09-Nov-438498967 06:00 saudi-database.torrent

i posted about before, but lost the thread and am one step further now and fuck me if this is coincidence:

word is saudi-database.torrent at


was compromised, notice time stamp "09-Nov-438498967 06:00". if you dig onion chans there are references one should search for it, coming across stuff like:


same time stamp, but only 3yr old abandoned github project on eu hearings, TTIP etc. as it seems

one user mentioned the time stamp may occur to some technical details, but neither he nor google could elaborate on that.


the saudi-database.zip at


the zip the torrent is referring to is the ONE of TWO files on /file that got it time stamp set to

01-Jan-1984 00:01

instead of

01-Jan-1984 01:01

like nearly all the other files. the second one is, this is so good:


any guesses?

Other urls found in this thread:

pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?search=kelly kolisnik&op=index
wikileaks.org/sony/docs/05/docs/Is Domain Blocking Worthwhile.txt

wait what

Care to elaborate?

elaborate on what?

pls explain

idk how much you watched, its regarding pizzagate, the chans are full of it atm

Daylight Savings/British Summer Time I guess.

if it was daylight savings / british summer time it would imply that the files would have been written during time change.this somehow conflicts with manually set time stamps or am i missing something?

also the time would then be something with 02:00 and 03:00 not 00:01 and 01:01 if it was connected to write during time change. also /file consists of all leaks WL made so the original time stamps quiet probably were not all written at 00:01, 01:01 or the few 2016 time stamps of files that are new.

Yeah what I said doesn't actually make sense sorry. Ask Holla Forums.

im very newfag, just curiosly digging and watching the show. could you point me?

>>>Holla Forums

Holy shit they are playing with us

1984 is more likely a reference to bb is watching imho

I dont know if this helps but /files from 2015 archive.is/TdJ4t has all timestamps 01-Jan-1984 01:01

Here is /torrent from july 2016 archive.is/09Gu5
saudi-database.torrent09-Nov-438498967 06:00 86167
is already in

Check this too

It didn't happen on October 18, look at that page it was archived in June of last year:


Stop believing everything you read on 4chan. And stop making threads when instead you can post your questions in the appropriate threads. There's 4 or 5 thread about Wikileaks. Check the fucking catalog next time.

all except /cms/ 05-Feb-2015 14:06



It's the fucking unix epoch, you newfaggot.

The UNIX Epoch is in 1970, not 1984 dumbass

At least I'm not a nerd.

Bitch, everyone knows that.

"It didn't happen on October 18, look at that page it was archived in June of last year:"

thx for pointing out

"Stop believing everything you read on 4chan" well im still checking stuff, its just so much

"Check the fucking catalog next time."

sry im not totally aware of protocol, ill try, but still no need to get offended as if if i shat in ur personal safe space, honey.

well my quote was

"most files have tempered time stamp 1984", 2016 files seem to have other dates, still the coincidence part holds true.

yeah i checked that the mails are only accessible by typing the correct link and at least for some its true. some have very interesting attachments.

thats also the lead i was following while encountering the coincidence.

ill probably get me a saudi torrent from an archived WL link and check the saudi zip for changes. read something about that but wanna check myself.

Timestams are 1984 for ling time. they were like that in june 2015: archive.is/TdJ4t

ups posted too soon I should read the thread before shitposting

Ill post few latest WikiLeaks Task Force tweets. They were actively responding to questions and accusations.

thx very much

im not arguing about the 1984 but about two files having >>00:01>01:01

which files and can you check with older archived versions if they have changed?
this may be the proof that the podesta leak was tampered with



search for 00:01:

podesta-emails/ 01-Jan-1984 00:01 -
saudi-database.zip 01-Jan-1984 00:01 1124103198

both seem to be files dont havent been in archives yet but i have not done extensive search for it. anyway the 00:01 is new to me

excuse my english, oh forgive me -.-

also i not like jumping to conclusions, im just saying it might be something interesting ( even if interesting is knowing that WL always flagged their files in some obscure way and its not related in any way )

Assange was extridited and is not in the embassy. Wkilileaks is compromised and totally under opposition control now.

1st 8ch post detailing ddos outage to stop DMS is authentic. A fast reaction plan was enacted to counter it manual reactivation plan of DMS:

1- All operating funds were drained from wikileaks bitcoin account (controlled) the very next day
2- 8ch tripcodes faked 8/22 to simulate original post person discrediting 1st (real) post
3- @kellkosink twitter is compromised and controlled.
4- blockchain hidden messages and monkeybusiness is opposition fiction to suggest proof of life and wikileaks integrity…notice that they did not re fund wikileaks bitcoin account (providing operating expenses), but instead chose to do messaging with indirection using other accounts sending to wikileaks.

The whole stack is controlled now. Expect the next steps to be a new publishing campaign to "leak" fiction abount Donald Trump.

Expect child pedo stuff or something of that caliber….followed by triggering paid riots.

although its derailing the topic i want to remark that can be vaildated is that the first bitcoin msg was sent from a wallet that was sent money to from WL earlier and the second msg was just from some random wallet. if you have further facts / links im interested

Just need to co-opt owner of that acvount to complete the illusion.

I need hard evidence at this point to sway my read of situation.

You know nothing. Pretty much everything you wrote is wrong. How many of those claims you checked? All you people running around with this wild specualtions blaming everyone to be a shill amd baiming mods to be compromised when they delete your shitposting.
You are the real shill. You are the one that are causing people not to trust WikiLeaks.


Draining is explained here: twitter.com/WLTaskForce/status/800805074637385728
We routinely empty the wallet for security reasons. Look at its history.
8:56 PM - 21 Nov 2016

NOT TRUE Check my tripcode
Look at

Why do you think that ?
He was at Assange on 17 October twitter.com/kellykolisnik/status/787932228994990080
He posted his PGP key: twitter.com/kellykolisnik/status/800812108103368705
pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x48C0AAA1F0B4FDEF Signed by Assange himself (lulz)
Some say he tweeted some bitcoin address, but I havent looked int that claim yet.

Hidden message was saying: WeRe Fine Holla Forums PoSt FAke

Are you ready for your redpill?
'>> pad.riseup.net/p/ProofOfLife

'>> pad.riseup.net/p/ProofOfLife

Wikileaks uses @riseup email for their staffers and even twitter account.

Canary if like 5 days overdue.

well, kek i guess:


So riseup could be compelled by a national security letter/order to allow access to resetting wikileaks password and not talk about it.

Leaving only warrant canary to signify somethibg changed…


they were overdue before( like A LOT as itseems ) but they reacted instantly after asked

Looks like issue will be solved soon.

Yes in worst case scenario if riseup would be completely breached by NSA (CIA FBI GHCQ Mossad…) they would be able to reset twitter password and access that account.
Wikileaks staff would still control @WLTaskForce and @WikiLeaksShop since those two accounts has only @wikileaks.org domain emails registered. And they would be able to use wikileaks.org and make statemt there that hey lost @wikileaks access.

NO, thats the last time when they INDEED missed to update but they reacted instantly - now they didnt post such a msg and are still replying

even more interesting is that last time they were asked to update the new canary was issued only one day after - just NOT like they are acting now





the torrent file is just hashes for files to get over p2p, just like a magnet link would work. If anyone has the original torrent file, you could compare.

yeah wont be that easy. also i noticed that torrents in archives might be changed by the archive sites due security reasons so finding and testing for the file being valid isnt trivial, at least for me

Only normal reason I can see for a change in date/time is if the files were updated or modified at some point between archive date and now, and then three possibilities:

1. Simple mistake in manually changing the time
2. Intentional mistake to draw attention
3. Cock-up by someone trying to imitate WL practices

The commitment hashes are supposed to match the signatures of the unencrypted files. So unless those files have been decrypted and the hashes still don't match, this avenue is a distraction.

It doesn't look like they keep much in it at a time. The wallet had ~90 BTC or so transferred to a few other wallets. One of those was used to send the "we're fine" message back to WL.
Over its existence the wallet has received 4k BTC. There are older outgoing transactions if you filter to show sent, which should demonstrate how much they had in there up until recently, or how much is usual to keepin there.

Given how up and down the value of BTC can be, it isn't surprising that there wouldn't often be much left in the wallet at any one time.

"The commitment hashes are supposed to match the signatures of the unencrypted files. So unless those files have been decrypted and the hashes still don't match, this avenue is a distraction."

as thats not the way hashes generally work ( eg. if u download warez or iso files its always for encrypted/zipped as it makes decrypt / unzip unneccessary ) and the question of all this shit in general this remark doesnt satisfy my curiousity

That's not how precommitment works you retard.

Party A has files they don't want anyone to see. Party B gets these files. Party B tells party A "we've got your files, don't touch us or we'll distribute them". Party A says "oh yeah? Prove it". Party B sends them hashes of those files so party A can confirm they indeed have those files. Party A gets the same hashes they received from party B and bricks are shat - party B was not lying.

Muppet. The "We're fine" message was refunding. You can see the transactions from WL wallet to 13LB wallet to "We're fine" wallets all the way back to WL wallet.
There are larger sums that went to other wallets that hadn't been spent as of yesterday, but the "we're fine" message used funds that started and ended with WL wallet.

The second message from another person was someone else asking them if they had control of all their shit.

I am retarded. I havent checked the date.


still stands though

Common use of hashes are as signatures to prove the integrity of a file or message. The commitment hashes do not do that as such.

When tweeting the pre-commitment hashes, WL was saying "I'm commiting to showing this data". The hashes will be of the data they've committed to share at a later date or from a separate location.
The second part (in this case, at a later date) was them sharing the data but encrypted.
We can't yet know whether that data is what WL commited to share on the 16th of October, because we don't have the keys to decrypt the files (unless they've since been released?). But when those files have been decrypted we'll then be able to compare them with the commitment hashes.

And if they don't match after all that, either the commitment was a false alarm or a bluff, or WL has been compromised.

Saudi Arabia Database From Wikileaks


i understand the concept described by their tweet. just my POV and i dont claim anything or want to change ur opinion:

if i used that concept i could as well give the opposing faction the decrypt key ( they likely wont share ) and leak as usual with a normal hash. baddies can verify data and no need for anything special. still i acknowledge ur point but it wont hurt u if dig a bit and come up with being wrong.



the often cited source

[5] wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Wiki_Backups

seems BS as the hash given there is just a normal hash for verifying the package and i cant find any reference to that hash before they released that file, especially not as pre commitment hash. so i still dont see any verification for "the precommits always fit encrypted data"

Here is real life example from @puellavulnerata tor dev during applebaum sex scandal


[email protected]/* */
A precommitment: bfb9a7c833a5fc8f5a938d816b1bbc4acaa06519fdb1af4c8632719596807dac
11:04 PM - 24 May 2016

Precommitment revealed

[email protected]/* */
Precommitment revealed: sha256("It seems one rapist is one rapist too many\n")
5:01 AM - 3 Jun 2016

Now everybody can check that sha256 of "It seems one rapist is one rapist too many\n" is "bfb9a7c833a5fc8f5a938d816b1bbc4acaa06519fdb1af4c8632719596807dac" Confirming that @puellavulnerata on 24 May 2016 already knew that fact.
Precommitment tweet served as warning to Applebaoum that SJWs already conspired against him and devised a plan to nuke him.

"We can't yet know whether that data is what WL commited to share on the 16th of October"

first WLs reasoning about the concept of pre commitment hashes implies that the hashes are connected to the leaked files.

also the naming of the hashes and the files seems to be connected.

together with the coincidence of 00:01 my OP is about and the state of riseups canary statement im more into looking that than chasing some blockchains what looks like a bad pr campaign from steemit at first glance ( imho, no offense guys )


ur 2nd source is just a link to a generic warning. still i dont doubt ur concept but im not into justifying my POV as well as u may have yours

i came across that file too but i think its not a good source. its an upload of a archive.org member that is registered since april this year w uploads only topic related. neither result with that file would convince anyone of anything i guess

Join BM chan 09-Nov-438498967 06:00

Nothing you wrote makes any sense.

>2- 8ch tripcodes faked 8/22 to simulate original post person discrediting 1st (real) post

And how the fuck do you know since nothing the first user presumably LARPing as Wikileaks wrote could be verified?

What about the previous times? Are they supposed to update it regularly at more or less fixed intervals or just whenever they feel like it? It would be nice to have a list of previous updates. It says August 16 here:


Wikileaks isn't distributing warez, they're distributing future leaks:



"WikiLeaks releases encrypted versions of upcoming publication data ("insurance") from time to time to nullify attempts at prior restraint. "

So I'm pretty sure it means the files inside the encrypted file are supposed to match the pre-commitment hashes if they ever publish the key to open it.

"Our canary statement received its normal quarterly update. "


thats the point, they are late and last time they were late they were as fast as flash

*as fast as flash renewing the canary after asked about it and now they tweet but dont comment


same here

Is this connected to the IRS requesting all of the records of the largest exchange

i havent heard about that one yet and also cant decide for you. an user above posted WL saying it happens regulary but i didnt go further for now as i cant see ( and also dont wanna waste my time on ) whats blockchain LARP / steemit pr and what ( if ) is real about that.

could you share the source?

everyone could probably at least check WL wallet flow in the past quiet easily and share the result if they wanted to.

little update before ( as it seems ) shit goes down:


managed to get 50/60k mails via the curl command quoted in archived missing link posts and closing in. notice that there more than the 25k given in source.

got me a copy of


formats are .eml and .mbox which both can have attachments so i hope i got em too.

i will try to create a list comparing both sources and stripping the attachments. i have basic skills that might cover that. if anyone is _able_ to contribute id be glad. you pick obscure platform ( no BM, risepad, tox or that new thing with v where everyone is heading ) to decide if it might work out. ill try anyway and might bbl



the extracted .mbox file has 01:01 opposing to the packed gz and the podesta mail dir on /file that have 00:01 as time stamp btw

Timestamp of */torrents/saudi-database.torrent* file:

Thu, 09 Nov 438498967 06:00:16 GMT

Timestamp of */file/saudi-database.zip* file:

Sun, 01 Jan 1984 00:01:00 GMT

Timestamp of *.csv files in *saudi-database.zip* file:

Tue, 19 Jan 2038 04:14:07 GMT

it's 00:01 as time stamp for me for

*/file/saudi-database.zip* file

i assume you refer to the file.wikileaks.org/file/saudi-database.zip?

wget –output-file=log.txt –verbose –spider –server-response file.wikileaks.org/file/saudi-database.zip

yes, used the above command line. it gives the timestamp to the second, instead of to the minute like the index.html


btw i got 59258 with curl

59258 mails*

sha256sum saudi-database.zip

c04aeea642671d7a3246bd999b18f32544b3c781734040f86b21657234f544c1 saudi-database.zip

sha256sum saudi-database_fromindex.zip

d5024636fd247df2433896784169536f6034c180a06f53b6ee1901e1012a7ee3 saudi-database_fromindex.zip

hold your tits, screenshot, verify yourself, spread the word - this seems significant

u r a fucking friend for me now

or at least someone tell me what im missing but endorphine is pumping af

Is that a comparison of the hash for the current version of that file which is on the site, vs the version initially released?

its the comparison between


gotten via the website and the same file downloaded via the wget command

to be clear: the same file from the same adress, both downloaded some minutes ago

sry, false alarm -.-

this adress seems bogus and only a mirror of WL where im not sure how valid it is

still its a mirror that seems to be up to date, might be interesting to look up their background to see if the adress has any credibility at all



"[email protected]/* */"

but im pretty sure its just the adress for infringement stuff

previous hashes matched the unencrypted insurance files



well now its funny again, guess who owns that adress?

person: Peter Chayanov
address: Moscow, Russia
phone: +7 495 369 97 96
nic-hdl: PC7356-RIPE
mnt-by: MTLM-MNT
abuse-mailbox: [email protected]/* */
created: 2008-10-19T20:57:02Z
last-modified: 2015-12-25T05:44:46Z
source: RIPE

just collecting names

organisation: ORG-MTL21-RIPE
org-name: Mir Telematiki Ltd
org-type: LIR
address: Barabannii pereulok 4/4
address: 107023
address: Moscow
phone: +7 495 369 9796
fax-no: +7 495 369 9796
e-mail: [email protected]/* */
mnt-ref: MTLM-MNT
mnt-ref: RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
mnt-by: MTLM-MNT
abuse-mailbox: [email protected]/* */
abuse-c: HA2800-RIPE
created: 2010-10-06T10:46:46Z
last-modified: 2016-09-30T12:14:19Z
source: RIPE

looks like that peter if he is co owner of hostkey and the adresses are @hostkey but still might be coincidence as everyone is named peter

I don't understand, is there anything wrong with the files?

Have you posted on >>>Holla Forums ?
Just copy paste OP there, because if you're going to be very technical here not many people will be able to help

well the point is

tried to convince me that that wget gets the saudi-database.zip from WL but the command line has shown that bogus adress ( invalid certificate ) that holds a complete mirror of file.wikileaks.org/file where the saudi-database has a different hash than the one from WL

as that adress could be anything im looking up who owns that mirror the post tricked me into and hello russia here we are

i dunno what to think about at all

"Have you posted on >>>Holla Forums ?"

im not used to actively posting and also dont want to bother anyone elsewhere until i have found something where im sure its interesting

i just checked command line again, it was choosing from the following three adresses:

Resolving file.wikileaks.org (file.wikileaks.org)…,,, …

consider them malicous in some form i guess

at least there is something to dig now as all three are mirrors of WL

but i repeat: anyone could have done this

ipindetail.com/ip-lookup/ is also connected to

Mir Telematiki

just for looking up their adress my ip is now blacklisted on ipindetail

the Mir Telematiki resides in the center of moscow look at that map



third adress:

NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-195-0-0-0-1
Parent: ()
NetType: Allocated to RIPE NCC
Organization: RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE)
RegDate: 1996-03-25
Updated: 2009-03-25
Comment: These addresses have been further assigned to users in
Comment: the RIPE NCC region. Contact information can be found in
Comment: the RIPE database at ripe.net/whois
Ref: whois.arin.net/rest/net/NET-195-0-0-0-1

ResourceLink: apps.db.ripe.net/search/query.html
ResourceLink: whois.ripe.net

OrgName: RIPE Network Coordination Centre
Address: P.O. Box 10096
City: Amsterdam
PostalCode: 1001EB
Country: NL
Updated: 2013-07-29
Ref: whois.arin.net/rest/org/RIPE

ReferralServer: whois://whois.ripe.net
ResourceLink: apps.db.ripe.net/search/query.html

OrgTechHandle: RNO29-ARIN
OrgTechName: RIPE NCC Operations
OrgTechPhone: +31 20 535 4444
OrgTechEmail: [email protected]/* */
OrgTechRef: whois.arin.net/rest/poc/RNO29-ARIN

OrgAbuseHandle: ABUSE3850-ARIN
OrgAbuseName: Abuse Contact
OrgAbusePhone: +31205354444
OrgAbuseEmail: [email protected]/* */
OrgAbuseRef: whois.arin.net/rest/poc/ABUSE3850-ARIN

RTechName: RIPE NCC Hostmaster
RTechPhone: +31 20 535 4444
RTechEmail: [email protected]/* */
RTechRef: whois.arin.net/rest/poc/RIPE-NCC-ARIN

all adresses are connected to amsterdam in some way as well as hostkey as connections to amsterdam so im quiet sure about our peter now

Idk if the poster was tricking you into anything as such, but it does look like you've stumbled onto something if I follow correctly…

You downloaded the zip directly from the wikileaks address, ad also got it via the command line.

You compared the hashes of both and found they are different.

You then found that wget can pull the file from 3 different mirror sites rather than the main WL site.

Have I got that correct?

you got that correct as long as you dont consider the files originating from WL or trustworthy and the adresses as not to be trusted in any way. idk as this machine will be reset after anyway

sry my english is shit. adresses are not to be trusted of course

Trustworthy will have to be worked out following on from this.

Is it common for there to be mirrors of the WL site? It seems like a sensible thing for them to do.

i looked shortly and the sites search and me looking for a minute or two didnt brought it up. i was looking at ripes main site AFAIR

but i really dont have any idea

it will be interesting to see what the difference between the saudi-database.zip files will be regardless of credibility imho

id really like to find a homepage of the isp Mir Telematiki Ltd but it looks ass im too stupid to use google


Websites hosted by: MIR TELEMATIKI LTD

isps normally have homepages, dont they?

Yeah, so their customers can interact with them. It's weird if this one doesn't have one.

try and google it ;)

According to this they are part of Hostkey:

nice one

if anyone is interested in technical shit

Uh, guys? You do realize, that the spider parameter is for getting the file information, rather than the file? Right? I used it to get the timestamps without having to download the whole 1gig…

Still, the three mirror IPS are intriguing

thx for pointing out my dumbness, appreciate it

but still it downloaded a file saudi-database.zip with similar size. i was wotrried about the spider argument part and then noticed the adresses so im not 100% sure what the spider stuff in arg does but it downloads that file from their servers, as you can see

to be more exact its about 400MB bigger than the WL version so its probably a archivce file and not just plain file info

ip-lookup.net has this info for the WL 195 IP address (pic related). It looks like those Russian ones are other alternatives if the main host is down. Looking up those ones shows other WL IPs also.

It might be that 114 ones are down, and it pulled the file from a different mirror again… When it showed the IPs, did it get the file from the last on (beginning 195)?

opposing to this post i have time stamp

1984-01-01 01:01:00

on the downloaded saudi-database.zip

that i didnt see til now occur anywhere


i totally forgot they are extractable so i might as well do a diff of some sort

well they both extract finely into expected file format files

well the original one from WL stopped w an error

maybe i had just a bad download of it, ill retry w a new one

you can see that it connected to for as you can see here:

Ah ok. Where it shows the three addresses, is that meaning it tried the other two and wasn't able to retrieve anything from them?

id have to look it up in a man page to answer as well, not sure. consider me computer bard - dabbled in everything, mastered nothing

i tried again and it seems u r right - i get other adresses now:

[[email protected]/* */ Downloads]$ wget –output-file=log.txt –verbose –spider –server-response file.wikileaks.org/file/saudi-database.zip
idn_encode failed (3): ‘Non-digit/letter/hyphen in input’
–2016-11-23 22:06:58– –output-file=log.txt/
Resolving –output-file=log.txt (–output-file=log.txt)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘–output-file=log.txt’
idn_encode failed (3): ‘Non-digit/letter/hyphen in input’
–2016-11-23 22:06:58– –output-file=log.txt/
Resolving –output-file=log.txt (–output-file=log.txt)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘–output-file=log.txt’
–2016-11-23 22:06:58– xn--verbose-t16c/
Resolving –verbose (xn–verbose-t16c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–verbose-t16c’
–2016-11-23 22:06:58– xn--verbose-t16c/
Resolving –verbose (xn–verbose-t16c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–verbose-t16c’
–2016-11-23 22:06:58– xn--spider-vg0c/
Resolving –spider (xn–spider-vg0c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–spider-vg0c’
–2016-11-23 22:06:58– xn--spider-vg0c/
Resolving –spider (xn–spider-vg0c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–spider-vg0c’
–2016-11-23 22:06:58– xn--server-response-du9h/
Resolving –server-response (xn–server-response-du9h)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–server-response-du9h’
–2016-11-23 22:06:59– xn--server-response-du9h/
Resolving –server-response (xn–server-response-du9h)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–server-response-du9h’
–2016-11-23 22:06:59– file.wikileaks.org/file/saudi-database.zip
Resolving file.wikileaks.org (file.wikileaks.org)…,,, …
Connecting to file.wikileaks.org (file.wikileaks.org)||:443… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘saudi-database.zip’

i rly wonder what all that is supposed to mean

my first download was exact size of the WL version and also same file count, didnt look closer for now

gives me 100kB/s instead of 4.5MB like the first one -.-


organisation: ORG-HOST4-RIPE
org-name: Host1 DA
org-type: OTHER
address: Sagveien 17, N-0459 Oslo, Norway
e-mail: [email protected]/* */
abuse-c: AR25154-RIPE
mnt-ref: BLIX-MNT
mnt-by: BLIX-MNT
abuse-mailbox: [email protected]/* */
created: 2011-06-16T11:44:59Z
last-modified: 2014-11-17T21:01:48Z
source: RIPE

Login to update

address: Gullhaugveien 1, N-0484 Oslo, Norway
e-mail: [email protected]/* */
admin-c: BLIX
nic-hdl: BLIX1-RIPE
mnt-by: BLIX-MNT
abuse-mailbox: [email protected]/* */
created: 2010-06-07T19:38:39Z
last-modified: 2014-09-30T07:39:27Z
source: RIPE


organisation: ORG-MTL21-RIPE
org-name: Mir Telematiki Ltd
org-type: LIR
address: Barabannii pereulok 4/4
address: 107023
address: Moscow
phone: +7 495 369 9796
fax-no: +7 495 369 9796
e-mail: [email protected]/* */
mnt-ref: MTLM-MNT
mnt-ref: RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
mnt-by: MTLM-MNT
abuse-mailbox: [email protected]/* */
abuse-c: HA2800-RIPE
created: 2010-10-06T10:46:46Z
last-modified: 2016-09-30T12:14:19Z
source: RIPE

Login to update

person: Peter Chayanov
address: Moscow, Russia
phone: +7 495 369 97 96
nic-hdl: PC7356-RIPE
mnt-by: MTLM-MNT
abuse-mailbox: [email protected]/* */
created: 2008-10-19T20:57:02Z
last-modified: 2015-12-25T05:44:46Z
source: RIPE


organisation: ORG-HOST4-RIPE
org-name: Host1 DA
org-type: OTHER
address: Sagveien 17, N-0459 Oslo, Norway
e-mail: [email protected]/* */
abuse-c: AR25154-RIPE
mnt-ref: BLIX-MNT
mnt-by: BLIX-MNT
abuse-mailbox: [email protected]/* */
created: 2011-06-16T11:44:59Z
last-modified: 2014-11-17T21:01:48Z
source: RIPE

Login to update

address: Gullhaugveien 1, N-0484 Oslo, Norway
e-mail: [email protected]/* */
admin-c: BLIX
nic-hdl: BLIX1-RIPE
mnt-by: BLIX-MNT
abuse-mailbox: [email protected]/* */
created: 2010-06-07T19:38:39Z
last-modified: 2014-09-30T07:39:27Z
source: RIPE

im not sure right now but it looks like that:

the different mirrors give files of multiple sizes, they seem to have an error on extract but the content is in similar file format as the original one. last ip gave me 100mb file. i cant say whether the files extracted are the same at this point but maybe i can find some duplicates quick to support the possiblity that these or only chunks / duplicate files from the original files.

i wouldnt do it if i wanted to use that OS for any productive as im quiet sure i got me something from the last days anyway

a first guess would be that the invalid certificate fronts of the adresses could be used for phishing etc as the page code is largely WL original and also links to the correct dir on the real /file site.

also note that this means you wont be able to access the saudi-database.zip on the respective server because of that

i should learn some more about spiders now i guess

"you wont be able to access the saudi-database.zip on the respective server"

i meant via browser clicking the links - watch for the adresses in browser bar


even gave me the files are identical for the test of the original wikileaks.org/ page source against the one on

FYI at least one of the admins on irc.indymedia.org:6697 #riseup was active and talking but was dead silent when asked about the canary.

personally i take it for granted they are compromised cause what should they do more than now to scream it out. but vry much thx for inf0

at least my third mirror gave me files with same file name and size like the original one. looked at about 100 for that to see if there is any reason to look into that files at all. now im wondering if there are any files with differences to the original ones

like the original extracted ones*

on another note the extracted files from the obscure mirrors have

2098-01-01 00:00:00

as time stamp

some number where i cant see the magic right now and might be gone wrong somewhere

BM chan gone quiet..

i dont like the BM/tox/risepad fuckery atm. accounts spam the same phrases with often enough obvious mistakes in sources etc and dont react on it when remarked.

What's new? Seems to have gone quiet on a few fronts

well in short:

you can get nearly 60k mails from podesta leak via curl directly from WL, more than you see when you click on their page

gives chunks of archives with files identical to:


but the mirrors it connects to are somehow odd, probably malicious and many of them are connected to

Mir Telematiki
Host1 DA

but mostly the russian one

Peter Chayanov looks like a name to me now but could as well be wrong

for further details read from beginning enjoying ur favourite sativa or just ask me questions ill try to answer as far as i can

it should have been:

"you can get nearly 60k mails from podesta leak via curl directly from WL, more than you see when you click on their page

wget –output-file=log.txt –verbose –spider –server-response file.wikileaks.org/file/saudi-database.zip

gives chunks of archives with files identical to:"

i forgot to mention that it is very probable that riseup, WLs email provider has been compromised

Why the fuck isnt an Assange thread stickied yet? There's obviously something wrong there.

Mods get your shit together you cucked faggots.

was that ban thing on reddit yesterday for real? did it happen?

Why the fuck isnt an Assange thread stickied yet? There is obviously something wrong there.

Mods get your shit together you cucked faggots.

"FBI et al has not contacted WikiLeaks over any of our Clinton/DNC related publications. Hasn't contacted ISP either:"



looks like i missed a lot of fun:


test if i get same reply three times?!!!!1eleven

wikileaks.org whois

Domain ID: D130035267-LROR
Creation Date: 2006-10-04T05:54:19Z
Updated Date: 2014-04-03T14:32:31Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2018-10-04T05:54:19Z
Sponsoring Registrar:Dynadot, LLC (R1266-LROR)
Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 472
WHOIS Server:
Referral URL:
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registrant ID:CP-13000
Registrant Name:John Shipton c/o Dynadot Privacy
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: PO Box 701
Registrant City:San Mateo
Registrant State/Province:CA
Registrant Postal Code:94401
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+1.6505854708
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:[email protected]/* */
Admin ID:CP-13000
Admin Name:John Shipton c/o Dynadot Privacy
Admin Organization:
Admin Street: PO Box 701
Admin City:San Mateo
Admin State/Province:CA
Admin Postal Code:94401
Admin Country:US
Admin Phone:+1.6505854708
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:[email protected]/* */
Tech ID:CP-13000
Tech Name:John Shipton c/o Dynadot Privacy
Tech Organization:
Tech Street: PO Box 701
Tech City:San Mateo
Tech State/Province:CA
Tech Postal Code:94401
Tech Country:US
Tech Phone:+1.6505854708
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax:
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:[email protected]/* */
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:


this i dont understand

Status Inactive

What is DNSSEC?

DNSSEC is a technology that was developed to, among other things, protect against such attacks by digitally 'signing' data so you can be assured it is valid. However, in order to eliminate the vulnerability from the Internet, it must be deployed at each step in the lookup from root zone to final domain name (e.g., www.icann.org). Signing the root (deploying DNSSEC on the root zone) is a necessary step in this overall processii. Importantly it does not encrypt data. It just attests to the validity of the address of the site you visit.


i guess its ok then for wikileaks to have none.

this just gets more fucked up no matter what direction u look

Timeline here: pastebin.com/stbJvs1J

Even this thread is fucky. Posts appearing, disappearing and then reappearing.

It might think it's inactive because there's no index page? Otherwise, I got nothing. Site's clearly there when you go to the url…

could u check on whois with the link i used, or better use google to get there so u dont need a user link? my pc could be fucky as well. id really be interested if whois thinks wikileaks.org is not active

dunno, for me this thread behaved normal all the time. my pc might got something on the journey as all sites now seem to think im malicious or a robot.

Check your network traffic using Wireshark.

People investigating the Blockchain angle (as place DMS was sent Oct 15th-Oct 27th) have reportedly been targeted.

thx, thats the first piece of code someone had thrown in me where i can a trustworthy source in my distro repos :)

"where i have a"..get used to my gibberish i guess

Okay, this page says about what Inactive status can mean: icann.org/resources/pages/epp-status-codes-2014-06-16-en

If the whois site you've linked is meaning the same, then it could be there's something screwy with the name servers if I understand that correctly.

This site doesn't show anything like that as far as I can tell: whois.com/whois/wikileaks.org

But it does just go from file.wikileaks.org to the top level domain so…

thank you very much


This status code indicates that delegation information (name servers) has not been associated with your domain. Your domain is not activated in the DNS and will not resolve."

its really a nice finding

but my head understands "nobody will see you if ur site has that shit" and tries to understand it differently but fails

im not claiming just thinking loud:

if wikileaks.org isnt available / resolvable in DNS what else do i see then at their site and why i see the same files on some obscure shit mirrors?

ping says wikileaks.org is

occhams razor won because its the same server:


ladies and gentleman we reached the next level

this is so good

somebody tell me why DNS resolves to shit servers instead of wikis IP given by whois?

You're saying the DNS servers themselves are no longer linking to the actual wikileaks.org? But instead to near-identical mirrors of the site? As in, the DNS servers are intentionally misdirecting?

imho it can be only

a mirror of WL themselves meaning there are different servers with their files what would be also nice. then there is still the question why it is listed inactive

there is something wrong

im missing something entirely different

"As in, the DNS servers are intentionally misdirecting?"

not sure about that part, might be exactly the way it should work as well, but as i wrote, then why itslisted inactive?

also its only the main page that pop ups when one simply gives the ips into the browser bar with a 100% identical page source code from the real WL ( basically as it seems because its whats the real WL right now ) and i dont know how many of the files of files.wikileaks.org/file/ exist on the mirrors. i found whole copies auf the saudi-database.zip but also chunks of it. it extracts to the same files like from the original ( again, probably because it is the original )


file.wikileaks.org SOA 1799 wikileaks.org [email protected]/* */ 2013101005 7200 3600 86400 3600
file.wikileaks.org A 236
file.wikileaks.org A 236
file.wikileaks.org A 236
file.wikileaks.org A 236


wikileaks.org SOA 3599 wikileaks.org [email protected]/* */ 2013101005 7200 3600 86400 3600
wikileaks.org NS 73675 ns3.wikileaks.org
wikileaks.org NS 73675 ns1.wikileaks.org
wikileaks.org NS 73675 ns2.wikileaks.org
wikileaks.org NS 73675 ns4.wikileaks.org
wikileaks.org A 415
wikileaks.org A 415
wikileaks.org A 415
wikileaks.org A 415
wikileaks.org MX 299 1 mx.wikileaks.org
www.wikileaks.org A 415
www.wikileaks.org A 415
www.wikileaks.org A 415
www.wikileaks.org A 415
www.wikileaks.org CNAME 115 wikileaks.org
www.wikileaks.org MX 299 1 mx.wikileaks.org

i try to find somethin that verifies

as belonging to WL as that is the ip the ping command gives when i feed it wikileaks.org. then it would be quiet sure its an official server/mirror and only the question why whois lists it inactive remains.

www.wikileaks.org A 415

well that was fast

also im wondering why these servers give me a invalid certificate when wikleaks.org doesnt even if it appears to be the same

i get

"Your connection is not secure

The owner of has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website."

id also call a site improperly configured improperly if at root level DNSSEC is Unsigned ( if wikileaks should need such a thing, still dunno ) XD is also the ip ping gives for file.wikileaks.org

at least for me some seconds ago

seems firefox is judgy whether i enter file.wikileaks.org and it resolves to the ip or enter that ip directly

some of their servers firefox doesnt let me on because of security reassons even if i try to force him..strange

"This site uses HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to specify that Firefox may only connect to it securely. As a result, it is not possible to add an exception for this certificate."

"ns4.wikileaks.org uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is only valid for the following names: 911.wikileaks.org, beta.wikileaks.org, cablegate.wikileaks.org, cablegatesearch.wikileaks.org, collateralmurder.wikileaks.org, cryptome.wikileaks.org, file.wikileaks.org, forum.wikileaks.org, icwatch.wikileaks.org, mobile.wikileaks.org, our.wikileaks.org, search.wikileaks.org, shop.wikileaks.org, theworldtomorrow.wikileaks.org, wardiaries.wikileaks.org, wardiary.wikileaks.org, warlog.wikileaks.org, warlogs.wikileaks.org, when.google.met.wikileaks.org, wikileaks.org, worldtomorrow.wikileaks.org, www.wikileaks.org"

there was a WL story on 911?

i wonder if its possible to act as one of the names the certificate accepts

when i think about it the user that brought me to these mirrors had another time stamp on his saudi-database.zip than me - maybe they are different for each mirror

is the ip ping gives for ns4.wikileaks.org

if i try to connect via the ip then i can add an exception for the site and enter instead of the pic i posted

looks like all the other servers at first glance

main page source identical

looks like a mirror of wikileaks.org, id like me a file.wikileaks.org one

only 4 mirrors, 6 ips seen, duplicates?

Keep this off the front page.

you mean like u r offended by it then i wanna ask why?

you mean security wise? for my pc its ok. do i put someone else into danger? if so i dont see how and ask why? on a related note i can assure you its still not hacking in any form.

if its something else i dont get it and ask why?

Is this the thread hes trying to slide?

Ignore them, the board's being hit hard right now it seems. You're doing good work user. Even though it looks like you're only talking to yourself I'll take an investigation journal over any of the bullshit stories LARPfags come up with any day. I'm sure I'm not the only one lurking this thread and following your progress.

excuse my newfaggotry, what does SAGE mean? is it some sort of mod or can i buy it?

"investigation journal" basically its exactly that aside from some days old zotero collection on a kali machine

all look like wikileaks.org despite being recorded under dns for file.wikileaks.org. where is the saudi-database located i download from these adresses with wget?

Connecting to… connected.
ERROR: certificate common name ‘wikileaks.org’ doesn't match requested host name ‘’


"Some versions of wget such as 1.12-2.fc13 do not correctly check the Server Alternate Name (SAN) property in the SSL certificate. More information can be found in the following bug report. "

running on

GNU Wget 1.18 built on linux-gnu

–2016-11-24 04:42:11–
Connecting to… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
–2016-11-24 04:42:12–
Connecting to… connected.
WARNING: certificate common name ‘wikileaks.org’ doesn't match requested host name ‘’.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 404 Not Found
2016-11-24 04:42:12 ERROR 404: Not Found.

" 302 Moved Temporarily"?

never seen a 302


redirects to 443

NS3.Wikileaks.org and NS4.wikileaks.org resolve to Russin IP addresses.

302 is a soft redirect - it's an seo tactic, it's not used for any other reason than to track it. Kinda like a label.

Wouldn't be surprised to hear that those mirror sites are somehow tied back to Yandex. Google already has fingerprints on this.

Also wouldn't be surprised if WL was compromised, would explain why they sent bitcoins with encrypted messages.

where the ones i found


u seen?:

i dont get the yandex part, can u explain?

302 is a temp redirect to a different server. Maybe coming in through NS3 or NS4 route tries to redirect to a different server hosting the page?

according to the hops i take to file.wikileaks.org there seems to be a non intern adress i that isnt reachable


not in that tool but when i try myself, still probably nothing

same for all mirrors?

It would be interesting to see traceroutes from different people there to determine if different routes (NS1&2 vs NS3 and 4) have different timestamps on the files.


for now id be glad to get me a copy of saudi-database.zip of each mirror also im not the kind of girl that traceroutes together on first dates, but u r right

Haha understand totally

i wonder why so many ips i stumble upon are listed as inactive on whois. plus what significance unsigned DNSSEC at root level for a website has

Dont know much about DNSSEC but isnt that a key based type of DNS? Meaning if its sittibg at root level each subsequent level needs a matching key to proceed?
Dont quote me on that but I thought it worked something like that?


well, a few clicks before it said i hopped through it

or im just fucking something up

Like if im sitting at xyz.org and it has DNSSEC, and i want to go to file.xyz.org, the zone would need a matching key to proceed.

PING file.wikileaks.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from wikileaks.org ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=40 time=123 ms

whois is saying basically the same here, that the ping doesnt connect to file.wikileaks.org but wikileaks.org, like all mirrors behave. i just dont get this shit and might need to sleep somewhat

found that reference that helped but dunno:

Tracing ns3.wikileaks.org and ns4.wikileaks.org the swedish ISP telia.net hands off to ti.ru
Russia has never hosted any wiki stuff right? ?? Seems very odd

And the next hop after ti.ru the ip is owned by the russian federation…….

This used to be the placeholder for all the wiki ns records…
Domain ID: D130035267-LROR
WHOIS Server:
Referral URL: dynadot.com
Updated Date: 2015-10-27T17:08:53Z
Creation Date: 2006-10-04T05:54:19Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2018-10-04T05:54:19Z
Sponsoring Registrar: Dynadot, LLC
Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 472
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited
Registrant ID: CP-13000
Registrant Name: John Shipton c/o Dynadot Privacy
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: PO Box 701
Registrant City: San Mateo
Registrant State/Province: CA
Registrant Postal Code: 94401
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.6505854708
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email: [email protected]/* */
Admin ID: CP-13000
Admin Name: John Shipton c/o Dynadot Privacy
Admin Organization:
Admin Street: PO Box 701
Admin City: San Mateo
Admin State/Province: CA
Admin Postal Code: 94401
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: +1.6505854708
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email: [email protected]/* */
Tech ID: CP-13000
Tech Name: John Shipton c/o Dynadot Privacy
Tech Organization:
Tech Street: PO Box 701
Tech City: San Mateo
Tech State/Province: CA
Tech Postal Code: 94401
Tech Country: US
Tech Phone: +1.6505854708
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax:
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email: [email protected]/* */



This was suspected done by Assange's DMS.


okay then.

i remember vaguely an older article about an russian official( more likely private sector ) that gave an interview about how its normal that WL / sites like WL can have servers in russia. not at hand or sure but there was something

also some of the isp/hosts of WL are russian according to whois. as its that public i guess it could be very well a normal thing, dunno i like trump and putin for the show and one of em was it anyway ( okay maybe also obarner ) but who cares

is that israel shit real?

I think something is going on right now…

file.wikileaks.org/torrents/ is 404

file.wikileaks.org/spyfiles/ was 404, now broken html

So? what about them, are they identical? if not, where/how do they differ?

that's because it's torrent, not torrents

ah, fuck…
. o O (note2self: stop posting before first coffee)

my hdd is full of shit of the last days and im missing an overview

as far as i observed ( not sure ) are the files identical but have different time stamps per package

if its rly going down i suggest getting the mail collection as its most easy to collect and provides more data than accessible via website

also its less than 5GB so its basically free


well im downloading whatever mails from what my command line calls file.wikileaks.org but im not sure what ip is behind it. last time i used wikileaks.org



always a blank window in browser?

what might the lil greyed out 1 mean?

as far as i ever tried: yes

not even an empty directory.

i tried a few half-assed guessing attempts, nothing so far.

wrong, his lawyer was not there. she said so in a live interview. I won't link it because everyone here has seen it, you must be a new one.

Also all those pics taken with assange were from past visits, easily seen with reverse image search.

You're posting shit evidence that has been discredited. GTFO

that there is one line in the source, and it's empty.
expected behaviour for an empty file.


We are sorry, the file you have requested could not be found.

Please wait few minutes and try again.

so no mails at what my command line calls file.wikileaks.org for me


looks like its just another dir on that one

ah, no, in that case we would expect to see something like

instead we see nothing. that tess us, that the file: index.html exists, but is empty

i didnt try the oc dir but to get the .mbox archive from files.wikileaks.org as i downloaded it from wikileaks.org last time

just messed something up for sure

"i downloaded it from wikileaks.org last time"

double check

forget it i messed up

was rly just some dir stuff and should just do that shit when i slept and sort some files in between to whats from where exactly

in different news: Russia has been IP-host for wikileaks in the past


thx, good to have that confirmed

Yeah like everybody now know that Assange and 14 key WikiLeaks staff are blackbagged and being interrogated in Guantanamo right?

It doesnt matter who is new, this isnt reddit, all that matters is who can support his claims.

Here is the link faggot and she says she saw him:
Assanges lawyer Jennifer Robinson

>But it complained that Assange's Swedish lawyer, Per Samuelson, was not notified or summoned to attend the session, and his absence was "a clear breach of process".
source: reuters.com/article/us-ecuador-sweden-assange-idUSKBN13910T

Assange has legal team of lawyers, some were present some didnt.

17 October: A volunteer with Wikileaks confirmed that Assange is very much alive, even tweeting out some photos of them together. twitter.com/kellykolisnik/status/787932228994990080

17 Nov Picture of Assange with Carlos Poveda Moreno posted on twitter (I am not sure if lawyer or EC counsel)

And you have whole fucking interview wit John Pilger, taken on Oct 30 (he stated that on his webpage and twitter).

And dont even start posting that Pilger is lying because is he long time supporter of WikiLeaks and Assange.

even if there are questionable photos that might be assange in recent days interestlingly the right one isnt recent and im nearly sure the left one wasnt as well if that was the spanish dude

lemme gimme sauce if find - right guy was something with k and twittered that the photo was older

also i read the lawyers didnt see him face2face, is that right?

on a related note: calm ur tits pls, i dont say ur wrong or im right

well u know what, u r right on whatever u wanna claim i dont care, i wanna get done with my stuff first. tell me what u need me to say that this can happen.

i dont really care who is dead or alive, i treat it as a real life notpron as long as i find clues


she was not in the room with him…

Is this the Kelly guy here in this tweet wondering about the RiseUp Canary being 5 days late now.

OP appreciate the work you're doing but when you're just popping in to update on your search, please type 'sage' in the email field to avoid bumping the thread (as I'm doing here). You should bump when you find something that seems significant or are replying to others, so lurkers seeing it on the front page know when to jump back in and catch up, it's hard to follow along otherwise. Keep digging though, you're doing gods work.

I didnt saw that video until now, Ok so Jennifer Robinson wasnt in the room during interrogation.

Yeah that is the guy. If you check his PGP key you will see that he is using riseup,net too. He used [email protected]/* */ as email for his PGP key credentials (that doesnt mean he has access to it)
pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?search=kelly kolisnik&op=index

Riseup canary not being updated is another big topis these days

I had a similar error for some of the IP addresses claiming the cert wasn't signed by a trusted source.

No. It's an old photo: twitter.com/kellykolisnik/status/788238967145533440

the error i got was, that the certificate was only valid for a specific lists of hosts (including file.wikileaks.org)

since my browser compared that string to it got a mismatch…

so, from my perspective this is correctly done. nothing fishy here…

but i might be wrong ofc.

thx 4 advice

sry, will probably happen some more, am i doing this right?

very nice, thx

But anyone can make a mirror of Wikileaks' website or do they have official mirror websites and this particular one is one of them?

it means not bumping the thread when you post a comment by putting the word "sage" in the Email field.

thx very much, i hope this msg was done right

sry, was too harsh, just a lil stressed out. i apologize

imho the servers are official servers - whats odd is the way they redirect ( but it might be just like it is supposed to be ) and other details

the server ips that are official ( at least my opinion ), quiet easy to check per whois:


@emabssycat fucking tweeted


ok, wow, thx

what the T might mean?


well election is over so i go with Canary and T…?

but that explains how its not obvious or at least a good example that could be right as well

also all 3 are birds

Canary and Trump would be funny

Second pic: is this true?

how could i decide for you? but pic looks like the url of original thread could be scrambled together quiet easy. im not into it as whether user x was banned for reason y from board z is hard to proof and of little value in result.



good that there are archived links of better threads

"While RiseUp is the email server of choice for Wikileaks, and many other organizations, it isn’t time to panic. Wikileaks staff use PGP encryption for all of their communications — meaning that if the government managed to work their way in, all they would see is what appears to be gibberish."


I know, I was just wondering if 8ch mods are so liable that they would permaban users for posting in "assange is dead and wikileaks is compromised" threads, just beacause
@wikileaks posted screenshot of 8ch thread calling it Black-PR campaign
and posted WeRe Fine Holla Forums PoSt FAke in blockchain

not saying that I dont agree with mods reasoning, but censorship is not freespeech

if we assume for a moment that whatever a user might claim is right, if he spams without providing a ban is still kind of legit.

thx for digging that one out

thx for that source, its a good indicator that he can twitter what he wants.

as you probably noticed its that guy


no .eml file on file.wikileaks.org for about an hour

it might be temporary but


its not something temporary

could pls somebody else confirm - was already at buddys station and it didnt work there too even it was out of house so its probably server side

where shall i upload this shit?

if u didnt already figure out: clicking gives 404


well its 5.4GB to compress, then i will need to split it and uploading it will take some time

i fear i might have downloaded the wrong ones from wikileaks.org, wtf they are not accessible now on files.wikileaks.org?

shit. I grew up San Mateo. I'm visiting family for the holidays, but I can potentially go check out this Dynadot organization. The phone number and Zip are accurate.

note that file.wikileaks.org gives 404 for the .eml files that should be there according to the data in the dir containing them. wikileaks.org is another domain

lemme guess: they were gone all the time since this shit started?

why isnt everyone downloading the mails that are not easily accessible via wikileaks.org just in case they are important?

what if the server is still there but cant be accessed because my browser gives it a DNS it cant resolve?

gives a DNS that cant be resolved*


We are sorry, the file you have requested could not be _found_."



some mentions it could mean that the have gag order but r not compromised

other option they are in control but someone is watching them

makes sense that they are under gag order

previously they updated canary as soon as thy were reminded to do so

but that doesnt mean that gag order has anything to d with wikileaks email accounts, could be any account

i am not familiar with US law, can they get court order to get accounts of people like WL team?
based on homeland security act? or espionage act?

I know that Snowdens email provider Lavabit decided to pull the plug rather than install spying software, I dont remember if they were able to publicly state if reason for this was Snowden or some other accounts.

"but that doesnt mean that gag order has anything to d with wikileaks email accounts, could be any account"

good point

"i am not familiar with US law, can they get court order to get accounts of people like WL team?

based on homeland security act? or espionage act?"

patriot act I and II have far reaching possibilities. im also not that familiar with their law, but id guess in these should be something that covers that.


How many organizations are currently using DNSSEC?

DNSSEC adoption has been slow, yet an ever growing number of organizations are using DNSSEC, mainly in the financial and government industries. Current adoption is less than 1%. (Jan 2012)

Certain US Government agencies are mandated to support DNSSEC.

"All components of the DNS resolving system must be DNSSEC “signed” or capable in order to receive a DNSSEC authenticated DNS response. These elements include:

The Top Level Domain (TLD) such as “.com” must be DNSSEC signed or compatible.
The Second Level Domain (SLD) such as “example” in example.com must be DNSSEC signed.
The end user’s DNS resolver must be DNSSEC capable.

All these elements must be in place, and working properly, in order to receive a DNSSEC authenticated response from the DNS system."

maybe im used to our secret agency that doesnt seem to follow laws if it doesnt fit them.



"That’s the purpose of the Root Signing Ceremony—a rigorous procedure around signing the root DNS zone’s public keying information for the next few months. The private signing key used in this process is quite literally the key to the entire DNSSEC-protected Internet. A public, audited, and tightly controlled ceremony around accessing this key is a necessity for DNSSEC to succeed as a global standard. "

probably belonging to sony

wikileaks.org/sony/docs/05/docs/Is Domain Blocking Worthwhile.txt

"DNSSec is a secure version of DNS that authenticates the results of a DNS lookup to prevent various kinds of security threat such as DNS hi-jacking where, for example, a bank's domain name is redirected to a fraudulent site.
DNSSec does not prevent or nullify domain blocking. A DNS server can be programmed to report that a domain name does not exist even if the server supports DNSSec. However if a DNS server responds to a query by saying that a subdomain does not exist and the domain owning the subdomain is configured with DNSSec, it is possible that the computer making the request will determine that the result is not to be trusted. This may cause it to seek out a secondary DNS server whose response it can trust. Until there is full, or at least widespread, implementation of DNSSec this probably is not an issue and development of DNSSec has, to date, been extremely slow. In fact, confirming the information returned from a DNS server that is not an authoritative answer by asking a secondary DNS will probably be part of the security regime added by clients implementing DNSSEC.
Circumventing Domain Blocking
There are various ways of circumventing domain blocking.
The simplest, requiring a certain level of skill by the user, is to configure a secondary DNS server that isn't blocking domains. This might be off-shore. The risk to the consumer is that the DNS server cannot be trusted and could return fraudulent information. While this isn't simple to do today but a simple app could be written to do it.
A group responsible for an failed Internet currency called Bitcoin have developed an alternative decentralized name space called Namecoin, using a ".bit" extension. It does not use DNS lookup and the infrastructure is distributed making it immune to attempts to block name look up. Typically Namecoin would be implemented with a browser plug-in. We should not expect that name spaces like Namecoin would be used for mainstream websites, and it is worthwhile noting that many corporate names like Sony are already taken in this name space.
A Mozilla browser plug-ins called DeSopa finds ways of locating the IP address for a server without using DNS look up. The current iteration is slow and doesn't handle subdomains or virtual hosting (more than one website on a single IP address) but it is an early version.
Techniques to anonymously communicate information to Botnets through Facebook pages and Tweets will be adapted to feed information to apps that enable a user to access a blocked website. Instead of the Pirate Bay being access through a browser, it will be accessed through an application.
The bottom line here is that anyone wanting to circumvent domain blocking will be able to find tools or methods to do it.
* If SOPA does not permit site blocking with subdomain granularity then the site blocking will only have limited utility.
* It remains to be seen how effective subdomain blocking will be if DNSsec is widely deployed.
* Anyone with the intent of accessing a blocked site will find a tool that can assist them and it will be impossible to stop most of the circumvention measures.
* Domain blocking does not remove a site from the internet, it just makes it harder to find.
Given the political reality surrounding SOPA it may be expedient to focus on other measures that will affect piracy such as making the sites harder to find, for example through search engines, and depriving the criminals of their sources of funding."

"In September 2014, just one year ago, researchers at CMU found email supposed to be sent through Yahoo!, Hotmail, and Gmail servers routing instead through rogue mail servers. Attackers were exploiting a decades-old vulnerability in the Domain Name System (DNS)—it doesn’t check for credentials before accepting an answer.

The solution is a protocol called DNSSEC; it adds a layer of trust on top of DNS by providing authentication. "

file.wikileaks.org SOA 1799 wikileaks.org [email protected]/* */ 2013101005 7200 3600 86400 3600
file.wikileaks.org A 599
file.wikileaks.org A 599
file.wikileaks.org A 599
file.wikileaks.org A 599

"additional information at a later date"

What more info can they provide aside from updating or removing their canary?

i could think of a reason like "we had a muslim intern and they thought it was a terrorist so we had to hold still for two weeks" or at leastsome explanation what happened.

on the other hand a missing canary could also be seen as the source is not to be trusted anymore at all.

updated curl command and work in progress to get an overview of current status:


[[email protected]/* */ Downloads]$ wget
–2016-11-25 12:00:39–
Connecting to… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
–2016-11-25 12:00:40–
Connecting to… connected.
ERROR: certificate common name ‘wikileaks.org’ doesn't match requested host name ‘’.
To connect to insecurely, use `–no-check-certificate'.

[[email protected]/* */ Downloads]$ wget –no-check-certificate
–2016-11-25 12:02:40–
Connecting to… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
–2016-11-25 12:02:41–
Connecting to… connected.
WARNING: certificate common name ‘wikileaks.org’ doesn't match requested host name ‘’.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 404 Not Found
2016-11-25 12:02:41 ERROR 404: Not Found.

looks like the mail files are really not on the server even if they are shown. maybe its just old data about the files somehow?

wikileaks.org links to


for podesta archive to the file


as it should

im sure i downloaded crap via

[[email protected]/* */ Downloads]$ wget –output-file=log.txt –verbose –spider –server-response –no-check-certificate
idn_encode failed (3): ‘Non-digit/letter/hyphen in input’
–2016-11-25 12:20:25– –output-file=log.txt/
Resolving –output-file=log.txt (–output-file=log.txt)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘–output-file=log.txt’
idn_encode failed (3): ‘Non-digit/letter/hyphen in input’
–2016-11-25 12:20:26– –output-file=log.txt/
Resolving –output-file=log.txt (–output-file=log.txt)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘–output-file=log.txt’
–2016-11-25 12:20:26– xn--verbose-t16c/
Resolving –verbose (xn–verbose-t16c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–verbose-t16c’
–2016-11-25 12:20:26– xn--verbose-t16c/
Resolving –verbose (xn–verbose-t16c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–verbose-t16c’
–2016-11-25 12:20:26– xn--spider-vg0c/
Resolving –spider (xn–spider-vg0c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–spider-vg0c’
–2016-11-25 12:20:26– xn--spider-vg0c/
Resolving –spider (xn–spider-vg0c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–spider-vg0c’
–2016-11-25 12:20:26– xn--server-response-du9h/
Resolving –server-response (xn–server-response-du9h)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–server-response-du9h’
–2016-11-25 12:20:26– xn--server-response-du9h/
Resolving –server-response (xn–server-response-du9h)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–server-response-du9h’
–2016-11-25 12:20:26–
Connecting to… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
–2016-11-25 12:20:26–
Connecting to… connected.
WARNING: certificate common name ‘wikileaks.org’ doesn't match requested host name ‘’.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: ‘1’

but it looks funny at first

seems to be public WL key

i wonder why i get the same valid file when i request random stuff instead of getting 404 like on file.wikileaks.org


where this mail might be?


[[email protected]/* */ Downloads]$ wget –output-file=log.txt –verbose –spider –server-response –no-check-certificate
idn_encode failed (3): ‘Non-digit/letter/hyphen in input’
–2016-11-25 12:36:06– –output-file=log.txt/
Resolving –output-file=log.txt (–output-file=log.txt)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘–output-file=log.txt’
idn_encode failed (3): ‘Non-digit/letter/hyphen in input’
–2016-11-25 12:36:06– –output-file=log.txt/
Resolving –output-file=log.txt (–output-file=log.txt)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘–output-file=log.txt’
–2016-11-25 12:36:06– xn--verbose-t16c/
Resolving –verbose (xn–verbose-t16c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–verbose-t16c’
–2016-11-25 12:36:06– xn--verbose-t16c/
Resolving –verbose (xn–verbose-t16c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–verbose-t16c’
–2016-11-25 12:36:06– xn--spider-vg0c/
Resolving –spider (xn–spider-vg0c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–spider-vg0c’
–2016-11-25 12:36:06– xn--spider-vg0c/
Resolving –spider (xn–spider-vg0c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–spider-vg0c’
–2016-11-25 12:36:06– xn--server-response-du9h/
Resolving –server-response (xn–server-response-du9h)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–server-response-du9h’
–2016-11-25 12:36:06– xn--server-response-du9h/
Resolving –server-response (xn–server-response-du9h)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–server-response-du9h’
–2016-11-25 12:36:06–
Connecting to… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
–2016-11-25 12:36:06–
Connecting to… connected.
WARNING: certificate common name ‘wikileaks.org’ doesn't match requested host name ‘’.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘1.1’

1.1 [ ] 57.27K 196KB/s in 0.3s

2016-11-25 12:36:07 (196 KB/s) - ‘1.1’ saved [58648]

FINISHED –2016-11-25 12:36:07–
Total wall clock time: 1.5s
Downloaded: 1 files, 57K in 0.3s (196 KB/s)

"(Elsewhere in Monday’s news: Russia may start selling a missile defense system to Iran; Marco Rubio is running for president; the United States may not have followed its own rules regarding drone strikes intended to minimize casualties. So ask yourself: Are you sure you need to be reading this?)"

nr 2 i wonder how many of them are in that style

"How healthy are the meals people actually order for themselves at Chipotle? We decided to try to find out."

still the same mail

probably an ad

[[email protected]/* */ tst]$ wget –output-file=log.txt –verbose –spider –server-response file.wikileaks.org/file/saudi-database.zip
idn_encode failed (3): ‘Non-digit/letter/hyphen in input’
–2016-11-25 13:08:12– –output-file=log.txt/
Resolving –output-file=log.txt (–output-file=log.txt)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘–output-file=log.txt’
idn_encode failed (3): ‘Non-digit/letter/hyphen in input’
–2016-11-25 13:08:12– –output-file=log.txt/
Resolving –output-file=log.txt (–output-file=log.txt)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘–output-file=log.txt’
–2016-11-25 13:08:12– xn--verbose-t16c/
Resolving –verbose (xn–verbose-t16c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–verbose-t16c’
–2016-11-25 13:08:13– xn--verbose-t16c/
Resolving –verbose (xn–verbose-t16c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–verbose-t16c’
–2016-11-25 13:08:13– xn--spider-vg0c/
Resolving –spider (xn–spider-vg0c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–spider-vg0c’
–2016-11-25 13:08:13– xn--spider-vg0c/
Resolving –spider (xn–spider-vg0c)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–spider-vg0c’
–2016-11-25 13:08:13– xn--server-response-du9h/
Resolving –server-response (xn–server-response-du9h)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–server-response-du9h’
–2016-11-25 13:08:13– xn--server-response-du9h/
Resolving –server-response (xn–server-response-du9h)… failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘xn–server-response-du9h’
URL transformed to HTTPS due to an HSTS policy
–2016-11-25 13:08:13– file.wikileaks.org/file/saudi-database.zip
Resolving file.wikileaks.org (file.wikileaks.org)…,,, …
Connecting to file.wikileaks.org (file.wikileaks.org)||:443… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘saudi-database.zip’

lol, i was just messing up the domains

why has saudi the same time stamp as the mails when its not missing on file.wikileaks.org?


Why does my domain show INACTIVE in the WHOIS output?

Related Topics: Why is my domain not working?

All domains must have at least 2 name servers listed for them at all times.

If there is only 1 nameserver listed the Registry will place the domain into an inactive state and it will not resolve/function. For any other DNS issues please contact your hosting provider directly.

No related posts.


58648 bytes

17775 bytes


basically after asking a friend i think its possible that there might be files missing, but no proof here ( at least for me ).

however the mails on the wikileaks.org server could be very well identical as numbers indicate but there is no way for me to know.

apart from that the servers look like they should and i know shit about servers.

So what's the conclusion Doc, that for now it seems the files and WL servers are as they should be?

no, but im not able to say whether there are the single file podesta mails are missing on file.wikileaks.org or something with the links on file.wikileaks.org isnt nearly how its supposed to be.


gives 404 for every mail opposed to every other file on that server. the links look okay and say the files should be in exactly that dir. but there is a package version of what could be all emails.

on the wikileaks.org server there are the single mails. in the browser u can choose only about 40/50k of them, but if u change the url in the browser bar u can go as high as 59258 with the ID as it seems. there are 59099 unique mails on wikileaks.org.

there are a lot of questions and few answers as its mostly the case here

at least that are the numbers i got for now

thx for explanation

maybe the second bird is TELEMATIKI

someone should backup the findings of this thread in another site, 8ch is kill.

i started to gather what i found here:


its work in progress and subjective. its not much i found til now but at least validatet some common stuff going around and invalidating others.

atm i think its all about the mails / the files that were supposed to be o file.wikileaks.org and dunno how the time stamps or this blockchain LARP fits into this as it might be that, all LARP and PR aside, there still could be something interesting. or at least id like a explanation of the weird state of their server after all calmed down

mhh..so so obvoius…canary and twitter are also an option. thanksgiving isnt a bird but bird connected

trump is also a t


at least something about oct 27th

[email protected]/* */

maybe this is something to search for

probably not important, curl didnt download it but its a valid mail id on wikileaks.org

Thx and thank her. I'll send a note when I'm back in DC.

On 12/28/07, Beth Eagle > wrote:
> [email protected]/* */

"From:[email protected]/* */ To: [email protected]/* */ Date: 2007-12-28 22:04 Subject: Re: Eleni Tsakopoulos "

same for id 16058


From:[email protected]/* */
To: [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */
Date: 2008-08-27 19:26
Subject: $

Email the sheet on wher to give the $ to lou Sussman, elizabeth Bagley
and judith barnett for esther coopersmith. [email protected]/* */
barnettgroup.biz. They'll each do 5k.

Sent from Gmail for mobile | mobile.google.com


Fw: Rendell's second, Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Knoll dies at 78

From:[email protected]/* */
To: [email protected]/* */
Date: 2008-11-13 01:41
Subject: Fw: Rendell's second, Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Knoll dies at 78

Tony Podesta
Office: 202-879-9300
Cell: 202-352-4645
[email protected]/* */
1001 G St. NW, Suite 900 East
Washington, DC 20001

—–Original Message—–
From: Salena Zito >
To: [email protected]/* */ >
Sent: Wed Nov 12 21:03:11 2008
Subject: Rendell's second, Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Knoll dies at 78

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Knoll dies at 78

By Brad Bumsted >
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

HARRISBURG – Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll, the first woman to become
lieutenant governor in Pennsylvania, died tonight at 6 p.m. after
battling neuroendocrine cancer.

Knoll, 78, of McKees Rocks will be replaced by Senate President Pro
Tempore Joe Scarnati, R-Jefferson County.

"I extend heart-felt sympathy to Catherine's family," said Gov. Ed
Rendell. "Today we mourn the passing of one of the strongest, most
dedicated public servants in Pennsylvania's history. Our thoughts and
prayers are with Catherine's family. She will be deeply missed. READ

Salena Zito

Tribune-Review Political Reporter

what if the weird time stamp from 911 is referring to a phone number to look for?



looks like it could be just a WL phone nr:


translated site:


"The interval of phone numbers from 0438498000 for 0438498000" lol, ok


at least they publish it as it seems:




well, we will see


it extracts to pdf files

at 50% about 14k so 28k items is probably right

where can i check if that are old ones?

Extracting archive: 28,882 Emails From Hillary Clinton's Private Server.zip

Path = 28,882 Emails From Hillary Clinton's Private Server.zip
Type = zip
Physical Size = 568463384

Everything is Ok

Folders: 1
Files: 28882
Size: 564650832
Compressed: 568463384

they are edited

lets the if the stuff the source said its interesting is rly interesting


so these seem to be the old ones, most probably

but the archive came online on oct 26 so ill still check

source is older article of source site so i still dunno what kind of mails these are


at least they are interesting

internet has enough links on it so they should be the old ones


well maybe this thread has gotten more interesting

The "This is the end" image posts?

more the details described. still the question if there are any key anywhere there. the the end posts looked more like a sign that he finally got it working and found keys from after cablegate was released and less like he found _the_ keys, but dunno maybe ill test em anyway.

1d unanswered support ticket to rise up about canary

very good link collection on german image board that gives a current overview:


trips of truth, checked

pic related


"I want to add my observations to the second deduction you have made here regarding possible LARPing.
The Chans are under Pysop attack and have been for quite sometime. From what I see, LARPers are giving us huge hope injections, only to dash those hopes soon after. The effect is exhausting. You don't trust anything anymore, even if all the signs seem credible. You also experience a sense of helplessness after the relentless letdowns. Moreover, posts like this create chatter and excitement. You may tell family and friends, only to be shown to be a gullible idiot 3 days later.
I know there is a huge irony in my post because this pessimistic attitude is exactly the effect they want but it's important to understand why things are happening and how to protect yourselves.
They are attacking us because there IS truth to what the Chans have be discovering and WE ARE a threat. Enough so, that they are dedicated to the exhusting task of fighting against the chaotic mess of the boards.
The lesson here is you need to mentally protect yourself and understand to the extent they are trying to manipulate us.
These are just my opinions and should be weighted as such."

no original source but seems interesting

original sauce was:


but seems not available anymore.

who Euryplys is?

greek myths


again april 2016, significant transaction spike:


there is a spike today / yesterday as well as the deleted thread says:


just like the deleted thread predicted*

spike again yesterday, as some thread said 3d before


sry 4 fucking up

needs more precise data to be validated


additional info on first bitcoin msg?

"They do it now and again, open up their wallet on walletexplorer and go back to about may-ish I think. That was the last time they emptied it. "

correlation with may/april spike?

WL preparing leaks / critical stuff = high demand on transactions = high ransaction fees?

would fit with cms folder?


pizzagate link dump

Aside from anything else that goes on with Wikileaks under normal circumstances, it makes sense to empty their wallet every so often (assuming they're exchanging it for normal currency that is).

u r right on that one. AFAIK bitcoin related transactions are often done in small chunks trough something called mixer. also companies go out of bitcoin when a peak is reached ( ppl say next run will be end january / february ) and go in when its low. interesting point is that it could be that the transaction fee spikes this year correlate with leaks from WL, but im still looking into that one.

Logless BM bunker


Use the text in this image, generate its SHA256 hash value.
Add Chan -> Create a new chan -> chan name: [hash]

but did they use the transactions to post a message?

short answer: yes

its hard to tell what is troll but there is one recent msg that can be linked to WL and in the past there are examples of WL telling they use this way of communication

file.wikileaks.org was down for some minutes at least…look at that shit

but if u r asking whether the last spike means there was a new message i dunno, am on night shifts atm and dont have time to dig

fuck this shit:



TOR with firefox isnt reliable for windows machines atm. TOR itself doesnt seem more vuulnerable than before

Already patched: blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-browser-607-released
Install TOR 6.0.7

Firefox also patched: 50.0.2 mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2016-92/

Exploit was found on at least one CP webpage GIftbox Exchange

tor based browser was always nothing more than a false sense of security. Use Tails or Whonix and stop relying on the hipster faggots at Mozilla for security patches, the same fuckwits who got their CEO b& for being too christian.

Just install virtualBox, it's free and anyone who isn't completely senile can use it with ease.

thx 4 sauce

TOR can be used as a layer of security, but doesnt provide security on its own imho

Saudi Arabia Database From Wikileaks

This is saudi-database.zip downloaded from Wikileaks and mirrored:


This is all of the extracted CSV files from saudi-database.zip individually uploaded and mirrored:


https:[email protected]/* */

uploader active since april 2016, uploads only topic related. i dismissed this source as not credible in either way. but cant say i tested it as well.

name site ( pizzagate unrelated but could be useful ):


more names:


follow the money email:


pic: center of american progress, thin tank founded by podesta

for the lulz: guy cant stand pizzagate anymore and "investigates" for himself in comet ping pong - with his rifle



wrong thread, you should have posted that here

k, thx

this thread became a kind of index for interesting small puzzle pieces for me

curl wikileaks.org/podesta-emails//get/\[1-45000\] -o "#1.eml"

gives about 45k dnc mails, what is the official number on it? search function on WL suggest less than 30k, whats as odd as the podesta mail count differing

The thing that is in room 101 is the worst thing in the world.

thx for that one

"Room 101, introduced in the climax of the novel, is the basement torture chamber in the Ministry of Love, in which the Party attempts to subject a prisoner to his or her own worst nightmare, fear or phobia, with the object of breaking down their resistance.

You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world.
— O'Brien, Part III, Chapter V

http s://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministries_of_Nineteen_Eighty-Four#Room_101

44053 unique dnc mails from wikileaks.org

http s://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/

"Starting on Friday 22 July 2016 at 10:30am EDT, WikiLeaks released over 2 publications 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments"

so number is correct for dnc mails

blank search field gives only 27k results, why?

http s://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/?q=&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=0#searchresult


http s://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/

has no similar total count?

http s://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/?q=&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult


"58660 results, viewing 1 to 50"

but there are 59099 unique podesta mails available with highest valid mail id being 59258.