Kristlenact and egg pelting of that dyke cunt Maddow when?
Trump Meets Lugenpresse off record, Lugenpress says "It was a FUCKING Firing Squad!"
I can't stop laughing.
they probably shot an aryan child in the head during some fucked up ritual
Can't wait for Trump to being the libel laws and anti-trust down on these scumbags.
I wonder if he actually called them Lugenpresse to their faces?
Hey, I thought this was "off the record". Guess they can't keep their word.
She was in the room and he fucking mocked her, please let it be true.
A man can dream.
Got excited by the headline. Too bad it's just another case of "it was real in my mind!"
I'm sure Donald is mad about the press lying like they did but with their tendencies to lie, there's a good chance they have blown it out of proportion for victim point/muh free press.
This is fucking gold.
Folks this man must become Emperor.
This is the end of the fake news and the beginning of a new era of greatness.
Who was the guy who said the "den of liar and thieves and I will root you out" about the bankers ?
Who cares what celebrities from an island nation with less people than Louisiana think?
Don't forget about Jesus Christ and his hatred of bankers too!
Oh god yes, when was this OC made?
I hope they signed NDAs. So Trump can sue.
I love Trump
I have no idea. I am just reposting it every once in a while.
Yes, he was a credit to the people.
This is a very realistic possibility. On the other hand it would have been a great opportunity to rightfully trash them. Its a catch 22 for journalists, if they agree to 'off the record' meetings. If they leak anything substantial to the conversations they LITTERALLY throw away the last piece of integrity they have. They bar themselves from future employment *like becoming a journalist wasn't bad enough*. No source would ever agree to talk to a jounalist who has been caught breaking an oath to silence. Lying is one thing. Its relatively free as no trust can be broken where there is none. But break the bond of trust between source and journalist and you are done. Trump knows that. He hits them right in their last bit of pride.
Tl;Dr: This might actually have been the perfect time to melt them in lava!
It does more than enough to just show people how the media lied AGAIN.
HA hahahahahahahh!!!!
No I want them losing skin too.
He's really making fools out of these people, the incoming fury is going to be fucking amazing.
Trump is basically saying if this is how you are behaving a few weeks in with the bullshit, you can fuck off, he's going to make Nixon look like a pussy cat, but he understand the game better than Nixon does.
Andrew Jackson.
This is beautiful
My dick is gonna be hard for the next 4 years if this all takes place.
I wonder if jew leather makes good furniture.
I would actually maybe want an all jew-leather couch, seems comfy as fuck.
tbh fam I was worried Trump was making peace with the bastards, and even worse they would leak a recording of him betraying his supporters.
The Emperor never ceases to amaze me.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump ended up telling Israel to go fuck themselves and stopped giving them money. He's never bowed to the wailing wall of Satan.
maddow more like mad cow
And if Trump was as evil as they've been portraying him, it would have been a literal firing squad instead; the fact that it was only a verbal lashing and they're still breathing is another mark against their false narrative.
Trump's basically a fusion of Adolf Hitler and Andrew Jackson. He's not afraid of the jewish media.
Now's not the time for gas, that comes later!
Mick user checking in here, Who?
Your national treasure of course, that cunt from 1 direction.
Niall Horan
Chris O’Dowd
Conor McGregor
I wish that faggot would just shut the fuck up so I can enjoy his winning two weight classes
HAHAHAHA reminds me of Putin destroying those factory owners back in the day. They were probably scared for the lives, amazing
One of my sources just confirmed to me that President-Elect Trump started off the meeting by dumping a box of Zyklon-B canisters onto the conference table. "Some things, you'd just like to do", the increasingly maniacal Trump belted out to the stunned room. "I could shoah you all, and my supporters, I have the greatest supporters, would stand by me. Do you understand what that means you dummies? The lying press will have their dirty mouths shut. You're a disgrace ", Mr. Trump thundered, while directing the brunt of his anger towards CNN President Jeff Zucker before aggressively throwing a sealed canister in his direction.
Change of management doesn't necessarily things got better from that, russiaboo.
still trying?
Putin is evil we must destroy Russia destroy Russia Putin is evil initiate program ShillForHill.
again, who, only one I recognize is Conor McGregor, and only because he is pretty much an American at this point
Thanks for reminding me of it.
A billionaire reduced to a scared schoolboy
Must be hard to live with autism.
I want to like Conor too, but he's a fighting savant, and completely irrelevant when it comes to a political opinion. What's he going to base it on other than random stuff he sees on social media.
Not even close, it was just a really funny scene, you could feel the fear on the side of the factory owners
Based as fuck.
Praise kek
t. CIA
You don't know that, what probably happened there:
> Trump:
I wonder if it really happened or if this is just another lame attempt to stump the Trump.
I'd figure that Trump would play his cards closer to his heart.
If this was truly an "off-the-record" discussion, Trump would have made them sign non-disclosure agreements or NDAs. NDAs are a legal document which waives your 1st Amendment rights to speak about whatever the NDA specifies. All government employees with access to classified information are required to sign them. Breaking an NDA is a felony.
He's baiting them, he knows they have been ridiculous since the election, he wants them to go full attack so he can show what pieces of shit they are and drop videos on youtube instead,
My only disappointment is that it wasn't an actual firing squad.
Fuck you, lügenpresse.
I'm sure this will go far to smooth things over…fucking kikes
Really they couldn't keep their mouths shut?
Or is this 7D chess?
trips confirm
As a semi drunk paddy, i must say i love the emperor, and most of the mick diaspora do also.
Holy shit
Yea, he set the bait and they fucking took it.
This isn't just betraying a candidate, this is betraying the President Elect, now. He officially owes them fuck all for access and cooperation.
wrong image
Nice digits
One can but hope.
Feels bad
kek be praised the god emperor is brilliant.
truly they should have sent a poet.
Absolute madman.
Love it.
any loose change you lose in it will be gone forever though.
Trump Meets MSM off record, Lugenpress BTFO! AhHAHAHAHAHA. Jew faggots.
Dat pen doe
The deal with Conor McGregor seems to be that he didn't like Hillary or Trump. I'm not sure if he ever said he liked any of the candidates. He seems to be neutral when it comes to politics.
Dear sweet Kek, we've elected Xanatos.
Daily reminder that Trump once went to AIPAC and shit all over the (((UN)))… and got the Jews to cheer him for it.
Daily reminder that even if we take the overestimated kike IQ to be 115, at 160 the disparaty between Trump and them is still roughly equivalent to that between Holla Forums (130) and the average nigger (85).
Daily reminder that this man is the next President of the United States.
They haven't seen anything yet
wtf is so hard about checking the catalog before you make a thread?
that desperate for (you)s?
This is just a start. Go after NPR and PBS next and create new communication channels to inform the public without using (((news channels))) or (((news agency))).
Tbh Ireland had a much larger population several hundreds of years ago than it has now. Then the Brits and Jews genocided them.
Don't get me wrong I love what he did today if this is all true. It needs to be said. But can you really make someone agree to a non-disclosure agreement just to insult them? Like could I have you sign one to meet me, and then just call you a fucking faggot and expect you to not bitch about it?
It's a win-win situation tbh
Damn, those boys look pretty happy to be there.
NDAs are legally binding, so yah, they signed off that they wouldn't talk about it, doesn't matter that they didn't know what they were getting into
though this is still under the assumption that they actually signed NDAs and that this wasn't just a verbal agreement
1st pic is fake faggots don't own guns
Make sure everyone knows about the jewtube vids
To be fair his wife is the one who shot his face off.
Point conceded
Did they actually sign an NDA? No. So, moot point.
seriously, OP? Believing that pile of kosher garbage?
Beautiful isn't it? Just wait though, I bet my bottom dollar that Trump's been planning this since that Oprah Winfrey interview. Everything he has done has been part of his plan…everything.
This was an "Off the Record" meeting…you agree to an "Off the Record" anything, your ass better stay off the record or you can kiss your career goodbye.
He needs to do this with all the major tech CEOs too. They are the real threat.
Daily reminder
Thank GOD for sending us a champion.
It's really surprising to me that McGregor wouldn't like Trump. They seem pretty similar… both gonna shit-talk as much as they want and when the time comes to prove themselves, they just stomp all over the opposition because they're the best at what they do.
Thought McGregor would be all over that.
Why do you think he did The Apprentice? When he ran the average normalfag already knew him as "that guy from The Apprentice who is the shrewd and ultra-rich billionaire CEO of a major corporation and probably has a good sense about the economy".
did you not get the memo?
Oh I do user. Every day is great now, no onger do I spend all day sitting under the agonizing weight of crushing despair at the state of the world and being one of the few to understand it. I couldn't be happier.
kinda distressing that all the manufactured joy addicts are freaking out though. they wouldn't know real happiness if it slapped them in the face.
The what?
Let's just hope he opens the libel laws. If the (((media))) starts actually losing big money from their lies they will stop spreading them.
Maybe also introduce criminal libel. That way they can be sued twice.
liberals. notice how they contextualize everything around their consumer media of choice be it vidya, comics or whatever.
SSRI addicts? It's the new hip and trendy thing to not be able to control your emotions and just take anti-depressants when you realize that being a marketing executive doesn't mean shit.
Your post made me uncomfortable somehow
Best thing is libel could also be used on College Humanities and SJW studies departments to get them shut down and removed from colleges. Calling Whitey the Devil would most certainly be libel.
First, he can't do that. It is an impeachable offense for the President to even propose legislation. Separation of powers.
Second, there are no federal libel laws.
Close enough.
What part of "everyone at CNN is a liar" don't you understand? ;)
That's part of it but there's more but user, I'm a mere mortal, Donald Trump's been playing multidimensional chess and is a real life David Xanatos there's no way in hell I can think on his level.
The only sad thing is people in New York forgot some of the good he's done, like a certain ice rink he took over and had done in 3 months and under budget while the city went over budget and took years.
TYT vid when?
Trump is a magician and self initiate into the higher orders, chosen by god and aided by the ascended masters, a great mind blessed with knowledge and wisdom. He also has the Tesla papers
Mathew 21 KVJ
12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,
13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
Off the record in press terms means that the meeting will not be verified and will not be allowed to be recorded.
No, that seems exactly what those kikes would do.
The guy mocks people to their fucking face. He did it to Wolf Blitzer and I laugh every time that webm is posted.
Trump is best when it comes to doing things like that, he did for years on the apprentice, his famous line "You're fired" was pretty much always preceded by how the person that was getting fired fucked up and telling them that straight to the face
I'm so glad he's bringing that kind of heat and passion against the lugenpresse
I really hope this is bait. I mean, no one could be this retarded.
Not yet, come back here a year into Trump's Presidency
Requesting that webm, and the one Trump firing the "white trash" cuck
It's not bait. It's the Constitution - you know, that thing Trump's about to swear an oath to uphold and protect.
The President is not allowed to propose legislation.
>Trump empties several cans of Zyklon B pellets onto the table
Okay so you are just pedantic to an autistic degree. Trump can propose - as in lay out his vision for legislation - as much as he wants. The actual passing of legislation is up to the legislature. He can certainly weigh in on legislation.
This is leadership.
Putin is the fucking best.
This man is a fucking legend and he hasn't even taken office yet. Hell, the electoral college hasn't even cemented his victory yet.
God DAMN I can't wait until January.
fucking savage
kek, gets me every time. thanks user.
IIRC according to the "official" Holocaust narrative the SS guys would climb up on top of the gas chambers and dump the Zyklon B pellets down a chute which led into the middle of the gas chamber. The pellets would fall out of the chute and into a special grate in the floor where they would be heated to release the gas.
This is, of course, a very dumb idea since a Jew could be standing over the grate so no pellets would get into it, and then the jews would all survive and the SS would be hoping that the jews didn't notice that they just wasted a good tin of Zyklon by dumping it on their heads.
The "official narrative", at least w.r.t. Auschwitz, is the second image here:
No heating element at all. It simply would not have worked in the winter.
This is the best webm I have ever fucking seen.
His fucking face when he hits that last line? Perfection.
That is so fucking brutal, holy shit.
He just did it out of nowhere as well, being in a room with that man must be terrifying.
It's also what he just did to the lügenpresse.
That is a pretty great clip
There isn't a coherent official narrative, just muh six million and if you question things you're a pariah beyond hope or redemption.
muh potato shoah
I predict he'll bypass the MSM and speak to the people directly through social media.
The Emperor suffers not the cuck.
Hey but at least we didn't fucking cry about it for 100 yrs
Now is not the time for firing squads, doctor 7cba5c.
That comes later.
Jackson was pretty fucking brutal
I don't think so.
The Don doesn't appreciate self-flagellating whites
Honestly, anyone who doubts that he and Trump would get along should watch the video.
The next 8 years of Putin and Trump broing out is gunna be great, Imagine the pure unadulterated alpha that would be given off if they went hunting together in the Russian wilderness
Trump doesn't assassinate fellow citizens, yet at least.
I'll much more enjoy watching them both go hunting together in the Middle East..
Yea, Clinton would've been a better match on that scale.
Also, GTFO.
Regardless of what happens between the US and Russia long term, the next few years at least are going to be the two countries taking turns skullfucking ISIS and other globalist plots.
Reminder that 2017 was supposed to be the start of WWIII and whites were supposed to finally exterminate each other.
these are people who consider themselves to be celebrities and should be respected by the plebs. these are people who are never told "no" and they just got btfo by a guy they all fucking tried to stop. the same guy they all called a blundering orange rodeo clown for months. the object of ridicule on every faggy late night talk show
Probably propaganda bullshit, but the idea of him getting three hours of restless sleep a night while thumbing the detonator entertains me.
Calling it now, the left is going to malfunction and start trying to defend the poor oppressed (((ISIS))) terrorists.
Fresh (not very special) OC
That cuck gave Trump an excuse. You never give Trump an excuse
We should have joined with Russia against Daesh immediately 3/4 years ago.. common sense screamed for it. Russia wanted it.
The Syria mess would've been over years ago. But no.. there's always been an (((agenda)))
We're already seeing sjw psychos defending Islam and Muslims.
It's fucking unbelievable. It's like mass mental illness with these cuck fucktards.
Literally all Trump needs to do to stop ISIS is pull the US funding and order the military to stand down and let Putin and Assad go to town, but there's no way Trump would have us miss out on the fun. The US air strikes will continue, but now they'll actually be going after ISIS and likely the 'rebels' too. Assad once said that if the US pulled out ISIS could be solved in a matter of months, it'd be amazing if Trump could come out of his first 100 days with Baghdadi's skull mounted in the Oval Office. Fucker should be scared.
I can dream.
That 1st webm with the two planes is pretty glorious tbh.
You're fucking retarded.
t. lawfag
Don't forget, he bought his first guitar after selling some of the guns he stole from his dad.
Pretty cool plane.
Most of them pack up and ran away to England telling everyone how Putin stole the "people's" wealth.
I just noticed this article was in the Post. Isn't that the rag Trump uses to leak stories all the time? Maybe they got the story from the help who were personally instructed to leak details of the story.
Or is it the Daily News he uses?
I'm not very good at PS but have this
You're an Idiot.
His facial expression.
Love it.
He KNEW, Merkel is terribly afraid of dogs (even this one, his own, is absolutely harmless).
Trump will get done one way or another. I whisper in the ear of a nationalist Republican, a veiled threat to an out-of-line cuckservative to reveal some dark secret, every one of them will fall in line and Trump will pass whatever he damn well pleases.
*A whisper
I am not Trump.
look at that smug.
Yep. It's fucking beautiful.
user of course Ireland has more people in it than Louisiana. Niggers aren't people and don't count.
communists are not citizens
only niggers and kikes are afraid of dogs.
they already do, they just need to start screeching at the people who stop that sort of talk from reaching the public ears for being collaborators with the white culturally imperialistic kryiarchical rape alliance.
Martha Radditz?
Trump is God Emperor and a Super Saiyan, Radditz = Goku's first Z villain, Martha got defeated in the same way. Make Planet Vegeta great again
He would go on to send her a small lovable puppers for a birthday present just to rub it in
I wish it was a real firing squad.
arabs too. arabs fucking HATE dogs
Trips confirms it.
I feel like you can tell all you need to know about a people by their relationship to canines. In fact, that might be what first started to redpill me on race. Any human subgroup that lacks some form of inborn bond with and empathy for dogs is not a fully evolved human subgroup, but some sort of archaic dead end of evolution.
The best part is how they are both time travellers
I can see Trump doing things like this after he's inaugurated. Without even being inaugurated, he's already putting pressure on factory owners like Ford who kept a factory in the U.S. among others. Just the other day he called the lying press into a meeting & lectured them like children.
There will only be fear.
She's going to deteriorate much harder than that due to the plastic surgeries.
I don't know why but I got this gut feeling them two are connected despite the reality of cartoon character to an actual human. A cartoon character from the 90s that started 2 different story cliches that are poorly used today. Then a real person that could have been setting up what's happened this year back in the 80s.
That Oprah interview is very telling with how he answered all of her questions. Are we seeing the end to a Xanatos Gambit that's been in effect for 40 years or maybe even longer?
Only brainless and jobless house wives care about those. It's nothing.
My only regret is that Trump didn't film this.
They mocked him ferociously for 18 months straight. Why did he have to take the high road and chastise them behind closed doors? I know Trump is a better man than I, but the American public deserves the chance to ridicule and laugh at the kike media who functioned as nothing more than a Clinton propaganda machine.
Trump doesn't need to, user.
It's a far worse insult to be ignored than be hated. Hell, he released his latest update directly to Youtube and bypassed the MSM entirely.
He'll drive people away from the news organizations and that will greatly accelerate their decay.
4D as usual.
*The Islamic State
he's going to destroy AIPAC, so you would be correct.
The mandela effect manifested as Trump began preparing for his campaign.
He had sworn off using the time machine because of the potential butterfly effects it would create, as we have witnessed. Then, it became too important, and the sacrifice was made.
About 5 months ago is when I first saw it. I think the Nov part was added later though.
"The stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a Trump Administration."
"It was a horrible meeting.”
“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars,” the source said.
“Trump didn’t say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate – which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room.”
I can't stop smiling. This is beautiful. That's all I can say. Trump, please continue if only for the sake of aesthetics.
where does one acquire a program like that?
how many fucking versions of that image are there?
The first one?
Like six.
My sides Jesus Christ.
You can see the moment he decides to wreck Wolf's shit, and the barely contained mirth visible upon the Emperor's visage as he unleashes his savage decree upon the media kike.
You've conflated three things that shouldn't be conflated.
Those types of NDAs would only have monetary consequences.plonK
They will in Trump's America.
Is it flying so close to mask its presence to heat/radar/etc.?
I guess you hate Hitler as well
Martha Raddatz was the stupid bimbo who interrupted trump with the "psychological warfare" nonsense during the second debate. She sure got her just desserts.
Fuck off Christcuck.
The person he claims to be a relative to is a massive creep according to this Irish girl I know.
No it didn't. You're an idiot.
But Ireland's population was higher around 200 years ago.
last I checked it was 3/5 of a person
Deus Vult
Pic related, Swedish Judenpresse.
I remember about reading that in "The Art of the Deal" and was absolutely baffled by the incompetency of former mayor Ed Koch(er).
The funny thing is that Ed Koch was always salty about Trump and only allowed him to take over because of public outcry.
He then proceeded to be even more salty.
Trump has been stumping politicians for longer than most of us have been alive so leftists shitposting about him not having any experience in politics are retarded.
So you could say he's the average Swede
I swear liberalism is a disease. The same way those with Down syndrome have certain characteristics, liberals have these too.
They think it means "non recorded interview"
Never underestimate stupidity of the plebeians.
No, it is the result of manipulation. He did not have this expression after punchline.
Who really killed this man?
He was getting very "inconvenient" for the industry by the end of his life.
I'm convinced it might be related to this ring. I bet he discovered it and was about to whistleblow.
Did I just kill this thread by posting this?
How (((odd))).
You're just cursed, like me, everytime i post on a fast thread it suddenly stops for good.
Maybe it's because of those truth bombs.
Are we sure that he didn't? It might be on a flaming USB straight from Gabriel?
Single dubs confirm but what specifically did you have in mind?
Worst part is that I'd give Him many excuses if I was his employee, just not self-flagellating one's regarding my race. Freaking liberal mother/absent father upbringing.
kinda makes it hard to be mad about him being replaced by a negress on the $bills.
after all it was an insult to put his counterfeit there in the first place.
Dat body language of putin. holy fuck! 'threat' isn't even a close description. He's still got that KGB killer inside him.
it will undoubtedly lead to wrong decisions and millions of deaths but if someone is alive after the dust settles we will see stronger nations and EU will be replaced with a simple trade union that has its place in a multipolar world .>>8327005
he made them tell the public themselves user. see pic related
so ISIS and ISIS too?
perfect. saved. rest assured i will spread it wide and far
you should have pulled out of the middle east after the so called soviet-afghanistan-war.faggot
second webm no explosions, rammstein. your faggotry is disgusting
and you really expect me to believe those subtitles? c'mon
sandniggers in general hate dogs. (it's even in their shitty holy book) but some of them still like so called 'attack dogs'. the main difference is that my dog is a family member and will defend me, my wife and my kids till death. their dog is treated like a tool or slave and could turn on his owner at the blink of an eye.
true. but it only works with subgroups.
fucking heretic
stop pretending this liberal junkie scum had any value beyond being more than the monkey in pic 2
not sure what went wrong with formatting.
most likely I'm just an idiot
Who is that in the first picture? Why did you post it?
Your daughter.
So you're just an edgy faggot?
Is an old picture, but it checks out. Only newfags question it
fucked up formatting
but if you had read my post you'd have read:
he made them tell the public themselves user. see pic related
I'm just joking lad.
this is a picture of wolf the moment he realizes trump won the election.
Fuck off Reddit.
what friends? who are you talking about exactly?
how did he rig elections? do you think he does not have popular support?
shun them for being stupid not for where they come from. all of us were clueless newfags at some point
Hang yourself, Redditor. I will never stop telling your kind to fuck off.
Ooh, this one needs a Bane edit badly when he puts on the mask.
Butthurt paki detected
dubs wasted on an illiterate imbecile
You have autism.
I'm pretty sure that's from psyke.org
i got it from MLess orhalfchan Holla Forums years ago
found the newfag
Simple. He was a bad goyim in the early 90s who had a lot of listeners. He got the Shillary treatment and suicide'd himself via a shotgun to the back of the head. When everyone pointed out how the "suicide" is bullshit, the yids learned and from then on used smear tactics to smother any bad goyim. Look at Micheal Jackson and Cosby to see how the kikes have evolved their subversion.
How is Cobain a bad goy - vehement anti-racist, drug loving, nihilist all 'round degenerate.
But keep telling yourself he's just a pot smoking hippy. Listen and believe, goyim.
oh great , now i want some strawberry syrup pancakes
except your video shows otherwise. Trump's face is unmistakably smug.
as if she isn't dislikeable enough… who doesn't like dogs?
it's refuelling
the first two are no shit, everyone knows this, the last, not clear cobain is referring to ((())) since he was of the "evil White hetero patriarchy!" retards, his idea of "globalists" he would likely ascribe to Whites. he married a jew, his kid is a jew.
the media is assblasted and enraged:
"Emotionally F**king Pissed" Media Blows Embargo And Lashes Out At Trump - "F*ck Him"
They are playing into Trumps hand.
11D chess. String theory.
Bout time the kikes in the media were brought to heel.
Lugenpresse means lying press, so pretty much.
This is some Bane-level threatening tactics.
I wish other countries had leaders like Putin.
They totally have that "My life for the Emperor and a Greater America!" look on their faces.
I'm so thankful to be alive at such a time.
Watching this vid should be mandatory.
Nice one user
Every day I love this new president more and more!
Dogs can sense evil.
It's only terrifying if you intend to be a weasel around him. So, if you're Jewish, I'd imagine there's some inherent fear there.
You're posting in that thread you retard.