Didn't archive because I heard there's an IP thing going on with archive.is
Didn't archive because I heard there's an IP thing going on with archive.is
Other urls found in this thread:
Was that solved somehow?
Not sure. At the very least though, we know Trump's about to purge the MSM.
What do you mean?
A few anons showed some lines of code where it was harvesting IPs. Haven't trusted it since.
He thinks "off the record" is Law.
Do you even chess?
Mainstream Media; YOU'RE FIRED
Archive.is is owned by a CIA nigger and certain archives they wanted to shut down were replaced with a perpetual loading screen. An alternative to archive.is is in order, but I am not sure what, but Holla Forums cannot continue to rely on CIA niggers to retain their information.
Top lel, they will all report on it, guaranteed.
Do you even press? It will be reported on and nobody will get lynched. Trump cannot silence those who are protected by the First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Maybe you should read the Constitution some time.
He should start his own social media. "Trumpet"
He may well have even sized up these media kikes and knows which will react in what way to what. This is The Donald we're talking about, you 2D queer.
Maybe you should read up on current day events CTR
Maybe that is the plan. Test which ones will spill secrets and ban them for the rest of his 2 terms.
If you dont want to archive the article, at least screencap it
That may be, but Trump has his own ways of dealing with rats. Maybe the media will take that into consideration.
someone reported an infected archive a few days ago, so I would assume it hasn't been fixed. Basically a spook school called putnam henley or something injects a loading gif referenced to their server to create lists of people who access certain archives. they can infect an archive after it has been created by someone innocent as well.
He's going to confiscate all media rights and fire all the executives (to guantanamo) and in their place put statesman loyal to him.
These nigs look miserable and broken.
Ok, I guess NDA's are also unconstitutional then and no one goes to jail for breaking them.
"When are we leaving?"
probably all meeting to rape a few children and drink some spirit smoothies
Man, CTR's given up haven't they?
CTR, why are you working for free now? And why are you honestly implying that what these faggots do is honest to god "Journalism" and not just over-glorified shilling? (kind of like what you're doing, except they're paid)
You're being intellectually dishonest if you legitimately believe the press is being "The press"
I'm just imagining him inviting them into the boardroom from Apprentice and verbally dominating them one after one and then firing them all.
Trips don't lie. Checked.
This is gonna be good.
Nigger, the whole point of Trump assaulting the press is discrediting their legitimacy and truthfulness.
If (((they))) keep on leaking shit and being idots all around, no one will listen to them, they will go under and the internet will take over.
Trump doesn't want to silence them. They are obsolete, he want's to replace them with internet media.
He probably announced that he won't be doing press conferences and all announcements will be done via twitter shitposting.
People are purging them.
Do you think Trump himself will reveal what was said there, or are we stuck speculating forever?
this is old news
gtfo newfag
why do we even use an archive why not just take a jpg of the webpage
kill yourself
You sure showed me.
top kek
Maybe. But he can revoke the press credentials of anyone who doesn't play ball. He doesn't have to let them into White House press conferences.
They look like they saw death. Holy Kek.
If this is good, then why are we not allowed to know? This smells fishy…
The only thing he can do is remove them from the White House press corp. He can't fire them or censor them.
Archive if anybody wants it.
"off the record" is not the same as an NDA
No thanks CIA.
Because images can be faked, dipshit.
who ever made this fucking meme needs to be gassed
Yes, because Youtube is just so … truthful. If you want to shake up the press and make it something better, then you have to drop the 24 hour news networks and bring back print journalists.
that's why we break links.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
link breaking is only really important if we're gonna raid a poll or visit somewhere that might be hostile to us (i.e. during an investigation). for something like a lame news article like this it seems unnecessary
Wrong photo mate, here's the real one.
He won't fire or censor them, he'll just see how they handle sensitive information so he has multiple avenues to release information in the future that aren't directly linked with him.
Tell me, are you black by any chance?
good one
Says the cuck that is doing it for free.
Why do you need ((((((intermediaries))))) if you can give information directly to the people?
They no longer count as 'the press' if the networks are egregiously propaganda for lobbyists and the DNC. Even if they are propagandists for the RNC as well.
This, smugposting is only allowed when they are calling out a shill
where the fuck you think you are lad?
Do you even Scott Adams? The point went over our head at about Mach 3.
Trump has set this up to win both ways. If they keep quiet, Trump wins. If they leak he points out how untrustworthy and dishonest they are, Trump wins again. HE WINS NO MATTER WHAT.
Now, are you tired of winning yet?
He's probably introducing them all to their new boss, Goebbles 2.0. I wonder who it is.
Whats next? Smugs are interfering in Natsoc "lifestyles" or maybe harming the "movement"?
gtfo mohammed
Holla Forums is for Whites only
Tells them it's off-the-record, expecting them to say it, anyway. They do. He gets his message out and they look even MORE dishonest.
Just print screen or print to pdf, and then upload that here. Now you have an archive on your computer as welll as this site. No need for 3rd party site.
He was reffering to the very point in history when Constantinople was readied for later kebab takeover.
Back to community college you go!
I'm sure he knows better. Telling the press "what I'm about to say is off the record" is how you guarantee that what you say gets published.
Target rich environment.
Trump: Excuse me, gentleman. I need to use the bathroom.
(Helicopter swoops in.)
Just copy and paste the entire article, dummy. Like we did in the old days.
read up on your history faggot and never post that photo again
Off the record, eh? Sounds like a job for someone who has covered wars.
I hope he does this every week and makes press a total mockery.
Under the NDAA of 2012 he can detain them indefinitely.
anime posters will be executed when your usefulness has expired. such a disgusting vice.
And teh best part is, its not an executive order.
He can still delete 99% of what obama did and keep so much power under the act, and the like.
He is an emperor nao.
Yeah sure thing CTR
If they stay silent, the message is that Trump has cowed them. If some "brave journalist" leaks it, it only prove the Don's assertions that they can't be trusted, and treat him less fairly than Obongo.
Why don't you try breaching a Non-Disclosure Agreement some time and see how well the first amendment protects you lmfao
HA Wtf are you? One of those sovereign citizen faggots?
You're forgetting the Massacre of the Latins, the sack of constantinople was well deserved.
pol is a muslim board
allahu ackbar
well, looks like kek owns this board.
Man this meeting must have been awkward as fuck for the press guys.
I bet Trump threatened to start his own network if they don't stop with the lies.
Simply amazing
We can see you moshie
He must definitely show them his helicopter.
Where is this screencap from ?
If you'd wanted me to post smug you'd just needed to ask.
Maybe this is why he's cordoning off the street around Trump Tower, so he can throw commies from the rooftop.
Okay, reported, then.
I made it, quotes are from Steve Bannon
That's probably pretty accurate.
He'll probably record the whole thing, wait for them to push their bullshit, and then leak the tape
You’re mentally ill.
Nazi animu girls are the best.
Its outdated, and relies upon faulty notions like these imaginary 'rights'.
And since the Founding Fathers were such horrible racists anyway, why should we ascribe to their views on press freedom anymore credence than we do their views on race? ;^)
it's good to talk to people.
maybe he's having a frank meeting with the press.
it could be to express the importance of their role in society.
He's gonna take them for a helicopter ride
You're right. Better give your guns to Obama now since the 2nd Amendment is outdated.
The freedom of the press is already there. It's not something we'd be extending; it already exists. Trump literally cannot silence the press.
In Finland our niggest newspaper turned around Bannons "darkness is good, it helps us when they get us wrong" into a front page title: "Bannon: I am a force of darkness."
*biggest newspaper
Good to know Trump has taken his strategy straight out of George Soros' book.
We Sith Now.
Either works the same
not on cuckchan, that's where. weeb.
Perhaps you should go back then.
The pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are outdated, so you should kill yourself. Or maybe go for a Chilean helicopter ride.
He's doing a Tyrion
Guys, don't you get it?
He's doing the 4D chess thing again.
He invites all the press to Trump Tower to make them kiss the ring, rips them a new one, then leaks everything himself because everyone likes seeing the media being blown the fuck out like this.
This is only going to increase approval ratings while the media is going to go on yet another temper tantrum.
Apparently it was a "fucking firing squad." Hopefully with live rounds but probably not.
So much for "off the record."
This is why President Trump ($buH) needs to start his own network. Just to livestream this kind of stuff.
Though the FCC has rules about indecent content; its illegal to show a 40-person ass raping.
I wish it was this literally
Maybe journalists will replace lawyers as the most despised profession.
My fucking sides please let this be real. Would explain why they look the way they do in
Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post.
“It was like a f–ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter.
“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.
“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added.
A second source confirmed the fireworks.
“The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks,” the other source said.
“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars,” the source said.
“Trump didn’t say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate – which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room.”
The stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a Trump Administration.
Trump is not allowed to do that while he's President. Or did you want to be North Korea?
Boy, Wolf sure looks nervous.
Eric Trump can.
They're also not in the Constitution, faggot.
I'm sure there's a golden pun to make with wolves and sheep here
Sadly Ctr that probably is enough to at least fool the cuckchan refugees.
I'll be honest, I thought that the establishment was just fighting itself and pretending any of this matters.
Now I believe. He can and will MAGA. Good luck, Donald.
And now organs are trying to squelch our press under the auspices of "fake news". Muh constitution and muh first amendment did jack shit to stop any of it and it won't stop the kike press from getting what it deserves.
Man this is pathetic but amusing
Hello Terry
I wouldn't trust the Post - ironically
Sweet dubs
I'm pretty sure President Trump ($buH) could legally buy a webcam and stream some shit to rightside or breitbart or FilteredWaterMan and then at the end say something like "If you enjoyed watching me say to these degenerates what you've wanted to say for decades, donate a few bucks to this charity or that organization"
Getting a message out nowadays just requires personality and 50 bucks worth of supplies.
Okay so you're not denying you're just some Holla Forums or reddit tier queermo who's trying to shit up one of our threads?
You just described Holla Forums.
i can't stop laughing, smugness level at 200%, these fucking kikes deserve every bit of it, it's like i'm on some sort of drug
kikes fw
Two sources confirmed it to them, the NYPost is much more reputable than the NYTimes or the Daily News, for instance.
Why would I go to Holla Forums or reddit when Holla Forums is like watching monkeys in a cage fight each other? This whole board is nothing but pure entertainment. Like going to Walmart on retard day and waiting for that one special window licker to completely spaz out.
What I love most about it is that it sounds like something Anthony Cumia would say during his Trump impression.
Can you even give an example or are you just talking out your ass? You seem like you're thetypical kind of psuedo-intellectual who has the "Holla Forums is one person" mentality.
Oh sure. Make a thread where some white woman talks about black guys. Watch the window lickers sperg the fuck out. Hilarious!
Don't reply to him unless he starts handing out high-energy bait. This stuff is just pathetic. Sad!
I love how Norton and Cumia are both on the Trump train.
I heard people were posting cancerous anime reaction images, and came as fast as I could.
Found the special spaz freaking out in the Walmart!
That was actually just the image that came into my head when I pictured your brain, or lack thereof.
wtf I hate Trump now
How about Hate Facts?
you couldn't even wait a full minute for that reply and you're calling him a spaz?
Nah. If you want to scare off normies, then you have to post cute kittens and friendly messages. People come here to find gore and hilarious neo-nazi memes. If you give them what they want, they never leave.
How about we ignore the shill and focus on the fact that Trump just raped the entire MSM once again?
Sorry for the weird link, it's a downloaded fb video.
Yeah fuck no nigga I ain't clickin that shit. Filtered.
I am a normie, speaking from experience. Derp.
Somebody post it here, for Christ's sake.
it actually is facebook-content-delivery-network breh
It's this video
Holy shit…
Also this,
NYTimes meeting tomorrow with Trump? That should be juicy.
Surely you jest, fellow knave.
So much for "off the record"
Fucking scumbags
No. Download the damn thing, and post it here.
here's a downloaded version for those not trusting kikebook links.
Told ya so.
Donald Trump’s media summit was a f—ing firing squad
" Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post. “It was like a f–ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter. “Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.
“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added. A second source confirmed the fireworks.
“The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks,” the other source said. “Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars,” the source said.
“Trump didn’t say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate – which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room.” "
oy fucking vey.
thank you, i should have just done that in the first place
pre or post meeting?
goybook link is useful for sharing on normie platforms.
From the leaks, it was basically
I hope this spells the death of the old media.
Trump's greatest accomplishment might be freeing the people from the control of MSM. People should start thinking critically for themselves and asking more questions. Start by observing the patterns and (((coincidences))) that infiltrate and influence all manner of life then do something about it.
I think it's post.
CNN will be the first to hang during the day of the rope.
That's bullshit and you know it.
with the rest of the media following closely behind
I wish I coulda been there. Got told that some of the people leaving there were bitter and indigent as a woman who got stood up on her wedding day.
Kek, he still talks like Trump even when he's reading a script.
Imagine being scolded like a schoolboy by a person you despise, and having to sit there and take it. I bet they're fuming.
It's nice to see Trump Tower so busy. In a lot of aspects, it's superior to the White House. Congrats to the Trump Family for forever enshrining their buildings as national monuments.
archive.is isn't the only archive site you cucked faggot
It's the only one I'm aware of retard so stop being a jew and recommend another one.
Red Press Conference
there's still 2 months until he's inaugurated and he's already running the fucking show. I'm sure the word "libel" was said once or twice as well
one of the best videos of the campaign tbh, Yidzer's face is just priceless
how about archive.org nigger
the links are fucking long as shit, but its actually the preeminent archive site in the world i think
Holy shit, savage. How have I missed that?
Every fucking time. Wolf's face is too good.
Oh god imagine if he told them right there he's going to sue ALL OF THEM into Gawker status the instant he takes office, and there's nothing they can do about it anymore.
That would explain the absolute shoah'd faces of these kikes after the meeting
H1-b Pajeets had best get their suitcases packed and tickets booked to their designated shitting streets now.
Hey Sam, you were pretty savage yourself last night on Twitter, keep it up. Also, second season of WP when?
Is that Charlie Rose in the second picture?
Got told he can't just keep giving soft interviews to CFR hacks the rest of his life?
everyone in media deserves the rope
How long has it been since the US had a president with balls?
How long has it been since Woodrow Wilson was inaugurated?
Probably because it's a given.
wtf i hate trump now
I don't have enough smug. Send help.
Unless he's going to do something about businesses hiring illegals all those energy jobs are going to go to illegals.
That's just day 1 m8.
You will surely get the deportations.
Keep pushing the defeatism nigger.
fuck off
Go shill on cuckchan nigger.
Trump "Exploded" At Media Execs During Off-The-Record Meeting: "It Was A F–king Firing Squad"
zero hedge.com/news/2016-11-21/trump-exploded-media-execs-during-record-meeting-it-was-f-king-firing-squad
why do you cocksuckers never put the citation on the image? all that work and its as worthless as a fucking bump on a soapbox
Are you fucking retarded? At least try to educate yourself about the issues before posting.
“Trump started with Jeff Zucker and said I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed…."
Didn't you read the full thread? It was a panic that wasn't justified:
jump to comment # 8062743 if you don't want to read the whole thread, that's my TL;DR. I was one of the very few who decided to read the whole thing and try to figure out what the problem was and if we should be worried. Turns out there's nothing terribly suspicious about Archive.is but we should have good alternatives to Archive.is just in case.
the most important part is on the image, it would be too much wall of text if it was on there entirely
Consider Obama "ballsy", then.
I've always wanted to set up a filing cabinet with printed info and info graphics and related media on separate Holla Forums subjects as a paper backup. And then all I need is the wacky board with pins and yarn
Blessed God Emperor, the lord of the mankind and bantz
are you fucking retarded? even if it were a book citation it wouldn't be bad. Get me the fucking citation and I'll put it on there and show you, you fucking dildos
No John. You are the Sarcen.
Jesus Christ, look at that nose. That face. That hair. That posture. That weight. He's like something out of A Wyatt Mynn comic.
Yes that's him and the guy next to him looks like Lawrence O'Donnell
Fukkin saved.
Thank you for the archive of that thread. People have been playing Chinese whispers with this shit, having a loading gif from an offsite location was odd (and kinda fishy), but I would assume anons have enough opsec that they don't let pages load arbitrary offsite shit from pages anyway.
The plan was always to first build the wall and then start deporting.
holy shit, my dad might not have to go on furlough anymore because there will be plenty of drilling work to go around.
they actually think he's going to take them out back and kill them.
please panout, please, holy shit, real "hope and change"
It's like a jewnigger
Fucking hell, these media kikes are oblivious. Only the metal disorder known as egalitarianism can account for their successful subversion, not intelligence. They're still trying to figure out, with wrong conclusions, Trump's first series of moves and why they produced the nightmare they're now living in. It's been almost a year and they're still unable to understand what occurred at the beginning of the game. It's becoming apparent that anything above low cunning is beyond their grasp, and that their very survival within any power structure depends on nepotism, not intelligence.
but it only seems to happen when there's too much incoming traffic, it's not there permanently.
according to this article it's John Dickerson not O'Donnell
You know, it would be ironically fucked up if, thanks to what Kang Nigger has pulled, Trump could actually do that.
I hope Donald makes PBS great again. If it ever was.
His policy is literally "America First". How much money are you willing to bet that he considers immigrants, especially future immigrants, to be part of America?
Fuck off.
he knew they where going to report on it. this was a fucking " go back and tell them who did this" massage.
How do people take these clowns seriously anymore? They're matching every single parody of a corrupt news organization that's ever existed and then doubling down on even that.
If you think I'm implying future immigrants = americans then you're more retarded than the potato you just posted.
someone posted an archive of a site that had malware embedded.
stop being technology-impaired ducks
behold the juden in all its natural glory!
So he 4D the press into thinking they were getting some news announcement or pledge of future privileges but instead they got bitched the fuck out, then the madman goes and posts info directly to the internet demonstrating to the press how they are irrelevant.
This man will be my president soon.
When was Kennedy assassinated?
He's probably going to wish he were back on some backwater PBS affiliate doing just that by the time Trump gets finished with him.
He also wanted to investigate Israel's nukes. No president since had the balls to do that.
And this wasn't a dressing down by some rich asshole who buys a lot of ad space or anything, this was getting told 'You're on my shit list.' by the fucking ==PRESIDENT== of the country in which you do your most business.
Goddamn right they look like Trump pulled a gun on them; because he fucking did.
What's the over/under that Trump went full Armstrong, turned on his nanotech, and ripped one of the network executives in half with his bare hands at the start of the meeting?
Nigger, the kikes didn’t HAVE nukes at the time. Kennedy stonewalled them; he wouldn’t let them have any for ANY reason. That’s why they killed him.
I think your average person would realize the gravity of President-elect Donald Trump saying that to them but with these media tards I'm not so sure. I don't think they will ever get it.
Oh, they know. I don't think they're retarded. They know what they're doing. Their bullshit could only go so far. That's why they all look like they're sweating bullets in the pic.
They're about to get their shit packed in, no lube.
Has filterman chimed in on this at all? Seems like the MSM would be even more salty if he started pointing out 'Not only is this new 'fake news' narrative a load of shit, Trump pulled you in there to tell you it to your faces and that you're the lying sacks of shit.'
I hated the Filter King before this election, but his Trump support and trolling of TYT has gotten him on my good side.
Can't disagree but I doubt they'll temper their evil ways and will hide behind the 1st Amendment. We shall see.
He's pulled a respectable hustle.
I made a thing.
Some bonus kvetching from The Jew Yorker
Amazing lamestrean fake news btfoed the new main stream news is going to be info wars and friends what a time to be alive
It sounds perfect. Also
They will never get it. Never ever ever.
Nobody goes to jail for breaking NDAs. You just get fined.
he also wanted to shoah the federal reserve
these kikes are so dumb we might be bumped down to regular 3d chess
Trump's change in expression right as he delivers that is amazing.
You did good kid.
He should have locked them in there and had the building demolished, tbh.
Now that many of them are pissed off, instead of becoming credible 'neutral' news organizations like they should – don't forget that Wikileaks revealed in the Podesta e-mails that at least 40 journalists and TV talking heads from the NYC region participated in two 'off-the-record' meetings with the Hillary Clinton camp before the primaries and some of them were even in direct contact with Podesta during the primaries and the general election – they will double down and be even more biased against Trump and it's going to be so obvious that even normal people who only get their news from the TV will be scratching their heads and wondering WTF am I watching?
Oh, so it wasn't like a firing squad after after all ? :-(
Knowing Trump he probably wants them to react that way.
There's no reason to believe he dropped his plans to build a media empire with the data he acquired during the election. Making the MSM go full potato will just drive more viewers into his arms.
I have no idea how he's going to build his media machine without conflict of interest cropping up, but at this point I'm starting to think he walks on water. He'll get it done.
Fuck trump, he's no longer planing to pursue charges against hilldog. What a pice of shit.
If we get what we want I don't care.
Sending her to prison would be burning a lot of political capital for not all that much reward.
And who knows. After he's been kicking ass for awhile his administration might have the popularity he'd need to shitcan her.
His FBI and DOJ has four years at the very least to investigate and arraign her. There's all kinds of other shit they can do without putting her in prison. Shutting down the Clinton Foundation would be a decent move, and wouldn't have the same political repercussions as putting her behind bars.
Hillary and bill literally committed treason numerous amount of times and made a fortune doing it, not to mention all the pedo shit. The Clinton's have caused much suffering all for their own benifit. Sorry but they deserve a slow painful death rotting in a cell.
Agreed, but so do a shitload of other people in politics. The Clintons have just been brought to our attention by the recent campaign.
Biden is probably just as corrupt, and Obama has been committing seditious acts by inciting the blacks to riot. Books have been written about the criminality of Bushes. Kissinger belongs in a dungeon as well. Everyone involved in the campaign to demographically replace whites by enabling Mexican illegals has also been committing treason and sedition.
The list of people who need to spend the rest of their lives on a prison barge in the arctic circle.. well we don't have enough barges. Hanging Clinton would send a message, but to actually serve the interests of justice we need something more than Trump. The kind of power needed to clean house properly requires a true dictator.
Yes we need more than Trump. We need us to be part of the solution.
Better brush up on the Constitution and destroy any person that does anything unconstitutional. Keeping people in check with the same code of law that everyone else has to abide to is a good standard to uphold to keep everything balanced.
For Anarcho Tyranny to end we need a tyranny of the Rule of Law. It must be enforced with an iron fucking fist. The constitution is an excellent tool for that.
As solid as Trump's instincts are about what this country needs, I don't think he truly gets what his people are facing. He's not awakened as we are. This is mostly because he's a product of his time. His instincts are geared towards fairness, and he really just wants everyone play by the rules. He's willing to forgive a lot of shit if people just straighten up and fly right.
In his heart he'll never accept that certain races and ethnicities are categorically incompatible with white western civilization.
Liberals are really, really fucking lucky he got elected. They had no clue what was coming if they spent another decade trying to crush us under their utterly incompetent boot. Eight years of a Trump presidency will spare them a much deserved bloodletting.
i would pay to see that
The benefit of a neutral online archive is that it can't be tampered with so it better serves as proof. Anything client side can be edited to look 100% realistic just using inspect element with no skill or time investment
The prison system in America, as it stands now, would only ensure that they enjoy a long and overdue retirement in relative comfort, also known as "minimum security prison."
There's a fair bit of work that need to be done before they can actually rot in a cell for their actions, and none of it is going to be a cakewalk.
I'm not certain this is a journalism problem. It might just be a social media, blogging thing at this point.
They think they have to share everything now, even when they're told not to. It would explain why the Gamergate digging threads were so easy to blow wide open, given how little compartmentalization everyone does and the sheer scope of all the information they put online.
The obvious retort is that never saving anything client side, easy with the right file formats, sets you up for shoah when they nuke the whole archive.is from orbit like they did for those sites exposing HAARP.
they're both
Does this honestly make them look bad? Considering who their main audience is? They're all just ratings-whores and this is easily spinnable into "Trump throws a childlike tantrum, tries to intimidate the media into silence!"
get this up
hard bumping to get rid of slide threads
purge comes early
the second one will be 20x bigger
remember this kampfy
Think about it this way, m8. You're a teenager, and your dad catches you doing some stupid shit. He can either FLY OFF THE HANDLE OH MY GOD HOW COULD YOU RAAAAAR and you tune it all out.
Or, he can let you know… in no uncertain terms… that he will be watching you… very, VERY closely… for a very long time…
Which is better at driving that fear into the heart?
get out.
You might not want to open that can of worms
Yeah, I'm worried too. He's already back peddling and gold got pushed down. He might be a republican version of Obamacare.
Well you're a moron then. Alex is a CIA gatekeeper who covers for the people who want to rape and kill your children and destroy all of us.
What special brand of faggot uses this turn of phrase unironically?
What gives the press that privilege when they have more power than the common man? More power = more scrutiny and consequences.
Then why are they covering Pizzagate? Did his intelligence handlers change or did they stay the same but change allegiance?