of inside an ambulance.

And to say that this was caused by a concussion grenade would imply that she leapt atop it because she's unfamiliar with all the stories of kids grabbing M-80's on the Fourth of July and spending the rest of their lives counting to base five.

I always suspected that the Saudis were astroturfing these protests in order to keep our domestic production down. No proof, of course.

As for what we should do, we should stay out of it. Even if you care about our environmental health like I do at this point it's become clear that the pipeline is getting built no matter what. Remember that protests don't actually accomplish anything unless they have implicit support from the authorities. So my plan is to sit back and watch the commies get fucked.

Okay, why are they so dependent on the oil? They would have diversify the economy to prevent the future economical collapse.



Because it is easy and they don't seem to have any plans for the future. The saudis spend their money nigger style, on gibs (citizens get a stipend) and bling.

As far as I can tell oil is 94~98% of their exports (depending on year) and even that is mostly mined by foreign contractors.


I have no pity for them when that happen. Are they aware what is going to happen in the future?

Do you realize all realize how rich native indians are, how much money they are literally given by the government per month and how much money they make from their casinos. Its obscene.

My theory on this whole deal is that the tribal leaders made an agreement with the pipeline company and pocketed a bunch of money, and the tribesmen just want their cut. Add in a bunch of helicopter communists who want to fight the man and this situation is what ends up happening.


Thanks Obama.

The royals would have to be aware, unless they are even dumber and more short sighted than they appear to be. If they are planning for the future it is being done quietly and they are only concerned with their own survival and base of power. The average saudi has no marketable skills and has never held a job.


No one gives a duck about your injun shit.



Or we could allow white people to do real science again and leave this fucking planet on which we are both the minority and apex species.

All of our methods work fine. Including desalinization (which can be done without using fossil fuel).

You know why you saging faggot Jew. We Indo-Europeans are being kept in a perpetual state of distraction by you using your pet golems to guilt-freeze us. We can tell fighting back is working by all the active chimpouts, D&C'ing, and saging kike shills like yourself.


Way too costly when the option of not polluting the water in the first place has no drawbacks.

give me a break, user. It's hard being a jewish shill. It wouldn't be so difficult if i could hide better but since, you know, only us jewish shills give a shit about the American environment, for whatever reason, it's hard not to out myself. But I have to, because as a jew, of course I care about goodness and wholesome things like natural habitat and clean drinking water for future generations of white Americans, you worthless nigger tier fuckwit.

Man, sure is a hard life being a jew who spends all his time on a radical right wing imageboard shilling for the fucking environment.

Yeah you believe that because you're fucking retarded. There's no such thing as an oil pipeline that doesn't run near a water source, and to locate it far away from any water would be an objectively bad idea, as people live near fucking water sources. I hate envirotards - don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Kill yourself.


Protestors are fucking morons.

If she was struck by a "concussion grenade" she would be dead.
Fucking learn, concussion grenades are not flashbangs or crowd control devices, they are full-powered grenades meant for close quarters combat.

Cops are not your friend.
Cops don't care about your skin color.
Cops understand only 3 classes of person.
Other cops.
"bad guys" (suspects).
"Civilians" (non-cops who aren't suspects)(cops are also civilians but like to think otherwise.)

Out of these groups, they only care about other cops. If you haven't had cop problems it's because you weren't a suspect.
Guess what happens when you oppose the government and start breaking the government's rules?
You can also become a suspect just because you don't fit into the cop's template of what a "civilian" looks like.
Hair too long.
Wearing sunglasses.
Bigger than him (causes an ego hit which needs to be corrected.)
Male (if the cop is a feminist/dyke) and so on.
tl;dr cops are no friends of ours, they are less tolerant with niggers because niggers still have group-loyalty and will fight back.

Because Saudi oil is light sweet crude oil, which requires a minimal amount of refining to be made into gasoline. Most U.S. oil is shale oil, which is lower quality oil that's more suitable for asphalt than making gasoline. It needs a lot of refining in order to make gasoline, which costs more money. In addition, the U.S. has environmental protesters adding red tape to everything, making it more expensive. On top of that, U.S. oil workers are among the highest paid in the world, whereas the Saudis just buy up slaves to work in their oil fields and throw them away when they're used up.

When Saudi prices are high, it becomes more lucrative to extract and refine U.S. oil, and the business comes to life. When Saudi prices are low, like they are now, the U.S. oil industry gets mothballed for a while until prices go back up.

Spot the liberal/nigger

Nothing wrong with being an authoritarian, user.
The concept of a strong police force is a good thing, but the current state of the police only exists to serve the ZOG.
If cops were more interested in removing shitskins and communists and weren't interested in taking whitey's guns because some CIA/MK patsy fucked up an elementary school they'd be fine with me.
Libshits always out themselves. Cops are shit but not for those reasons you fucking sperg, I bet you'd be the biggest bootlicker on the planet if the police weren't trying to "jack your weed"

Obama did that when he did this.


Obama Halts Arctic Oil Leases and Undoing It Won't Be Simple for Trump

By writing a five-year plan with no leases for oil drilling in the Alaskan Arctic, President Obama—and market forces—provide roadblocks for Trump to change.




Here's Why Obama Is Approving Arctic Drilling Again

For a leader who has made fighting climate change a priority, President Barack Obama's decision to approve Royal Dutch Shell's return to oil and gas exploration off Alaska was seen by many environmentalists as a contradiction.


Obama's approval of Arctic drilling 'undermines his climate message'

US president’s call for action on climate change is at odds with letting Shell drill for oil in the Arctic, says Bill McKibben


The natives don't even total a million or even half a million or even a few tens of thousands if blood purity is counted. They are an irrelevant endangered species not even the media cares about because they're a real minority and real minorities cannot provide ratings. Only majority "minorities" like niggers do which is why the media shills for them constantly and of course kikes because they own the media. So instead of protesting the ebil white man, the featherniggers need to protest kikes. Everything is their fault so stop bothering white people you damn redskins.

I hope Trump lays some pipe on these cucks.


They got what they deserved.

Once and done operation that runs off renewable energy sources. We have plenty of water if you consider most of it is literally wasted feeding crops for you kike niggers in Commiefornia.

We literally don't have a potable water problem just like we literally don't have a global warming problem, Rabbi.

I don't give a shit how bad we Indo-Europeans fuck up your dirt, Moshe. We're moving to space and you can stay here with your niggers and other assorted variety of pet shitskins.


Global warming is the hoax used to hide the very real problems of pollution such as ocean acidification. There is no reason to run an operation that damages the environment if you aren't a kike or shitskin.

As soon as you filled it with third work people.

Ocean acidification is part of the carbon cycle you fucking retarded corner-of-the-mouth speaking kike.

How much damage did we do running Saturn Vs and the Space Shuttle? Answer: unarguably less damage than we benefited from those programs. Listen, Shlomo, we totally fucking get you don't want us Indo-Eurpeans to leave Earth. We get that you want to trap us here in your Hell, destroy our lineage through miscengination, and enslave us under your hook-nosed tyranny.

When we ascend to the stars.

trips of truth
praise be to Kek

Almost all the in injuns are in fact Mexicans in this.

This is somehow Trump's fault and not Obama's eventhough he is still calling the shots. And all these idiots who facebook protest will not see the difference in treatment of these idiots and the idiots tearing up cities. They will not look at the facts that the pipeline doesn't cross the injun land or that the injuns had plenty of time to dispute the design and even that the injuns had the company redesign hundreds of times to suit them. Nope they are noble "water protectors" and they are getting BTFO by water hoses. I hope they used the same water source that these idiots are protecting to spray them.

(checked for truth)


Good goy

Ah, proving yourself to be an illiterate shitskin once more.

Fortunately, faggot, rail vs pipeline has already been studied extensively and your incidents list doesn't really mean anything because pipelines carry a much greater volume of oil, much longer distances safely compared to rail.

Pipeline: 0.049 occurrences per thousand barrels.
Rail: 0.227 occurrences per thousand barrels.

Pipelines are much safer.

The protests are Soros funded and completely artificial. There are reports from the local Native American towns saying how they don't give a shit about it and wish all the foreign protesters would fuck off. The pipeline was put up for proposal and the natives had the ability to shut it down but showed no desire too. The ground level protesters have no realistic justification but muh feels.

The reason why the kikes don't want it going through is because US having its own energy supplies increases its soveriegnity. They want the country to rely on foreign oil and gas when we have plenty in our own backyard that we're not allowed to touch.

There is every reason for anyone who cares about the country to support the building of the pipeline - yes, it should be built safely with minimal risk of spills, but that means purging the EPA, not shutting down American self-investment. There's no reason you can't have an oil pipeline that doesn't hurt the environment.

>global warming is going to acidify the oceans by adding CO2 to them goy!
>global warming is going to accelerate because CO2 in the warm oceans will come out of solution goy!

There's a neat little scam that the U.S. Government has been doing for decades with the oil companies.

The oil companies still buy the leases on the off-chance they're allowed to drill them some day because they stand to make trillions once they manage to get the permits to do so. The Federal government continues to sell the leases because hey, something for nothing and also STATES RIGHTS. And the states continue to reject all plans because Exxon-Mobil Valdiz/BP oil disaster.

ONE DAY the oil companies will get lucky and the right guy will be in office to sign their drilling permits. Until then, the scam goes on.

I wonder how long these whiskey indians have actually been trying to regain possession of this oh so important sacred burial land.
Surely longer than the pipeline was in the works, riiight?

Illiterate nigger.

There is a difference between being civil and being an animal. These people once they reach critical mass will destroy random shit and flip cars just because they can.

If they really wanted to make a difference they would hold conferences, write letters, propagandize. Not hold a city's economy hostage just because their fee fees were hurt.
Most cops are lightly red pilled. So shut the fuck up edgy an-cap reject.

They are only getting uppity because of the blacks. For some reason they identify with niggers. ha.

When you start letting in third world "people".


Why not run with the story and try to popularize the image of King Nigger as being a human-rights abuser who shoots and tortures protesters with 'non-lethal' weaponry? Throw all the shit at him that he's thrown at Assad.

Why the fuck couldn't they have used this sort of force against the rioting pavement apes in the cities?

I give zero fucks about her.

lol nah

Great idea. Have Russia or Syria tweet it or whatever. Legendary trolling.

Questionable at best.

Sophia Wilanski. So probably some sort of southern Slav.

Now these are the kind of media lies we're putting a stop to.
t. Donald Trump

Well constructed mate, and I usually don't approve of ironic shitposting.


Yeah be she is swarthy looking.

didn't even read your post tbh smdh

exactly, don't think "do I agree with this?" think, "How can I use this to my advantage?"


They were told to disperse and did not.
Am I supposed to care?

as soon as the cameras started rolling, not a moment earlier.

Because it's the oil jews doing this. You think the oil jews care if it's whites or non-whites that they're shooting?

You should care about the oil jews. They'll poison your groundwater then jack up the price of cancer medications once you're sick.

Gas yourself.

Mostly, they aren't.

Likewise, they aren't. Lots of righteous "whites".

And paid protestors.

And it's not sacred land even. They've known about this for a long time and all the legit tribe folk already agreed to it. The pipeline does not cross any real or imagined sacred land.



> Sophia Wilansky — Sophia bat Devorah — a Jewish woman who took part in a nonviolent protest led by the Sioux Nation of Standing Rock, was desperately wounded Sunday night by a concussion grenade, fired by the police and mercenaries hired by the Dakota Pipe-Line companies, that blew apart her left arm. She is now in hospital at Hennepin County Medical Center.

• the sacred lands of the Sioux and Lakota Nations;
•the millions of people who depend on the drinking water of the Missouri River and who must be protected from poisoning of the River by leakage from the PipeLine;
•and billions of human beings and other life-forms throughout the Earth, our common home, who need to be protected from the added CO2 emissions hat will come from burning this additional oil.

> Sophia Wilansky lives in New York.
> She left New York City several weeks ago to help with the struggle at Standing Rock.
She been an active participant and family to the activist group NYC Shut It Down.


Oh, I bet she's held the line against many a black snake in her day…

> Please consider donating to help pay for her treatment. gofundme.com/30aezxs/donate>
> We must support our comrades when they need us the most.

> We call upon you to federalize the North Dakota National Guard and order it to protect nonviolent protesters from attacks by any armed force, whether public police or mercenaries.
Wew lad.

> We also urge you to send this message to the White House by Email. The link is – whitehouse.gov/contact>

My sides have ascended.
I hope that kike cunt loses that shit to the shoulder.

Who is providing this "law enforcement"?

Who has jurisdiction?

She's a fucking kike subversive.

An "active participant and family to" this group:"
> facebook.com/nycshutitdown/
> nycshutitdown.net/
> twitter.com/nyc_shutitdown?lang=en


Meat production farms (run off)

So save your "omg omg lol is like so bad for the rivers"

Why dont cops ever take this heavy handed approach to NIGGERS or antifa or anti Trump rioters?

Because they're on private property and the private security firm is running point giving orders to the police

Yo, North Dakotan here.

They have been burning shit, killing quiet a few farmers's livestock/pets, and have been threatening to come to Bismarck-Mandan to riot.

Fuck them.

Ello' fellow brother/sister in Bismarck-Mandan.

Hopefully the National Guard is deployed considering the natives have burned about two bridges now.

The tribe in question has been disputing the land that the pipeline will run through as it was given to them in a treaty from 1851 but was then somehow sold to someone else later on. They actually took it to the supreme court who ruled that the land was unjustly taken from them howver instead of offering them back the rest of their land offered them a 2 million dollar settlement which they declined. This is all a matter of public record.

That being said, as the court never gave them back their land, its not legally theirs and they have no legal ground to stand on. But if this was just about money don't you think they would have taken their millions??


Even crop producing farms can be really terrible with fertilizers and pesticides. I have to monitor the local water quality during runoff season just for that. Most post-industrial technology is horrendously destructive to the environment due to the Semitic influence on civilization.


This guy is right and the people bitching are pussies who cry about "muh police brutality"

Seriously if you were doing a protest, you would have the proper arms to defend yourself if you actually gave a shit about the protest. Chances are the protests you are attending are just there to make noise and bitch as you walk around aimlessly hoping for pity points from the press.

Fuck off with this shit. The police asked them to leave since they were doing nothing but being liberal hippies doing nothing but clogging streets and being a nuisance. They were asking multiple times. Its like bitching when a cop shoots you after several requests for you to drop your weapon. You failed to obey a lawful order. You got the consequences. If you intended to defy them beforehand, you should of brought shit to protect yourself and fight back, otherwise you are just being a little bitch. Either fight or fuck off. This is coming from someone on the force. IF YOU CANT FUCKING MAN UP DONT BE IN THE FUCKING PROTEST BITCHING THAT YOU ARE GETTING FORCED TO FUCK OFF.

Seriously I cant stand protesters because you think that police will bend over backwards and let you faggots do whatever you want because you are mad and in the middle of the street. No , actual decent people need to work. So you being in the middle of the street screaming about stupid shit is not helping them. You are either destroying shit, waking them up or endangering others. You are children throwing tantrums, not people fighting for change.

I would respect the person to charge the police line with a pole and a Molotov instead of some libfag crying because he got sprayed with a hose.

I guess they won't be armed protesters anymore.

Thanks for doing the research.