2000 Miles of WALL Coming


This photo hasn't been doctored at all
see: twitter.com/kerpen/status/800777904607137796


Other urls found in this thread:





what did he mean by this?


referring to the relatively small sections of wall that already exist on the border


There are currently 400 miles of a wall separating mexican/USA borders. He's expanding it to 2k miles.

I think they mean this thing.
I hope it gets some upgrades.

Yes, several sections which compromise 400 miles total.

Please everyone, screencap and webm all the idiots saying "he's not even going to keep his campaign promises!"

"B-but he isn't really gonna build the wall, goyim!"
"Closing your border is racist! FUCKING RACISTS!!"

meanwhile in israel…


lil' Benny Shapiro BTFO again


its happening lads

Jew midget with failed journalistic career BTFO

2016 is the year when dreams started to come true

How did he flip before he was even elected?


I hear this all the time, on what has he actually flip flopped? Apparently there are just too many to say, seems very convenient

Everything, goy! He's also very sexist, racist, anti-semitic, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, and misogynist. You want evidence? Are you kidding me?

(checking those dubs and satan trips)
He hasn't even gotten into power yet so it's hard to flip on something until it's time to do it. Shills latch onto any little thing he says and extrapolate a flip flop even if it's just a 4d chess move they don't understand.

Its the post-factual society. Stop asking questions and invent your own damn timeline if your so fed up with Shapiros!

and then we did ;^)

The New York Times said that in an off the record interview he said that he isn't going to build the wall.

Trump has previously said that he envisions the wall being built from sections of modular, precast concrete plank:


7D chess again?

Meanwhile, in regards to Obama's promises of change, they can wait 8 years without even talking about it.

>Reduce the intake of Syrian refugees to zero, using authority under the 1980 Refugee Act.

the wall needs to be built 500 meters behind our border so drones can legally hellfire any beaners on american soil before they even get near the wall.




You're a big wall.

Somebody posts that pedo spam parody with Trump on it (Topwall.sx, Big beautiful wall, mexi out).

Well that settles it for me then, if The Paper of Record (tm) says it then it must be so. I am now a HillaryMissile.

I didn't even remember I had this. Thank you.



Thanks user.

Someone post this on Holla Forums. They have a big (for them) thread there shucking and jiving about how someone not affiliated with Trump went on some random radio show and said that Trump's wall is just "metaphorical". They are pretty desparate so the whole thread is just "WOW LOL Holla Forums CUCKED AGAIN BY DADDY TRUMP!!!1" in reference to this one random fag's non-statement.



(checked for Satan)

It's because the wall doesn't need to go the whole way across.


I actually remember back in the primaries, the GOP were kvetching about how it was going to be a "virutal wall".

You have to feel a little sorry for them.

They believe in the media so fervently that they can't conceive of a world where Trump would stand by the things he's said.

I've tried but my overwhelming joy is ruining the mood

Lasers dude, invisible laser walls. They just walk forward then their body gets sliced to bits.

Sorry for the off-topic, but the potential new Chair of the DNC, Keith Ellison, is now following Jared Taylor, David Duke and Kevin MacDonald on Twitter.

Next up, M60s on the wall pointed south.



Prepare for the butthurt.

Ha. Haha. Ah hahaahahhhhhhahhhaaauhauauuahahshhshuehuehuehuehue


i can't contain my boner anymore from all the salt and butthurt from the past few days, and this is gonna make it even worse



This would be the funniest thing ever. Imagine the videos we could have!

Fucking top wew maties.

Somebody call a doctor, cause this erection is lasting longer than 4 years.

kek, is it real ? Seriously it looks fake when he falls.

That fucking webm is why we can't have nice things. I know he probably died, but I don't even give a shit; his death doesn't make up for the loss of electricity to an entire neighborhood. All that food that will spoil. All those great shows that won't be recorded. No fucking internet.

No one wins here. Death by electrocution was too good for this piece of shit.

Posted it in this thread >>1070346 currently waiting for salt

Calm down it looks totally fake, likely is.

Yea, its definitely fake in some way but I can't work out wtf it is that I'm actually seeing.
Maybe everything after the point it grabs the 3rd wire and sparks fly is fake.

Warning, salt.

If The Wall is just a fucking fence I am going to be seriously pissed at Trump.

If it's not concrete and at least 15 feet high I'm gonna be mad.



Is it you Pence?

They weren't even trying when they build that thing, no wonder so many Mexicans were crossing the border illegally..

im pretty sure i saw the full video on liveleak once. he fell in a stiff manner towards the ground but not this stiff.

Fucking cattle ranchers have better fences. They didn't even bother to put any high voltage or at the very fucking least barbed wire.

Sounds fun.

reminds me of this non-fake

A lot of people are going to be surprised as just how much of Trump's plans can be carried out under existing executive powers.



Holla Forums butthurt incoming

Cant wait to see him use oniggers shit

The senate and congress is majority republican.

If they don't support Trump in any plan costing less than 5% of the national budget they're screwed and they know it.

Oh my god that sound is delicious


3rd worlder are completely retarded.

You weren't kidding when you said commies are absolutely fucking retarded with anything related to economics

if you think that's bad you could practicality walk through San Diego's beach during low tide

I'm sincerely disappointment in you faggots.

It really makes you think.

That's 0.5% of the budget, and we're going to tank the US economy by doing it.

must have been another nigger

I've seen the stat thrown around that it would only cost the amount we pay for one year of NASA's budget.

calm down fram, no one gives a shit.

I've been thinking about this. The media says Trump isn't going to be able to do much as he wants and he's not going to deliver, etc. But all the draconian shit that has passed in the past years give him more then enough power. He could jail all of congress, senate, house of reps using the patriot act without any reason other then, 'because I want to'. As long as corruption comes to light I don't think joe sixpack is going to mind. He could really become an emperor using current laws and executive orders.


He's gonna stop fraud and ensure victory in 2020

That's cool and all. Build it and they wont come.
Unless it was deliberate, WTF with showing your cards? Sloppy, or genius.

It would cost the same amount Bill Clinton spends on fucking children and scoring blow every year.

>>>Holla Forums1070346
>>>Holla Forums1074148
we got a gomie inflitrator lads

He's basically sending a message to the senate and congress that he's going to build a fucking wall and if they don't want to get cucked they'd better get along with the program so he doesn't have to executive order their asses.

Like NASA is getting anywhere. We might as well cut that funding completely and start the Intergalactic Imperium Space Colonization Comittee. Or IISCC for short.


We're an English country get the fuck outa here

I just had to save this one.

What a fucking retarded way to try to secure a beach.
Take notes from D-Day America.

smh tbh fam

Build it

Mexico's economy will crash, cause they'll be paying for it

Hope it was deliberate. If not, no biggie.
People don't consider how high res cameras are now.

Great news. I'm going to bid on some wall projects. It's going to bump the economy a lot BTW.


Seeing as Mexico would be putting money into their economy by building the wall, wouldn't it actually be a good thing? They have to buy the concrete somewhere and employ someone to build it right? I can see a Mexican concrete mixing company being very wealthy, and moving their business to America. :^)

The pure look of joy on that guys face is something to behold.


There will be a brief surge, then a large dip once the spics actually start getting deported (because cheap ass companies use spics for dirt cheap labor) then a huge surge once white people start working again.


This has been linked on leftycuck, shills incoming.

brings tears to my eyes, the savior of our people.


This is great. Anyone mind to get the original high-resolution image? Shills would claim that OP's image is shopped because of pixel density or some shit.

Oh, are we doing this now?

Ann Coulter would be happy. This is awesome.

Senate and House. Both are parts of Congress.

You guys missed something big.

We aren't slowing down for any damn court cases. If you're illegal, and you get arrested, you're going back. Guilty or not.

This is nice, not only does it allow border arrests to automatically go back without trial, it also forces gang members back without trial. As well as any illegal who fucking potentially j-walks. Actually it guarantees they can all go back. Cops can arrest you for practically anything.

Remember, we are focusing on the "" criminal "" illegal aliens first. Luckily for us, we don't have to wait for a trial to determine that shit. You get arrested, you go back. You don't like the fact that you got arrested for merely looking at a cop wrong? Too bad. Go back.

I'm scared POL, most white can't climb fences like that! That's a level of physical fitness that far surpasses us! How do we contend with that?!?!

Holy shit does this golden chance right here

Did anyone screencap their salt from election night, I need it.

Hahahahaha it's going to be great, absolutely wonderful. And you know the best thing about this? They won't be able to be brought here to rigg the vote next election for the democrats so we get Trump for another 4 years (if he's still alive by then).

Every time they try to riot, they'll all get deported. It's fucking perfect.

Well that's why Trump was for a nationwide stop&frisk.





gj on the OC user. that is because we're full of newfags and low energy cancer. most of the time people dont even post images on an image board.

Are you retarded? Anyone can climb a fucking wall.

It is 5.6 on trump building the wall on the betting market right now. Is this a good opportunity to bet?

"Mr. President elect, people are concerned that we haven't made all our pics yet." He said, sheepishly.
"Every day, beaners are cutting off hot spic broad's heads, and selling hot spic broad's drugs, that make them not so hot. Not so hot. Every day. And little brown manlets come here and try to do the same thing to our white hot broads. They are hot here, let me tell you. I don't have to tell you. Beautiful, beautiful girls we have here, and drugs make them not so hot. Not so hot. So call that faggot wall architect, and tell him to drop whatever child's cock he's gobbling, and get in here with the drawings. And tell him the gold plated razor wire stays. It's non negotiable. The marble doesn't have to be Italian, on the greasy side. Those people are so greasy. So greasy. Use radioactive cement on their side for all I care. Wait. Yes, write that down. I know a guy that will sell it to them. I know a lot of the best people. The best.
Anyway, call the wall faggot, and then get back to school, Barron. I've enjoyed this luncheon bigly. You're a good kid, but don't be afraid to touch people, or look them in the eyes. Ah… You're alright. You got something special that people haven't seen yet. Get out of here, buddy." as he gingerly rubs the head of what no man could foresee.

What's a good place to place bets, user? I have a poorfag friend who could really use some free money from lefties.

Heres the proposed upgrade


Make it a meat grinder instead of a deportation office.

Just turn those fuckers into greasy pork sausage and export it to Mexico as gourmet breakfast sausage.

You know what always weirded me out about these God Emperor Tump pics? The God Emperor of Mankind was a turk. He was born in Turkey a swathy cockroach. The only thing Golden about him was his throne. Plus he is the enemy of Chaos and Kek is the primodial chaos itself.

Meme responsibly people. Little things like this can have unintended consequences.

I usually use unibet, or the place that offers the best bets. It depends on how much you want to bet as well. I won a lot on the trump victory

Cucks BTFO'd.

These ideas will be the ideas that help make America great again. I love it.


I'm looking at it, and all I see is sports. Same with the other sites I see. I missed out on betting on Trump's win.


It's usually under "politics". There is also other bets on which countries he will vist. We can make a lot of money if we manage the predict right.

The question is what exactly constitutes a 'wall'. If it means a single contiguous structure running 2k or so miles then you shouldn't take that bet. If it means what Trump has been saying all along then you should.

I don't see it at all. I guess I need an account first?


No, he wasn't. He was born in Anatolia long before the Turks invaded it.

As long as a wall is built that will do. A bet is also if Mexico is going to pay for it.

Here is a page where you can bet on who he picks for his cabinet

That's pretty usual though, people not posting images let alone OC.

Ethnicity was basically non existant anyway in warhammer universe right? Space marines are all genetically engineered. Which makes race irrelevant since you can manipulate desired and undesired qualities in people as you please.


I live in Yuma, AZ, and I can see Mexico from my house. If I get word that the wall is going to be built, I'm dropping out of school to work and help build it. After that glorious wall is built, and after I'm in decent shape from manual labor, I'll move on to the deportation squads.

Hail Victory, my dudes. We're living in excellent times

Do spics even eat sausage? Better just send them ground spic meat so they can put it in their tacos.

Thanks, user. Much obliged.

They have chorizo.

Will the wall have loudspeakers playing Johnny Rebel?

I don't have a Pepe appropriate enough for something like this


I'm guessing it will be an emergency full length fence followed by a proper wall behind it over the years to come. Sounds good to me.

We could slam out a full wall in under 2 years with a 30 billion budget VERY easily.

I even added POL to throw people off.


It's like ya'll don't understand Trump's LVL 88 linguistics.

Israel, which has a wall, took in zero refugees, etc, gets a 38 billion aid package FROM America.

America wants a wall for ITSELF, for even less money.

Aaand they're not accepting bets from America. Shit.

I believe it.

It's a misdemeanor, for some reason. If you cross over again after deportation it becomes a felony.

Trump totally needs to work to make our wired 1st world only. Meaning keep all the 3rd worlders from shitting up our internet.

Fire wall for year of the Fire Cock.

It's a federal misdemeanor and they're by definition criminals.

Don't do it, user. Get a high school diploma at the very least. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life working in the construction industry, you'll regret it if you don't.

Yeah can't let filthy 3rd worlders shit up Trump Wired™


True, but if you get a liberal to ever admit it's a crime, they'll say "It's only a misdemeanor!". It IS a federal crime, regardless of relative severity.


Get a good job ya hick, let them spics build it.

Was it an deliberate leak?

Of courshe.

holy shit I can't believe it. We actually got our boys up there and they're gonna do it. This is fucking amazing

It's to stop vehicles you stupid fuck

It could also stop people if there was barbed wire on top.


He's been doing this since he started. Start out with gas the kikes, go down to we'll see, maybe, ect. then move back up to gas the kikes. Gets more normies on board.

He was born in Anatolia 10,000 years ago.

The people living there at the time were white.

Can a history fag tell me how these brown-skinned Turkish sub-humans came to be? Or for that matter, all Arab peoples? The Middle East used to have whiteish humans, such as the Persians, living there. Where did this primitive, low-intelligence brown horde come from that now rules the land?

Retard who knows nothing about history. He was born in the Turkish region in the bronze age. The entire population there back then was 100% white Aryan.

Turks are Asians that came to the Anatolian region quite recently and race mixed with all kinds of people, Arabs, Europeans, anything, resulting in the disgusting mongrels they are now.

The God Emperor was an Aryan and so was the entire population of Anatolia back then.

Did Trump explain how Mexico will pay for the Wall or has there been some developments lately to alter his plan?

Where can I bet money he's gonna build the wall? Found a website but the bet was a wall on the entire border, that's a sure loss because he's said there's natural barriers.

He explained it many times during his campaign. He will force Mexico to pay huge tariffs for any products they sell to USA. They have no choice, USA is their biggest trading partner and they depend on USA for their continued existence. They will have no say in the matter.

This. It's not like Constantinople was full of shitskins before the kikes opened their walls.

user pls

So they're basically us in a couple hundred years if we don't fix shit now.


God bless Trump.



I made this to trigger TRS fags

Yes. The Greeks were blonde and white too, and now majority of them are hairy and brown. Thats what happens when your country gets taken over by mongrels.

Banned in 10 minutes wew


Trump truly deserves the title of Emperor


Never seen this with sound.



Dems on suicide watch



They thought it was a joke. They are not laughing anymore.


Its beautiful…



Keep in mind not many Mexicans even come across the border to the US right now. The Wall is an American symbol, it says this is where our country begins, this is ours, and no you are not all welcome here.

The wall isn't for the current flow of Mexicans, but the tide of millions that try to get back in after they've been deported. That's why we build first, then deport.


One good thing about a wall, unlike policy, is if we get another Neocon or Neolib in office after Trump, they can't just change policies up. No, they need to get congress to agree to funding the destruction of the wall. They'll pander as little heroes, but still it won't be as easy to be rid of.

Fucking saved. Name of song?

As above, so below.
The wall is as much a spiritual/mental barrier as it is a physical one.

Waffen SS Choir - Neue deutsche Welle (Remix)

Before anyone asks what the song is

This too, but another important thing is to expand groups like ICE. ICE will be our nations white blood cells, evicting all foreign entities.

The US has had a low white blood cell count for too long now, time to jumpstart the immune system

I have no idea what that means, please expalin

It's also the staging ground for the annexation of most, if not all of Mexico years from now. The beaners won't be able to raid over the border anymore.

There's already some decent walls in super fucked up areas. 1500 shitbags crossing a day now and without it, it would be like 15k.

Removing illegals from voter rolls and stopping voter fraud.

Anybody know the construction outfits Trump is planning to use? I want to help build one of the future Great Wonders of the World.



Dunno why I keep doing these outside of them being hilariously easy edits.

small sections of the border have actual wall

For what possible purpose? It's not a fucking house.

So border patrol agents can see through to the other side

Seems like it's waste to enrich the contractor. Let them see over the wall with drones.


Why not one-way mirrors?

My dad was watching TMZ, and they were talking about how the Don "was going back on his word about deporting all Mexicans. He's just gonna deport the illegal ones!"

I mean I shouldn't have expected any better from the media but I can't believe the lengths that they're going to cover their ass.

That'd probably be even more expensive and as far as I know, only work when the lighting conditions are right. When one room is light and the other is dark. Why the hell did they even use glass in the first place? If border guards seeing through the wall is so important, why not just use metal bars instead of glass panes?

So you can watch the tears roll down their faces

The reason it looks fake when he falls is a combination of how sharp his silhouette is against the blinding electrical arc and how rigidly he falls due to his muscles seizing. It looks real to me.

Looks like a mesh to me tbh

It looks very real. If you watch where his hands and feet touch the wires, you can see that they get sliced off as he falls.

kek be praised

It's so nice to see a president that doesn't just have one silly little pet issue. MAGA is the most solid plan in forever.

Wall me!

that gif reminds me of this


…by deporting people who shouldn't be able to vote?

We have to make sure that Kobach actually ends up with power. This might have been floated intentionally, or unintentionally, but it's not a done deal. Shitlib media is all over it trying to make sure it doesn't happen, we need to find ways to show our support.

There's nothing on that sheet that I can see that looks bad. Although I've always had my doubts about the concept of DHS as a whole, it's here to stay. Lets make it work for us

All those poor Mexican refugees.

No all those poor Somalians the left don't realize aren't from Syria

Although cartels are telling illegals to claim asylum when they're caught in America now

webm related

They're certainly not laughing anymore

Oh god he's actually going to fulfill his campaign promises.

Slowed down version

Maybe I have poor judgment but I would pull all US troops from all countries and stack them all on the border. The very first time some fuck from mexico attacks a US military placement I would invade and steamroll that shit hole and occupy it until every last cartel is confirmed to be in oblivion.

So let's invade and deal with the beaners forever?


He's going to leverage their own kikery against them.

i do think some one is going to loose their job over this unless the don meant for this to happen.

I was convinced this was staged as soon as I saw the pic, it's not very hard to turn around a bunch of papers if you don't want anyone to see them. Trump is trolling the media again and hinting at us to not trust the media with their "fence" bullcrap

I'm inclined to think this is real. I thought at first it wasn't because his hands seem to stay closed as he falls, but I think his fingers actually got burned right off. You can see something left on the wire grabbed by his right hand after he falls. I think it's part of his hand.

Or, the editing was done sloppily and what is on the wire is just careless photoshopping, but I don't think so.

Kek, picking up the fallen spear of the enemy and thrusting their own tool into their soft underbelly


It's a fake as found the original, but it is fairly well done.


Wow, that's legitimately more disturbing than the PTSD version. What is this even from?

What's the tldr of the Patriot Act? I'm not American, so I don't know the intricacies of your history.

The government has the power to do anything to stop terrorism. Anything

In general, it granted a lot of powers to the federal gov to spy on and detain US citizens deemed to be a threat to national security


Wrong version

Exchanged freedom for security.

That sounds even more expensive.

If our SOFA agreement is a net gain, there's no reason to pull troops from that country. I'm pretty sure it's a shit deal in most countries since previous Presidents have placed a lot of value on being able to roll tanks into Russia in under 8 hours. I'd consolidate to 4-5 really strategic bases and shuffle personnel around until other bases had optimal manning.

If Mexico gets uppity enough we tell Texas that there ain't no way they can march on Mexico City and hold their beer.

Oh okay, I looked it up on (((kikepedia))) and it was in response to 9/11. This is modern history, so I guess it's my fault for not paying attention.

I see a bunch of clauses were expired and then reinstated.

God damn, that's some hardcore resolution.

What the fuck type of camera took that image? Medium format CCD?

I wanna know if this guy is going to get in trouble for letting that text be seen, or if it was intentionally left visible.

Does this mean that the PATRIOT act will finally be used to secure this country instead of opressing Citizens and cucking for jizzreal.

That was exactly what I was thinking user since it would have been easy for him to slip it in his leather folder before the picture was taken.

Hahaha, people actually this con-man will make any of his promises real. He is a brilliant marketer but that's it. He just said what people want to hear.

I think I understand the strategy of posters like these. It's basically reverse psychology.

We shall make America great again, then Europe, then the world, then Europa!

Accidentally the whole thing

We be pre-heatin'

Did you guys seriously miss this?

Lol trump is going to give mexico their land back.

Why is Ben Shapiro considered right wing again?

That would be incredibly funny to see happen. Can the USA take the hit of losing such a big part of the West Coast, though? I assume it's a temporary thing, let diversity and marxism destroy it and themselves, then retake the place?

im down for this

Probably in some places 2 walls. as reinforcement.

They should do the same to China and Europe. They need access to our markets a lot more than we need theirs.

Was about to kek but googled it first, length of border between Mexico and US is exactly 1,989 miles.

That guy managed himself pretty well
Poor natives, they only get brought up to attack white sovereighty or to joke about DUI charges

In your opinion, that's what he meant by that. But in reality… It's probably what the other user. suggested.

2,000 miles of wall doesn't translate into 2,000 miles of map. You have to adjust for the number of uphill and downhill terrain the wall covers. You need more mileage to wall up a small mountain than you do flat land.


Fucking BTFO on the Greece question

going up a hill does not increase miles.

There will be drones anyway. Drones are the cheapest way to surveil massive tracts of land.

Get 10 feet of fence and tell me if it covers 10 feet horizontally of an uphill fencing project.

who the fuck do you think is going to pay for all this?

Dubs do not lie, Carnivore was MAGA as fuck.

Excellent politician, dodging those hardballs like a real MVP

This is "Putin's secret torpedo nuke accidentally revealed in a document of some official" tier

This is what you're looking for:

Mexico paying for it is no excuse to be inefficient. We want the best bang for their buck.



Looks like gitmo got a daycare program

Spoken like a true American, I pray he will be blessed by kek.


The salt…it will come in waves - each bigger than the last.


story on gif besides them getting electrocuted.

They were electrocuted and subsequently perished.

Well, Megas Alexandros and lots of Greek and Macedonians did 'immigrate' a lot…

Chinamen got zapped in a poorly-done industrial complex
One did survive thou, IIRC, the one who walks out and then falls over again, albeit in very crude conditions

The happening will be at my doorstep soon, I can't wait.

Old electronics teacher of mine shows this video to students as part of the safety videos every year.

I want to believe, the salt would be so savory

Alternately, he's going to annex the northern half of Mexico.

Ah this took place in China? Not shocking at all.

Worked in China building wind farms and chinamen have no concept of safety. Saw more chinamen die in a month due to not having safety protocols or proper training, than my whole 15 year career building towers.2 deaths

what is it with gooks and basic safety regulations?


They're basically ant-people. Individual chinks are considered disposable.

They can easily replace man work, and comes better because it restarts bonuses and special treatment due to position age, IF they have those in place, which is rarely
I remember in old Jackie Chan movies they joke constantly about replacing someone quickly after he gets injured or dies. Hong Kong stuff has a lot of dark humour going on

DID the Japanese do anything wrong?

Invading foreign land without just cause?

you means this?
>>>Holla Forums1070346

Korea is rightful nippon clay.

That only applies to the peasants and middle management.

Bosses/owners don't care since they want to complete job sites as fast as possible to collect their bonus or fulfil contracts, so they don't get penalized. If they job was done right or not, it didn't matter, they still got their bonus for completing the project on time. Since this was a joint venture, the towers had to pass an inspection(US inspectors reason I was there) before they would be brought on-line. Safe to say chinamen build quality is the worse I ever seen, and I worked in some shitholes in Central America for comparison. Ended up importing hispanic field techs from our US branch to come and fix the chinamen bullshit work so they could meet minimum standard guidelines I refuse to buy anything made in China after seeing how poor Chinese work quality and standards are first hand.>chinks are considered disposable

How young do you think I am? I graduated high school years ago. Been going to college for three years now. Taking a year off Marxist indoctrination to help build a monument must not be worth it

26% unemployment here fucknuts, if there was a job to get, I'd have it. And yeah, I bet these spics are going to build a wall on themselves.

Chinks had it coming.

Might as well say Sweden had it coming for being complete cucks and the arabs arguing they should get their women instead of the inferior eggplants

The only thing that could make this crazier is if Trump appoints Arpaio to the head of ICE or something.

There wouldn't be enough goddamn vans in the hemisphere to handle the throughput of people being sent back.

Actually, it seems like Thailand, didn't noticed the flags?

What is with niggers electrocuting themselves?

I could see that happening

The only reason Mexico exists in its current size today is because the US was merciful in the Mexican-American war.

Northern Mexico is rightful American clay.

do you realize that these tariffs are just going to make Food, Technology and other prices rise? do you know that the American public is actually going to be paying for the wall through higher taxes because of high tariffs that make it more difficult to import foods and other crap from mexico.



And that's clearly southeast Asia somewhere; not Japan.

But think about this, anons:

God damn that's a level of laziness in a public works project I've not seen in decades.

This is goddamn retarded. basically extort mexico into paying for the wall which they'll in turn tell the united states to fuck off and sell their food and technology to other countries.

oh yeah, all that great mexican technology they're so famous for

You have to go back.

I'd pay more for food if I knew it was grown here. Just seeing the words "Made In Mexico" makes me not want to buy the tomatoes that are undoubtedly crap.

It's not an extension of the new Mexico wall, user.

It's the start of the Canada wall.

US pays more in tariffs than it charges, in general. We've taken lots of deals that are shitty at a national level because it enriches small minorities, at the expense of the nation.

Also there's all of the remittances that can be confiscated, assuming illegal spics are even able to keep sending money back.

dat lowkey redpilling on racial realism

That would be an ecumenical matter.

Ooooh boy. This will shut the liberal faggots even more. After they keep getting it wrong, they have no resorted to "T-T-Trump won't do everything, and he won't build a walll!!,!!," I need to see their faces when the construction of the wall is announced.

You're going to ruin the american Economy you fucking morons. Learn about shit before you go and defend crap you dont understand.

Mexico exports technology to the united states.
Appliances, cars, Tv's Farm Exports. Your food is literally going to rise in price if there is a tariff. I guess if you're a billionaire like trump its no skin off your ass but what about you and me?


that's thailand

Do you guys think Holla Forums ever gets tired of losing? especially to Trump in particular, it seems to me like he would be the absolute most infuriating person to lose to in the world.

every time they get BTFO they just smile to themselves and say "muh accelerationism"… do you guys feel bad for them?

A large part of the populist platform is moving the manufacturing… back to America. That's all they do, Mexico doesn't even have raw materials needed for the manufacturing (like say Russia does with titanium). He intends to punish companies that don't move their shit back here, hence news of Apple thinking about moving manufacturing back here. All we're really talking about is tariff price v. labor prices and the potential of losing out on a huge consumer market if you accommodate nationalist economic politics.

I'm not really sure where you're going with this.

Mexico exports American-designed products back to the states because they get slave-grade wages.

Bring the work back to the states, the quality should go up, and, hopefully, it gets a bit cheaper since there's no longer international taxes.

And so the fuck what if costs go up? It's not going to be something unearthly because there'd be riots and destabilization otherwise. I'd rather have slightly higher costs for American products of superior quality than support the economy of a country that vomits illegals all over us and does nothing to stop it.

Yes, Mexico exports a lot to the US. We are their largest buyer, after all. But guess what? Aside from the gold and silver, we can produce ALL OF THAT in the US. We can manufacture the vehicles, we can pump the oil (in fact, the reason we don't is because we're too efficient at it and prices dropped like a stone), we can brew the beer, we can make our own fucking chairs. 'Video' means porn, by the way.

The US is Mexico's biggest customer. Either they put up with the tarifs and we get more money, or they don't sell to us as much and we manufacture the difference, making jobs.

if you can't accommodate*

They don't understand the strange environment the Jews brought them to and sometimes violently lash out as a result.
And you know he didn't learn a damn thing from that.

Anyone else notice the language here?

If you've even been ARRESTED, not even CONVICTED let alone CHARGED, you are GOING BACK.

that's not going to fucking happen. corporations won't come back because there are some tariffs. in other countries they can pay 3 workers the same amount 1 person in the united states will make on minimum wage.

Those companies dont have to take america's shit. they can move all their manufacturing outside the united states. they can even move their entire headquarters outside the united states. the united states will crumble. China is a major region that corporations are salivating over. Starbucks wants to opened 5000 stores in china and made billions in revenue. India is an upcoming superpower with 1 billion people. there are 3rd world countries that are up and coming 2nd world nations.

Yes, we can produce it and at a higher quality. but who is going to pay for the extra cost? other than ultra nationalist no one.

I think trump is secretly trying to destroy america and will move to china in the future.

Now I know you're either a troll or an idiot.

Good. Cut through all the bullshit of closing an eye till they actually do something.


China's getting tarifs too, Goldberg.
See, now I know you're taking the piss.



Seems plausible.

nigga that's anarcho-capitalism, which is equally as retarded of course

China will probably be eclipsed as a source for cheap labor in the next 10-15 years but there's several shitty central american countries that can replace them.

Anyway competing solely on price is for niggers and chinks. Make it in America and make it better. You're a retard if you think no one can fill the market-gaps.


Nah they should be bullied more often

I'd rather have I.C.E.

I think the US should also peacefully purchase Greenland as well.

Oh, things changed, user, just not for the better.

No because they want to see us in front of firing squads just as bad as we want to see them thrown from helicopters

what would america gain by purchasing greenland?

Nah, they love feeling bad about themselves. It assuages the guilt.

In my experience, the thing leftists crave the most is their own demise. Jews and cucks are all on a quest of self-destruction. The only thing stopping those degenerate nihilists from killing themselves is their fear and cowardice.

Oil rights in the North Sea?

Add to our collection.

Could this open the door for reinterpreting the supposed rights of birthright citizenship? Should a criminal be able to give birth on our side of the border and the child gain lawful citizenship?

Not the north sea but the arctic, I guess you're right. we need to bring Freedom to Denmark.

so you want to make Americans born in America not americans?

let's also set a civil war between quebec and the rest of canada and incorporate canada into the united states.

One territory closer to five additional armies per turn.

I dont agree with terrorist or such coming into the country and getting birthright but I also believe birthright should be there for legals.

A penal colony.

That's the plan. Birthright citizenship to children of illegal squatters needs to be shitcanned.

You make me laugh, Pajeet

America didn't take more of mexico because the explicitly did not want too many non-whites in the country.

Isn't the "wall" just a double-layered fence?



No. THIS is the border on which Congress and president Polk agreed (minus Yucatan, which is another story). The treason of ONE MAN, Nicolas Trist, pushed the border further north. ONE MAN, who was a proto-SJW, said that we were oppressing the spics and ILLEGALLY signed Guadeloupe Hidalgo with a border further north.



So, we build a space elevator and simply jump over it from HALO jump

Some stronk wymyn scowling over Lord Trump's impending immigration measures.



The wall has to be built

we memed it

it's always the fat ones

will someone please just fuck the shit out of these women so they stop acting out?

If a war were to happen in Canada, we could always erase a few targets here and there and just say they were a casualty of war.

“We have never dreamt of incorporating into our Union any but the Caucasian race—the free white race. To incorporate Mexico, would be the very first instance of the kind, of incorporating an Indian race…I protest against such a union as that! Ours, sir, is the Government of a white race.”

~ John C. Calhoun

They should have no power in the United States. Also if they want to "protect" the migrants, then they admit that those illegals are the citizens of their respective countries, so we should return them so these whales can better protect their peoples.

You do realize that most of that is uninhabitable desert with zero natural resources, right?

That conflicts in no way with my post.

what a fucking moron. we lost a lot of territory because of his muh white race.

You do realize that there are mineral and oil reserves a-fucking-plenty there, never mind the resort and tourism industry, right?

Ah yes, which explains why the devil-may-care Mexican government has totally mined those resources and there are lots of resort empires whose names nobody has heard of…

Hey, if it works for ONE ethno-nationalist country…

well it refutes your claim that the only reason America didn't take more territory was because of a pro-SJW.



you do realize the Romans were a multinational empire that had federated states within its empire.

Much like the united states. the romans failed because they had more slaves than people, and they ran out of manpower because no one would take their shit anymore.

America is basically the roman empire but we have nuclear oil and coal power.

And this was one of the driving reasons for its collapse. Don't you know a thing about History? Multinationalism/racialism is globalist cancer. Fuck off with this shit
This is not true at all. Vid related

I guess the Congo is also devoid of resources, too, huh? Fucking kill yourself, dipshit. A five second search engine trip would show you that you’re wrong.


concern trolls btfo. the wall is going up, the spics are going out, and the refugees are going to stop.

and accomplish what, exactly? their consent is not needed when it comes to ANOTHER COUNTRY'S immigration policy. maybe they ought to fix their own shitty places instead of just giving people reason to leave

It didn't collapse because of that you fucking moron, it became powerful because it was a multinational empire.

Unlike today. pre-islamic middle east was the most advanced region in the world. everything from science, technology to poetry and mathematics. the romans incorporated this within their empire and they flourished with the rest of the empire. it only collapsed because of the sheer number of unsustainable slaves they had.

Someone has to check these digits

Also the large amounts of wars, difficulty keeping its multi-ethnic and multicultural population in check, and debasement of its currency.

hmm. Where have i heard this before

You're a fucking retard. The Roman Empire collapsed largely due to the ethnic and cultural fracture points becoming stressed due to economic slow-down. Learn some fucking history and quit promoting your multicultural globalist nonsense.



Launching pad to bring us one step closer to retaking our rightful Britannian clay


Did anyone else notice the emphasis on "arrested"? They don't even have to be guilty or even charged of a crime, just arrested in order to be deported. This is going to be fucking glorious.

You're an idiot, northern mexico has been a critical source of mineral wealth ever since the days their priests would run cactus spines through their penises and kill children in the name of Tlaloc. They aren't being exploited properly because ever since the spanish left mexico has been governed by retards.


One day we might be there.

Everyone entering the country illegally is, by definition, guilty of a federal misdemeanor.



Yea it's been governed by the Spanish, German, and Jewish decadents. Why you think they hate the native people so much?

You do know that almost all mines in Mexico are controlled by some Jew company from Canada? Shit said company also controls the mines in Chile, Boliva, etc.

So paco can see us making silly faces at him.

Only 9000, not over…

Fucking disgrace

That's several flavors of retarded and at least 2 of irony right there


So much for undoing all of Bush's big mistakes.
But yeah, less illegals from Mexico. Yay.
Can we get that metaphorical wall built in the Philippines? That place is importing niggerdom into my state


We've all seen those walls, they build them between interstate highways and those housing estates (you know, those densely packed homes that cost too much that normies buy right next to the highway).

Makes sense, it's the same tech you just build it higher.

Look at this little sandnigger. The Romans were successful because they took from the Arabs? Do you know what Greece is? Never read a book in your life.

Absurd amounts of methyl hydrate

The last guy gets the Darwin award- gee, why are these people on the ground smoldering around this tall metal thing?


That's what happens when the government doesn't coerce lolburgtarians with oppressive regulations.

I forgot what it was like to win.

Never forget again

At least be glad he's going to start deporting unlawful spics and carefully watching over any mudslimes that make it into the homeland. Hopefully in the future the PATRIOT ACT is only used against immigrants and not the general populace. Until then, remember, we have no allies, this is just a means to a goal.

Forgot to mention, that with all the bullshit the media is shitting out, I don't mind them getting censored to shit. Hell I'd even like seeing them Holocausted. Is it hypocritical? Yes, but those faggots don't like playing fair anyhow.

Gas them all, gas every single one of them.

I'd rather see an overturn of NY Times vs. Sullivan, since it'd punish the media for actually doing shit wrong (not reporting the facts) instead of just for not being in step with those in power, if only because censorship from Trump or anyone else on the right would make a useful precedent for outright censorship by leftists.

well can't deny this in 2016, thanks USA for sending us all the shitskins (or better said: thanks chaim)

I think this is entirely appropriate.

Hello Derek Black. I hope you rot in hell for what you did to your father


Look at the framing of this shot. This was absolutely intentional. The second guy is holding a briefcase/portfolio with a key document ON THE OUTSIDE, when it would be more convenient for it to be inside.
Visual dogwhistling my lads.

You're not serious are you? Please tell me you are joking and they didn't run with that shit.

Not a memefag, but how about something along those lines?

pikachu you're so cute

Fuckers at school lied to me, told me Greenland was the size of Victoria not the Fucking hueg state of West Australia

What do you think the role of the War is for

to send all the patriotic white men into the blender? I'd rather not get conscripted to protect these people against Trumps ASTARTES troops

I wish he was my congressman.

our military is currently the most diverse it is likely to ever get

Vae Victis.

Snowden IS a traitor.
There is no fucking doubts he sold state secrets.
Sure then he leaked a bunch of political stuff, but all the goodies he kept, we've seen maybe 0.1% of what he got, journalists maybe 1%, when China and Russia got 100%…

Snowden is not Manning or Assange, he didn't do it for the lulz, he did it possibly for ideology but that didn't stopped him to reap a big payout in the process, like so many other spies before him.

From what I have heard CIA and NSA fucking hate each other and are having a turf war over government budgets and deep state power. There were rumors about Snowden being a CIA nigger used to undermine NSA and work as a limited hangout psyop at the same time. There are a lot of turf wars between Federal Agencies trying to be the best goy of them all, fucking shameful.

what a fucking traitor.

You're looking at their interpretation of the gods. Please contain your WE WUZ shit to another board.

Picture related. Ancient Aryan Greeks 475 BCE

6th c. BC representation of an animal sacrifice scene in Corinth.


please. the guy treated prisoners here so poorly that he was universally hated. his only good trait was that he stood for strong borders, but he ran modern concentration camps in AZ.

he treated whites the same way. he fed dog food to his prisoners and didnt have proper ac leading to many whites dying due to heat exhaustion. i guess you can blame that on civil rights, but what can i say? he went out of his way to not deport illegals and instead keep them in tent city, spending tax dollars on feeding and clothing them so that he could torture them. any whites that happened to commit a crime here were subjected to the same punishment.

keep that crazy old fucker AWAY from any positions of power please. he's not a nationalist, he's a sadist. there's a very big difference.


I fucking love it. This can only get better.


Clean water, kek
seriously, filter your tap miasma

Another Aryan emperor of Byzantium. I'll stop here. Don't want to spam. Kill yourself, 'we wuz' niggers. No better than blacks trying to steal mozart.

how are reverse osmosis systems? I've been meaning to get something to filter my shit within the past few months.

An under-sink reverse osmosis system is what I've been using. 200 buckaroos a year for filters since I drink a lot of water but it's more than worth it.

Have you had any health problems? I've been told that they do something to the water that fucks it up. Want to take the fluridated jew out of my water.

Have myself a james mccanney's gravity water filter(only guy I found that makes them), since I travel a lot osmosis one is too bulky and energy dependent to consider. Maybe only in main base of operations with generators just in case

I drank a shitload of unfiltered tap water for 4 straight years when I was on the track team in high school, and since switching to the filtered stuff I haven't noticed any difference except I have more chest hair now.

I'm betting that's just puberty shoring up my hormones but I'm not complaining. I haven't noticed any differences in clearheadedness or workout performance but at least I'm not rotting my brain with fluoride.

I'm preheating your personal oven, kike.

I was drinking tap before I got one of those ordinary filters. It doesn't get rid of fluoride. Hope you're getting check ups now and then.

They've always been there. Due to the area being massive on trade for thousands of years, lots of mixing occurred naturally in terms of who was living there. You had plenty of Indians/Asians from the East mixing in with the White Europeans from the North and the Africans to the West. Eventually, they all blended together and now you have browns.

The we wuz is silly and especially in Egypt where it gets used to pain all Ancient Egyptians as having been white when the same logic can be used today to say all Americans are all magically black because of Obama.

That doesn't hold up. Byzantium became shit AFTER it was taken by the Turks. They looked like this at the time >>8328053.

That's Islam for you. Lots of cousin fucking too.

Luckily through my college track team I get free checkups whenever I want so I get bloodwork done once a year to see where I'm at. No lead/mercury/fluoride or anything so I'm squared away for now.

Nice. I'll have to get one.

That's a ruler though. Per the Obama comparison, that doesn't hold up as the wealthiest generally had the fairer skin. Using him as an example is cherry picking and gets easily turned around. It's no different from the we wuz at that point in terms of silliness and how flaky it can get. Plenty of Nords made it to the Americas too, but I'd never say Native Americans are Nordic. It also reminds me of the br anons, who cherry pick the Germans living in their country as proof that Brazil is white. I wonder what the br would say should those Germans succeed in breaking away from the rest of Brazil?

Cousins getting married is still pretty common from the Middle East to Asia/India. I have no idea if some European countries or American countries still accept it. Then again, I have a met several Americans that married pretty close to home, but that seemed rare to me. I'm willing to bet it was more common in the past when the overall population was higher and when marriage can grant enormous wealthy to a family. The Virgin Queen never married as everyone else was socially beneath her and doing so would ust elevate some lord to King.

I nearly forgot. Byzantium like actual Rome before it was going to meet the same fate regardless of Turks being there or not. That's what happens when corruption and degeneracy are allowed to fester and grow.

Not sure what you mean here. I'm telling you that the rulers were clearly 'Mediterranean', and not nordic in the least. Take a look at the artwork depicting rulers of Byzantium and you'll see that they are swarthy and brown eyed. Are you implying that the populace was otherwise?

Obongo was an ordinary nigger elected by the people. The rulers of Byzantium were royalty.

Muslims have married their cousins from the beginning. I don't have to tell you what that does to IQ over time.

It's more than pretty common. It ranges from ~30% to ~60%. Among Jews it's a 'mere' ~1/4.

Blessed art thou dubs. Hail Kek

greekfag and i ain't even mad , MSM too dumb to even make a 5 minute wikipedia search before they flap their gums

1.the first one is from southern Italy which yes was a greek colony but to make the claim that there were no people living in the region is just foolish

2.when it comes to art it's hardly an indication of anything except perhaps the higher standard of which they kept what was and what wasn't considered art back then and perhaps even give indications to various ritual,habits and lifestyle of the time ,but in no way you can claim it as proof of race and skin color . Also you'll notice in the second one the women are depicted as white while the male and young males a different color , that is something you may encounter in other works as well (pic related , Achilles telling Some Amazon Bitch to go back to the kitchen)

We wuz

What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm counting the claim based on artworks that the ancients were blonde haired swedes. There is artwork showing the opposite. The greeks and romans used wigs of all kinds, including those with blonde hair.

The women wouldn't be out in the sun getting a tan. What's new? They all have brown hair and brown eyes.

Criminally underrated post and numbers.

You're going back too, Pedro.



Are the rules the same here? Stream that film, if you're so great.

Naw just give the explicitly right wing ones the votes, fuck you could ask them to remove cuck right before you to earn said vote and they'd probably do it. Their rural folk are fucking nuts.


holy shit

why'd you put a load of pictures of that whore?


her album is called 1989

I don't think about them at all.

La Raza is a terrorist organization. We laugh at yuuros for allowing in mudshits with ISIS hiding amongst them. We do the same for spic-jihadis, La Raza. They think the SW US is theirs. Little do they know the Polk Border is the true border. I say we retort. What mexican nationals have done to our nation, violating our borders, disregarding our laws, committing welfare fraud, raping and murdering our citizens, dodging taxes on their earnings, invading us by the Millions? That is grounds for war. we call it this and that but what they've done is slip a small army beyond our border and have repeatedly and with state approval violated our laws and interfered in our democratic elections. Enough.


We memed Trump into office. Let's meme a Greater United States. This is war, kill every last one. They are all implicit.

That guy is incorrect, as much as I love pre-mudshit near east. It was the near eastern lands who incorporated Roman influence, not the other way around. You had 'em building Roman architecture out in the fucking desert. In fact a main strong point of the near east at the time was that they incorporated successful ideas from many other lands. What you're arguing is fundamentally absurd. Anyway the near east wasn't THE most advanced at the time of the Romans. The period they WERE the best was long before even the Greeks were around. Greeks actually modeled some of their boats and sailing technology after that found in the coastal eastern mediterranean. It's also worth noting that even at that time, Africa was just a place with jungle bunnies hiding inland who only came out to trade shiny things before returning to their mud huts. The only worthwhile cities in Apefrica were built by the northern/eastern mediterranean peoples. Heh heh heh. Yeah but really 3591c2, read a fucking book.

This. over 9000% intentional. Trump knows how to play the media buffoons. This is his smug face. BUILD WALL. DEPORT SPIC.


It'll be anudda great wall!


you got me to reply, so have a webm

Trump has talked about birth tourism before and has said he wants to repeal that aspect of the 14 amendment, ie. birthright citizenship for 3rd world babies whose mothers cross the border for a day.

We must have all suffered enormously in a past life to deserve the wonderment we experience daily in this one. What did we all do to deserve this world?


excuse me while I laugh some more

IIRC, there's a FOXCONN plant there. That's about it.

Trump's gonna make them move back here anyway.


You'll get no extra land, Paco.
Hell, we may just turn the northernmost mile of your land into a DMZ-like area. Now clear out of TJ and head south or expect some air strikes.


when you capture an enemy tank you don't dismantle it because the tank killed some of your guys

Makes sense, the CIA killed the FBI around the Nixon or Reagan era, and then the DHS popped up and they've been fighting it out since

Stupid fucking libshits always bringing up nativ americans as if it was an actual counter argument
I mean what the fuck "couldn't native americans have said that?" well no shit they could, and for their own good they sure as shit should have said that. The weak will alway perish in the great scheme of history, and every people out there should make sure to survive as long as possible

if you consider what their population was like about a millennia ago and what it is now,then yes it is a country of immigrants

So why are you trying to create a fissure? Looking to get some D&C in chaim?

I have no idea why she picked greece, its basically the posterchild of what happens when Islam mass immigrates to a country. Something like Iceland would have made a whole lot more sense from an argument standpoint.


no, i don't think europe should get any immigrants at all but i just get triggered when arabs try to claim ancient greeks looked like them

polite sage

UK news is going hard with the "no mention of the wall from Trump post-election", as well as posting videos of Richard Spencer sieg-heiling, which is the whole point of Richard Spencer.
The subversive controlled opposition is still working to damage Trump.

Just in case anyanon doesn't understand what controlled opposition, well-poisoning and brand contagion looks like:
The man who created the "alt-right".
The "alt-right" is 100% controlled opposition, no exceptions.


I wish that was a 3 phase power line :(

It would have been 240 volts instead of 120, a much bigger explosion.


You know in your heart what we did user.

Friendly reminder we're not Pinochet. Globalist capitalists get the same free helicopter ride globalist socialists do.

Classical and vaporwave will do the trick, they make subhuman minds melt.

The Obama comparison was made to show that you cannot judge an entire populace based on the ruler alone. It just doesn't work. I'm not calling the Byzantines Nordic. I was just using the Nords as an example. I'm not denying they were Mediterranean or Brown. I was just saying that is what happens when you become a major center of trade. You get people from everywhere that show up at your doorstep and it doesn't take long for the population to get darker or browner. Having said that, the ruling classes generally had lighter skin than everyone else, because they didn't have to spend time working under the sun.

Thanks. I was looking for those. It still falls under cherry picking, but that's why infographs are fun to use.

Ancient Greeks were very white. Arabs just like to we wuz like many other groups out there.


Is this Mike Cernovich posting? wew
I dont agree with the "alt-right" on anything, but they are better than shit tier Paultard remnants.

It goes to show; never write a law that you wouldn't want an ax murderer enforcing on you.

It happened in China, one of the least libertarian countries ever, you dumb motherfucker.



is this real?
Did he really look like this or is it some form of artstyle?
this guy is basically a shitskin

just some brotherly love, user

Thanks for that wallpaper, praise KEK!

Ah shit. My Jamais Vu's acting up again. I know this being a precognition is a good thing, but damn if it isn't spooky as fuck.


I found an Austrailian sight, but the bet was he builds it on the entire border. Trump's stated he won't need to. It's a losing bet.
I wanted to get in on the betting after winnin $1000 on his presidency.

hard bumping to get rid of slide threads