With the recent news/conspiracy on Kanye West Ive decided to get something off my chest that has been bothering me for a long time.

When I first heard of the Cosby rapist story it was on Reddit. It was at the very top of the front page, 8k+ upvotes and had a minute clip of a fuzzy Hannibal Buress joke with shit audio made live on stage. This topic came with a first post with 2000+ upvotes describing another story on how this person just so happened to be on "Kids say the darndest things" in the 90's and how she was sexually harassed by Bill Cosby as a child. The first reply to the "KSTDT" comment pointed out glaring holes in the obviously bullshit story and went from over 1000 upvotes and the 2nd comment you saw in the thread to being massively buried by the time this "news" hit the very top.

Now I do not want to make this about Reddit but I think most of us now know that if something is hyped up on that site it is usually put there intentionally and through manipulation. This is how I knew Bernie Sanders was a fraud without doing any research on him. Reddit promoting Bernie for over 2 years meant he was a shill. Reddit also massively censored anything on Donald Trump until there was a huge exodus to Voat. Just by these two scenarios and how they turned out you can easily tell from both sides of the manipulation what is legit and what is bullshit. You should also keep in mind that Reddit "broke" this story and was confirmed that evening by the media and being spammed on the TV the following days.

Donald Trump was accused by multiple women for sexual assault as a way to destroy him. I believe this is the exact same tactic that was used on Bill Cosby. I would go as far as saying if you believe that Trump is innocent of the accusations by all those women you have to believe Cosby is innocent too.

Bill Cosby was powerful. He was one of the very rare black men who had respect from the majority of blacks AND whites. Bill was going around the country speaking about unity towards all Americans. He told black people to stop blaming white people, he talked about black people being used by the media and government. It is becoming clear to me that (((they))) fucking hate black people not dividing America further. Every black celebrity has pressure put on them by the media to support BLM.

Did you hear about Michael Jordan coming out and supporting the police over BLM?

If you didn't then the coverup of this was a success. Huge fucking news. Possibly the only black celebrity bigger than Cosby and Jordan is known for not speaking about politics or really anything that doesn't involve himself. This story got buried by what I believe was a false flag story on the same day by a C list football player coming out against BLM and I can't even remember the dudes name. The C lister story was spammed everywhere, Jordan's got hidden. (((They))) do not like big name blacks coming out against their message.

Kanye was just basically kidnapped. He came out in front of massive audiences speaking positively about Trump and speaking against the media. I don't call this a conspiracy, I call it a very worrying trend and shows you a very clear path as to what (((they))) are trying to do and the lengths that are being put in place to continue the divide.

I believe the last ploy in their marxist playbook is getting enough Americans on their side to start a civil war. I don't want to hear that "fuck off kike, more niggers to kill is a good thing" bullshit. There will be deaths on both sides and as FBIanon said, civil wars last a lot longer then you think and there is always outside countries interference involved

If America is in a civil war, I am sure Americans will come out on top but you got to think of the evil things that could be done to the rest of the planet (Western Europe) while you guys are occupied. Trump can't MAGA when hundreds of thousands of Americans are killing each other. The entire planet will suffer and really sneaky rats have one last ploy to keep their power. Free Yeezus.

Other urls found in this thread:


Niggers gonna nig

literally pick one.

You guys are gonna hate me. Round #2 of trying this.

He was probably raping women the entire time. They just overlooked it as long as he was profitable and not going against the flow.

If you believe that then Trump could have done the same by your own logic.

Something about the Cosby story just doesn't add up. He has these women–unlimited women–coming up to his apartment, and drinking whatever he gives them. He's obviously going to get sex 95% of the time. So why does he need to drug them too?

He probably is just that retarded smdh fam.

they censor this stuff all the time OP, it's not that your post is shit - it's clear you've put a lot of effort into it, but we already know people who speak out against the narrative get censored, buried, banned or shoved into obscurity. Doesn't really matter if it's a celebrity - unless you want to kickstart a hastag about drawing exposure to it - even then twittier will probably shoah you and it before it gets traction.

wow what a fucking word salad, i shouldn't be typing right now, have a polite counter sage op.

Or he fucked a lot of girls and promised them all cameos on his show or a way to break in to the industry and never called them again. The guy has game, look at his interview with a young Sofia Vergara. Hes so good she actually puts her hand on the inside of Cosby's leg on a TV show watched by millions. He isn't some faggot who couldn't get laid.


Of course.
They've been disposing of the positive black role models for a while now so the only ones that remain are rappers, criminals and drug dealers.
Muhammad Ali, Jackson, Prince.
Cosby had his image assassinated because of speech related.

Black are supposed to be the "Red Guard" of Mao's China, destroying the White Racis America.
And you need sociopaths for that.
Couple that with no fathers present and bad stereotypes you get the modern negro. The final stroke was giving them free gibs in the form of free education and their brainwashing into the marxist BLM.

Affirmative Action has done more harm to blacks that slavery ever could. Or it could be said that it's even a bigger mental slavery.

They should still be sent to Africa to build their kangdom

good job, plebbitor

Trump could have, but Trump is white so that is not particularly likely. Cosby is a nigger, so it is highly likely that he was raping people.

Who believes in it anyway?
Then it is just another example of negroids being what they are.
Just another accused famous person. Michael Jackson was accused of child rape, when in reality he mentioned the jews several times. So what? It is not they had an impact anyway.

Never cared for any celebrity in this day and age.

This is a spiderman thread now

Just hide and report this entire thread.

The cops also found a bunch of books filled with pictures of nude boys in his house. The dude was legit a kid fucker.
Yeah, no shit. Kid rapers usually had fucked up childhoods. That's what fucks them up.

Mind asking for the source of this claim? Just wanna have something if i talk about this in a related topic.

Source is the leaked police docs. Google for related terms will get you lots of relevant hits.

Gotta spread it to the blacks man, not us.

Lurk moar, infographic it up, keep saving info. One giant truth bomb that CRM/MLK kept dropping is that whites won't help a black cause even if it would pull them out of a fire. The best you'll get a white to do is agree with you with a bit of sadness.

For the record I'm happy to unite for this cause and then segregate peacably

Lack of dubs refutes.

Cosby was just a test run for the election

What they did to Trump was a pre-planned smear campaign, and Cosby was the test subject

I bet if we trace it back it ties to Hillary's (((people)))

That was debunked you dumb fuck. There was a lot of fake stuff in the articles including things that were published after the raid so couldn't have been there. And even that wasn't CP.

Read this.

All niggers need to die regardless.

You're ousted, jew!

This thread is unbelievably queer. What is it with Americans and niggers? Why are you so obsessed with them one way or the other?

Niggers are 13% percent of the population but they commit over half of the crime and a ton of problems for the rest of us in this country.

Nogs are being weaponized against us and have been for a really long time. So whoever controls the narrative controls one of the most violent and outspoken group of people in this country.

Bill Cosby and other "based blacks" are important because they are able to wrangle in some of that power and calm these niggers down. So it's not out of the question that kikes remove these niggers whenever possible to redirect the narrative.

Cosby was among the "Uncle Toms" criticizing rap "culture" and liberal's responsibility for its blooming.

He was a bad goy more than a run off the mill swartzee.

Yes… are you just learning this? Blacks are their useful idiots. See the violetn protests? They consider them pets.

Cosby is beyond any doubt a dirty rapist.

Kanye is just a dummy on drugs.

Jordan want to be middle of the road… just not like his father who was car jacked and murdered by niggers hahaha. Gotta keep that Nike loot coming in.

Nigs are about 13% of the US population. So outnumbered 8/1 and we have 90% of the land and guns. It would be a slaughter :) SO JUST FUCKING TRY IT SHLOMO.

He also made a lot of enemies saying how black people should eliminate "nigger" from their vocabularies and start making something of themselves. Considering he's an actual doctor who's had several award winning shows and comedy albums, I think that made him very dangerous to the blacks who make their money and fame stirring the fucking pot all the time.

Kys my mang you need to go back

If? Look up the history of the income tax and tell me the American Civil War ever ended.

Didn't Cosby admit to drugging women though?

God seeing threads like this really wish muds never had acces to the internet.

Not sure if idiot or shill…
Leaning towards idiot though

With the amount of pressure the media and every other institution is capable of, I can imagine them coercing that out of him.
Doesn't take much, a threat to his family or something or other is tough to ignore.


Sort of. When he was sued 12 or so years ago, he gave a deposition in which he admitted that he had shared a Quaalude with a girl he was cheating on his wife with. He broke it in half and told her to take it so she could loosen up (it was the '70s).

That's it. That's what they have on him. That's the only crime he's ever admitted to, and they can't pin a fucking thing on him. Even that incident is way past its statute of limitations and has nothing to do with the charges he's facing right now.

I just hope the old man lives to see Trump get Gloria Allred disbarred for this shit. I get the feeling President Remember-and-Avenge has something special planned for her, especially after that press conference where Allred used her kikery to insinuate that Trump really didn't want to mess with her or her client, who had just tried to tar him as a fucking rapist. Oh, god – if I was on Trump's revenge squadron, how fucking delicious would it be to drive that Jewess to suicide with how fucked her life will be for threatening our God Emperor?

Anyway, yeah. Cosby. Apparently 30% less niggish than the national median.

Reminder that he may not have even had one.

OP, I agree with you. Don't listen to the CTR shills that have migrated from 4chan.

You didn't figure this out over a year ago?
Must not have been around for GG, when rape was flying all around, everywhere.
c'mon user, you're better than this.
This is newfag levels of shit

To be honest I didn't pay much attention to Cosby's cases, I just remember reading an article somewhere where he admitted to drugging a girl so I just assumed it was common practice for him. It's understandable that a woman would accuse him of drugging her when she partook willingly, and it's not hard to believe that the media would print incendiary headlines about it.

Half of the topics here are from shillslately.
(((You))) kikes do not wish your pedocracy to be outed.

regarding the smug negro, there's a weird youtube with trump asking a girl CALL BILL COSBY. WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL HIM ?

casually[*] shewas one of the thousands molested victims of this nigger who was - casually[*] in the navy.

(((you))) shill do not know what the nigge did in the navy.

(((you))) have been paid SHKELIM to deny the mk-ultra implications behind the (((success story))) of this Mind Control Handler.




Gloria Alfred is involved so I know right there that it's a fraud. After they pulled the exact shit on Trump, it should be pretty obvious what is happening to Cosby.

a bot ??

Same happened to Michael Jackson for naming the jew.

Because a black strawman is a better target than a white strawman when trying to create a red herring for right winged aligned enemies. Simple.

While I agree, the (((circumstances))) surrounding the whole thing reek of manipulation to divide the nation further along various lines, I dont know if it was JUST to silence his anti-divide message that was the reason for him being targeted

Specifically, we've seen them trying to drum up anti-white AND anti-black sentiment in the US on either side, if Cosby were going around denouncing that stuff, sure it would benefit them to take him down. But more than that, it also creates further divide, specifically with how they show most of his supposed victims as being white women from what I saw. Meaning, it wasnt just to silence him, it also served the purpose of further division when blacks defended him, making white women (mostly just feminists) less inclined to trust blacks, and making blacks angry at whites (specifically white female feminists, but niggers gonna nig and assume white feminists = all whites) more for accusing him.

So it not only silenced him effectively, it pushed more divisions and anger along racial lines based on who they conditioned to support him vs oppose him.

As for West, well, putting aside the fact that hes a giant piece of ego-jerking self-agrandizing shit, he HASNT actually supported Trump, just said give the man a chance and stop the rabble rousing, which (((they))) do not want, they want the tensions and anger and rioting to continue and to heat up more. If one of their (((celebrity))) figures suddenly starts denouncing those methods, well naturally he has to be taken out, because the same people who pay him are also the ones pushing for civil/race war and the total destruction and reconstruction (in their image) of the USA.

West will likely be subjected to much indoctrination, threats, sedation via (((medication))), and so on, until he is compliant and at the very least keeps his mouth shut on the issue if not out right changes directions completely and encourages the rioting in the coming weeks.

So yeah, they were both taken out, but for different ultimate reasons. Sure both had an over-arching message of stop the fighting, Cosby was more on the race side of it, and West on the political side. But ultimately Cosby was taken out to further the divides in the long run, West was taken out to prevent him from undermining the chaos they're trying to cause in the immediate future.

Long term vs short term, same tools, same tactics, if West doesnt play along I 100% guarantee we'll see some video/story "leaked" about him beating white women or raping them or something… they're probably threatening him with that right now.

We all know the stories of how they show the JFK assassination to new presidents from a different angle, that of the real shooter, with the intention to show the new president he either plays along or he dies and the culprits never get caught… well they could be doing that to West right now, showing him a video of them planning the downfall of Cosby with a date stamp months to years before it happened, to get him to realize they can and will do it to him to if he doesnt obey.

We just have to wait and see how the faggot ego jerker acts once hes released. I'm betting itll be a completely 180% on his previous positions with him calling for more unrest and encouraging people to "act on what they believe" and such, enough wording to provoke more rioting, but not enough to implicate him as a terrorist calling for civil attacks/unrest


Cosby, Tupac, MJ… I never thought I'd be defending Kanye, but here I am.
What is wrong with this timeline?

Nothing, it's all part of the big come down. Trump said people will get back together again, so far so good.

Cant even tell ya anymore wtf is going on with this universe… the world has literally turned on its fucking head

But I guess thats the whole kali yuga thing for ya, nothing makes sense anymore, its all chaos

Nice Music Taste user.
Have some Based Trent.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


>implying I don't like it already

Well put, good summary. The amount of blatant dismissal/shilling of this topic is proof that those in control are in utter panic and shitting their pants at the massive shitstorm of truth-unveiling in the past 5 years. This is a maglev train of truth, and it has no brakes. Have a bump.

Someone mentioned Kurt Cobain's anti globalist stance and suddenly people started shitting on Cobain out of no where. I think this has been going on for well over 2 decades, if not more.

I'm not denying that, I'm just saying that the degree of truth-spreading and red-pilling hit critical mass in the past 5 years. Gamergate accelerated the momentum like nothing else has before.

This is true. Any site that uses that sort of "reputation points" (karma) system combined with both democratic censorship (upvote / downvote) and authoritarian censorship (SJW mods) is significantly easier to shill. People are conditioned to believe that the popular opinion is the right opinion since there really is no visible alternative.

If you post something remotely contrarian, your post gets downvoted, your karma drops to -32,487,262, your post gets hidden and then you get banned shortly afterwards for "trolling". You then will see a bunch of virtue signaling faggots responding negatively to your hidden post anyway purely to farm karma points.

Chan sites are pretty much the only shill-resistant communities.

Popular culture was pretty eager to side with us against Cosby, considering they'll usually do whatever they can to prove a nigger innocent…

Here's your (you).

Actually, a lack of wincest refutes.
No wincest? No Spidey.

None of these women went in naive. Wannabe actresses making "friends" with a rich former tv star thinking he would help their careers. They know the price is sex, not because they both are crotcheting enthusiasts.
The women went to his house totally willing to have sex with him and some of them probably did. He is old, he partied back in the days where everyone was taking some sort of pills to get high. He just offered a pre sex chill pill and his tolerance is so high that the dose knocked the women out.
He was going to get laid before that so he thought he might as well get laid when they are unconcious. This was not unheard of as the rules of partying in the 70's.
He was set up


We know that intelligence agencies plant CP on those who don't cooperate with them, so this sure is right up there alley. I will agree with you that the beginning-cogs were suspicious, as well.




Careful, your hotpockets are showing.

Thread is bumplocked you know

I believe you dude. Bill Cosby was a legend.

I think I am going to send another 500 PM's to fags on reddit tonight about this.



It's almost like some niggers fucking gettit or something.