Here on Holla Forums there is a lot of discussion about redpilling, about how white culture needs to be saved, about how slutty and terrible girls are these days, etc ad nauseum. Everyone here has a baseline agreement that society has been damaged by progressive leftism and moral relativism. What are some realistic ways to push back against this? The zeitgeist appears to be swinging the pendulum in our direction with the election of Trump, the Brexit referendum, and the potential success of LePen in France. What can be done to capitalize? What organic, non-governmental actions can move America/Europe in the right direction?
Aiden Evans
good luck when half of the country are blue pilled non-whites watching CNN talk about Richard Spencer being a Nazi who hates Jews
Brandon Carter
Who cares what non-whites think? Whites are still the majority, and if enough of them wake up we win.
Lucas Williams
Stop race mixing. It does nobody any good when your wife spends 9 months making a human bean.
Blake Johnson
Truth. It seems like the more self-reliant and individualist people are, the less impressed they are with the SJW/gibs crowd, because they start to realize that their hard work is supporting these useless cucks.
Zachary Martin
Christian Jones
How about we kill the white trash stereotypical skin heads who paint us in a bad light if they refuse to clean up their act?
Ryan Diaz
I'll save us!
Joseph Morales
Has been damaged by the jews. Don't forget the scheming evil kikes.
Praise Kek.
Jeremiah Taylor
Babysteps, user. If you try to reel in the marlin too fast, you'll snap the line and lose him altogether.
Julian Anderson
Jose Stewart
Visually that looks a lot better than just ~65% (or whatever) white. What gives?
Isaac Green
Cities. Most people that work in agriculture, mining, drilling, manufacturing, or that are artisans and tradesmen (most of the productive economic activity) are white, and don't operate out of cities because of high costs and regulatory barriers. Cities have become hubs for media, finance, medicine, the intelligentsia, and government workers.
Gabriel Robinson
failure. have you learned nothing?
richard spencer is a media mongol kike lover, pulling a rabbi spraypainting swastikas to sell more subscriptions, donations, and dating sites.
i'm not kidding. that's the truth. and i'm not kidding, you did fail. spencer is not nazi, nor hates jew. he is on cnn, as a controlled opposition member, with the 'either knowingly or unknowingly' being irrelevant. which, since that's the picture, yes – we have alot of work ahead of us. don't undo the work by being a passive cunt.
Wyatt Lopez
I've got two great ideas… one involves flooding jew pork shitty, the other involves the PNW seceding.
John Jones
muh PR
Cameron Brown
You forgot to drop one on Detroit.
Kayden Sanchez
Josiah Flores
You guys are awfully bad at trying to get trends into the mainstream.
Cameron Ross
Really bitch? Who just won control of the fucking planet?
Jaxon Gomez
Ok, user, if Holla Forums controls the world (delusional), where are the RWDSs? Why is the Federal Reserve not burned to the ground? I'll tell you. The world is filled with people who live oblivious lives and parrot what they're told. It's centrist, because people are afraid of change. "Controlling the World" means it's trending ever so slightly right of center and ever so slightly against the Elite/TPTB. What I'm asking is how it can be gently nudged to either be maintained or to become slightly more favorable. The world doesn't change from libshit marxist globalist "centrism" to the 4th Reich overnight.
Justin Sanders
I think one of the best ways to push back against feminism is to push more "baby fever" memes among women. Most women would like to be mothers, most will chose motherhood over feminism.
Elijah Sanchez
You fucking goober, Spencer is not a nazi, nor does he hate jews or fags, but he DOES advocate for white people. Unless you don't want to advocate for white people, then stop swinging to the right
Cameron Parker
I like this. Any ideas to use their instincts to depopularize race mixing?
Logan Martin
Destroy the economy?
There is no example of any empire that reached the stage of degeneracy then turned super right-wing.
We control BOTH HOUSES. This is the time to think about legislative changes.