I think they re a friend but something about them…. annoys me. There is some kind of stupid "dudebro weed lmao" in-group humor that just turns me off. Seems like a culture of ironic humor and plebbetry. Anyone else feel like this? Not hate TRS but feel like it's kind of annoying/weird?
TRS: friend or foe
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish you fags would stop talking about TRS, either pro or con.
This is what I think too. I never got the whole "TRS is faglovers" or "I love muh TRS" crowds. They are just plebcucks who can't string a word together for shit. They will never make even ONE normie become WNist.
So fuck em
They're dumb niggers. Nice garbage thread.
This isn't pro or against, I just think they're annoying cunts. Anyone else agree? They rub me the wrong way. I have to take a bath after listening to the daily shoah haha, the peasant mindset makes me feel dirty. I believe in traditionalist values that stretch through time and lead us upwards into glory. TRS are just normie Ameriplebs.
They're slightly smarter than the average peasant-American, but only slightly. I had to stop donating to them after they started to become pro-White America.
Fuck America it was corrupt from the very start.
TRS are dumb as fuck
Subversive faggots that are trying to undermine Holla Forums so they can get us to subscribe to their brand of watered down, pozzed up, kosher politics. Fuck TRS and their blatant self admited attempts to co-opt us.
Someone should post the screencaps of TRS conspiring to shill here.
They used to be smart but they have gone full normie
This. I hate them so much. I would love to strangle that Kike Enoch and Seventh Cum. Smug chad wannabe assholes. They make me so furious. The White movement needs to ban TRS people from fucking everything.
Just another bait thread.
Undoubtedly the >12 views 2 replies 0 upvotes "TRS are shilling on Holla Forums" screenshots will be rolling in soon, too.
TRS is not our enemy, they're just stupid annoying plebs who think like a fucking sports team. They are like guys who like sports and cheering for a team like it fucking matters. Pathetic.
You sound a little bit too pissed off, haha, they're not THAT bad
Donated to TRS? Why haven't you killed yourself yet? Want someone to listen to? See pic. Stupid garbage thread. OP kys.
Fuck off TRS is cancer. They deserve the noose. Kike Enoch and Seventh Cunt probably suck each other off you can tell they are perverted trash haha
also sage
They tried to shill themselves here, they can fuck off.
I'm ashamed of it! Fuck you! I found out what a bunch of traitor cucks they are and stopped. Too late I already have a TRS t shirt.
I might burn it though
Shut up you fucking cocksucker TRS needs to be exposed, they are cancer rotting White nationalism. TRS should be holocausted.
Thank you. But these threads are made after the faggots look at the board log.
Imkampfy must have gone offline for now.
Still, reports are necessary.
This is the only ( you ) you'll be getting from me. For I will be hiding this thread after this post.
False people make them to expose TRS cuckery. Go listen to The Daily Shoah and jerk off to tranny porno, faggot!
One can only hope. I would post them but I don't have them saved.
I don't like seventhson. Enoch and bulbasaur are smart motherfuckers and I wish they would actually talk about stuff instead of Sven dropping "I'm a jew" quotes every 30 seconds.
He's sophomoric and high on e-celeb bullshit that he only achieved because he rode enoch's coattails.
FTN is pretty good. Skyrim was good before it got shoahed.
All that being said, they have got the (((coincidence))) meme and "cuckservative" meme onto national news, and the merchant minute has been featured on NPR. They're doing solid work promoting pro-white ideas. Unfortunately, it seems that their base is actually autistic and many seem degenerate. Them not hitting against fags and saying shit like "communism would probably work in a white society" is also not good.
They're caught up in promoting the idea of whiteness, but don't emphasize the importance of white culture enough. That includes trashing gays, degenerates, NEETs, etc.
Overall, they have a good message. Don't let your personal feelings get in the way of recognizing a growing white nationalist movement. That being said, seriously fuck seventhson.
You aren't good at hiding. Leave.
This. Seventh Cunt is the biggest piece of shit who ever lived.
FtN rocks, I always download that shit and take a long walk. 10/10
Correction: Skyrim was THE BEST podcast ON TRS. They are fucking shits for removing it.
I agree but I somehow just really hate them, deep down. But maybe you're right. Fuck.
You don't hate them enough. They should be gassed right along with the kikes, TRSfags are enemies within the gates, posing as allies. They need to be wiped out before we can focus on other enemies.
You're taking this too far, but I understand where you're coming from.
No, I'm not. Nothing is too harsh for them. They deserve zero mercy.
Republicans getting elected is like botox for Greenfag
wrong thread
Sewing discord amongst allies is a very Jewish thing to do. Take them for what they are and make use of them.
omfg you cuck, wake up, Altright/TRS is just the left is drag. They need to be gassed.
omfg you cuck, wake up, Altright/TRS is just the left is drag. They need to be gassed.
They should learn their place rather than trying to shill on here.
I listen to the convict report and check their forums now and then. They're basically middle ground between plebbit's the donald and 8/pol/.
Also the fact that they pretty much never mention Holla Forums makes the shitposters that scream "TRS faggots are raiding us" look really autistic.
Fuck off TRSfaggot we can tell it's you. No one is buying your fuhrer Kike Enoch's lies anymore, he admitted he;s Jewish. TRS isn't even White. And it definitely isn't Aryan. Die already faggot
Despite not liking TRS myself, they are necessary.
1) They spread our memes and amplify them, and contribute back with their own.
2) They are pro-homosexual, but this is advantageous to us in that we can point to TRS if anyone attacks us due to being anti-fag. "Look, TRS is pro-fag, there are people in our movement who are both for and against homosexuality, we're having this debate ourselves." It takes the heat off of us from outsiders. The Jews use this technique themselves on goyim, with Marxist vs Zionist Jews, or religious vs atheist Jews, pro-fag vs anti-fag Jews, etc.
3) They create music and jokes and give us a more likable vibe to outsiders. They act as a barrier between us and reddit faggots.
You people need to learn to play 12 dimensional chess. TRS is an asset to our cause.
But they taint them with their crypto-libertarinaism and "anti-1488er" views.
t. TRS local user
You might be right, but I still think they're cringeworthy working class plebs. I don't understand them.
Like clockwork.
they're a more tryhard version of us, podcasts and such. Just ignore them, they mean well, but have a certain amount of ego issues that clashes here
They are (((controlled opposition))) and constantly try to shill here
Fucking kill yourself
Yea, they are cunts and actually seem to enjoy being sadistic to people. They remind me of smug liberals or sportsball fans.
This! We need to fucking holocaust these TRSfaggots. Nothing is too bad for them. They should be frying in hell for their fucking bullshit. They are probably giving all the D'nation money to ZOG
are you even from here?
Can you find 10 differences Holla Forums?
And in doing so, they attract that demographic and begin preparing them for our stronger redpills later.
There were always be cringeworthy working class plebs. The choice then is do we get them working for us, or do we let the Jew use them against us instead? If you're playing to win, the choice is obvious.
If TRS didn't exist, we'd want to create something similar to TRS to fill that void and tap into that demographic.
If the TRS community increases in population, than it will be ripe for Balkanization, we can move in and split it up, taking the useful people for ourselves or creating new communities for them.
Remember Hitler and the pro-homosexual SA? Without them, Hitler would have not rose to power.
what I meant was they're pushing in the right direction but doing it all wrong. you kill yourself
No, fucking cut them down and don't look back at their dead bodies. kys for defending them
okay go ahead waste energy on them, I'll be busy with the liberals and zionists
Kike Enoch sounds like a greedy hunchbacked factory worker sneaking shekels on the side. He is kikey AND pleb-tier how is that even POSSIBLE!!!!!!!?
They are probably secret zionist liberals moron they are cancer
it was retarded there and was retarded here
TBH, you sound like a JIDF or leftypol shill with your divide and conquer. Anyone with intelligence knows that the more assets we have spreading our memes, no matter how much they may deviate from our own principles, the better off we are.
If you side with TRScucks you deserve the bog, just get fucking murdered already u fucking traitor
TRS=cointelpro lolbertarian kikes
So just leave us the fuck alone then. for years we have been shilled by (((everyone))), why don't you leave us the fuck alone faggot
Maybe when you hit 100 posts someone will take you seriously.
Please stop. You sound like a fucking idiot. I don't like TRS, but you're making TRS look good by sounding so. goddamn. stupid. Shut the fuck up, calm your titties and stop sperging out.
Maybe when you stop shilling the term "alt-kike" we will take you seriously
To be kept at arm's length, but not awful.
The TRS in-group wants our users to assimilate into them without them adapting to/tolerating chan culture, and will continue shitting on us until they are THE NUMBA ONE right-wing alternate site available.
Fuck you! They ARE the AltKike 100% Kike owned and operated!! AltRight IS the AltKike fuck off TRS-shill we don't buy what you're selling! Matt Heimbach and Andrew Anglin are the only good WN leaders today! Fucking kill yourself! Go back to TRS and never come back!
The biggest problem I have with them is their goon tolerance but otherwise they seem okay.
If you confuse the act of using an unprincipled or tainted meme propagation community as "siding" with them, then perhaps you lack the intellect to be making these types of decisions for Holla Forums. This is an information war. A race war. A war for survival. We only have one chance.
Using them as a meme propagation asset does not compromise our own principles.
The end justifies the means.
If you want to LARP in a highschool setting over which clique of kids is less gay, go to reddit.
even if they shill here constantly? You might as well be asking Holla Forums to stop calling out JIDF
Fucking faggot, I don't give a shit what cocksuckers think. I'm not a slave to peoples opinions. You want to sound nice? Go to HuffPo
This is the new way shills try to get a foot in the door.
All "big tent" movements that sacrifice principle and truth for numbers fail.
"There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come." ~Hugo
The ideas are the movement. TRS and the "alt-right" set us back by bringing people in who are not ready to find and embrace the truth themselves… and they end up dejected and blackpilled because none of these people are proper inspirational heroic leaders.
They are saboteurs.
This tbqh
Everything the inner circle does screams goon, they have an understanding of chan culture while simultaneously hating and trying to co-opt/destroy it
TRS is your greatest ally goy.
They are goony yea, they like to do petty boring trolling just for laughs. Chan culture trolling is smart and cool. TRS inner circle is degenerate.
What makes people turn so goony like that?
not me
TRS are trying to subvert this board and its users, they are the faggots sperging out over anime pictures and they also are the same faggots who keep making unintelligible posts with poor grammar.
There's literally no reason to think Mike Enoch is jewish.
You don't realize it (((TRS))), but we actually fucking hate you at this point, for years we know that places like (((Correct the rectum))) and JIDF exist but we rarely ever have solid proof. And then you show up, demand we adopt leaders who do everything to undermine us, call us "paranoid" and "retarded" when we find out and refuse to apologize.
Instead you have the fucking gall to demand we apologize??
Fucking die
Ok Holla Forums you truly are my greatest ally. We should totally stop everything now and go fuck with TRS.
Yes, there is that danger. Which is why we don't compromise ourselves on our own turf.
The topic of this thread is TRS: "friend" or "foe".
My position has been firm. They are neither. They are currently an asset that serves us some use in spreading our memes as well as diffusing attacks from leftists. When it's time to hang the gays from the lamp posts, and trust me this time will come, we discard them.
Now, we still need to bring in people and grow our movement. Look at Jared Wyland on Twitter in the past 24 hours, he's been redpilling 125k on Twitter with our material, and just a few years ago he was still an Obama liberal.
TRS makes our material more socially acceptable to normies and the brainwashed masses. It helps shift the Overton Window.
Goons, dude. That's it. Several of the minor TRS inner circle members are goons and much of the TRS Expeditionary Force are goons too. Most of the TRS userbase is alright people, but the people actually making decisions and talking to the people that run the place are disproportionately goons.
It's how goons work. They get close to power and then manipulate indviduals. Look at Sven's recent behavior for how goons interact with normies - he's gone from a guy a little weirded out and amused by channers to demanding Holla Forums, a board filled with anonymous people who call everybody a shill personally write an apology letter to him before he stops shitting on Holla Forums.
The decision-makers at TRS weren't goon-wise and let themselves be manpulated, partly out of a huge desire to grow their userbase no matter the costs, and partly out of internet naivety. Building the forums was a huge mistake - it's been all drama, drama, and drama ever since. A goon's paradise.
I like them, listen to FTN, TDS, NPR This Hour, watch Saturday Night L'Chaim on Jewtube, yet I don't talk about them here because they are not relevant enough to have threads created about them and they never will be, they are anons just like you or me who are just name fagging, or like Ghoul taking his "fame" and starting the Bone Zone channel. If something said on TRS is relevant to the current thread, then I'll mention it.
They are nothing if not excellent background noise for threads.
Stop fucking shilling here, it's annoying.
So can someone explain to me why leftyfaggots in here are trying to convince us to attack trs and hurt our own movement instead of going out on the streets and taking down actual pos commies who are actually trying to destroy us.
I'm of the opinion that homosexuals should die painfully, explain to me how I'm a "leftyfaggot"
TRS loving Milo is a false meme you know.
You believe fags should die painfully yet you are being a faggot and telling us to attack something that is of no inherent threat to us whilst actual communists are running amok and destroying this country and shitting up this board. You tell me how you aren't a faggot.
Because we're not a movement, no matter how much Sven triers.
TRS seems to think that Holla Forums is something aside from a massive redpill factory. It's a propaganda and information outlet/disseminator, and nothing more. It's like trying to turn Drudge Report into a movement. We exist to convince people of the truth, it's up to them what they do with it.
"white homosexuality is the last implicit stand of white identity" -
t. (((Richard Spencer)))
They literally have Weev as a regular contributor.
It's not hard to believe user
Spencer isn't TRS…..
This also puts them in the perfect position to hijack and divert people (which then subverts the overall movement as described), which they're actively doing.
I used to listen to their retarded podcasts a little just because of the merchant minute, but the majority of it is about why we should front as less extreme to attract normalfags, about why fags and faglovers are permissible and tolerable.
Point being, if you build a movement of tolerant pussies, dotr isn't coming. If you expose people to white nationalism, and they burn out because they aren't ready you desensitize them just like the people who have been hearing about how we're on the cusp of an economic apocalypse for decades.
TRS is ultimately desensitizing people who, potentially if left to their own devices and given the ability to develope at their own pace, might be ready when the time comes. But lets be real… most people are never going to get there and will forever be racial saboteurs. Making them into half-assed pretend allies helps nobody, lowers standards, and dilutes quality.
It's literally no different than the downfall of cuckchan.
HOW did they become goons? Where do you go to become one? Seriously, the term confuses me
yet you post threads about him here all the fucking time kike
Weev is a good dude
I find it hard to believe, that's why I'm asking for a source…
TRS discord. Asked a few "Higher Ups" about goons and many just came out and admitted they used to be goons, several random users just chimed in and said "I was a goon"
TRS is gooned as all fuck. Just watch the endless cycle of forum purges, drama, bickering, etc, it's practically signature of a goon-fractured community.
ffs newfag maybe there`s something that you`re friends over at .biz aren`t telling you
I agree with most of what you said except I don't ever remember them defending faggots on their podcast. I used to read their articles and listen to the podcast in the early days but now it's just noise and inane shitposting.
Sums it up.
2/5ths of this thread is the same two faggots spamming sinead mccarthy brand lies like Milo being a part of TRS
He literally used to hang out with femshits and antifa, your idols are pozzed faggot, hate to break it to you
Weak. All these conspiracies regarding the big bad goonies are laughable in my opinion.
Weev is a fucking goon you piece of shit. There's your fucking source. You thinking he's a "good dude" shows just how naive you fucking are. You have no idea how these people work and you allowed them to infest your inner circle. You. Will. Be. Destroyed.
Go back to your fucking forums.
People post proof every time this thread happens. It's a fact that TRS is pro-fag.
You're a newfag, but a genuine one, so I'll allow it.
Goons are people who stayed on Something Awful after Moot created 4chan. They cause drama for its own sake. If you've been around here a while you'll notice various trends around so-called Holla Forums posting, constantly trying to cause various segments of the community to attack eachother, or suggesting we all migrate to their totally-not-a-honeypot alternate board. These are classic goon tactics.
Fuck off TRS is just playing good cop/bad cop with Sinead. They are both controlled, fake nationalists, KYS
Who are you shilling for faggot? Is this supposed to be some kind of reverse psychology attempt to make it look like it's just shills who shitt on TRScucks?
No one fucking cares about the specifics of your little controlled op circlejerk. You're cancer.
Or they are saying weird shit about tea being pro faggot.
fuck off faggot
Stop spoonfeeding you fucking newfag. Get the fuck off this board and take OP with you.
Oh so he wasn't born reading Savitri Devi and worshiping Vishnu Hitler?
I don't care. I like the Daily Stormer.
the Daily Stormer is low IQ drivel
If I post about Holla Forums's board owner's shit taste in vidya will it make 8/v/ a bunch of plebs by extension?
any d&c on the right is jtrig bullshit
trs, no matter how annoying their forums or some of their posters are, have no done a lot for the current right
>even though it has no https protection despite it being very easy to implement
You deserve to be partyv&
Answering legitimate questions about topics that are seldom explained in depth isn't negative. The history of the goon needs to be widely understood… and it's relevant in the thread.
That's probably because you have never seen a goon-infiltrated community and how closely TRS behaves to one. Or because you're not really interested, just citation needed trolling.
Like what, exactly? What have they done that Holla Forums has not done better, aside from organize 20-man-meetup pool parties?
Isn't that the point of the site? Funny, simple, relevant news.
wtf I hate the Daily Stormer now
They're riding in the coat tails of the cultural impact of historic cuckpol and now fullchan… but they're fucking up the truth.
Saboteurs. Shills. Subverters.
Whatever you want to call them.
You are cancer
You know what I find funny about is board. Lately whenever someone asks for backup attacking a leftist publication we get "not your personal army" but now in these times of great consequence I see a rallying cry to literally attack people that didn't do anything but help trump and help drop redpills. Funny how you kikes work.
Sounds mighty spooky bro. It's not like there is a lack of drama on the chans if that's what you're afraid of.
they deserve a bullet to the brain point blank
Yes. Okay. But is it time to purge TRS? I don't think we're ready to take on the consequences yet.
When do we purge them? When did Hitler purge the SA?
After the Jews are really on the run, and TRS attempts seize more power for itself. They won't see us coming.
Depends on if Trump is really going bring the whole diseased temple down or not. I'm not yet convinced he will.
Fuck off (((FBI)))
You wouldn't have to bother going to Holla Forums, Holla Forums's own hotpockets are civic nationalist cucks, newfag. We don't like you, you're cancer, you're controlled opposition, we're going to destroy your name in every way possible and kill your cuckoldry in the bud every time it tries to enroach on this board. You are the enemy. You get no quarter.
Nope faggot, lurk 2 years, which is the same you should've said to OP since he's an obvious fucking newfag. Anyone who's been here long enough to not be cancer would not need to ask, unlike you. Stop posting.
Did you run out of targeted lies and insults jewish shill?
You can't purge what has already been subverted faggot. If you give a shit about not ending up v& or on a watch list you need to leave it. Kek, even if you could purge it I sincerely doubt you would at this point
Many people on this board are still suspicious of Trump because of his Rothschild ties and pro-Israel stance. Staying vigilant is productive, and the left will eat itself alive without our needing to meddle with them.
TRS podcasts are great. Anons don't produce content. We need content we are fighting a cultural war.
Fuck off shill.
So you literally want us to destroy the tiny to gnu t wing and let the leftists run amok unchallenged. Are you a total kike shill or what?
You have a point, user. TRS has made some decent podcasts in its time. It's not 100% bad.
Do you think people serious fall for this D&C?
Alright faggot, I'm all ears, explain to me your reasoning with this statement
TRS seems pretty shitty but I like Moriakkieu or however his name is spelled. The Merchant Minute was a nice weekly Holla Forums recap. But I just can't stand podcasts in general. I need editing, trim the fat from the meat. I don't care when some knuckle-dragging retard says some meme and everyone laughs for five minutes.
Your foreignness is showing, TRSEF. What looks like constant drama on the chans to you is just normal discussion here. There are no purges of anything, no namefag loyalty wars, no personal drama except that related to the subjects at hand.
Anons ARE the content. There's a screencap going around dissecting halfchan's pageviews and breaking it down to show that Holla Forums got more nightly views than Fox Jews and CNN combined.
My reasoning is that there is quite a bit of disconnect between most TRS forum users and the e-celebs that make their podcasts.
Non anonymous members of TRS aren't an accurate representation of the majority views of their listeners. Yes there are cock sucking faggots who think e-celebs can do no wrong but I'd say that they're a minority.
Thats not TRS, thats Ramzpaul and Jared Taylor
Morrakiu is great and during the election FTN was good shit. I wish the shoah guys would go back to writing articles and sharpening their minds as opposed to shitposting all day. This weekend they even managed to duck up ftn.
Their userbase wouldn't flood here. They would go to plebbit, most probably already are, because they love watching upvote circle jerking and namefagging.
Trump is not Hitler. There is reason to base any position on TRS as it relates to Trump. The two are not tied together.
The longer TRS is allowed to operate and subvert, the more people it will desensitize (again I've argued already that most of them don't matter anyway) or turn them into tolerant faggots who like to larp as NatSocs, but who couldn't bring themselves to shoot a nigger kid in the face… or hang a race traitor.
I never claimed to be anything, the content of your posts are what speaks here, shill.
Kill yourself shill and vid related
No, that's TRS.
There is no reason*
Then why the fuck would you stay on such a pozzed site, the mods here are based
Irrelevant. Reported.
I don't even know what the TRS is aside from some podcast forum tbh. I just know there are many shills on the right, and the Daily Stormer strikes me as a honeypot. Clearly I agree with but I also reiterate my concern that letting any one group on the right control the narrative is dangerous. But that doesn't seem to be anywhere close to happening, based solely on my discussions with other people in real life (many of whom are unable to counter an argument proving international jews are out to get them, thus prodding them further to the right), and comment sections on the internet (which are largely anti-semitic). Not to mention the derision felt towards ecelebrity.
spoken like a true 9fag
kek no they're not, lurk 2 years or fuck off back to TRS newfag.
How many niggers have you shot in the face? You are fucking nobody TED shouldn't even be discussed on Holla Forums unless they made a good article or a video. All of your rallying cries to smash TRS are retarded and counterproductive.
Look.. I'm sorry but I can't sit on this shit anymore. TRS is a god damn bath house. They only ban their faggots when they get too vocal and run the risk of furthering the "TRS is gay" meme.
Their facebook group is full of known faggots, minor nobodies and heavy contributors like Greg Johnson of Counter-Currents, Millennial Woes and Ryan Faulk of thealternativehypothesis.org
This thread is just a day ending in Y on TRS. Notice Mike Enoch trying to suppress the discussion of their obvious homo problem. To their credit Sven did ban the ultra-fag in question. But he's not the only one by a damn mile. Then if you look towards the end Greg "GRIDS" Johnson shows up and links his "we're here, we're queer, we're alt-right!" article with "I suspect the thread will end here." Translation: STFU of the bans begin. I'm done with these faggots. But what can you expect out of a crowd that was a bunch of ancaps a year ago.
Ok. .for some reason Holla Forums won't let me upload a 2.5MB image ..whatever here's the screen cap on slimg.
I meant drama regarding anyone/anything outside of here, retard. Just mention a public name or organization that is fighting for our cause and people fall all over each other to shit all over him/it. Any thread about National Action is a good example. It's tiresome.
I lurk there like once a week or less, 8/pol/ is my real home. Look at my older posts ITT, TRS mirrors quite a few Holla Forums threads anyway.
That doesn't make any sense. Perhaps what you meant was, subverted from the beginning? Even then, you can still purge, and take what is useful that they have accumulated.
I don't hang out on TRS at all. I'm one of the 4chon old guard.
Purging them is simply a matter of using various strategies of psychological warfare to break them. Not hard, it's already been done plenty of times with the TRS forum mods losing their shit whenever someone works them up. The key however is to be unrelenting and keep the pressure on them for months so that their user base fractures.
nah it's interesting to tons of people as evidenced by the many posters
They are a subversive group that doesn't share an ideology with Holla Forums they are simply racist lolbertarians
This is a really shitty TRS meme, they still don't realize what Holla Forums is
Get fucked. The mods here are angels on earth compared to cuckchan
Hes saying if you don't at least try to slow down the destruction of the fucking nation and you're an accelerationist you can just be wrote the fuck off because you're a NEETZI that will amount to nothing.
You can't "purge" a virtual movement you fucking retards.
I can get behind this.
And like before I pointed out that both the posts in question were retarded as fuck
I haven't been able to get a forum invite so I don't really know about what kind of faggotry goes down on their forums but their content is ok and I see no reason to assault them. I've been typing on a friends shitty tablet so ignore all my spelling mistakes this shit has annoying autocorrect.
The fact that they use faceberg makes the argument beautifully,
In terms if credibility you can easily.
I think they're e-celebs and you should kill yourself
Punching to the left is healthy. The clearest sign of controlled opposition is criticizing rightwards; you wouldn't shit on "1488ers" if you actually wanted the political center to shift rightwards, because that's what their public prominence accomplishes, even if you aren't that extreme, they work in your interests. The left never denounces its extremists. The right only does because they're subverted by alphabet soup.
So why are you complaining about Holla Forums being too extreme and purging its cancer, TRScuck? Which is it: controlled op or sincere idiot?
The thread's only even alive because you and one other has been spamming it with empty responses to artificially keep conversation going.
They're not anons. They will never meet our standards because even we can't fulfill our standards in our personal lives.
However, we ought to hold everyone in check. Our people among left, the center, the right, the alt-right etc., have to be drawn closer to our ideal. Some need more correction, others less. Everyone claiming otherwise is a shill.
34 unique IDs
11 don't care/neutral
11 for
Consensus is people don't give a shit and its irrelevant. The really loud faggots are either D&C shills or are fucking retarded.
Dubs decide which thread we open?
What are you even talking about? I just defended Daily Stormer itt. The fucking definition of "1488ers"
what content have you produced? Fuck you lazy fagot who doesn't create shit.
TYT is streaming about us
Then what does that make TRS calling us retarded and saying we're paranoid?
post stream please
Post the upvote score for that post
Yes TRS raids here during the election, no shit. The forum was public when those posts were made retard. Most members of that forum are former 4chan posters.
best post so far
Stream got shoah'd unfortunately.
An apt representation. It's why Time magazine named us the most evil website on the internet.
that's what I'm asking for I don't have a forum account
you 8pollers think you are way more relevant than you actually are if you unironically believe this. TRS and the alt-right have way more impact than you now.
Invite me, [email protected]/* */ I will use a different email to sign up.