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One of the better prison dramas to come out.



To be fair, he does betray everyone.

Brb, downloading now.

Is it anti-white, or neutral?

Is that the fucking Punisher?


It's anti-American.

What? America is a kike ran shitshow, I don't care if it's not patriotic. Is it anti-white, or not?

You could see it as a pamphlet against the American prison system.

Which is full of niggers and spics, causing whites to gang up and become "nazis" just to survive and go unraped.
Yeah, but is it anti-white?

It's anti-white as fuck, just looked through it. Suggests that prison guards are all secret nazis and in the end the main character turns against the ebil neo-nazis and kills their leader. Oh, and there's a bunch of poor black bois in the prison who dindu nothin and are victimized by the whites, and the main good guy cop is a nigger. Absolute anti-white trash.

I'm pretty sure the whites ganged up first to enslave niggers and spics. And to answer your question: it is a retarded question coming from a retarded mind.

So Holla Forums is who's shilling this thing, surprise surprise. Fuck off, kike.

>>>Holla Forums
Stay the fuck out

Even on the interwebs you can't hide for our dominance goyim.


Worth watching. Worth a re-watch, even.

Fuck off, cuckold. No one here wants to watch anti-white shit.

Posts like these make me wonder if it's just some Holla Forumstard saying retarded shit to get other anons to avoid whatever he's talking about out of spite.
It's just too perfectly faggoty and uninformed for someone to make on this site, even when you consider we're a post-HW shithole flooded with redditors.

Only one guard is actually shown to be in with the gang.

To ensure the safety of his white family meanwhile he assumes the role of shotcaller of the gang.

Blacks are regularly victimised by whites in prison you dumb faggot, along side the hispanics which was shown in the movie. The whites and latinos team up against the blacks. La eMe and AB/PEN1 have a strong relationship with each other, at least in the California/west coast prison system that dates all the way back to the 60s. Its the whites and hispanics that control the drug trade, La eMe uses their cartel connections to supply the drugs and the white prison gangs have always acted as distributors making it a perfect relationship. Its why Money is even made to be the guy heading up the gun deal.

Who gives a shit

Proofs for those prison claims?


Just go look up the relationships between NLR, PEN1 and AB, it isn't hard to find out more about. Taken straight from wikipedia

Nowadays PEN1 is the public face of the white prison gangs, running most mainline prison yards. Federal indictments have done work to break up and separate leadership elements of NLR and AB, but they still call the shots. The movie was actually very accurate in that Shotgun had a PEN1 tattoo blasted on his neck. Then at one point when the black gang unit guy is taking pictures of Money and his tattoos, the black guy comments that he was expecting another shamrock. The shamrock is basically an AB trademark logo, and to have one meant you were one of the higher ups and of course, part of the AB.

And in response to
Ethnic Jews could join white prison gangs very easily. Thomas Silverstein ( is one of the AB's founding members. Half white half mexican inmates can even join the AB, and vice versa with La eMe. Joe Morgan was a half white half hispanic who was in deep with La eMe, and he's considered to be one of the people that helped foster the alliance between AB and eMe.

It's literally the truth. The umbrella of white prison gangs on the west coast easily make up anywhere from 30-50% of all violent incidents, despite making up probably less than 10% of the prison population.
You want more proof? Go take a look at the 1980 New Mexico State Penitentiary riot. People were hacked to death, burned alive, hung and mutilated all throughout the prison, most of them snitches or informants that put some guys away for a long time.

The blacks in the prison had to band together and run out of the prison riot, the negotiations with the federal authorities outside the prison regarding the welfare of guards and hostages now being dictated by a white supremacist gang. They knew that once all the informants were dead, it was likely the whites and hispanics were going to start indiscriminately killing blacks afterwards so they got the fuck out.

And here's a documentary on the above mentioned riot.

Isnt that the Punisher guy?

Lynch yourself, you tremendously dishonest propagandist.

Even the AB would be insulted by your ignorance.

Are Irish people white, or are they like Russian people where they're considered white but are actually mixed? I often hear that Irish were potato niggers, what does that refer to?

Keep in mind that the Irish were an Axis power.

I didn't say anything of the sort, you schizo retard. I said blacks are victimised by the whites and latinos which is why black inmates (who I think at the time of the riot also made up the smallest population) got the fuck out of the prison. The one black that was killed was some guy that had a mental age of 12, and his head was cut off. He wasn't in cell block 4 where the informants were held, he was just targeted because he was black most likely, or vulnerable and stupid.

But you can see the same hatred and victimisation of blacks on the streets as well, done by Mexican street gangs mostly. Look at South Central in LA, neighbourhoods that were previously black have become hispanic by large degrees. There is an active race war going on between hispanic and black hoods all over the US, and the hispanics are winning because they've got the connections to the guns and drugs with the cartels, and they run a substantial amount of prisons. There are uncommon news reports of black people being randomly targeted by hispanic gang members, being gunned down in the middle of the street. There was one I remember hearing about where a 14 yo girl was shot dead by a group of 4 hispanic men in a car when she was walking home from school. They make the deliberate distinction between black and brown, and that violence and hatred between one another carries on through into prison. If you've ever seen some youtube or facebook comment talking about how 'black and brown need to unite against evil white', now you know the thought behind it. Its because hispanics are essentially exterminating blacks and driving them out of their own neighbourhoods.

I just watched the documentary .
The black guy who was murdered was in cell block 4 where the informants and sex offenders were held. He was jailed for shoplifting and in his first day in prison he was gang raped. He decided to press charges against the rapists and was transfered to the New Mexico State Penitentiary and put in cell block 4 just a few days before the riots broke out.
He was hung with a rope. His genitals had been cut off and put in his mouth.

Britcucks being mad we aren't as slavish and inbred as them

We were neutral you idiot.


Hahaha, fuck off nigger. You may not realize this, but Hispanics are largely European in their genetics. They're going to side with attractive whites who can live next to them in peace over niggers who try to MUH DIK their wives anyday.


Hispanics are white, the only Hispanics who don't like whites are the disgusting Aztec filth whose ancestors were too ugly to get boned by the Spanish.

Admirable attempt, shlomo.

You didn't pay enough attention. The black inmates name is Paulina Paul and was arrested for Armed Robbery. The guy you're talking about is Mauricio Urioste.

I'm saying that's what other people might say, not what I say.

blacks make prison uninhabitable for whites you cuckold piece of shit. Go there.

it's funny how on the one had ppl made these comics to instill hate. but on the other hand, my cousin is being payed by the state to ferry mexicans around to cheaply build and maintain the infrastructure of my state. if you really want to stop illegals. target their enablers, spreading hate doesnt actually help.

cristobala colon = spanish catholic
hernan cortes = spanish catholic






The more they lock us down..

These retards that dont even watch a movie and want to give thier opinions, i'll never understand these sluts