The time has come, though, where mere words must give way to action. You, the individual, must take up this struggle, or else risk being confined to the dustbin of history. The time has come, my brothers, to make a stand and be an example for others to follow in your stead! The task that we now face is an arduous one. The odds are great and we face a bitter struggle. But should we choose not to engage, the consequences will be severe. We fight not for glory; we fight not for honour nor riches. We fight to secure the very existence of our people. Victory may not be guaranteed, but at least in knowing that we did what we could, we can face our doom with our heads held high and our hearts full of pride. Come with us brothers! Fight by our sides! We call on all of you present to honour the memory of our great ancestors and secure a future for generations of us to come. Let them speak of us with reverance as the men who stood up, not curse us as the men who looked on while their civilisation burned.
National Action on the march in Bongland
Other urls found in this thread:
Soros-backed Hollywood nazi cucks.
Ok so what action do we take?
We take the national action.
Polite sage for pun derail.
Heil. We start by raising awareness of our birthright being seized by the unworthy. Without diluting the message like the alt-kike.
Avoid NA. Infiltrate UKIP or start an alternative movement.
This, they're cancer.
No thank you
If you want to help save Britain join the Brit/pol/ Discord group
N/A is a dead end road full of retards who think polish immigration is good thing.
Worse than antifa
Do something useful, like starting an actual political movement rather than some hooligan club, you LARPing wannabe kraut cunts.
Bomber Harris did nothing wrong, should have fucking glassed Germany
missed you lad
Say it after me
Why? I see them go out and march in the street for the cause of white liberation. These guys take the fourteen words to heart and devote their time to upholding them.
Narodowy Akcja are Polish, lad.
Why do you think they want a united Europe?
the only objection to them is "muh PR" which is a failed tactic anyway.
Don't be a dafty. Its not politics lad.
NA are shit because they just LARP as Germans and turn people off due to their loutish behaviour and image. Plus they're shills.
And what a fine job of it they do!
Try again, you white globalist cuckold.
SA fuck off you christcuck
kek is with harris tbh
How are they shills?
How many movements need to be subverted before you realize that this tactic never works?
Does that make it wrong to believe in them? Do you not feel some kind of loyalty to protect your children and grandchildren from the brown tidal wave?
It's called British Nationalism, you intolerable fag.
The eternal Frenchman, eh?
They are actively turning people off, not just alienating normalfags. This is bigger than 'mu pr'.
Yes! I'm British, not some random 'white'.
Can you even into British nationalism?
Sure, let's join up with
""""""""BASED""""""""" NA
and displace our children and grandchildren with other non-Brits instead.
British nationalism is starting to sound like a new term for civic nationalism.
Okay, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. What are they doing that's so bad?
So, you'd rather be full of poo in loos than have a few polish people? I can see your side of the argument. The poles are hypocritical for moving to Britain and then joining a British nationalist group, but I don't see how anyone could possibly prefer allowing their country to become full of "asians".
Have you actually met real people lad? Real decent people?
They aren't even going to support black-clad autists, marching down the street in an aggressive manner. It doesn't fucking work. It has never fucking worked.
We'd prefer neither.
bunch of dafties
NA are infiltrated to fuck and encouraged to go far too over the top for the british public to stomach, it's not "muh PR" to realise that chanting german and wearing skull masks would just make people less inclined to support you.
They also promote a European image as opposed to a British one.
This and other faggots have been driven off Holla Forums because they simply couldnt stop shitposting and constantly try to stir shit between UK and the USA.
The existing brit/pol/ thread is still here, and any other offshoots are the same group of retards fragmenting because all they are interested in is shitposting and being an annoyance.
Lad, it's just banter. Why can't burgers get this? We got banned because we're too racist, if anything.
I'd honestly rather just die out, than be merged into a collective "white" group.
this tbh
Covingtonfag here. I see nothing with with a "multicultural" state, as long as all those cultures are White. And everybody is forced to learn one language and primarily use it in public.
Covington himself wants it in the north west of the United States, but if we can seize the UK instead, that'd be grand (also, a ready-made moat). If Whites can just get a secure beach head, with National Socialist politics, for a few generations, the world will be ours for the taking.
Shouting about niggers & pakis in the street and getting into fights on the regular wins nobody over and alienates pretty much everybody that hopes to have a career at some point.
You win people over by focusing on local issues, turning up at people's doors and chatting to them about stuff like overly long waiting times at local hospitals or job availability in the local community. No one cares or wants to be associated with the kind of nonsense NA get up to, and rightfully so.
No, I want Britain to remain British. I don't have to worry about that anyway lad, BASED ULSTER is 98.5%+ white.
dont tell britpol
swear on me mum
Is this what you guys actually believe?
If this is true, I'm glad to hear it.
Yeah, I get that. The Overton Window is still too far to the left for most western European nations to start talking about white nationalism. I guess I'm just worried that ukip is going to compromise too much.
I understand and sympathize, but I think all white nationalists will need to work together if we are going to win this war. The unfortunate reality is that most white people are cucks and if a civil war were to happen, many would side with the muds, at least initially.
Fair enough. I agree that local issues are a top priority and one of the best ways to shift the national dialog to the right over time.
Most got banned because of imkampfy being a fucking retard and banning Brit/pol/acks en masse over absolutely fucking nothing.
nice try NA
now fuck off
you guys always say the same stupid shit "hurr come on guys just support us you are just PRcucks if you dont"
no you're just autistic, misguided LARPers
This checks out.
and you guys always call us dumb LARPers if we try to actually do something about the situation besides shitposting on a manchurian motion picture chatroom.
Conquer the Tories from within
thats what Holla Forums has been doing for years
for anyone on the fence about how to take things of this nature; you have to look at the outcome rather than the sutuation at hand. bascially, if it hurts the goal they're trying to accomplish more than it helps it (especially if it's obviously going to hurt it) - there's usually more to it than the right intentions at the wrong time. in this case, unless you have the backing of the majority of people; you can't go and give an impassionate speach about x extreme views and not stir up feelings of disgust - the kind that makes people activly try to hinder you.
i don't know who these niggers are, but they can't be very good nazis if they don't even know how to spell heil.
the only group on Holla Forums that wishes to sow conflict and distrust between Europeans are brit/pol/ kikes. There's a reason you fuckers were banned.
It's because we're actually Ethnic Nationalists
You on the other hand think race doesn't exist between "White people"
No you're not. You're the equivalent of the obnoxious little borderline-autistic child in middle school that no one likes, yet still thinks he's hot shit.
Ethnic nationalism has nothing to do with being an unlikeable twat that constantly tries to sow conflict between different groups of whites. You were banned for being insufferable cunts, not for being "too racist".
You made me giggle
Your grandparents fought to make sure their granddaughters would be raped by swarthy muslims, I'd say they deserved death to be honest. To do that to your own descendants is horrifying.
Being German or Italian is not a fucking social club you retarded mutt.
And you wonder why we call you Britkikes.
The icons of the false gods must be destroyed so the true faith can be reborn
He meant ethnic groups you sanctimonious cunt. You always fuck with other euro's shit and cry "Bomber Harris do it again" when you finally get your comeuppance.
I thought we forced you cretins off of Holla Forums.
Your granddad sucks cocks in hell with Churchill and so will you.
Nope. It was made rather clear that to make any differentiation between whites is taboo.
It's also pretty damn transparent when the word 'group' is chosen instead of 'race'.
Don't you mean sub-race? they're still white, albeit different groups of whites.
NA celebrates the jews?
Why the fuck would you think you deserve to be liked by anyone when you have always tried your best to fuck over the rest of europe by any means necessary?
That's exactly the point.
Chinese and Japanese are different races. As are Italians and Norwegians.
For example, just because Koreans and Japanese are Asians, it doesn't mean that Zainichi Koreans shouldn't go home.
In addition, just because the Japanese don't want Zainichi Koreans, doesn't mean they want to be flooded with niggers instead.
But when Brits say the exact same thing on Holla Forums with regards to the Poles it is suddenly unacceptable.
Sure, NA wanting more poles in Britain is fucking dumb as dick and illogical, but shit like "Bomber Harris Do It Again" doesn't help your point.
/Shitpol/ supports white Christian nations being exterminated as "punishment" for going against the Jews, and then wonders why we don't like them. Makes me wanna go and throw orange paint on a cenotaph.
I'm talking about the various ethnic groups, you mentally handicapped nigger
Lmao. Brits are fucking mutts. You are a mystery meat mix of angles, saxons, scandinavians and celts. Keep making a fool of yourself, britshit.
because each ethnic group isn't its own race, you special snowflake moron. Your quest to be an entirely separate unique little butterfly is laughable. There is no such thing as a "british race".
Except they aren't. They are both East Asian and belong to the same race, however they are two separate ethnic groups. No one considers Japs and Chinks to be different races.
"italian" and "Norwegian" are not racial groups, you stupid trash. Italian and Norwegian are national identities. Italy is not even comprised of one single ethnicity.
Yeah, and no one was talking about this, faggot. This is irrelevant to our conversation. Of course you have no reason to want poles in your country, but you motherfuckers go out of your way to call Poles subhuman and advocate bombing Germany, and then act like a goddamn Jew with your "why do they persecute me so" mentality. I'm fucking sick of you britkikes leaving your verbal feces all over this board constantly. I'm glad the mods banned your cancerous little circlejerk general.
Are there any groups like National Action in the U.S?
Proof of this? Please don't say your proof is "azov is kiked". Wish I would have come back to this thread to discuss this with you. I don't think you know anything about MDI.
is this the new meme for everything now?
The reaction here is extremely dismissive of the work made by National Action for the sake of claiming it's a shill movement/LARPing bullshit.
Where is your proof? Have you looked in to the organisation? I'll have to call you the shill if anything at this point because here you are talking shit on Holla Forums, but when it comes down to it? You're not interested in taking this important message to the streets.
We must raise awareness in the real world and in our streets. Change does not occur online alone. Trump won because he rallied day after day all around the country.
It seems like people responding with muh LARPing faggots and call shill, are actually afraid of what needs to be done.
They're a bunch of neo-nazis in a country that did war with the fucking original nazis half a century ago, why shouldn't we dismiss them?
There's only room for one nationalism in any country, and in Britain it should be fucking British nationalism, not this imported natsoc-branded shit.
National socialism is a political ideology which has a long history in the UK.
Just because germans invented it does not make it german nationalism
What's wrong with plain ol' nationalism though?
What can national socialism do that nationalism can't?
Why shouldn't Britain go with something tailored specifically for the British rather than something made by Germans for Germany?
But it's not German branded. Do you see any swastikas in the National Action banner? Even if they were, the Germans only borrowed it themselves. NatSoc in Britain never existed huh? How about Mosely and his crew?
You're trying to kill off our last chance and strongest true opposition.
Because National socialism is a complete worldview, economic and social.
Good for NA. At least they are doing something and getting out there, instead of sucking brown UKIP paki-nob.
the brit/pol/ cancer has been triggered by these guys for at least a year. It's amazing to see really.
When there's this kind of a concentrated shilling effort, you know NA is something special.
Keep it up lads, ignore the shills, KEK is with you.
I live in Darlington. I didn't hear about this.
about time we had some diversity lads
poles are subhumans on par with romanians
Romanians are based lad, they helped Hitler invade Russia. Iraqis helped him too.
Romanians are not orientals
NA use German on their posters as well as Nazi soldiers, Luffwaffe planes and other shit that has no relevance for today, is not British and will only alienate people
Jesus fuck is this thread hello FBI 101.
Just be virtuous. Is it that fucking hard? No movement is needed if we just rally behind virtues that benefit our individual countries. Fucking hell.
How is that going for you, Mr Libertarian?
Holy shit
brit/pol/ is triggered as fuck whenever NA gets mentioned. For people who preach about "muh true nationalism" , they sure do work hard to fuck over anyone else working on it instead, you know, do activism or recruit THEIR members to "real nationalism"
But I guess memeing bomber harris take priority.
Destroy Britain and let in more Poles tbh
Based NA
We're all huwite after all.
What difference does it make if they speak Polish?
Well, not exactly.
Joe is a washed up failure, a former criminal and an alleged double murderer.
What part of my post screamed Libertarian at you? My guess would be your own projection but I would have no idea since you resorted to an ad hominem attack right off the bat. Elaborate or fuck off.
Finally they put out a good video.
The British airmen to die in the Second World War were card carrying blackshirts. Mosley told his followers to fight for their country
This shit isn't black and white.
People in the U.K. are pissed off about NA because the average person has to pay to fix their vandalism. They behave like a bunch of drunken louts. Hardly an organisation we want representing us.
Sauce on this juicy gossip, NA?
Here's the thing: living by example is great but if there are more people who believe that the example to live by is degeneracy then you're still living a virtuous life in a sea of degeneracy. It's the libertarian mentality of my body my rules and individual sovereignty which is retarded when you look at the situation.
People are social. You put out a message and show it to make sense, they will begin to be virtuous themselves. Without a guide or culture you're condemning your White brothers to rot.
Sounds like he got more done than Based NA ever will.
It's just talk on the nationalist grape vine, nothing to do with NA.
Can't remember where I heard the murderer thing but the gangster part is definitely true
NA didn't insult the memory of our servicemen during the wars, they simply said that our sacrifices seem pointless because our government has sold our country out.
Also NA hardly behave like drunks, they forbid their members from drinking at demos. In fact they're the only group that do so.
That must be why they put a picture of a burning British flag as their twitter background and put Lufwaffe planes on their posters
You're kidding, right? (((Misanthropic Division))) has been controlled opposition since day one, just like (((Right Sector))) and (((Azov))).
Nice disinfo chaim, where did you hear they they are drunk vandals? From brit/pol/?
AntiFa do more damage when we are around since it's the only thing they can do, vandalise and blame NA.
Par for the course, tbh.
I can't entirely decide if a) NA is a controlled op backed by Soros or someone similar if you were to track their funding, or b) they're legit but so incredibly retarded they come off like controlled opposition.
Either way, they're rubbish.
Well it's not like NA can do anything, they spend their time hiding in luggage holds.
Chavs are degenerates.
Dude, the flags aren't on fire, they're flying above the flames of a riot.
Besides if NA hated Britain why were their speakers wearing poppies?
Why did they focus on the British flag during the video?
Why would they refer to the horror of WW2 and WW1 as our Nation's darkest hour?
Where is the proof? Oligarchs funded the nationalists in an attempt to retain hegemony over the countries assets, but I do not think Jews are actively running them. Cartoons are not proof. neither are pictures of Israeli flags next to RS flags. Where is the proof. I know Sigfussen, I do not think you do.
this tbh
They may not be drunk, but they might as well be, given how retarded they act.
This thread is beyond disinfo.
I worked in intelligence for a while, when you can't infiltrate or weaken a group; you spread a rumour that they are infiltrated. It works by sowing doubt and revealing cell structures through the attempts by those members to purge traitors or informants.
In turn, they have attempted to create a cultural engagement unit for the chans, in particular /britpol/. I should god damn know, I helped advise them on how to do it. But the intelligence world is a closed and narrow minded world, who despise the chans because they fundamentally don't understand how they function. Middle aged lawyers and fat old veterans who broke their teeth on the soviets can't even comprehend internet driven groups.
GCHQ takes groups like NA to be top threats, although it is primarily because they have no clue how to beat organizations which embrace their hatred and fear.
NA are infiltrated, lad. Trust me. Even if they weren't, they might as well be for all the good they do.
The road to success lies in
But they are local. They have branches everywhere.
Go on then. What was the purpose of /britpol/?
Wannabe ubermensch LARPing faggot
Get over your idolization of a meth addicted strategically retarded GERMan
I don't think you understand the meaning of the word
Poles are somewhat smarter than romanians, but not by a whole deal. I've never seen a pole need to be shown how to shit before
then start or meme a new british nationalism into existence or something instead of faffing around online. jeez
Daily reminder that harrisposting is just a reaction to the Brit hate on this board.
Your faggot grandparents are the reason for the mess we have today
wtf I hate my grandparents now
NA are alright in my eyes. I don't consider myself an intellectual weakling and i like getting my hands dirty. That's National Action. If you are British and aren't, then you are a pathetic little cuck who probably spends all his time larping on the internet like those posh mammas boys at brit/pol/
Fuck off with Morality Official.
This guy is such a cuck even Brit/pol/ got sick of him
No, faggot
Harris posting is the CAUSE of Brit hate on this board
Everyone's grandparents were fucked over by the Zionist shill Churchill,
WW2 was a brother war funded by zionists on both sides
You're a daftie.
No, you fool. Harrisposting only started due growing anti-Brit sentiment on this board stoked up by Turkroaches and others.
The truth is revolutionary in modern times.
how is the weather in tel aviv?
bomber harris was right tbh
National action are clearly the problem, all these threads do is make a mockery of us in front of the other nationalities.
Spot the irony?
Holla Forums are being a bunch of dafties right now. You're wondering what to do next, so I'll tell you. Instead of getting caught up in dead end roads, you need to focus on LOCAL politics.
If you want to achieve real results in pushing the nationalist cause forwards, you have to focus on LOCAL issues, and solve these issues with LOCAL solutions. Go knocking door-to-door, drumming up support. Put your effort into electoral politics, starting at the LOCAL level. Don't be daftie - dressing up in threatening clothing and shouting abuse on a march isn't going to get results. Don't fall for the lies of state agents who want you to waste your time doing this. Focus on LOCAL politics for success.
For an in-depth perspective, read Joe's book at >>>/pdfs/4564
If you are wondering how this is applicable to America (as I'm sure you're mostly burgers), I would say that now is the time to join the GOP. Infiltrate it and turn it towards nationalism. Focus at success in LOCAL elections before you go straight for the Presidency.
Remember lads, Joe is the final redpill.
You guys are doing good work in Britain. Ignore the PR cucks and don't listen to a thing these broken people tell you.
thanks lad
They're harming our cause.
Why don't you send them some extra shekels for their hard work?
sage for brit/pol/ autism, division, and astroturfing. You're complete cancer and you deserved to be banned. kill yourselves.
It's not our fault you refuse to take the Joepill. Stop being a daftie.
brit/pol/ is where the lowest, scummiest brits go to shitpost in their chavspeak, think of it like a penal board, like australia
While the hitler cocksucking is weird from their perspective and im saying this as a jerryman, isnt it deliberate provocation in the first place so there is nothing left to insult them with as they want to be the absolute antithesis of their opponents ?
I thought we were posh mummy's boys. Now you're saying we're chavs.
lowest of the low, the worst shitposting god has ever seen, you make the NEETs of /aus/ look like bodybuilders
We're offering good advice lad. If you don't want it, that's fine, drown in filth.
No faggot
The Brits that didn't Harris post are still active on the board
Shitposting Harris posters gave britpol a bad name. Holla Forums is okay with us now, because we got rid of the local posting Harris cunts like you
This has to be the most cancerous thread I've ever witnessed on here, it seems that the kikes from brit/pol/ never left.
Reminds me of a 'friend' decades ago when we, college aged men would go clubbing in a large group of about a dozen. Goal was to 'pick up chicks'.
11 of us would use the normal and acceptable methods of conduct.
1 would use a 'special' method he read on a porn rag. He would walk up to girls and ask "You like it up the ass?". 100% of the time he was rebuffed. White once in awhile the rest of us would find a date.
Many times some women would ask, "Is he a friend of yours?" Our vulgar friend claimed he was just being honest as well as noting that some women 'like it up the ass'.
What he did not realized is the fact that even if the women did like it up the ass, was promiscuous and found him attractive…she still would not leave with his because he presents himself as abnormal and unsafe to be alone with.
Brit/pol/ already got purged
These faggot Harris posting, local posting, anti-NA cucks all got banned
Seems they have come back for this thread though
Brit/pol/ is now reformed and uncucked
whatever you say john
You stand for nothing. You don't have a cause.
Some people need to be driven away like yourself.
Brit/pol/ got purged
The cucks, Harris posters, local posting dick heads all got banned, and they regrouped at /Brit/politics , some other board for cuckolds.
Seems they came back for this thread though
This is accurate.
Why is the Brit/pol/ so kankerous?
Degenerates, fags and NEETs who will take any excuse not to have to go outside and actually do shit.
These are the people who would denounce Oswald Mosley for wearing a silly hat.
Keep cucking for imcoonfy, cuck.
Exactly. 'muh prcucks' BTFO.
I'm a British Nationalist. Unlike you cucks over here though, I'm actually interested in gaining power, rather than LARPing on the streets.
How are you going to gain power fam?
You mean a tripfag obssessed with Jason Statham and 10 Americans switching between VPNs?
What are you on about, lad? Mosley gets posted on /brit/ all the time.
Local politics? Kek. How's it going so far?
Are the NA into some kind of postnationalism where its simply about grassroot build up of gangs that may protect british native enclaves in the future like paki gangs claim their own turf with own rules?
He plans to shitpost and watch Joe vids until he keels over.
Political animal, that man.
Yet you criticize people who are bringing a British fascist movement alive again.
Pretty daft tbh familia
NA aren't British Fascists, they're Jerrycuck Nazi Larpers
It's tried and tested. The BNP had fantastic success with it, but they were brought down by state agents. UKIP also started out focusing on LOCAL politics, now the state is trying to bring the down.
I'm sure they are lad, luggage compartment workers all over Britain are trembling at the thought of a bunch of twinks in skull masks.
Holy shit this thread is full of shills.
Good job National Action. I'm glad you stopped saying seig heil and started using the english language.
It's also interesting that you named national socialism. It was a good speech. Godspeed.
If you are being sincere, and you're not a shill, please explain your reasoning here.
Beacause you've been shitting up Holla Forums with "BOMBER HARRIS DO IT AGAIN" and other antifa memes.
You are either extremely stupid, or you have an ulterior motive.
My trips beat your dubs. NA wins, Kek wills it.
Satanic trips of truth never lie
Local politics is a joke. You'll be focussing on trivial matters forever - street lighting, pot holes, litter - while the globalists push on unopposed
Hell, the globalists may even help fund your LOCAL programs,
Nazism is not British Fascism, you're a bunch of retarded pan-Europeanist larpers. Go get fucked by your Polish bf
they're not even british lad. National Action are foreign invaders. their leader is a catalonian and the rest are poles.
The responses in this thread are extremely cucked and this is on fucking full/pol/. British deserve to die.
Watch some Joe, lad.
You must be British as hell because I have no idea what the fuck you're saying.
t. Martzin Gookinski
Yeah it's called the NPI. They are so nazi even RamZPaul is tired of their LARPing
That's fucking sad, mate.
The fact that Hitler did nothing wrong is the cornerstone of politically incorrect thought. If you abandon that, you're nothing. You're establishment. A little cuck, paying his taxes so pakis can eat cake.
Your neurosis with the Poles is equally laughable.
Just because we don't LARP as Germans doesn't mean we're not redpilled.
You've got me there, mate. Time to don my black pyjamas and start pissing on disabled children while losing street fights to a bunch of antifa activists who have yet to leave secondary school.
Dream on Pole apologist jerrcuck. Hitler was fine, but he was a fucking Jerry, not a Brit, and his shit can't just be applied to any nation. We aren't interchangable you materialist cunt.
imageboards always attract the lowest of the low, though I don't imagine there being anything lower than the modern day brit
Sorry mate, Kek wills it. That should be clear by now.
Germans, Poles… I bet you hate the French too. The very idea of white Europeans just makes you recoil in disgust, doesn't it
Very (((British))) of you.
National Action proves otherwise. Good, working class lads, willing to put their bodies on the line for their ideas.
And the fact that even Poles, fucking immigrants. are more ready to stand up for the United Kingdom and its people than you is utterly pathetic.
Watch anime, masturbate, repeat until you live in Pakistan.
Fucking this.
Whatever you say mate
Thanks, will watch later.
I bet you rub elbows with "civicnationalist" cucks and bite your lip when they attack national socialism. You not just against the NS aesthetic, you lack the intellectual fortitude to accept its rhetoric and world view, even in the face of british ethnic genocide.
"Yet again because he [Hitler] was first a seer and then a politician, because he felt the real, eternal England and in spite of it all, behind the judaised England of today, and the essence of hallowed Aryandom behind eternal England, he never abandoned the old dream of friendship and never gave up watching for a change of heart on the British side"
".. Maybe the Jew-ridden United States of America have under the freemason FDR played an even greater part than that of England in the preparation, conduct and gruesome conclusion of the Second World War. But England is the nation to which Adolf Hitler had, over and over again, the most sincerely and most appealingly held out his hand, in the name of natural brotherhood of Nordic blood, in the name of peaceful regeneration of the west. England's crime against him, against his people, against itself and the whole Aryan race, is therefore greater than that of any of the other allies of 1945, and nothing, absolutely nothing can ever make good for it"
Brit/pol/, moderate nationalists, churchill fanboys and BNP/EDL/UKIP supporters should be burned at the stake.
thread reminder that hitler wanted ally with the UK and was a britaboo but the cucked jewed brits chose to ally themselves with commies instead
You are literally a traitor to either your British or Polish ancestors who fought against Germany. Makes me feel good that Nazi larpers will never have power in the UK.
It is. You should understand it by now.
What is Hitler? He's not purely a historical figure anymore.
He's an antithesis to everything wrong with the modern west.
You can cry all you want about "muh Coventry", but the fact is that in Adolf Hitler we have a spiritual nationalist martyr.
If you can't embrace that notion, then you have already lost.
Please, take my regards to the mayor of London. I hope he can marry into the Royal family soon :')
Fuck the Golem Generation of the second war and their bloated toad Churchill, mindless automatons for international Jewry that killed the only chance we had at not only halting the moral, spiritual and physical decay of the race, but reversing it.
How's that empire now then?
Without the "nazi" immune system, your country will wither away.
Right now Britain is turning into the Raj. This used to not be that way, but the allies made a grave mistake in WW2.
You (((saved))) the jews, gave them an ethnostate.
You helped the poles, etc.
And how did they all thank you for it?
Nothing but ruination. By crushing Germany and turning it Anglo, it became as weak as the Anglos. Weak against jews, weak against muslims (same difference, both fight againt the west)
However, many Anglos/former Allied countries are waking up, seeing the error of they ways.
Seeing that the predictions Hitler made were true. Rampant Marxism, usury thralldom, immigration, destruction of the family unit, etc.
Now they clamor for their own nationalists. Le Pen, Farage, Trump.
If you choose to be an eternal Anglo and not an enlightened Anglo, then your self destruction will not halt, ever.
Not that you're British, though. At least not by "ethnicity", your nose is showing too much for that, Judas.
And while this is, sadly, just a commercial.
It should be taken as an example to strive for.
Let me reword. It's a bit sad that they commercialized that event.
Its ww1 so its nice as we grew beyond that and it was more of a cruel powergame then an existential fight between the nations, the same with ww2 wouldnt have been well recepted.
Do the people in this thread have any idea what the Nazi regime thought of Poles, the French, Americans, Slavs, etc?
Take the Joepill, lads.
they were completely right about the americans it turns out lol
Delete this. Your conditioning is showing.
>reddit spacing
go back to where you came form and don't come back
Jesus christ britbongs, get your act together.
tbf it was the 80s
How to gain actual power rather than LARP around by Joe Owens
Fucking hate it when pol always wants to spam pictures of
Sometimes Holla Forums is divorced from reality. I hate larpniggers.
I feel your feel, lad.
I agree with you absolutely on an ideological level, but the fact is NA's tactics are incredibly misguided. Let me just set this out so that I'm everything is completely clear;
In short, you are wasting your time. Young Englishmen should make themselves really useful by getting educated and fit, and entering the civil service/government and biding their time. In however many years it is we need people in positions of power with money and respectability, not Tesco workers with criminal records.
They aren't wasting their time when they are training a vanguard of youth to be the political leaders of the future.
It's all well and good to have guys in positions of power (as if the government won't fire them the moment they find out their views) But any future British nationalist movement can't spring out of nothing, it will need a base of committed and experienced activists. Which NA is building.
And because they keep their membership anonymous they won't end up as criminals working in tesco. (which is a grotesque allegations TBH)
A lot of world changing movements languished as political outsiders for many years until conditions allowed them to grow. But those years were not wasted as it gave their core of activists time to train and gain experience in political organizing.
Well, the two fratricidal wars were the most terrible incision into our high civilisation. In fact I'm rather convinced the Great War was the worse of the two, for a number of reasons. But I can't see anything productive resulting from ruminating over the past. The alien in our ranks that conspired to throw us against one another and weaken the blood never left. They are still here, both in occupied Germany and in England. If we don't get our act together it's soon unlikely there'll be a man left capable of lamenting the past at all.
You have to be very, very dim to fall for National Action. If things like "white jihad" or emotional appeals to (very) young white Britons doesn't set your alarm bells ringing I don't know what will. I know Holla Forums wants a unified front but honeypots are very real and they are very dangerous as well.
I hate to say it old chap but having watched some footage of NA demonstrations these people are not the leaders of the future. You are the burnt out nationalists of the future, the same type that can be seen in any Essex estate pub or EDL meeting.
You are not anonymous, the SIS knows who you are.
Meanwhile I'm working my way up the civil service ladder so that I can have real influence. When the time comes for a nationalist government, they will choose suit-wearing people with proven track records of governance and and an understanding of how to run things, not people who did edgy street marches with skull masks.
Grow up, get a real job, become an influential member of society. Own a business, be a mid-ranking army officer, get to a good payment band in the civil service, be an essential member of you local police force, get to know the members of your local church, school board or rotary club.
These are the people that we will need one day. These are the people who hold the keys to power. We just need to patiently collect these keys.
I am sorry that this is a less fun option. As Ernst Junger said 'it is not every generation that is so favoured'. Our time calls for slow action. I too wish that I was alive in 1928 when the safety of my nation could be secured by battle and force. But I am not, so I can't.
Posh, "educated", suit-wearing civil servants are useless to us.
Revolution isn't started by petty government bureaucrats, living a comfortable life on other people's dime.
It is started by angry young men with nothing to lose. Those are the Tesco workers with criminal records.
Instead of looking down your nose at them, join them. Guide them. But for heaven's sake, don't abandon and "disavow" them.
These are the people who will eventually prank university professors, invaders and politicians.
The white jihad thing is a piss take they invented after their training camps were exposed and compared to jihadist camps, and what's wrong with appealing to youth?
The state simply has no reason to invent a honey pot that would involve (young) people that would never of joined the movement in the first place.
It's a strange piss take – certainly it didn't come off that way. The problem with appealing heavily towards youth is that they are emotional, hot-blooded and easily manipulated into working against their interests. Their minds are still malleable and haven't been hardened by experience or wisdom. Almost everyone involved in professional media knows this very well, never mind state actors. There's a reason consumer marketing aims almost exclusively at teenagers and young adults.
I'm not sure I follow. The state has every reason and more to invent a honeypot. We agree that the British government is engaged in a plan to genetically mongrelise and extinguish all self-preserving, nationalist feeling in the British people, particularly the young, yes? Then you see the appeal to them in compromising or outright fabricating a far-right group that promises violence and "street action", turning young British blood away from political channels and exposing them to very real physical danger?
The only way youth can gain wisdom is through experience and NA offer that in the form of political activism. which can help youth make like minded friends, keep them away from drugs and channel their energies productively and most importantly give them hope.
Also what I meant when talking about honey pots was that in 2013 when NA was formed the British nationalist scene was pretty much dead, dozens of micro parties, EDL splinter groups and a dying NF. Pretty much nobody was getting recruited, and certainty not young people. Essentially the whole movement looked dead in the water and NA managed to partially reverse that by bringing in young people who weren't involved in nationalism as well encouraging straight edge, physical training and diplomatic outreach to other groups. All these things are an immensely positive step in the right direction and the creation of such a culture does not benefit the government in any way.
Of course if NA was performing C18 style antics then I'd agree with you.
No they're not. I think you should do some research on actual revolutions of the past and who led them.
You still need foot soldiers m88.