Going to try this again, hop-fully the video will not get shoa'd like the one the other day.
Made this video for you all the spread of Hollywood stars admitting on camera in their own words, they sold their soul to the Devil for fame and fortune.
Going to try this again, hop-fully the video will not get shoa'd like the one the other day.
Made this video for you all the spread of Hollywood stars admitting on camera in their own words, they sold their soul to the Devil for fame and fortune.
Other urls found in this thread:
Godspeed user
But most normies will probably just say things like: "They dont mean it literal silly XDD"
With the new Kanye West revelations you may be wrong.
Hollywood Illuminati videos have been one of the hottest youtube categories for awhile.
What has Ye told us?
That's not a revelation that's a music video
Kanye West went full pol and is now locked up in a insane asylum because he said to much.
So that 10 minute rant on Jay Z, Beyonce and Clinton sent him to the hospital?
Yes his handlers had him involuntarily committed.
Kanye browses Holla Forums cuz he a real nigga who know whats up
When we send them back to Africa I recommend installing Kanye as their Emperor.
I agree with this, they will need a strong leader to get them through tough times.
Kanye West is the man with the plan. Make Africa Great (for the first time).
The man likes Gundam as well. What do Holla Forums?
Why would anyone even do the satanic thing? It obviously isn't worth it in the long run, and the results seem terribly unstable, at least judging from the whole Hillary campaign.
except they are all really rich and famous
I actually didn't mind that album back in the day, but jesus did he go off the rails.
Only made it a few minutes in, but this seems to be trash. What were you hoping to acheive wih this?
"illuminati" is basically politically correct term for kikes, But Masons and Jews, Bad News!
Good job user I was hoping youd find a way to repost this.
No. Malik Obama is Kang of Africa after his sick bantz leading up to the election. Carson is next is line, Kanye can be a Prinz in waiting.
You are about that?
This is no nigger. This is a black man.
He has good taste in videos games too, he isn't too bad.
Hell he even sampled Aphex Twin.
I eagerly await the day Madonna and Freddy Mercury's AIDS-swollen corpse get together and fucking kill that bitch.
Most of them are indocrtinated from todlerhood, and are themselves kids of similar people. This shit has been going on for untold generations, probably even before Christ. The masons believe their founder to be Nimrod, the biblical king who conqured the world and attempted to invade heaven.
Nice video OP
Actually watched the whole thing.
This is the guy who was talking about fucking whites over by impregnating white females and dumping them and you guys worship him because he gave a wink wink in a random direction and it happened to land on us. You're a bunch of fags and he's a nigger, help him fuck over the kikes and anything linked to him and then dump him.
*Linked to them and then dump him.
I care less for all those soulless people we call celebrities, but something that bothered me was the guy from Back Sabbath.
He made some interesting connections between the whole satanic movement and the hippies. They way he referred to the hippies 16:40
He then talks a bit about Ozzy finding a book in latin from the 16th century or some bullshit.
Thing is, currently we are experiencing the repetition of this trend. The meditation, the Third Eye, the kids from /fringe/ trying to invoke shit.
Even Holla Forums has been induced into this kind of thinking. LARPing as wizzards with Hermetics and those sorts of things.
KEK has been present in our days, could it be that with help of the anonymity, chaos, system and the invoking of different spirits might have opened the door him?
Many say that we accidentally found him, while others say he came to us. Doesn't matter, thing is there is something with the numbers, at the right moment the whole "peace and love" ideology is dying.
concern troll incoming but could it be that this was all part of their plan, creating once again a world order by mentally controlling the masses via new technologies, but the KEK summoning being the only factor they didn't expect?
Sooo how long until he "suicides"?
don't argue with these mulatto subhuman media addicts.
Tell that to the masonniggers at endchan. They go on and on about this freemason/illuminati shit.
Fuckin shit op that's some fucked up stuff
So how long until he dies from natural shotgun wounds to the skull?
Should pol start a "free Kanye" movement???
Fuck no. Let it play out and just rub it in his fan's faces while explaining to them why it's happening
Let's start the fire in the nigger community.
they need a martyr I guess
Lucifer was the heavenly name of Satan before the fall. Gnostics also call Lucifer the first sentient thought that took us beyond animals, and the creative force in general
Wew lad
Every Disney child star sat on the couch to get where they are today. Their parents whored them out for fame.
thats a lot of broken faces
Stop obsessing over pop culture. It's been shown that the whole "illuminati" stuff was just for viral marketing.
Your real enemy is the Jew.
this is not reddit fag you need to post sauce
Seems I've never saved this related infographic. You'll just have to decide take my word for it or not until a more organized user can provide the image.
Welp, having a giant model of Char's Custom Zaku II sells it for me. The guy has taste.
who are the gold metal people
A nogger cant go full Holla Forums
Don't worry m8, There is only 2-3 people here pushing this "Kayne is le redpilled" nonsense.
The only people they're fooling are the double digit IQ niggers who read a source-less statement made on Holla Forums and instantly accept it without looking into it themselves.
They're even trying to further the disinfo now by claiming Kayne was talking about Pizzagate.
Same creator of TGSNT made a documentary about this too. This coupled with the recent spirit cooking incidents and freemasonic occultic practices of the elites makes this whole thing not so improbable.
"you can call nigggas niggas, but you best not mention Hitler/ who you think runs the label? where you think you get the guns from?"
-Kanye West - Fame ft Young Thug (Original/Demo)
What is that picture with the medals? Or did you just randomly find it?
The Hermetics thing is from the demoralized faggots at /fringe/ and unfortunately our mods are shit now and wont call them out on it. It's not apart of Holla Forums at all and they get laughed at. Honestly, I think it's one maybe two people who hang out here all the time talking to each other (Smiley).
Kek/Chaos/Pepe is Holla Forums but it's more a recognition of synchronicity which isn't "satanic" but Jungian and scientific. The term Meme Wizard was in recognition that memes effect the world and Holla Forums has power as a collective meme generating website that filters what works and what doesn't.
Sage all Hermes and "Kek church" threads as they are infiltration from /fringe/ and no one wants them here.
This is what happens when Christians (a bullshit multiplicity of Roman-pedo cults) are finally taken down, but without philosophers or people who love truth leading the charge… So degenerates take control, Jews/Muslims/Faggots all pushing to meme a new world faith.
There has to be something better than this. Crowley was just a degenerated ritualistic faggy neet rip-off of Nietzsche's great works. What we are seeing is the age of Nihilism. And this is why we need the Overman – fast
Jung on Hitler
“Not even by the Collective Unconscious of a single nation, but that of an entire race, the Aryan race. And it is for this reason that the listeners, even those without knowledge of German, would, if Aryans, be gripped and hypnotised by his words; because he represents them all—he speaks for all of them. And if he does it shouting, it is because an entire nation, an entire race, is expressing itself through him.”
Miguel Serrano on Hitler
"Thus, Hitler is the incarnation of the Aryan God Wotan. Hitler is possessed by him; he is no longer a human being. And Jung even compares him to prophet Mohammed, and to what the latter was and still is for the Islamic world."
Johnny Depp and The Memphis Three
Good ol Johnny and other Hollyjew satanists come to the rescue of 3 men convicted of murder, in the ritual death of a child.
bumping for this thread
Yes, He has.
Because if he spoke through an evil cis white male or Taylor Swift no one would pay attention.
10 mins in. Starts off and you think they are just using metaphors/ making jokes, but it just goes on and some of it is really bloody crazy (particularly Beyonce and Minaj).
It just keeps going though. Great video mate, have a bump. This needs to be spread on kikebook and other places where celebrity-worshiping 'tards dwell.
Part 2 here regarding Hollywood Pedos
what book?
You forgot Big Man Tyrone.