They are beginning to understand. But until the noose is about their necks I think they still will not fully understand. Maybe they never will…
Gabriel Anderson
All they have to do is wait. The demographic damage is fatal at this point. They'll be out of the loop for a while, but the "civic" coalition the Republicans are trying to build will crumble.
Juan Ross
He's pulling the fire alarm!
Brody Barnes
Leftists are under the belief that they don't need working-class and moderate whites anymore to win elections.
They have NO IDEA idea of how many moderate left-wing whites have been pushed (and continue to be pushed) towards the right due to their anti-white rhetoric.
Adam Powell
They are good at that
Justin Gonzalez
Based on the numbers coming out of the 2016 election, they probably don't need them. If they would have run a non-White candidate I think they would have won.
James Cox
user pls.
Nicholas Jones
No, I get that. The White vote definitely made the difference in the Great Lakes and it sealed the deal – for this election. But the margins there were not exactly back-breaking. And Virginia, New Jersey, California, Illinois and probably Nevada and Colorado are permanently lost. What happens when next up are Texas, Georgia, and Florida [which is already a chronic flipper]?
Matthew Diaz
this election is unprecedented, the old rules don't apply any more. trump has shifted the electoral map irreversibly
Daniel Jones
The Black and Latino vote were a complete joke this election. Trump won entirely on the White voters across all categories voting for him while minorities across all categories voted for Hillary.
The Democrats had this smug belief that minorities win elections when it's turned out to be false.
Ian Sanchez
Ryan Baker
well, it's not entirely wrong since they "won the popular vote", that's just not how you win in this particular competition. running up the score in the cities only further cements how brilliant Trump's strategy actually was
Tyler Gray
He's right dumbass. If it goes as planned which means more jobs for the working class at least Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin will be in the bag.
Jack Roberts
That's pretty debatable tbh
Leo Brooks
Right. I think the turnout was actually down. I know it was down among niggers. I think the White turnout was down, too, or was it just a lower proportion of the overall vote this year? Trump actually did better among spics than Romney did.
That's why I'm saying the Democrats would have done better if they ran someone not White. They just don't get the turnout they need with White candidates.
You go back to the first post I made, I said eventually the "civic" coalition the Republicans are trying to build is going to crumble. The numbers just aren't there long-term without actively removing non-Whites, even those with "citizenship".
John Martin
Alexander Gomez
actually the republican party got more minority voters with Trump than it ever had in the past 20 years or so
Leo Baker
Good. Fucking excellent. Its starting to become clear to even normalfags that the Dems don't give one measly shit about any actual working class Americans, even shitskins and niggers. Trump said it himself: The Dems come for their vote, then say Thanks! See you in four years! While of course nogs and cucks voted for the Hildebeast as per usual, there was still at least some legal Spics and Nigs who went Trump, and this was during some of the most blatant anti-white shitspewing there has ever been. Whites were nevertheless the main reason Trump won, but it also has to be said that it isn't just former fence sitters and first time voter either, lots of families who are long term left voters changed sides because they were obviously seeing that despite their supposed "loyalty" the Dems were doing nothing but ignoring them to outright replacing them and advocating their deaths.
Ignore all the concern shills and shills of every type. This one was the gamechanger. Now even the libshits themselves are seeing their grasp weaken, and Trump isn't even in office yet.
Cooper Lee
Building the wall will slow this down
This (they can't just rely on millennial lefties and minorities yet)
Unless The D-Man really screws up, he'll win a second term
Josiah Martinez
Not really. It's really, really, really bad and people are in deep, deep denial over this because they are scared shitless. The prescription is massage and manage at this point.
Jack Thomas
While that other user did sound a lot like a demoralization shit, his point is not completely off.
There's a difference between a blue state like Wisconsin, Michigan, etc with a large white majority and blue states like California and New York which are majority shitskin. A strong nationalist candidate like Trump can appeal to the working class whites in the rust belt and flip their states, but once a state goes minority majority it's a lost cause.
States like Colorado, Nevada and Virginia were voting Republican very recently but lost control of their demographics and don't look to return to the right-wing because there aren't enough white people. Trump did indeed win states like Florida and Ohio which Obama won previously, but by such slim margins that four-to-eight more years of mass immigration and old whites dying could transform them into permanent blue states.
We have to remain cognizant of our demographic crisis and be thankful everyday that because our problem was not too far gone, Trump was able to win the Presidency and prevent the disaster that would have been Hillary Clinton. Nonetheless, eight years from now a Trump-like candidate may no longer be viable. We need to take actions IMMEDIATELY not only to prevent shitskin immigration but also deport the ones already here. We'll start with illegals of course, which the majority of America supports deporting, but after them there are still tons more non-whites that need to go to ensure the left-wing never regains power in this country.
Xavier Nelson
Actually I think the prescription is mass deportations. Genocide is an option too but we're not there yet
Easton Jones
So I bet deportations aren't going to help either right? Theres just too many to deport so we shouldn't even try? Lets just be fwiends?
Dunno m8, you just sound really (((concerned)))
Xavier Rogers
It was down as a percentage but difference in number of votes between the two candidates compared to 2012 is only around 1 million or so less.
Ryan Allen
If a leftist had understanding of fuck all, he would not be a leftist.
Julian Clark
I don't know if the deportations are going to be enough. We need to wait and see. The way Trump gradually drifted from "anchor babies aren't citizens and we're going to prove that in court and remove them", to advocating touchback amnesty and expedited citizenship for "law abiding, long term illegal aliens", to just saying "2-3 million criminal illegals" is not a good sign, for me anyway.
And, to be honest this discussion is probably too focused on the political parties – yeah, that's what the thread is about, but even so – and not really on the ramifications of being a non-White country. I'm not okay with multiculturalism, multiracialism, or democracy, regardless of which party is ruling.
Liam Gutierrez
I keep seeing shills post this garbage but Trump has never promoted touchback amnesty or expedited citizenship. Your taking his words vastly out of context, usually from older interviews, when he has repeatedly and emphatically said anyone in this country illegally "has to go back".
Look at the people he's surrounding himself with. Sessions, Kobach, Bannon – many of these individuals are more fervently anti-immigrant than Trump is. Only time will tell how comprehensive Trump is willing to mass-deport our shitskins (they all need to go – no exceptions) but nothing Trump has said at this point remotely indicates he's capitulating and advocating amnesty.
Blake Gonzalez
Damn dude guess it's over for us whites. Going to start smoking weed and take it easy instead of even trying. After all the demographics!!!!
Evan Thompson
I'm not taking his words out of context. Trump and his son Eric were both quoted explicitly advocating touchback amnesty. They didn't use the word "touchback amnesty", but the plan they described was touchback amnesty. The quotes are available on
Why do you think they wount? There is a real chance that the divide within the DNC can be broadened further. Bernie vs Hillary was a symptome of how unlikely it really is for the DNC to not collapse under the weight of its own diversity. The RNC has at least been granted the luxury of being utterly stumped by the Done. This way the fractures are mended by the sheer power held by the Done.
The demographic problem is what happens if nothing is done. If Trump delivers to the middle class of actual American citizens, Jimmy Carter 2.0 is all you have to fear for the next 3 decades.
Cooper Morales
If your definition of "trying" involves just changing up immigration laws for the future, then that's not really going to accomplish anything.
Sometimes I feel like the user base of the board has aged by several decades and its geographical concentration has become extreme rural America during this election cycle.
Wyatt Jenkins
Dude, this is exactly what I said. The fact that you have an article saved from JULY 28TH 2015 is further proof that you're just a shill who came here to demoralize Holla Forums.
You're taking individual quotes from the very beginning of his campaign out of context compared to the hundreds of speeches, rallies and interviews he's given over the past 18 months. You're trying to create a wedge using one potentially ambiguous or inconsistent statement while ignoring the 1,000 other times that he said all illegal aliens must go back.
That you have to cite an article from 2015 and have completely ignored the past year of campaigning indicates you have no intention to objectively discuss politics but merely want to create dissent in Holla Forums.
Ayden Johnson
Okay fag, I'll bite. Then what should we be doing?
Colton Adams
Things are not going to get better, to get easier, anytime soon. They are going to get worse.
We just took Paris. But, comparatively soon, we're going to have the Soviet Union knocking on our backdoor, so to speak - the youth is largely Left and non-White, and as they age, our grasp of things will only slacken, assuming action isn't taken to change this state of affairs.
This victory is NOT the end of the fight - it is the beginning of the war. Trump won, we won, this battle. But there will be more battles, and without action taken and with time passing without such action, our strength wanes, while the strength of our enemies grows.
There is no other way to look at this when taking present demographics into account.
We need changes, and we need them NOW, if we hope to pull our balls outta the fire.
Eli Hall
The article is saved on the servers hosting At the very beginning of his campaign Trump was on the O'Reilly Factor explicitly saying that Supreme Court challenges to birthright citizenship, including retroactive revocation, were going to be pursued and won. The more recent rallies don't really move much off of what's been posted. In fact, the extreme emphasis has been exclusively on illegal aliens who have committed felonies and may or may not be already actively imprisoned in the US. To Trump's credit, he's saying they are the targets for "immediate removal", implying there could be follow ups. But I'd ask you to provide anything from the campaign or Trump himself talking about revoking birthright citizenship retroactively from the last calendar year.
Ayden Richardson
he's just going to take it easy until the white race will organically race war
Asher Perry
What makes you think that? Oh how about all middle class jobs leaving the nation, while what jobs are left are being flooded with illegals. On top of that you want to import sand niggers. Yea Government gives no fuck about the working class, no matter their race, or creed. So don't acted shocked that people voted against you're intrest or party.
Dominic Cruz
Mason Campbell
Citizenship needs to be actively revoked from anchor babies across the entire chain, no matter how many generations back it goes. We've got 2, maybe 3, potentially even 4 generations of anchor babies in this country at this point. Some kid gets shit out in the 70s or 80s to illegal parents, they get citizenship, and now they have kids who have citizenship.
The generations coming up after millenials are something like 49-51% White, and it gets lower the younger you go. I saw a statistic that said Texas was 70% non-White Hispanic in children 1 or younger. That's not even taking into consideration the levels of miscegenation you're going to get with demographics like this.
Anyone thinking they're going to be able to Jack Kemp their way out of demographics like this is delusional.
Eli Edwards
You are pointing out flaws in this enemy's action for fuck's sake. Stop doing it. Let the strangle themselves. You're only helping the leftists by clarifying what it is that they are doing wrong.
Ethan Walker
I don't think there's enough beaners now to win with a beaner president, and niggers probably won't vote for him. I think the Dems will try to find another magic negro, unfortunately decent ones will be hard to come by, for obvious reasons and because of Obama.
One troubling thing though, aside from the demographics, is that Republicans or Dems have traditionally only had the presidency for 1 - 2 cycles, 3 at the most. So, this means President Bix Nood can come in, grant amnesty and totally fuck us.
Xavier Jackson
Get involved in local politics, start White networking organizations, be vocal and loud about the demographic demise of our nation.
If the people knew, they would not support it. But most don't know - and many of those that do, do not see a threat.
I have this friend, I suspect he's an Ashkenazi Jew that won't admit such (knowing my position on Jews), and he's definitely a liberal progressive numale - plays video games, obsessed with totally worthless media, regularly and knowingly imbibes some of the most degenerate media produced by the Jews.
When the demographic situation was brought to his attention, how did he respond? Well, he explained that, basically, he believes that our differences - racially, specifically - are the source of our hardship, or division. Further, he believes that, if we were to race-mix to the point wherein we no longer had these 'racial differences', the divisions which derive from such would disappear.
This is legitimately his argument for multiculturalism and rejection of ethnocentricism - he believes ethnocentricism is why we are divided, and that only be destroying our racial identities, mixing them all together, will we be at peace.
… Obviously, this is retarded, but he believes it - and so do lots of other liberal progressives, who are the most likely (in my experience) to actually know about the demographics of this nation, presently and historically.
By comparison, my father, a 60-something White male in business, knew nothing of the demographic demise of Whites in the US, knew nothing of the vast evidence of racial divergence, until I informed him of such.
These are two paradigms we must seek to destroy - the multikulti numale progressive lost in delusions of world peace, and the White worker too caught up in the daily grind to have had time to research these topics.
Destroy them, and you will have made significant headway.
There's no point in worrying over it now - if he takes those steps, he will see a MASSIVE outcry, and the best we can do at present is apply pressure (as part of that outcry) and hope he isn't the cuck you shills have been claiming he is.
I don't care anymore about what people say, I care about what they do. And thus far, I haven't seen anything suggestive on Trumps behalf that we're going to be screwing the American people over via this touch-back amnesty garbage.
Jordan Powell
Last election Black Vote was 99% Democrat, Hispanic and Asian vote was 80% Democrat. Trump gets 10% Black vote, 30% Hispanic and Asian Vote, most minority votes for a Republican in history. Most states were won by a small margin, but them minorities didn't help. This info is from exit polls, can't wait to see what the actual numbers are next year I know this is Holla Forums and all.
William Green
I've never campaigned on revoking birthright citizenship – you're just moving the goalposts. You claimed Trump was advocating touchback amnesty and you linked an article with an ambiguous quote from August 2015 to support your delusion while ignoring the hundreds of speeches he's done since where he's emphatically stated No Amnesty – all illegals must go back.
Just because Trump hasn't campaigned for revocation of birthright citizenship doesn't mean he doesn't plan to pursue it. That's an incredibly controversial issue that would probably have prevented him from winning Presidency in our 40% non-white country. Look at the extreme right-wing candidates he plans to appoint to the SCOTUS. He's putting the right sort of people on the court to re-interpret the 14th Amendment to disallow birthright citizenship, as well as filling his Administration with anti-immigration stalwarts like Sessions and Kobach.
Daniel Watson
He is right, you jackass.
Texas is going to flip because the demographics of Texas are on the verge of flipping even as we speak.
Robert Jones
***I've never claimed he campaigned
Obviously I'm not Trump
Xavier Fisher
Mabey user, but pandering never helps and most hispanics i know hated Rubio for his jewish cocksucking.
Jacob Baker
Have we started the fire, brother?
Adam Anderson
Camden Scott
Yes, reported.
Benjamin Lewis
Eh, cats out of the bag, democrat party = anti-White party. You hate Whites? Want to destroy all things White and Whites themselves? democrat party is for you.
Ryan Price
Trumps should split up a few states to make them dependably red. For example, upstate NY could easily be made its own state and will vote red for a long time. Same with splitting California. Not a permanent solution but it would buy time.
Isaac Peterson
We could just get rid of the people who vote wrong.
Oliver Cook
Are you retarded? Vote for obama before? Presidents don't have that power.
Noah Foster
He is saying all of the illegals must go back in the quote I provided. That's what touchback amnesty is. They have to go back first. Video related.
Easton Bailey
(checked) If voter ID laws are enforced, democrats will lose a ton of votes. Minorities don't give a shit about voting unless soros is bussing them around for multiple votes. also, shills sure do love redtext don't they?
Isaac Torres
Good luck with reforming the Democratic party. They could have done it if they let Sanders take the nomination, and it would have doubled over by covering up the collusion between Sanders and the establishment exposing him as a fucking fraud.
The liberal establishment has been creating this hostile one-sided direction atmosphere for the past 50 years. You cannot reverse that ship overnight, if at all before it hits the iceberg. The ball is set in motion and there is no way to reverse it over the course of 50 years to undo the damage. It would take much longer than that. Remember, it's easier to destroy than to build. They've had 50 years destroying everything they touched. It will likely take 100 years at least going in the opposite direction at the same pace liberals have been going at now.
We just don't have that kind of time.
An unstoppable force is about to meet immovable objects
David Reed
No, but Senate and Congress are Republican too right? I get it's a radical idea. But if these states keep being what they are, Dems will win the demographic election race real soon
That too.
Luke Gonzalez
The Democratic party will literally not exist in 8 years.
Jeremiah Rogers
well, that's a new one
Cameron James
Dude, I'm actually trying to help you. You keep linking shit from August 2015. It's like you never watched a single rally or interview in the past 18 months.
Trump has said emphatically, repeatedly that there will be no amnesty. Illegal aliens must go back to their home countries.
I don't actually save articles and quotes from Trump because I actually watch his speeches and know how he feels about immigration. I'm familiar with his cabinet and how individuals like Sessions and Kobach are fiercely anti-immigrant. The fact that you apparently have a wordfile filled with links to articles from 18 months ago with ambiguous Trump quotes to claim he's the "pro-amnesty" candidate just reeks of shilling.
Brandon Gomez
But what if they are? 8 years is a long time.
Aiden Murphy
Congress doesn't have that power either, state issue.
Ian Lee
That's exactly what I said. I said Trump's deportation rhetoric started out strong and gradually devolved to focus on illegal alien felons. What the fuck are even arguing?
I have watched his speeches, too. I have watched his recent speeches. That's why I challenged you to provide anything from the last calendar year talking about revocation of birthright citizenship, even retroactively. Instead all you keep doing is pointing out that the articles and interviews aren't recent – when that's the whole point.
Gavin Cruz
What? Trump won Texas by about 800k votes, so what's your point?
You've yet to offer a coherent argument against the notion that changing demographics - especially in places like Texas, with a rapidly growing Hispanic population - will result in changing political stance of various states.
That says nothing for the fact that Hispanics tend to become MORE liberal with each generation in the US.
Do you have an argument? If not, if you respond again with another braindead post, I'm going to report every one of your posts in this thread for being the dim-witted shitposter that you are.
Ethan Gomez
No. I just googled "donald trump birthright citizenship o'reilly". Before that I googled "donald trump touchback amnesty numbersusa".
Colton Miller
Well shit. If, for example, Jefferson was created, you'd steal some electoral votes from Cali and Oregon and turn them red.
Andrew Hughes
Blacks don't vote. Hispanics who vote tend to be more conservative. Asians are basically just spicy whites.
Even when the majority of Americans are "PoC" it'll be because a huge chunk of them are quadroons. We're going to have a whole generation of people who look white as ghosts but will have nog grandpas so they'll tell all their friends they're PoC.
Identity politics are a failure, and we helped ruin them.
Grayson Moore
You keep saying Trump is promoting touchback amnesty using articles from 18 months. This couldn't be further form the Trump. Trump has repeatedly said no amnesty – all illegals must go.
Trump has never committed or spoken in depth on revoking birthright citizenship. It was not an issue of his campaign, for obvious pragmatic reasons (he probably wouldn't be elected in our 40% shitskin nation). Nonetheless, the judges he plans to appoint have strong records against immigration and would probably re-interpret the 14th Amendment to disallow birthright citizenship. Don't conflate not stating a position to an issue (birthright citizenship) to supporting it.
Mason Price
…. wat? Blacks vote, when they're prompted to do so, especially if there's a black candidate on offer.
You are a fucking liar sir. See:
You are a liar and/or a fool. See above.
What in gods name gave you that idea? The demographic data we have simply DOES NOT support that notion. See:
Yeah, no, you're retarded.
No, identity politics are a huge success, that's how we won - we got White people to engage in identity politics on their own side, for once. And they won. There is simply no other way to view this election.
Joseph Flores
Yeah and if we sent all the spics south of the border cali would be a swing state.
Asher Edwards
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Elijah Smith
Disallowing birthright citizenship doesn't do anything if it isn't retroactive. This is going to be my last post in this thread because I'm not going to keep repeating myself to people who feel like they are being personally attacked when outright White Nationalist talking points come up.
The original point I was making in this thread is that demographically the US is fatally injured without active removal and all the Democrats need to do is wait. That's it.
Colton Howard
They're going to have to back off the social justice shit and have to start appealing to a constituency other than faggots, niggers, jews, illegal spics and dead people.
Robert Stewart
That a bold fucking lie. If what you said was anchored in any truth California wouldn't be blue.
Jackson Sullivan
All that's left to appeal to is white people.
If they start pandering to white people they'll pretty much be no different from the republicans.
Brandon Parker
I agree with this, but you're criticizing Trump for positions he's never taken while falsely attributing positions like "touchback amnesty" which he has never supported.
Trump hasn't even moved into the White House yet. There's still 2 months until he's assumes the job of Presidency. Let's see what he really does with immigration since I think we can both agree you have to campaign on immigration carefully in a 40% non-white country. As I've stated numerous times, the people he's surrounding himself with (Sessions, Kobach, Bannon) are exactly the kind of guys we want in his Administration to rebuild a white-majority America. Unfortunately, there isn't this white nationalist army at our disposal to fix our demographics overnight so we have to solve this issue in baby steps.
Cameron Lee
Congress has a big say, whether they allow new states to join the union and new ones form from current ones, but to split a current one, states have a say as states are countries, America a union of countries, federal government is the child of the states, not the other way around.
Adrian Martin
Mexicans vote conservative… in Mexico.
It serves their interests to fuck this country up with more welfare so they have more monies to send back home.
Parker Perez
Brucia la luna n'cielu E ju bruciu d'amuri Focu ca si consuma Comu lu me cori
Robert Clark
2 of Mexico's top parties are part of an international consortium of socialist parties. They don't even really vote conservative there either.
Exactly. Blacks vote when they give a shit. 90% of the time, they don't give a shit.
I said they tend to be more conservative compared to blacks. That's why Trump got 30% of the latino vote.
From your own data we see they vote conservative more than any other "minority" so yes, they are just spicy whites.
I don't give a shit about your data. Data "predictions" for demographics tend to vary wildly depending on the study. Some studies suggest the majority of americans will be non-white by 2060, others say 2040, some even say 2020. All I'm doing is speaking from conventional wisdom.
We won because dems were pushing identity politics bullshit while the working classes were suffering. While infrastructure crumbled and jobs disappeared dems were busy lecturing middle American about how evil and hateful they were for not offering to build gender neutral bathrooms in schools.
The reason we won is because the American public rejected identity politics in favor of their own social and economic interests. If reps were genuinely pushing white supremacy like the media was trying to say they did, they would have lost in a landslide.
Cooper Clark
Yep, that's what I see as well. The only way to reverse that without deporting all the anchor baby foreigners would be an instant change in White birthrate with six to eight kids per couple and huge increase in couples to slowly turn around the demographic ratio, &/or sterilizing/preventing non White births. With things as is, America is already dead.
Isaac Jones
You're correct from a pragmatic perspective, but our final goal is an all-white America. At some point once we've repaired our demographics somewhat, we must push white identity politics more aggressively and explicitly. A non-white America is not America at all.
Adrian Jackson
Something that I think could be done is to bring back the National Origins Formula for 2016 demographics. The Democrats were/are trying to use mass immigration to rig the elections. The best solution is to either ban immigration or only allow whites, but it's unlikely that even a Republican majority could put an outright ban on immigration, However, we could offer them a truce. The flows can continue, but 50% of them need to be European to maintain the current political order.
From there, it's just a matter of crushing the anti-Western SJWs and creating incentives for childbirth.
Michael Moore
I honestly think we should spend time on getting Jefferson as a 51st. Probably be easier then getting a man into the oval office
Leo Ramirez
They didnt win the popular vote so stop bringing that shit up. Millions of illegals voted for Clinton.
Colton Fisher
The eternal Hiberno.
David Martinez
It would be easier and simpler to just REMOVE FUCKING TACO.
Jack Sanders
Using leftypol memes, fucking end yourself you kike.
Leo Watson
Your final goal is an all-white America. Mine is a white-friendly western civilization. I don't want a NatSoc dream, I simply want a world where (((people))) aren't actively trying to erase whites.
NatSoc shitposting is fun, but I don't want genocides and detention camps. I want a better world for everyone, free of Jewish mind control.
Elijah Watson
I'm wondering, you think they'd learned something after what happened with Gamergate and Ghostbusters: Answer the Call? The lesson is don't insult your audience/customers.
Lucas Price
I'll take a potatonigger over an actual shitskin anyday
Kayden Martinez
Do you honestly think kikes are ever going to stop trying
Asher Davis
How many layers of cuckoldry are you on right now? Holy shit.
Jaxson Sanchez
When you have dominance over another person, you gain pleasure from the power/control. Insulting their customers makes them feel good, it gives them a rush of dopamine. They can't help themselves, they're addicted to the control because they're bullies.
Cooper Ross
Only if forced.
Hudson Clark
That doesn't maintain the current political order, not even close, that's cedes on direct numbers and ignores divergent birth rates, that's still very much death.
Cooper Smith
Personally, I want Jews and Abos dead, the Death of Islam, Arpethid returned, Indian caste systems reimplemented, and for Russia to do something about the eldritch abominations living in their forests.
And of course, mandatory Annexing of Poland.
I also want Thailand, the Philippines and Brazil to sort out their tranny problem, probably Japan too, And I want Israel to convieniently blow itself up because they probably only have one location where they store their nukes and sneaking an active one in wouldn't be hard, and we'd get away with killing them off that way.
Also, lots of Ak-47's given to Africans and Solar panels so they can have everlasting territory warfare over owning solar panels like a holy war because it earns them shit to get free things, and white man is holy god who repairs them and some shit.
Leo Sullivan
To stop nigger population explosions requires stopping "for only a dollar a day" chistcucks, they are the creators of the nigger explosion, they've been breeding them for a century.
Jeremiah Miller
Then get the fuck back to halfchan. We don't need cucks in our movement. There is no future for American with niggers and jews. I actually can compromise and say no genocide if we can get these cancers OUT of our fucking country. No exceptions.
Caleb Hernandez
Why do people keep on buying the lie that Latinos vote republican? If that was so then California would be red.
Evan Garcia
Breeding them for what, though? They don't do anything, and you it's illegal to have them as pets.
Robert Rodriguez
Right, because all the white people in Hollywood and San Francisco are just so conservative and pro-white.
Kevin James
All you have to do is listen to the christcucks and they'll tell you, to add to their collection of more christcucks. According to them the future of christcuckery is africa and china, forget Whites.
Brayden Young
As a Christian, you are talking out your ass. They do it because of egalitarian humanitarianism.
Logan Clark
This. Most of you are delusional. If Hilary had Obomas numbers she would have crushed trump.
Nolan Scott
This is very true for Mormons. Boatloads of niggers and spics convert, but they're lucky to convert a single European.
Juan Hughes
Landon Flores
I usually assumed Latinos voted for Trump in this election in the other states, especially the red. Since I don't expect California and the other blue states to turn red any time soon.
Bentley Ross
I used to be like that as well and in fact I still am. I don't even hate anyone per se, I just want to be left the fuck alone in my own country.
The problem is that non whites do not necessarily see eye to eye with us on this.
Sanders would have sufficed. I'm still amazed the DNC thought Hillary to be a viable candidate.
Thomas Bell
You're a genius, user.
Sebastian Cruz
A christcuck everybody, denying an elemental behavior of christcucks, missionaries and converting aggressively around the globe.
Elijah Harris
I am dissapoint, this is expoitable as all fuck.
Chase Bailey
Except those that turned red for the first time in 30-ish years.
Samuel Stewart
The FBI should bring down the democratic party and the media with RICO for helping the clintons escape law enforcement.
Christian Murphy
While I completely agree that we have a major demographic crisis, I think Florida is a bit of an exception.
The old white people dying meme doesn't hold true to Florida, because it's a retirement state. Old white people have been dying in Florida for a long ass time, and more old white people just keep moving there to retire because they get sick of the cold. It's a magnet for old white people, and therefore is consistently refilled.
So while it's not a permanent thing, I think Florida will continue to be a swing state for quite some time.
Samuel Myers
Is that all you have, padraig? You're boring.
The religion matters, you are right about that. In this case the Vatican religion has been bringing its force to bear in order to take over the U.S.
Josiah Walker
Ryan Cox
I want Africa to be ethnically cleansed so this stops happening.
Matthew Flores
It's funny, whitey Dems can see the collapse coming, but it's too late to do anything. They've got too many affirmative action hire niggers and wetbacks cluttering up the party with a tribalistic fuck whitey mentality. There's nothing they can do but watch it collapse now. There is no reform.
Jaxon Collins
It's like watching two primitive ape species post-battle. These people are not human…
Jordan Robinson
This is why they will lose in 2020. They are going to run Elizabeth Warren.
Austin Barnes
They also have a base that's a bunch of brainwashed rabid ideologues. There's a whole generation of them now. Try telling these people they should give up on everything they believe for tactical reasons.
They've opened up pandora's box and made a beast that's totally out of control. A Trump presidency is going to make them even angrier and feral.
Dylan Jones
Fuck off faggot.
Jayden Gutierrez
Gorillas have higher IQs but less developed speech faculties.
Caleb Ramirez
It's not going to happen, but it would be nice if we could remove the shit out of kebab and bagel. The golem will fall in line once the troublemakers and puppetmasters are gone.
Lucas Russell
It's actually kinda fun to watch them get more and more feral if you skirt the edges. Also depressing as you watch those close to the brainwashed try to reason in their head whether to jump along with the stupidity or have a moment of reason.
One plus side is I no longer crush on some of the grills I used to; after watching them lose their shit the attraction to any intelligence I noticed is gone, and I don't crush on idiots.
Hudson Collins
Or is it the oven timer?
Joseph Wilson
Eli Cook
They won't stand a chance in next elections because most of their voters will have been deported.
Aiden Reyes
But he has, he talks of letting "the good ones" back in, that there are a lot of good ones, and not only letting them back in but expediting getting American citizenship. Horrible on all counts.
Ryder Cooper
This is exactly correct.
Brandon Price
If Trump plays his cards right, there will never be a fair election again in this country. There are many things he can do that will stack the deck in favor of whites so that we can keep the left from power.
Jackson Gomez
Why are you here?!?!?!
Charles Morris
Get the fuck out.
Anthony Harris
You will hang on the day of the rope.
Kevin Mitchell
Are Abbos really such a problem? Of course they are subhuman, but they are so subhuman that it seems a lot like exterminating chimps. I don't think abbos ever cause trouble outside of Australia, and the best solution in Australia is probably to treat them like wildlife.
Daniel Gray
They are actually not native to shitposterland. They came in from africa, slaughtered the natives, drove a bunch of shit to extinction and burned down all the rainforests.
Noah Powell
They'll become even less of a National Party once the Trump's Justice Dept prosecutes RICO cases against George Soros and his criminal enterprise. The 'organized' Left will cease to exist in America.
Wyatt Mitchell
Japan has no Tranny problem, they have a virgins problem. That goes for both men and women.
Landon Diaz
I thought they've been in Australia for about 50k+ years. My impression is that they are an ancient race of hominids that only survived this long without being wiped out by more advanced hominids because they were so isolated. Basically "living fossils".
Samuel Barnes
I mean, the ones in Tasmanian (now extinct) even forgot how to make fire, tools from bone, or how to catch fish. Incredibly primitive people, more primitive than any African as far as I can tell.
Gavin Harris
It would be funny if there was a Ryan vs Ryan deal in the house if he became his party's majority leader but the guy is more or less right about democrats ceasing. Look at how many state legislatures they control now and the house, senate, presidency. The democrats might as well not exist for pissing off his about damn everybody and this really is Obama's fault. Beautiful.
Eli Sullivan
Two differing types of abbos user.
Dylan Martin
Everyone saying the youth is hightly liberal is severly discounting Gen Z. They're the second most conservative generationg next to the Silent Generation.
Freedom of association and letting people be as racist as they want is the only way. You can't force groups of peoples to coexist by force. Multiculturalism is also impossible, cucks will always go on and on about integration.
Integration is a fucking pipe dream, the only way is assimilation. They either assimilate or GTFO before they damage the gene pools and culture even more than they have now.
Aiden Sanchez
TBQH I find it difficult to believe Africans as primitive as modern abbos are could navigate their way from Africa to Australia in any modern epoc, since their voyage would take them through territories filled with superior species of human. As I figure it, they must have made the voyage before those regions were populated with arabs, persians, poo in loos, or asians since any of those would have surely exterminated any abbos that ventured into their territory.
Carter Wood
I thought they were stranded there from plate tectonics LOL
No, but really, they migrated from southern India originally some hundred thousand years ago.
Sebastian Sanchez
They didn't sail there, genius, the earth was very different thousands of years ago with lower water level and connected land masses.
Jaxson Baker
I mean they couldn't have trekked across Southern Asia during any epoc that Southern Asia was populated by humans relatively speaking. They would have been slaughtered in any territory they passed through.
Them doing it 100k years ago makes sense.
Lucas Cooper
why are there so many tripfags on Holla Forums lately?
Caleb Evans
we 4chon now
Leo Lee
Here is some fresh OC with a clock in rate of over 9000 hours in paint (more like 20 minutes).
Shows the break down of the 2016 Congressional election results and why the electoral college is some important to us. I've always thought they were dying a slow and nowadays quick death as a national party since they are basically only in urban places and wherever blacks are in the south and Hispanics in the southwest.
Evan Russell
Still no mention of the Marxist indoctrination or anti-white rhetoric and policies.
Isaac Davis
New England fag here. I know one of the Democratic party operative official-type people. Even at the low level, she was going on about uneducated white male voters ruining the country and shit like discrimination and shit. This bitch jewish and really urban and shit; hates rural anything. They have no fucking idea.
It's really two alien cultures duking it out, the culture of traditional white (some few minorities but they have to go) families versus cucked nuSerfs who do whatever Steve Jobs or whatever cucky rich guy who cucks for savages tells them to.
Still expecting a civil war because their actually is a contingent of the United States that genuinely loves Hillary Clinton and thinks she dindu nuffin and that (((experts))) should really rule everything and raise your kids and make them into mullato tranny potheads as long as they have an excel spreadsheet and a trendy youtube video to explain it. These dregs are a problem that require a cleaning up someday, sooner rather than later.
Noah Green
Did they really not see this coming?
Owen Cruz
And all women too.
Chase Gray
Democrats confirm labor 2.0
Christian Ward
In multiracial societies, you don't vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.
t. Singapore`s Lee Kuan Yew
Joseph Phillips
Harambe lives matter more than blacks
Elijah Smith
Felons can't vote. Go hard on crime to make this demographic change not affect the electorate.
Adrian Roberts
Make no mistake user, if the Left had any sense of Self-Awarness they wouldn't have lost in the first place, they don't and won't learn, that's been proven time and time again, which is why they're going to continue to loose, the DNC still truly believes the status quo is better than trumping things up, which is why they'll run another establisment stooge in 2020 and maybe pretend that they're not that, likely running Sanders or Warren, either way their loss is a done deal
Nathaniel Lee
Henry Mitchell
Evan Bailey
I'm hoping that holds true, especially for the ones that go to college, aka indoctrination camps for the "enlightened."
They should have seen this coming.
Fuck, they saw this coming years ago but they trust nobody not even themselves except their (((lobbyist masters))) who think whites aren't important but they were wrong dead wrong and it cost them dearly in this election like no other in decades.
Someone check my dubs for me.
Noah Baker
That's true. The democrats have slipped too far into nonwhite identity policies. There's no going back, which means they WILL lose in 2020 and probably 2024, but they just need to wait.
But we've always known this. Trump isn't the solution. He's a stopgap measure. Our goal is to bide our time through deportations and a hold on immigration. During the next 8 years, we need to do our best to wake white people up.
Jayden Hughes
I got a weird fetish fam.
Them Pelosi tig'ol'bitties
Matthew King
The reason why republican states like that switched was not because of "muh demographics". It's because they were subjected to enough rigging that they were flipped. And cases like allowing felons to vote, or even no voter ID.
Kevin Bailey
You should visualize a rope pulled by two teams on opposite ends. When one team pulls with all their might the rope to their side, the only way to stabilize and not lose is to likewise pull with all your might that same rope to your side.
To actually win your combined strength has to be larger than that of the opposing team.
In other words, we have no choice but to go full RWDS because they've been doing that to us and will do it to us the next chance they get.
Tyler Parker
And then it will be as it should be.
Isaac Barnes
Looking through that NYT article from 2014 it's obvious they knew there was a problem. But they were well on their way to a full on fuck White men they're being replaced. Now they expect to win them back somehow.
Jose Williams
For the people who are despairing about the future, there are two things to take into account.
1. Trump won the white millenial vote. The "young" are not pro-Trump in general, but that's due to demographics more than anything else. 2. Trump is going to be doing even better with Generation Z. These are people who have grown up with memes and image-board culture, and the cross-over between Holla Forums and various other boards have sent our memes flowing downstream. Ten year old boys are apparently already using cuck as an insult on the schoolyard, and there's plenty of Trump support from the generation too young to vote (among the whites of course).
I'm not saying we don't have a struggle ahead of us, but we're nowhere near hopeless.
Connor Thompson
Be real honest I'd like to see a fuckton of Genocide just to say yeah I've seen some genocide and there isn't nothing to it oh and that the kikes were lying about everything that happened in Europe in the 40's.
Alexander Evans
Juan Green
Holy shit.
The appearance of Mothman usually heralds a major happening, right?
Jason Flores
Thank you based Trump
Thomas Hernandez
Fuck you faggot The Catholic Church has even given up on White Europeans because they don't fall for the rhetoric anymore. This is why the Catholic Church is now brown-nosing South Americans, Africans, and anybody that isn't white. This is why the Pope had to come out and say that he opposed Donald Trump. Fuck the Pope and fuck his Christcuckery.
Connor Lee
Pol use your meme magic and help the mothman find a suitable target worthy of a happening. Where does that weird spirit cooking lady live? She wouldn't just so happen to be from this area?
Dylan Scott
8 years of a Trump admin and 8 years of another WN admin could change that over time.
To hold out until then, you can: 1. Enact harsh penalties for states who allow felons to vote (that lost us Virginia this election) 2. Require that states demand 2 forms of official Voter ID at the polls 3. Reduce early voting 4. BUILD WALL 5. Heavily restrict or end immigration from all non-white countries 6. Point 5 notwithstanding, offer asylum en masse to Afrikaaners and other hwhite South Africans due to genocide. 7. Ramp up sanctions against Cuba to electrify the Cuban electorate and bring in more Cuban refugees. Yes, they're not white, but they reliably vote Republican because they hate Gommunism and Florida MUST stay red. 8. Remove ALL illegals. Many of them vote even though it's against the law, but the REAL benefit is that their families (many of whom CAN vote) will go with them. 9. In conjunction with 8, make absentee voting for non-military personnel much more difficult. Families of Illegals, above, and (((ex-pats))) vote overwhelmingly Democrat.
There. Do a few (or all) of these and it will buy us a generation of time to get everything in order for the inevitable. Most of this can be done by using Federal funding as a cudgel too.
Connor Phillips
Eli Diaz
get out shill. Trump will fix the demographic issue
Nolan Nelson
Fucking finally. Can this be a year (pref continuing into the next) of spoop and mystery atop a year of endless victorious happenings?
Bentley Bell
They're considered 'white ethnic'.
Xavier Sanchez
Make /x/ great again!
Chase Hernandez
You're not accounting for the fact that the San Andreas fault slipping just keeps getting more and more likely.
Wyatt Price
Holy shit I've been waiting for this. And yes it does, last time we saw mothman a bridge mysteriously collapsed right after he was perched on it
Charles Phillips
It actually might need it more than America. Especially our native /x/. It's depressing how it's one of the only boards to totally fail to take off here after GG migration that was a staple of cuckchan.
Zachary Carter
Forget the spirit cooking lady. Let's send mothman to Israel!
Jose Rogers
Damn shame…lotta my fun in the 2000's was made around the ARGs I was in charge of. Now either you get banned for shitposting or just no one replies.
Thomas Gutierrez
You sound buttmad. The truth is trump didnt even do they good romney got a bigger turn out. Democrats just did really bad. Im sorry you are fresh off the reddit boat and dont understand what I was saying.
Caleb Ortiz
I think that's been the main issue on 8ch /x/. It's always been some overbearing mod, one after the other. Never letting the autism spiral properly, never sparking anyone giving a shit with actual board movement.
Owen Lee
Guys… it gets stranger. Trump's grandfather financed the constructor of the Silver Bridge where mothman was first sited.
What if the mothman is a time traveler somehow related to the Trump family, using Tesla's time traveling technology?
Brandon Rivera
Asher Diaz
/x/ saddens me, especially now with all the satanic ritual, meme magic, Egyptian gods, and lord knows what else happening in the world lately.
You think /x/ would be exploding with content and posts per day.
Tyler Powell
Almost the entire youth demographic in texas is hispanics. Its going to flip
Austin Lee
That and a lot of content creators on /x/ just moved to /fringe/ and began circle jerking rather than letting their autism flow and continue to make dank OC.
Thomas Morris
Everybody that supported Hillary needs to go. Thanks includes Bernie and you too, Tim.
Jeremiah Parker
Why? Live and let live.
Levi Sanders
Funny how the developement is almost the same over here in Germany.
The SPD (basically the German Democrat Party and once the strongest political force beside Angela Merkel's CDU) is in a steep decline, that has already resulted in immense procentual losses in recent state elections.
This trend is very likely to continue in the federal election next year, making it almost impossible for them to form a coalition and therefore govern.
They have betrayed the Germans just like the U.S. Democrats (and of course establishment Republicans) betrayed the Americans. Pushing all of this 'progressive' and 'open society' bullshit like mad will fortunately and very likely lead to their political exodus in the near future, unless their already ongoing appeasement towards muslim voters proves to be successful.
Logan Cruz
I meant "That includes". Weird mistake.
Julian Reed
kek has greater plans for u,s, it would be a real shame
Gabriel Powell
Isaiah Richardson
One thing to remember though is that the same youth that voted left so harshly will never, EVER come out of the city or state capital. Even if they increase their voting numbers tenfold thanks to twelve year olds growing up, they're doomed to repeat the same mistake they committed this year, especially if Trump passes his proposed regulation on voting that prevents illegals from stuffing the ballots. On the other hand, were the cities to get abandoned thanks to the lack of keep, we'd see some serious shit. We absolutely need to redpill the youth and break the conditioning of the white males that drank the kool-aid, the women are long gone and/or they'll follow suit.
Lincoln Morris
The election is over you can stop shilling now losers.
Alexander Collins
A better world for everyone is one where whites don't have to be bothered by blacks, jews and spics and the saxon doesn't learn to hate.
Leo Perry
Big One in California?
Matthew Myers
Cameron Nguyen
I thought this would be true too, but after the election I saw why I was wrong. The demographic damage necessarily hits the Democratic party before it hits the US as a whole. They're locked into being the party of BLM, illegal immigration, and Islamism at this point, because whites are losing control of the party. They're trying to install a nigger Muslim as chair of the DNC. They can't stop this, because at this point shitskins make up the majority of their party and so they have to double down on all the stuff mainstream America hates, even though it will cause them to lose again and again. Previously, this wouldn't have mattered because they could rely on cucks like the Bushes to keep the doors open even when they were out of power, but with a guy like Trump we have the opportunity to change that. It'll take more than just clamping down on immigration, but if we can keep the pressure up and not get complacent in victory we have a chance.
Wyatt Reed
How well do you think AFD will do at the next elections?
Hudson Collins
Is Trump making anime real already?
Joshua Howard
You have piqued my interest. Care to give pointers?
Thomas Turner
What is this "woke" shit?
Matthew Gray
Woke being a corruption of 'awake'. Typically used by niggers who have realized that dey wuz kangs and shiet.
Blake Adams
Julian Bell
What are you referring to? Some of the /x/ stuff or Chechens? I need to know.
Jeremiah Cooper
15 - 20% realistically.
Jose Williams
There's a reason they call it "God's Waiting Room".
Jaxson Smith
So what you are saying is Trump and Mothman travel throughout time fighting each other?
Brandon Cox
Unless a large chunk of the illegals are deported before 2020 (like 5-10 million), Democrats are just going to win since under no circumstance are we getting 30% of the latino vote again… and even if we build the wall and stop new illegals from coming in (which is easier to accomplish politically) the demographic shifts are going to make Texas a blue state real soon, ruining any hopes of a GOP president.
Colton Edwards
We need to have more kids. Nothing is going to solve whites literally dying out in every country worldwide other than whites having more kids. Without them this is an unwinnable war and it's just a matter of time before we lose it. If you're here and you don't have 3 or more children you need to ask yourself what is holding you back and try to solve that not just for yourself but for other whites you know. Part of this is shutting off poisonous kike propaganda that encourages avoiding children, but change needs to come from within as well.
Andrew Bell
No. Our birthrates should be higher than they are, but we're not going to breed our way out of this problem. A smart but middle-class white family that insists on educating its kids properly and giving them the care they deserve is not going to have more kids than mudslimes who go on the dole and pump out a whole terror cell. The answer isn't for the whites to compromise on caring for their kids so they can have more and outbreed the shitskins, it's to physically remove the shitskins.
Henry Ward
shoot in the face
Joseph Kelly
Carson Young
Kevin Ward
Well now I have to post it.
It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved, They were icy – willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate.
By making this statement, they took aim at the non-cuckservative right and somehow, pointed the gun at their foot, and shot 6 six rounds into it. It's amazing to think
Grayson Robinson
this will surely allow for another Trump election win. The Left can't seem to get it together.
Leo Collins
what if he used Tesla's tech at the bridge and opened up a portal their
Adam Torres
Even in our darkest times, this has given me hope for our future.
Elijah Allen
Fucking wew lad
Alexander Myers
We've started the fire
Levi Murphy
So their plan is be communist now. Bernie gave them some confidence in that strategy perhaps?
Xavier Phillips
Josiah Long
Finally someone else says it. Conservative whites will outbreed all others in the absence of new imported voters.
Only point I disagree with is that California will never go Republican. Once the illegal spics are driven out and the nigger gangs rounded up and sent to jail California will become a swing state, and will only lean redder and redder as the white conservative population increases.
Make California White Again - Make California Right Again.