Muslims Shilling On Holla Forums Discovered

Ever noticed a large number of mud people repeating the word christkike over and over like gulls fighting for trash in a landfill? Well, now we know where it's coming from.

These same people are also the ones rallying for pedophilia, polygamy, and other forms of degeneracy here.
Who could have guessed that
are also shilling on Holla Forums alongside the kikes?

Which board is that?

And the thing about "christcuck" is that it was started by learningcode as a way to D&C /pol from ALL christians and christian denominations.

It follows a retarded chain of logic too. The Vatican is pozzed therefore all white Catholics (including Pat Buchanan) are bad. By that logic so is every college student or anyone part of ANY kind of institution.

Euro pagans and Christians should be able to tolerate each other, I think. Semites need to be exterminated while non-Euro religions are excluded completely.

We literally have a /islam/. It should be nuked alongside Holla Forums, /int*/, /marx/, and every other board that purports an ideology that logically leads to the destruction of anonymously-protected free speech, but we have it.

It crucial to their directive that they sow dissent within our organization. We need to remain a shit flinging hugbox, not an organized force so we aren't a threat to them.

Holla Forums has already proven of it's capabilities

lmao you think that board is legit? Most of the (((arab))) boards on here are run by kikes and the (((FBI))), just look at what happened to Joshua Goldberg

Holy shit, a jew larping as a white nationalist.

Christkike logic

Ah, so they're the ones crying about faggotry in every thread. Got it. Let me fuel up my Muhammad pictures.

You have to go

Ah, good, the guests have arrived.

Now we may dance.

This is correct. Anyone who is Catholic is working for the enemy and will need to be executed for treason.

Correct. College students are subhuman and should be killed. Most members of most institutions should also be killed.

Jesus is kind of a cool meme actually. The meme of Jesus being resurrected is blasphemous to Jews and Muslims. These seemily harmless images are like saying fuck the Talmud (and Judaism) and Mohammed (and moslems) simultaneously.

Shit, I never thought of it that way.

The core essence of Christianity, the resurrection, is a gigantic "fuck you" to both of them.

Well, we'd better make them feel welcome.

all white people should also be killed unless they live in a white nationalist country too

Hi Learningchode, I really hate it when you spam racemixing bullshit. Please gas yourself.

Anyone else ever noticed the rampant shilling fron pajeets, kikes, and slant-eyed communists relentlessly imploring us to recognize how "based" they are and never shutting the fuck about Islam and how useful they would be in a war and how they want to help Make America great Again so they should get to stay?

Yes, it's coming from the same semites that want us to racemix, kiddie diddle, and commit bigamy.

They all need to be put into the

Americans are indistinguishable from kikes.

I don't see anybody fucking her in the pussy… Looks perfectly halal to me abdul.



It's impolite to talk about religion and politics in mixed company.
Until this is /sunGodpol/, just shut the fuck up.
sage in all fields

Guaranteed replies. This has always been a Natsoc board. Gas yourself.

You got your semites mixed up, user.

Oh. I think I didn't make myself clear.
One of us, but I'm sick of religion threads in general, and sage them.
I'm not communicating very well tonight.


your skin is brown LOL

That doesn't look like a goat, user.

Reminder, the Kristos mythos and the promise of resurrection predate Christianity.


Hey look another non-sequitur anti-Christian (1).

I'm collecting so many I'm going to decorate my Christmas tree with them.

Obligatory tips fedora, second, they created the talmud because the NT is using the OT as proof.

It's true though.
Worship how you want, but facts don't give a shit.
Merry Christmas

drawing of mohammed as a pig are quite hilarious, and that gif of a dog crapping on a quran. they're the easiest people to piss off ever

Cook your pork and shellfish thoroughly. Don't ask why, just do it. Germs and worms and shit you aint ready to hear about.
Keep an eye on the moon and the sun, but know that they don't give a FUCK about you, and the other planets care even less.
Fuck bitches in the pussy. Lots of them.

Lol this faggot can't read and thinks I'm anti Christian.

This faggot is doing the same thing hahaha.

This is why these threads always turn to shit. Even when the o.o tries to bring Christians and europagans together to go after Muslims there are always faggots that want to d&c. I like the Kristos mythos. I like the promise of resurrection. I think they are a net positive for the the white race, spiritually. I'm just pointing out that this particular myth has always been in our lore. Unfortuanately this user is right when he says we should be able to tolerate each other but faggots like you will always ruin things.

It's likely because you're filthy Muslims.

the gospel of user

Yeah, it’s intl, dipshit. Just report it as such.

I will check that

islam is shit and cancer, but christianity doesn't have any solution or response to it. islam teaches its followers of christianity though and how to attack it. judaism is the root of both and is wickedly evil.

makes sense since islam came 600 years after christianity. Plus christianity was basically "how to not be a jew, for jews" and they didn't listen anyways

I just feel like there are too many kids here, or dumb people.
There, I said it.
The Christian solution is shock and awe… before your time

Did we just add a book to the canon of the Kekronomicon?

Christians, fundies in particular, tend to have a nasty persecution complex which baffles me as you guys are still the majority of the US. That said here's some fairly fresh screens mocking Islam.

If you're out there my shit skin friends…

You must go back.

If Holla Forums is a board for White people, why aren't shitskin IPs banned to begin with? People from the turd world have no business posting here.