United States college bans US flag citing ‘hate-based violence’ post-Trump victory
US flag ban
haha, suck it unionfags
you thought banning the confederate flag was the end? think again
I'm a little surprised.
Nah, get lost.
This. It's incredible how badly subverted college-aged individuals have become in this country. Any ex-KGB kikes still alive must feel so accomplished.
t. Wild Westerner
P.S. My ancestors were settling the west during the civil war so I personally hold no opinion towards the civil war, though I do empathize for dixiefags who've been demonized for over a century and a half
Meanwhile they're teaching that the founding fathers were terrorists,
This is the type of shit the hippies and liberals did in the 60s and 70s.
I pray to God Trump doesn't go down like Nixon did.
Honestly it's a miracle it took them this long to do it. A woman having her period in public under the guise of performance art is the natural outcome at a place like that. I remember when I was looking at colleges Hampshire was (((ranked))) fairly high. I find it maddening that it seems to be uniform across higher education to disclude about 90% of the information as if it didn't exist. I don't think a single honest assessment has come out of academia in regard to the election this year. It is considered grounds for expusion, isolation, and posibly medical intervention to express an opposing viewpoint. The American Flag is deemed to contoversial a symbol.
Campus is pretty good looking tbh =^/
this is fucked boys
Tucker had one of the students to try and defend it on his show.
What's their endgame? Can't ban the national flag and expect there not to be repercussions.
how long until ADL declares USA flag a hate symbol?
It's not, any moreso than other stuff in that very nice area of the world.
I have a few ideas for what else could be hung up a flag pole…
their endgame is to destroy all nations, genius
Yeah I mean I guess its nice around here.
Looks to be pure cancer. Enter at your own risk.
Gas The Eternal New Englander
(needs a happy merchant in pilgrim/puritan clothing)
I have no words
wtf i love america now
I will go out on a limb here and say that a jew is responsible for this. They hate any form of nationalism as it threatens their parasite/host relationship.
We're approaching Sweden levels of cuckery
Simple solution.
You ban the flag? You get no more federal funding.
Do these faggots ever stop and think that if the national flag of the country they live in is offensive to them, they should get the fuck out? I would sell my fucking soul to be able to live in the United States.
That's already law over here.
Or Minnesota.
Taxachusetts isn't that far behind though. What else to expect from the state that spawned Goofy Elizabeth Warren and was the only state to go for McGovern in the '72 Nixon landslide?
Cali is full of spics, nigs and jews, whereas Massholes are white and should know better. They have no excuse.
>Wants to get tried for a felony in America instead of some pussy European country that have hotel prisons and light sentencing. SWEDEN YES
Enjoy your ass rape in the state pen, just shows how stupid these children are about how shit actually works.
Ok, fuck the United States and the Federal government. You have absolutely no reason to be loyal to that flag. Your culture is being destroyed, your people are being replaced in their homelands, and you live in a debt-based nightmare of Federal Reserve Fiat. Love your people, but hate the United States Government because they hate you and want you dead.
That is the flag of white Americans. Why do you think commies burn it? Why do you think the Obongo govt doesnt care when commies burn it? Fucking dumbshit.
The one symbol that all Americans, regardless of race, class, etc. can unite under, and what do they do with it? They take it down, they deface it, they burn it.
Tells you everything about these people, doesn't it?
This is the final step in the plan to strip americans of our national identity and thus our higher purpose
Another idiot commie living in his own slavery/class warfare world.
(((higher purpose)))
How is that not treason?
Fuck you nigger, I bought one of your flags just to show support and gave it to my buddy from North Carolina.
I almost regret it now, just for the sake spiting you. Almost.
Just like Weimar was the flag of Ethnic Germans.
Uncuck yourself faggot.
does this mean love-based violence is okay?
every. fucking. time.
Regardless what happens in the future, one thing is certain.
All Communists must burn
b-but user surely it is just a cohencidence? Fucking kikes man, they never take a break from bashing whitey.
College for cucks
Where are you even going with this?
My electronic engineering degree is as worth as much as that liberal arts degree, as I make less than $25k GROSS doing the same shit job as people who in the nineteen seventies, would have been put in a home for the mentally retarded. After an hour of complete idiocy today, I left. Cost me about $80, but that beats getting fired for punching somebody in the throat.
I'm not a fan of that first one because it frankly reeks of lefty shit: tax breaks don't start wars in the middle east, incentives don't blow off mr soldiers legs. The problem is Jews who want frivolous foreign wars, mud people who hate everything, eco faggots who obstruct any attempt at energy sovereignty, and leftists that regulate the crap out of our economy so that we can no longer afford to pay for our soldiers benefits.
This is a new level of retardation.
My god this guy is an obvious fag, just listen to his lisp.
Sweden already did it months ago. Or was it over a year?
They're trying to turn the USA into the UK ? Don't let them.
I've never heard this before, is it a fear of warlike Greeks?
Fear of weapons. It has common etymology with "Hoplite".
This. Massachusetts gun laws are even worse than Califrornia's arguably, and they don't even have a spic or nigger problem.
Also only state with entirely blue counties. They need to be gassed.
holy shit
not if we can hype this into a national outrage and show that our opponents hate this country
How are you only making 25k per year?
how on earth can the flag o0f the nation be banned?
This is all getting beyond a joke and the purge can not come soon enough.
I'm surprised how fucking stupid that kid is. Jesus he could have easily reversed those questions but he was clearly too fucking stupid to think of anything.
What the actual fuck?
Holy kek that man's ready for war
That's okay, I've got a better one.
hello newfriend
Dude, nice!
Hi, newfag. Are you new to politics?
Patriotism is the slave ideology. Time to ditch the symbol of the state and start waving the symbol of your nation, buckos.
sooo h*cka fr*ckin epic!
Right wing uprising, or enforced learned helplessness.
They want to make us feel weak and powerless.
We have always been small animals against beasts in the first place though.
Surely there's some way to halt their federal funding over this.
Even just his mannerisms in the first sentence he spoke made it obvious.
They can't avoid bobbing their heads around like toys on a car dashboard, not to mention rolling their eyes every 5 seconds.
Only reason France and GB didn't invade is because Germany and Russia had our backs. Fuck you double nigger.
Has there ever been any studies on WHY they lisp?
Is it a learned trait to identify their own?
Is it genetic?
fucking dropped
Carlson is always so beautifully smug in these trap interviews.
Having your flag removed used to mean you were conquered.
sucking too much cock.
No seriously.
If homosexuality is genetically linked to the lisp, that has… implications, and should be studied.
Join or Die faggots.
It's not a genetic ling it's a cultural link. We used to have the good sense to rearrange faggots faces if they came out, and the ones that came after that time merely adopted the lisp.
Well that's disappointing.
Don't let them pull the same shit they did in Britain where they effectively made the English flag associated with “hate”/ have as much as ditched it's use to appease the invaders.
the rebel.media/england_bans_its_flag_to_avoid_potentially_offending_muslims_on_st_george_s_day
daily star.co.uk/news/latest-news/452525/Fury-cops-ignore-ISIS-Hezbollah-flags-but-ban-St-George-s-flags
I thought I was safe from the poz here. I was dead wrong.
How can we combat college poz when we are trying to get a proper science degree and this bullshit just permeates EVERYTHING?
I thought being an oldfag would feel better than this.
I mean the land, dummy. smh
Quit feeding the beast. Drop out, go to trade school.
I don't understand that petition.
If you are a student then you should have a student visa. If you don't then how the fuck are you even there in the first place?
Same with staff and employees, that's what work visas are for.
The petition is asking the University to knowingly and explicitly break the law. Pure cancer.
Hey guys, look at these email addresses, phone numbers, and faxes I found.
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
PHONE: 413.559.5418
FAX: 413.559.5419
PHONE: 413.559.5446
[email protected]/* */
PHONE: 413.559.5421
FAX: 413.559.5736
[email protected]/* */
Tucker really made him look like a stupid jackass. Not even white, some shit skin mutt who doesn't know how to shave and only knows how to repeat sound bytes and dodge questions because he has no world view.
Time to make the ACLU useful?
The (((ACLU))) would probably support removing the flag because it hurt someone's fee-fees.
Kill yourself.
maybe its because he had to compete with indians on visas who are willing to work for minimum wage
why dont you flood their fax machines with american flags?
Reminds me of how triggering is to flag Germany's flag in fucking Germany.
Don't be a cuck, raise your flag.
Get Trump on it he'll blast these faggots so hard they'll be putting Confederate Flags up again.
Yes but all you need is a person to say you can wave flag and bam you got a case. Saying you cant wave X flag is a case itself.
It has been 56 years since the 60s started. 56 years to get to know this fuckerry and adjust to it. Quite frankly 8 Holla Forums is much batter at their own game today than anything they've got. Remember Trump was there to see it start up as a yong man. He knows what he is up against. And the left screal like pigs because they know that they no longer know what they are up against.
Good luck, but the ACLU is just another arm of the subversive kikes imo
So many newfags
Wow, I drove by this very college last week. There's an abandoned gas station nearby with "black lives matter" and "trans rights" spray painted on it. What a shit show.
Far better than the uncontrolled immigration and jews that literally did take over the US under the Republican one party state that followed the war.
It's a private college, they're free to do whatever they want. That being said I hope it bites them in the AIDS infested ass and new enrollment drops off the face of the earth as they become financially insolvent.
seriously you guys must fight this
(check'em x2)
Added to that rage pepe just for you fam
Actually, I did it for myself, but I'm letting you have it too because I'm a nice guy.
In Spain it has been already many years since showing an spanish flag is considered "nazi", we came out of a "dictatorship" thought, so some lefties had been butthurt for generations.
The US must be destroyed in the name of social progress! Hail faggotry.
These yids need to be hurt.
Yeah, some godless commies take down the flag and burn it before veteran's day and the kike school sides with the commies.
I need NASA to fund a rescue mission for my sides right now.
Trump should cut all funding to (((Schools))) that do this shit.
Something similar happened on campuses shortly after 9/11, pretty much all over the US. There seems to be an unofficial policy for all of them, to ban displays of nationalism after days of grief/pride/etc.
Those that don't participate still have their more zealous students on the prowl. It's possibly more effective than the administration taking a stance, because when your things get vandalized for having an American flag on it and the perpetrator assuming one is ever found gets a slap on the wrist, you're left without much recourse.
I feel bad for anyone still attending college with the delusion that they'll just get an education and move on with their lives.
America themed parties are harmful and offensive
Where do you live, Wellesly ?
Is this the new "burger meme [bait.jpg]"?
I think the statistics for autodidactic polymaths like myself is are even more abysmal than my AB- blood-type. College is for people that want to learn more, but are naturally incapable of teaching themselves.
Massfag here, can confirm. Tons of spics and niggers in springfield and around it. We don't call it spickfield for no reason.
I live in the northern metro area and it's full of nigs, spics, and chinks.
Springfield is god awful though. I wouldn't stop there to pump gas in my car.
Don't let this stand. They did this in Sweden.
Colleges are allowed to do whatever they want on their property. The only recourse the average person has is to not give the scam artists money for a worthless degree.
i was born and raised in eastern kentucky which is statistically one of the poorest areas of the country. a childhood in a dilapidated home in a dilapidated town built around a mine that closed two generations prior. i know poverty and its wretchedness. i was the first in my family to graduate college and it took finical aid, scholarships and a full time construction job. i'm self-employed in a field nearly irrelevant to my degree and yet i don't consider it worthless but rather a reminder of how far i've come, a promise fulfilled and a life my children will hopefully never know. meanwhile these affluent gated community self appointed vanguard of the working class cocksuckers speak of wealth inequality in one breath and mock those who they supposedly champion in another. they speak of privilege but the taste they acquired for coffee is due to the trendiness of cafes rather than the need of something with the consistency of motor oil to get them through a day that starts a 4am. these people are mass produced drones and little variation exists in the manufacturing process. their mannerisms, their posture and this aura of self superiority that oozes from their pores cleansed organic free trade body wash speak louder than any word that comes their hiv-ridden forked tongues.
His parents are rich because Oregon was stolen from the natives. Okie doke.
Sweet, as a Unionfag I've always been jealous of Dixies getting to wave around their "hate" flags. Time to buy some stars and stripes.
These Lefties are so stupid. Every move they make seems to be geared toward pushing middle America to the Right.
We Sweden now.
Jesus just looking at him makes me cringe.
Lol I bet he cried when I went home that evening.
Immigration was always about destroying all solidarity too. As was BLM. Why don't they just say they want us hating each other?
Pic is the flag on my church.
It's the cross of Saint George. The English flag. It also flies on the town hall.
My wife is Scottish and they fly the cross of Saint Andrew up there.
Flags are symbols and they carry meaning. They are important signals of identity.
I can't even watch this.
This is amazing
They want to sponge off of the American country, have American values, and live the American life, and are in the middle of the fucking country, and yet, they reject the flag. Because their candidate lost.
I can't even comprehend how upset these people are. It's like they flipped from being SJWs to being anti-Trump as their gender identity
Starting pay for a welder is 12hr. And you get lung cancer
Starting pay for a Liberal Arts degree is zero, and you get mind cancer
Pedo porn
I'm glad my college is based as fuck people don't care and reason normally when discussing shit you know like adults used to do.
However some teacher tried to make fun of me because I openly said I support Trump while I was dragging my Trump flag around and a copy of Crippled America on the day he won, he probably expected I wouldn't respond back and have other make fun of me.
Three lessons long the dude then was spouting how bad nazi's where while wearing a Che t-shirt, so I pointed out the fact that Che killed niggers and gays like it was his hobby and that the nazi's had a lot of African and gay soldiers, hell even jewish. Not only that he also was whining about propaganda from the Nazi's had how "socialists arnt human" to which I responded they indeed are not because they suck countries and the people dry, like leeches which made the classmates laugh.
Not only that some people that where against Trump are now finally realizing Trump isn't the bad guy and that the teacher is just full of shit.
You just gotta open up your mouth, there is always someone sharing your opinion, most people just don't dare to admit it alone. Just don't go full 14/88 right away and come with the facts. Facts filter out the idiots after all.
* except love of country (if western), of God (if Christian), and of race (if white)
fuck you
Hampshire Grad here.
The school has been infested with SJWs for two decades. They were an early adopter of going full PC groupthink.
Their antics are unsurprising, The crazy thing is that there is little in attitude and approach between Hampshire and more mainstream schools.
My thoughts exactly.
Nigga nearly every single school in america, whether public or private, receives some form of federal funding. If not directly then there are surely students who are federally guarenteed loans; which entitles the gubmint to flex rules over the school TBH
That would bring them back in line fucking FAST and make them realize how good they had it before.
fucking shit I hate libs
And that's exactly what it still means, really.
You are replying to a goon.
Can we have every self loathing (((white man))) who is going to college just executed and their tuition put toward building a wall? I mean what the fuck this guy can say his tuition is payed for by slavery. So what does he do? Does he pay back the money to poor black people? No, he just burns a flag. Virtue signaling fucktard.
Jeez..that man sounds like such a faggot. The tenor of his voice.im glad Tucker got his own show
You know things are bad when even the FUCKING WHITE MALES are so pozzed that they'd vote for Hillary.
Massachusetts is the epicenter of Cathedral power. Burn Harvard to the ground and salt the earth where once it stood.
pull its credentials.
I bet he has to wear a condom every time he destroys one of these numale faggots.
Still watching this vid. I love Tucker's "Columbo" method of questioning. Leading questions, acting dumb, then suddenly springing the trap and leaving the perp crying in his own piss and blood.
OK, mate. Me too.
I've got a friend in Montana and I've visited the USA. Shoulder to shoulder etc.
All the stereotypes belong in the bin. Except one. Accent; I promise you that having a bong accent is weird in America. It can be annoying to be asked to repeat myself over and over so that you fuckers can take the piss. We love you fat cunts.
I wonder what the 2017 version will be.
And then the arm freckles that show she's becoming negro on the installment place. Why don't most redheads use SPF 90 sunscreen?
I can't really find redheads that attractive, they're all ugly as fuck in real life.
And you're really supposed to be spoilering porn too user
No, I'm not. This is an NSFW board and one of the most popular threads today features a full color pic of a woman with an exposed arm bone.
And that's not porn, that's a tasteful nude of a beautiful woman.
Dopey mod saged and deleted my thread on this yesterday
Can't argue with those tits
problem is that these people will become your kids teachers pretty soon, theyre going to try and corrupt them
that's how i get people to come to conclusions i want them to come to, make them feel smart, suggest things but don't just say something directly, with most normies you'll just hit a wall
Is it Amhearst?
>T-FUCKING-FW Massachusettsfag
First Masshole legalized marijuana and now this!?!?!?!?!!??!???
Why the fuck is my state such a shithole?
What's the next step? Why not just ban America at this point.
Based Tucker
Still waiting on a map with people by net worth and how they voted. Leftshits work for the establishment for free.
Eat shit you Dixie dog!
I remember that pig for europe
hey, all those liberal college cunts are from the dakotas wisconsin and Iowa or are here on Visas
California wants to do that
I had to turn the video off 30 seconds in because I'm so fucking mad.
You literally cant argue logic with these fuckers, they cant fucking comprehend it. they will twist themselves into a knot trying to justify anything.
"Y'see what really matters is bringing AWARENESS to these issues"
is it time to burn massachusetts to the ground yet?
The same way Ron Pauls movement was taken over and turned into the Tea Party, the same is happening with pepe-posting being taken over by literal nazis. Then again the Tea Party actually became a political force once it was taken away from the activists.
Then you missed the flawless victory.
Only if you're black.
Watching this piece of shit move and talk makes me writhe.
And I thought the Netherlands was cucked. We're still debating blackface here
3 words in, I can tell: this man is a fag.
Imagine being this cucked.
Great. As if our libtards weren't bad enough. They're reach fucking Sweden tier with this shit. i hope my university doesn't try this shit.
sRGB is shit.
americans were more cucked by government while americans were more cucked by corporations and private entities. nowadays its getting worse, more so for americans
Based Tuck takes down this cuck
that last question burned him, though.
Does anyone ever end up burning the LGBT flag on campuses in response to things like this?