This (((Fed))) has been sniffed out! This just went up an hour ago and the bad goys are invading his comments section hardcore and on Twitter
This (((Fed))) has been sniffed out! This just went up an hour ago and the bad goys are invading his comments section hardcore and on Twitter
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm on board. Fuck that Jew.
Matt has fired back too
obvious troll is obvious
He's right. Richard Spencer is obvious controlled opposition. He cucks for Jews with no valid reason for doing so.
No, that's not what a "Fed" looks like. If anything, Richard Spencer is the controlled opposition.
That said, Cernovich is a classic conman kike who would do anything to make a quick buck.
Is there any proof that he is a jew?
Not that it matters, he is a race traitor, marble mouth publishing 4th grade level books of shallow observations.
And that video of the Neo-Nazis in suits doing Roman salutes was fucking cringe-worthy as shit.
Faggot has no place taking credit for every dissident political movement that helped get Trump elected.
Yeah, cernovich is just an opportunist trying to hock his ebooks. He latched onto gamergate then alt right becauae he thought they would be good targets for his internet marketing. Meanwhile, in real life, he is a literal cuckold who married a mudslime single mother.
He put up his 23&me results that shows he's 100% european, but he still acts like a heeb.
I've heard Richard Spencer give a few interviews, everyone of them sounded like a pathetic attempt of self-agrandizement to make himself appear as an intellectual heavy weight. There's not much depth to his flowery words.
Just a reminder: Antifa likes to push this D&C shit. Don't fall for it.
Y'all best start believing in goon threads
you're in one
I don't follow him much, but someone here posted a video of him, and let me just say that his narrow, beady little eyes and whiny voice were rather suspicious. In any case, you're right that he's an opportunist. Totally irrelevant, and aspiring to be some sort of gatekeeper / clearinghouse for information. We have anonymous message boards for that, no use for him.
Why the fuck do you care what this mongrel-humping kike does? They have not hindered our progress. We're reaching more normies than ever. Let the Left kvetch over these cucks and cowards.
They do, but that retarded Spencer "Hail Trump" clip made news around the world.
Meanwhile this cuck Cernokike cries about a Roman salute that was probably done as a joke and a troll to get extra media attention.
hey, we goyim should attack each other instead of us- i mean them. it would be really smart
Cucked for Jews but questioned whether they were people. "Are Jews People?" is trending right now and so is Nazi and Heil Victory
Here is video of Richard Spencer ending NPI with "Hail Victory!" and several shitlords perform Roman Salutes:
non this
Matthew Heimbach who was banned from NPI is even coming out against Cernovich for attacking nazis
-Yehuda Finkelstein
wow, that debunked image seems legit. i'm sure you have lurked a lot.
What is this autism?
And of course they had kikes there as well. And Fatt Morney.
Spencer's mentor was a kike.
Damn tricky dick was a long term sleeper agent. Guess they had no idea they would ever need to activate him but then Trump came along.
Yet there were plenty of yids in attendance. Because for Spencer, it's all a big joke.
no idea who that is
was debunked though.
you'd know if you lurked Holla Forums moar
His voice is so Jewish. Im sure hes kike
God bless her
Thats how I look at it.
You take their worst fear symbol and say here, now I got your fear.
PUA people are a joke as a whole, but matt forney is on his own level of cringe
Don't know if he is or not because I don't care about these people except for who is paying them, but to be fair, I frequently call myself a jew after being a racist just to get people to apologise public, then mock them.
you could just gas that whole building
wait im listening to the speech. He doesn't ask if jews are human.
lol lugenpresse
radixjournal dot com/journal/2016/11/21/long-live-the-emperor
Based Tila
Stop pretending like 90% of TRS's audience doesn't come from here. Shits faggy bro.
Pax is coming out against Cernovich
Pretty much. Picking a side between these two e-kikes IS the D&C. One is a "muh PR" position and the other is some controlled opposition faggotry.
What a wonderful coincidence.
i dont get it i thought we were nazis. or are we only nazis when it's not mainstream?
yeah the guy who started attacking the milquetoast dicky spencer is really the one we should be protecting right now lol. I don't even like that fagboy but at least he is willing to do a hail victory in public. Are you? anyway jewboy chernovichhhh married a mussie so he's not one of us.
we have IDs
This was absolutely cringeworthy for sure. NPI is turning into the same thing AMREN was. A multicultural conference about white people, except worse because they actually invite the media. I think even AMREN is inviting media now.
Why don't people grow some fucking balls when it comes to actual conferences and reject media and non-whites/non-gentiles? It's contradicting the same message we're pushing that "diversity" causes problems that otherwise would not exist.
wew lad, It's almost like there is an agenda being shilled against nu-media figureheads.
All because the stupid fuck wanted to start shit for no reason. It's the same thing ramzpaul did before he finally realized just ignore people who are further right then you.
Same people preaching this "don't punch right" and "defend those to the right of you" are always the same mother fuckers doing it! I don't get the ego on these people.
Alex Jones is a Zionist flunky shill with a Jewish ex-wife.
This is why you're losing.
you need to get off the racemixer's dick
they're going to drop the banhammer when he least expects it. there's going to be a second wave purge that's gonna hit ann coulter, TRS, david duke, etc. just watch
At least half of this thread is Holla Forums concern trolling. just in case you were wondering…..
The fuck are you talking about, when did I get called out? We have Id's you stupid kike.
I'm hearing the term concern a lot more what does that mean exactly?
Good strategy. It's been working so far.
These words are trending today on Twitter:
Are Jews People?
If you don't think these are good things, then you're a cuck who's afraid of how the (((media))). We're not fucking Trump supporters. We in the Alt-Right are white nationalists, anti-semites, fascists and we mean business.
Lol nice projection Chaim.
Mike Cernovich:
Married Muslim
Says nazis took over the Alt-Right
Jesus the state of that mug and god-awful goofy suit.
never liked this kike attention whore faggot
kikecernovich is league with pedo dershowitz!
for his film "silenced" a good way to damage his brand. dershowitz was invloved with Epstein the Lolita express and pedo island. cernovich must know about this
link this stuff to #twittergate #pizzagate
why is cernovich involved with a known pedophile that helped epstein
all this kike nigger cares about is his brand what Spencer did damaged it. he was calling him a polite well mannered white nationalist just days before that didn't deserve the Twitter purge.
I kekled. He is a fag though, so hover fist protects his bf's feelings.