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4d chess goy

nice d&c, kike



Holla Forums doesn't give a shit about fags who aren't half naked in gay parades.

Even Hitler had homo's working for him.

Anybody appointed to United nations ambassador is pretty much a punching bag for Trump. It'll just be a constant stream of "fuck you" to the UN and mudslime countries will be plotting to kill a fag if he's representing an uncooperative USA.

Why not?

A thread died for this.

Actually we want all fags to die because they're child molesting psychopaths, but you just go ahead and keep being wrong

waaaa sodomites waaaaa
nice try cf

Röhm and his faggots were killed, which is how it needs to happen.

If they suck white dick, then it's okay to me famalam.

kill yourselves. Faggots are cancer and must perish.

Because every appointment sends a message and cultural ripple.

Hello Richard Spencer, go back to your daddy's cock for us why don't you?

And what cultural ripple would this send, the message that fags belong in absolutely worthless token positions like ambassador to the UN? Okay, I'm fine with that

Fuck off common spic, your skydaddy is dead, welcome to the real world.

Being gay IS helpful to the white cause, and you know what? Promiscuity is a positive trait that whites need. Sexual freedom needs not be subverted by prudish SJWS or delusional christcucks.

and, like a charm, autistic screeching begins


shouldnt you be at a gay bar fishing in the trash cans for used condoms to drink?

lol you must have an 85 iq

Keep fighting the good fight, user. All the D&C kikes in the world won't stop us from Making America Great Again.

D&C kike checklist
-Hate on gays
-Hate on women
-Hate on blacks
-Definitely do not hate on Jews, they are white and our greatest ally. Israel is a nationalist state too, goyim!

Most christfags do.

Face it common spic lovers. Homosexuality is here to stay, and there is nothing wrong with responsible sexual behavior, monogamy and homophobia are against traditional white values.

Tell me more, (((user))). I like the sound of your entryism :^)

Will he shit on the UN or try to work with them? I don't care if the guy is a faggot; I just want them to see how much disdain the average American feels towards their organization.

Almost forgot!

D&C Kike checklist
-Hate on gays
-Hate on women
-Hate on christians/pagans
-Hate on blacks
-Definitely do not hate on Jews, they are white and our greatest ally. They definitely did not have spies like Jonathan Pollard stealing our nuclear secrets, they did not strafe the USS liberty, they have not plotted against the USA for over a hundred years. Israel is a nationalist state too, goyim!



Jews should be hanged, but alongside them need to be traitors, fags, niggers, and otherwise in that fucking order.

is their a dedicated irc channel for homos that shill Holla Forums. its been like this for the past 3 days. all homos are to be gassed.

if there is i'd like an invite, please

even a token position of influence is a position of influence. Faggotry must be stemmed, destroyed and rooted out.

tell you boyfriend to use more lube, because it seems you're a bit butthurt

I'll get right on that, Mordecai.

But not the jews who are our greatest ally, right chaim? It's not like the jews have infiltrated the US government with dual citizen israeli nationals!

D&C Kike checklist

-Hate on gays

-Hate on women

-Hate on christians/pagans

-Hate on blacks

-Definitely do not hate on Jews, they are white and our greatest ally. They definitely did not have spies like Jonathan Pollard stealing our nuclear secrets, they did not strafe the USS liberty, they have not plotted against the USA for over a hundred years, they have not infiltrated the central banks, banking system and government with dual citizen israeli nationals, they did not have art students plant thermite charges in the WTC, they did not aid and abet the Saudi hijackers. Israel is a nationalist state too, goyim!

thanks for confirming it. its hard to compete with you homos, most of you do meth so you can post for hours at a time about how digging in a poop chute isnt degenerate.

All faggots should be shot, but this pushy turd is a walking 'pride parade' for degeneracy bragging openly about his perverted interest in other men's anuses. Aggressively supports faggot marriages, including with his own fairy who he even tried to get the government to list as "spouse". Politically he's a loser: worked for Romney, Bush, Pataki, and loves Ariana Huffington. It's a shame AIDS hasn't killed him yet, but hopefully soon.

Thanks for collapsing the rectum.

jews first. you homos are definitely a top priority though especially with how obnoxious you are. youve always cared more about anal cavities than your blood. thats why you drink bloody ass leakage when you bug chase.

D&C Kike checklist

-Hate on gays
-Hate on women
-Hate on christians/pagans
-Hate on blacks
-Hate on "not white" european ethnicities

-Definitely do not hate on Jews, they are white and our greatest ally. They definitely did not have spies like Jonathan Pollard stealing our nuclear secrets, they did not strafe the USS liberty, they have not plotted against the USA for over a hundred years, they have not infiltrated the central banks, banking system and government with dual citizen israeli nationals, they did not have art students plant thermite charges in the WTC, they did not aid and abet the Saudi hijackers. Israel is a nationalist state too, goyim!

D&C Kike checklist

-Hate on gays
-Hate on women
-Hate on christians/pagans
-Hate on blacks
-Hate on "not white" european ethnicities

-Definitely do not hate on Jews, they are white and our greatest ally. They definitely did not have spies like Jonathan Pollard stealing our nuclear secrets, they did not strafe the USS liberty, they have not plotted against the USA for over a hundred years, they have not infiltrated the central banks, banking system and government with dual citizen israeli nationals, they did not have art students plant thermite charges in the WTC, they did not aid and abet the Saudi hijackers, they do not traffic in black market organs stolen from kidnapped and murdered eastern europeans, they do not participate in the white slave trade, they are not a major exporter of illegal drugs or a state sponsor of ISIS. Israel is a nationalist state too, goyim!

Their biggest fear is that the world stops fighting itself and instead fights (((them))).

Mental illness detected


Didn't all of pol love Trump for picking Thiel for his transition team?

Thiel is supposedly against net neutrality, but what that exactly means requires an army of lawyers to interpret

I'd say its fitting, really

Wow I dont? Thanks for letting me know about muh based fags. I have truly seen the light now.

come on guys listen to common filth……. he's the prophet of god

This isn't just regular autism, this is advanced autism.

but the left told me trump is going to kill the gays?

jesus christ that's a whole lotta b8

Also lol at these fags trying to push the narrative of "if you don't like fags you must like common spic!". This is pretty much the same as saying we should support Israel because they kill muslims. No, faggots and niggerlovers can both fuck off.

Fuck you, homosexuality is the last stand of implicit white identity

Nice try, shill.

Trump needs Pence to talk some sense into him.

UN ambassador isn't even a token position of influence.

funny how he drew the benis on the fallen enemy then went back and scribbled it out. Its as if the benis sketch triggered the 'tism and he self censored. Ah thats comedy gold I tell ya hwat.

If LGBT would be outlawed, I'd have no problem with fags. Until then, all of them must die, even the decent ones don't realize they are useful idiots to push anti-white agenda.

no articles

pls dont kill me user

A heartening thought

what the fuck is that? why did you post that? fuck off sicko.

it's you

I don't understand. typical cf-watching schizo

Call me when it's something other than an irrelevant token appointment

Be celibate or embrace the bog.

I would have when I was a Christian, but I lost my faith. There isn't much of an impetus for me not to have a monogamous, private relationship. First and foremost, because your threats mean nothing.


Nice try kike, I've seen you faggots trying to throw around these lines for a few days now.

Christcucks being literal faggots, why am I not surprised.

They're not even trying to hide it at this point, it's the same 2-3 fags shitting up the entire board with this "Holla Forums is this and Holla Forums was never that" nonsense.

I also see that you referenced a completely unrelated study from the CDC about HIV amongst gay men, and yet not one single statistic in that chart mentions HIV. So what, did you just put the CDC in your sources list to try and fabricate credibility?

Another one of your sources specifically references older men, who were around for bathouse culture before people understood how STDs work. And yes, they were AIDS vector degenerates.

I'm all for keeping it behind closed doors but Jesus Christ this is just D&C disinfo.


The funniest part is that they're pulling the same tactics as years ago. The old "We hate kikes, everyone is an ally against kikes". The idea that you can hate multiple things is completely foreign to them, but obvious to everyone else.

The UN isn't even going to exist soon once Trump kicks their shit in, who cares.

Sympathising with your post requires me to accept the Jew-pushed moral paradigm that faggotry is a legitimate identity just the same as normal, healthy sexuality, which I won't do.

Sympathising with your post requires me to accept the Jewsh moral paradigm that faggotry is a sin.

Dude I absolutely accept that my faggotry is a product of Jewish propaganda. So are a lot of other things. We're not perfect and if we only let perfect people into our super sekret klub we'd have 3 members. All we can do is the best with what we've got. We can work out who gets gassed after the Jews are dealt with.

Enjoy your AIDS or othersuch deadly disease mainly prevalent in faggot populations. Hope you die in pain.

Fucking classic!

In what way is it outlandish to think that fags have an absurdly high rate of promiscuity, show me an actual source of them being celibate because I've never seen one in my life.

Even the other homos in this thread are saying how great promiscuity is as long as it's "safe". The best real measurements of promiscuity are STD rates and gay men are extremely overrepresented in HIV infection stats.

The world doesn't revolve around your specific lifespan you giant faggot. 400 sex partners would average out to once a week for 8 years.

Yet you actively push fag acceptance just like a jew. Remember, fags will choose buttsex over their race EVERY FUCKING TIME their is virtually nothing to be gained and everything to lose when considering them "allies"

I wouldn't use the word "sin".
More like "mental sickness". Perhaps "social ill".
Anybody can easily search for themselves and discover who the leaders of faggot "liberation" are. In academia and legislature.
Hint: They're all very (((kosher))).

Ordinarily I would agree with you, and indeed I used to. But this very thread is proof positive of what happens when you let faggots help out. The incessant board shilling of "bumfucking is white identity" hasn't ended.

I don't give a shit what is a sin and what isn't, I don't follow a jew god. My ancestors didn't even know what a sin was and still threw you cretinous faggots into bogs.

Then why are there some many gay Holla Forumslaks posting here and helping our cause when they could be buttfucking?

Oh it's because you are just making shit up ;)


No, it's just kind of old, and really autistic.

This. If you're suggesting we murder right wing whtie men, then you're a semite, plain and simple. Yes homosexuality is bad, and they are disproportionately represented in pedophilia sex crimes… but that is to be dealt with through policy, clearly.

What evidence do you guys have that these "other faggots" are not just shitposters false flagging fags/actual CTR workers performing D&C?

Haven't you noticed how many fag threads there have been since Trump won? It's obviously being used as a slide tactic.

I'm not pushing for fag acceptance, beyond maybe "not getting gassed if I keep it quiet". I'm here to contribute to the white race. Don't you think that if I actually wanted that leftist public degeneracy shit I'd be fighting with the leftists?

They aren't helping our cause they are helping theirs. Constantly promoting faggotry and the status quo on this board is not "helping our cause". If they were actually helping our cause they would shut the fuck up and realize that fags are hated for a reason and be understanding enough to keep quiet about it.

You are mentally ill. Christians may call it sin, but it is what it is.

No one really promotes faggotry on Holla Forums m8 don't know what cloud cuckoo land you're in. When autistic faggots come into a thread crying about how gays need to be executed door-to-door, it just makes you wonder what these peoples' IQ is, that's all. Clearly that belief is so unfeasible as to just be flat out ridiculous.

If you were actually keeping quiet you wouldn't have posted this. I don't care if you feel like you're "contributing" to the white race when you are a net negative overall.

They don't. They just call the "kill the gays" christcuck crowd out when they sperg out and make multiple anti-gay threads.



D&C Kike checklist

-Hate on gays
-Hate on women
-Hate on christians/pagans
-Hate on blacks
-Hate on older/younger generations
-Hate on "not white" european ethnicities

-Do not hate on Jews, they are white and our greatest ally.
-The Rothschilds, Quaids and Schmidts have not been complicit in fomenting wars and revolutions for centuries
-jews are not responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of whites in Russia, the Ukraine, Germany and other European states.
-jews did not aid and abet the moorish invasion of Europe
-Jews did not have spies like Jonathan Pollard steal our nuclear secrets
-They do not have 80-200 warheads aimed at global cities for their "Samson Option"
-They did not strafe the USS liberty
-They have not plotted against the USA for over a hundred years
-They have not infiltrated the central banks, banking system and government with dual citizen israeli nationals
-They did not have art students plant thermite charges in the WTC then aid and abet the Saudi hijackers
-They do not traffic in black market organs stolen from kidnapped and murdered eastern europeans
-They do not participate in the white slave trade
-They have not attempted to propagandize and demoralize our country with Hollywood and the mass media
-They do not rape and cannibalize children to perpetuate Moloch worship
-They are not a major exporter of illegal drugs
-They are not a state sponsor of ISIS.
Israel is a nationalist state too, goyim!

Leave Holla Forums and never return.

Ok well I'm not a christkike and I don't give a shit what the reason is, there is absolutely no good reason to be pushing fag acceptance on Holla Forums.

Gays can be a fifth column, I'm not denying that. But you're not exactly going to maintain a North Korea tier totalitarian state prosecuting private fetishism (lol) unless there's some devastating technology-destroying event, or very radical secession movements across north america. Even then, good luck. All you're causing is homosexuality to go underground and become pederasty again where faggots get wives and then fuck their sons.

Honestly, I think that plays a role in this whole killing the gays thing. It's almost like you faggots would rather keep alive some sacred tradition where faggot fathers rape their sons because you force them to marry wives. Good luck with that society, moron.

Not acceptance - just tolerance, at least while fags are helping our cause (like Milo).

Don't ask don't tell has worked for thousands of years in dozens of cultures.

Anyway - when the (((real))) problem is solved, all the smaller problems will naturally solve themselves.

Hmm, luckily it is not so prominent in Australia. Although recent stats show that 8-12% of 'gay-community affiliated men are HIV positive, what the fuck

Quite true, for the post-sexual revolution wing of homosexuality. But look before, at the Uranian movements and other such things. Mostly classicist and traditional - I don't mean that as if you should take them as 'good' because muh tradition, but there is a clear delineation between the different kinds of political homosexuality split in the 20th century.

It is most prominently exemplified in the difference between the Association Arcadie from the 50s, and the Front homosexuel d'action révolutionnaire, which emerged in the 70s. The Arcadie was home to prominent homosexual French authors like Jean Cocteau and Roger Peyrefitte, and had a dignified, patrician kind of homophilia. This is the letter they published upon closing their organisation.

The exceptional amount of use of the 'bog' meme is a transparent attempt to justify the morality you inherited from the Jewish-Christian tradition by pointing to a lone example of some pagan savages killing homosexuals - as if this has any relevance to your own ethical system. "My ancestors did it at some point, so I can justify my beliefs without appealing to the Christian ethical belief system." This would be just as fallacious as justifying homoeroticism merely by virtue of the fact that it was practiced and esteemed in the Renaissance or among the ancient Greeks.

What a stale old meme. We still prosecute thieves and murderers even though crime will never be completely eradicated.

YET YOU KEEP TELLING EVEN WHEN WE'RE NOT ASKING. Is your brain so rotted out from GRIDS already that you can only manage to blabber the same repetitive bullshit endlessly even after youre proven wrong? Are you even sentient at this point?

What is "our cause", faggot? Yours seems to be some sort of collective reality denial. Actually, don't bother replying. Thanks for outing yourself. Reported for shilling for kikes and e-celeb cancer.

Those crimes have victims you idiot.

Are you saying coalburning shouldn't be a crime either as long as you don't have kids?

Trump doesn't hate niggers or faggots. We all knew this.
He's great, but he's not Hitler. We all knew this.

Maybe you live in a bubble, or don't know any young people in the west. Denying reality just shows your autism, obviously Milo turned many people to the right, it'd be flat out lying if you tried to claim otherwise.

I'm cool with this. Can you imagine how booty-blasted the middle east nations would be that the US ambassador to the UN is a flaming homo?

TBH, I like this move.

I don't care about that, I'd incentivize against it. It's not like you're losing good white female stock to miscegenation anyway, usually these people fucking niggers have an IQ of 90. Without the influence of culture, II don't even know why whites and blacks would really be interacting much.

No, Milo made many faggots think they are to the right when they are just slightly to the right of full blown marxists.

Anecdotally, I disagree. I know full blown monarchists and fascists who were liberal bernies, and this is not just in one circle of people.

Of course, I'm not saying Milo was the trigger, but that kikebart/milo/gaymer gate faggotry did help. They just needed some insight on kikery is all, and that's usually the case.

Yeah of course you don't care because faggots have absolutely no concept of morality. When a bunch of people start doing something it stops being "im not hurting anybody" and a "victimless crime" and becomes societal decay.

He's helping to redpill normies. They think that no gay would ever support Trump, and yet there he is and no one can accuse him of just pretending to be a faggot. Of course he won't turn someone who watches cuck videos to full blown white nationalist in one day but it all starts with that one little crack in the propaganda shell that surrounds them to progress over time and ultimately collapse it. Gay and blacks will always be viewed as lesser than straight white people in my eyes but as long as they are on our side I'm willing to cooperate.

Obviously I care about it according to my own moral code, and obviously I believe there exists a universal moral code (I'm no moral relativist despite what you may think of faggots). But being that I live in a country that has a significant African population, as well as a significant mulatto, quadroon, octoroon, etc. population, it'd be crazy for me to suggest policy could be implemented to reverse such admixture. At best, in the USA, it can be incentivized against. Now, if you're talking about a white ethnostate in the PNW, by all means, ban that shit. But among the 380 million Americans? I'm talking pragmatically, clearly. My post made it quite certain that I was against it, but seeing that I'm not autistic, I'm not going to go holding Americans against that kind of nonsense.

Are you not at all concerned that he's a kike? The fag aspect of him is not even the major one. He's also fags with a nigger. How can you say he redpills anyone? He's just a figurehead for kikes in the media to pin leadership of their invented movement called "alt-right". They want to label their enemies, so they can denounce people associated with them. He's not even redpilling people on anything. He's capitalizing on newly developed political shifts in the same way that other e-celeb cancers like evalion. Not only that, he's turning people away from true ethnic nationalism and putting them in some sort of warped, perverted equivalent. Ethnic nationalism is a tragedy for all kikes, so you have pseudo-nationalism as promoted by e-celebs. He's also attempting to legitimize faggots as an alternative lifestyle and associating faggotry with the far-right in the eyes of the public. tldr; he'll scam you for your money and leave you with a neutered movement. Enjoy.

If you think that our primary goal is unattainable than I have literally no idea why the fuck you're even here.

bruh he probably lives in Brazil.

Opens up a ton of entryist bullshit.

And I know I'll get bombarded with "but muh greekz n romanz" but i would think anyone on here is smart enough to understand that memes work because they're based in reality. All jews did was amplify pre-existing faggotry when they made LGBTBBQ culture into a thing.

Not for faggots it hasn't. Even when people aren't asking, faggots still feel the need to tell. They can't help their-selves.
The very faggot you're trying to defend, Milo, was an example of this in every public talk he gave. Anything that wasn't him trying to claim a movement as his own, was him droning on and on and on about his faggotry.

Milo is nothing more than a jew faggot who attends fag gatherings with underage boys and supports baby genital mutilation rituals, so fuck off with trying to make him relevant. He is not relevant, at all. He is doing nothing more than trying to claim something as his own, when it has nothing to do with him.

daily reminder that the BBC myth is fake and gay.

Like I posted earlier. Fags will side with buttsex over their race EVERY time. Even if it means defending a faggot kike that fucks niggers.

same thing tbh

Prove it. The faggot actively praises it in all of his speeches.


Good point.


then go fucking kill yourself for being a retard

Kek I'm homo and I detested Milo almost from the beginning. I remember following him on Facebook because he was a meme, but he just kept posting stupid gay shit about muh BBC and acting like a rotten narcissist. Dropped him so hard.

He means blacks don't actually have bigger penises.

Sending a fag to the UN is giving the UN far more respect than it actually deserves, to be honest.

You first, kike. I can name all the kikes on the Federal Reserve board, and all the kikes who have tried to destroy my race. I can't say the same about degenerate faggots. You're nothing but a waste and a distraction from the real problems we face.

Just because one vocal faggot talks about taking nigger dick up his disgusting asshole and the kikes parade him around like they do every other faggot who talks like that does not mean that all gay people are like that, or even discuss their homosexuality. If a good portion of gay people don't even fucking care to mention it, and aren't flamers, and don't trigger you, then you have to see how you're getting a misrepresentation of what all gay people are like…

oh wait, no— Milo! He's the apex of gay culture! He is the embodiment of all that is homosex! Forget the other contributions that homosexual men have made throughout history owed in part to their unique status as a person able to commit their life to the public service, be it in policy or arts, as they do not need to provide for a family. If you think that a use can't be found of such men, then you lack creativity.


It's kike D&C. Tomorrow they'll be shitting on boomers or millennials, or christians or pagans or women or blacks or ANYTHING ANYTHING BUT JEWS. JEWS DINDU NUFFIN, PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE JEWS, PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT THE HOLOCAUST NEVER HAPPENED BUT IT SHOULD HAVE.

Don't take the bait anymore, user.


A good portion? Are you fucking kidding me? By good portion do you mean a minority of a minority? A portion so miniscule that it's practically non-existent?

Also "some kikes said all of these men were fags so it must be true!"


A good portion, yes, your pictures do nothing to disprove my statement. Do you think every faggot goes to a pride parade? Let alone every year? Obviously not, which means millions of gay people sit at home every year while a few ten thousand fag around. That's just a fact of the matter. You realize that something over 2% of people are gay, yeah?

Jesus Christ. Do you really think the Jews fabricated history like that? None of the ones he mentioned are particularly controversial we wuz shit, except for Plato and Aristotle. Plato definitely wrote homoerotic dialogues like Symposium, Phaedrus and Charmides, but they used other philosophers as characters - Phaedrus is the more prominent homosexual. It's worth mentioning that Plato's Laws condemns homosexual behaviour. As for Aristotle, I only know that I've never heard that about him. But all the other names mentioned are quite uncontroversially homosexual. Socrates may or may not be, since Charmides describes him being attracted to the beauty of a boy, but mainly to demonstrate a point about people able to resist from indulging in pleasure.

Anyway, most of the gay men I know have never gone to a pride parade. I don't actually know any personally that have.

"Normal" faggots do not exist. Get this through your thick fucking head.

There are no good cucks, kikes, faggots or niggers. Not one. Every one of those groups is predominately set on destroying white nuclear families so I do not give a shit how much you pretend that there isn't a problem. It's obvious to me, it's obvious to everyone else. If you're just going deny facts i guess you'll just end up having to learn the hard way I guess.

I'm find with it as long as he is a not neocuck.

Yes I actually fucking do. I'm also done with this thread, enjoy dying of either GRIDS or RWDS in 10 years.

To be honest, with pederasty's prominence, its best to just leave out any classical figures in any grouping of historical fags.

It's not that I don't "accept" this, I just don't see what the fuck you're going to do about this. Kill all the niggers and kikes… okay, well, you can round them up easy enough I suppose. Faggots and cucks? Well, that might take some NSA purveyance of internet search histories, not to mention the civil resistance that would follow families being broken apart, children being sent to foster homes because their parents were cucks… sons losing their fathers because they typed "big cock porn " on google and was sent to a FEMA camp

Seriously, are you autistic?

ideological delusion
do you think it's some kind of universal law, or something? like its encoded into the thomistic essence of every 'cuck, kike, faggot or nigger' to destroy white nuclear families?

I don't think I'm the mentally ill one.

I'm starting to think that killing all the gays and the faggots isn't a good idea, when you can just ship them to (((our greatest ally))).

Ten thousand too many.


just send them to a fag island it's not that fucking hard, they won't even complain

ITT- buttmad christcucks and virgin jesus losers made that people get laid and they don't

The right needs to stop being so fucking backwards, women who sleep around aren't "Bad mothers" or "Horrible people" and gays who enjoy having sex aren't "Detrimental to the cause"

We need to open these people up, the sexual revolution and gay rights are only poz'd because of the jews, not because of anything else. Sex is fun, get over it.

Stop trying to dodge what was in the picture. It's a white woman being used to advertise a t-shirt titled "Big Black Cock", you fucking race-mixing faggot kikes.
You aren't dodging this one by claiming it's some other irrelevant context of fighting about dick myths. The context of how it's being advertised on that faggots store was plain obvious to anyone with half a brain. It's using an alternative narrative to promote race-mixing. No one is falling for it.

No one's denying that, dude. The original post was merely saying that the "BBC" myth is false. What the fuck are we meant to take away from it? I hate Milo.

Faggot parades say otherwise you filthy jew, way to contradict yourself. Fuck off with your D&C, no one is falling for it. See
"oh but they're only picking one particular faggot jew to parade around and subvert a movement!"
"oh but it's only 10,000 faggots parading"
"oh but it's only 100,000 faggots that fuck children"
"oh but it's only 300,000+ faggots that partake in child trafficking"
Keep going. Keep trying to justify the corrupt exploitative lives of faggots. No one is convinced by your lies. The jew is found out, and both kikes and their fellow faggots are prime for the rope.


It's literally fucking nothing.

This is either kike or stormfag d&c not that there's a difference between the two. You'd think that israel/stormfronts' alphabet overlord would have learnt that SJW tactics failed in itself and won't be usable across groups.

I'd take away from it that when a faggot kike successfully makes people care more about dick myths than a t-shirt called "Big Black Cock" being advertised on a white woman, that's when they need to take a step back and re-focus their energy. The only thing I take away from that, is that a jew has successfully subverted peoples focus towards something as irrelevant as dick myths.

I don't care what the narrative of his t-shirt is. I don't care that it's about dick myths. I care about the fact that it's race-mixing garbage being pushed by a faggot kike who was simultaneously parading around trying to claim a movement of white people as his own.


If we send them to a fag island, just make sure that island doesn't have any rare resources on it first.

It has to be an island that they can't possibly make any money on. Like one of those ones you'd find in a cheap $5 survival novel about being stranded on an island and eventually just eating your peers.

Except they will already be eating each other in theory anyway, so it effectively bypasses any chance of being labelled as forced cannibalism.

Sounds like they will have a gay old time, OP, quit your bitching.

man, that's some babby tier capitalism

Nice subversion faggot.
Distracting from the pedo threads are we?

Trump needs to rethink homosexuality. It's a part of the moral decline problem. And it's not a physical reality. Just a memetic abomination.


Go home Common Filth. And shouldn't you be watching degenerate hardcore gay porn right now for your "research" ?

/polgbt/ is the final solution


I bet you believe in the Holohoax too.
If you think the Jews aren't capable of altering historical narrative you are living in a dream world.
It's like you haven't even read Orwell.


Where did all these queers and newfags come from?
Were we namedropped on TV again?


come on user, your chances with womyn aren't great so why not settle for a submissive Holla Forums fuckboi?

The only thing I want to fuck is your degenerate dreams.


What's with the massive amounts of pro-homo shilling all of the sudden? Not just this thread but in several? It's been going on for the past 2-3 days, but before that there wasn't much. It's a very recent wave.

Altering historical narrative, yes. This has happened all throughout history, and indeed Jews have done this too. Altering the fucking history concerning the lives of the most prominent people in Western culture, no - especially when the Jews were not in control.

Why not? The UN is full of faggots so send one in to give them all AIDS.

Reminder that Ambassador to the U.N is a useless position whose only job is to act as a medium between the US and the UN and relay orders from the head of the US

Trump's been looking at giving this position to a berniecuck or fag in a move to clam demtards for a while now.

kill yourself, retard cuck. You lost the election. no amount of D&C is going to reverse that.