On Central/National Banks

As we all know central banks as they are now in almost all countries are not state run (i.e. The Federal Reserve), rather they are privately kike run and this state of affairs cannot continue. However, I have a genuine question for some of the economists out there. If we ever do manage to eliminate these priviate central banks which would be the best course of action: should we either A. Have an actual publicly owned and state run central bank operating in the interest of the nation and its people or should we B. Just eliminate the idea of central banks altogether? Which would be the best option and why? Please forgive me for my retardation on this topic, I'm no economist. Evidence and arguments backing up either choice would be appreciated.

Bump. Please teach your ways shekel shamans!

Have the United States treasury issue regular fiat currency.
Other than forfeiture of monetary policy to the Rothschild cabal the creation of money also requires payment of interest, so the government basically has to pay a fee to the (((banks))) if it wants to send a check to a disabled veteran.

Im trying to figure shit out too, if I had to take a whack at it. It would be hard to get rid of central bank functions without getting rid of some aspects of our current monetary system/currency. From what I have gathered so far is that the central banks in essence regulate the value of the currency so as to further the wishes of the bank and or country. The act of doing so can be beneficial or predatory. Monster from Jekyll Island (is biased) points out that ours was formed from a banking oligopoly. Several sources states that the regulatory function of currency, is debt that is in existence(or created).

It`s a shame to see this anchored. Could have been an interesting topic. But then again, I doubt some of the mods know what a central bank is.

Are the mods actual fucking kikes? Sort it out.

I'm anti-central banks.
I had a long written response but I just lost it, so I'll just summarize it with something partially related I guess.
The concepts that are behind all current central banks (Keynesian school of economics) fails to incorporate the long run market equilibrium. Keynes responded to the critiques by saying "In the long run we are all dead", basically meaning he gave zero shits if a central bank will always fuck its respective country's economy eventually due to its intervention.
Also go read about the Austrian business cycle theory.

A state owned central bank that transfers its profits back to the state while keeping the interest rate either fixed no matter what the circumstances are (e.g. at 5%) or
every year prints exactly the amount of money that equals the additional production of that year (GDP growth) wouldn't be all that bad.
The chief economic problem with central banks is that they create or amplify business cycles. The two solutions above would heal that problem because there would be no room for "educated" central bankers to steer the economy as they see fit. The economy would then regain the ability to self correct.


You can fuse free-market capitalism with fascism you know.

I sure hope OP was banned for this.

Also most schools of economics have their roots embed with either Jews or homosexuals.

You can have markets in fascism but by no means are they "free", snowflake

they are free of judaism, unlike fascist economics.

mods why the fuck is this anchored? are you literal kike shills?

Not bumplocked anymore thank God, that was worrying that a mod would look at a post about FUCKING RESERVE BANKING and think it doesn't belong here.

Both CH Douglas and Ezra pound were antisemetic, and you've probably never even heard of them.

OP isn't even here anymore retard. There's practically no information in this thread anyway. Not even a single red pill infograph.

This isn't a what does Holla Forums think thread, it's one I have seen next to nothing of on here and we are completely lacking any discussion on post reserve banking economy. It could be what stops nationalism in it's tracks.What the fuck are you crying about an OP not being here, when it was bumplocked immediately.

It is essentially the Jewish Question at it's core.

Either state run, or very tightly regulated (as was the case in the German Empire).


Picture didn't upload for some reason


I'm still here faggot. I'm just lurking and letting the thread take time to develop. This isn't as exciting a topic as memeing an Egyptian chaos God into existence so I expected responses to take awhile and I'm not monitoring it. I also don't hold a real position, that why I'm asking for evidence for and against having a central bank at all.






You're welcome.

you're terrible at this

you never leave a fucking vacuum for something to fill or the first thing that pops up will fill it no matter how shit it is

that's what's happening in the middle east and that is what would happen in your plan

you need an interim currency system while you flesh out the fool proof currency with a set expiration date and a document detailing it's purpose and the reasons it was instituted in detail

Beyond exterminating private central banks,
We ought to do away with the concept of central banks, and with the concept of fractional reserve banking.
Decentralized is better for the people, and more trouble for the banks. (on the whole)


>reddit spacing
back to cuckchan

>reddit spacing

The word you are looking for is "greenbacks".

What happens if they conspire to crash the economy and force the country to establish another central bank?

hard bumping to get rid of slide threads

He won't print more, but the FR will. He'll just finance extreme leftist groups and politicians and when they've destroyed that nation, he'll loan them money from his hedge fund at an exorbitant rate. Say what you want about the FED, central bankers and the Rothschilds, in my opinion, it is Soros who's the most damaging to nations and is ultimately the final boss. Once we've taken care of him, the rest will eventually fall, provided the world's nations, esp. America, grow their own spine.
I think there's only one guy America can at least have a shimmer of hope left for

This, lots of private central banks may have worked in the past when communication was a lot more difficult but today there is nothing to stop them colluding or merging, even if they just do it indirectly, and then acting together to serve jewish interests.

It is best to have the issue of currency made a strict government prerogative; that is, to have a state owned, state run central bank.
