BLAXIT - The Ultimate 'Go Back to Africa' Video

Can we meme this?
In another thread it was mentioned to spread it under the guise of reparations.

Tried to post at halfchan and got booted in 2 minutes.

Other urls found in this thread:





Make this happen.

OP Im not going to let this thread die. Ive saved all of these. So help me god if this thread doesnt take off I will post once a week until it does.

Thanks guise.
Credit to the other thread

The first thread we had after election night was pretty good. I hope someone saved all of them. It was gone before I had a chance to myself.

Posting this shit on my fake Instagram account

This movement has my full support


b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bump it

This is beautiful, very inspiring.


that negress is so redpilled

if only more Africans were like her. Then again I will say I usually prefer blacks from Africa than the ones in America descended from slaves.

WebM Request!
Anybody have the webm of the redneck pulling over and chanting beaner to kebab? Johnny Rebel's "Send them all back to Africa" is playing in the background



Have to meme BACK TO AFRICA. Make it cool n sheeeeeit!

For those who don't know thier American History, return to Africa had been an answer, provided by both black and whites, to the race issue in America for a long time. From Monroe (send em to Liberia) and Lincoln (Haiti or Dominican Republic), to Marcus Garvey (let's go, nogs). Too bad most blacks don't give enough of a fuck about the motherland to even visit it. Regardless, meme it! Better 100 nogs gone than 0.

This needs all hands on deck. We can make the best video packages. Once the idea that they are stuck here, the leftists that cry about this will be easy to be shown as tricking them into staying. They should demand reparations in the form of moving expenses, I bet Trump would work out a deal.

It has to be combined with moving gibmedats from here to there.

You could even be "civic" and not specify blacks, so more liberals could virtue signal their way into Africa and end up being raped and killed :^)

Don't write "racist" stuff. We want this to work. Retards.

are they really that cucked?

commenters are really fucking this up but this isn't the video to win anyone over, Libertarian realist and Toto scream white people made this. We need our best on this but whoever made that OC I'll give an A for effort

yea its bad

just like the good comments, there will always be retarded shit in the comment section no matter what video it is.

I do agree, we need OUR BEST on this.

Yes, Abraham Lincoln agreed. Don't bother him about it. Go to Liberia and never return.

Good video, except for the part with Trump. You don't want it to look like the white people agree with this.

if #blaxit made it to any news media it could be a gold mine for quotes with some creative editing. If white people are telling them to stay it will be like reverse psychology

That video is nice. Someone should do an edit with cuts of shitty run down black cities in america like detroit, to juxtapose with nice looking african cities.

21 Things They Are Taking With Them

I will thank them forever if they take everything on that list.




But travel expenses can get pretty high. I recommend this hot new cost saving trick.

your memes are too polished

black memes are shitty looking

While that may be true perception and reality often do not align, and people are more willing to accept things which associate positive traits with themselves making polished memes more digestible.


They should go to zimbabwe and see first hand what hating whites does. I'm sure zimbabwe would be happy to take in rich, educated americans to help on the farms.

They can't be serious.
There's no way they're going to actually all move to africa just because of a catchy name and black text on a yellow background.
Probably won't even get rid of the nigs we really need gone if it does actually happen, either.

You guys are doing God's work
I will lend you my consciousness. Together we can make this happen

I can't really see most nigs being able to afford a passport or a plane ticket anywhere, and even less would know what a visa is or attempt to get one

To be fair, you could easily optimize those first two figures a good amount.

Is that donkey kong music in the background when she's interviewing people near the beginning?

Bump for good idea. Video… submit it to Worldstar and see how it goes.

Excellent video OP and here is the original thread.

They're stupid but they aren't that stupid tbh. A lot of nogs have government jobs where all they deal with is bureaucracy. Nigs still need documentation to function in society to the extent that they do officially interact with it.

Good video, strangely that one black lady in the black and white striped shirt looks like a kike with that nose and eyes and talks like one too, same accent like bernie.


somebody get this guy

dox of wb amarel taylor scott

national id number 617 76 7710
passport id 503319078
phone 530 273 1942
california state id f4588543

similar mutations


[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
similar mutations

Fourth one is kind of inspirational, but then again is right, they're a bunch of impressionable children. You want to get them to do something, make it look like whitey is personally responsible for hurting their fam.

There was no way a bunch of internet shitposters could summon a frog god to make a washed up billionaire win the US election

This is more of what we need right here

These stupid jigaboos want to bring back segregation under the name of "safe spaces", it's doable to get some of them to wander back to Africa, but it becomes a matter of keeping them from coming back.



Fucking. Lol'd please post more.


shows slaves


Come on guys, this'll only make us look bad. We're at a time where the mainstream media is finally taking us seriously. We need to show that our brand of republicanism can and is open to all people, regardless of race. Let's put childish and disgusting things like this away. When they go low, we go high.(KIKE WAS GASSED FOR THIS POST)

Reported for civic nationalism.


No, not south africa.

I know, not mine. If only we could arrange some agreement with SA of trading the whites there with our negros


Really awesome idea, I doubt the apes will leave the boat though.

bullets are made en masse, deportations can do so too

Take it, Fucking take it all!
If that makes you GTFO then go for it!

Well, shit…

I guess we can meme this, too.

The more videos like this, the better.

Shit, man, I don't know if I can live without peanut butter.

Yes its music from the Lion King - SNES hahahah good ear>>8329612

Greatest idea ever.

Make flyers for this and post em around towns.

Bump, we got Trump in the fucking white house with meme magic so this might actually work.

My Sweden senses are tingling.
Still hilarious troll op though.

8/8 gr8 b8 m8


It sounds like just a generic, very stereotypical New York accent
saying this as a yuropoor whose only exposure to NYC is pedowood movies

Use existing pictures of Africa's many traveling agencies in their countries. (For more city-sprawling pictures)

Use embed related and screengrab a few snaps of the fashy fancy dressed up African wearing fancy French tuxedos. Just make sure the background he's in doesn't look too trashy.

If this actually does work, our memetic powers will create an utopia.


t. black

It's so funny the way niggers think, like they're gonna' take the recipe and no one will have peanut butter after they leave. Same way they think we stole all their knowledge and then they couldn't have the ideas because they were gone of course.

This looks so glorious that you will get liberals moving to Africa

Yo. Diz is Damarqueus here and y'all cracka azz bitches are on ta sumthin.

But nah nah fo realz, y'all gotta set up a go fund me to set up the expense of getting set the fuck up.
But we ain't gonna trust you white pale ass punks. So get your one black friend to set it up for you.
Basically you gotta set it allllll up main - it's gotta be easy, ya feel me?

Also if I can still get muh checks here but live there I'll be rich as shocking zuru or whateva

Meme it!!!!!

want to really impress that hairy legged barista that friend zoned ya?

Depressed about trump?

Wondering how to let all your friends family and fuck everyone know just how much you are NOT an evil Nazi?


What, you're not raycisss are you!!!!
You FUCKING owe the continent of Africa at least this!!!

The brought us here but cant keep us here


We need to helpfully inform niggers that goods are so cheap in Africa, a family of five can live on just $3 a day. Give them the idea that if they fly to Africa with a couple thousand bucks in their pocket, they'll live like millionaires.

The African niggers will be robbing them the second they step off the plane.

You should try making a shorter edit version of this. I doubt many nogs would watch 8 mins of this when they're too busy thinking "muh dick"

Them youtube comments

top kek

I hate nigers hah xdddddddddd




Africans fucking DESPISE american blacks, this plan is a great idea











But seriously, that video is fucking terrible. It looks like it was made with Windows Movie Maker. It's got absolutely no production quality.
Low energy/10

Liberia should be the destination. It was founded by freed slaves who thought they had a better chance of making a successful life there then in the US and is now a paradise free of white oppression.

One of the first things the freed slaves did upon their arrival was enslave and kill the local population.

Also African nogs hate American nigs. They will never be accepted into African nog society

Win win

Guys, if you seriously want people to go to Africa, you have to make it LOOK appealing. These people don't operate on anything besides INCENTIVE, and GIMMIEDATS.

We need to meme real(and fake) news articles like to get nigs to think that there are prosperous countries in Africa to go to, that their skills are wanted and to describe life there not negatively impoverished like charity organizations have made it out to be, but as entrepreneurial, a land of opportunity, like a "New Eden, where food is abundant and life is simple and happy", like a new entrepreneurial frontier for educated blacks.

This honestly. Let's start with the fact that even the poorest black American on average has much more capital than a man over in Africa. Saying that there are "entrepreneurial" benefits is a good idea.

Why not Barbados? is like a 1th word nation, but with Blacks.

interesting idea. Liberia is a hell hole, and nigs don't actually want to work. Any all black/majority black first(ish) world nation is good

Because Barbados is one of our earliest colonies. We’re going to retake the whole world, remember; it’s best if we can secure the New World all at once and then focus on starving Africa as a unit.



vid related


Note; You can say Ben Fishbein on Holla Forums, you can't say it on 4chan.

Does the government really pay niggers that much?

Why do you think we're so far in debt?

I had a real african nigger classmate in uni. He was alright, he went back to his country after he graduated. Hes Muslim too.

There were zero. Never in recorded history has a nigger actually invented anything.
No, I’m pretty sure we’ll be keeping those.
That’s not how copyright law works, but you can keep them.

Hi moshe

I would laugh of California was pulled into this. Oh, teh image 'We build a Country for Them" is bad because they are lazy.

Just a thought. That or meme something we can lose as their country.

Kek what im trying to say is. Niggers from africa are far better than niggers who grew up in the states.

Gibs that travel.

Just remember to cut them after sevearal years once they are stuck with gibs based on secondary US citizenship. Or hell, call it a 'funding measure for Africa' and make the Dems want to keep it. (Can you imagine the economic impact of US blacks in Africa getting US gibs? Hahahaha.)


He went back after he graduated. Stop being a neo nazi retard

you could take things one step further and try for a "renounce your citizenship in solidarity with the illegals" campaign….

How is the weather in Tel Aviv? It's early morning for you kikes, right?

This will bankrupt the sports industry and naturally drive down college tuition prices since colleges won't be investing billions into trying to get the best athletes to sell to the NBA and NFL

Good riddance.

I will pay you to take it away.


Without welfare and affirmative action programs, all that buying power goes back to the USA.

I suppose I'll miss those videos of dumb niggers setting themselves on fire or falling through tables while twerking, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

And, mysteriously, heart disease rates in America disappear with it!

What will American civilization be like without hair braids?! Oh wait.

…You.. uhh.. want to think about that one a little more?


Pretend images like this are real construction and spam the articles about "Africa's fastest growing economies" because most don't actually read the stuff


No, you're definitely a kike. Keep trying, though.


Do It Faggots

Madagascar is not black lol its more Asian.

I can do without peanut-butter.

A willing loss.


why the flaming fuck

To be honest, it's kinda already happening in France, and considering the importance of French as as language in Africa, it has a huge reach. So here's the thing:

- Africans themselves realize Africa sucks. Many African intellectuals (mostly Senegal, Mali, Cameroon, Congo and south Africa) have recently spoken up on this, and said it's time Africa wakes up, for it made no contribution to humanity yet.

- The usual "return to Africa you nigger" has yielded a response: "yeah well if we all returned to Africa you'd be in serious trouble without us". That is now the common line for every nigger. Slowly they are building some sort of "African nationalism", thinking they're a strong force that can save the world and shit. Combined with the previous one, some start to say "well maybe we should, Africa needs us".

- It swings with each generation. Kids usually oppose their parents: if parents are conservative, kids look for progress, if parents are progressive, kids look for their original roots and culture- and when they do that, they go for the roots and culture matching their race, thus Africa. So basically, part of niggers are like "wow nigga I'm not African, I'm French!", while the rest is "I was only born there, I'm actually from Africa". We can pit one against the other.

All in all, there's more and more niggers wishing to return there, because that's where they come from, because they're not from here, and because Africa needs them. Ironically, same reasons that have so many whites turn to nationalism and racialism.

I'll try to find the articles from those thinking apes, maybe we can find good arguments in there.

some gay ass mod over there


Well, here's what I collected:

They'll never unite though, and attempts at union will spread further chaos. Also their resources are depleting, they can't survive off of it for very long, 20 years at best. So they should definitely unite and bet on those resources and nothing else.

We can have them feel guilty.

Immediate effect is, if Africa receives no more help, it'll become even weaker. Which is a problem, because:
Having them renounce help could slay Africa for good.

The more parallels we can find between Europe, China and Africa the better, if it can help them believe in this. Maybe they'll stop coming to Europe if Africa is better than Europe.

They need teachers too.

Clearly all those nigger intellectuals should return to Africa.

>Nairobi Silicon Valley
Clearly a good place to get a job too.

Africa needs to wake up
Is essentially what everyone is saying.

Though here's something else we should consider


Africans come to Europe because of many myths they hear about, that we're all rich, that we're throwing money at them. We need to change that. They have cellphones, they go on the internet, on social networks. We can reach those people. And if we stop them from thinking it's all so awesome, they'll stop coming. Why do you think they don't come to Kazakhstan or India?






Bump for justice.

This pic's been floating around for a while. There's already a Back-to-Africa movement, but it's not got a lot of traction. Vid related is one report pushing it.

pic didn't attach

i think some reverse psychology could help here.

something like

You make a mistake, you are going to need a company to pick up those bodies (which reguires personel, special clothing, trucks), store them (which requires a building with refigeration), remove the bodies (which requires incinerators or a large strip of land for burial and people to bury them) and then you need clean-up crews to remove the gore that's left.

All in all, still costly.

Rational Negro here.

I never got why blacks romantic I've Africa so much. We've been in America for so long that not even our great great brand parents can remember Africa. We should stay here and try to improve. #BLM is the absolute worst form of racism against black people

Bump mein negger


That picture is bullshit and you know it.
For starters I don't see any source for the figures.
You have to pay the guy who fires the bullet, the rifle it comes out of, handling and disposing of the bodies,etc. Lot of shared/equivalent costs with deportation.

But you are already paying the police and army a fair bunch of money, you may as well put them to work handling the genocide/deportations. Of course you would have to clean up these first, anyways.

It is not an issue of cost, anyways. Not long ago we made the math, since they are leeches and net negatives for the economy, not matter the cost if will repay itself a thousandfold.

The one thing we have to learn from history is that attempting to rehabilitate and expel those people is not worth it or even desirable. Time and time again we have seen the result of such policies. To hell with the bleeding hearts.

I'd do it for free.
Less expensive than manure.

she doesn't look that hungry to me

Gee, it's almost like no one likes niggers.


What game is this?

Why should we spend a billion dollars on space pennies for the hungry? Golly, nogs sure are retarded.

Fresh propaganda. Can those with twitter spread this shit? Preferably not on accounts with pepes.

Got myself a new avatar, praise кек




So what was OPs video?

Wait. The second part concerns me.
For every AA nigger that goes to Africa, two African niggers want to go to America. They see that they would live better in america.



Yet the Islamic cooking video remains up.

Really makes you think…

I must be out of the loop because I seriously don't know what you're referencing there.

It's Hiroshimoot, not the mods. Saying Ben Fischbein on cuckchan is an automated ban.

Mudslimes posted an instructional video on how to mirder people more painfully/efficiently and how to make bombs and shit.

They even murdered people in the video as examples.

Come to mention, is this the result of ICANN?

New Video link, old one was SHUT DOWN


God, Ami puts out some good shit. His video on inner city blacks vs liberal whites opinion on cops is hilarious.

That based black woman almost makes me think Africa could improve with all black Americans going back. Imagine a world where Africa isn't a black hole of resources, murder, and AIDS.

Yes they can make Africa great again!

Honestly? If they did that, I'd be very happy for them, hell, I'd go visit. I'm just tired of them shitting up our countries.

Whoever did this……. fucking lol man. The congo drum jungle midi tunes to make it nice and cozy.. holy shit

I wouldn't go that far, honestly the only reason I've entertained visiting africa is to look at the wars and pillaging that goes on there.

Adamic Amethyst made it, but his account was shoah'd today. Make sure you guise like the video, HASTAG #BLAXIT and write comments like "Such an inspiration!" or "Beautiful video, make Africa great!, God Bless" .. shit like that

Oh yeah, it would definitely be good for the world. All of Africa being a part of the global economy instead of a sink hole? Yeah man, sounds great.

If it weren't for the wars and pillaging and general niggatry, I'd have visited already.

So I can't use this?

Emphasize the natural resources of the country that are there for the taking, make it sound like every mountain is made of gold and is pockmarked with diamond mines.
Push the idea that Africa is an exiting new frontier just waiting for the right people to move in, homestead, and set up their own wealthy family dynasties.

Use the "go West, young man!" narrative.

This thread makes me want to go colonize Africa now as a white man.

And central America has really beautiful locations. They are called resorts.

Try this one…

these are all great. they look better than all the shitty memes they normally throw on faceberg and twatter


I actually like snowy as shit places

This is hilarious.

it should be "a place that you deserve" or something. "where you belong" sounds like something a white guy would say to a black person.

Also do you guys know these oy-vey-african-babies-be-starving videos on tv for donations? The black lives matter community is all convinced that this is western propaganda to reinforce the "false" views of africa. One could make pictures of rich african cities in contrast to those poor children picture and caption it "Do you realy believe in these propaganda videos that are designed to scare you away from your real home and keep you a slave to the white supermacist system?"


Brilliant idea, I am going to work on it.

Any chance we could get some dumbfuck black celeb to offer to fund tickets to Africa?

Imagine if black Hollywood pooled their resources to found a new black country in Africa.

First this needs traction, then we can troll celebs.

I know it seems obvious, but we have to use the #BLAXIT hashtag whenever we talk about blacks. If you type it into google you can see a few of them seriously talking about the subject back in the summer. We can spread these memes around and hopefully make some more polished vids if our best and brightest want to help out. This can really work if we put enough Kek-Force into it. They are already aware that they can never fit into our civilization, we have to reaffirm it for them. If you look at how dumb their memes are concerning 'we wuz kangz' it's not really unrealistic to think we can convince them to get one last welfare check and skedaddle for a better African utopia.

Yes, but they're not as dumb as you seem to think they are. Look at the example of Marcus Garvey. There has to be a leader for this movement, or it won't happen. And even the stupidest among them will know that they won't last long without some sort of funding - which is where black celeb support comes in.

And then there's even a better chance of it actually working, which frankly would be wonderful. They get their country, we get ours, we're both happy.

black lives matter the game

Why aren't you dumb niggers posting the mp4 or webm?

Seconded and bumped.

Actually I think they are dumber than you think I think they are. I do agree with you about a leader, I feel we can meme a leader into existence if we push persistent enough.

If they beg whitey for reparations to repatriate, we can just convert the gubermint welfare into a plane ticket and some get start-able gibsmedats.

cool meme but this is stupid you know niggers will never leave


Study the history of Liberia and then tell me they won't or don't have the capacity to leave.

well for one, they can see what a disaster liberia turned out to be. two, they know africa doesn't have gibs

kill yourself

You are assuming blacks actually read history, but I hear you. Keep in mind they actually believe they built Egypt and King James wuz black n shit.

OP good try but kill yourself.
Why don't we meme niggers to petition for refugee status in Europe?
Hitler is now the president so it's essentially a race war and the poor poor negroes have nowhere to go!
Europe has way better gibs!
Europe loves niggers, especially the UK and Sweden!
Sweden best gibs!
Niggers can't into the news!
They don't know how bad it is over there!




Thanks, I honestly couldnt get it down to a reasonable size. KEEP THE MEMES COMING FELLAS! #BLAXIT #Africa4Africans


although this is true and I completely support it they'll just ruin the place and blame it on whites.

As long as they're out of our 'racist' country it won't matter what they say.

Racist country? What are you fucking retarded? Our country isn't racist against blacks you fucking stupid idiot. Our country is racist against white people. God you're fucking dumb. Stupid fucking prick wake up to reality. Holy shit you're dumb.

ARE YOU TROLLING ME? I literally posted this thread. I put quotes around the word 'racist' as in: THATS WHAT THEY THINK. Holla Forums is going to shit, I swear

>>>Holla Forums

Learn how to read irony, or nuance.

Not a word, moron.

Don't touch it, the retarded might be contagious

Yep, but pro pedo channels that have been flagged hundreds of times are still up.
