only article on the issue so far archive.is/6Md2T



Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/place/United States Holocaust Memorial Muse[email protected]/*

accounts to investigate
go there and looking into the followes, by doing this for 10 minutes I have already found 3 cp accounts


more to come

How long until the twatter CEO is directly linked to the pedorings and the entire fucking site gets shut down for good?

so are we going to put -gate in front of every scandal now?

That's how it's always been. They'll still be doing it in a thousand years.

WTF. It is literally cheese pizza.

We gon get v& if we click user?

Why do i get a feeling that the MSM is going to cover this up like they always do?

Probably. I wouldn't.

Get it out there.

Hello CTR

Blame Watergate, which is an ugly hotel by the way, at least today, in my opinion.

not really, it is publicly displayed on twitter, unless you save it on your computer and falls under investigation, clicking on the twitter will not get you in any trouble, the FBI do not keep track of who visits such twitter accounts, but they may probably start to catalogue the followers

Why should we care? How is this related to politics?


Should I archive it? I'm a bit at a loss for what to do here

kill yourself and give back those trips

I'm not suprised…
Report it to fbi or some other alphabet agency.

Where did this list originate? A gamer known as molly? Wtf

Here's the list of pedo twitter accounts compiled by Eclipse_OW. Over 14000 so far.


There are some things we can do

1. go trought the followers to uncover more CP accounts
2.make a list
3.report them



Let's archive them all.

A lot of these accounts are probably run by the FBI.

It's not surprising. Just look how pozzed the twitter CEO is. His entire HDD must be filled with terabytes of Cheese Pizza.

Yes, nigga.

From the readme tab:

users who follow, not the actual accounts, would take forever to track down, i don't envy the FBI brahs, gonna be a shitty few months of digging through pedo fag pics

jews get gassed, pedos get burned alive.

Twitter is censoring non-SJW accounts but enables pedos

Throw the hypocrisy in their faces

Whoa, wtf? Those are actual nude kids on Twitter. Not just nude pictures, but actual videos of them fucking each other in the ass, too. I didn't know Muslims were so into that shit. Isn't the penalty death for that?

I thought pedophilia was a normal thing for Muslims, but if it's two adults then it's the death penalty.

Spreadsheet is fucked, was trying to figure out where most accounts were located but there must be some characters/data in there fucking up the software

xlsx, csv, tsv, all crash

anyone with a google account wanna do a pivot table?

Twitter has exposed innocent people to be implicated in a serious crime. The fact they have this content on their servers and other users can unknowingly access this legal content makes them culpable for any user accidentally viewing the content; and thus having it cached on the users machine. Class action lawsuit is warranted. Buttfucker Jack needs to go to jail.




Tweet it at a celeb or someone, get instant traction.

This pedo shit is like a cancer that has spread everywhere. Between the pedo elites in Hollywood and DC and the average creeper online there seems to be no end.

Seriously, even if the FBI is truly on board with catching these people there are simply too many.

What the fuck are we supposed to do? What is the final solution to the pedo problem?

0hour1 began exposing them, but got banned when he started reporting them. IP ban on all his accounts this time, not just account ban.
Molly and a couple others kept digging and started compiling a list of all the accounts.

The fucking idiot.

You already know the answer to that question, user.

There's only one Final Solution user.

Why the fuck would someone use a twitter account to post CP?


Uh oh looks like we lost the feed to h8chan… that sucks…

No, she just helped us.

probably easy to share and view. just use a mobile phone data plan to access it and you can't get caught.

Because they can? If twatter's protecting pedos then it's kind of the perfect place to post CP.

Also looks like a lot of moslems anyway, so nobody gives a fuck over there.


Probably for the same reason ISIS and other groups have a twitter.

Probably for the same reason they are against hate speech.

But even if you could find them all, catalog their crimes and remove them you would get in trouble with the law. You would get in trouble for killing them and you would get in trouble for documenting their crimes because any documentation of CP in pedo hands could, in your posession, be considered CP. In the eyes of the law you would be guilty of the same crimes as the people you are removing.

We need a better, faster, more dedicated and more righteous federal law enforcement to handle such a widespread and ugly problem.

Can't you guys get jewfag Milo into the mix, he's already got beef with twitter?

There are actually two Final Solutions; The Final Solution which we so dearly know and love, and another, different Final Solution, one so Final we can't even mention it until the Final draws near.

If he speaks arabic he gets a bullet to the head, if he worships a desert pig bullet to the head, if he's a jew or semite bullet to the head.


hes controlled opposition user
hes not gonna go after it even if he wanted to, because if he did, he'd be murdered for it and/or his blackmail would all be released to the media

Who said anything about lone wolves? We need to be telling the public. We have to PROVE it to massive numbers of people. WE HAVE TO GET THEM TO DEMAND THEIR BLOOD, and then the government won’t be able to do anything about it.



really makes you think

AMA with the guy who compiled a huge list of CP accounts if anybody is interested in know how did this started


How about this guy?

Could probably get water filter merchant to signal boost this

He only goes after cheesy middle aged white guys who wanted to get it on with 15-17 year old girls, not pedophiles or gays.

is he legit or an actor?
is he controlled op?

one of the only ways to reliably get the media to do report something about this and the government to do something about it is to disrupt the next superbowl halftime show with alot of people at the same time to report on it and show them active CP links on live television, whether you get arrested for it or not

A fuckload of celebs all across the board have been retweeted pizzagate, they however are too preocupied talking shit about Trump and whinning my-soggy-knee non-stop.

Schlomo Corp has a full list of writers to think of witty and oh so charming things for celeb accounts to say, its all a script written by Mordecai and friends.

He might be a little too easy to discredit due to his penchant for saying, and doing, bizarre things and being overly dramatic about his "inside scoops". I don't listen to him regularly but I feel like he talks about elite pedos enough that it might just get mixed in with the rest of his rantings without much attention.

But I guess it couldn't hurt

Jesus christ all of this makes me sick.

Also, speaking of which how about someone links to famous youtubers and e-celebs, at worse we'll get no response at best we'll get some lulz.


Just looked through a few of those accounts. What the fuck is going on? Surely accounts named "gaykids" or "kidlover" would be fucking deleted?

Videos and pics of little boys etc. – fucking infuriating. These people need to be fucking killed.

This shit may had been happenning for well over a century, but never since pedowood's Shirley Temple have they been so shameless and blalant in their depravity. Social media has completely changed the way this fuckers act.

Arabs have been fucking little boys and goats as long as they've been around.

Arabs and semites are natural pedophiles.

The worst part is that there is no option to report on grounds of CP, only hatespeech or whatever – shows where liberal priorities truly lie. Sick fucks.

I'm going through reporting what I can. You need to highlight specific posts for the account to be reported – nevermind if some sick cunt has a twelve year-old's dick as his profile picture.

Fucking hell I am so angry right now. It's 4AM and I need to sleep but I've been re-energised by this Satanic fucking shit.

Die Endlösung der Pedofrage ist der Tod.

Don't report the posts retard that just lets twitter delete them.

Send an FBI tip with links to the accounts.

how long until the sjw armada comes rushing in to defend their "oppressed" allies?

If my first was 14, can I still beat off to my own history?
Does that make me gay?

Can the FBI even do anything about it? These guys probably aren't in the U.S.


It's funny how the pizza thing spread quickly. However, it appears this Twitter thing (which actually has hard evidence as opposed to just a bunch of circumstancial stuff) has only been reported by a tabloidesque news outlet. I.e., no major coverage.

Twitter is.

I clicked.
One protected account (so we don't know what is or isn't there), one that had no illegal content (that means no CP, friends) two follow lists that I don't have all day to investigate, and one account that almost certainly had genuine CP (that could have been shaved twinks going at it but I doubt it). That one I reported to FBI, but by the time FBI gets there the account will be long gone because of all the publicity.

The best way to handle CP is to QUIETLY report it to the FBI and DON'T share it with anyone else. As others have pointed out, if you try to save evidence, it's a crime, if you show other people where to get CP, you get banned, and if you go after the pervert personally, they just delete everything.

If you are too afraid to contact the FBI when you stumble across real CP, then there's really nothing constructive you can do about it. All you can do is spread it to more people and tell everybody how gross it is and how you'd like to beat them within an inch of their life, which is actually a form of virtue-signalling which does nothing to help the victims.

I'm keeping an eye on this to see if anything comes of it, but I'm afraid the "investigators" have been so noisy about it that all these people will probably get away.

Twitter is hosting CP, the FBI can fuck them up.

this was the old way
but now it seems the authorities aren't doing their jobs

what we have here, gentlemen, is the makings of a genuine modern witchunt.


With the FBI, are there penalties for filling-in all the information regarding my name, etc.?

for not filling in*

clicking around the list, lots of broadcasting, acting, recording people. Also camwhores and porn bitches

People with thousands of follows, so a lot of these could be auto-adds or auto-follows or whatever

Also, a TREMENDOUS quantity of south american spics. Is kid fucking legal down there?

No idea. Nothing I'd imagine. They probably don't even look at the ones that aren't completely filled in though tbh.

Also, FBI are useless, newfag. They are well-known for literally making terrorists, murdering civilians, and "catching" pedophiles by making honeypot sites (really, just a way for them to get their hands on more cp).

It's mostly the higher-ups that are at fault.
Interviews with normal FBI agents make them seem like normal people, and they often shit on the leaders (such as Comey) for holding them back on a lot of shit.
I remember one of them called Hillary Clinton something along the lines of "the Anti-Christ personified".

Set up a script to hit the username and a lot of the seeming non-commercial ones are suspended

Doing it quietly, nothing will come of it, twitter will play the victim.

Age of consent is generally lower in south america, but any photos or videos with minors (

I read something today (from Holla Forums or maybe it was a newsplus banner ad) saying that Turkey was going to pass legislation that made child rape okay as long as they married them afterwards.

Polite sage because not really related to the thread topic

yes so he can discredit it right away with his stupid act, not unless his jewish masters allow it (doubtful since they fuck boys all the time)

Thank God I turned on my fucking VPN before clicking those. Why are so many of them fags?

Where are the girls? Equality and all that. No but seriously, what the fuck? It's been almost two hours and they're still up?


Why do people take Alex seriously?

Tumblr has a far larger pedofile community.

What I have seen cannot be unseen.


"This Saudi prince now owns more of Twitter than Jack Dorsey does"


well you see first we convert those fema death camps that the government has been building, then we make them all wear a special symbol, and then…

Well that explains it then. Seriously, why the fuck are Saudi's, nay, Muslims such fucking homos?


Degenerates get off on doing the outrageous.
Homosexuality is more outrageous than hetero.
Why do you think they bug chase?

we don't, people here post him because of his energy and his crazy reactions, in reality he's controlled opposition who won't name the jew

is she qt?

SF Giants is baseball

is this legit?

Reminder that the FBI and CIA helped delete all the evidence and killed/arrested all the victims from the Larry King pedoring case.

He already goes to parties where people of questionable age do questionable things.

He admits this on Joe Rogans podcast, the same one where he tries to change the topic after Joe realizes that Milo supports mutilation of baby genitals as a ritual.

No, it’s Weimar Germany.

So shouldn’t we be telling Tumblr about this? They love to doxx.

wrong, its 18

That's rediculous.

Sure, I'll give you that. But how many times have you heard, "well, I would love to go public, but these people are just soooo dangerous! like omg! you don't even know!"?

So, sure, the higher-ups are definitely culprits, but the lower ranks are full of cowards.


Submitted link in OP to Drudge. If he picks up on this, no one will be able to hide it.

Well there's 2 problems with the FBI CP Division:

1. They move glacially slowly because they're swamped with so many false reports. #1 false reporters: divorces who want to get even/get child custody. #2 false reporters: well-meaning people who report kids-in-the-bathtub and legit child-modeling photos when theu're found out of context.

2. The FBI is very fond of leaving it all up for a while and using it as a honeypot. This can mean it may be YEARS between your first report and their action on the issue. They, of course, will not tell you they're using it as a honeypot.

How do I know this? Quite a while ago, I volunteered with Perverted Justice before they started framing people, and I made an appointment with my.local FBI office and asked them how to deal with all the CP I was running into and why it seemed like my reports were getting no response whatsoever. After that, I improved the quality of my reports and noticed that it took the FBI 9 months to a year to remove offending sites and blogs. They put up one of their seals when they take something; if it just 404's, it was user-shoah'd.

Anyway, happy hunting, y'all. Stick to reporting the worst stuff and try to do it as quietly as possible so your suspect doesn't get away. The way this case is being handled, the only one who stands to get in trouble is Twitter, and I think they'll get off the hook the same way 4chan & Holla Forums have gotten off the hook all these years.


user, you know very well if they went public with most of that shit they'd either have to end up like Snowden or Assange or commit suicide by shooting themselves 20 times then putting a pillow over their face.

A portion of Twitter is owned by Islamic countries/organizations that worship an incest pedophile so I don't see how it surprises anyone that Twitter is verifying ISIS-linked accounts, allowing pedophile accounts & banning anybody that expresses a problem with that.

People who work in silicon valley + tech startups have been living in an echo-chamber, a cult, full of brainwashed marxists telling them free speech is hate speech, Islam is peace & other such Orwellian tripe for so long that now Trump has won & they've been so triggered that they're really going full retard. Their dogma has them well off the fucking deep end. As Twitter's stock plummets you'll find the ideologue in charge of it caring less & less about trying to salvage it.

That's fascinating, I always wanted to know more about how the FBI handles their CP division. Anything more you can tell us? What kind of guy's do they got working in that division? Ex-pedo's who are tech savvy? Punished employees for fucking up that one case?

I want to know more.

kikes AND cucks lad

I find it funny that the US and Aussieland are broken down into their states, but other countries aren't.


that one should have been obvious

or jews. No one ever goes after the jew pedophiles running the human slavery and sacrifice rings.Cohencidence I assure you.

When you have twatter accounts like "FUCKH8" it becomes hard to tell what's what anymore.

>kikes have no reasoning for circumcision other than 'muh yaweh'


Don't say that! It has the potential to unleash an army of Freddy Kreugers into the dreams of children everywhere!


I am still trying to figure out how all this CP has been on Twitter this whole time and no one even bothered to notice,report to FBI/Police, or do anything about it. I don't have a Twitter account so not sure how obvious it is, but if it is this widespread, why has no one mentioned it until now, particularly if it is all out in the open and not hidden?

All these sick fucks need to hang. They are just children who deserve a chance to grow up without the vile depravity of others taking any chance of a decent childhood, hell, life, away. It's all just totally repulsive. The worse part is it's not speculation or larping, it's real.

To be fair the people working there are likely unaware of the shit going on behind closed doors, from their perspective they've been attacked non stop for no reason.

this is wrong and I know for a fact that the age of consent for Brazil is not 14, I'm brazilian.

But you will rarely get in trouble because of it tho, you being 20's can easily have sex with a 15 girl and nobody says shit, but if you are denounced by the fathers you can get in trouble

This map is complete bullshit. I live in NY and my best friend got jail time and had to be registered for Statutory Rape (17 years old).


Getting to the point to where if I see an article "debunking" something, I immediately assume we're on the right track.

Well it looks like They got Kanye. Thats been going on the #Pizzagate twitter stuff. Expect a suicide.

…they're all connected, aren't they? The key threads are money laundering and CP.

Isn't Kanye one of them?

Even if the under 18 gives consent, the parents can still prosecute, as far as I know.

In Texas the age of consent is 17, but there is an exception if the parties' ages are withing three years of each other. So if you're 19, you can still bang your 16 y.o. girlfriend without worrying about going to jail.

Unfortunately I don't know any more, I just had the meeting with the one guy one time. It was interesting though, and he was eager to tell me what type of info they needed to make cases stick.

They also weren't too fond of Perverted Justice and wanted them to stop filing so many bad reports, which is why they agreed to talk to me at all. Now in hindsight we know why they weren't real fond of Perverted Justice.

fuck the lugenpresse

Fact Checkers! Fact Checkers help! Shut It Down, the goyim know!


Not anymore. Reports are saying he got forced into "psychological evaluation". Shits falling apart and they're being loud on the cover ups.

These fucking kikes say the same exact shit in the same exact way and have been doing it for a century.

How are they getting away with it.

Its all shut down.

This shit is legitimately fucked.

We need to get a news source to report on twitter banning political accounts while allowing CP

Any chance we can turn this into a national commission against twitter?

That guy is a fucking retard. Bill Cooper exposed him at the start. Jones was visibly upset when Trump won, anyone who's aware of his shill status can see it.

tbh I would rather have a shitbox like the top one, looks comfy as fuck

Kayne is currently "hospitalized" for no fucking reason

lol, Twitter's stock was already sinking, but after this fiasco, I have a feeling it's going to absolutely fucking plummet sometime this week.


Fucking Lugenpresse.

We can use this for our cause though, if we can start a federal investigation of (((twitter))) over this shit.

You always see that on globes and maps, too. It’s the US, Australia, Canada, and Brazil that get internal divisions drawn, but nothing else.

hi newfriend Holla Forums stands for politically incorrect

Pedophelia normalization is becoming politically correct. It is our job(and duty as white men) to document, research and attempt to help bring down those who in any way help ensure that pedophilia exists.

Holla Forums also stands for Path of Light, which means it is doubly our job and duty to protect and bring about the existence of the old ways. These ways are the antithesis of all forms of progressivism and all left-wing ideology, which includes pedophilia, as is the Jewish plan to ruin and rule the world which is outlined in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

If you wish to know more, lurk more, read the entire sticky, visit >>>/polarchive/ and continue to follow our progress on the bringing down of these vile human beings. We are not just a politics board. We are a collective.

I wonder what drug he’ll ✡overdose✡ on, sparking a new form of control or whatever.

Yeah he's dead.

The part about moving glacially slow seems like bullshit. Way back when deadchans would get filled with cp and then linked to active boards, whole sites would be taken down in a matter of hours. And that was back before everyone was a report-happy faggot.

It's possible that they've changed tactics in the last decade, but I remain skeptical.

It would be pretty hard to get Arabs and South Americans prosecuted anyway. Might as well give Twitter a bad reputation and make their stocks tank.

Seems like all the English-speaking accounts aren't posting CP anyway, just stolen family photos and child-modeling stuff. I wonder if any of those non-CP pedo accounts are really FBI honeypot accounts.

Twitter is a site owned and operated in the United States, and pictures or media of people under the age of 18 who are nude, or otherwise in sexual or suggestive acts is a felony - possessing or distributing this media is also a felony. Twitter therefore would be under some hot fucking coals for allowing this.

when I first read this on the article I automatically thought "ain't nobody talk like this nigga"


Where were you when the jews did kanye

because fucking a faithful muslim girl or woman is a grievous sin unless you are married to her. masturbation is also a terrible sin.
however, fucking a little boy up the asshole is a-okay to allah!

i guess this is what happened, still pissed off how it ruined his life because no one would take him for jobs after.

We need to import goats into our countries, they have no outlet for sexual frustration that pleases Allah other than goats and young boys.

The Kayne shit is not natural at all, he had his outburst about all the shadey shit going on behind doors and now public opinion "Kayne is mentally retarded, hope he gets help :((("

Seems he has second thoughts about the whole deal, the guy sacrificed his own mother to the elite to become famous, turns out fame wasn't worth it.

Bill Cooper was also a retard. Went so far out of his way to not name the jew that he invented an entire alien hierarchy.

Kanye predicted his own death at his concert yesterday


Dont know exactly what the hell he was talking about but I guess he knows not to mess with illuminati JayZ and Beyonce.

And he did mention Pizzagate at one of his concerts recently.

If only the Teflon® Don got in touch with him first, then maybe he could at least send an intercept team to extract Yeezy to Trump Tower.

Where were you when Kanye was kill?

When you have the world's most powerful people on your side, why not?

Holla Forums I'm not meaning to concern troll, I only wonder whether this is even beyond our scope? Our most direct means of acting on this knowledge would require more intensive means than networks that might be smoked out on the internet. By all means, continue the internet investigation, it is essential to gathering information and intel… only something to keep in mind going forward…

Would love some verification of this.

Nothing is beyond our grasp.


This reminds me of those sports jersey coded messages they were trying to decipher back in one of the pingpong threads.

Anyone else see that too?

Open secret is Jay-Z used to fuck football player Larry Johnson. Beyonce is his beard. Foxy Brown outed him then retracted after who knows what threats he made to her.


I agree… for reasons I cannot elaborate. We need to start memeing this shit harder than diamonds.


Kanye West has cancelled a show in Los Angeles, after a bizarre concert in Sacramento on Saturday where the rapper played three songs before going on a trademark ad-libbed speech where he criticized Beyoncé, Hillary Clinton, radio stations and Mark Zuckerberg.

West was due to play The Forum in Los Angeles as part of his Saint Pablo tour and as a “makeup” show for a gig in November that he cut short after losing his voice. However, on Sunday the venue confirmed the gig was cancelled and that fans should seek refunds.
Kanye West 'would’ve voted for Trump' in US elections
Read more

On Saturday, West played in Sacramento but only got through three songs before going on a spoken-word detour and then abruptly walking off stage and ending the show. Ticketmaster confirmed they will offer full refunds.

West started by criticizing radio stations for favoring certain acts and not giving air time to the likes of Frank Ocean and Kid Cudi. “A lot of people here tonight felt like they lost. You know why? Because y’all been lied to. Google lied to you. Facebook lied to you. Radio lied to you,” he said.


From what I've seen theres been no direct call outs to pizzagate from him but people keep bringing it up when hes talking about corruption.
He did say he was putting his life at risk for his rant though, and now look where we are



What is wrong with people

WELL Holla Forums I tell you this… if anyone confirms the location Kanye is being "hospitalized" it would be pretty easy for me to get myself admitted what with my history and all. But I need confirmation first.

A thousand times this.

Reporting them to Twitter is so fucking counter-productive you full speed turbotards

The only retard here is you

Why kill Kanye when we get to watch him try and run for president in 4 years?


Yeah he looks totally fine.

Get out of here shill.


Most webms are soundless now, the cuckchanners have become the majority.

Can you get in the psych ward?…lol

Kanye West Hospitalized Handcuffed in Ambulance


have you guys heard of newgon.net?

this place even has a logo in the shape on an inverted triangle…pizza? they claim to not be a pro-pedo website but that does not seem legit to me.

Just found this website tonight you guys know anything interesting?


While I won't disagree that meme magic helps us, this issue can be solved simply by getting coverage by larger media organizations. I believe that, provided there is enough solid evidence or ties, we can get Breitbart or Infowars to report on this. Once we get that coverage, pizzagate will boom. All of the rats and worms whom are involved in this shit will come out of their holes, and they will be thoroughly dealt with.

He was being a bad goy.

Alex Jones Busted At CIA Stratfor (Research Stratfor/Jones if You Care About The Truth)



It really is still there. From India I think. Poor kid.




Archive you nig

The one I saw wasn't even anything but a selfish man. None would like it.

grow the fk up kids, there is nothing wrong here
ppl have been doing it for thousand years

You're fitting in great fellow skinhead.

they get more data that way,

IE: your IP, browser, OS, plugins, installed fonts, monitor size, etc and so fourth.

You have to remember for these sand monkeys fucking other men or boys is nothing. But once you fall in "love" with said man/boy or come out as gay, then its time to throw you off the highest building around.

Someone better hurry because Kanye's mind is about to be fucked by the doctors and psychiatrists at UCLA.

I am not opening that second video but I hope it's not what I think it is.

It's exactly what you think it is. Report it.


just fuck me up fam

comic is not even triggering, irl the hair would have singed off first.

I know this because unlike you, I have seen death…kid

Global report that shit


It's 18 in France. 15 is for it not to be an automatic sexual abuse criminal offense, parents can still sue your ass up to 18 for minor corruption (and will win).

Note that you could also be married at 16 (with parental consent) up until a few years ago (hence why it was not a crime to have sex at 15… it's 15 years revolved BTW IE sixteen yearly age) but since the diversity was using it to sell their daughters back home to allow people to immigrate it got bumped up to 18 too.

Nice post fellow alt-righter.

That's just your confirmation bias speaking to you.

(((They))) gotta do something. He's been a bad goy.

Yeah that map is hugely inaccurate. The age of consent in Japan for instance is 18. I have no idea where they get some of those numbers.



Because Twitter allows them to do so and is known for not giving a fuck.


dubs of justice


Could be, but it's worth bringing to the public eye, since twitter is no-platforming us anyway, tanking the whole company would be a win.

I wonder what kind of ass is Andersons favorite. He is likely got another side to him we don't know.

MODS! delete this post before any one sees it… jesus fuck.

We're not mudslimes here, we're fucking aryans and we're better than this shit.


I should've done that

And risk getting a visit from the party van? You better be stealing some restaurant's wifi with a bootable USB linux distro.

the little shit tried to sneak it in with the rest, its pretty fucking obvious by that filename and thumbnail

Fucking clicked on the last god damn link of those disgusting ass links, thinking it was fake. What the fuck do I do now?

You wont get v& because you clicked a video

Just relax.

If Twitter won't let underage pizza on their service, how will they catch up to Snapchat?

Nobody wants that shit here.

You have to constantly be searching for CP or be on websites like Masterchan for you to become a fall man. But if you feel paranoid you can always microwave your PC if you used protection to view the link. If you used protection you'd only get charged for obstructing the peace and won't get raped in federal prison by Bubbah.

However if you didn't use protection, just chill, again you have to be someone who actively searches for the stuff.

Normally no, but we're on Holla Forums and we're all govt. targets due to digging through Shillary's emails and shit. The fact is, is that clicking on CP and the like is the exact type of honeypot they need to fuck us over. Tread cautiously guys.

OP here, the issue I'm dealing and researching right now is this:

How do I investigate this without breaking the law? I stopped digging because it was away too easy, I was finding a lot of CP accounts, but it is literally a crime to look at any kind of CP

Agreed, reported and blocked.

The popo doesnt care about a user clicking a video on an imageboard. Would be more interested in the poster tbh.

I didn't use protection, I literally thought this was bullshit until I actually clicked it. It's on my history now do I delete that shit or do I report the twitter page to the FBI?

clear history and browser cache, lad.

I thought you were pulling everyone's leg, should've put a better warning than "Sensitive Stuff" If I were you i'd leave this shit up to the feds man

Shill and don't do shit now that you clicked on it. You can clear your history and cache, but let's be honest, your ISP knows that you clicked on that shit now. And ISPs no longer keep shit private anymore.

"Dianna [age 2]: "Daddy, would you kiss my clitoris?" Casually, Daddy says, "Sure." Bends over and gives her a light smack. Dianna: "No, do it long like you do to Mommy." The father reports he thought briefly about it and decided there was no harm in it. Dianna enjoyed it and later asked for a repeat performance. (Constantine)."

Holy shit this place is clearly pro-pedo.

i dont know much about kids but no wa a 2 year old is articulating to their father they want their boxeaten out WTF

Fuck i'm interested in the poster, they know better than to bring that shit here.

It's probably a leftie trying to discredit the site, why the fuck haven't mods taken it down yet?

The thumbnail loaded so we're all fucked.

That's a good question, why hasn't it been deleted yet? Maybe mods aren't on right now?

Stop spreading FUD. Nobody except you, us, Holla Forums, and the NSA know you clicked that shit because of HTTPS, (I mention NSA cause they probably have some automated MitM taps everywhere, but they don't give a fuck).

HTTPS protects you by encrypting all your traffic, whether its text, audio, video or otherwise. It's all encrypted en route to the destination and back to the source. The only thing the ISP sees is the Top Level Doman, 8ch.net


Ive reported it here and globally, who knows to be honest.

Probably doing it for the kicks, knowing it gets Holla Forums mad.

Most of those twitter accounts are aware that people are looking at them, the number of twitter accounts that are now private is staggering

Mods have been asleep for a week now.

Arguable to be honest, a thumbnail of CP because of a shitty troll/a faggot spamming CP isn't enough to land you in jail. It's enough to land you in a watch list if you haven't been in one already. If you're in your 20-30s and have been on chan imageboards, or similarly edgy sites, since the early 2000s you're already on a watch list.

fucking kill me


probably will do this, I'm not comfortable with seeing this kind of stuff, thankfully

We must really be scaring some lefties by threatening to take down their social media.

I had completely forgotten about https thanks for reminder

I think a mod may have closed reports for the thread.

After finding videos named [email protected]/* */ on Limewire and watching them back in the early 2000s I've learned how to sniff CP from thumbnails now.


twitter com/Kimberl05453181/status/800952746870538240


twitter com/Kimberl05453181/status/800952746870538240

Who is she and why should anybody care?

What gets me is those sad compliant kids that just submit. They aren't screaming in these. I've never seen a violent one and of course those are horrifying too. The whole thing. I just don't get it why people don't care about right and wrong. Like so few of us really care good against evil. I've got my own problems but I don't take it out on others. I think of others.

You're a lying sack of shit if you're saying the content in the second link doesn't have pics and vids of underaged boys.

Comey is on it He will take it all down just like he took down Hillary god bless his soul.

What the fuck is this shit

And why the fuck is this my captcha

Porn subliminals.

To control you.

When you're groomed from birth in a closed environment your morals are pretty much dependent on your caretaker's whims.

I mean shit nigger there are professional hitmen groomed from birth to be able to kill someone and feel the same as you would gutting a fish.

Good stuff. Been done before you know. Might want to look into past happenings if you're interested in how Jackie the head pedo handles this. The fact they go after the accuser tells you everything you need to know because it's not even an accusation, it's a bullseye. The filth speaks for itself.


To those of you afraid of seeing CP and the like on the twitter links, remember you can disable twitter's url for images via noscript.

It's called grooming for a reason

gtfo ctr your fagass candidate already lost

But my family my friends they don't even care. They can't be bothered to lose a little sleep. They can't be bothered to try and help someone in need because they are afraid of losing or whatever. Mathis stuff really gets me to the core.

Go shill for Alex Jewnes somewhere else. That faggot CIA plant hates Trump.

Fuck you

O Reilly on Fox stated Oprah Winfrey was guilty of sex crimes for talking about sexual abuse. I guess he'd claim I was reading this for the same reason. Like CNN states it's illegal to read Wiki Leaks. How fucking convenient.

Pretty sure O'Reilly is jewish lad.

one question, why are all of them dated as being created in November?

Pedo's are a bit stupid folks, it would not surprise me that they would do this, sometimes they like to hang out in plain sight

archive it, file an fbi report on their website and link the archive and the actual webpage, report to twitter too

Chances are, the feds won't do jack shit, I've made reports to some other countries three letter agencies, with fucking audio of a guy admitting he fucked children and everything, chat logs galore, and he is still posting to this day last I checked
Three letter agencies are not your friend here, they don't give a fuck, they only care if they can make money/make publicity/or use it as leverage

A pedo left alone is a useful blackmail tool later, a pedo arrested now is a waste of resources
Unfortunately banning twitter won't work, it won't actually remove the kiddiddlers, they will just move, however showing twitters bias of preferring to attack anyone who remotely supports Trump vs not banning literal child fuckers, is useful to us as would be proving a correlation between the kid diddlers and Jack
To actually get to the heart of the problem we need to dox the kid diddlers directly, make reports to governments, then perhaps share info to local news publications when the feds don't do their job, we need a way to make them do the job or pay the price. If the government will not do its job it must be replaced or exposed and embarrassed to the point where it has no choice but to do its job with extreme prejudice.

Ugh, I've been lurking for a year now and usually try to do my part but this makes me physically ill. Good on you anons for fighting the good fight and getting these sand nig accounts terminated.

They are all dressed and none of them are doing anything overtly sexual, at least in the thumbnails.. It's disgusting and creepy and the poster is a pedo, but it isn't CP. We've had worse shit here on Holla Forums.

I used to global-report that shit here on Holla Forums EVERY FUCKING DAY and mods did nothing before Jim came along. Let me tell you, Jim's all-out pedo ban is one of the best things to ever happen to this site. We're talking little girls under 10 in their underwear, spread-eagled, with the focal point of the photo their barely-covered vaginas. Little girls under 10 standing on the beach completely naked next to grown naked men in photos saved from legal nudist sites. Little girls under 10 wearing bdsm leather outfits with metal-studded bras over their flat chests, holding whips. Girls that were obviously drugged out of their minds, barely able to hold their eyes open while splayed out on a bed wearing grown women's lingerie. MODS.DID.NOTHING.

In comparison to that, the stuff in that second Twitter link is tame. You're just hypersensitive to it because it's boys instead of girls or because you came from Reddit and have never been exposed to creepy child modeling photos before.

As for the rest of you who are worried about clicking links, nobody is going to get in trouble for clicking now that the links are being spread everywhere, especially if the referral link comes from this investigation thread that's condemning the CP. The people who are going to get in trouble for it are the people who clicked it BEFORE it was publicly known, people who saved it, and especially people who reposted any of of the content.

BTW reporting CP when you find it is your best defense against accidental clicks. How you gonna report CP if you didnt already go to the offending site or click something? People get tricked into this stuff, and good people report it when that happens.

Getting their accounts terminated does nothing though, what do you morons not understand.

We don't need to terminate the sand niggers' accounts,

We need to terminate the sand niggers

I can barely put a worm on a hook without feeling guilty. Yeah we are all different.

So I know 1Hour1 goes to an IRC he said. So maybe this was a weird set up to him, a tip, a way to get us "used to" CP and thinking it's normal. That um….habituation effect. I hope not. That Team Black is pure evil. I'm so sick of them and their dirty tricks.

There was anal sex with an 8-10 year old.
And a middle aged man.

I think this might not be case of pedo circle utilizing twitter to share their pizza, but the side effect of letting subhumans into global internet network, expecting them to eat up liberal propaganda but instead turning their little brains into a mush by excessive porn exposure.

And nobody noticed because everyone on twatter was busy looking up steven universe lore or crying about le drumpf

I'm kinda surprised that people can't figure it out purely on the filename and thumbnail already. I reported it, and filtered the guy.

Go suckstart a shotgun
I know exactly what we used to have here I've been to those boards well before Jim came around and I don't disagree
I just saw a kid spreading ass in a video so don't tell me there's nothing there you disingenuous fuck

One look at the thumbnail and the filename was all I needed.

We're talking about the twitter link dumbass, not the .mp4 that was posted, try to pay attention.

'muh lore' faggots are the worst kind of cancer. They're more interested in cartoon history than irl history.

I swear you're either too stupid to be here or a shill. The twitter links are what we're talking about.

Pretty sure that was the third link, not the second, and I already said I reported that one to the FBI, futile as that gesture is at this point.

The second link is shirtless teens and little Asian boys in bathing suits—disturbing for sure, but not illegal.

Remember that somebody earlier in the thread said that a paedophile not arrested now can serve as blackmail later.

In England a couple got arrested and their child taken away for reporting someone who had asked them to rent out their daughter. They turn the tables when they want to. You must lead a charmed life to trust the Feds. UKColumn.

So which one of you fuckers has the time to make an awesome graphic that shows all this shit?

Too lazy to make one, but I'm jumpin to post this all over Kikebook and twatter. Fuck this double standard.

Look, I'm not going through all the goddamn Twitter CP links for you to figure out which one was really bad amidst the others that were either follower lists or really tame. Either calm the fuck down or eat a goddamned bullet, your choice. I didn't post any of the fucking pictures, videos, or even the Twitter links so you are taking your virtue-signaling angst out on the wrong fucking person. In short, kys.

Well they got what they deserved.

The correct course of action would've been to kill the people who asked to rent out their daughters, make it look like pure cohencidence.

Why the fuck is this still here? How many people have reported it by now? Mods asleep or something?


Then YOU look through the kiddo-porn to make the OC. I'm not gonna do it. Get the GNU Image Manipulator ( gimp.org/ ), and make one if you don't wanna buy Photoshop.

Oy vey are you trying to shoah me?

It's interesting how almost nobody used "kys" until the neo-exodus.

You know what I decided to look into that shit a second time and you're right. Other that the profile pic of the second link there's nothing there. But there's still a naked kid in the profile pic, I just associated that with the third link which has the actual cp vids.


How fucking stupid are you.

I meant a graphic that conveys the ridiculousness of this situation to normies.

Clearly, you are used to having everything spelled out for you.

But how are you gonna explain the ridiculousness when FB and Twatter ban people for outing paedophiles (you know, saying that, Twittergate sounds like another Sarah Nyberg, except without the piracy).

Cant tell if shill or honestly asking.

The only thing we can hope to do is spread information. Literally, our only chance is to try to get genpop to at least consider this stuff.

Anyone trying to suppress information is against this movement. The only way to get rid of darkness is to bring it into the light.

The jews really fucked us with the CP thing, and this is an object lesson in why information should NEVER be illegal, since merely investigating the crime will expose you to criminal charges. We're all going to have to buck up, hide behind seven proxies, and if the FBI comes knocking before Trump is inaugurated then we shoot to kill. The pedo's nest has been kicked and the kikes, goons and assorted filth will be using the tactic of posting CP to dissuade us from conducting the investigation that the FBI and local PDs do not have the ability, will or integrity to perform.

Holy fucking christ on a bike it's real. pics and videos of kids fucking and getting fucked on twitter this is insane

One thing that I learned from participating somewhat in Gamergate, was that shit like that is the sign to keep at it, and that you're attacking the group since stuff like CONleaks got a bunch of "There's nothing there!" posts when they came out.

In summary: if shills pop up, keep going, disregard them, report if need.

One can hide in the noise said FBI user if he is still alive. I think he made a mistake writing he used to work in analyzing Russian Intel for the FBI. I hope he's OK. I got a Torguard VPN but I am not using it today, it was a bit slow on max encryption. Is that a good brand? I will tomorrow if it works here. I can have porn on my name every day. I am actually fairly subversive in my thinking. Somehow not properly indoctrinated.

I meant can not have porn on my name.

Oh they're going to have to ban the pedos too, but they're going to take their time about it, claiming that they're "investigating", and meanwhile the pedos will scrub their accounts and computers and get away scott-free.

Twitter will pretend to be very contrite and pretend it was incompetence rather than design and will promise the FBI that they'll do better in the future and OF COURSE they'll do anything in their power to help stop CP (while continuing with pro-pedo "thoughts are not crimes" rhetoric). Twitter will get away scott-free too, except their reputation and stock value will take a hit, but probably not a fatal one. They'll be forgiven much more quickly than a Chan would because normies like Twitter and don't get chans. The MSM will go into overdrive explaining it away as a mistake on Twitter's part, emphasize how large the site is and how very many tweets there are every day, and blame the users for not finding it sooner and reporting it more quickly, and hope that everyone forgives and forgets.

We won't forgive and forget though, will we? We'll ask all the normies we know "Why are you posting on that pedo site?" when they mention Twitter. Any time someone's mentioned as a Twitter celeb we'll loudly wonder if they knew about the CP and how many of their umpteen followers are pedos. Oh, we'll never forget, and we'll never let anyone else forget either.

From Pizza Thread.


That's why I said. It's like Sarah Nyberg, except for there's no piracy involved, and the website (not a paedo hive like 12chan) is still up.

At this point I think it's a race between us and the corrupt feds until Trump is inaugurated. My only hope is that this might open Trump and the public's eyes to why all information has to be legal. I don't even know what realm the Clinton Cabal's pedo snuff shit falls into, but we can't fucking stop it if the laws are set against us. Even if we stop it this one time, if the laws are left in place then the whole cycle will start all over again within a generation.

Jesus fucking christ, I leave you guys for a week to train for a new job and shit goes fucking nuclear.

That was interesting perspective. Thank you. There is a Podesta email from 2007 about selling Iraqi oil and putting into Federal Reserve acct and giving Kurds 35% of the money. But just talking in an email. Fucking smoking gun.

warning, some of this is the real deal.







pedo follower

fuck you!

warning, click at your own caution.

arab pedo

some cp


pedo friend

pedo friend


softcore pedo



lots of girls under 18


warning, i warned you!

pedo softcore

pedo jap


animal fucking


arabic pedo


dan canada

definitely cp, arabic

arabic pedo

arabic pedo

I 'm having a hard time grasping that we went from "investigating code words and symbols that heavily imply pedo activity to" Oh hey there's a shitload of cp on twitter right now that anyone can look at" in less than 3 days

warning, can't warn you enough


possible pedo

pedo honeypot??

indo pedo?


pedo video???

japanese pedo

jap pedo

big time pedo

pedo but private

softcore pedo



warninsdfajsdf a


definitely pedo..

twitter.com/jsc_peropero pedo





pedo for sure


another pedo



I can't fucking report them. my twitter keeps getting banned. somebody else do it and get people on it.

dude just let the feds handle this, shit is super sensitive.

Reading this shit on Holla Forums, of course.

Speaking of which, today is 11/22 - They're going to sacrifice him today!

Not to be a shill or defeatist but the reason all those links are fag cp and not girl cp is because the elites want this shit. Twitter is just another too-big-to-touch company full of sodomite faggots (who are all pedos) and jews. They want this kind of shit out there so they can breed more faggots, normalize it, jack off to it. Maybe some 10 year old boy stumbles upon it and the trauma turns him into a homo. They want kids seeing this shit and assuming this is the normal way that sex happens, or they want them to try it or whatever the fuck.



how? where? I don't want to get compromised. I just want these fucks taken care of.

wtf this is so fucked up, why is this posted openly on twitter

Fucking misdirection like we have never seen it.

Either this is TOTAL conincidence, or they are so nervous that they are literally trying anything.

Logic would dictate that Twitter would have NEVER let this shit on their website, for fear of being held responsible or at least a little liable.

Because of this, Twitter (much like every other company like them) has systems in place to prevent this kind of thing from happening without them knowing.

You all tell me, what is more likely? Twitter is literally unaware of this? Or is this too convenient for them to be happenstance?

Did you not forget Sarah Nyberg. "She" did this shit on a surface-web paedo hive that's now shut down.

I only needed to see one to see it was real. I don't know if it can be organized into connection with the Clintons but too dangerous for us Anons.

They can write a Bible Part 3 about us and our depravity. We are as a whole just as bad as the Baal worshippers in Old Testament. How to change it. How to help.


I don't think Nicky Nyberg had anything on this level. All he did was openly fantasize about fucking his niece (cousin?). I don't remember him actually acting out or talking about having any hardcore files

at this point I am beyond rage.. there needs to be a fucking purge.

On further thought. Until they get rid of the blackmail we can't get rid of the rest.

You read Dramatica's ( encyclopediadramatica.se/index.php?title=Sarah_Butts&diff=next&oldid=701385 ) article, or the FFshrine chat logs?
Vid related is LeoPirate on Sarah Nyberg.

They've been taken over by Neo-4chan.


There is an Israeli Twitter that says foreign governments are going to expose all this plus the papal office on Nov 28 or Dec 28. Could be good guys. We just have to explain it to the normies when the tribunals start.

Here's a thought:

The only thing missing from that last chain is "trading CP", which would explain the constant stream of pointless transactions back and forth on Patreon between people who all ostensibly know each other in real life.

Might be worth having another comb through of the Crash Override Network leaks if anyone has the documents still. Just to reinforce this point: CON are a partner of Twitter, and charged with moderation duties.

You realize this is from the INFOWARS 52 hr Election Stream, right? At that point, Jones had been up for something like 22hrs straight.

They're sacrificing Kanye and Hillary today, a two for one special!

Both have outlived their usefulness, both will 'accidentally' die with no autopsy preformed the bodies never seen.

we r legun expoct us?

Wow I haven't read through the thread. What are the laws here? I was investigating claims that twitter is hosting child porn? Can someone screenshot it and blur out the nudity.

Wasn't there just a post about the fbi hosting child porn and upgrading the website to increase efficiency and bandwidth. Too more efficiently provide cheese pizza.

Wasn't there a thing about plasma and reversing aging recently?

Are these all gay shit?

Oh are you a shill? I thought Kek kept them away for once. Please tell me you are just joking.

no. some of them are real rape cp. check the one with the fuck you comment

A random twitter user making "a huge splash" over "twitter pedos" while a huge civilian dig is underway, seems like a narrative that fits hollywood conditioning.

The normie audience, the pitchfork crowd, will start seeing this relating to something they do every day (tweeting! funny memes and celebrity gossip! XDDD) and it will pre-empt the actual podesta debacle by allowing them to say "oh I heard about those pedophiles on the internet there, twitter disgusts me now." and allow twitter to die right after it's pulled off the market. I don't predict twitter surviving this, investor-wise, and that's probably the intent that is coupled to the pedophile narrative.

Either that or the person who raised hell about this is legitimate, and we have to stay on top of informing others to the cause of all this:

-Twitter being an intelligence gathering platform
-FBI honeypots
-Trafficking rings blackmailing pedos
-Infiltration of government by trafficking rings via blackmailing.

That should be the overriding message for as many normies to see as possible.


Legit post… I think you made a mistake clicking it. I hope your ignorance doesn't get you fucked.

Someone who has already clicked this bullshit, post the twitter links under heading "press release trump: appoints special prosector for hillary"

Giving plausible deniability.

You have properly captured the sentiment. The pizzagate movement lacked real proof of any kind, it was purely speculation. But this is "in your face" and won't go down easy, I wouldn't be surprised if this became #gamergate all over again, all the autists finally have a big target, a rightful one, even Anonymous fags will get in the train, this train will take us in a new direction, we will with 80% chance cause a major change in twitter or even totally destroy it's credibility, believe-me today is day one on this and we are just starting, wait 3 or 4 days when user dig-up dirty on Twitter CEO proving that he knew and did nothing, or showing that twitter in any form knew and did nothing, what until there is a total MSM break down of the (((((((((((((facts)))))))))))) that they choose to present, when your mom listen to it on the radio and asks you what is twitter.

No my friend we will not forget this. And we will not let this slide, I may have corrupted my soul today when I looked at those links, but I will bring light to the darkness, even if I have to forcefully do so.

also this guy

dox of wb amarel taylor scott

national id number 617 76 7710
passport id 503319078
phone 530 273 1942
california state id f4588543

similar mutations


[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
similar mutations

Yeah. 0Hour1 could have been set up in IRC. I am getting suspicious too there was another agenda in this Twitter investigation originally. Maybe it was to get him banned again. But it may backfire on them. I still think 0Hour1 or if there are 2-3 of them is a fun loving hacker who used to work for LulSec in the day and went off the grid but hates child trafficking. A lot of folk shill against him on 4Chan.

It doesn't reverse the effects it mitigates them.

So you might be able to live until about 150-170 years old with a constant supply of child plasma, but this would cost over 50 million a year so only rich as fuck people with no morals like Soros do it I would imagine. That's why those old jews never die.

which of the accounts belong to him ?

Oh I see. Yeah they sell baby and fetus blood. I'm a physician and suspect stem cells in aborted babies.

Jesus fucking christ


Do you understand the fact that we are not the obscure vietnamese origami board we used to be? We are influenti now. They actively look out for US and missteps like this one compromise our operations.

Duly noted.

You behind 7 proxies?

Maybe the trafficking is to Harvest the blood. They import babies and get sick Pedro's to drain the blood. Then give them boxes of cheeses for payment. How else would they get fresh stuff. Maybe they get HIV Hep C and shit from all that.

Gimme the TLDR.

report them here report.cybertip.org/
the more complete is your report the better



I'm not clicking on any of this shit until I can get TAILS or something similar installed on a flash drive, pay up for a non-fiveeyes VPN and get to a coffee shop at least five miles from my house.

I mean if 3000 kids go missing a day in US how many kids can Podesta and Alefantis and Herbert Sanders fuck and slice up a day? If they were selling stem cells and serum that would explain a need for more volume. And Saudis would want it too. Trafficking blood which is an organ. What to do with all the carcasses.

based anonbro
you can run the account names with this database that was compiled so far, I imagine some are already in the database

I am not clicking that. I know enough already.

But getting them banned from twitter is not the same as putting them on death row. In-fact, allowing them to cover their tracks will slow down an investigation…. if there is one.

thx. just did

Can anybody fucking explain?

Twitter is covering up and doing nothing about accounts run by pedophiles to swap and share their illegal smut.

Nice try CIA

Did anyone check to see how old the accounts are? (I aint clickin that shit again)

ty & theory as to why…


Maybe that is a strong point to sell to Normies when the time is right. All the proof of people getting banned. I saw a pick of 4 banned accounts somewhere.

No lad, the donor has to be in peak condition for the plasma to have effect. They also need to share bloodtype and similar ancestry helps. So jews grab white and arab children since they're the closest matches, then the ones with the right bloodtype get taken to holding units where they're fed and clothed and kept pretty much like cattle to be milked for plasma, the ones without the right bloodtype get harvested for organs or prostituted.

I mean people getting banned for reporting CP.

What one could do is cap and blur like the guy in the canibalism thread. My only fear is that by the time this gets attention (if it ever does) that someone has some evidence somewhere. Again, the issue of the evidence itself being illegal material is problematic. Quite troubling indeed.

At this point I want statements from law enforcement. Public statements. Or my faith in them will drop from 7/10 to 2/10.

Pitchforks and torches. when?

I took a pic of one with my phone covering the parts with a finger off my device screen. But I'm worried that is porn in and of its self. That horrid set that was open in the thread. I wanted one to redpoll my family. It was a 2-3 year old that sick bastard.

It's almost as if lawmakers designed the laws as cover.

so many v&s prepping up

If anything ever comes of this, and the Trumpenfuhrer ever decides to go full on 14/88 and execute these sons of bitches, I volunteer for executioner. I'll even bring my own gun. If I run out of ammo, I'll just use the bayonet.

I know we can't get the pedos in Latin America.
But can't we just drone them?

Obama and Hillary did it all the time…

I'm pretty sure the alphabets or foreign governments have to prove it legally and get the blackmail thing gone so we can effect change in corruption. I think we need to be aware so we can have a level head and explain things rationally later when they do it. It's hard for us to accept it and it will be harder for others than us who have known about 911 and blah blah blah and on and on.

Show this shit to normies. Get it trending on twitter. Maybe trump will notice

So actual terrorists upload harassment, raping and murder to Twitter and share it, while Pedophiles upload anal sex with children and other shit… but the entire moderation apparatus is against us for voting Trump, using braces on nicks and posting frogs?

1. Take it to the main you-tubers so they can use their normal platform and bomb fire the entire company treating their main income: traffic from normal people and ad-venue from companies pulling off from a scandal site.

2. Its impossible Twitter isn't aware of what they host and how they are systematically censoring us, so people inside are in the game. I get ISIS was promoted from the Pentagon, but sodomizing children can't be a cover ops ever. CEO or same king of CTR-tier mods are turning an blind eye on pedophilia because they are into it too.

Careful, sounds like Wilcox-ian bullshit.
Granted, real news is sounding more and more like Wilcox-ian bullshit these days.
Don't just rely on anyone who promises some big leak. Dig for yourself.

same *kind of CTR-mods

Some things I noticed, first, all of the accounts seem to have less than 50 followers, more in the 20 - 30 follower range. A lot of the accounts were not following any others which screams bot to me. And most of them had the same hardcore CP videos, going by the thumbnails, so it would be very hard to pin down the origin for those particular videos.

Also, one of the accounts struck me not as a honeypot, but as a fake cam whore account, in which someone had stolen pics of a barely legal/slightly underage girl and was posing as that girl to chat with men and raise prices before selling them the stolen pics. I seriously doubt the account was being run by the girl in the few free sample pictures though.

FBI honeypot are indistinguishable from ordinary pedo sites because the FBI takes over regular pedo sites and pretends to be the original owner in order to draw in more pedos. The only way you'd know is because it's content was getting stale or no original content (and non-pedos like ourselves wouldn't know that) or you've reported it multiple times, it's got clear-cut, obvious CP, it's been over a year, and it STILL hadn't been taken down, and only persistent pedo hunters would know that. FBI is good at honeypots, I will give them that.

It's literal fucking child pornography right out in the open. Twatter is too busy banning us bad goys to do something about overt child molestors.

Doubt you're gonna get v& if you click on some of the accounts to see for yourself, but I would STRONGLY advise you not to download anything. I'm not a legal expert, I have no idea if they can pursue charges if you download the webpage and black everything out in MS paint to use for evidence. I'm not even sure if it would be able to stay on archive.is. It's some bad shit, user.

worst thing is a lot of these accounts are new. it's as if twitter suspended them after the outcry then they simply made a new account and where back in business.

I have never seen cp. what was an innocuous hunt went down hill terribly fast. fortunately i was behind a paid vpn. unfortunately I was only behind a paid vpn.

It's a symptom of a bigger root problem. We have to get the machine (s) doing the blackmail which binds it all together.

you just redpilled me on missing kids

I don't know why they haven't made it illegal to look at the process of hotdogs being made, nobody eats that shit once they see it.

seriously fucked. why is this in the open? why is most of it from the last two months? why are they mostly retweeting each other's content repeatedly? nothing seems real here. 2 spooky 4 me.

No, its not a FBI honeypot. I am an old-fag in the intercats way before ls magazine went mainstream.

One characteristic is that they add some "phobia" pictures on the content posted which all those accounts lack.

This is not how it works, not anymore. FBI has reduced to almost zero the amount of resources catching pedophile rings and human trafficking. Only cases investigated are low-profile ones bring to court or police by the family it self.

Even the NGO who claims to fight against it has some serious pedophile and human traffickers inside and as a donours.

I can see clearly now.

It's one of the bitterest red pills you'll ever swallow, my condolences, friend. I did quite a bit of pedo hunting about ten years ago and had quit in order to preserve my own sanity, and now I find myself hunting them again. May God or the Gods protect and bless us all in these troubled times.

And we have to wake folk up too. Trump being elected is huge. A miracle. A blessing. All of what we are doing is good. We have to support each other and work at what we are good at. No shills today but they are vicious.

I feel like I'm going to fucking vomit.



I just watched how it was made, and omg it is depressing

the true feeling is im fucking useless to do anything. even if I could doxx these guys and get their info out, i'd be more content. the problem is it's beyond any individual's power to stop this. but with enough of us, then maybe we can do something.

AA, Alanon, Boy Scouts, Georgetown Podesta Law School, Girl Scouts, it's all infiltrated. But somehow something good and hopefull is really happening. Even though we have seen the belly of the beast we can be protected. We are going to fight this as best we can.

Amazing, meanwhile this server was almost seized for hosting suggestive photos and despite mods sacking pedophiles and threads reported, even after nuking their boards.

Twitter and Facebook do have powerful friends in the government.

This shit isn't new for me. In fact Facebook holds up most of the world CP, and gore videos.

How bid is the deep/dark net?

I laughed so hard… I can see clearly now.

The majority of the world's CP is stored in Bill Clinton's house on magnetic tape.

It's…complicated. It'll more likely work out like this. If they're not in the US, then they'll contact the country and launch a joint-investigation with said country. If it's multiple countries(more than 3-4), it may go as high as using Interpol and they'll launch a joint task force on it. From that the FBI or local LEO's will deal with it regionally, the force/service in the other country will do the same. Then they'll setup a time in the future for raids at all the same time in order that they don't tip off anyone in the network. That's why you'll sometimes see in the media "pedophile ring broken, xxx number arrested in x number of countries" or something.

Keep in mind though that this degeneracy can go pretty high up the chain. See the case with ol'Jimmy in the UK, there were other DJ's, artists, politicians, police, child services, and so on that were involved over a 30 year period. That's likely not the case here. But keep in mind that even when you report this shit, it can take a long time before you hear anything. First case I was a witness(I discovered it on a shitstains PC aka they had it as their fucking desktop) in, it took nearly 3 years. The only reason it took that long was because there was no "immediate threat to other children." On the other hand if they know by looking through the crap, that there are children in danger they'll go through a "fuck it all" and do immediate raids.

That fucking world.

Man how can Facebook and Twitter still operate if they fail to comply the Millennial Act they impose so hard to other sites?

Its like they are above the law.

archive all accounts before it gets deleted

not the only one user, the day of the rope must come and come soon.

great idea fellow goy

yes (((they))) act that way indeed.

But that's not working at Comet. They should seize Herbert Sanders lap top, look for dungeons in his house (can't wait til my children and grandchildren return so I can devour them) they need to look below Comet PPP etc and look for tunnels and kill rooms. There is danger there. Some of that they can't easily throw away. Hopefully Jan 21 they will start. I wish it was today! But Clinton pardoned a lot of bad guys.



Trump would fucking love to have a legal lever to bash Twitter over the head with.


Nice link. That Sherrif David Clark in Milwaukee and Cryptome were suggested on another thread.
General Flynn seems honest.

So, Twitter isn a publicly traded company, right? Wouldn't it be a good idea to get this story directly out to shareholders or other stock market people?

Man in possession of 1.8 million child pornographic image get's scott free
Judge says 'he can be rehabilitated'
archive.fo/rW07W - WARNING: used .fo because .is is down

What the fuck guys? More and more people are getting away with "possession with intention to use for sexual purposes"

Note how sharing but not possessing is against the law.
That means if someone were to abuse the child themselves and obtain the pornography - they'd get off. Well assuming there isn't something else that could be breached

Why did he give this verdict?
Was it policy? Or was it because he wanted to lay down precedent that would protect himself or others?

He's at least insane then. But nothing at all? Not even time in a mental institute?

I hate this world.
That Judge better have good locks.

Also - this CANNOT be unrelated to pizzagate and this Twitter bullshit.

There's probably malware in it user. Did you use excel or libre?

There is a difference between the two. In this case(twittergate) going by what people are saying there is ample picture based evidence. The other(pizzagate) you have apparently lots of circumstantial evidence. Is it enough for a warrant though? That's the really big question. The first case yes. Without a question. The second? That one likely is starting to get close to having enough evidence for a warrant, unless there's more that they've dug up on their own. Just a guess, but something people don't realize is that unless there's a exigent circumstances application here, it takes a shit ton of circumstantial evidence to get a warrant. Where as when you can show actual evidence of something, it's easy.

And despite what people are saying. If people flag the accounts, then twitter under law has "a reasonable period of time" to remove the accounts legally with no reputations. That's *after* they've been notified. This is the same rule that applies to halfchan and fullchan. Now if they're not removing the accounts after they've been flagged. Then they become liable. A "reasonable period of time" is also variable. Back when hotwheels was running this place, the average removal time on sites like Twitter and Facebook was around 3 days(if I remember right). On fullchan here it's usually under 1hr, sometimes much less just like on halfchan.

Human stupidity.
Or a honeytrap.

You post those links and then like this

This is fucked. The removed 'possession' and now the sharing of links is the only thing illegal - why? Probably to stop Pizzagate and threads like this.

Even at 500 KB per picture that's 900 fucking GB of CP.
I'm 99% sure possession of CP is illegal in the US. But even if avoided jail, I assume he's on some sex offender list.


No it means arabia and islam has a pedophilia issue.
Explains why their countries are constantly falling apart - they're all abused children who lose their control and decency.

This is WHY pedophilia is illegal in the first place. The mental effects are so drastic that it destroys societies.

Possession of CP is illegal in all western countries. Most other countries too. What's interesting is that it's the UK. A place which has laws regarding "extreme" sexual acts being illegal. It smells like Rotherham type bullshit, and it wouldn't surprise me if there was some type of judicial agenda going on.

Do I sharpen the axe, or leave it dull?


They're uncivilized savage mud people who have a long and developed history of rape, pillage, and fucking goats and young boys.

The judges are blackmailed or threatened too as we all know. So to enforce good laws we need the system not blackmailed. The CP does get at exposing the blackmail. And 1000 props have to be arrested in our country and many more need to be replaced. If Podesta or someone high up turned states witness. The CP also is something almost everyone can agree on if they open their eases and ears and face it. it's heinous and wrong. I'm feeling better tonight that this Pizza CP issue is one of the main ones. And trafficking if we can get info. Wish a way to delete the trolls when they come.

I thought it was illegal in all anglo countries.

I think that judge is getting bribed or blackmailed.
Or he's part of the ring.
Or he's related to Islam.

They are going all out at subverting western countries ideology against pedophilia. Because they want to cover their ass AND because they know it destroys nations. I know think clinton and soros are involved again. Possibly the Rothschilds (they recently flooded india with counterfeit notes btw)
They want the total destruction of moral restrictions in countries to save their necks.

Yes thanks to Islam. Though Mesopotamia and Arabia has always been horrendous.

This issue has got me thinking that RWDS is not a possibility, but an inevitability.
This shit is out of control.

it's saudi islam. it doesn't account for islam across the world. also the videos most of the toddlers getting raped are by whites, with the exception of a young boy getting raped by middle easterners.

I have no doubt that is going on.
Your policy is influenced by university. Which is influenced by cultural marxism.

Thank you marx for ruining kids lives again!

Or jews.
Doesn't matter, whatever the race it's unacceptable.


Non-whites are racially inferior you fucking cuck, kurds, turks, semites, arabs, they're all shit regardless of religion and were shit long before Abhramic religion was even conceptualized.

exactly. it gets tiring to hear the hate spiel when the fact is adults are raping fucking children and nothing is being done about it.




I mean look how twitter reporting tool are so inadapted. Makes me fucking sick.

This is the issue:
People think reporting it will make them deemed to have access it.
Also when you report it - you also send the link through data sent to the organization in order to report it.
That's an offence now.
But possession is not.

And there's only one reason for that - to imprison snitches and vigilante investigators.

But that didn't make them pedo.
Islam made them pedo.
They used to be just shit. Now they're shit and pedo.

kys you dont deserve those trips

A weirdo autistic likely Benjamin Fulford says a lot of batshit crazy things. But he says a lot of them do need to be shot and the rest rounded up and hope others turn over a new leaf. But it isn't just 10 that have to go.m I wish the cops and military would do it. If they try and kill Trump there could be something like that. Sex with kids under 12 is what we need to focus on and murder sacrifice. And pray we give hope and desire to the insiders to do the right thing. Maybe we all are working together against Goliath and can't give up.

Is that why .is is offline?
Use other web archives. Hide behind proxies. Check for malware on your computer.

Arabs fucked children long before Islam, Islam just made them gay.

And kids

Setting up virtual box I haven't done yet. Can one run Linux live anymore on a new Wndows 10? Can you use a VPN with Linux live I guess not. Need to set up Virtual Box with Torguard VPN or proxy. Is that good?

Trump needs to know and act on this.
Or we go vigilante again.

Don't use windows 10. It's malware.

Virtue signaling at its worst. You people are all fucking retarded. Report it swiftly, calmly, HONESTLY and most importantly do it SILENTLY. Stop fucking letting people know you're coming.

ic3.gov/complaint/splash.aspx Use this shit next time.

Seconding this. Maybe we should retweet all these pedo accounts to the twitter feeds of local news organizations in a coordinated effort. They'll panic at having a tidal wave of CP hitting their twitter and have to address it in some way.

A series of letters to the public. Like Red pill #1 and then more. So they cam get is slow. The ones that voted Trump subconsciously know they are being lied to. If the economy and health care costs go down the toilet, we need to keep folk from rioting against Trump. They need to focus anger at how they ended up there and the CP 14 and nude and under 18 and murder unacceptable. Not to b;arm tTrump but the system. We need a website with a seizes of articles they can read from perhaps.

Possessing child pornography is not illegal. Possessing incriminating evidence of child rape is. Haven't you learnt anything?

Anything under 18 is CP and should stay that way.

Laws on minimum age of marriage and the legality of sexual relations between married partners are a separate issue from pornography. At some level anyone in pornography is being taken advantage of, doubly so for the young.

That would redeem him greatly.

Very sleepy. Autocorrect. Thank you guys I feel better. Motivated.

"Saving" is not any different from "viewing" from the MITM perspective.

OHour1 has a new server. Can someone ask him if we write short primers on Pizza Gate would he let us post them? I want to do Herbert Sanders. His server likely has good OpSec.

Join gab.ai and ask him yourself. 65,000 people have joined in the last week after Twitter started banning everyone.

Another dirty shill here guys.
And I said that it should be given circumstances like their intention to use it for certain activities.
I said that is what the law says now. And that's wrong. People should not have cp images for the intention of using them to sexual satisfy themselves. It leads to more and more abuse.

Actually if a minor had pornography or a similar age of someone they know it get's tricky.
I think it should be black or white and not even minors should do that.

If he does not act against this pedo shit then I am all for the riots. I will not tolerate gutless leadership.
Yes your life is on the line. That's what it takes to be a strong leader.

For now, because he hasn't had too much ability to do anything. I hope he is frustrated like us.

And CP possession is illegal because by having possession you are taking part in the trade of CP images, which endangers children's lives, especially the children in the images.

if the op shared these accounts here and Holla Forums leaves them up, does that mean there will be legal issues later on?

archive.fo is down now

Any law anons need to help pro bono.
Any law students also need to help.

I'm in the wrong country.

Jesus I go away for a couple hours and you guys find more shit.

I feel sick just reading this thread, I can't imagine how it'd feel to actually have children and read this shit.

Is pol being setup?

Yes fellow skinhead POL is being setup, the liberals are coming to destroy us for the fear the alternative rightists!

Just having links saved on you computer to CP can be considered CP.

Don't save any of this shit, don't even click on it unless you know what the fuck you are doing.

Remeber this is what the FBI did to cuck chan Holla Forums

They spammed CP and then took the board over.

More likely the FBI runs bait accounts on twitter and Holla Forums is accidentally killing the operation, which is why they desperately try to keep it out of any media.
Just a guess.

Could be also that Holla Forums is onto something.

c'mon now

Listen here you paranoid (with all reason) fellow pollack, tell me this, what do you prefer:
1.Two month long operation about art and ping pong that reveals no solid evidence and makes /pol look like it reached the tip point of autism.
2.Crude facts, by the thousands, that there is a pedo ring running wild on twitter.

Choose only one.

To be fair the FBI regularly uses legitimate CP to "sting" pedophiles.

It never works though, it's like O'Niggers fast and furious.

Dude, what the fuck is going on? Some of these profiles literally have boys with boners as their defaults…some of then with accounts that have been around since May

What the actual fuck, twitter doesnt allow reporting illegal content? How to report properly?

report to the authorities here ic3.gov/complaint/splash.aspx

this is just a cover up

On the issue of what we can do about this, pizzagate, Podesta bros kidnapping, Haitian kid stealing companies, etc., I think contacting foreign governments is one potentially good option, and then just meme'ing the shit like crazy so at least the normies get it in their subconscious that this is happening. Unfortunately, since the power structure is compromised (since they're the ones operating it) FBI reports and similar approaches are likely to fail or be counterproductive (tipping off pedos higher up in the networks about leaks in their pedo ring). Also, I think spreading this knowledge among military members and other government employees lower in the power structure might be a good angle as these people are less likely to be involved and if we could start a culture within the lower realms of government itself of being aware of this stuff it would make fertile ground for future leaks. Extremely frustrating that there's so little we can do directly.

Its ART goyim

Absolutely, we knew that from the start. Mods are brave, brave men.

Call the police.

How would you write a post for facebook ? I'm shit at presenting shit to normies

"Guess we'll just have to legalize it, amirite guize?" -Lugenpresse Talking Point, Nov. 16 Edition.

just like weed

Yep, i remember that.

Does twitter have advertisers? There's no doubt some fucking jew behind this being ignored, but I doubt advertisers want to be associated with a CP host. Also, if we spread word of this shit far enough, then their stock prices should fall a lot due to speculation on law enforcement intervention even if they decide to ignore it. Hosting CP seems a little bit too much even for the current year, and next year Trump will be able to ensure these fucks get what is coming to them. We should use that fact to make them turn on each other now.

I think that's far-fetched..

I cannot get over how every discovery like this makes the world seem more and more crazy.
And they've likely been this bad for a long, long time, just nobody's caught wind of it.

Oh, O…OK then…

Why the pedo use eratas pciture ?

Something is really weird !

Be carefull !

The information age is bringing all of the world's sickness into the light. At long last, exposed and laid bare, it can be destroyed. The world will not forget what happens in this age, because we have brought forth undying archival of that information distributed across thousands or tens-of-thousands of individual computers in the network. They cannot hide this anymore. They cannot burn down THIS Library of Alexandria. I once considered 2016 to be the end of the SJW. I was wrong. My vision was only so narrow.

2016 will be the end of the eternal Jew.

ill check you senpai~~


Well I have done my duty I think. I have reported countless of accounts with porn. Some I think were underage even for Japan.

One boy had a price list and I guess he is about 14. Obviously the people who pay think he is young enough.

Another had a strange mark that I don`t know how to access.

Please go and report these again. I think the more reports the more likely they will be taken off:




Finally this girl who I guess is young but remember Japan is 13 for age of consent but considering when she signed up and the very large amount of followers I think it is dodgy enough.


This. These CP laws are not there to protect children, they are there to prevent the general public from understanding what's going on.

If the public were to ever see what the kikes are up to, what CP really is, they would uncuck and go full 14/88 overnight. These laws are designed to make the public fearful of investigating anything too deeply for fear of encountering the wrong information and being gulag'd. Play CP on the nightly news and tell them it's what the globalists are up to, and your entire populace will go full GAS THE KIKES that very day. The CP laws are designed to ensure this never happens.

That QR?
That's the BlackBerry logon on the lower right corner.
Does somebody have a sacrificable BB?

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

I was wrong, androids can access the BlackBerry Messages


What a terrible shill post.

I know people go a bit partyvan about this but I have just sent an email to my MP in the UK with the links and an explanation.

In the UK it is easy to send off messages to our members of parliament. I suggest other English people do the same and those in other countries follow whatever system you have.

Yes report to FBI and Police but it is time that Twitter answered questions from the people who claim to represent our safety.

Make sure you use an anonymous email and proxies. For the love of god we don't want more dead anons.

Seriously though, does anyone still have a link to the full logs? Even if nobody else wants to I'll dig through them.

There was literally CP. That is partyvan.

welp I'm fucked

I am not as paranoid as some. I have given my true identity and permission for him to pass that onto the police.
I don`t think reporting a potential hazard to an MP is going to get me in any trouble. I have not broken any law I can think of.

I check that cod but I only have an old nexus so can not check properly. I think it is some type of messaging system.

My nexus just gave me this:


if these are protected, get in there.
Scrape ALL followers, don't need no AI for this one.

Just grab em all, also very important!
use this tool to convert their screen_name to user_id. Because they can just change screen_name be gone for you.


No API call required, don't remember if I added batching on this one or did it elsewhere.

cuz I must go nåw

what I got on fbi report captcha


also you know, crack the accounts

Would be wasting your time. I went through the logs this morning. After about 20 I gave up because either just gay porn with adults or already blocked.

Go to twitter gate and find one link and look at the people following or being followed you can just sift through yourself. However after blocking a few I suggest you do something positive because it can get sickening quite quickly.

How does one crack an egg without getting yolk on yourself?

You need the BlackBerry Messages application.
Remember who was obsessed with BlackBerries?

What the fucking fuck man. Can't believe this shit is real and they use twitter so openly. Everyone sexually interested in someone who hasen't even reached puberty, should be annexed.

What a day for VPN protection to expire.

I mean nuked, fuck.

You mean a certain presidential candidate?

Become Gordon Ramsay.

and a certain kang

Did Kanye just go scarface and throw them under the bus?

Hang on was it Kanye?

Get wifislax and look for WPS enabled wifis (disable WPS in yours, anons, it's just a green light for "get into my network") never repeat locations or APs.

US thing


But Kanye thinks of himself as kang
Does that mean Obama used the berry to contact her.
Because we still have found little on them as individuals. Which means they honeypotted the government itself.. wtf???


Oy Vey!!

Man up faggot. It's linked because it needs to be exposed. It need to be confronted. The world has looked away for long enough. If you really can't stomach it even in the effort of combatting it then just STFU and keep your tears to yourself.

I just want you to know that if I knew where you were buried, I'd visit your grave user.

Followers would be more interesting. A lot of ansty stuff there.

Because twitter doesnt do shit about them,

just go trough the ones posted here and look at the followers, one user posted at least 20 account just look up at the thread

Or the kikes at twatter masturbate to the vids.

Like some kind of right wing death squad?

nigga I have no idea on how to use this, just send me a easy to use script that can run on windows that I can get all followers accounts into a txt

Dude weed LMAO :x

Sick trips, Kek must want us to look into sports.

Even sicker quads, Kek is pointing us to the CON

Er, lads?



For the uninitiated: Lostprophets were an initially hugely successful British rock/metal band whose success tailed off as they started releasing more pop-oriented albums. Then the frontman was busted for pedophilia including but not limited to fucking an eight-month-old baby.

You all have to understand, a lot of these accounts are fucking shitskins and indonesian scum. These countries don't really have CP as illegal (because islam is so progressive). Obviously Twitter should be nuking these accounts, but don't think you would ever get anything resembling a conviction.


nigga we interpol naw

based canadians


Oh lord, all of this shit happening right under our noses and nobody fucking noticed. Somebody has to die for this indescribable amount of bullshit.

Also, why did they Billy Mayed Kanye?

shouldn't use windows…

just ./nameofyourfile.py -n handlegoeshere

You can use this site

It allows you to paste in several at a time if I remember correctly. ISIS did this changed screen_name, to we had to get their ID's when we harvested their accounts

It's not even remotely hidden

death is too soft, we should remove their eyes and eardrums.

Fuck the bells and whistles, but remove them.

Do blind search for "Site:instagram.com preformance party pizza" immediately find article:thrillist.com/vice/party-essentials-i-learned-at-sir-ivan-s-sex-dungeon

written by: @candyandpizza

also writes this in other article

“On my screen is the SantaCon code, which strictly tells me to not “fck with kids or cops on this special day”. Right on, don't fck with cops, good advice for any day really. ”

ok that warrants a look.

Reporter was uninteresting so far

So there is this Jewish ex banker Sir Ivan aka Ivan Wilzer that became a caped performer named The peaceman. The reporter went to his sex dungeon party. From banker to silly performer? businessinsider.com/ivan-wilzig-hamptons-photos-2011-7?op=1/#lzig-a-new-jersey-native-and-the-son-of-an-auschwitz-survivor-graduated-from-the-university-of-pennsylvania-and-earned-a-law-degree-at-cardozo-1

That hosts famous parties at his giant excluded “playboy mansion” apparently featuring a sex dungeon and visited by a writer named candyandpizza and . More party: businessinsider.com/sir-ivan-celebrates-his-new-song-2015-8/#the-party-below-mingled-as-they-waited-for-the-evenings-main-event-27

fishy instagram instagram.com/sirivanofficial/ feat. Fbi child love logo in his bedroom: instagram.com/p/82D9IVNKp9/?taken-by=sirivanofficial refers to himself as satan: instagram.com/p/BMF-x04Aaj-/ bunny: instagram.com/p/BDd6SPTtKi8/ instagram.com/p/BKUtkSPAzt6/ mansion: assets3.thrillist.com/v1/image/1298391/size/tmg-default_lq.jpg instagram.com/p/6zFTW0NKnh/ pool party instagram.com/p/BJa1F-pAUrD/?taken-by=sirivanofficial

Ivan also has a foundation. It supports all kinds of save the fragile youth charity. Some parties require donations. sirivan.com/the-peaceman-foundation/

family story: observer.com/1999/02/from-auschwitz-to-a-castle-in-the-hamptons-the-wilzig-story/

Hey whats that? The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum? Where have I seen that before.. Oh right I saw it on google maps looking atWashington DC during pizzagate google.com/maps/place/United States Holocaust Memorial Muse[email protected]/* */,-77.0328756,16z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7b7a02b10a065:0x73cf754eae741db3!8m2!3d38.8867076!4d-77.0326074?hl=en

So, connections to hollywood, DC, childlove logo, bunny satan peace symbolism.. It's like comet pizza all over again. Pls dig. And archive if still possible.

This is what I posted to facebook regarding the subject, it is a moderate opinion with lots of realistic bombs I suggest you all do something similar or just copy and paste this, it can redpill people slowly:

I wanted to talk about a delicate subject, there is a big problem in the world, which is only spoken when it happens to an elite person. The disappearance or kidnapping of children. In Brazil the statistic I found is 40,000 a year, but I think that this number probably suffers from poor information management, since in Europe 250,000 children disappear annually and in countries like the US more than 800 thousand children disappear per year , The data lead to estimate a total of 8 million total global - a year - according to the Wall Street Journal.
Imagine now that these children are trafficked for sexual slavery, organ sales, plasma and blood collection, pagan rituals, and with luck they will only be sold to some family through an illegal adoption.
Recently a drama appeared on Twitter where they found tens of thousands of users sharing pedophilia. And we're talking about Twitter where everything is open for everyone.
We see white children of wealthy parents on television on television, but I have never seen black children or even children of poor parents.
It makes you think how great this problem really is, how many predators there are that can even live in our neighborhood. It can happen to anyone's child.
I wish I could leave a message about how to help solve this problem, but because it is so complicated I see no solution, the fact is that we humans are bad, and the wickedness of the world has no cure.
Let's bet on love, because love is the only solution.
And sorry to talk about such a heavy topic.

I must say, I was skeptical of twittergate at first but after spending a couple hours even in this late hour with many accounts already banned, the shit out there is unreal.

As one user put it so perfectly: So actual terrorists upload harassment, raping and murder to Twitter and share it, while Pedophiles upload anal sex with children and other shit… but the entire moderation apparatus is against us for voting Trump, using braces on nicks and posting frogs?




Sometimes it seems like everything gets exaggerated. Not this time, holy fuck, some of that is straight up child porn.

Pizza stuff

Same again

I think it is beyond doubt now that "pizza" is connected to pedos.

Oops. muscle memory.

as it should me.

source on that spanish quote

Its from the excel with all accounts. Just searched for pizza

I'd love to help spread this like ebola anons but my twitter account has been hacked they changed the email and PW. I reported it to shitter and you just get some automated response telling em to log in and change my PW.

I guess they want to set a precedent for their new immigrant friends.
We wouldn't want to be Islamophobic :^)

There's a load of suspended accounts everywhere, something is fishy.



All is not in the excel it seems.

Haven't found any of these

Maybe I am searching the wrong way


this never happened

Yes he did.
He blared it out to the audience of his San Jose show.


Is it dying down? Not a lot of people tweeting about it anymore.

Haven't seen any proof of that so far, just mentions. I doubt Holla Forums intersects demographically with people who go to his concerts though.

What the hell?

Goldfish memory m8

There's always overlap, there will be Holla Forumsacks who know girls who went.
But I admit I haven't seen it myself, I just read about it.
I'm listening through his "rant" right now, the audience was in uproar because he said that "there are people here who voted for Trump, who love Kanye and also love Trump", he said it repeatedly and every time a chorus of teenage girl voices screamed "fuck you!"
Here's the rant that should contain the statement.

Calling it now btw, this slave broke his programming and will be terminated "medically".

I am going to move away from this for a while. I reported to my MP, The Police, Twitter and Child Protection. I think that is plenty of people informed and if they do nothing then the best option for the chans is to organise and shut down twitter completely.

In the days of lulzsec that would be easy but now with pseudo anons and baby chans with more reddit in their viens than sense I bet nothing will happen.

I did find this interesting because it indicates that the BBC and most likely Twitter were acutely aware of the porn on certain accounts and as we know porn bot and people wanting as many followers as possible just spreads like a disease.

The accounts I highlighted had nothing to do with IS and a lot to do with images for masturbation.

Those of you who carry on. Good luck. I will come back when we all decide to shut Twitter down.


They seem to be cleaning the garbage up now.

Though, I heard the whistle-blower was banned, and moved to gab. I also heard that a lot of those accounts were merely suspended. It's like they aren't even trying to hide their bullshit anymore.

By now though, I would be very careful clicking on that shit. They are probably logging connections by now. Just continue reporting them as you learn about them.

it never had a attendance to begin with, only around 2000 tweets. what is close to nothing when you compare to gamergate

the feds aren't doing shit and they won't do shit

the time has come for a witch hunt

bring their entire site down and replace it with a neat little infographic explaining to normies why twattr was taken down

there are shell companies related to the clinton foundation that buy and sell WHOLE SHIPPING CONTAINERS of used children's clothing and toys.

What's suspicious about that?
They ship them to Africa, Liberian rebels used them as uniforms.

I bet that is the benis eating guy.
As in actually eating penises

found another but protected the profile pic is kinda dead giveawway

Is there actual child rape on these accounts?

Jesus Christ, why did I click that? This shit is fucking vile.


that's the dead giveaway.

there are many more accounts on the thread

Pure coincidence

Reminder that these people all need to be killed.
Like legit, they need to be tortured until death en masse.
Fucking hell.

my eyes
why does this have to be real
i had to see it for myself…now i must go learn to read braille

The ground up babies are probably in our food, tbqh.


Plugged the twitter handle into Google and it told me this.
How fucked am I?

oh boy, the party van is coming!

The police are already on their way, user, just comply peacefully and they won't rape you too many times in prison.

I assumed that it was a drug-related nick.
PTHC means something in pedo?
Oh shit.

You dumb fuck.
I sure hope you were at least on a VPN.

My VPN sub expired today.
Not even kidding.

let's just say the P stands for pre and H stands for hard, i'll let you figure out the rest.




Pre-teen hardcore.
Well shit.

downlowad tor browser

Yeah, I was still in "I have a VPN" thinking.
Tor will do for now.

Or they can feed him drugs that make him psychotic. Make him a raving lunatic. That's what TMZ said, taken away in handcuffs for acting crazy. They are really into dirty tricks.

can some of you start this thread in the other chan ? There was one thread some hours ago but it hit max posts and now there is none, the other chan is quite the forgetful now and we need them on board of this, please do this for us I'm banned, probably not a good idea to link the accounts tho because you may get banned, but you can probably link a pastebin with the accounts

As long as you have no diddling on your drive yourself :^), you should be ok. If it happens, don't fucking resist and be prepared for some tough questioning, police hates diddlers with a passion and when they find a potential one they can safely punch up, they just might.

You'll probably fall for any other illicit shit you might have, pirated software/music/video etc. tho.

Godspeed user, another victim in the search for truth.

Nah, they won't get me on diddling.
Over 90% of people who are found guilty of a crime confess during interrogation.
As an autistic social outcast, I'm not vulnerable to the "need to talk" that normalfags get when locked in isolation for a day.
I will take the "failure to disclose encryption key" rap (5 years max) if it comes to that.

That shit was all over usenet too.

He was a jew. I'm sure you're surprised.

What is the legality of it? Does anyone know? How could I go to jail because some faggot linked me to a vague Twitter account that I was on for 3 seconds when I saw a muslim child getting fucked in the ass?

I heard rumors on that but why would they do that? Doesn't make sense, too much risk, too many to talk for no purpose.

As someone who just checked it out with no VPN, yes, they can.
It depends on the strength of your defense and the mood of the jury.

It's just the fictional book, not real satanic verses.

although just seeing and not reporting is illegal in itself, it's not "seeing", it's the "looking for" or "posessing" that gets you. Nobody is going to trawl through logs to get every IP that accessed something on twitter, fucking nobody - too much to even consider.

I wish I had anything to go for regarding this, it's mostly a hunch since I work in data processing, but here's how I would approach the problem: Actively looking for the stuff gets you on the radar - poor a1ff69 used a keyword for the most partyvan'd search engine and as such his ip/browser/whateverthefuck was flagged as a potential searcher. As of now, the prudent thing to do would be to keep the IP and crosscheck any other instances where that IP was looking for candy. If it has, they get probable cause, warrants and the partyvan is incoming.

As such, although it pains me to turn away a pair of prying eyes from the topic, it might be prudent for you to step away from twittergate/pizzagate so as to not accidentally raise more flags. Stay safe man.

Sure thing, and it's just funny pictures of frogs, not reality altering meme magic.

Someone please summary what is found so far (maybe public figures?). Too many messages to read without autism.

If I had a life I would drop it like a hot coal.
As things stand I wouldn't lose much, will definitely be using Tor from now on though.
Moral of the story: don't be a cheapfag who lets their VPN lapse.

as other techfag pointed out, both Holla Forums and twitter use https, means your connection is encrypted and all they can really see is twitter.com they do not see what user you accessed, by just cleaning your cache or formatting if you are paranoid, you are totally free of charge

Godspeed then user, stay safe. I myself mostly lurk and gather verified shit for redpilling normalfags on social media, so I try not to dig too deep and keep my looking-ons to the normalfag part of the network. Deep digs are best left to the autists.

Are you retarded?

It's even illegal to not report it when the Twitter is full of Arabic scrawl and obviously in another country?

That's reassuring because my VPN wasn't on (thought it was) when I clicked some of the links in the OP. I simply didn't believe it could be real.

I dunno what the mods there are up too, if they still are compromised….

At this hour they are "accepting new janitors"

now it isn't CTR anymore but J something(Not Jiidf but another pedo protection crew)

yeah, I wouldn't worry about looking at candy on twitter, that's part of the reason these fucks were doing it there - they're hiding in the noise, there's no fucking way in hell to get to who browsed what just by looking at the logs, on a site with twitter's traffic, it's just unworkable. Possible, but literally unworkable with so much noise.

Cuckchan is compromised. Pizzagate and Twittergate threads get deleted on sight and result in a ban. See

Problem for us is the honeypot potential. If you're flagged as a Holla Forums poster and also come up as having browsed this shit.
Get rid of the opposition by throwing them in prison for a decade.

there are 3 pizzagate threads up right now, this poster was banned because of how he framed his thread "WARNING DUR DUR BEING DELETED" this is rule violation had him just posted a normal thread with what is happening everything would be fine, I was lurking on a thread on twittergate that was up for hours and hit max posters, I just dont create a thread because I was banned for spamming "your mom will die" memes, please create a thread with this OP or and it will go smoothly, I checked and there is no twittergate thread up

So do we know that Twitter is hiding these accounts because they're part of it or are they banning these accounts for illegal shit?

you cant take away something from someone that has nothing

That's the book that muddies want him killed for isn't it?
I think I have a copy somewhere, I should take a look

That is unfortunately true. The hope here is the explosion of pizza/twittergate, with just too fucking many actors investigating. I'm willing to bet you weren't the solitary 8ch faggot who clearnetted a search like that (maybe even that exact search) and certainly weren't the first, and while pizza/twitter is exploding, many other fags, plebbitors and the like made that mistake. Just the quantity should be enough to discourage acting on this, but unfortunately, I am not an officer and have no idea how it works on their side, so I can't really tell how safe you are, but my gut says you're mostly safe until your next trip up. Keep yourself VPN'd and you should be ok.

This is true if your only if your connection is unencrypted or if your encryption is broken. Still depending on where you live evidence is of actually saving might be required.

web.archive.org/web/20120224061422/http://www.corporatesexoffenders.com/ these internet social networks have always been havens for pedos youtube is basically a soft porn site for pedos

Well, the accounts that get hidden (or the few I was willing to risk viewing) seem to be "suspended".
What specifically does it mean for a Twitter account to be "suspended"? That sounds to me like a temporary thing, in contrast to "banned" or "deleted", which suggests it is being done to stymie efforts like this thread instead of opposing the illegal content.

I don't know much about how twitter operates; is "suspended" just the general term for a banned account?

Does anyone need any more proof that Twitter is a force for evil?

Hey can anyone give me advice on how to get twitter accounts without giving them my digits? Everytime I try to make an account with a burner/secure e-mail they want to do SMS verification and I can never get online burner sms to work (twatter won't allow the number)

Vague suggestion something is coming.



I made a report about Twitter and this is the reply. I have given them the links I had. I will take the advice seriously and not be searching anymore.


Good Afternoon Benjamin

Thanks for reporting your concerns over the content posted on Twitter.

In cases such as these the content of concern needs to be reported to the website where it is hosted for them to investigate this. Specifically to Twitter they have an obligation to report illegal content involving indecent images of children to the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children in United States of America.

If you have links to specific accounts where indecent images of children are being hosted, if you can send me the URL for these accounts I can forward them onto Twitter for them to investigate. Please DO NOT send any images as it is a criminal offence to distribute indecent images of children. Please can I also urge you to not search for indecent images of children, even if for genuine motives to want to have the images removed this can still be considered a criminal offence. If in the course of your usual use of Twitter you find indecent images then please report them on an individual basis.

Within the UK reports can be made to the Internet Watch Foundation who can seek to remove indecent images of children from the internet. For more information please visit www.imf.org.uk.

Thanks again for your report

Iain Kirkup
Child Protection Advisor
CEOP Command/NCA

0207 2382397

You know what to do faggot.

you literally can't the only way to make a twitter now without giving your real number is to buy a pre paid SIM card for 10$ at your local shitskin internet coffe (places where immigrant go to use internet and make paper copies) this places tend to sell SIM cards that do not need a registration, this is literally impossible to trace and you can use the number to register in a number of social networks

I can't wait until these cucks fuck up and say the wrong thing to the wrong person.

Use this account.

[email protected]/* */

pw: moonshine71


[email protected]/* */

pw: moonshine69

I have no appropriate reaction for this level of retardation.

Thanks. Was hoping I wouldn't have to go the full on burner phone route but oh well.

saved, advice taken



They are satanists that believe they are above everything. It would be shocking if they actually did it in first world nations but I can easily see them do that shit in the middle eastern Burger kings and other fast food places near there. That said, if that was true then I can see why shillary was so frightened about the whole thing coming down that she was yelling at Fox, CNN, MSNBC, ect. that they will all be "fucking hanging" if the general public found out about how deep all of this goes.


Look at the burger in this pic from Wet the Pizza


I'm pretty sure it's just an edit of an existing work.

Why am I not surprised at all.

Kind of makes me want to be a vegetarian

That shows that they are just pedos with VERY high connections. I'm not sure king nigger himself would allow something as risky as introducing the US to cannibalism. Doubly so after seeing the whole thing goes sideways in the last 3-4 years.

I hate reality.

lad…CPS is one of the biggest helpers in the global child trafficking trade

Satanic Verses is by Salman Rushdie. It's about Shitslam IIRC.

What's this about blue buckets and please give source.

I didn't want to undermine the lad's efforts but 3/4 of those he contacted have their hands heavily in the CP pie.
Police - complicit in covering up Muslim rape gangs for over a decade, prosecuted fathers who attempted to rescue their daughters.
MPs - When the FBI provided British police with a list of CP purchase transactions as part of UK "Operation Ore" anti-pedo mission, Tony Blair's government was so alarmed at the number of MPs on the list that it issued a D-notice to censor all press outlets from reporting.
CPS - as you said, the primary way by which children are taken from their rightful parents to be handed over to institutional pedo rings.
I'd be very worried if I had contacted these agencies with a report of pedophilia found by browsing.

It was during the second podesta thread. There was clear evidence that the owners of Comet pizza were using blue buckets to store bodies when people were finding the underground facilities. One picture showed one of those blue bucket that clearly had evidence that something decomposed in it. An user pointed it out that parts of what was in the bucket was brain matter. After finding out about this, we found out that Comet Pizza was shown on a food network show. The screenshot I posted had the same type of bucket being used for dough storage. It's not a smoking gun yet but considering the evidence and how these people act, it really isn't a stretch to assume they use things from the restaurant for their pedo and satanist bullshit.
It still pisses me off that I didn't save that infograph that had the picture of the used bucket.

Do you know what dough looks like when it starts to rot and mold?
It loses its consistency and changes color, kind of looks like slimy brain.
Occam's razor?

I think you are misremembering.
The only blue buckets we have seen in the investigation are the one at comet on the food channel segment, and the one in HAWAII, which had suspicious… stuff.

How the fuck is that handle allowed by twitter if google instantly picks it out.

That shit has to be honeypot 100% or thats some seriously shady shit by twitter.

Come on user, are you really saying they are above reusing buckets for their front to save some shekels?

The bucket thing was in Hawaii at the creepy 30-AP strong underground wifi place. Nothing more out of there so far apart from a connection to Big Cheese LLC and the faulty drive seller. No proof since the bucket was never moved/investigated. Looks bad, but that's about it. The Big Cheese/Comet Pizza/Podesta connection, on the other hand…

Thanks for the clear up! I thought they were in the same area that one user found that really clean storage box in an alley near Podesta's underground pedo boxes.

That's your opinionated shilling

Muslim rape… OY VEY GOYM

That was an old as fuck psyop. Only shills read that shitty book in current year.

u better make sure ur pc isn't pwnd faggot. one of the first things they did to me was fuck with me by fucking with my captchas

They have that were you live? No right against self incrimination huh.

What in the fuck, twatter

I don't understand what that handle is supposed to mean as for it to trigger that but i don't want to know either.

At home herding beyondsay
Telephono rang, its jeb z
Yezy is kill

Very interesting. Would be interesting research to generate a massive number and see if there is a disproportionate number of sexually themed ones generated.



Common lingo, but also an immediate flag triggering word.

Just facts. We know nothing more than was posted in the original threads, that is - pics and the account of the guy who discovered the APs. There was a blue bucket with "something" inside that you couldn't tell just from the pic. The connections he painted to Big Cheese LLC were legit and confirmed externally through paperwork, so we know that site belongs to someone connected to Comet/Podesta. Nobody went there for more investigation or, if someone did, they never came back. Nothing more for now. Not saying it's nothing, it's definitely shady as fuck to even have an AP there especially with a lot of power coming in from breaker boxes on the shed going underground, but we simply don't know any more.

Are you this ignorant as to be unaware of the Islamic UK pedo rings?
Of course not, you're a troll.

Because its fucking degeneracy.

Nope, it's gone now.
Refuse to hand over encryption keys in a lesser case = 3 years, in a case involving drug trafficking or CP, 5 years.

Sick new strategy from LEA

It's not rape, it's part of their beautiful culture to have sex with goats or whores from another race to keep themselves pure before marriage. It's part of non-western romance and you should learn to accept this cultural enrichment and be glad that your wife and her daughters are able to experience such a romantic and beautiful culture firsthand.

t. britcuck

And there was me assuming they were nonces themselves.

The only way that can be a legit argument is if the millions of pictures are all cartoon etc. That is, created purely from someone's sick mind and not from actually harming a real child. Doesn't sound like it here though.

I remember in one of the earlier ping pong threads someone had looked into Big Cheese and found it was a different company? There was an infographic with it.


Spread it, germans.

Didn't see that then, gonna lurk some more. I vaguely remember an infographic that said Besta belonged to Big Cheese, may have been fake?

>When the FBI provided British police with a list of CP purchase transactions as part of UK "Operation Ore" anti-pedo mission, Tony Blair's government was so alarmed at the number of MPs on the list that it issued a D-notice to censor all press outlets from reporting.

Not surprised. They're slimy cunts the lot of them, him especially. And that smarmy git has slithered up from the depths to plague politics one again. He's been seen "having dinner" with Trump's son-in-law, no mention if he's been to see the Clintons recently though.

One of the ping pong threads an user mentioned the Blairs, and then a video series about the McCann case fingers Blair and his government in helping them cover up what happened in Portugal (the case reeks of death by paedo).

Actually, thinking about it, when was this case with the FBI info cover-up?

Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu

It was some time back, to be fair. And either scenario could be fake or just genuine mix-up. All I remember was an image claiming to show Big Cheese LLC was different to The Big Cheese (I think was the other one). Still a coincidence worth giving another look possibly. Companies change names and hands afterall.

big list so i type up a simple bash script to find the ones not already suspended
would be cool to implement a auto reporting part to

while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do curl -s -k "twitter.com/"$line | grep --silent "suspended"; rc=$?; if [ "$rc" -eq "1" ]; then echo $line >> "/root/nonsuspendedaccounts_output.txt"; fi; done < "/root/screen_name_list.txt";

Institutionalized cannibalism is as old as the sun.

Daily reminder that the founding fathers went to Jesuit universities that were founded before the country itself.

The fucked up part is that people do get prosecuted for having drawings or written stories. Many Western countries' Supreme Courts have ruled that fictional characters can be legal persons and have rights. So while the muds and elites and kikes are running around doing shit like this or much worse without repercussion, the courts are busy prosecuting people for committing crimes against their own imaginations.

And for the record, the Chief Justice who wrote that decision in my country (Canada) was the same woman who wrote the decision that led to genuine and reasonable belief of consent being excluded as a defense against a rape accusation. She has also publicly spoken out against Canada's "genocide" of natives.

Thanks for the input, brit/pol/.

Nice try fbi

So basically we have reached a point where pedophiles and terrorists don't even need some super secret private network to communicate and share content anymore. Instead they just use publicly available social networks for that.

How did this even happen? Someone please explain this shit!

Using darknets is more suspect from an ISP/monitoring level than just using popular social networks, and the networks themselves don't have the manpower to police everything.

If you recall gamergate there was a sjw by the name of Sarah butts and he was a pedo as well. The sjw's all came to his defense and they will come to defend this sick filth soon enough.

I've been /out/ for a few hours, how is it going ? Are the pedo account being banned or nay ? Do we have some visibility now ?

unfortunately hiding in plain sight is all the rage these days.

Lay it to me clear anons, what exactly would happen if I were to click one of these links?


You would be taken to accounts (some of them banned/suspended) that host CP in some form. Otherwise, not much, as said before

It's not surprising when you know Blair's past.
He's a transvestite with a criminal record for sexual offences, soliciting gay sex in a train station lavatory.
He used a pro exploit to stop it affecting his future political career though - in court he gave his name as Charles Lynton, his middle names.
His tranny name, by which he was known at uni was Miranda.

As far as I know, on Twitter a suspension is a permeant ban.

how do I run this?

That Tori one is child porn, right? I can't save anything on that? Because I legitimately cannot tell with asians.

U mean this one?
Sorry it contains more than just the bucket

She definitely looks over 18 to me.

They all look over 18 but I can't tell with Asians at all. Does that even hold up in court?

no alphabets are going to do anything about, too many high levels are into the same.

That's the one! Thanks for the help m80.

Depends on country whether that's a defense. I recall reading one prosecutor from the UK saying that even if the "victim" lied about her age, showed you a fake passport and birth certificate, and had her parents lie about her age as well, it still wouldn't be a defense.
My advice is to stick to whites if you're uncertain.

Please a little answer guys

guess I'll fire up my isis toolkit here and grab their user_id before they get this one like ISIS did

Just need to do some shit

I made an account without giving my phone numbers. Was locked out of it immediately due to "suspicious behaviour" before I even sent out a single tweet.
They wanted me to verify by SMS but I emailed them that I was not a bot and didn't have a phone to verify by SMS currently, after which they unlocked my account for me.

tl;dr just email support

AFAIK, they are being banned (albeit at a very slow pace), but they just keep making more accounts.

"automation detection"
Oh man, those coders suck donkey dick.
They are certainly not using machine learning, but rather old idiotic hardcoded shit to "detect" automation.

This piss started with ISIS, then came the SJWs…
I have not verified

It shall work they say. BUT!
IE copy pasta in your passwords or email, AUTOMATION DETECTION

(((ttwitter))) sucks so hard on everything.
This company is killing it self

Some of you want your 10 seconds of fame but THINK! All this work and dating mining! For what?
Some banned twitter accounts and shut down tumbler accounts?
Tipping off the pedos so they can take stuff down, or go into hiding with their sex slaves? They're just going to flee the country to Belize!

What to do
Contact christian organizations against pedophilia.
Contact abused women and girls organizations.
Contact anti-sex trafficking organizations and lobbyists.
There are plenty of anti-pedophilia internet watchdogs independent of the FBI. Some even have investigators and can get the abused children out of the pedo's evil hands.
If people like Jones and the alt-media won't cover this then these people will and they have pundits that can get on the alt-media and MSM like Fox news!

Some of the organizations have resources to free the abused children from the pedos. After receiving help they can testify in court and catch the sex traffickers!

WooHoo Pedos Banned from Twatter IS FUCK ALL


Most of the accounts i have discovered was made in november 2016, anyone managed to figure out why?
Is this a new thing? Are people re-making accounts or what could the reason behind it be?

It's obvious why. Holla Forums is creating these CP accounts and then reporting these same accounts in order to discredit twitters ban policy.

i've been trying to figure it out but i cant find a pattern. I think there might be a network they are using to find each other.

Same with those codes they post with the CP pics. Some kind of identifier but for why and what for? I havent a clue.

Like said, the fact that the Alphabet's main MO to get rid of opposition is to arrest them on trumped up charges makes me believe these might actually be a honeypot to get some of the more pertinent diggers out of the picture by planting CP on them and rounding them up for "pedophilia". Stay safe diggers.

Spread the fact that twitters bans people for political views but not pedofiles sharing child porn.

This is all around fucked up. Maybe Trump should have been robbed of the election. Then we would have had an excuse to organize and mobilize to exterminate these fucking satanist pederasts poisoning our people.

Is the left trying to take down Twitter because Trump uses it so much?

Get a shitload of information to other country with extreme views on the subject, MSM will have no choice but to report on twatter and give coverage.

msm will try to keep this buried

just like the rest of pizzagate

Brazilian police forces arrested people nationwide today, a couple hundreds of them for storing and sharing pedo material, they were using tors to get the messaging done, and some half-assed IRClike programs.

All I'm saying is that if you can provide the amount of information regarding the subject to a country with harsh views on the matter they might force this up mainstream.

This is what I was talking about earlier

Pizzagate is throwing random meaningless crap together into an infograph and insisting it's irrefutable evidence.

I see what you did there user

nothing new, it is everywhere in social media if you know how to search for it, you are barely scratching the surface.

I reported the links the FBI just now. hope they'll do what's right

I got banned yesterday, after spreading this everywhere, enjoy!!!

Twitter Pedophile Database




I had a lot of fun, goodbye @anonpunishment

Look at bottom right of the picture. There is this icon. Wasn't this same icon that podestas had on their forehead in picture that was taken inside car?


What is that site and why not use archive.is?
I ain't clicking that shit nigga.

Give this to a spic country.

What if they're letting them post to possibly dox them like they supposedly do with ISIS?

see you never ever!

This is wrong. Why is Twitter allowing this?

If you goys think images of minors under 15 being shared over Twitter is a revelation, wait until you hear about all the self-produced CP being shared over Kik and Snapchat.

Thats just kids being retards though

It's not just Twitter.

Why are minors allowed to have smartphones when half of them are going to be sexting: creating and distributing CP, with them? This is a known problem that is allowed to fester because the underage minor market for cell phones is one of the biggest, if not the biggest. Think of how often kids break/lose their phones and need replacements.

Social media is an organ of the international jewry and kikes are sick fucks who drool over young goyflesh.

thats not cp. clearly not underage


Another cp account on fucking twitter. Those shitdeads ban conservatists while there are cp shitheads on their site.

Why do we act like CP is so horrible when we hand kids the tools that make it easy as pie to create and distribute it?

If you cant figure out what the difference between those two is I am afraid you might be retarded


The hell? Humans are bad. Okay look, we know it's all over most of our heads but that's not the way we should go on about this. The fact is that there's a local, national, and global pedophile ring and every level of our government, police farce, and even the masonic temples are all complicit in it.

Don't forget to contact your militia superior.

Kanye gonna get Amanda Bynes'd

According to anonews.co/twittergate-twitter/ (I know I know)

Anyone got any sauce on how those accounts have been linked to the pedo accounts? I am trying to check archives of the /following pages of the pedo accounts but I am having no luck (and by now most of them are suspended)