So what does Holla Forums think of Erik Larsen?
So what does Holla Forums think of Erik Larsen?
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Master of Subtlety
I'd say he's pretty consistent at pissing people off.
Nah. This isn't real. It is too much like a parody comic of parody comics…
unlikely , because in order for that to happen people would first have to actualy read his work
Nobody is going to read it. They're just going to look at the cover and get mad.
I wonder if the salt will be as generous as when the mary sue flipped out over his comments about practical female costumes.
I like Erik Larsen so I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and hope this story will be more than simply 'durr Trump r evul'
I believe he made a comic issue where ebil white racists were persecuting Muslims or something. It wouldn't be far fetched for him to do something like this, but then again, he does admit Hillary would have been equally as bad.
Well, at least he's not brainwashed. Which is a miracle in itself considering where he lives
I really dislike this character strawman for a number of reasons.
1) whenever I see alien races being synonymous with real-life minority groups, these stories often shoot themselves in the foot by having said these "oppressed" groups being capable of destruction (how many times mutants have destroyed/threatened the world by accident or any superpowered individuals are a threat without meaning to?) which makes the forces that oppress them all more justified in doing so. What kind of commentary does this make about real-life minorities?
2) As much as libshits and Holla Forums really hope that he is literally Hitler, Trump is not persecuting all "aliens" and "immigrants", only illegals. Libshits still try to equate all immigrants to illegals because, not because they can tell the difference, but because their argument falls apart and they wouldn't have a leg to stand on their moral high ground.
except your first point is actually true in the case of "minorities", look at what majority Black, Hispanic or Arab areas look like, they are total shitoles. The simple truth is that besides than whites and east Asians all other groups on earth can't into civilization and actively destroy anything worthwhile that whites build for them.
Non whites are actually worse than mutants or aliens since those groups can be beneficial to a society in the right circumstances but there really isn't anything the Negroes or Arabs contribute even in ideal conditions that outweighs the immense strain they put on civilization and the damage they cause simply by reproducing let alone behaving as they normally do.
no, the last week has broken that illusion for a lot of them (I saw it coming when he started assembling his cabinet). There are still a few holdouts and the rest are literally /r/TheDonald shills; someone has been shilling 8/pol/ on that sub and telling all the normalfags to come here after Holla Forums ran their recruitment drive on /r/socialism
Indeed, I didn't exactly deny that what they say about real-life minorities is untrue, but I find really obnoxious that they make this accurate equivalency with mutants and aliens destroying civilization without any self-awareness.
I saw it too… I was referring more to his political views (which frankly are moderately conservative than outright than Nazi), rather than they throwing off his support because of his attack on Syria.
He was a fucking faggot during the elections, was circlejerking with the other comic fags like Mark Waid, posted insane libtard SJW talking points freshly copypasted and would tell you to fuck off and kill yourselves while telling smugly "thanks for the money, you dumb bigot!" Can't be bothered because his entire twitter is a shithole the vast amount of moralfaggotry while still being a fucking ideologue is astounding.
He's full of shit, saw him cry about Bernie not winning the nomination, but then suddenly going #I'mWithHer!, good job being a lying piece of shit.
Not biased at all, it's like the rest of the industry that straight-up mythologized Magical King Negro when he was running for Presidency and after he won and also just ignored all of King Obango's fuck ups while hoping their diminished audience won't get sick of this shit and will vote for the "Right Candidate" next time and can't wait for the Muh Russia bullshit to appear next!
This is relevant
I think I actually own the issue that pic is from.
Anyone who was really paying attention to politics over the past decade will tell you that Obama was one of our worst Presidents ever, but that he had a good PR team and a skill for showmanship. In other words, he was good at pretending he was doing good, while having a network of fall-guys and media goons to cover his ass.
Everyone else voted for the stuttering nigger entirely because of PR and advertising and then locked themselves in the "Hope and change!" mentality. Then Trump gets on stage and suddenly every really cares about politics and they actually pay attention to the issues and they are hyperfocused on every rally and press conference and debate. Now there's this mass uptick of people all paying attention to the media and politics who never cared before.. except they still believe "OBAMA GOOD. TRUMP BAD." as some kind of universal truth.
please tell me it's post #100, I stopped reading USM after that.
How unexpected. You'd think they wouldn't undermine their half-assed oppression allegory by calling it out one panel later… Also the Germans didn't say "Keep an eye out for Jews!" so that further mucks up the whole point.
this is more nonsensical to me than every time someone at marvel laugh at ghosts and the after life. Even though Mister fantastic and iron man built portals to hell.
I fail to see why they would connect the two. Liberals should be shot.
Stay triggered, Holla Forums.
with mean looks? Oh no what horrible things have Muslims had to go through living in a first world country?
No, it's early. This was Doc Ock. You can tell because it's Bagley and because of the colouring
He was bad, but ever? Worse than Warren G Harding? There have been a lot of bad Presidents
Gotta justify their choices, just like those fanboys who defend terrible purchases, like No Man's Sky.
Because Son of Satan, the only people who hate Obama are bigots, Bigots = Republican = Voted for Bush = Trump, yeah.
In recent years, yeah he was a terrible shithead Celebrity in Chief, when people voted for him, the media proclaimed Racism was over! 6 years later we had Race Riots because Dindunuffins.
Pic related, second instead of last along with the rest of the cancer.
I got into a long Twitter argument with Larsen a few months before the election. It started with me saying that I would be just fine with having either Bernie or Trump in office on the basis that Trump is a take-charge asshole who would get shit done and that like Carter, Bernie is simply a decent human being and sometimes it's a nice change of pace to have a decent person take charge of the office, even if they are a complete socialist. Hillary is the nightmare scenario.
Erik could either not understand my position on this or didn't want to try to. I think that just goes to show how out-of-touch he is, being a guy who lives in San Francisco making comic books, from Rust Belt natives who know Hillary is bestest buds with Walton's heirs and that Trump has more of their interests at heart than Hillary ever did. The argument devolved and eventually he cut out of it saying it's going nowhere.
Here's the thing about Larsen, though. While he thought my arguments and my political positions insane and/or stupid, but he never got personal and never attacked me or resorted ad hominems. He maintained good faith during the entire exchange. When it was over with, I wasn't the recipient of a spiteful block.
Larsen also loves to talk shop about comics and the industry and he knows what he's talking about because in addition to all of his work at Marvel from years before, he's maintained a run of 226 issues of his own comic. He also takes a dim view of comic book writers in general and understands that comics are first and foremost a visual medium, not a fallback industry for english majors. He's taken a lot of shit from SJWs because he's not afraid to realtalk about an industry where he's one of the few who's mastered every single aspect of it.
It annoys me that sometimes he projects his politics directly into his comics like he's doing here but I've got nothing but respect for Erik Larsen.
Honestly, Larsen seems like a pretty good guy. I was told on here that he hates Peter David more than anything but I see on his twitter that he's trying to help Peter David pay his crippling tax debt that he accrued when his bitch wife stole half his money.
I've also been a fan of his since he was on Amazing Spider-Man
I am not that user, but I can name several
- National debt substantially increased.
- Promised to end the conflict in the Middle-East and instead exacerbated it. He also he disrupted way more countries than his predecessors.
- Race relations have been made worse than ever and instead of trying to mend it, he made it worse.
This still, at best, makes him only slightly worse than Bush. I mean, I don't like him either, but Bush already blew the surplus and there would have been nothing to escalate if Bush hadn't lied his way into Iraq. Poor race relations are entirely Obama's fault, however. The man thinks Kenya is racist toward black people for fuck's sake.
Really? Damn, Larsen must have grown up some since I gave up on his book in disgust over the way he was comporting himself in his feud with David.
Don't forget he allowed fag marriage
Technically he didn't. He dragged his feet on that until he heard rumblings that the Supreme Court were going to allow it based on a ruling in a case brought, at least in part, by a gay Republican group (I think it was GOPride or something). Obama couldn't allow those dang dirty Republicans credit for legalising gay marriage so I think he delayed the ruling until he could convene Congress
Yes, I'm sure this one biased comic cover will certainly open the salt mines that the past year and a half of incessant slander against him and his voters failed to do.
What will most likely happen is a handful of autists will get turbotriggered, while everyone else will snort and then forget about it in an hour.
what did he mean by this
Next you'll tell us about all the contributions niggers have made for agriculture.
Not pictured:
t. Huenigger. And I still prefer in this shithole that I didn't chose to live than an African or Arabian country.
Fuck I really butchered English there.
Doesn't matter you got your point across.
Good post.
Larsen sounds pretty decent. I followed The Savage Dragon for a while, way back when, but I haven't read it in years.
Good post.
t. Brazilian
muh kraut
They even make mutants that there mere existence kills everyone in a few mile radius, but they still stick to the "all mutants must live free and your evil if you dont want them around".
Is this from X-Men Ultimate? Sounds like something really edgy that would happen there. Its also not surprising if Wolverine killed the kid at the end.
Not surprising. There's also a cover where he punches out GWB. Serious limp dick stuff.
Dragon is a mixed stew. I was somewhat interested in the premise of FREAK COP cleaning up the streets for a city that despised him. From what I can remember it devolves into giant team battles fairly quickly, then to cosmic cape battles, to alternate reality etc. etc. etc.
If you love 70s Marvel, big cones, and some gross out violence? Hey, I though it was neat when I was a preteen, so I guess it's on the spectrum from Holla Forums
X-men will forever be more disappointment than anything else.
I think anywhere on the American continent would have been preferable than the Middle-East.
To be honest Hitler, Bush did start out a pointless war with Iraq and left us in the state we live today.
Most people would probably punch Bush. Only the Neocons love him
making a comic where you punch out bush is super gay though
I probably wouldnt punch an old man for being a retired jewish puppet, an active one maybe.
Wasn't this when Bush was active?
It's a bit rich either way. Bitch about him but give Barry a pass because he says the right things. Larsen might be able to control his temper on the internet but he has no ability to command his senses.
I don't necessarily blame him. He clearly gets his information from the media. The media were all over Bush when he fucked up but the same media was almost completely silent when Obama made the same or worse fuck ups. If they're the only people you listen to it's easy to think that Bush is Satan incarnate but Obama walks on water
Cuck confirmed
Fucking X-Men.
According to Ultimatum, its revealed mutants are failed experiments to recreate Cap's super soldier serum. As much as bullshit that sounds in that event, it did make a solid argument that they are all fucking mistakes of nature.
I thought mutants were some genetic fuckery by one of the alien races.. or was it the celestials?
kill all muties
That's a correct usage of the word, fucktard
That was in the Ultimate Universe only. In all other continuities including Earth-616, they were treated as the natural next step in human evolution, but the Ultimate continuity is the only one that flat out establishes they were failures.
Weren't the Inhumans a Kree attempt at copying Mutants?
I always make this argument when people talk about Mutant hate being wrong. Mutants ARE dangerous and people SHOULD hate them.
I'd love to see an X-Men story that went with a plot like that. Say a new mutant is born and the X-Men are trying to stop people from persecuting him or killing him or whatever, but then it turns out this kids power is to permanently remove the X-Gene from those he comes in proximity too. So there'd be a choice between being a mutant, or defending the idea of mutants.
Well there is a mutant who can cancel other mutants powers. Honestly, I'd say it's reasonable to fear mutants not sure about hate.
I mean permanent. Like a walking Decimation. Decimation was shit, but it showed that mutants don't actually want equality since their worst nightmare is being like the rest of us. It was touted as a genocide but nobody actually died, they just got turned into us. And they hated it.
I fear the man who can kill me with a thought.
I hate the men who tell me I'm a bigot for not wanting that to exist.
Okay now that makes more sense.
You are aware of Leech? What you've described is the plot to X-Men 3
They'd sort of be right. Any number of things in this world can kill you effortlessly, doesn't mean you should hate them. Now, if the muslimsmutants wanted to kill you, for whatever reason, then hatred of them is justified
You're really stretching here. A cow can kill me but I can conceivably avoid that death. There exists a possibility of me escaping a bear or a shark. There exists no such chance for a mutant, your existence is at their whims.
That's dumb and you're dumb. The mutants hate you, they hate being you, and they hate living with you. And yet I'm not supposed to hate them because "They don't mean it!".
When Magneto levels cities with his mind, I'm supposed to forgive them because "they're not all bad!". When Cyclops turns into the same thing, I'm still supposed to think that. When Hope Summers flies over the world on a magical dragon turning hundreds of thousands of humans into mutants (which if you accept the decimation premise that this is a nightmare, means 200,000 innocent people have their lives turned upside down and the family of primal end up losing their son because of it) I'm supposed to not hate them.
You're a faggot and you need to stop being such a pussy. Learn to hate things.
You did not read my post and you should go back and do that.
If they did, that whole "holocaust" thing would have gone down completely different.
In fact, that sounds a lot like a Garth Ennis comic.
What you mean the jews having super powers or them comparing mutants to jews as victims?
I'm talking about Jews preventing the holocaust with their superpowers.
The effect of Leech's ability can be permanent and what you described is still the plot to X-Men 3
Because someone else will say it
Technically some people did die… I remember one magma dude burning alive while swimming inside a volcano, an astronaut that got stuck inside a station was going to die of radiation poisoning because of his lack of powers and there is this little girl who died in District X of a bullet wound (but that was extremely retarded because it wasn't her own powers, but someone else's). But otherwise you are completely correct. Its not illogical to fear people that can kill you even without meaning to like that kid in the Ultimate comics posted and Xavier in Logan. Whether they mean it or not they are a threat all the same.
The Kree were not copying mutants, they were attempting to create their own super-soldiers to fight the Skrulls, but for whatever reason they just abandoned the Inhumans.
In a hypothetical case of course.
If a lion attacked you unarmed on a nature hike your existence would be at its whim as well. There is no difference
You're equating fear with hatred. Fear often leads to hatred. It's logical to fear something that could kill you but not necessarily logical to hate it. Your ad hominems do a poor job of disguising the fact that you have no point.
Victor Von Doom begs to differ faggot.
I'm equating hatred with hatred. You're talking about logic because you're autistic. I understand that you don't actually know what hatred means, but we can't all be autistic.
But it's not that I particularly fear them. It's that I hate them. I hate them for what they represent and the very concept they embody, all the while their actions display them not only as hypocrites but more often than not as sociopathic monsters.
This from someone who talks about mutants as if they were real, and gets assmad
Pretty autistic response there bud.
You would know
I'll admit that made me giggle buddy.
Sounds like a typical Middle eastern fuck.
Africa is pretty much a shithole through and through. Politicians are also the worst things to use for examples of a general populace, because they may be elected by popular vote in some cases, in most they're just reactionary figureheads that'll say anything to keep their poll numbers up.
I can tell you right now that Syria would have been 100% better off if the west never started meddling there.
Yeah, except you don't see lions just wandering around mind their own business in your school or while you're on the bus. You're not going to go to your cousin's birthday across town and get attacked by a lion who happened to be at the party.
Mutants aren't some roaming primal danger. They are people who can live and act exactly like everyone else.. except some of them can kill you with a thought.