Talmudvision intensifying

we're reaching levels of Talmudvision that shouldn't even be possible

be sure to downvote the video with your accounts.

Other urls found in this thread:


i really wonder what most of the general public thinks when they see things like this. To me its hard to imagine that this can be pulled off when its so blatant.

they're flailing, they don't know what else to do besides double-down. And our hatred of them only increases and spreads throughout the country. I'd gladly murder them all.

Is that a reboot of Sister Act?



> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_We_Rise

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dustin_Lance_Black

> When he found himself attracted to a boy in his neighborhood at the age of six or seven, he told himself "I'm going to hell. And if I ever admit it, I'll be hurt, and I'll be brought down".
This "I was a faggot at age 6" shit suggests to me that this man was molested as a child.

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Schlamme
> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Sorkin

> jewishjournal.com/arts/article/showtime_examines_shoah_diva_doctor_20030411

That's not what this image is for, you massive newfag

Wew lads.

why? Fucking downvote this anti-white garbage.

When I was indoctrinated, I noticed jewish names about as much as I noticed the hair color of the guy who sells me my morning coffee.

Dear God.
Anyway I despise Whoopie Goldberg

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gus_Van_Sant

> It was made two years after Van Sant went to New York to work in an advertising agency. He saved $20,000 during his tenure there, enabling him to finance the majority of his tale of doomed love between a gay liquor store clerk and a Mexican immigrant.
> Unlike many gay filmmakers, Van Sant—who had long been openly gay—declined to use same-sex relationships as fodder for overtly political statements, although such relationships would frequently appear in his films.

Mah nigga in Christ

not talking about the name, although i realise my post is a bit ambiguous now.

I was talking about the fact that its blatant politically motiviated propaganda meant to incite violence and make them feel justified when breaking police cars and peoples property.




Do you know why her name is Whoopie? Because she's always farting and jews like farts.

More and more, she's looking like Aughra from The Dark Crystal.

When the fuck did that become the anthem of cuckoldry, anyway?

I would have bet good money this was going to be HBO.

Pariah was honored with the Festival’s U.S. Dramatic Competition “Excellence in Cinematography” Award (Bradford Young) and picked up by Focus Features.


Anyway the like/dislike ratio is encouraging.

> Immense success follows, though Bessie encounters difficulties, including a stabbing attack after a show in her hometown, racism from white guests during an affluent party, and an attack during her show by the Ku Klux Klan, whom she courageously chases off.


That looks beyond terrible.

Speaking of Muppets…

Quick question, are some of you the ones who name the jews in the comment or are people more jew aware ?

Did anybody else see that nigger in the comments defending pedo shit?

This not going to lie. But all it takes is it to be pointed out to them once to wake them up.

That has never worked on any of my normalfag friends.

Surprise, deviants are promiscuous.

Dunno, those are getting deleted or hidden to the bottom.

Wow this is really the biggest piece of shit TV has ever pooped out.


I knew that name sounded familiar, there were stories in the media a couple years back about how he successfully pozzed that diver who's (surprise) half his age

Is there even a fucking point in looking this stuff up anymore?
It's always Jews.

WHAT THE FUCK!!!?? wtf did I just watch?? Fuck feminism and fuck this shit!! Why can't they just show us for once what women are really like… what their liberation has fucking done to our society!!

The feminists are trying to get the red pill movie banned in the west too. It got banned in Australia. WTF IS THIS? WE'RE BECOMING A FEMINAZI VERSION OF SAUDI ARABIA

Calm down, they already lost in America.

i dunno who you are virtue signalling too since the OP was requesting Jewtube downboats… maybe your fellow retards?


you're acting like that was a sick burn when it was pretty fucking lame
shit meme

Just do it subtly. " Hey there are sure a lot of people with Jewish name in Hollywood" or "Whats up with all these movies about the Holocaust?" At first they'll brush you off but now that you put the idea in their head they'll start to see it over time.

Hollyjew makes money when they monetize their trailers and they get more money with more views.

That was pretty gay tbh fam

absolutely cancerous




I just thank god they do shitty covers instead of using the jeff buckley version

kek, there's 666 likes

Get use to it for the next few yeas.
They all anticipated a Hillary landslide win and started pre-production of "Le Stronk Women and POC champions" media across the board.

It's just going to fail, all that's going to happen is Jews will lose money. Look at all those Black protagonist vidya this year that has completely flopped.

they get more money when you watch an advertisement and buy that advertised product. if you watch an ad and dont buy the product, the advertisers will pay less per view next time.

my nigger. jews have enough funds to last them a while.


Underrated post

Nice digits

Written by Walt Curtis, a disgusting gay pedo. When I was in high school and in the PDX arts scene that faggot sexually harassed me constantly. He was famous for it, and when I tried to suggest to my other liberal friends that it wasn't acceptable for him to keep harassing young guys who just wanted to be involved in the art scene they just laughed it off. Fuck that faggot. He gave me a copy of that book of his with his phone number on the first page. I just sold it. I hope someone called him and annoyed him.



We're gonna need a lot more rope, and a hell of a lot more gasoline.


I tried to get my father to see the truth about the jews but he ran against the "muh holohoax" roadblock and thinks that they can't be THAT bad because 6 gorillion of them were gassed by the nadzis. He liked Schneider's List so I think it's a lost cause.

My kike, that worthless paper will only fuel the ovens.


Do you still feel in charge?


(((Cultural Marxism))) the TV show.

that really rustled my jimmies

Honestly I hope this works and convinces the hordes of liberals to start a suicidal civil war.

The more dislikes, the less likely is it to be suggested in people's sidebars.


This trash thread is a direct crosspost from TRS

Anyone save the proof posted in that TRS shill thread that was just shoahd?

'Hallelujah' was written by Leonard Cohen, a Jew

A Canadian Jew, at that. Also, he's dead.

RIP. A Canadian Jew he may have been, but I find him to be a fantastic musician and lyricist

I see it's in February. So Trump will be in office and able to arrest the executives for inciting riots and a foreign funded moment of treason.


/qppp/ pls

It's really no different than Christian movies, proving again that Marxism is a cult. But the level of smug is off the charts

even on youtube they're fucking trashing it across the board

It boggles my mind that anybody can watch this tripe and not immediately see it for the propaganda that it is. Is the blue pill really that strong of a sedative? What kind of a brainless idiot would lap this up without question?

Look at the comments. Normalfags are starting to get sick of this bullshit

But I'm not entirely convinced that those comments are from normies as opposed to halfchan and /r/the_donald delinquents. Put it this way, if the topic of this TV show ever came up in a real life conversation with any of my acquaintances, I have no doubt that they'd have nothing but positive things to say about it.

Gas them all.

There is a 0% chance this will persuade the big masses. The radical liberals will feel empowered and continue to alienate the moderate left. This is so blatant that most people should see through it.

This will only help us.

I wonder if they play that choir music when fucking themselves in the ass.

That you failed to post it here proves that you are an unbearable faggot. You might as well leave Holla Forums forever and go find out of that old faggot will let you suck his dick now.


Double-down, triple-down, quadruple-down

ABC is owned by Disney
Disney owns Star Wars
Star Wars will give Disney loads of dosh to spend on propaganda

Wow. It's literally Cultural Marxism: the show. This is probably the most blatantly obvious communist revolutionary propaganda I have ever seen, as well as being an obvious incitement to violence. Riots, burning cop cars, how is this not illegal?

All it takes is one look at this guys face to tell he's a homo. Look at those dead inside faggot eyes.

Yes Goyim don't voice your discontent on normies websites. Reported for retardation fucking shills. We're winning you're losing. 2k dislikes >1k likes.

And you guys wonder why so many people watch anime

So these things take a year or so to get on TV (Law and Order is super easy to make), meaning they were going to whine about white people with Hillary in charge. The whole "we stand united against the evil white government despite us being the establishment for 8 years" shit. The fucking audacity of these fucking kikes to keep pressing their "we are so oppressed" bullshit. It really is true that the kike cries out in pain as he strikes you.

No one seeing this? Soros and co are really pushing this shit

why is there so many views but so few likes/dislikes?

Do you even have to ask?

when i was bluepilled i thought the name was just as American as any other, since i saw it so often

it's like you dont notice the way jews look when you're bluepilled, only when it's extremely obvious

lmao, good luck with your revolutionary coalition of women, trannies, homos, kikes and negroes. I'm sure that will definitely play out well.

Honestly we should be supporting the kikes blatantly shitting on white people like this. Normie whites constantly feeling like they're being attacked makes them much easier to redpill about ZOG.

these people would die within the day if any real chaos broke out

It is more about causing damage as much as possible on the minds of young people. Degenerates or not they still are useful idiots to the jew.

I bet in 20 years they will praise these fuckers in history books calling them revolutionary heroes and shit, just to blue pill and "inspire" young people to do the same again.
Hell, there is a reason why Che, Obama, MKJ are heroes in the history books kikes pump out, they are all communists.

I'm not so sure user. Ever since I quit watching TV, I pay more attention to people who do. I was never a big beleiver in the whole luminerty subliminal messaging shit before, but now it's hard not to notice that the TV casts some magical spell on normies. Many of them beleive and accept everything they see on it.

Even some very right leaning guys I used to work with would be suddenly very tolerant when talkimg about shows or movies, like a switch flips in their minds. It's honestly a bit spooky

Finally a show that is deep enough to show all sides of every protest and group!

Oh wait… that's not what this is at all.

I completely disagree at least when it comes to young people. Nearly every young white person that I know has completely dropped niggerball as of late. When anti-white propaganda is this blatant normies might get more bluepilled as you mentioned but for every 1 normie that turns into a fag because of this propaganda 3 more normies become right wing and 1 goes full nazi. Young normies worldwide are all getting redpilled right now they're just on a 6-7 year delay compared to us. I have friends that 2 years ago were diehard lefties and now Trump fans and friends that wouldve been Trump fans 2 years ago now going full 1488.

Well I'll admit, I don't have much contact with young people anymore. I would love to believe you are right

Trust me fam, I wouldn't have believed it myself until I saw it in person either. I used to look through all the morale threads and get depressed thinking that nothing was actually changing irl.
I just think you might be underestimating how much of a wake up call this election cycle has been to straight white Americans, trump supporters or not.


It was pre-Holla Forums. Before 4chan even.

Oh man I never saw this roasting except in Megyn's interpretation, Madman's fucking based


I want all of these genetic dead ends to die already. I see these fucks and I think to myself how great the world could actually be if this scourge was purged from our homes.

Here we encounter the rare nigger-kike. These rare specimens will be first in-line when the oven are warmed up.

The lavender menace was an actual thing in this time period fam. It was the label thrown onto lesbos in the feminist movement, even feminists back then knew that rug munchers weren't to be trusted and would end up doing damage to their movement.


DoTR when?

webm retard BTFO.

I have an android phone and on the front page of the home screen Google news scrolls some headlines. EVERY single headline about Trump is typical lying press spin and distortion. And usually 75% of the headlines are on Trump. I need to downgrade to a flip phone fuck this I need to find one where it isn't a bitch to text on

Amazing. While purple is the color of noble rulers and spiritual enlightenment, lavender is the color of people and things that will inevitably fuck everything up.

Is this CG?


It's the revenge of the gender purple penguin

They ruined "Amazing Grace", too.

The burner phone providers usually sell primitive smartphone models (mid-2000s) for pretty cheap. Got my tracfone smartphone for like 20 on sale a couple years ago

nigger-kike? she changed her last name to goldberg so she would do better in hollywood, she's not actually a jew

She's called whoopie due to her constant gas. Due to being a human '"whoopie cushion''

Is that just easy pickings? My Mexican grandmother hates the Big Bang Theory not because it's a shit show, but because Parsons is a faggot.



Why the fuck would those fucking fedoras choose a hymn?

You mean jews?

i wonder what exposure this has.

i guess maybe because they can only think in terms of gratification they think that "America" is cucking them or something

I mean both, now that you mention it. Although now that THAT (((component))) is added to the mix, I can now answer my own question: Because they want to corrupt it and take it for their own evil purposes.

I wish Holla Forums could be wrong, once in awhile. Would it be so awful to find out there's a pocket of jews somewhere who actually DO work towards universal brotherhood instead of using it as an excuse to troll and make shekels?

Trips for Zyclon B

No shit he was. You don't even need to check the background of anyone called Cohen, its a Hebrew name that means Rabbi or some shit.

Disgusting. "Hallelujah" in the background. The so-called "anti-racists" are really anti-Christian.

And FYI, I'm glad he linked it so that I can downvote and call them out in the comments. Nothing better than to see their PR meet hundreds of negative comments and downvotes. If we just webm things, we'll be in an echo chamber with no voice to the outside.

Use adblock though.

Bump for potential.
This show can bring us some good memes. "god have mercy in your twisted soul" shows potential.

Fucking Brutal!

>This city will not being taken over by encourageables
>opposite of deplorables

Do you think this movies would have been released if Trump didn't win?
This is low energy fuel, for low energy leftists.
Still, like Ghostbusters, it's another layer to a rotting onion.

Give them an inch and they want a fucking mile.


>The pervert kike Leonard Cohen's anthem Hallelujah coincidentally just after he is kill.

Holy shit. It's like she's Jewish Superman.

I've got some news 4u


Sadly they probably just think "oh an American" without blinking an eye.

Classic cocktail party effect

How do abortions save lives if they are all going to be gassed either way (according to the holohoax narrative)?


Those nostrils are so huge they could be used as scramjet and ramjet engines on an airplane.

gotta a picture of the trailer with the goyfilter taken off


Fuck niggers, fuck beaners and fuck that video making it seem it's also a white problem. Violent white crimes are literally in the single digit percentages.

Abortions always save lives, goy. You don't want those Holocaust victims to have to go looking for back-alley abortions in Auschwitz, do you? It's bad enough that 1,488% of the 69 quadrillion innocent Jews who got sent to that place were gassed within seconds of the train rolling to a stop, but banning abortions would seriously compromise those women's health!

I mean, come on. . . It's 1944!

After we renegotiate trade deals, illegal immigrants get deported, and good-paying jobs come back to the US, these people will be a strange footnote in the margin of future history books.

Let's meme the premature failure of their uprising.

They will throw rocks and burn for it.