"Heil Trump, (exaggeratedly louder) Heil our people, Heil victory!" - Richard Spencer at NPI Conference
How much did the kikes pay him to do that?
This spells the end of the alt-right.
"Heil Trump, (exaggeratedly louder) Heil our people, Heil victory!" - Richard Spencer at NPI Conference
How much did the kikes pay him to do that?
This spells the end of the alt-right.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, let's not be Narzi's guy's.
There were 300 people there and Dicky has made prime time tv and news, he's doing a good job shifting the window and that is his only job.
0/10. And just when I thought Dicky had finally given up sodomy and redeemed himself.
I can't completely criticize him because we need people pushing the Overton Window and rehabilitating Hitler's reputation. I don't think we'll ever have a true white nationalist nation if the "ebil Nahzees" always loom as a boogeyman in the background, so at some point people have to accept them before we can take the steps necessary to deport our shitskins and eliminate the jewish problem.
Nonetheless, Dicky Spencer never fails to look like an autistic sperg when doing his alt-right shit. I really wish they could find someone half-way competent to replace him.
Take your shit thread back to cuckchan
where do you think you are?
With every new generation the Nazi's will become more and more sympathetic to the point people will see the Allies as the true villain.
Cringey as fuck holy shit.
fuck off nigger
Alt-right has been subverted into becoming another cringe-worthy neo-nazi larping group while at the same time accepting jews and faggots. Look at the amount of press they are getting for it. Textbook example of controlled opposition.
Holla Forums was right again.
Its why they keep trying to box us in with the alt-right. So they can do what they always do: call us names and hope we givs up. Of course they forgot one thing: we never give up.
fucking cringe
what a spastic fuck.
The alt-right doesn't actually exist as a movement. It's a kike-created label that retards stick onto themselves to feel edgy and contrarian.
This is going to lead to more people being emboldened to openly state that they love the white race.
It is still the year of the fire monkey until february. It is impossible for us to lose.
dixieland was a kike created song meant as propaganda to show the south as stupid. The south took the song, championed it and rewrote it to be a fucking battle hymn.
When the kikes give you propaganda you make jew soap.
Cool. Let's hear him say gas the kikes next
Here's a transcript of his speech for reference
www .radixjournal.com/journal/2016/11/21/long-live-the-emperor
I think it's pretty fucking great speech in writing, regardless of how Dick actually preforms it live.
I think it was pretty good.
After all those years getting called nazi, being a nazi doesn't seem too bad I guess.
At this point, what difference does it make?
Funny how that works.
Dickie Spencer may be an autistic edgelord, but at least he delivers.
I for one, am entertained.
Woe the traitors who see an enemy to the right!
Richard Spencer is a gay pedophile government plant and the media gets directives from Hillary's crowd to interview this cunt non-stop.
I wouldn't say the were the true villains, rather the true morons. They were heavely brainwashed by the kikes. If you showed the great generation what their children, and their children's children would become, I think they would have called for a real holocaust.
No one is impressed by this, though. Spencer's speech and the half-hearted, autistic heiling and cheering after he says "Heil Trump" doesn't inspire awe or sympathy, it only makes people cringe.
What's the point of such an anachronistic speech, saying shit like "within the very blood in our veins as children of the sun lies the potential for greatness, that is the great struggle we are called to," and making awkward, coy references to the "luegenpresse" in the manner of a shy child? It doesn't give on the impression that these are the proper curators of the future, but just a bunch of sad people that are more interested in feeling the rush of fulfilling their Nazi Party imitation fantasies - the same way a teenager daydreams about performing the songs of his favourite band live.
The worst thing is that it reflects poorly on Trump and on us. Not because MUH NAZIS, but because it's just fuckin' lame. It's limp. It's desperate. What the fuck compels a grown man in a suit on a stage in a political conference to use the word 'cuck'? Spencer isn't one of us, what you see in this video is a bunch of pathetic old men playing at running the world, latching onto the youthful vitality and success of Holla Forums and dragging it down with their tone-deaf bullshit.
Does anyone else just enjoy the lulz the alt-right always produces? You have Cerno-kike bitching about how these guys are all controlled opposition. You have normalfags getting triggered. You have commies chimping out and beating up these altright faggots. You have Brimelow saying how Hitler is as bad as Stalin and complaining about the "juvenile displays" ruining his old ass conference.
I don't actually like any of these people really but watching the show is fun.
kek, this raid is pathetic
Only truthful post in this thread. Spencer is a "Pied Piper" but unlike Trump is willingly acting the part and has no plans to flip the table.
fuck off (((trs)))
Yeah, they're all going to turn into cucks eventually I think. They're all obsessed with disavowing racism and Nazis. They have no self awareness at all and will soon turn into cuckservatives just like the GOP establishment.
What? They're shoving the "alt-right" under Spencer's umbrella, promoting spencer with press, and now he's running around yelling "Heil!". The difference is Spencer is a shill who willingly torpedoes himself when they expected to take Trump down with the false rape charges and tapes and failed miserably.
Fucking Richard . . . I wish there was somebody in his role that I could actually like. A clean cut normie-friendly segue to the red pill with gay think tanks and all that other cargo cult political shit would be nice.
But no. We get a Hitler-youth haircut Spencer, (who is famous for . . . What exactly?) And he associates the "base" with shit that's anathema. It doesn't matter that actually Hitler did nothing wrong. Damaged goods. Pick one of the many other badass Europeans to laud. Charlemagne. Julius Caesar. Anyone.
Why can't these Hebes just let us have nice things for once.
A younger version of David Duke. While it's obvious Duke is a CIA/DNC shill, I'm not sure about Spencer yet. He may be the ultimate useful idiot, driven by messianic attention whore impulses.
People are too hard of them, a lot of the people here would have fallen for the bullshit too. Information was far harder to come by back then.
My fault, thought you were one of those idiots who thinks Trump was originally a Hillary agent who went rogue.
Has anyone of you made an effort to talk to Spencer directly or maybe just take his place in the spotlight?
As long as you twats dont coordinate, spastics will reign supreme, behaving like fools, since they don't actually have a plan and just seize the opportunity to do something.
I personally don't think this will hurt any right-wing movement in the US, not even short term.
Our enemies see us as nazis either way, and those on our side should be used to the edge by now.
If you don't like it, give us something better.
Just think of the figureheads we have:
Alex Jones
Richard Spencer
Paul Ramsey
and a few old farts noby gives a shit about.
Richard Spencer is still the best of the bunch, which should tell you all you need about the state of the movement.
Just to add on to this theory. I am pretty sure this bastard functioned as a similar pawn.
You retard, he's controlled opposition. He's trying to subvert and ruin the right with shit like "homosexuality is normal".
Reminder: The alt-right has been controlled opposition since its inception. It's meant to be a trap to ensnare those escaping the clutches of neo-cohenservatives and trap them once again. The media needs a strawman and the alt-right fits that perfectly, starting with Milo and his close ties to the "conservative" think-tank American Enterprise Institute.
Show proof or kill yourself like the untold hundreds who have said the same thing without reason
This is because you're a faggot who wants to climb into his asshole and never leave
It has been fun boys, but I feel bad for my nephews that are going to live in America as a hated minority. FUCK YOU ALL
Our figureheads are Farage, Trump, Le Pen, Farage, Duterte, Assad etc. Breivek, Zimmerman, that kid that went to a BLM poster as a gorilla in overalls with banana nooses.
E-celebs are and always will be cancer.
Gee another Richard Spencer thread with D&C written all over it. Kill yourself, faggot.
Reported and saged
Well, we do need a meme to normie interface.
Frogtwitter alone won't do it.
The NPI and Identity Evropa are the closest thing right no to something like that.
I nominate Monkey Trouble as Holla Forums's de facto fuhrer.
No, we have no figureheads. None of the people you mentioned other than possibly BLM gorilla user and he's still not a figurehead has views that are really comparable with outs. Most are far too pro-jew, we may support them and use them but they don't really represent us.
sage this shit, you had the same thread over on cuckchan, fuck off shill. ctrl-f the key phrases into the archive and see for yourself.
While they censor everyone else, Twitter has no problem with him chiming in every time Trump accomplishes something.
Trump literally left the Reform Party because of David Duke, so he already knows Trump wants no association.
Spencer is literally sperging out in front of all the cameras. If he cared so much about right politics, he wouldn't play into MSM Nazi fantasies.
Both are a bit too convenient for opposition narrative and poorly executed at best. But keep up the ad hominem attacks buddy
If there were ever any proof that the alt-kike is a controlled op it's this.
What about Kek
Really? All I've seen are articles on TRS for example shit-talking homosexuality and jews.
Word is they're trying to recover their image, but they're not actually purging anyone besides the loudest faggots.
Trump was whining about becoming the "anger party" and called Buchanan a "Nazi". Everything out of his mouth back then sounds like a CNN headline. Poor example.
It's far worse than that and you know it. He is a shill. He had a fucking Time Magazine article, knucklehead.
Fuck me
Right now we have too many people whining about ideological purity while being too scared to go out and define a new movement with their actions.
Then we have people who whine about their fears of scaring away normies when the guys who actually go outside for once and do something show their powerlevel.
I wonder how many here fit both labels.
Anyways, both groups are fucking retarded.
The TRS fag cries out in pain as he strikes you
Holla Forums is not NatSoc, you are NatSoc (presumably).
You just come here and voice your opinions.
I'm just telling you, that you're a net loss to white people, with all the energy you spend on attacking other white people, while having NOTHING to show for it but ideological purity, whatever that's worth.
This would be the perfect opportunity to offer an alternative.
Or to show some accomplishments
I'm waiting.
t. Identitarian activist from Europe
This is retarded; if we are finally moved to doing nazi tier shit, it won't be gay salutes and saying shit that will prompt the lying press to ask Trump for the 18951951 to denounce neo nazis: if we are roused to action it will be fucking kristallnacht. What they don't get is that false flagging nazi salutes with controlled opposition will only succeed in causing us to sharpen our knives.
Either way, this alt right shit is larp-tier cancer and I'm glad it's making itself look ridiculous on live television.
op needs to lurk moar
No enemies to the right, but no mercy for a traitor. TRS has engaged in hostile action against us, and their actions attack everything we are. For that they cannot be forgiven.
If I remember correctly, the punishment for such behaviour is to flood their site with gore, right?
Only in this case it's shills shilling both sides to attempt to play them against each other, so the gore should be in this very thread
Nice projection TRS, you are the refugees that are invading our homeland and attacking Holla Forums
what an absolute cuck, go back to your forum and leave Holla Forums alone. Holla Forums doesn't have names and faces that you can physically attack, so you come to Holla Forums not knowing exactly what you are dealing with. Holla Forums is the Umman Manda of the internet. You can't actually damage Holla Forums, your raid is much weaker than even what tumblr put out. Yet if needed Holla Forums can damage a bunch of namefag podcasters that try and fly to close to the sun. Just leave and let both sites exist independent of each other. TRS always claims no punching to the right while they constantly do just that, they act exactly like kikes and even try to subvert Holla Forums. Just look at yourself acting like Holla Forums needs to change its ways and give up it's ideology just so more refugees can flood in. You are like Angela Merkel begging for Germany to be flooded with shitskins and have both the race and ideology of the country subverted just for the sake of more people in the country. Instead of lurking and adapting to the culture already in place, you want Holla Forums or Germany in this scenario to give up its heritage and ideology and have the existing culture change to match the refugees. Not the other way around like it should. Stop being such an absolute cuck and acting like a kike, throwing punches at Holla Forums while claiming that Holla Forums can't throw punches back due to claiming TRS faggot kikes are to the right of Holla Forums
Holla Forums survived Stormfront, reddit, tumblr, CTR, and countless other operations.
I'm not even from TRS, I'm from Generation Identity, I've never been to TRS.
But I can tell you why TRS of all these groups suddenly is a problem for you, why you are genuinely scared:
You're just a narcissistic contrarian that thrives in the role of the eternal loser, we have lots of the likes of you in Europe to deal with as well.
They're a nuisance, but ultimatively can be ignored, since they tend to stay purely electronic and don't bother us much.
But Generation Identity, NPI and all those little groups belonging to the Alt-Right or New Right are something you are not: Effective.
They talk to people and define this movement in the only way that matters: Interaction with the world.
If they were to win against the leftist hegemony, you would face the responsibility of putting your ideology to work.
And that's what you're scared of: Being ripped from your comfort zone by the success of others.
By the way: Online we are mostly indistinguishable from you.
No I think it is obvious they are the ones shilling here right now, for example OP.
You do realize just how much you stuck out just by your first post in this thread alone. You do not blend in because you have not lurked moar. You even claimed Holla Forums has a bunch of faggot figureheads like milo.
Take a look at your own post, it is nothing but narcissism and trying to still be a namefag on an anonymous board because you can't let go of your ego. Even to the point where you would adopt an alt anything label that was created by kikes. You claim Holla Forums has never accomplished anything simply because you do not realize that just like you Holla Forums has infiltrated other groups. Holla Forums just doesn't boast about it, we take action without the need for acceptance from peers. Holla Forums always passes off credit and blame onto other sites, it has worked that way of years. In order to seek validation, while there is no one else in this anchored thread, you feel the need to boast about what groups you are in. You know nothing about Holla Forums yet you come here to dictate how it should change to accommodate you.
Politico Editor RESIGNS After Publishing Home Addresses Of Alt-Right Icon Richard Spencer, Advocating For ‘Baseball Bats’
dailycaller .com/2016/11/22/national-politico-editor-publishes-home-addresses-of-alt-right-icon-richard-spencer-advocates-for-baseball-bats/
Welcome to Holla Forums where we join the Left in attacking the milktoast white nationalist for saying Hail Victory and is now having his home addresses posted in articles advocating for violence on Politico
Yeah, but we're attacking him for being an autistic LARPING sperg feeding the media the propaganda it wanted.
I fail to see how this guy is gonna shift the window anymore then Westboro Church.
I don't care for the implicit Dick but I see no problem with what he did. He is actually making us look like Nazis rather than moderate cucks like Milo and others have been trying to. If he wasn't such a faggot-enabling pseudo-intellectual I would say he's displaying the alt-right in a better light.