The thread has shown me that something absolutely must be done about the homosexual question.
Take this thread as a reminder that faggots belong in the bog and cuckchan needs to fucking leave.
Post redpills on faggots, show the sodomite he is not welcome here.
Fags on my Holla Forums #2
Other urls found in this thread:
This is the thread in question.
Hi Natt!
This isn't Holla Forums, this is TRS's meeting place with Reddit, duh.
Sometimes I get the feeling half of Holla Forums is only into it because of their gay Nazi fetish.
Fuck off implicit dick
Faggot = anal stimulation obsession
It will go away when prostates are no longer installed in the male body.
And yeah, it emasculates and demoralizesā¦ Penile orgasms are the secret to the sexual enlightenment
I bet the one with the round glasses is a kike.
these threads smell of intl
Hi Christfag. You realise Holla Forums is like 30% gay right?
Deal with it.
Time for some faggot hate dumps.
If you are not improving yourself constantly with those awful psychological issues, you're a liability and should be exiled.
Checked and kek'd
>reddit spacing
fuck right off.
you wont be getting rid of faggotry during the next for years, it's a long proces
First you need to start with exivitionism, promiscuity and degeneracy
Slut walks, pride marchs, gay bars and all the usual dens of abuse drug dealing and festering congenital deseases must be shamed to the point where the whole of mainstram society frowns upon it
Baning faggotry outright wont help
If people want to be faggots let them be faggots in the privacy of their homes away from the sight of children
As for gay marrigeā¦
I belive 2 people who are cohabitating should be allowed a legal contract that recognize their cohabitaton status before the state, just in case on of them dies so the other won't have probles with the inheritance of his mate's belongings, I sitill wouldn't allow them to adopt though, nor force religious institutions to recognize their unions if it goes against their dogma
Sage because attacking homosexuality head on is counter productive for the moment at least, strike degeneracy first
This is about mental hygine, lad. It's about waking newfags up to the faggy question and making our resident sodomites know just how unwelcome they are.
reminder that ironic shitposting is still shitposting and ironically making a community shit still makes it shit
Slay the gay
Kill the catamite