What the hell Holla Forums
I don't even…
I mean, I knew memes had power and all, but this is moving a bit too fast, don't you think?
What the hell Holla Forums
I don't even…
I mean, I knew memes had power and all, but this is moving a bit too fast, don't you think?
Other urls found in this thread:
Tumblr pls
Not fast enough
BBC told me alex jones is the leader of the alt-right, has he finally become red pilled on the JQ?
Could we get some context OP?
It's moving a little faster than what is comfortable. Therefore, it's just right.
Can a vague, amorphous movement have a "founder"?
At this point lets just see what happens now. So much crazy shit has happened, the world doesn't make sense anymore, whats another happening?
if he was truly alt right then he would already know the answer is no
wut? Should we pull their leg with an I'm spartacus bit? "alt-right founder" is hokey as shit.
(((Alt-Right Founder)))
Also anybody who actually uses the term (((alt-right))) is a massive goy and needs to fuck off.
Richard Spencer held his "white nationalist think tank" conference in DC and now the media is quoting everything he said and everything that happened like crazy.
I'm just surprised they haven't actually started screaming NAZIS yet.
need a link/vid plox
They have
Why would a jew call other jews "not people"?
This. What do we care, we aren't even alt-kike OP
cnn, just an hero pls
Normies will eat this shit up.
controlled op
It only gets more degenerate.
I mean like wall to wall coverage saying "NAZIS IN DC" instead of just "alt right" or "Neo Nazi".
You'd think CNN would start going full freakout because of this.
…then again, they're getting fucking blown out of the water and purged by Trump right now:
I thought it was him too. Wondered why he looked so busted then remembered he's working for google.
"We will lead every revolution against us." I would stay at arm's length from Spencer and his ilk.
Heed this user's words. For he has ID quads.
That's actually the Boston Globe correspondent, on there to talk about how the goyim are being bad.
They're actually referring to Richard Spencer. Technically, he did "found" the alt-right with his former site called Alternative Right, which was renamed Radix Journal in 2012. Of course, he didn't found the dozens of groups that the MSM is now grouping underneath the banner of alt-right so they can attack us all.
Toldya they wouldn't keep the meeting 'secret'.
Man, they never stop with this shit do that?
who the fuck is the alt-right founder?
is spencer too extreme for you???? hahahhahaha
He just coined the term. The alt-right doesn't even exist so it has no founder.
I could feel the spirit of Andrew Jackson channeling his rage through Trump
Fug, is this real life? Is NY Post reliable?
I don't believe Spencer would make a comment to that effect. Anyone know what he actually said?
No, but I would be wary of (((alt-right))) controlled opposition. He's serving as a punching bag for the MSM to go, "Oooh scary. Stay away, goyim."
It's spreading like wildfire right now on social media. Go look aroundl
I'd kill to be a fly on the wall
Why the fuck can't they just use "far-right" or "neo-nazi" or something? I fucking hate how the jews keep pushing identity politics on us.
Good for Trump.
This also implies that Trump doesn't fully realize the true extent of the kike's powers/evil, or else he wouldn't even be trying to make this kind of chastising peace. Dear god, we've got to help keep him alive somehow.
He invented the term 6 years ago and is a white nationalist.
way to implicitly admit you live dishonestly, stupid kikes.
No. Fucking. Brakes. Faggot.
so? like they were going to do that anyway. They think the jew lover bannon is an antisemite racist. At this point our only hope is to use any means necessary to redpill as many whites as possible. if even cucks can be out in the light with their beliefs than white nationalists should be ready to do so as well
They are not.
The good thing about the "Alt-Right" for the MSM is that it's a nebulous term therefore they can shape it into whatever form they wish.
And the retarded goyim will fall for it.
No. That comes later.
Are you kidding me?
After reading the whole thing, I now have an erection that I may need medical intervention on, four hours from now.
Yes, more than the NY Times even.
For those who wanted it, someone uploaded the full CNN segment where the chyron questioning if Jews are real appeared:
Apologies it isn't archived: too much shit is happening at once.
Speak for yourself, some of us having been using that term as far back as 2006.
We don't let retarded skin heads ruin what we think of National Socialism why should we associate the alt-right with cucks instead of the likes of Sunic or Benoit or any of the other founding philosophers of the european new-right which directly preceded and informed what would end up becoming the Neo-Reactionary and Alternative Right corpus.
It's a term that's accurate and has gained widespread usage and recognition, It would be suicidal for any truly right oriented thinker to not pull himself under it's umbrella as all that does is leave it open to the moderate rigth just rebranding themselves under its banner.
Alt-Right has currency and Holla Forums has to make sure that the face on that currency is uncle Adolf and not some media-appointed controlled opposition.
Every fucking time. He can't even be bothered to TRY and act like it was an accident.
No, brother.
What board?
Thanks m8. I'd like to see the context of that quote.
Is Holla Forums the only place on the internet you get information from? There have been blogs and websites and small presses dedicated to right-wing philosophy at least since the late 90's.
I bet you're one of the kids who like throwing Jared Taylor under the bus despite the fact that he's been around trying to propagate race realism since before most of Holla Forums probably had an internet connection.
I hope the pace picks up. Looking at Europe, we have to make up for a lot of time…
well /n/ was made in 2006 but back then it was more shitposting about specific news stories and pretending to be different from different political leanings/countries. sure as hell got a lot of us to notice some weird coincidences tho
We need to keep them chasing ghosts, the longer they spin in circles the more credibility they lose.
We are just Right, we don't need a special snowflake term TRS
Because they've exhausted those terms to the point of meaninglessness.
Is Holla Forums the only place you know of on 4/Holla Forums?
Mate, if you only came here a few years ago then you're not "us".
tbh it's fun to hear all the alt light guys try to distance themselves from us or shit like the daily stormer. but youre right. We're republicans now
No reason to fear a question unless you fear the answer.
By "us" you made it sound like you were talking about other imageboard users.
this. Republicans have been nothing but rebranded progressives since at least the 60s.
So are you going to actually give a reason why we need a special snowflake term or not faggot
He's not from here, he's from TRS trying to subvert us
It's not gonna happen.
nah, its Milo. Has he decided that he's not a human, now?
fuck off TRS shill
We're not "right" either, we're Holla Forums. We don't need the media's stupid fucking labels.
He's right, though. Until a few years ago nobody on imageboards
I will check those against this nefarious nonmeme
I don't think they know what it is but their Rabbi sight-seers probably told them that Holla Forums was going to be the death of them and now their scared thinking that the alt-right is part of that.
Trips confirm. "Reddit spacing" is now in the same junkpile as Milhouse.
generally it's better for those who believe in extreme things to ally with those who believe in moderate things and then slowly use that connection to push those who are moderate closer to your position but honestly I don't really care for the label since it implies that we are somehow on the traditional right/left spectrum
still though we've gotten more people aware of the JQ and most of the other things that are important to us because of the big tent alt right. the_donald normies or all those former cuckservative twitter guys have moved quite a bit to our side since this election started. Also when the media demonizes the moderates because of their association with extremists they tend to become more extreme since they figure they're already being called a racist white supremacist.
Didn't call it, doesn't count.
If singles Milhouse is a meme
I'm not a cocksucking faggot like OP. but I'd be interested in the reasons for not calling ourselves "right"?
No it's not. republican/conservative/right got hijakced by jews, "neocons," so to say you're the alt-right is to substantiate the jews as the originals, pants on head retarded.
you tried
It's not meme power. It's a dying media stealing out jokes because they come here all the time looking for ways to write more bitching articles
It just wasn't meant to be
It's vague and pointless. It's just used to discredit anyone and everyone and create even further infighting. I disagree 100% about the claim no one typed with excessive spacing on imageboards before recently, as well, and I've been shitposting for a long fucking time at this point. It has every indication of a forced meme, and literally serves no purpose to call out save for invalidating that person's arguments without a real counter.
Reminder that TRS is fucking awesome and that people who hate it are cucks
It in fact implies the opposite; that we are a small, fringe group "outside" of mainstream politics, if we were to ever identify ourselves (((trs))) shill, it will and always be Right
Not fast enough.
We're gonna be going fast. We're gonna be faster than the speed of light. We're going to need new measurements of speed with how fast we're going. And we're going to be winning the entire time. It's going to be fast and it's going to be brutal against all the liars. You're going to say, "Oh slow down please." and we're not going to slow down or stop.
We're going to Make America Great Again. Then we're going to the stars. Trump Galaxy has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? What about the Trump Supercluster? Or the Trump Sphere? Imagine a Trump Tower on Mars, folks.
Trump just announced that he’ll be formally withdrawing from the TPP proceedings on his first day in office.
Music journalists usually come up with neat sounding genre names in order to create a hype. What we're seeing is the same principle applied to politics. The people trying to cause panic and conflict are nothing else but feeble minded rock journo faggots.
Another pure coincidence from CNN. Took place a few years ago.
Left and right is a false dichotomy created by the media to shove people into neat little boxes, it's done in such a way that they're both controlled opposition.
Holla Forums sort of exists outside of that. The terms the media would prefer to use for us are "far-right" or "alt-right" when our opinions would be very different to most people in the republican party.
Truly a god
wtf i love trs now
um dude the media has been fucking crying that our alt right candidate is president and that his chief advisor is the leader of the alt right. w/e you want to say the alt rightis definitely not considered fringe anymore lol
The Clinton News Network. Are they talking about that e-celeb pseudo-intellectual? What's his name? Spencer? Giving an interview to Rolling Stone wasn't enough, he's becoming a bigger attention whore?
thank you poolboy
Is Holla Forums the only right oriented community you are aware of on the internet? We're talking about the alt-right, not Holla Forums, that term has consaquences and origins entirely outside of imageboards.
Why are you trying to change the context of the conversation away from "whether or not we are alt-right" to "I bet you're a newfag". It's an obvious dodge.
I was very clearly talking about the usage of the term alt-right and why I think it's useful and appropriate. Holla Forums isn't an island in an ocean, imageboars aren't an island in an ocean, there is a wider context, a history and body of literature preceding and informing it. Used to be you were expected to be familiar with these things, I apologize if tradition and heritage of thought are no longer things Holla Forums cares about.
The only thing I can say to this is you were never thinking about political issues during the time when the only media was the mainstream media. Reagan republicans were the right in public conscience and to the larger extent they still are. Most people are in the moderate right, the use of the term alt-right accurately describes an alternative to this historical mainstream republican right. Sure you can say we're mainstream now and so calling ourselves alternative is less meaningful than it was in the past, but the mainstream republicans are still around, the moderate right majority are still around and until such a time that Fascism retakes it's correct position as the radical center on the political spectrum calling ourselves "the right" is simply incongruent with reality.
We are not fucking alt-right
You faggots never apologizing has only convinced me you are controlled opposition
Get fuck kike
I just thought I would post this
alt right is just a kike label at this point m80
2015 isn't a long time, bud
But can you make this image bigger?
what is up fellow skinhead alt-rightist neo-nazi
i too found this awesome alt-rightapalooza site through r/the_ronald and 4channel, we should like vote from le rooftops bro
both of these anons are correct
havent you been paying attention? the media has been calling us alt right for months. to the world we are without a doubt part of the alt right lol
You are not one of us.
And this isn't even his final form.
Come January he's going to take the kiddy gloves off.
Well, to be honest, I haven't been too frequent these past few years, but I can probably pull up screenshots from 2006 with just that format. It's clearly a forced meme.
fuck off
I don't even know what that is either. I bet it's just a buzzword Spencer created for online marketing purposes. VDare and AmRen had websites well before Spencer had his own online magazine.
And you believe the media?
Fuck off TRS
chill bro lol I don't identify as alt right but Holla Forums is def included in pretty much every description regardless of how we feel about it. no matter how much you huff and puff the lugenpresse will still run stories talking about us being alt right. doesnt help that the daily stormer and like every other post about WHAT IS THE ALT RIGHT done by everyone included the Holla Forumss as a main member
fuck off (((TRS)))
Please do
Who gives a fuck what the media say? Have you learnt fucking NOTHING from the past two years?
lol be sure to send them an email telling them how they're wrong. I'm sure they'll really give a shit. My point which is obviously too hard for you retards to understand is that we have been considered part of the alt right not just by pretty much everyone else in the alt right but also according to the media and our enemies.
So it's one of those tree falling no one around type situations. Anyway purity wise I think we should never talk to anyone who hasn't killed 20 jews because god forbid we try to make some moderate more extreme. After all during the race war the most important thing is the quality of our beliefs and not the numbers of whites willing to fight
Alright, you win. Whatever Holla Forums is now, I'm clearly not a part of it.
see ya nerds.
paul gottfried actually coined the term, check it out:
frontpa gemag.com/fpm/263988/some-observations-man-who-created-alt-right-paul-gottfried
That's not reddit-spacing you fucking retard, there isn't an empty line after every paragraph
lol youre such a fucking retard. I'm not alt-right. I'm just a chill natsoc guy who will wait for the RaHoWa to arise naturally.
Then let me be a faggot, what the hell is reddit spacing? because I don't go on reddit, and all I see is faggots screaming that any old post that isn't a sentence long is reddit spacing.
Do you know what reddit spacing look like?
its when you double space
every fucking line
Don't let the door hit you on the way out faggot
If I may ask, what is TRS?
If it is meant to be somewhat unspoken, it's ok, I'll try to dig up the acronym on my own. Thanks
you have to type
like this
in order for it not to be reddit spacing
proper paragraph and sentence structure is not allowed
neonazi fetishists are retarded, that's undeniable
Whipped one up too.
It's not just a Dyson Sphere, it's the Trump Sphere. It's bigger, takes in more energy and best of all, Mexico is going to pay for it!
I just told you faggot, reddit spacing is putting a new paragraph after every line of text, regardless of context
The movement created by the mainstream media and used to label everyone the mainstream media hates?
Of course it has a founder, and that founder will say whatever the mainstream media tells him to say.
Holla Forums Holla Forums is part of the alt-right because we have no central figure who can say no. That's just how it is. Regardless of how right or wrong they are for the next 4/8/16 years this will come up over and over.
anyway my main point to which this all started was to say the only benefit for us being "part" of the alt-right is that we are in a better position to redpill moderate (((((((((((((TRS))))))))))) goys and the like which is much more important than whining about them for 10 posts
"reddit spacing" is D&C shilling and only perpetuated by morons. I've been posting on chans since before you were born kid, and I will continue posting however the fuck I feel like, and all you can do is scream and sage.
I'm actually agreeing with you, and my previous posts were all pointing that out.
and Paul Gottfried is jewish so they can't call him an antisemite. More fake news published by the mainstream media? I'm shocked!
Did you watch american history X and think that's what nationalist looks like?
media didn't create the term. the more moderate places like mypostingcareer is what really took it off. basically after cuckservative became a thing people looking into the history of the term found a bunch of sites that were self labeling as alt right. Obviously this is to the benefit of the media but well free publicity is probably not a bad thing at this point for us. we are after all running out of time so we need to make as many whites as possible aware of how society is structured and what the future holds demographically
It's a group of autists and literal homosexuals who have been trying and failing to co-opt the rising growth of white nationalism. Due to several brave Holla Forumsocks infiltrating them and posting screenshots of them literally trying to jew us as can be seen here >>>/trs/1462
Save these images and always post them whenever (((someone))) like tries to tell you that you are part of the alt-kike
The dude didn't need care anymore, so they released him. We should be focusing on if they caught the other driver yet.
Anyway. Fuck off, OP. Not political, and how memes influenced a highway shooting IDK.
SAGE in all fields.
OP loves pizza and is trying to distract us.
You're right, (((controlled opposition))) did
So NBC Nightly Jews just talked about this. They showed a clip of Spencer at the NPI Conference saying, "Hail Trump! Hail Victory!" Wow. Does anyone have a webm of that?
honestly ive been doing it for a while since it triggers paranoids like you really hard.
The media didn't initially create it, but they've lied about what it is, and then used it to label everyone they don't like.
4chan and Holla Forums were never 'alt right' - they're a conglomerate of millions of competing ideas and ideologies of which some people might have considered themselves 'alt right' the same way some people consider themselves 'mgtow'.
You can't label anonymous groups because they don't have a specific identity, just a vague formless existence.
red ice has the whole event on their channel. spencers speech is in the 2nd video somewhere near the middle iirc
I'm not giving you an inch, or else peoples might think it's okay to type like a faggot lolol XD ;) cat haz cheezburger
Checked and thank you.
Who's the "founder" of the Alt-Right this week, according to the media?
It's usually Milo or Spencer
yeah dude besides 8/pol/ everyone else is controlled opposition. guess it's time to give up since a few thousand guys on an image board won't accomplish much. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE WE TO VIOLATE OUR PURITY BY TALKING TO THOSE WHO HAVE NOT ALREADY SELF SELECTED BY POSTING HERE. lol I don't really use this often but you are in deed a larping cuck. I bet you can't wait for the niggers to beat you to death so you can whisper one final time. "RaHoWa" lol
It is, fag.
And you literally can't stop them :^)
Trips of truth
just fucking off yourself already faggot. Also:
It's almost like you are from (((TRS))) oh yeah that's right you are.
Go suck off Milo and burn in hell faggot
Who the hey is this bozo? I've never heard of him, and I've been instrumental in building what's become the foundation of the alt-right.
The (((Media))) and the Lies.
um actually you can quite easily label anonymous groups because they have no organized way to reject the label. That was my entire point. We have no way to reject being part of the alt-right because those who label us as such will not listen or care.
And honestly the media is calling the alt-right a bunch of white supremacist, misogynist, racist, trans hating, gay bashing, jew aware bad goys. And for they're not really wrong lol.
lol you are paranoid dude. I made a comment that the media calls us alt right and you have a meltdown. also are you a fucking retard. whoever said being paranoid was bad. what a dumb shit
Dont avoid this question. Why the fuck do you care what the media say?
That picture gave me six different kinds of cancer.
You're clearly not from around here
I've seen it many times before, but It's still astonishing to see how awful subhumans are at killing people. Ffs put the exacto knife away Paco.
this is really basic stuff dude. those who do not label themselves are the ones in turn labeled. it was kind of expected once the alt right became a thing we'd be included. regardless of our own feelings about it. probably shouldn't have supported trump so much if you didn't want to be included in a group with the NPI
Aztecs keeping it alive.
Xipe Totec is jerking off so hard right now.
This meant for
I never said I did. I'm not alt right. But you're being ignorant and foolish if you don't think the media and THE REST OF THE ALT RIGHT calling us part of the alt right doesn't um have some significance
http:// therightstuff.biz/
So if you aren't alt-kike, why are you shilling for (((trs))) and their kikery?
Are you forgetting that Holla Forums is NatSoc? Faggots aren't allowed in this clubhouse
are you a fucking retard. Holla Forums is paranoid. that has been a thing even back when it was /n/ and /news/. it's part of our fucking culture. how are you this fucking dumb
You're the one that used an awkward outsider space.
fuck, meant for this guy
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, Have you learnt nothing, right?
Almost like labels don't mean anything since its a last ditch effort to create a catch all boogeyman. Its doesn't matter what they call each other, its just a game to keep em talking instead of taking action.
You're trying super hard and its getting you no where. Do you get paid or do you do it for free? Keep posting the exact same way with the exact same keywords.
You have no power here
I haven't spoken at all about TRS besides to say they are part of the alt right. As far as I know they're a bunch of libertarians who are don't like niggers. I hate libertarians personally so i never felt the need to listen to their podcasts
besides the fact that even here not everyone is natsoc you have to thank Anglin for making it clear that natsoc beliefs are part of the alt-right. Also he went the furthest in making us part of it as well in his article about what is the alt right
TRS said the same thing.
um. this entire discussion started because someone was crying about spencer being controlled opposition since the media was using him to scare normies about the evil alt right. I made the argument that it doesn't fucking matter what the media has to say about the alt right. So uh what the fuck are you people even saying now
>>>Holla Forums
um lol like what are you uh even saying my dude :^^^^^^^^^)
you should seriously consider suicide
I'm sorry dude. I don't understand. If Holla Forums wasn't paranoid it would never have dug into any of the shit it has over the years. Being paranoid is part of the board culture stretching all the way back to the origins in /n/ in 06. Being paranoid is not bad. but to ignore the fact that it is well its fucking absurd. I consider it a virtue but at the same time I enjoy fucking with people who will fucking reeeeeeee about your id for an entire thread. W e all gotta get our laughs from somewhere
lmao it's almost like they thing that insulting us will make us join them
Why are you saging user, newfags like need a chance to know the kind of cancer shilling for controlled opposition like (((Richard Spencer)))
They certainly like (((Milo))) who talks about fucking niggers all the time
By the way, the only good thing about ISIS is when they throw faggots off roofs. Do you agree or disagree?
That guy looks familiar. Who is he?
nice reddit spacing ;===>))))
Except that you said it as if it were a bad thing here
So what is it? Is it a good or bad thing faggot
He's controlled opposition
For real though, what the fuck is richard spencer thinking? Doesnt he know neo nazis get ZERO respect from anybody, even people here, for fuck sakes? What the fuck is he doing? Can somebody explain to me how letting cameras catch him saluting hitler and saying 'HEIL TRUMP!" could ever fucking help? PLEASE SOMEBODY EXPLAIN HOW THE FUCK HE COULD REASON THIS TO BE HELPFUL
Not a newfag, wasn't aware of the new acronym for the latest invasion.
jews are the ones who create faggots so they should be dealt with first. besides that tho faggots and trannies are mentally ill and everyone I've met in life has been unhinged and self destructive. shame that there is no strong fuck faggots voice in the alt-right besides daily stormer to fight against the faggots in our midst like johnson and donovan. but then again its better to have a small pure place than fight to make everyone else adhere to your beliefs
m8 he's FBI at best. I hate to say it, but researching the modus operandi of Hezbollah, a fucking terrorist organization, is at this point a more reasonable option option than the democratic process.
I can understand a lot of things but why would you want a WN to worry about muh pr?
Trump wouldn't have invited the (((media heads))) for a dressing down if he didn't think there weren't actually some hope for them. People who are truly evil are beyond redemption. Insulting such people is a waste of energy. Thus Trump, IMHO, is still somewhat naive about the depth of evil inherent to the globalistas. That innocence should change within a few months.
When he truly realizes the depth of evil of the (((media elite))), will he start a State-run media?
They should be all dealt with in any order whatsoever. Even the homos who supported hitler ended up backstabbing him
like Holla Forums is largely natsoc so why the fuck would you worry about someone who is incredibly shy on the jew question to do a heil victory with a cup raised almost as if he was doing the salute???? and why would you care that the media reports it? I thought the media didnt matter lol
because WN need to avoid being related to hitler as much as possible to avoid Crucifixion from the media, thats it. Now whenever the media wants to discredit us, they will point to that little punk bitch spencer with his hand up. Mark my words, this little cunt just made a very big mistake.
Context shows that he's talking about the media/leftists, not the Jews although they are the same thing.
Because he literally shills for homos
no shit. anyway my personal pet peeve is the fact that most of Holla Forums is way too insular and doesn't see the merit in trying to radicalize people who are apart of the first nationalist movement this country has seen since what huey?
well hope you didn't vote for trump then because is shilled for faggots too this election
Why do you care about what the media think?
We don't have anyone to say we're not communists or pro-faggot either. When you post that trash, the hivemind responds with a resounding sage - you get the same if you try to group us with the altcucks.
Reddit spacing has been called out for years, ever since reddit became the new biggest invader. You can easily identify redditors b the way they post and it is important hygiene to call them out for it, as they have been regularly since at least 2011. Only spamming ">reddit spacing" in every thread whenever it's just barely relevant is new, and it's a result of an Holla Forums raid intending to undermine the meme so that it gets saged regardless of whether or not it's used correctly.
Pro-tip: reddit formatting isn't as simple as a new line for every sentence
My peeve with (((TRS))) is they praise literal faggots and (((controlled ops))) and come here and have the gall to tell us we should compromise our beliefs.
Fucking die
pic related needs a brazzers watermark. How is this any greater of an indignity to a woman than porn?
How do you propose we win without atleast fox symnpathetic towards us? they wont give symnpathy to neo nazis
you dumb nigger. THE WHOLE THREAD IM SAYING WE NEED TO RADICALIZE OTHERS. lol you think even 1/1000 of the population is ever going to get redpilled on their own? you aren't building shit and just spamming some shit out of a discord chat as if that's youre role in life. its fucking pathetic. you would probably call this guy a cuck twitter.com
You don't think tactically or strategically. You just act as if this small fucking board that will probably die when jim gets tired of the drama is going to have any effect on it's own.
that being said what fucking ops are you talking about
what did he mean by this?
Trump winning proves that it doesn't fucking matter, even faux news shilled for shillery. (((Faux news))) will never take our side, they are literally owned by kikes and shitskins
If I turn off that podcast, will you die?
trump is pro gay. did you compromise your values by voting for him?
Bootbob is comfy as fuck
Faggots trying to ride our nuts. The alt-right is to Holla Forums what anonymous was to old Holla Forums. Cancer that doesn't understand the magic of this place so they try to create a blanket identity to feel a part of something.
nah everybody but the blinde bimbo was pro trump, nobody will be pro WN if we're heiling hitler.
nice try
you want us to end up like south africa? because that is going to be what happens if only the jews and their media/universities is he only voice that whites hear. alt-right is going in a good direction but its in general soft on too many key tenets. Instead of spending all your time here crying about CTR and TRS it would probably be better to try to build up the nationalist movement into a direction that approaches natsoc. You know how the commies took over russia and eastern europe? They waited to purge after they fucking won
You can't force the redpill faggot, and anyone who says that (((Milo))) should be held up as a symbol for our growing racial consciousness should fucking die. You really think faggots are going to kill for white nationalism when push comes to shove
"The enemy of my enemy is not my friend"
Exactly. Very good analysis.
It's an order of magnitude worse than pron. In truth, it shoulda been spoilered.
fuck off faggot
Thread replies:240
ID: 8b2fce (32)
And you are still posting… fucking hell.
jews seem to force their indoctrination through every source of media and every avenue of education but you're probably right. only the chosen get to be redpilled.
he was the one crying about how even knowing a gay is verbodden. But he's willing to do the smart thing and vote for a nationalist candidate who isnt perfect? those 2 beliefs are in conflict
im talking to by buddy who has 31 posts
This. They don't spend any time here and have no idea how to contribute to the hivemind, so instead they all jerk each other off in private. The best part is they beg us to come to their secret cum scented clubhouse and then when we tell them to fuck off they're like tsundere schoolgirls.
We can always tell it's you guys from how much you post and and how bad you are at arguing.
Webm of the CNN are Jews really people quote.
How come the MSM wasn't enraged when a bunch of black supremmisists supported Obongo in 2008? Are people really that ignorant that they can't see through all the character smears?
You win by telling the truth, illegal immigrant are criminal. Even though the (((media))) called you racist, the peoples know you are telling the truth.
How many peoples called Trump racist and Hitler? and yet, he still won.
nice redditspacing
I don't see two girls one cup.
he won because we said "nah the media is lying, we're not racists" and now we have this faggot twink with his arm up heilign trump, gl explaining that to normies lmfao
We already know you use "reddit spacing" and calling people "schizos" as a D&C/shilling tactic. It didn't work when it was a novel tactic and it certainly doesn't work now that we're immunized to it.
Apparently not enough if even over 50% of white women voted for Trump, that argument goes right out the window
lol but i mean what you did was redditspacing and it was pretty fucking bad. you're trying to fit in too hard tho bro its k we're cool dudes i know
?????? what argument. what are you even trying to say here
Nah, you're retarded.
He's doing it in order to discredit even the MSM.
What a cunt.
If you're saying that you have to forcefeed the redpill because the (((Media))) has so much power it can change the outcome of and election then you are in fact, wrong.
you're trying to fit in too hard tho bro its k we're cool dudes i know
Your otherness is painfully obvious.
But they still don't talk to anyone that argues that jews are bad. They all consider the idea implicitly wrong and not even up for debate.
wait you think the jews aren't a problem because some old white women voted for trump thinking he was a normal republican who was a bit edgier?
ummmm like call me TRS all you want but that sounds pretty um bad to me. As if you're part of some kind of tribe. also I love the fact that the people whining about TRS the most are using their echo meme. its super good to see
im been typing like this since 05 on Holla Forums lol and i wont stop.
Did this guy finish highschool?
are those old white ladies ready for RaHoWa? hell yeah dude guess those jews wasted all their time trying to subvert society. haha we did it reddit
I kinda like the Dickster tbh. Him and Jared Taysachs are well spoken and don't look like skinheads.
That alone helps the pro-White movement.
What you see is an innocent girl's life being destroyed by Muslims. What you see is a life of prolonged physical and emotional agony that she can never recover from, the kind that taints the soul.
literally appealing to authority chaim
I wanna ask you guys, do you realize the real world and real people dont think the way we do? They hear "hitler" and they are instantly repulsed.
Spencer is either:
1. Controlled op, doing this on purpose
2. just really stupid, unaware of the effects his actions will have
Did you watch him heiling in front of cnn cameras today? you really like him? are you sure?
I love the fact the TRS users who say they're pro white love niggerdick sucking faggots
that second clip
They know about moonman!
Explain how we win when we're branded as neo nazis because of this faggot? Whos gonna listen to our arguments now?
Larping Jew.
Where the fuck do you think you are son?
The only ones who get "branded" by it are the TRScucks who love to label themselves. We don't have a label here, since we slew off the alt-right maymay.
The virtue spiraling on this board is out of control sometimes.
I think most anons move on to more intellectual WN parts of the internet when they stop being NEETs and I'm stuck here with the recently redpilled angry teenagers.
Get a fucking grip Holla Forums. Whenever I introduce myself at alt right meetups I'm ashamed to say I'm from Holla Forums
Yeah. Women are retarded fam. The first president since women gained suffrage, Hayes, was terrible and only won because women thought he was attractive.
Spencer is Chad enough to get women not to care.
I could see Spencer maybe, but Jared's never been explicitly WN. He's always been more into race realism. The guy did grow up in Nipland after all.
GamerGate go home. (((Richard Spencer))) is a cuckish namefag, but he did no wrong by Heiling Trump.
And in seeing a hot piece of ass getting two-timed in HD by a mad train of Americans, this very thing you describe is not taking place?
You know, I am just as pissed as any moslem, Jehovah's witness, atheist or catholic having my pockets ruffled through and getting my nuts fondled or irradiated by some stupid, ridiculously expensive machine as anyone else.
I bet you like David Duke as well faggot
yeah you sound like a jew bro if you think that donald trump is all that is needed to beat the jew. Donald trump is a fucking incredibly moderate nationalist AT BEST. hes fucking weak on a lot of important things and will probably cuck and not carry out the things he said he would.
also the one who has been saying this entire thread not to try to redpill others or use the newfound nationalist movement ot move this country to a natsoc direction has been you. I have been arguing to fight with whatever resources we have since the race war is coming and I'm not going to wait and assume we'll win. I'm not a defeatist in anyway but imo you are. You are weak and content to shitpost on Holla Forums memeing about your purity because at least you hate fags more than the jew.
Yeah tbh I am since the appeal to authority is the only argument that matters in life. I've been posting since before /n/ was a thing and have done my very best in life to spread white natsoc in whatever way I can even if it's watered down. I was made aware long before you were about our enemy and the coming future. There will be a race war and it will be ugly and we cannot let a Trump victory hide us from that fact. You faggots cry about TRS while using their echo meme and don't see the utility and usefulness that the alt-right has for our cause. I agree that many of them are not up to par with what Holla Forums generally holds to be the best way forward. But there has never been so many people in a nationalist movement in this country. And with the takeover of the republican party there has never been an audience so FUCKING HUNGRY for a new way forward. So I'm going to leave it with this since I'm going to go out for a meal. If you spend the majority of your time trying to keep Holla Forums "pure" from outsiders then you're a giant fucking retard. As we've seen since the very beginning our viewpoint is the one that is the strongest and will convert anyone who spends enough time around it. I at least am trying to build up our numbers to as high as they will go. If you do not share that sentiment than what the fuck are you doing besides being a loser larper. Do you think anyone is going to care in 30 years that you spent the majority of your time trying to keep an internet chat board clean from outsiders?
What a heartbreaking image mang. Fuck me.
You're obviously new or a concern trolling kike, so I'll let you in on a secret. This "we" of whom you speak will be labeled neo-nazi white supremacists no matter what the fuck you do or say. Denying it and trying to cover it up is going to get you absolutely nowhere.
sure thing TRScuck
yeah i dont think so, just trying to think of strategy that can actually work. if you can tell me where the benefit was from that stunt, I'm all ears.
I'm aware.
they are the face of the movement, though.
leave the basement once in a while and you'll realize hes just made a catastrophic mistake.
This. Duke is the same caliber of retard as spencer.
nah not new, its just best to keep it strictly secret until numbers are up, to avoid scaring folks away.
If an 18+ girl freely decides to be filmed having sex for money, that her choice. Presumably, she is emotionally stable enough to accept consequences of her choice. It's another thing entirely if a young girl is kidnapped and sold into sex slavery.
That's why your movement will fail you fucking retard. You idiots will do anything to "grow your movment" by making every single compromise along the way
You each have forgotten the mission directive. I'll remind you.
Imagine a spectrum. On one end we have Bernie Sanders/Socialist democracy/Social Libretarian on the other we have Trump. In the middle we have moderate sides of both parties.
Our goal is too move Trump into the middle of that spectrum, moderate left/right to the socialist part of the spectrum, and national socialism to where Trump is now.
If we can position ourselves the right way, we can control the future. We work towards a common goal. Realignment of our what is acceptable on the social spectrum.
Baby steps.
Well their "movement" loves niggers and faggots, so it's certainly not our movement. It might be in parallel but if you think Holla Forums are your brothers you're in for a rude awakening.
My movement is the fight for the survival of the white race? What movement are you part of?
Name something wrong from that image.
They're basically saying theres many newfags on Holla Forums and that the oldfags have a duty to go back and help them instead of just moving on.
You're buying the crap of the D&C shills like
I thought alt-right was just a meme to fuck with liberals and cuckservatives
The big problem here is the infighting, unity is what will bring us to success. We should work with those who push the overton window to the right. This does not mean that we should give rights to faggots or moderate ourselves.
let me remove you from your fantasy land really quick.
Optiuon 1.
Option 2.
Good luck, TRSchan!
Within the next four years, we'll lose what's left of the Greatest Generation and many Baby Boomers. The demographics are shifting. It's now or never. We don't have time for moderation.
Alt right is code for controlled opposition. If you are in such meetings you have been photographed, background checked, and under surveillance
First, you water it down. Then, once your goals are accomplished, you distill it. We're pretty clearly in stage one.
no. Load the Bantz Cannons and fire away! Nothing disarms the already ineffective cries of you are a racist antisemite like humor. Pepe Smash the Overton Window!
Which option has the alternative-right (LOL) been using for the past few years? How quickly has the alternative-right (LOL) grown using that option?
What the actual fuck are you trying to say?
Yeah you're right fam I am now a #TRSmissile, we gotta make as many compromises as possible as quick as possible. Blacks? Sure. Fags? Why not, a little AIDS never hurt anyone. Racemixing? A what's a little mud in the water, right?
That's the only way to ensure ideological purity right?
Also, which option is more fun?
If you cuck out and start moderating everyone and everything like William F. Buckley you will become boring as shit and die off.
i know dat feel. good to see another Holla Forumsack with a soul.
that pic ruined my fucking night and i'm a card carrying misogynist. Absolutely soul destroying. The girl in the pic is a young, fertile and above all conservatively dressed, a vessel for life. Instead of becoming a beloved wife and mother she will know hell on earth.
100x this. in the middle east subhuman filth is defiling the innocent and in the west the innocent are defiling themselves. You have to go through 1500 whores to find one decent woman here, meanwhile, the shitskins raid orthodox christian villages and condemn these poor women to a fate worse than death. It's the difference between murder and suicide. Suicide is sad, murder is odious.
They can fuck off back to their containment site.
They just went with option 2 by heiling, you dumb fuck.
Ur confused, I'm calling them retards for this stun tthey just did.
get a load of this cuck
Well… umm… are they real people?
This is correct. Whites are less than 50% with people 30 year olds and under. This is the demographic that will be having kids, not the geriatric baby boomers.
Shit needs to start happening soon.
Typical altright retard just repeating his faggot leaders cancer.
Why are you all on here debating whether being an anti-Semite is a bad thing?
Fuck off back to r/trump.
Yes, and it's working. Becoming an online anonymous version of National Review magazine will go nowhere and gain no new followers or interest at all.
Meme your fucking ass off you newfag. And do it places like fuckin goybook and twitter so it spreads.
The truth having humor in it is one of the reasons why so many are receptive to the red pill.
Im sick as hell right now so my wits are impaired but something like
pick one
presented to normie edgelords etc it will spread and then the collective oy vey will make it spread more.
ISIS is the most conservative Sharia-abiding sect of Islam. They intend to destroy Western Civ. You think the Judaism is bad? Islam is ten times worse. This is who they are. Know our enemy. They kill adults and kidnap their children. Then they sell their slaves, sometimes as sex slaves, sometimes for indoctrination as killers and suicide bombers. ISIS follows the absolute laws of Islam.
These are the people that the fucking (((media))) are protecting, even inviting into our Nations. IMHO, the (((media))) are so complicit, they are central to what's occurring.
Pic related: kidnapped young boy taught to be a suicide bomber. It's a screencap from an ISIS recruitment video.
Are you illiterate? I was arguing the exact opposite of what you just said.
They're retards for trying to be NatSoc with an all fag/nigger cast. It's like the ideological version of that Hamilton play. It's almost like a parody.
Them acting like retards in public is just icing on the "we told you so" cake.
The kikes are the reason the sandniggers have grown so powerful, they have a direct hand in the development of isis and the saudi royal family is a kike blood line.
Go fuck yourself
Unity for what? The only issue I care about is making the holocaust real. Half of the people at that conference were pro jew.
PR is a failed concept. No capitulation.
I don't give a fuck about the drowned turkroach or the kid in halloween makeup.
You nigger faggot don't you realize that image is exactly what islam has done since the beginning of time? Why the fuck do you think the crusades happened? Because muzzkikes were committing crimes against humanity up and down the european coasts for 800 years straight.
Fucking faggot, all sandniggers need to hang, i don't give a fuck if the pic of the girl was staged (probably wasn't), all muslim males need to hang.
Jews are societal AIDS, Islam is the common cold. These stupid sandniggers wouldn't make it 10 feet outside their containment sandbox if it weren't for Jewish Refugee Agencies, Jewish Politicans, Jewish private citizens kvetching to let more mudshits in, etc.
Kikes are infinitely worse than ISIS, especially since the kikes are literally funding it along with our current ZOG government.
Holy fucking shit you are fucking new
The holocaust becoming real is a historical certainty. Praise Kek and Shadilay, brother!
I organize the meetups, shill.
The muh PR is bad meme is what government agencies always try to push in "extremist groups", for reasons that are obvious to anyone who isn't a shill.
We're not the alt-right; we might be grouped in to it, as I can see it as a term for a wider phenomenon where people are fed up with cuckservatism, and turning towards nationalism/ethnonationalism, but this isn't anything new, and I feel as though something with a more ancient and fitting term which I can't quite put my finger upon.
I think it's also important to differentiate between the alt-right and "Alt-Right®". The former is what I outlined in the previous paragraph; a movement. The latter is the brand name for the controlled opposition, made to discredit any concepts coming from our side by labeling it as "alt-right".
Right now, we need more people to be redpilled and thinking, not following and fan girling over gay kikes and slightly good looking chads who say slightly edgy things.
People who are on TRS, read Breitbart, watch Milo are on the right track, but their loyalty is to the websites and (((leaders))).
tl;dr the alt-right is not a group, but more or less a movement. The "Alt-Right®" as group is the new "NEO-NAZI SKINHEADS 1599!" in contrast to nationalist socialists.
They've always assigned an Emmanuel Goldstein to everything.
They're both filth, but the kikes are pushing for the muds to come to us.
When you got a leaky roof, it's better to fix the roof than to place a bucket under the leak.
How fucking new are you?
Say's the faggot who misuses implicitly.
How does it feel being a meta-shill who takes the ((journalistic friendly)) term "Alt Right" very seriously?
What is this amateur hour?
I bet you fucking have a single one with your face and just make a new one whenever it gets deleted
He's holding a media event. PR is the whole purpose of such a thing.
sure you do faggot.
You dont belong here
indeeb yuo hav bee so reesobable do us XXDDD. i cannob imabin de al de breddy gud dings!
They are full of libertarian retards.
Yea I do. What the fucks going to happen? Some leftists or niggers are gonna show up at my house and give me justification for shooting them?
But that argument doesnt fucking matter if you give a shit about opsec then create a sock puppet and use a vpn.
Ive redpilled an average of one normie a fucking week on goybook. Grow a pair and do something useful.
Hey Special Agent Robinson don't you have some dogs to shoot, what are you doing on Holla Forums?
The first crusade happened because of kikes being slaughtered.
Oy vey!
You should care about the drowned turkroach, and you should care about the kid in the halloween makeup. The picture of the girl, whether staged or not, is also important. If you can't properly identify fact from propaganda, you're just as bad as the kikes propagating it. You dipshit double nigger.
((Jared Taylor)) and ((Richard Spencer)) are very very very friendly with Journalists, MSM and always gives them the cover they need.
It's controlled opposition. I could support it, but for Darwinian reasons of purging lower ranks, not for liking the movement.
Lets be honest, it's an open try to drive a wedge between "anons man enough to show face in face front of camera" and well, oldfag anons as always.
This is only good news. The fact that this is even on TV would have been unthinkable a year ago.
John you're just embarrassing yourself at this point
In 10-20 years we might actually be able to write a pretty funny play/movie about them. Have it be an absurdist comedy where a bunch of libertarians, fag lovers, niggers, mexicans, etc try and start a NatSoc movement.
I'd pay big bucks to see it. Directed by Mel Gibson of course.
Oy vey Spencer isn't the real alt-right, I am the real alt-right.
Yes. But it certainly isn't Milo.
The term 'reddit spacing' is new, but shitting on idiots who put every sentence on a new line has been around for years.
Isn't Taylor married to a jew? Also Matthew Tait is clearly mi5.
Pic related him and his kike mate.
an entire thread about subverting Holla Forums to be their slave or whatever they want and then they are always talking about how we are "stupidly paranoid". Are these people fucking retarded? Why is everyone but us fucking retarded?
TV is never good news.
Also Johnnyboy, having a vpn isn't the only thing that makes up opsec you fucking retard
That doesn't apply to public figures. We need both sides. We need some people to do the PR beause many people can't think for themselves. But you probably know that.
So with this nigger logic Trump would have won even bigger if he went 1488?
I don't think you're dumb enough to buy that, Mordecai.
Why in the absolute fuck should we care about PR?
implying the torture and murder of whites and the literal destruction of civilization (all libraries burnt down because muh goatfucker guidebook) are irrelevant.
Why are you even here?
muh PR
Holla Forums is pro-white.
In a thread where anons shit on everything that's not Holla Forums, you accuse the alt right of driving a wedge in the movement?
well no shit
What fucking movement? They offer us nothing.
What is being deliberated here is whether to commit to politics, the democratic process and society at large or to simply disengage. Make better use of your time, elsewhere.
Cernowitz takes so much credit for Trumps election. lol
NPI 2016 Live Coverage, Alt-Right Conference in Washington D.C. - Part 1
Wrong. Our end goal is nothing less than complete extermination of the juden. If you have a problem with that leave now.
There is no movement. The internets have always been undefeatable.
I feel like ive been dreaming since the 8th. Someone is saying to these people what I would if I could get past their walls and security guards. And they have to listen.
We won, Holla Forums. We actually fucking won and if they fuck with Trump we kill them all.
Isn't their a molymeme thread for you drones to post in?
Ive been joking with my irl (redpilled) friends that the power of Hitler managed to defeat the anti-christ.
I think we're just smarter than them. They always type like retards and make stupid as fuck arguments. Their sentences have about 50 "bro, ummm, like, literally" each. They can't decide whether they want to insult us or sway our opinion, and in their stupidity they do neither.
Pic related, their new strategy is to insult Hitler. Great gameplan TRS.
Good old JIDF. Those CTR amateurs almost made me miss you guys.
Why do you think nigger?
Too bad it wasn't "literally".
fucking lol
fuck off (((trs)))
In reality the "Alt-right" is National Socialism.
Of course, am only stating the obvious. The Media Keks will never call us by our real names. The day they do, is the day we have won.
Nice try Special Agent. You'll have to try harder.
Man, that has to trigger the Jews hard, lolololol.
Why does this matter CNN is just reporting on a literally who? That trigered them nothing new
We are what we always were.
No joking about kebab atrocities dude. Only DEUS VULTing.
I am the leader of Holla Forums, and I say we are not alt-right we are just right.
Here's how you attract new people and win:
1. Have fun.
2. Be happy and upbeat.
3. Make jokes.
4. Enjoy yourself.
5. Don't be a cuckservative cuckold and worry about PR. The conservatives tried this for 50+ years and achieved exactly NOTHING.
Some seriously observable digits Mein Fuehrer…
No I am the leader of Holla Forums and I say we are
Get removed, mehmet. Last Crusade is coming.
Pointing out the alright are made up of bisexual, pro Zionist and plants now makes us jidf?
No, we are third position and our Furher is long since dead. Hopefully a new one will come soon……
This is the same type of speak whenever Putin is mentioned.
Did no one else notice this?
I am still wary of deception. Fool me once, shame on you Bush. Fool me twice shame on me Obama.
The whole situation reeks of Jew lies and tricks, but I don't care and will follow Trump to the ends of the Universe and hope he smashes our system to the ground.
Acts 20:19
New International Version
I served the Lord with great humility and with tears and in the midst of severe testing by the plots of my Jewish opponents.
Trips confirm.
im well aware that vpns arent the only thing to opsec. That doesnt matter to me. If opsec is a big thing for you good, follow opsec. But as far as I am concerned Ive be going full shitlord with my name attached to it since 2003. And Ive suffered zero consequences of from it aside from ass blasted leftists trying to challenge me to a debate in public and then getting btfo. What is there for me to worry about? The kikes are going to come get me? I live in a no duty to retreat state, I would LOVE it if they would.
user, welcome to the club
Everyone else just knows better than to give them tips.
Those are just ruskis pretending to be Americans using our slang though. They're lovable though because they have no ulterior motives other than exulting Putin, plus their banter is brettt gud.
The TRS faggots want to plug our hivemind into their faggy clubhouse since they only have like 2000 active members and they're stagnating hard. In their desperation they opened their gates to faggots and niggers, and in doing so closed the door to our help forever.
I said clearly that we should not moderate ourselves, but if you believe you could just start the holocaust by your shitposting, then you're irrational. You have to move the overton window to get that. If you attack those who do just that, you do harm yourself. And to say that half of the conference participants are pro-jew is just proving your irrationality.
Are Jews White Nationalists? It is sad that people here simply spread such falsehoods and no one criticizes it.
Why? Only important insofar as they were blatant attempts to manipulate public opinion. They were going for pity, what they will get is rage.
The male reaction to seeing that girl about to get perma-rekt isn't "let's save them all by bringing them here" it's let's murder every single one of those sandniggers. All it does is show these muslims for the animals they are.
I AM the Tulsa Doom of the alt-right and I demand a kek!
Because holy fucking shit you are failing to radicalize normalfags; using social media for anything short of misrepresenting yourself as a good goy is fucking retarded. Fucking read RFR you rucking tard
You make a good point, demon. Dubs for truth.
I still hate the conniving fucking (((media))).
I'm coming for you snake nigger.
It's Thulsa, faggot.
Go for it, Big Guy. First you will have to defeat my tunnel sneks.
Who ya callin a pinhead?
this man, his priors, and all affiliated with his sponsored (reads: gifted) 'national policy institute' that isn't an institute or about policy or about nationalism but is instead an owned publishing subsidiary running similarly branded dating sites, knows nothing of a single word that leaves his mouth. he, like duke is on and off, is controlled op at best, and kike wantanabe in all probability.
validity comes from source firstly. invalid actions, when done by a valid source, are valid. valid actions, when done by invalid sources, are invalid. spencer is invalid. you need only hear him speak, and see him in animation, and all the endless smoke and mirrors vanish and shatter in an instant.
thank you for the encode. note: keyframes are lacking/off/weird.
the whole clip is a showboat selling spencer, riding on trump, riding on us, riding on everying but self made it can get it's hands on. also, both the woman and the man have facial dismorphia that i can't quite place… a hapa and a hapsburg?
Best mates with a kike
Openly pro Israel
Wife is a fan of cultural Marxist anti white aleksandr dugin
Admits being bisexual
Do you not have Google?
They're finally starting to realize that they can't be friends with him.
There is no negotiating, no deals, no friendly terms and they're not going to get their way.
Trump hates their guts and it finally hit them like a brick wall.
If the networks don't reform by the time he is inaugurated, their careers, and whatever reputation they have left, will be killed.
I think when someone calls us "Alt-Right" we should respond, No. We're even more extreme!
Al Baghdadi , the leader of ISIS is a Mossad jew named Simon Elliot.
Just say we're not a bunch of liberal faggots.
We always half joked about Donald's sons being president after him. But at the current rate of overton winder shifting, will they even be right enough when the time comes?
Is dicking them an option?
I do not speak anime, peon.
>Al Baghdadi , the leader of ISIS is a Mossad Jew named Simon Elliot.
I know.
…And why hasn't the (((media))) reported on this? Why haven't they blared it across the rooftops five times a day?
The (((media))) is more than just complicit. They are central to the terrorism and invasion of ISIS.
For real though, Thulsa Doom is a bretty gud antagonist.
Why are snakes always worst?
Because I summoned you to bring ruin to this thread?
Nice find.
Man she pissed me off
How the fuck am I the first to post this?
Under-rated post.
In France, where the terms "right" and "left" come from, both the right and the left were against the Monarchical order we inherited from Rome.
When was the last Paris style attack on Israel? For people who want Israel wiped off the face of the map you'd think that would be their priority.
There's a great video of a Syrian trying to shout this to Isis member but I've lost the link.
Hey Holla Forums, why not use their tactic against them. Jewish mothers are horrified when their children go non-Jew. But we're all just a big human family with no congenital differences right? Do Jewish girls not enjoy BBC?
This is too good not to meme.
cause I dont know this meme
Haha filtered
Lmao filter me all you want faggot, it's not going to change me and the rest of Holla Forums's opinion.
jew bitches enjoy any dick they can get as most are absolutely revolting to any non jew.
Was it this one?
Or this one?
Of course you don't, nigger.
You confirm again your senselessness, all this has nothing to do with what I wrote. I am not in the least interested in whether the woman of someone is a fan of someone. It is only important whether they push the overton window to the right or not. And again, are Jews white-nationalists? Most people at the gathering are white nationalists.
What is your plan? How do you want to make the holocaust come true?
How is it even a question? Everybody knows kikes aren't people.
Look at the UK retard. Jewish women mating with whites isn't new and all it does is make their kids harder to spot by both name and looks.
Much like nigger genes their kike dna is dominant.
Or this one?
Yet your women prove to be such a fitting scabbard for my blade..
You are defending literal faggots, explain how this doesn't make you one
She might be worst girl but she sure is a QT.
No match for bat though, obviously
Look up who's funding Azov.
White nationalism without anti-Semitism is pointless.
Fixed it for you, your finger must have slipped or something.
No biggie though
Atrocious, isn't it?
why so much anime fag shit user?
Your memes are weak old man
Tsubasa a shit. Burack Hanewaka a best.
Good, Spencer and David Duke have outed themselves as a pair of (((controlled ops))) at this point
Hey goon
Finally someone with taste
Not surprised.
No the right in France was for the old order (the Ancien Régimes). This is the classic meaning of right wing.
What is wrong with you people?
What fuck are talking about?
wew lad.
How fucking new are you? The sandnigs are the Tools the kikes use.
Rebecca (((Berg))) is causing a holocaust in my underwear.
user is not only a nigger but a weeb
You're way outta your league here, goon
One thing I am worried about is that this will (finally) give the media a target who's not user. They have a lot of experience attacking people on this ground. This is nothing against the salute,but to note that the media is trying to get back to what they do best.
Indeed. What is left for us to do at this point? Go out into the treets, rush the malls and viciously (as is our supremacist nature) inflict cunnilingus on our unsuspecting fellow black women? Literal oral rape? Snek our sensuous tongues upon the innocent clitoris of the African people?
How can we placate these people? How can we convince them that we do not desire to oppress these ivy tower NEETS short of chugging big black cocks left and right?
Hello newfag, Fox is controlled opposition and would never be sympathetic to us.
"Nazi" is trending on twitter. I knew this would happen sooner or later
Wow, I can't can believe the Lügenpresse is still stupid enough to give our for relative values of "our" opinions dissemination after them doing so for an entire year and only making our ranks swell.
You came to the wrong neighborhood goon-kun
She could be German.
This. Fox was 24/7 Megyn Kelly concern trolling. Only chink in their armor was Hannity.
This is the part where I waifupost and say nothing constructive on topic right?
TRS consistently seems to just fuck shit up and D&C all over the place. They steal our memes and send them back to us and demand donations, they consistently move to prop up idols and old right wingers as if they should be respected and revered (despite consistently failing to gain us any ground and almost losing western civilization in their inaction), they shill on here and then have the gall to call us paranoid. I listened to a podcast while I was at work today and it was literally just m'dicking and larping the whole two hours. Just about the only thing I like is the flyer campaigns they do.
no bully snek
>one of his major talking points is that many older establishment democrats were klan leaders; literally a "demorats are da real racists goy!!"
>Duke still endorses him after that
Best case scenario he's an egotistical piece of shit, worst case he was and/or still is an informant, and we all know how (((compromised))) the KKK is
I don't think anyone but their stupidest retards think we're actually paranoid, that's just their tactic to try and shut down shill accusations. They're so hilariously stupid that they outright admit to being TRS users with a tiny bit of poking and prodding though. These masters of persuasion make CTR look like that dream team of behavior psychologists the Obama campaign put together. Just make fun of their podcasts it's their best fracture point.
Plus they don't like anime and post jpg'y facebook tier "memes" about being "white and proud" while they take another niggerdick with a smile and a thank you. Not to mention their Anti-hitler meme'ing.
How the fuck can you put TRS, the guys who started the echo meme, in the same league as a crypto-jew coalburner and breitbart?
He was just hiding his power level user, as was clarified by
I like TRS content so I don't understand why they have to come here and faggot up our board. Oh right, it's fucking jealousy. They can't stand the idea of being anonymous, of not getting credit, of not having their egos stroked.
niggas wilding
They didn't, the addon that started it was created by an user. They might have popularized it but that only proves they rely on us not the other way around.
The term Alt Right was invented by 2 Jews, Murray Rothbard and Paul Gottfried, as a reply to believing USSR and USA propaganda at the same time.
He didn't invent shit. He literally is a happy jewslave.
Nigger I called him out months ago. He's been on pressTV and the only reason he endorsed Trump was for the same reason a barnacle attaches itself to the hull of a ship. He's a parasite. A saboteur. Duke is an agent of the deep state. Duke gives Rick Wilson analingus.
Good the Klan's violence was retarded. A niggers life isn't worth losing credibility.
So? He's right while also dividing them. He now also admits the Klan's was retarded which is true.
He's old and got board of waiting. He was right to.
A double punch.
The Reform Party was a joke and trump is a good goy. Did you take the trump nazi meme seriously?
So? Trump married four out of five of his kids to jews. They were using each other.
Niggers were raping women, of course they should have been hung.
What's the least important assignment Kanye can be placed in, within the Trump administration? I'd be okay with that.
They are so in the dark they can't even understand our magicks.
Oh boy, I thought you're an idiot, but now I think you're mental.
Secretary of State, dumbass
Before these stupid faggots started dropping in to make their retarded voices heard I didn't have any ill will against them. They had some funny content and although their leaders were faggots their mob of "white nationalists" was still doing useful idiot work for us. I enjoyed their stupid podcast and didn't have any problem joking around with them in Discords or where-ever.
But now they're so high off the smell of their own farts they don't realize that all their memes, jokes, content, etc is based off the NatSoc framework we created. So they think coming here to make them "like us" is the most effective thing to do when in reality we're their fucking puppetmasters. It's not like I want credit, I just want them to stop being so fucking stupid.
That's all we ask TRScucks, just stop being so fucking retarded. You type like middleschoolers and your "political movement" wields the same amount of power as a middle school student government.
But really, since he's such an attention whore and is using Trump to stay relevant, it would be appropriate to actually give him something he doesn't actually want
Blacks and soft cotton pillows with waifus printed on them must never be allowed to mix.
So trump didn't marry four out of five of his kids two jews and promise Jerusalem an embassy? My mistake.
Fuck off, nigger-lover.
Misread your post, my bad
Meant for too
The Saudis own media because some dune coon prince owns 3% shares of Fox, but kikes don't own the media despite literally owning all the big shit all over?
Holy shit and this is the guy (((Molyneux))) brings on to talk all the time.
He should appoint Kanye as a federal judge for the Chicago district.
He's wrong, they deserve more respect than "real women."
I didn't even mention Trump retard. You're defending letting niggers rape your women without doing anything about it over PR concerns.\.
Were they just setting up the Lügs for shiggles or were they serious?
I do enjoy her.
Jesus you're retarded
Say what you like, but I think Oprah's looking sexier than she usually does in that pic.
How can Jews be people if CNN isn't real?
eh whatever
Yeah I clicked on the wrong post.
Duke has admitted he shouldn't have joined.
Gtfo the confederacy fought to defend the banks
well shit
on one hand, there is no such thing as the alt-right, and this is obviously controlled opposition
on the other, pr cucking doesn't do shit
spencer was also caught "Heil Trump"ing at a conference he invited news companies too, sounds like he is possibly getting some pr money from some of the lugenpress.
I don't trust cernovich, but if you look at his twitter he's calling it like this, and TRS showed up to whine at him, that makes me suspicious as fuck of all this
Meanwhile trump dates a nigger.
The North fought for their gibs and to give niggers citizenship.
Well *I* am the hacker known as Holla Forums, bitch.
Nah we'll continue loving Trump, the "not being extreme enough" fracture point won't work here, we're playing the long game kike.
The lesser races women are for the white man to enjoy, just as long as he doesn't reproduce with them
The fact is the alt right is a phrase used by the actual leading intellectuals of the white nationalist, ethnocentric movement as well as the MSM now. All the faggots saying "muh ((())) alt right" are actual shills themselves. It's time to embrace the term once and for all. Inside it are a wide spectrum of beliefs, but to push any agenda there must be a name for white nationalism and it is the alt right. WN is the fundamental principle of any alt right ideaology within a wide spectrum of moderation a. Get a grip on yourselves, you faggots.
I wish everyone would just stop talking about that kike cernovich. A broken clock is right twice a day.
Stop giving publicity.
The name for white nationalism is white nationalism, stop trying to convert us to your limp-dicked shit TRS. What the fuck do you even think it would accomplish? Go be useful and work on normalfags.
Fuck off and fuck yourself alt-kike.
I'm not associating with kikes like Milo or Cernovich, or kike pawns like Spencer or Taylor.
link to the tweet
I just made a post about four of them dating jews. Are you blind or just brainwashed?
No thanks. Our intellectuals are Adolf Hitler, William Pierce, George Rockwell, Joseph Goebels and Corneliu Zelea Codreanu to name a few.
We don't give a shit what some fat fuck Neocohens have to say about white people or how "we" should organize. 1488 kike.
Ambassador to Africa, after Trump deports all the niggers.
This filthy kike has the gall to say that it's the Saudis that own the media and the kikes living inside our borders who we know fucking own it as fact?
How more obvious can it be that he's a controlled opposition kike.
Look at these pics.
get the fuck out of here, plebbit fag.
If all the alt-right is is white nationalism, why do we need to call it the alt-right?
Because if they called it White Nationalism people would start wondering why so many jews and blacks were at their meetings ;^)
nicely done
i only brought it up due to the TRS response, otherwise I would not have brought it up, but that raises my suspicions
one day Milhouse will be a meme. one day.
Yeah, you mean right before Trump's numbers shot up to the moon? Your PR kiking gave you away as if your other kikery wasn't obvious enough.
wew lad, Kek really hates Milhouse apparently.
Thank you Kek.
And then libtards wonder why nobody wants spics in their country.
"all races are equal" my ass, fucking subhuman vermin.
Every day I thank god Mexicans are so stupid and lazy because their brutality is unmatched.
You need to change it up, rabbi. Yid and sheeny are good alternatives.
Milhouse not being a meme is a meme, hence Milhouse is a meme.
Threadly reminder that the echoes meme was undeniably created by TRS - if you see anyone using the parentheses, they're spreading TRS memes.
Basically what all you cucks are saying. To actually redpill normies in a broader spectrum you have to support and advertise specific policies in accordance to enthocentricism and WN and make it go mainstream. Aka actually get immigration policies passed into law and hold a say in the mainstream narrative like the ADL or SPLC hold. Turn the alt right institution into a white interests organization and thus you hold true power. if you can't grasp this concept I assume you are a Slavic shit skin half breed low IQ stormer mongrel who opposes any form of non autistic organization.
This. It used to be called reddit/redditor formatting on Holla Forums.
Imo spamming reddit spacing was an Holla Forums raid intended to overuse it so much it loses its value for calling out redditors, making us more vulnerable to their cancer. There was a screencap proving they were using it, but it was unclear whether it was just jumping in on the meme for the lulz, said something along the lines of 'use >reddit spacing any chance you get, it pisses them off some reason'.
After you deport them back to mexico you should seriously consider nuking the Whole place and making a huge parking lot after that.
what the fuck
Now even the Confederacy is in the hands of the Jews. It seems that EVERY second man on the ground of the earth is controlled opposition. But there is no paranoia here, of course not.
So its not white nationalism then?
I've seen you jews try to steal this line to try to gain the high ground in an argument. It does't work too well when you're the side of the argument defending the alt-kike. Go back to your list of talking points.
They're just deliberately lying about what he said. They know that no one will defend him. I would be leery of setting him up as any kind of leader of anything, but in the event the matter comes up, here's a webm that proves his remarks had nothing to do with Jews.
Tbh fam, he's questionable for not adding that Jews are also soulless golems.
Just repeat what they read on Holla Forums. All dubs posts Holla Forums are divinely inspired by Kek and Hitler.
Nobody buys what TRS is selling because you say you're white nationalist and then prop up fags and niggers. It's the same as Neocons claiming to be Pro-America after taking Sorosbux. You compromised your movement beyond repair from the get-go for some easy publicity at the onset. It's a cost-sunk fallacy. We won't invest our time or effort in a sinking ship that you desperately try to reassure isn't taking on water.
Not to mention it's all a kike controlled op anyways ;^)
not to mention that the saudi royal family are cyrptos
forgot webm
Nigger I don't read TRS so I stopped reading after you mentioned it for the second time. Faggot
Look you stupid fucking faggot we don't need you. We don't want you. You don't need us. Stop wasting both our time and yours, we might have somewhat similar goals but our methods and tactics are neither similar or complementary when you try to force them to fit together. You're only getting in our fucking way by this retarded campaign to convert us into being pozzed.
nice try
Must be a fucking shitskin.
Fuck off. What we've been doing has worked great so far, or did you somehow not see the image in OP? We like it here. You like it on TRS. Stop trying to unite the factions, it's unnecessary and counterproductive.
remember Holla Forums
I bet you're one of those retards who actually spout memes in public.
If the alt right is at its core white nationalist why do we have to Turn the alt right institution into a white interests organization?
typing in caps neither makes you right nor consistent. You can support altright organizations all you want and I won't care but all these altright figures keep telling me to support all sorts of non white nationalist ideas and people. I mean what sort of white nationalist goes on sex tours in south asia?
Take your "nothing to see here, do nothing goys" schtick back to reddit, faggot.
Mighty big talk coming from the Alt-kike
You make some interesting points.
fuck off
Just a year ago you TRSfags were calling out cuckservatives for compromising and bargaining with people who will never reciprocate the kindness, and now here you are repeating the exact same mistakes.
I have to ask, how do you guys live with all that cognitive dissonance?
The "not extreme enough" fracture point won't work with Trump. We're willing overlook essentially all of his private life due to how beneficial his policies are to us, and detrimental they are to the kike's long term plans.
Nice try though
there's no way Anglin doesn't have some nigger blood in him.
What WE have been doing has worked wonders so far, and will continue to work. People who aren't faggot autists are branching out though and to call them kikes for hosting a public forum which is basically everything WE perpetuate behind closed doors into a mainstream narrative proves your lack of understanding from being professionalized out of shitposting. The people who speak at the conferences have been shit posting in a public form of narrative since before we were born. They are our leaders in the sense as they have helped in forming our own behind closed doors narratives and now they are taking the momentum we have generated into the public mainstream. It's honestly not that hard to grasp if you can hold back your schizophrenia for the mean time.
I'm fairly certain Anglin is some kind of weird government experiment on what happens when every race on Earth is mixed in equal parts.
He will be better for Israel than Obama or Clinton and he's already named jews to his administration.
We don't care about what you do on your stupid fucking forum retard. We care that instead of typing "therightstuff.cum" into your browser you type "8ch.net" and come shill to us instead of your buttbuddies in the cum-clubhouse
Fuck off and never return. You are unwanted here and your views are incompatible with ours. Eat shit.
See, here's the thing. I don't really care what you faggots do. If you want to "mainstream" what we do here in our chaos reactor, that's fine. If you want to do something else, it's no skin off my teeth. Why does it fucking grind your gears until they're stripped that this is a place for hate and we like it here? Why are you all so obsessed with getting us to like you or agree with you? And trust me, lad, they are most certainly not our leaders. Saying that just tells me you have no understanding of this place at all.
Oh shit pack it up guys we lost. We should have voted for Hillary!
The people you venerate have been doing nothing but failing since before we were born. They are worthless.
Nah. Nice try though.
Luls. Because in a rational perspective every nigger or spic deserves their own nationalist movement so they can stop being dependent on the overrun liberal hand out first come first serve American nation immigration policy. Once we establish a nationalist norm for all countries, by first nationalizing our own and garnering an understanding this is a European state, we can then say that supporting their massive immigration to our country because you are biologically inferior and cannot support yourselves is not in our self interests, thus we reject you. We only accept a small minority of different races who have the brain capacity to assimilate and produce in whatever industry is in demand.
And you blame this on their own shortcomings or the narrative that has been placed upon on countries by the liberal Jewish elite? Pick one faggot.
Yes it is their own shortcomings. That's rather obvious when our generation has even worse brainwashing and yet we're succeeding. They were fucking incompetent and you should be embarassed by the way that your movement props them up.
Oh man you guys are a fucking laugh riot. Your mix of pathological altruism, incomplete deprogrammed liberal views and low IQ make your "political theories" some of the funniest around.
Go on, keep telling the website full of white nationalists how much we should love niggers and spics. See if that brings us over to your side you retard.
Learn your fucking sites before you start to hurl insults, sperg. Gas yourself.
Trump-supporting KANYE WEST being forcefully hospitalized right now, by the way:
did you learn nothing from >gamergate?
Since when has having clique based internet personalities who exist on stolen memes and donations helped our operations? Two years ago fucks like you we saying we needed to accept Milo to break into the mainstream narrative.
I don't give two shits about brown people and what kind of movement they deserve, they can have their own countries sure but we owe them less than nothing and don't pretend that giving them anything more zero aid isn't cucking for the enemy.
It was ".cum" you low-IQ TRScuck, nice reading comprehension. I was insulting you.
They are responsible for redpilling the majority of anons who embrace the WN now. If you have never heard of them you have no clue what you are talking about. I'm not talking about dick either. He's one of the newest generations who have been redpilled by the JQ and discussing white disposition. Calling them incompetent proves the incompency of narratives outside your little stormer echo chamber.
It really is fucking sad. And then they think they can come here and dictate to us what we should be doing, as if we haven't been driving the narrative before us and making it weep for the past solid year. I'm never sure whether to be infuriated or laugh my ass off - so I do both.
the fuck?
i mean i dont really care for the guy but holy hell this is fucking lunacy
This is what I basically said. Stop arguing for the sake of arguing, you stupid cunt.
No you won and I'm happy for you. Doesn't change what I said.
I'm sure it will be fine.
You should just skip straight to calling us "iron marchers" or "stormcucks" and talk about how Hitler was a "retard" so we can just filter you outright.
He has no idea of the extent of the power of the Trinidadian cabal.
You're really bad at this. We will support Trump's actions, not the D&C shill narrative you and MSM are trying to forcefeed us.
You should find more shit to pull out of your ass for the sake of being right, which you aren't. You're a shill who can't differentiate between logic and your little faggot ego.
That's a fucking laugh. They're old men who did nothing. You want to know who actually redpilled people? Well Pierce, Rockwell, and Hitler are some good examples. Brimelow and MacDonald aren't shit.
Why do TRScucks have such fragile egos? they always explode into tears as soon they're attacked. Fuck off.
Why are you arguing? You fucking idiot cunt? They're all the same and all responsible. Honestly. Shut the fuck up.
It "exists". The proper term is Konservativ Kounter Kultur.
Okay. I don't listen to them. Get over it, you egomaniac savage. What is it about anonymous that chafes your candy ass? I don't go to TRS and shit up your board.
If I turn off that podcast will you die?
I'll say it again, I don't read TRS enjoy your genetically inferior brown eyed children haha
you have a point user, you are the one really helping the white race with your anime shitposting on Holla Forums the greatest bastion of anti-white rhetoric, fuck activism, fuck trying, fuck arguements
that one part was sarcasm, you idiots like to intentionally ignore that stuff so I though I'd point it out for you
I don't think that's what he meant. In the real world - real as opposed to imaginary - there are and will always be niggers and spics and the idea that keeping Mexico and Africa in 3rd world shithole status will somehow benefit the US and decrease (as opposed to increase) refugee populations is sub-retarded.
Why do you think Cernovich is a Jew?
They grew up on social media and are basically normalfags.
Starting to make me think CTR is stepping their game up. That or you faggots are truly delusional cunts.
How about just
Fuck you?
We're not "keeping" Africa and Mexico shitholes. They're shitholes because they're full of Africans and Mexicans. If they want to be strong so badly they should stop eating eachother in the jungle.
Does it hurt to be reminded of how utterly useless your heroes are? They are not remotely in the same league. The three I mentioned led either thousands or millions. Your heroes lead noone. They can barely manage a conference of three hundred at their zenith, one that they owe entirely to us if anything. They are utterly ineffectual and incapable of leading.
You may indeed think its the same but the overwhelmingly cuckish phrasing gives you away.
Why do we have to normalize nations for all nations? (your words) we only need care about our own
Why do we need to justify not taking in all the shitskins of the world to them? we need only to stop doing it
Why do we need to accept people from others just because they might not be retarded? if we're lacking in skilled workers we do what we used to do-have companies that needed such workers pay for the training they needed. IBM used to walk into universities and hire a whole class on the spot and pay for the rest of their education. We don't need fucking poo in loos to do shit for us
Get off your ass and do something aside from posting shitty porn/art you filthy weebs.
I bet you also think jewtin is a great leader.
dude racemixing podcast lmao
Because he's openly jewish. It's a real giveaway.
I don't feel like posting Moly for you, too much effort
He's probably going to respond with a load of horseshit so I'll boil down why they say what they say. It is because the brown people will think that we are mean if we do it like that.
See? This is what convinces me it's about nothing but control for you people. You essentially want anonymous to stop being anonymous, and to join your group of e-celebs and namefags so you don't feel left out. Well guess what? I've been anonymous since 2004 and I'm not joining your shitty club. No matter how much you bitch and moan and throw a fit, that's not going to change, because I like it here and I like being part of a community that is something more than a petty popularity contest. Here all we are is what we post. We have no names and no identities, only content. And that's what makes us special, no matter how much it pisses you off.
I'll take Trump, Assad and Putin over Shillary "build that Israeli pipeline!" Clinton
Why am I the only one who seems to be able to see this?
Return to the uncorrupted forms of european paganism and ancestor veneration before hebraic monotheism took form. Encourage all other races to do the same, and humanity will be unified in it's diversity without the putrefaction.
Yes I understand the lulz, excitement and unpredictability riding behind the kek current, etc., but if we are to truly change the world for the better (assuming that is what you want), it should be balanced out with sanity and true benevolence.
I would suggest looking into german expressionism and german romanticism and not playing around too much with the black sun and nazi occult magic, as going too far with it is exactly what caused the nazi movement to fail. They started calling on transplutonian entities that no human is ready to work with without losing their sanity and morals. They literally became what they hated most, just like what is happening now. Even Himmler had admitted to this. Why repeat the same mistakes?
Whatever happened to "take what is useful, discard what isn't?"
lol'd hard. stop nick picking. It's honestly disgraceful
I dont know anything about that, but I saw the dude post his 23andme some time ago. Did he actually convert to Judaism or something?
Shill mods are rolling out.
Kill yourself or learn reading comprehension you retarded nigger.
I don't speak Nascar.
This guy gets it. Everything TRS touches turns to dogshit and it's no coincidence they (the media) shun the Kek worshippers here and try to discredit Esoteric Hitlerism to the TRS zombies. Esoteric Hitlerism and a return to European pagan traditions is an absolute nightmare scenario for the kikes and they're doing everything they can to make it look goofy instead of just discrediting it entirely. The ideas are incredibly potent, you only have to hear about them once or twice for the concept to take root.
Varge's video on the burial mounds struck a deep chord with me and I know it would with any other man of European blood. T
More shill observations. Honesty, you are worthless. And live in some shit European country run over by Muslims. Disgraceful.
Your denial of well known facts is simply pathetic at this point.
No they haven't come close to using all YOUR resources. They also benefit from war no matter who wins.
In the end, this is why you can only suckle off our memes. You refuse to understand the power of giving up your personal identity to be part of an organism that's greater than yourself. Your white nationalism is a fake; a fraud. I think you know that instinctively. You just view white nationalism as a vehicle for pushing your personality, rather than a greater whole into which you sacrifice your identity for the good of people you will never know and whom will never know you.
What are you talking about cunt?
You'd be one to know, SATAN
confirmed is Swedish
Well then good thing Trump and Putin, along with aside, will put an end to the Syrian Civil War then ;^)
Then these nigger lovers show up.
ID: 8b2fce, can't find this faggot's posts anymore, the little fuckwit delete them? Ha.
Can you explain to me how that would be realistic?
I almost feed bad picking on you guys because you're so fucking stupid
Are you actually mentally handicapped? If so it would make sense that you think that Brimelow and MacDonald are some sort of intellectual heavyweights.
Fucking amateurs
This is the death of pol, not everyone is controlled opposition. The paranoia that many here express is morbid.
Thanks for outing yourself, moishe.
You should feel worse about being a kissless virgin, and that all your crushes are receiving jihad cock on your expense. Haha cuck.
fucking hell, I thought you guys hated them cause you didn't like being labeled alt-right but you will take credit for it making the news, the whole fucking reason it is being talked about on CNN is because of identity Europa, and NPI not you, you fucking kike stop trying to take credit for shit you didn't even do.
oops I found the screencap where you said to shame the "paranoids"
LOL must feel bad being a eurofag. Your only intellectual are MILO and PJW who cleaned toilets rofl
Seems like projection considering that you've already admitted to being in a country overrun by muslims while he likely is not.
Nigger we are not a multi-billion dollar media franchise. Our CEO is a Philippine pig farmer.
My country just elected the god emperor. You jelly?
>implying I'm the kissless virgin
Wouldnt be surprised if the person who "somehow" managed to make the screencap made that post.
I forgot about the time you guys invented Smug Pepe and the entire mythology of Kek. Thanks for reminding me, you Johnny Come Latelys. Fuck the worst part is you all actually believe this shit. The Habbo Hotel raid did more for white nationalism than you shitsticks have done since you graduated high school.
That is exactly how you subvert such a movement.
Anyone else here a neo-paleocon?
We can all see now the real anti alt right faggots are EU cucks who depose the burgers for their leading role in every aspect of the new age conservative movement. Sad :(
Would go so far as to say it's "controlled opposition." Just that it is INCOMPLETE. I remember back in the days when the lulz was BALANCED OUT with sensible, benevolent and intelligent solutions. This is being eradicated currently.
Yes and part of that deal will likely be (((diplomats))) that will cuck the government with threats of sanctions and reforms for more shitty democratic freedoms. The Assad's won't be able to control economic or foreign policy much like Iran under the shah.
Israel won't have to worry about Syria jumping to any other Muslim countries defence.
would *not*
I'm an American so no, now stop using niggerspeak.
yeah cause they all got this following the first time they appeared on camera, only loser movements start small and actually have to grow and gain a following by being activists. I mean it is no secrect Hitler came into power by shitposting on 8/pol/
you guys remember that, right?
Yes I am a shill because I defended Hitler. The Jews pay me big bucks. Kill yourself, paranoid idiot.
this seems like what Hitler would of done to save the white race, you're 100% right user
The only reason we're having this conversation at all is because anonymous put in 10 years of conscious and unconscious work before you showed up. But you're not smart enough to respect your elders. Same goes for this halfwit over here. Some of us have been at this shit before you learned how to operate a microwave and now you think you're hot shit because our >decade of labor is finally paying off in the popular consciousness.
You don't even have the dimmest of awareness of how disgusting you're being. It's frankly appalling.
Hitler and NSDAP were inextricably linked and worked for their gains. The people that you all venerate chugged along with no gains for decades. No spread. No outreach. Constantly failed to redpill. Then like leeches they attached themselves onto the burgeoning movement going on with the youth of the nation.
Please teach me your ways, elder.
Fucking Hell mate, you just keep digging yourself deeper with every post. Fuck off edgy sophomore. You are totally out of your element here.
Learn to read you TSR nigger
You know damn well what he means by that now fuck off. If you faggots ever wonder why we call you kikes it is exactly because of blatant dishonesty like this.
Or it could be that you are clueless normalfags from the kikebook group that actually have no clue what we are referring to
what fucking progress you fags have made, shit has been fucked and only getting more fucked until recently, yeah shitposters in an echo chamber are the whole reason Trump won and Britain left the EU, activism and selling our fucking brand had nothing to do with it
You know you could just type his name into Google followed by "Jew". He's not hiding the fact.
"I am Jewish. You missed that memo?" The second link on Google from Twitter.
He's publicity whore like milo or molymeme.
Yeah what losers Hitler and Cadronaeu were, all they did was shitpost from prison and complain about Jews, what did they ever do for the white race?
This is you right now
The progress we've made is that you have an opinion about white nationalism. Was TRS pushing this shit in 2010? TRS didn't exist in 2010 - anonymous did.
What's it like to be this delusional? One of our websites is bending reality and tapping into the collection unconcious with meme magic, the other one is sucking niggerdicks and posting on their website's "cummies" section. Guess which website is which?
yeah White Nationalism is something completely new, without obscure imageboards I just have no idea how anyone before 2010 knew anything about it
that nigger Kanye been smokin dat sherm.
collective* fug
The things that got Trump elected was exposing Hillary's corruption and people without jobs in the rust belt. Who did the digging on email leaks? Wasn't your little e-celebs that's for damned sure. Who made most of the OC to spread word? Again not your little ecelebs. Hell, as cucked as it is the_Donald had more to do with Trump than your alt-kike shit.
I'm not saying TRS is responsible I am saying movements like TRS have done way more than you fucking autists by promoting activism, organizing meetups, and idk leaving their fucking computer
Good for them. They don't need us, so fuck'em.
It was Holla Forums who enabled Trump to happen. Holla Forums rigging the online polls in the beginning of the primary season lent Trump the legitimacy to demand inclusion in the process. We're the reason Trump even got to the first debate.
I do not call you paranoid because of your fabricated screenshots but because you're a paranoid mentally ill imbecile.
are you high?
S Wyatt Man was around before any of us and he's a credit to our race. But you're not smart enough or experienced enough to give anonymous the credit we're due for having been at work on this shit since before your mummy let you log on for the first time. Have you ever used a 14.4 baud modem? Then GTFO
we're nazis
i'm a nazi
the majority of Holla Forums is nazis i actually have no idea how many lolbergs still lurk here
calling yourself pretty much anything else is PR-faggotry
meant for
Trump was constantly citing the polls Holla Forums rigged for him btw. He loved talking about the online polls he was winning, and we were rigging.
whatever helps you sleep at night TRScuck.
lol I posted it again
Why are you using the allied propaganda insult?
I think its safe to say that there are a large number of lolbergs still around, these would be the ones who realize that your principles don't matter if you can't propagate their continued existence. The memes of the west die with the west.
polls are for dumb rich people.>>8325918
lol sauce
the real altright founder is George Lincoln Rockwell, all others are frauds. TOMORROW THE WORLD
Did you not even watch the rallies?
That's not relevant.
So what's the deal, you weren't here when all the poll rigging threads were going on? Both Holla Forumss had threads dedicated to finding and publishing polls that needed rigging. We did it well.
Not exactly a lolberg anymore, but yeah, you need a homogeneous community to make lolberg memes work. As long as niggers insist that white people are their enemies and refuse to get a job, there's not even a point of discussing the non-aggression principle or how national infrastructure should be funded.
The lolbergs are wising up and realizing black people are bad for business though. They're useful idiots for things like making sure gun rights are fought for, and people like Ben Garrison comfirm that lolbergs can be swayed to our side fairly easily with continued exposure to our weapons grade memes.
Holla Forums is a platform. For all we know it was CTR "correcting" the polls.
Kill yourself anytime.
Oh here's another.
holy shit this is funny. anyone have a jewtube link for it?
Are you dumb? The People's Liberation Army could swamp this place in a minute.
y-you too c-cupcake.
Pisses me the fuck off bro. All the TRS faggots have to do is admit that anonymous does good work and stop shitting up our board. We don't raid them. They can't return the favor because they're fucking worse than shills; worse than CTR - they're a golem.
He says, hallucinating that will ever happen.
It was people who use Holla Forums, whatever you want to call them. Yes, it's an ideologically diverse group of people, but that's not an argument.
Check the RSBN archives on jewtube. Particularly the rallies immediately post-debate. He talks about winning "all the online polls" a lot. He even did it once during a debate when bantzing jeb.
Swing by /k/ and see how China shills get treated, PLA shills are even worse at it than you retards
Exactly, thank you.
Wow. I'm very impressed. Surely the News Corporation could not muster such a mighty force as this Easter Island rock carving troupe to influence the polls. perish the thought!
Holla Forums is Alt Right now. It might not be true but it is a much stronger meme than any explanation about Holla Forums being all this special snowflakes constantly falling and melting away that can not be defined.
What the hell is the PLA doing shilling /k/? Defending Chinese rifles? That's incredible.
So explain how he isnt genetically Jewish, then?
You faggots are trying so hard to change us. Why? Why are you so butthurt we won't join your club?
The news corps had nothing to do with it. We were pushing their online polls to ridiculous extremes. News corps make up more believable numbers when they rig polls.
Do you realize you are now so far out in left field that you are unironically parroting liberal talking points rather than admit the obvious?
I'd feel bad for them if they weren't willingly going along with the controlled opposition. Like I get laughing at the podcasts and goofing around on the forums, but the fact that they've been ramping up their Holla Forums shilling so hard is a clear indicator that their actions are implicitly anti-white, even if they have a veneer of "fashy" memes. Can't wait for them to start shilling for "fashy" multicultural ethnostates and "fashy" Jewish inclusion in their movement.
Luckily because they aren't anons their movement consists of middleschooler attention whores, niggers and e-celeb faggots so when they come here and poke the hivemind they get shredded because there's no social standing here.
They'll start CHINA STRONKS threads and meme about dead aircraft carriers or whatever. Usually it's just trolling but ocassionally a glorified engrish speaking shill shows up and then it's a one way trip to kek city.
That's a shittastic shoop.
We get shit done.
We help Trump a lot, this is not to negate. Others have also helped, why can we not recognize the achievements of the different factions. We should stop insulting each other.
They are desperate for us to join them. Yet they constantly insult us. Fascinating, isn't it?
It didn't occur to you geniuses that perhaps the average American doesn't give a shit about the polls?
It wouldn't surprise me, if he dies under strange circumstances or commits suicide™ in the near future.
Now that you mention it, I think I've seen that stuff before. I thought they were Iranians.
Aye. They're a fucking golem but they think they're white nationalists. Fuck I don't even GAF about faggots or any of that, but it's their anti-Holla Forums shilling that gives them away for what they are.
Trump disagrees. He talked about the polls constantly during the primary season, when he was winning them because we were rigging them.
I don't recall Trump ever talking about how polls are going to make America great again
I hate cnn so god damn much.
If he is alt right then he needs gassing too.
You act precisely like a kike. Trump cared about polls and mentioned it in nearly every rally. As someone else previously said he even mentioned it in debates. You're also ignoring the digging and propaganda threads.
No his heroes latched onto Trump after Trump was already ascending. They were late and were nothing but leeches and then have the arrogance to act like we're the ones who did nothing all while demanding that we should now act like they do.
This is the funniest part. My theory is that they really are just way stupider than us. They know all the lingo and they can kind of keep up the appearance, but when it comes to analyzing the emails, coming up with witty memes, or just being able to fucking argue a point without flipping through their COINTELPRO playbook they just can't hack it.
They're desperate for us to come to them and when we tell them to fuck off they get mad and out themselves.
Why don't they just start a thread called "Hey it's XXX user from the TRS forums, here's an invite link, we would like you guys to swing by and check out what we're up to. We've got some operations to put posters up, analyze emails, get some mainstream interviews for our members, and we'd sure appreciate a hand." That's all it would take but these retards wanna play the CTR shill game, which leads me to believe they actually want to subvert us and dull our edge, rather than supercharge their efforts with a little anonymous backup.
Yeah, ideologically they're close enough in my book certainly better than 95% of the general population. But fuck them to hell and back for their shilling here.
Just keep the dishonesty going you fucking kikes. It is exactly this shifty behavior that make you fuckers completely untrustworthy.
He is. I don't care about a kikes religion.
You need to start on halfchan and lurk more.
He mentioned the polls constantly. Obviously he thought they were important.
See I've tried repeatedly to tell them this, I even gave them the benefit of the doubt and thought that it could just be freech stirring shit. But nope, they talk in their fucking forums about raiding us. Its gotten to the point that I don't even know who I should be cheering when I see the commies attack these fuckers.
what links? I don't see no stinkin' links
The one thing I'll give them is whoever is making those "fashygoy" comics. Those have been memeticly potent.
Exactly. Adding them to our collective would surely be a net gain if they'd stop shilling. Because of them existing as controlled opposition they have media contacts and access to Jew funding. If they'd stop being retards they'd realize that they could use their position as good goy insiders to completely turn it around on the kikes and get some real redpills across the airwaves.
Instead they want us to fit into their ineffective mold and throw a hissyfit when we refuse to be subverted.
Kek please kill all TRScucks, ty.
I'm so sick of their larpfaggotry.
This user said it perfectly
If they just treated us with basic respect for our experience and effort, they'd get a much better reception. But they constantly try to subvert us instead like they're better than us.
You argue like a jew. Just like Hitler describes.
LARP is misleading. It suggests taking action is wrong.
Now now, user. Calm down. It was obviously TRS that bombed Brianna Wu >;^{P
You should. Sodomites are a societal cancer.
people here are trying to push the 'TRShills' meme, posting the same screenshots of a minority who advocate 'shilling'
no one cares, i read TRS and Holla Forums and listen to FtN and TDS
the d&c continues regardless
(Divinely kek'd)
I didn't know Hitler was blind!
He's just telling them to know their place.
If that's true, and you're not just another fag shill, why don't you do exactly what I said here and extend an olive branch?
Why don't you start a welcome thread for people from Holla Forums with info about TRS and what you're working on, links to the different parts of the forum and a nicely worded request for what you'd like our help with? But of course you won't do that because you're a stupid shill faggot who wants to subvert us, not work with us.
At this point Holla Forums is a fucking intelligency agency, and asking us to lower ourselves to your level is laughable. If you want our help, ask and we'll gladly oblige. If not, eat shit and die in the fucking >>>/bog/
Yes, sodomites are a destructive. Sodomites are like a tornado spun off from a hurricane named Schlomo.
If they get the jew stuff right and the fag stuff wrong, that's still mostly correct.
prove it
It is a proven fact that at least some users of your site oraganize shilling raids here now if you want to present it as a tiny minority the burden is on YOU to regain that trust. Coming around here are dishonestly arguing will only push people further away from your group that cannot seem to present one fucking person that simply has a conversation in good faith without trying to also push acceptance of your ideas here.
"'TRShills' meme"
Oh look, more dishonestly.
Hear hear! And apparently the maximum comment total has been extended, yay!
Why you faggots won't try to work with us as partners is a mystery to me - except that you're a subversive element. The way I see it, there's no other explanation. And that's your own fault if you have honest intentions.
fuck off kike
Pretty much, if I had to choose between someone that was pro faggots but hated jews and someone that was pro jews but hated faggots I'd choose the first every time.
We just got Trump elected, clearly the process is working somewhat.
Thanks for the help anime poster, you gotta gang-up on the retards or you gotta reply to like 50 cucks at once.
It's almost as bad as the old-establishment cuckservative Republican plan: "Too defeat the democrats, we must become the red-themed democrats
Fun fact, the Red/Blue dichotomy didn't become a thing until very recently. Before 2000 it didn't exist. It was invented to help the public distinguish between the two parties.
Well said Adolf.
I guess I just think of it differently than watering things down.
First we can come for the jews.
Then we can come for the shitskins.
Then we can come for the faggots.
Then we can come for the druggies and assorted fetish degenerates.
Then we can relax in a nice world.
Any time. Fuck these faggots who think they have a right to dictate terms to us after we've won every battle.
Hard to argue with digits like those!
In 2007 or so Ron Paul's campaign (moreso the people and ideas around it) got co-opted by the emergence of the Tea Party, a "mainstream take" that was actually a carefully constructed straw man meant to marginalize important ideas and focus on ideas that would isolate anyone associating with it. Since we already won, this seems more desperate on their part, but
Mike Nernovich called Spence controlled opposition, yet it is obvious that he too is conrolled opposition. And yet shills on both sides who have become controlled opposition argue about who is the real psyop.
"Controlled oposition calling controlled opositon a controlled oppisition, while controlled opossition shills argue agaisn't other controlled opposition shills who is the real controlled opposition"
Guys, I think the jews went to far this time with the mindgames.
Sheesh, could at least make western illustration great again
Whatever, Hank.
Not that Spencer wouldn't, but in fact he didn't. One wonders if the (((media))) are comprised of people at all, or if they are instead soulless golems.
I-I-If you say so, user.