Something weird is happening on twitter.
It looks like pizzagate is connected in with a ring running via twitter? Not sure what to make of it and too scared to touch potential CP. Thoughts?
Something weird is happening on twitter.
It looks like pizzagate is connected in with a ring running via twitter? Not sure what to make of it and too scared to touch potential CP. Thoughts?
Other urls found in this thread:
One guy just got banned…
oy vey something is up
One of the key investors on twitters also runs and owns a literal cannibal site.
Was looking at the 0hour account right as it was pulled just now. She's right, Jack needs to resign.
Anyone got an archive or anything?
I think this guy may have an archive of zero hour
Is Alvin Fadlay a honey pot? His followers are … spoopy.
More people are catching on… everyone is tweeting the FBI…
I'm wondering if the whole thing is a honeypot or psyop. That's why I came here to the best
inquistr post on twitter:
Kim Kardashian Upsets Khloe Kardashian After Failing To Attend Meeting
Kanye stops concert after 3 songs
Both invovled in the pedophilia scandal.
Guys… I think the biggest happening of all happenings has just begun
Something huge is happening right now, holy shit.
Might be, I doubt it though. It's a psyop in the sense that 0hour is a retard that lurks here and often times posts disinfo, so may be an attempt to discredit pizzagate
I clicked on one of those guys accounts and found a bunch of dubious pictures posted by some nip with a bunch of shall we say, "obvious" followers.
Practice maximum OPSEC in the coming weeks, do not use your real IP for shit, stay away from onions, and familiarize yourself with the "Franklin Coverup" because that shit's about to happen again.
It's safe, just a little creepy. I can't vouch for anything beyond that page.
It's not a psyop in the sense that there's not thousands of middle-eastern pedofucks that Twitter is protecting. It's well known that these sickos pay models to be their toilets for /fa/shit, think of what their real fetishes might be.
I'm actually a newfag and lurker but not zerohour.
We really have to stop throwing -gate after things. #PizzaParty would have been way better, people are less interested when they hear -gate, not more.
I was just thinking that shit, #PizzaPong is a lot more esoteric and intriguing from a normalfag's POV.
hmm pizzagate? is that like some conspiracy theory shit bro? vs. what's this hashtag about pizzapong some new game? oshit our nation is run by childfuckers
Exactly. We control the vernacular, falling into old habits is predictable and poor form.
None of this is illegal. It's not even really creepy if the account belongs to a parent of one of the children, it's just creepy out of context. It's a sad world where taking pictures of your kid and sometimes his friends at group events qualifies as "creepy" and "pedophilia".
That being said, I'd never post pictures of my kids to Twitter or Facebook or any other Internet site where weirdos could get them.
That's exactly why this shit is suspect, especially if you keep getting pedo-followers.
My mother made a fucking twitter account and purged it a month later because one hooker-bot followed her. That's how normalfag boomer-parents think. This is some weird fucking shit.
Look dude, there were and still are legit accounts posting illegal stuff on another accounts, halfchan has a bunch of threads on this.
Based on what? Source. See nothing inquistr.
Well shit mayne, help a nigga out wit sum faks.
Go to this post here and look for a book called the "The Franklin Scandal" on the MEGA link if you are interested about these rings and how they work.
Will do, I just got done reading the wiki and kekked my ass off.
This is a legit tier happening. Hardcore pornography of the worst kind (smfh)
For those truly seeking evidence on this, this thread on halfchan was promptly 404'd and there are links to active/archived Twitter accounts posting said content, verify for yourself…As a warning, it's fucking real, and these sick fucks letting this happening need to be held accountable.
Look at the pizza threads
Buckle up, lads. The ride never ends.
like Milo's boyfriend?
Daily reminder that Del Harvey works for twitter.
That might explain why twitter went so hard-core cultural marxist, only the far left tolerates pedos
bumping this
half-chan has begun scrubbing threads about the cp on twitter
Welp, just got cucked on halfchan again. TwitterGate threads get nuked on sight and I got a 3 day ban.
Mods are definitely compromised.
And here I was hoping that it would be over after the elections
Jews and their goy enablers enjoy wallowing in corruption.
You're the retard here.
someone has 404's 10 threads in the last 30 minutes.
i don't see why we can talk about pizzagate and have it on front page, but twittergate threads get shutdown.
its news now!
Break the god damn link already
So it's a girl, or did he use the name Molly so that they wouldn't discredit him as a guy?
Hopefully a side effect of this isn't "girls can be hackers too".
what did you mean by this?
Molly @Eclipse_OW has been suspended, this was the account behind the master-list
twitter has gone full censor
More info here:
northcrane .com/2016/11/21/anonymous-twitter-allows-pedophile-accounts-posting-child-pornography-but-deletes-conservative-accounts/
Eclipse reporting… I'll take questions. Twitter has chose to censor me. I'm verified on Discord with my twitter/steam/everything.
Putting a space is annoying and outs you as a newfag.
Just remove the header. (http)
why are twitter suck faggots?
do they not like to be proven wrong?
have you shorted TWRT?
Shorting it wouldn't be a bad idea lol
it would be a lot better if half chan would allow the LADS to rev up their bots.
but every thread gets 404'd by mods
twitter is also blocking #twittergate from trending.
pic related.
that doesn't help with webcrawlers (or some browsers).
we've known for like a year now that twitter can choose what trends and what doesn't trend.
whoever chose to push this one at 8am EST on a Monday had a good idea – that used to work since that's 5am for their hotpockets. On the other hand, I'd bet money that Twitter preemptively censored a tag as obvious as "#twittergate" years ago just in case anybody ever tried to use it.
we were pushing #PedoFiles instead, but #PizzaGate took over. What can ya do, normies gonna norm
halfchan being compromised should not be news to anyone at this point
pic related
Prove it
Prove it
Half of those accounts are related to howard stern?
Lurk moar and read the ping pong threads newfag
See this thread
You mother is a retard. Think in context not from perspective.
Learn to reason in an investigation
That goes for all of you over-reactive women
Enough half ass speculation!
Then post infograph, don't just make a random one sentance comment. These pizza threads are longer and more convoluted than the Old Testament
Why? I fucking hate when you faggots do that!
I'm right beside the Dublin office of Twitter, which is their largest headquaters outside the US, and is responsible for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. I think I'll contact the Minister for Jobs and tell her that this company distributes child pornography, and give her some details. Then I might
email other people in government and business and the media. Do you think we can crash this stock?
By the way, their new HQ in Dublin which opened a while ago has a big pizza oven.
these pedophiles are extremely well connected, make sure you provide rock solid info there's lots of stuff in this thread some of it related to twitter. pic somewhat related
Fucking agreed, last one I tried to read said "This site used hearts and that site used triangles in their corporate logos ergo pedpohilia" which made NO FUCKING SENSE to me, and of course anyone who doubts anything in those threads is called a pedophile and a shill for questioning the narrative, so in short fuck those threads.
+10 cents have been deposited in your accounts
Wouldn't something like that mean they count as serving hot food cooked on premises?
They might have to submit to health and cleanliness inspections.
Here we go again!
Twitter is connected to pizza?
It seems obvious now when you think about it.
Twitter doesn't make a fucking profit. Or if it manages to (fucking how?) it's small as fuck. Yet (((investors))) still pour BILLIONS into this shit.
Why not do this for any other platform? It's because Twitter is theirs, and it serves as a front to their pedophile ring (hypothesis)
Probably not. They're both about child sex but there doesn't seem to be a clear connection.
I think we mostly hitched onto the pizzagate hashtag in order to get twittergate out and into the spotlight, as pizzagate was already blowing up on twitter
Just when I thought that the world couldn't get worse…
Yellowstone when?
Social networks are used for manipulating public opinion, or at least that's why they were created before we hijacked it. During Arab Spring, Twatter and Faceberg played a large role.
The only question is when our bignosed friends notice it's not working (because they apparently haven't yet) and cut the funding. The moment they do, Twitter will drop dead instantly.
Yeah twitter survives off donations and government grants
The CP twits have been around since June. They planned all this 6 months ago?
doesn't work for at least one of the reasons to break links: some browsers or addons allow to read the line without http as an url anyway, and the character string gets treated with referers and linkback to the thread exactly as if it was a full link
you break the link by placing part of the url's root domain in a spiler, or an italics tag, or a bold, to make the chain not be a valid resolving url while still allowing copypaste
My, my. What caused Drudge to switch sides. I must know.
He's just over speculating.
I made thread about Del, please read
She is head of twitter trust and safety and has a long history of protecting pedophiles on the platform
Can you tell me why we should stay away from onions?
Twitter protects pedophiles, Saudis fund twitter, Saudis are pedophiles (among others).
see and tag @delbius into #twittergate posts, she needs to answer for this
probably because all exit nodes are controled by nsa, and most "hot"sick content on the darkweb are honeypots
archive is a honey pot, you nigger. I don't know if alternativeto. net/software/archive-it/ is a good alternative but anything is better than using a site more or less confirmed to be compromised.
I get that, but this surface-level tier of deduction and conclusion-jumping only hinders the investigation as a whole, assuming the person quoted isn't a shill trying to spread disinfo. People need to stop for a second, think things through logically, and ask questions before jumping to conclusions and spreading false info in ALL CAPS BECAUSE OMG GUIZE I JUST HAD A THOUGHT.
Eh, whatever, don't mind me. This ocean of piss needs a bit more urine in it *unzip*
wasn't he retweeting all the pictures? Of course he got banned for doing that.
Looking isn't illegal in any way. If it were, then everyone reporting feeds to the FBI will be arrested for looking.
Nope, it has not been nigger. Fuck off.
If you can't make it simple and to the point, then it will never go outside Holla Forums. Not everyone has the sperg level to read through 14 threads of information. As a matter of fact, 99.9% of the world's population doesn't have the sperg level to read through 14 threads worth of information.
Boil it down, bring out the major points, make a simple graphic with solid proof; then send it out to the public. What you're doing now is handing someone an out of order Oxford Unabridged dictionary and demanding they know the 9th definition of the word "run".
Been off for a few days. Could someone give me the TLDR for twittergate?
@0hour exposes dozens of CP posting twitter accounts which have been active for months by posting the handles
He gets banned while the CP accounts remain up
And then a shitstorm was born
Eclipse_OW takes over for user, publishes some 25k twitter accounts on a google doc, then gets banned by twitter herself.
She is back now, btw, but they have threatened a perma ban if she publishes the link to the doc again.
Twitter seems to be censoring the trend, again.
@delbius head of twitter Trust & Safety has been doing this for years. see
Allison Shea/Del Harvey and @jack need to answer for this
i've got the link.
anyone want it?
will i get v& for posting it here?
this ?
or this ?
We are past the point where banning will work
public executions for pedofiles when
yep thats the one :D
I hope that doesn't intimidate her in any fucking way, given the ease of mass creating new Twatter accounts.
I looked through that doc went to about 10 accounts they were either suspended or nothing showed up in the search.
I cross referenced a couple locals on FB but nothing showed up.
The list seems like a dead end other than letting twitter show its hand once again.
Glanced through the skidpaste doc, most of the accounts are in Spanish. English next common, some Arabic or others.
I am Eclipse. It does. I'm an indie game dev. Sadly a great deal of my income balances on my reach/influence. I hate to admit that but it's true(Someone DM'ed me this link)
Also how do I secure trips on here? Just like 4chong?
no need for a trip, we have id's. ITT you are 6641aa which will change in another thread
It also served as a shit stirring instrument for (((color revolutions))) and (((community organizing))) That's why the international Jews created and funded it. Although It's proved to be a double edged sword for them since then.
If this is your main concern about this whole thing you have autism and you should kill yourself asap.
Don't be rude.
People like you are why a lot of people "don't even bother". They see people being assholes for no reason & they get exhausted before they even start.
I get that you are trying to help me here by defending me(not white knighting), but it's not needed here.
With this kind of thing it's smarter to be more on the """""""PC"""""" side because it will garner way more attention if you don't litter your sentences with autism/fag/pepe/memes
for the record I threw my vote away on Johnson. I believe the last real president was JFK.
Since then it's been all puppets so I don't even bother voting for dems/repubs
The sex of the poster and and the one who reported this shit to the feds is irrelevant. What is relevant if there are more CP accounts not yet suspended. Every time I saw a link to a profile it was already deleted.
forgot to clear sage
the info on your spreadsheet is pretty much nothing other than screen names and all the accounts were suspended or there are no listing when you search. I'm not going to send someones name to the authorities just because you said that they came up with your script that you are running.
Other than gaining a shit ton of attention what does your "list" even accomplish?
Best to ignore trolls on here. Usually the board is hard on newfags who don't know board culture but at certain times we get guests like you now and Jared yesterday. Thanks for what you're doing and don't let anyone here upset you. Shills are rampant here especially now. There is quite a history here of pedo hunting and you're welcome here.
All good people hate pedophiles and their enablers but holy hell, good women have that maternal extinct that makes them RAGE when presented with stuff like this. I see massive amounts of soccer mom types on twitter doing just that in the #twittergate hashtag. When it comes to pedo hunting, women are excellent allies.
where are the anchovies? I mean archives. I want archives of 0hours twatter posts.
Yeah doesn't hurt I've worked in QA/SQA for 5+ years now. I'm very proficient at this type of thing.
Do your thing guys. I'm too tired at this point. I'm sorry I can't contribute more. I'm totally exhausted at this point :(
Than you. Interesting. Somebody else ?
Spanish is supposedly from south America (mostly). It seems they have different kind of laws there (needs reference) . Also, different laws in some Arabic country’s (and different culture)
We need to find enablers of this. Not the low level personal. They will start to break and this will give us more leads. Now we are doing investigating work. Judgement will be done latter when all evidence is collected.
Get the fuck outta my board normalfag, if you don't have the autism then you don't belong here.
You either trolled the shit out of everyone or gave everyone on that list the heads up cuz everything is gone and there is no proof anywhere
GJ nothing changed. New accounts will be made.
What you should have done is made sure someone who could actually do something about these people was given the info prior to letting them all know they were comprimised.
So are we posting pedo twitters here?
This is jail bait stuff. We are not after that. This is mostly bad decisions (from all parties included). But, it is their free will…they do have a right to exercise it. Free will is the ability to choose between different possible courses of action. This is their choice.
We are after enablers of child trafficking and persons who are using children for sex.
Maybe they can give us some info ?
We can do something. We got info. Now we are on it. We should ask that jail bait site if they have any more in depth info on pizza gate. They have to know something.
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Did you even read what he wrote?
I thought you quit. If this is you please tweet your id
Kill them all. What the fuck
What does that accomplish? How is clicking on a link any different than copying it and pasting it in the address bar?
Jack is a homosexual, therefore a pedophile as all homos are. Mystery solved.
Yeah, he is asking for to make stupid charts and pictures instead of reading like everybody else.
The site doesn't get a link to who 'referred' the click and thus, doesn't know the visitor originated from Holla Forums.
It's called a "referrer". Clicking a link directly gives your target website information on where you came from, while copy-pasting creates a "fresh" start so to speak.
Can you faggots stop posting pictures of pizza? I'm starting to really crave the shit out of some pizza and I don't want to spend the money. I'm poor as fuck.
Go to Cici's buffet then, it's 7/10 okay.
Hey FBI, whatcha doin?
you're the nigger who didn't read the whole thread
but you can jump to comment # 8062743 if you don't want to read the whole thread, that's my TL;DR. I was one of the very few who decided to read the whole thing and try to figure out what the problem was and if we should be worried. It turns out there's nothing terribly suspicious about and the panic wasn't justified but nonetheless we should have good alternatives to just in case. is run by turbolefties. I know some of them IRL, they're a bunch of communist larpers. But they are also of the librarian persuasion, so they have a hardon for data preservation.
There's also this other thread about twitter and pedos
youre too easy to spot.
heres the triangles that youre so mystified by.
you shills dont fool ANYONE here.
it just does not work, our power levels are beyond your kikery.
How can anyone be addicted to drugs when there's food?
Soros is behind everything
Pick one. Mushrooms are God's gift to humanity.
And we're supposed to take it on faith because YOU said so. Well who the fuck are YOU? Why should I believe YOU when you clearly believe that the most basic and common shapes have some hidden evil meaning, to the point that EVERYONE with a logo could be a pedophile based on your confirmation bias?
Here's where the damn triangle comes from, it's an Adobe Illustrator free template, you goddamn loony:
Don't let that stop you from investigating the hidden meanings in tree bark and slices of toast though, be my guest
Real men can eat anything, go back to >>>/fem/
it is literally from a declassified fbi document on confirmed pedophile symbols.
you are shilling TOO hard there moishe, in your desperation you have revealed yourself.
look, there is nothing can you do that will stop the noose and gravity that awaits podesta and affiliates from meeting their necks.
no matter how many shekels get deposited into your account, you cannot stop the justice that awaits these degenerates.
they will be judged by the godly light of truth that will expose them.
judgment is coming for them all.
I don't give a shit about any of those people. What I do give a shit about is YOU flooding Holla Forums with /x/-tier crap threads and telling everyone who won't drink the kool-aid that they're pedos.
I also care about the FBI being flooded with thousands of false tips every year, to the point that real pedos have months to cover up their crimes and flee while the FBI is having their time wasted by pearl - clutching, paranoid church ladies like yourself. THAT is what I care about, and nothing else.
Stop larping that you're some kind of super-secret special investigator and take your meds for Chrissakes. You are fucking retarded, for real.
like i said, its not working, and it not going to work.
Huge disdain for chans and delusional tech fags here think theres nothing to the story. They think the NYT Fact Check article is legit. Alarming the amount of wool over the sheeps eyes.
oooyyyyyy lmao
theyre honeypots u fags
Uh oh! It's an angry jew!
Heaven forbid!
What will we do!
It's pretty clear now, the difference between pizzagate and twittergate.
Pizzagate: bunch of Fags larping as illuminati-busting special investigators decoding secret messages left behind by the NWO
The evidence speaks for itself.
Hey about the Podesta email wipe around the date of the McCann kidnapping: I think I can attempt to explain this using my own story with gmail. This is only 2006, and webmail was not as ubiquitous as it is now. Gmail was in full swing by this point, but only for a couple years, and we all know government types are slow with technology for a variety of reasons. For me, I had a gmail account for a while before it was my primary email address; during this time I was a college student and my only mail was a regular IMAP account on my school's exchange server, but this required me to have my computer with me to check my mail. Any time I was in a library or something OR IF I WAS TRAVELING ABROAD I wouldn't have access to my school mail account, so if I needed to email someone I used my gmail account. Eventually I graduated and just started using gmail full time.
Perhaps this is Podesta's story, too. Maybe it wasn't that he wiped his emails; maybe he was traveling on that date, and that's when he decided to switch wholesale over to gmail.
This. There are things I don't like, but I can still eat them. without whining
It's perhaps unlikely but possible that Twitter is being filled with CP to accrue bad press.
Either by a competitor or someone who wants to buy it for cheap. The same happened to this very site to deindex it from google and scare away payment processors and advertisers. And although pedos were once a very small part of this site once you'd think it was mainly focused on it if you read the MSM's reporting on it.
This is true for the Archive Team as well but they're good people who fight censorship.
good to know
Why are freemasons Wanting to know how much they fucked up at exposing themselves? Pizzagate is a gauging on how much you know about the brotherhood and to use what links we do have to unwrapping the illuminati by saying freemasonry is not the only type of people involved aside from victims.
The SATANIC PANIC was primarily aimed at children. Stay away from people creepy men in vans and magic is not just fun and games. Literally I saw 2 tiers of their graphic to satanic involvement. Fun and games and dabblers. That is why there was unsubstantial findings in the satanic panic they only addressed the people victimized or completely unrelated to the occult mafia that is freemasonry. Or any other kind of initiative of involvement aside from laveyanism and the temple of set. This shit is tiring when you understand the main certification program for satanists is freemasonry. they go from initiates to satanists to luciferian.
So much disinfo because these people are forcing biblical endtimes and they have framed shit like guillotines as screen transitions and shit. All the Illuminati conspiracies are true but they must to be able to be true are in the jewish masonic faction.
Is it possible that these retards (twitter & other sites) are banning people for posting links to pedo sites?
They don't realize they are denouncing them, but beleive they are promoting them?
It's as if they only wanted you to silently report the account.
Hiro is worried about the "links"
Plus there are anons there that don't use tor.
Use spoilers.
Just post the link faggot.
Anyone started a new ping pong thread?
That Perth connection makes this shit personal now. I can't believe it. In my own backyard, possibly corrupting people I know.
You mean fulfilling their own stand alone complexes?
And falling into moral decline?
This has happened before in human history.
That's why i think twittergate might be a misdirection from the actual pedo-ring.
Can you even access cuckchan via tor?
It's been like this since 2014, do you not remember GamerGate?
That's the point, they give us something to worry about, ins't that a little strange.
Access? Yes.
But post? No.
Whether it is a honeytrap or not. Doesn't matter.
It is still literally child porn we found on twitter.
That's enough to call for enforcement.
Still nothing.
The only thing that is strange is that we haven't gone RWDS yet.
Well, banning gamergate was somewhat justifiable from the perspective of moot and the mods. It was literally flooding Holla Forums and focused a lot of heat from other parties onto 4chan.
Doesn't take away from it being a bad decision, but I could give them the benefit of the doubt there. After the Fischbein autobans it was clear as day that they have an actual agenda to push though.
No it wasn't. Stop talking out of your ass.
gamergate needed support, instead it was censored by mods and chan owners with weak morals.
Btw on an interesting note, I posted these posts on another thread
related to Kurt Cobain. The thread was kill after that.
Guys, I think we might find the answer to that big question "who killed him" with this shit.
Because clearly the music industry is involved too. I think he was about to whistle-blow.
Can anybody explain to me where this shit started?
How did people even find out about it?
Man i love Kenny vs. Spnny
I think deep down in our hearts, we all knew Kurt was murdered.
Just look at the investigation.
He was too drunk to even walk correctly and he somehow loaded a shotgun?
His tires were slashed for some reason? The gun had no fucking fingerprints for fuck's sake.
Go away, newfag.
Well, she did have some connection to Epstein. She was mentioned in the butlers book, if I recall correctly
Ok I was going on a tangent a little and grasping at straws.
But now I'm worried. I forgot about that.
Was that book just contacts? Or were there sinister contacts in there too?
Who cares about Gamergate. They could had good reasons to delete that stuff, but Hiding all these pedopizza thread and that CTR-guy 8who seem to be invovled) that is really shady
FBI left bait, declassified a document, was erased.
Then we found pizza connections in the Podesta emails.
Then after digging half-assed the shit became more sinister.
Then that instagram of the toddler strapped to a table emerged and after that it got super duper spooky
Than user that visited the daycare in LA never responded. Though I find it odd how we found that plumber connection off google maps. Almost like he was perfectly timed for the snap.
To be honest, I'm thinking Clinton might be distracting us from the foundation again.
No their only reason was being connected to the people involved.
At about 5:20 this satanic child pedo ring investigator says that a common theme of 21 child victims was the similar story of being locked in a coffin like box. Comet's instagram friend built one…
don't know. she was circled, so something special about her I guess.
Weird - I seem to remember the band 21 pilots for some reason..
Did the media ever do a big deal out of Trump being in the Epsteins black book btw? They attacked him for everything, but I can't recall that they talked about that.
Judging from the amount of shills saying pizzagate is a "conspiracy theory", I'm gonna say there's even more to it than meets the eye.
They avoided talking about it.
For a reason of course - because they would be compromised by it.
The ring is not a conspiracy theory - Elijah Wood and Feldman we can thank for whistle-blowing on that.
But where pizzagate is real and connected - we're still only scraping the surface.
Sometimes I think the government wants us to learn how to hack
retards are claiming these accounts are honeypots
you fucking idiots, the fbi already had to answer to judges for running tor nodes to distribute cp for fucking 3 weeks
for 3 fucking weeks they got into trouble with ethics
why would you think any place hunting for pedos use hardcore cp as pot to hunt them down, and for the length of time they've been doing it is retarded beyond belief.
What video?
The video he linked in his post.
Jesus fuck how did I not see that link
kek that is pretty slow.
Ahh.. I see what's going on.
For leverage reasons.
You stupid fuck. Hope you switch providers now that they logged you, dumb ass.
I see it. This is a possible false-flag but once again we need to have divided labor for both investigations.
it's good enough excuse to bring Twatter down for lulz
A record isn't enough.
I was a witness in a case because my coworker DLd CP using Tor. Dude didn't delete the magnet links, only the files.
He got off.
thats what ctr keeps on saying. so fuck yourself faggot.
And didn't the guy make it out of steel?
Why? Heavy as fuck, and not what coffins are made of. Sturdy though…
I run a few exit nodes, not all of them are controlled by the IC.
I'd say that 90% of the time Tor is safe. That being said, I suggest you use an i2p outproxy instead.
not much confidence in that statement man
I just got on this thread a few minutes ago, I was more active on the other twittergate thread last night.
Oregon anons may be interested in this place. It's always empty and the smoke smells gross. There is an occult shop inside a part of it.
Me too. Nothing to worry about goys.
I run the exit nodes, but I still wouldn't use Tor to browse the clearnet anonymously. A 1/10 chance of being identified is still too high.
Those things are being done, but much of this is foreigners, especially in the middle-east.
Actual active child trafficking rings are of higher concern then recorded-in-the-past/pictures of CP.
This shit is more widespread than we think.
More like the FBI was the largest distrubutor of CP on the planet, was running ~1/2 the CP onion sites, distributed malware outside of the scope of their warrant to innocent TorMail users and nobody from the FBI will ever be held accountable or get in any serious trouble.
Like they would think twice about doing this. That being said these twatters are probably not honeypots. Your post is hard to follow, you sound ESL.
Britain opens Europe's first nude ping-pong tournament
"The ping-pong tournament arena boasts 17 ping-pong tables… Guests can watch events from raised seating in a restaurant overlooking the action or belly up to a luxurious 40-foot bar that encircles the table-action below.
The open floor plan also features a 7ft wide, open counter wood-burning pizza oven.
Hobnobbers will be pleased to know that Jennifer Lawrence, Gwyneth Paltrow, Pippa Middleton, Kevin Spacey and Elle McPherson have all visited the club.
Kevin Spacey is a swinging man.
Who goes on trips to Orgy Island.
Which is a shame because he's a great actor and The Usual Suspects is amazing.
This looks like an odd coincidence.
Ian Watkins - Celebrity jailed for conspiring to rape babies
His twitter account has randomly fired up today amidst the twittergate stuff.
Yea. Great actor, but he's probably a creep.
Fucking-a. I need to take a shower and call my mom:
Someone needs to do something about that guy.
What obscure movie is this? :)
here is your clue user.
podesta was traveling in portugal… where mccann was kidnapped.
This pizzagate is terrible for my wasteline.
But good for the nearest pizza place.
Paul Blart Mall Cop
Maybe there are other emails ? On different servers ?>>8329187
here, take a look. She is in there
No, it was never mentioned. It was mentonied here but it was salienced with 6 gazilion D chess and similar shilling tactics. Truth be told HRC and bill were not mentioned also…
it is possible that is honeypot. On the other hand wouldn’t FBI tell us this ? We do have pretty good co operation with them (FBI user)
We are shaking the cage. Something will fall out
We should look into it but laws are permitting this type of behaviour. It should be noted and taken care of at later time. We should be chasing connections while they are hot.
do we have a proof of that ?
FBIanon was working out of line and there's a chance he was found out and removed.
If FBIAnon is the same as High Level Insider (HLI) I saw a post from him the other day.
In any case FBI does not want to end up as biggest distributer of cp on internet. They are already under suspicion for HRC email server (among other things).
pic related
lets all stop posting everything mentioning pizza like fucking mongoloids. I'm certain anyone that does this is either: brain damaged, retarded, or a faggot.
They already were, at least temporarily.
What if told you that pizzerias have a long sorted history as a network of distributing drugs, guns, and prostitutes?
Should we look into it ? I mean…it is against the law to my knowledge.
See, what i did there ?
They do not want that type of attention. And definitely not now.
Thank you for links
well we sort of do.
solid proof like a plane ticket or a dated picture of the podesta in portugal around the time of mccanns disappearance. maybe a tweet or an email(too bad they coincidentally are missing during those dates within the podesta leaks).
so the three biggest cohencidences i can think of are
Reagan was an FBI informant when he was head of the screen actors guild.
My suspicion is Trump might be the same.
we need to stop using guy fawkes masks in our profile pictures too. no one will take us seriously unless we conduct ourselves as normal people stumbling upon this shit.
using dank memes is the power we all have to turn this shit into a full blown international upheaval.
Man vaginal little girls
Boy, Girl.
New collection cp.
Video: (Boy) -(8yo,9yo,10yo,12yo,15yo)(Girl)-(8yo,9yo,10yo,12yo,15yo )
Boy, Girl
shills got paid for this.
Get out of here Satan. MOOOOOOOOODS
Get out, faggot.
Go back to reddit.
we have that and this (jail bait)
Can we get message on their boards that we are searching for info ? Maybe some anons there can help us ? If someone knows something it is them.
some of this do not work. This is the message
Файл не найден. Пожалуйста, проверьте ссылку на скачивание.
goddamnit i fucked up.
i meant to say:
solid proof like a plane ticket or a dated picture of the podesta in portugal around the time of mccanns disappearance? i dont know. maybe a tweet or an email(too bad they coincidentally are missing during those dates within the podesta leaks) that would help solve it.
I got what you were trying to say. Maybe something will pop out. You never know.
they're probably cooking the kids in it.
Nope. Over 20 so far by my count.
He was one of the main people perpetuating the investigation.
ALSO, many of the pedo accounts have been suspended as well.
The Punishment of NYPD Police Corruption
“Tell the Commish that ‘I will punish him,’ says the LORD, ‘for refusing to prosecute Hillary Rodham Clinton, and other high-level criminals because of their elite status.’ I will punish for police corruption, and other high-level crimes that go unnoticed because of the elite category. I will punish all who refuse to do My will, from the administration, to the lowly cop on the beat. All will be punished by My hand, says the LORD, who give the elite preferential treatment and favoritism in refusing to deal with their crimes. I AM even burning with anger and rage and fury against those who refuse to prosecute the elite criminals because of their high status. All who go unnoticed will be punished by Me, says the LORD, the God of Justice and Vengeance against all of wicked humanity. I AM not partial in My judgments- I give to all what they deserve. Vengeance is Mine, and the blood of the little children cries out to Me, the ones savagely raped by the Satanists and pedophiles. All is not unnoticed by Me, and the All-Knowing God sees all, and will punish all for their refusal to obey and repent and serve Me. All will go to Hell, unless they repent. The Living God has spoken, amen!”
O house of David, thus saith the LORD; Execute judgment in the morning, and deliver him that is spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor, lest my fury go out like fire, and burn that none can quench it, because of the evil of your doings. Jeremiah 21:12
My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons. For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment; And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool: Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts? Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats? Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called? If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors. For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment. James 2:1-13
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked. For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward: He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment. Deuteronomy 10:16-18
The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where, and who is he? Job 9:24
By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth. Proverbs 8:16
That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity. Isaiah 40:23
But, O LORD of hosts, that judgest righteously, that triest the reins and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them: for unto thee have I revealed my cause. Jeremiah 11:20
It is joy to the just to do judgment: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity. Proverbs 21:15
But thou hast fulfilled the judgment of the wicked: judgment and justice take hold on thee. Job 36:17
If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they. Ecclesiastes 5:8
Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Psalm 82:3
To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice. Proverbs 21:3
The Prophetic Judgment of Pedophiles and Perverts
“They must be judged. They are a reproach in My sight. They have fallen into Satan’s snare. Many will be destroyed. Great is the sin among My people. Many will be destroyed by My hand. They must be destroyed – they are a reproach in My sight. Many have fallen prey to Satan’s devices. They will be destroyed forever! Thus says the Living Lord of Hosts.”
“Judged forever! By My hand. Many will perish. They must be destroyed forever! Tormented forever! All for sexual pleasure. You are in the snare. You must tell. The Lord has spoken.”
“Many will fall into the sea of unforgiveness - eternal damnation forever! They must be rescued by the blood of My Son Jesus Christ! Many will fall there unless you tell. REPENT! Thus says the Lord of Hosts, amen!” “You will go there unless you repent!” –Hell
“And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.” Mark 9:42
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. Jude 7, 18-19
Certainly God has had enough of all of the pedophilia and Satanism. This almost happened last week!
It's prophetic, NYC WILL GET NUKED!!!
I'll get the popcorn.
I'd want stainless steel for that.
But if you keep it seasoned and oiled, even iron will do.
I feel like this is some kind of thing where they are almost screaming this is freemasonry. The COFFINS. LUCIFER.
I mean for crying out loud. I used to declare shit was masonic for MUCH LESS it is the very least that we can humor freemasonry the outlet of secrecy the missing link here,
Please more like this picture. Never saw it before, but I am not paying much attention. Do you have the unedited ones?
Who wants to bet 6 million dollars that name stands for what they are selling to the elite?
#pizzaparty is way better for normies
While that sounds sketchy it actually could make sense. You could probably get your hooks into a lot of important people if you do it right. I don't know much about cyber security (yet) so I'll stop there before I embarass myself.
Man. I'm no shill, not a part of any secret society, but the Mason, 'Illuminated,' and other "cults" that started so far back…
They aren't your enemies.
Oh… nevermind. They are.
Ben Franklin was a Satanist and was a godless egg shaped fucking machine.
Fuck. This is going nowhere, but I got the strong urge to listen to this song, for better or worse:
That guy deserves a medal.
And Smoking Gun.
And Sid Blumenthal, stupid bad password having Mossad cunt.
he's a homo and he has raped underage boys at Singers mansion
American Beauty….a movie written by a faggot where everyone who isn't gay is a closet gay and the only normal "family" in the movie is a gay couple. It's a fucking assault on American values and the family unit.
Star of David, 666, and the hexagram being one of the strongest symbols for satanists.
Can't they use that as an excuse to "silence" opposition as well ?
"People feeling too free on the internet, they are even posting CP non-stop, better make some more laws, it's Trump's fault he's racist/xenophobic and has awoken the CP fags with his bullying and free speech"
This reminds me of Holla Forumstier cp 10 years ago, mixxed between gore threads and pedobears.
The damage control is so high at this point that even the most obnoxious person can see through their fear on the MSM.
I found this Blog, it's from a mother who's son got snatched by a pedofile ring
was related to franklin coverup
maybe there's more such blogs which could help us get more info.
pic related, she posted that and asked if someone knew those men
more (GRAPHIC CONTENT) please archive, theyre deleting the evidence

@[email protected]/* */
people should be making screenshots of all the accounts.
But then they risk being v& so that may not be the best idea either.
Someone did mention in the other topic that pthc is a short used alot among pedo's. I did search this on Tumblr and ran within minutes into pedo accounts. Im too afraid to search this directly into google.
they want to remind people of the repressed memories to get them to stare at the ground and do nothing. They are the freemasons and they want to kill you. Ever heard the synonym for "Average Joe" "Joe Mgillicuddy"? They are planning depopulation and this is nothing but executioner foreshadowing by exposing themselves as something else. This is freemasonry. It is not clandestine. It is not spurious. It is masonic terrorism. That is what it is. I have literally seen this and no one thinks for a moment "Hey if they are using sekrit masonic cyphers maybe this is masonic" YET YOU STILL DRIVE THE SATANIST ANGLE AND IGNORE FREEMASONRY.
btw cowan means a non mason and they are trying to say cowen means cannibal preist so they are attacking us btw THEY SEE THEMSELVES AS THE ELITE WEATHER YOU DO OR NOT AND ARE DAMAGE CONTROLLING AS WE SPEAK AND FUCKING US OVER LIKE THIS SHIT.
Im compiling a jpeg, going to black out the graphic parts and hope the mods accept
cp and snuff are held in bondage to freemasonry
I thought masonry was just a part, a section of the pyramid of New Babylon?
Are we in anime land? Did the madman actually make anime real and we just haven't realized it yet?
The only difference is that the Illuminati are tried and true and seasoned or heavily blackmailed freemasons. That is the occult mafia umbrella cult. They all dissapear behind the shroud of the 3rd degree and splinter off into these cults. The term matrix is masonic it means womb the womb of this is freemasonry and I would say that no matter what all of these other things are red herrings.
NWO is masonic Illuminati is a masonic term.
this is the reason there is all the illuminati vaugery because it is auditable through freemasonry.
the continuation from Babylon is in 3 channels. masonry. judiasm . and the papal jesuit orders.
I'm not trying to threadjack or anything, but I have a bunch of Epstein stuff to dump as soon as I can make it digestible for retards.
Help me a bit:
Nope nope nope not gonna open that.
It seems like this topic moves slowly because nobody wants to investigate (for good reason).
What I don't understand, twitter can automoderate based on analysis of text, going after "racists" for using certain words or text patterns. And several large internet companies have software that recognizes CP images and automatically moderates them. Why doesn't twitter use software like that on such images? It seems obvious, and that's outside of them not taking action when given specific reports of unlawful content.
If Jews make the software that recognizes CP we're fucked.
How the hell does that work?
known images can just be checked with a database of hashes, while you could use heuristics based on that database to score an image with regards to likelihood of being cp.
What the other guy said, and keep in mind that the vast majority of images of that type posted publicly are already known.
they're gonna suffer alive, and then a lot more in the afterlife
whatever you wanna call them, clintons, democrats, collectivists, catholics, masons, illuminati, reptilians, jews, leftists, satanists
they're all the same and are going to be thrown down the well
Guys, I think Rammstein tried to warn us…
Rammstein are a bunch of lefty ostalgic faggots, I don't know why the hell they're considered nazi.
I think they are toying with a lot of touchy things. This video is about an orphanage, the caretaker getting killed by a predator man after which the children are kept in a dungeon (sacks on heads) with masked half naked adults all around.
Besides, they can't show their power level to anyone in the public as that would basically terminate their career. Think what happened to Megadeth after Mustane became Christian - they basically fell out of the spotlight forever.
Well it seems that #Pizzagate is doing pretty well and has assimilated all of the points found in #Twittergate. Take it as you will. I have a feeling it's the main reason TRS and (((Other))) Shill teams are shitting up the board.
The plebs on reddit just had /r/pizzagate removed by the admins. Steve Huffman AKA Spez must be a pedo piece of shit. He needs thorough investigating.
the fuckers actually did it
they banned /r/pizzagate
it had more subs than active posters on 8/pol/
rip /r/pizzagate
I was wondering why I hadn't seen threads about it elsewhere yet but it literally just happened 4 minutes ago
I'm pretty sure, Twitter, FaceBook and YouTube will follow.
I assume if you simply resized/cropped the image, or changed its format or meta data, the hash value would change?
that cp dump was just an excuse to ban the community.
Hash value would change if one pixel was changed. But I've read of Google and Microsoft having tech to do this job and I think it's more complex than just matching hashes for whole file.
The denials by Alefantis in the NYT, Snopes, Media Matters, and Wash Times today were all likely orchestrated with legal cease and desist letters sent to Reddit et al
No proof of that, but seems timely?
pizzapong, pedofiles, spirit cooking, pedodesta, twitterpizzapong, pizzatwitter, anything but -gate, please. No more -gate suffixed scandal names, for the love of Kek.
Oh you can transform any image into the same "space" to normalize it and then take a set of descriptors that describe the image. That way you can get a scale and maybe even color invariant representations of an image. It's not a simple hash anymore then, but you get a numerical representation that cannot be used to reproduce the original image, which was the whole point of hashing it.
tl;dr it's more advanced than just a hash of the binary file. At least I hope so, since the tech exists.
If not I need to get on that and make some software money.
I suppose you could probably take any random 100x100 pixel middle sub-portion of an image and get decent odds of the hash being unique, unless its all literally 0/0/0 RGB black.
I don't use Twitter how do they do this shit.
So SkankHunt42 is a Satanist and not a jew?
I have been told that this is a common encrypted format for CP on the darkweb. Decode these files, and then we have the undeniable smoking gun.
You know what you need to do.
Very convenient, indeed. I might even start to suspect about twittergate as well. Out of nowhere there's tons of cp on twitter, if you think about it, there is no better cover-up than to show what the people want.
It'd be more suspicious if the CP hadn't been there since June.
The plebbit sub /r/pizzagate has been banned by Reddit. Half hour ago. The reason is witch hunt. Prepare.
Yes that all seems widespread and legit accounts that have been active for a while.
Honestly surprised and scared that the MSM has ignored it entirely. 25k accounts… many of them STILL ACTIVE… wtf?
Astroturfing from the NYTIMES already has begun trying to normalize paedophilia.
This is what the astroturfing against fake news was all about all week.
They needed to have a buzzword in order to pressure people to shut it down.
If anyone ever needed some sort of proof of guilt then the blaring alarms going off world wide to shut this down should be enough.
It's fairly obvious it's going to be up to us in order to shut this shit down now.
I suggest making sticky telling them to go to voat and include a link. Probably related to nyt article and lawyers involved. They really need id's and posting history to do this with so many shills. This is not the right place for them.
They are both Moloch/Molech worshippers
Of course all the pedos had twitters. We already knew this.
What a sick world we live in, hmm, Holla Forums?
Quite sick. Hundreds, if not thousands of children getting brutally fucked and literally cut slowly with box cutters, dressed like dogs, slowly chopped up into bits, the clothes are literally sold, the FBI turning their heads, Twitter not doing anything….
Sick. Literally sick. I'm sure if we could actually see what goes in behind the curtains of those disgusting dungeons that we'd all be with raged bloods and headaches from getting so angry.
Anons, what fucking literal and true horrors occur in those dungeons? What pain do those children even go through? Can we even imagine the pain? The horror?
Madness. Fucking madness.
Yep, weird.
Did you notice that we have stopped digging since that day? Something tells me we were on the right track.
How the fuck did you get there?
From 2012 - Was Aaron Swartz Killed By An
MIT Satanic Child Porn Ring?
h p://
h p://
"It appears that swartz "died in a heroic attempt to expose the perversion that has corrupted the hearts and minds of the global elite"
Ok, now that's interesting.
leave the name as is #pizzagate
coming up with another name divides the community, you only divide communities if you're wanting them to move on to something else, or buy a new product so they don't stay with the old like EA, Microsoft, Activision, Apple does
aangirfan has been covering this kind of stuff for a long time and I've talked to him/her before on not-quite-directly related topics. Any researcher might do well to reach out to aangirfan
anrchists have something to do with #pizzagate too
Swartz probably got suicided for not going along with the direction they wanted Reddit to go
We need to get in touch with Yoichi Shimatsu as well.
Potentially. As much as I would love to expose the whole network, my interest is mostly on getting rid of whatever cancer is in our govt and media that has allowed this conspiracy of silence and outright censorship. Clearly they are scared of something, to deploy so many resources to hide this, and they seem to have access to an army of people willing to shill for them.
She just repeats Yaori Shiatsu and adds creepy pictures.
We got a new name, lads.
" founded the One Laptop per Child Association (OLPC)"
Notice the pattern?
"Nicholas Negroponte, you have no place to hide in Southeast Asia or Africa, not any longer. You are under watch and will be relentlessly tracked down, not just for child porn and pimping children but now as an accomplice to murder. Your only way out is to turn over the video files along with the entire list of names, and you had better do it sooner than later because the powerful pedophiles on that list are going to silence you to cover their own tracks."
Why bother? We know what they will say. Now we gotta find faggots in the NYT that are involved with fucking kids. You know they're there.
It dismisses everything without questioning anything.
Alefanti's no ordinary man, m8. He has power. Media Matters is one of their partners.
I think that is understating the relationship. DIdn't Brock have an affair with Alefantis that was behind the $850k of hush money?
They know each other that's for sure.
Seriously Guys
We need to get in touch with Yoichi Shimatsu
"Lionized by CNN and TIME, Krisher is the publisher of the English-language Cambodia Daily, whose staff was hostile to our presence in Phnom Penh. Earlier, I had known of Krisher’s visits to North Korea, supposedly to provide food relief, when in fact he was visiting orphanages in the secretive dictatorship to select children for overseas “education”. In that same period, from the late 1980s throughout the 1990s, “Chinese” orphans were arriving at Boys Town in Nebraska, which became entangled in a scandal involving Senate pages supplied for underage sex services."
For fuck sake, the modus operandi is the fucking same.
"Foreign NGOs, including “child-protection” groups, were rabidly opposed to our team’s direct-action methods, which included supplying night-vision videocams to the Cambodian police for nighttime stakeouts outside the premises of known child-sex brothels."
The “One Laptop per Child” project was initiated by the MIT Media Lab founder, who is the brother of former UN ambassador and intelligence official John Negroponte. The Zionist brothers have family origins in the Jewish community of Greece.
How surprising,
(((Reddit))) (((Mods))) asleep at the wheel.
Report them to the fbi and every news for protecting pedophiles, do it a lot of times untill it hit the news.
The reddit people moved to voat, pettibone girls are shilling it. Its getting more traffic than all other voat subs combined right now. voa
NYT story, Reddit down.
At this point killing Alefantis and blaming it on us will probably be their optimal option.
Wrong pic at the end but that was another Jewish psyop trying to divide and conquer with (((Paul Feig))) and Sony's (((Bosses))) trying to start a race war with black lady Leslie Jones and Gender war with male against female.
Following the Protocols of Zion to a tee.
People are finally uniting as one because we call all agree its wrong to harm children and it needs to stop.
He still writes for them:
We need to know if he wrote that for sure.
So they're going full "SHUT IT DOWN" mode?
How long until we find out that the leddit guys are involved in this?
Reddit is going full shut it down too
About now-ish.
The were involved right from the start…;)
Any site they were promoting on pizzagate are likely control points such as;
Its all controlled now they want everyone going to voat.
"Fake News" that keyword.. they're pushing that
"they" want to keep people off the sites with most eyes, Reddit is popular and you had 20,000 subs in a week with 1000-2000 subs a day on /r/pizzagate so they had to shut that down, its the same with this Fake News sites being pushed, they are making sure people are left to talk about these things on sites they claim are fake or have little viewers
My theory is it's a sting operation, the FBI just did a bust last month.
With Twitter banning alt right accounts (including mine), I want for nothing else than for Twitter to get shut down. You guys are doing God's work. Keep doing it. Next you guys need to take a real hard look at Facebook.
Yep, they're trying to meme it. It will be one of the most forced words in 2017.
I don't see how you're getting to these conclusions or what you even really mean.
Brock was connected to EVERYONE through Media Matters…
Podestas, Mark Zuckerberg(Facebook) Jack Dorsey of Twitter, George Soros etc etc….these were SECRET MEETINGS and possible Spirit Cookings after since they might have had these meetings at Tony Podesta's house as evidenced by the docs…look at all the names its a Z.O.G. secret meeting!
TO Be Determined & David Friedman, Co-Chairs
November 4 – 6 or November 11 - 13
• The Press, The President, & The People
o Dee Dee Myers, former White House Press Secretary, Clinton administration
o David Gergen, political consultant, former presidential advisor
o Paul Begala, political consultant and former presidential advisor, Clinton administration
o George Stephanopoulos, political commentator and former Communications Director, Clinton administration
o Stephen Colbert, host of The Colbert Report
o Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show
o Jonathan Alter, columnist and Senior Editor for Newsweek magazine
• The Internet Revolution: Blogging and Progressive Messaging
• The Rise of New Media: The Impact of Twitter, Facebook, and other Social Media Tools
o Mark Zuckerberg or Sheryl Sandberg, Founder/COO of Facebook
o Andrew McLaughlin, incoming Deputy Chief Technology Officer
o Jack Dorsey, founder, Twitter
o Benjamin Rahn and/or Matt DeBargalis, Founders, ACT Blue
• Right-Wing Extremism in the Mainstream Media
• Anatomy of the Right-Wing Message Machine
o Will Bunch, Senior Writer, Philadelphia Daily News
o Karl Frisch, Director of Media Relations, Media Matters for America
o Paul Waldman, Senior Correspondent, The American Prospect
• Foreign Policy & America’s Changing Relationship with the World (featuring State Dept employees or ambassadors)
o Nico Pitney, National Editor, Huffington Post
o Rand Beers, Counselor to the Secretary of Homeland Security and former member, National Security Council
o Jim Steinberg, Deputy Secretary of State
o Samantha Power, Professor of Global Leadership and Public Policy, Harvard
o Gen. Paul Eaton, retired, United States Army
o Richard Clarke, Counter-Terrorism Czar, George W. Bush and Clinton administrations
o Leslie Gelb, President Emeritus and Board Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
o Fareed Zakaria, editor, Newsweek International
o Lawrence Korb, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
o Ted Sorensen, former speechwriter and Special Counsel to President John F. Kennedy
o Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State, Clinton administration
o Thomas Ricks, Pentagon and military correspondent, Washington Post
• Running the West Wing
o The Honorable Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff
o John Podesta, President and CEO, Center for American Progress
o Andrew Card, former COS to President George W. Bush
• Social Innovation
o Melody Barnes, Director, White House Domestic Policy Council
o Mayor Cory Booker, Newark, New Jersey
• Obama and Linclon: A comparison on the Lincoln Presidency and Obama’s First Year in Office
o Ken Burns, Film Maker
o Harold Holzer, co-chairman of the United States Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission
o Matthew Pinsker, Associate Professor of History, Pohanka Chair in American Civil War History, Dickinson College
o Doris Kearns Goodwin, author of Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
o Craig Symonds, retired professor from the Naval Academy, and most recent winner of the Lincoln Prize.
o Edna Greene Medford, professor at Howard University
• The Legacy of the American Car Industry and its Future
o Carol Browner, Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change
o Steve Rattner, founder, Quadrangle Group
• The Green Economy
o Carol Browner, Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change
o Van Jones, Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality
o Brook Byers, Founder & Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
o Joseph Lacob, Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
o Al Gore, former Vice President
Ah. The mystic style of the ancient mutilations. Despair faith hope love. It is like skinning a fish and making spaghetti. Blood is the wines of lucifer and we are all humbled by this bountiful feast. NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM
• The changing of the American Economic System
o George Soros, Chairman, Soros Fund Management
o Warren Buffett, CEO, Berkshire Hathaway
o Tim Geihtner, Secretary of the Treasury
Possible Speakers
• Ken Burns, documentarian
• Gordon Wood, professor of American History, Brown University
• Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education
• The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services
• General Paul Eaton, retired, United States Army
• Jim Steinberg, Deputy Secretary of State
• Bowman Cutter, Assistant Professor of Economics, Pomona College
• Alan Blinder, professor of Economics, Princeton University
• Peter Orzag, Director, Office of Management and Budget
• Sheila Bair, Chairwoman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
• David Gergen, political consultant, former presidential advisor
• Samantha Power, member, National Security Council
• Tom Daschle, former U.S. Senator
• Jacob Hacker, professor of Political Science, UC Berkeley
• Ariana Huffington, founder, Huffington Post
• Markos Moulitsas Zunigas, founder, Daily Kos
• Ambassador Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations
Possible Locations
Members of Congress’ Homes Donors’ Homes
Hon. Jane Harman Dan & Sunita Leeds Molly Raiser
Hon. Mary Ann Landrieu Al & Clarie Dwoskin Beth & Ron Beth Dozoretz
Hon. John Kerry Hon. Elizabeth & Smith Bagley Bill & Maria Titelman
Hon. Shelly Berkely Scott & Christie Wallace Bitsy Folger
Hon. Ellen Taucher Patricia Bauman Mac McClarty
Hon. Nancy Pelosi Herb & PatriceMiller Reed Hundt
Hon. Susan David Roger & Victoria Sant’s Robert Lehrman
Hon. Jared Polis Tony& Heather Podesta
Its all controlled by the (((Kazarian Mafia/Tribe))). It was from the start.
/r/Pizzagate was set up to fail and if it didnt fail it was to be shut down.
Reddit Founder (((Aaron Hillel Swartz)))
(November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) was an American computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer, political organizer, and Internet hacktivist. He was involved in the development of the web feed format RSS[3] and the Markdown publishing format,[4] the organization Creative Commons,[5] the website framework,[6] and the social news site Reddit, in which he became a partner after its merger with his company, Infogami.[i]
Do you mean the subreddit or Pizzagate?
What's the point of this, why drive your userbase to another website?
Anything to look for here?
I need more names of child protection organisation s the were somewhat related to the pizzagate.
The only one i know is the icmec. Beyond Borders might be the other.
There was also posting of CP on reddit the other day claiming it was stolen from a pizza place. It could be a counter-intelligence op to get warrants from these sites.
Because they are already cucked by the DNC/etc. What better way to do a shitton of dissinfo: right when news outlets are starting to pick it up, they try to go to the subreddit, BAM, they see a thing where apparently REDDIT ADMINS are calling the thing a witch hunt.
In Schrodinger's universe, at this point either it's just the work of another tard, or the 'mesh network' is really part of the NWO's desire to be able to locate 3rd world children on a whim.
"Walter Bender, founder of Sugar Labs, which developed the One Laptop per Child project’s XO-1 Children’s Machine, the communication tool of choice for pedophiles to communicate with their little brown lovers."
Another thing, i'm looking for a link between this and the pizzagate.
The information on the Pizzagate sub was fully controlled.
And the "pizzagate" name/meme does sound nicer than "pedogate" which is what it should have been.
So many people were subbing they just lost control…they are hoping it will just go away by splitting the community up and giving it less legitimacy on other unknown sites.
Dont think this is going away anytime soon tho.
So you're saying /r/pizzagate was setup to make people think it was all just a dumb witchhunt rather than a conspiracy?
That's absolutely not going to work, have they never heard of the Streisand Effect? Or paid any attention to this election cycle where 90% of the last three months has been nothing but talking about corruption in websites and the media? Fucking Hell, Kayne just told everybody they're being lied to then was shipped to the mad house.
They're certainly playing into a narrative here, but not the one they were hoping for.
Don't forget the Hollywood angle. Most of Hollywood shilled for Clinton and there were always rumors pedo ring in the industry. ie Corey Feldman
The founder's brother: John Dimitri Negroponte (/ˌnɛɡroʊˈpɒnti/; born July 21, 1939) is a British-born American diplomat of Greek descent. He is currently a J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of International Affairs at the George Washington University.[1] Prior to this appointment, he served as a research fellow and lecturer in international affairs at Yale University's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, United States Deputy Secretary of State, and the first ever Director of National Intelligence.
Negroponte served in the United States Foreign Service from 1960 to 1997. From 1981 to 1996, he had tours of duty as United States ambassador in Honduras, Mexico, and the Philippines. After leaving the Foreign Service, he subsequently served in the Bush Administration as U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations from 2001 to 2004, and was ambassador to Iraq from June 2004 to April 2005. In November 2010, some of Negroponte's letters were released on the website WikiLeaks.[2]
Griffith Simmons Parlaman III (30 October 1958 – 23 November 2002), who often referred to himself as “Sean Parlaman”, was a self-proclaimed activist who, before his death, sought to raise awareness regarding the trafficking and prostitution of children into Thailand
Another one who died for the cause.
I…..I….I've seen some shit….but this….this. This is otherworldly.
Anons. We have to do something. This is fucking absolutely disgusting.
An Open Secret - A MUST WATCH!
An Open Secret A documentary on Hollywood Pedophelia
Posted this also in the other thread:
Guys you should really look at the Zandvoort incident with Marcel Vervloesem trying to cover a huge pedophile circle which implicated Dutch prince Claus. There was material discovered on the CDs that contained thousands and thousands of hours of CP. The police didn't do shit and covered it up for a long time. They were actively protecting the pedophile circle against damning evidence.
And then you have the Dutroux case in Belgium. Dutroux kidnapped 4 kids, police was well aware of this but didn't make a formal arrest until 14 months later. By then the kids had all died, along with 23 witnesses. All the witnesses died mysterious deaths which made people highly suspicious of a massive coverup.
A part of the pedo circle in Zandvoort was a boat name Apollo which was used to advertise to younger people to learn how to sail. That same boat, Apollo, Claus used that boat as well that's a public known fact. So Claus was direclty implicated in a pedophile network. AND NOBODY ON THE MEDIA EVER MENTIONS THIS!! But the guy who busted the pedophile network including Gerrie Ulrich says that all the evidence points towards the fact that Claus was involved in this pedophile network and that this particular network had connections everywhere in the world (this was not a smallfish network).
He also claims that there are witnesses, but most of them if they witness against someone who is very high up in society they get told that they're paranoid or retarded and if that doesn't work they will get feared into submission or simply killed in a mysterious way, as that is what happened in the Dutroux case.
You guys have no clue what you're getting yourselves into. It's not a miracle reddit closed the particular sub r/pizzagate and from now on every kind of research into these pedos. They likely got pressured into doing this by all kinds of groups of course under the mom of protecting from harrassment. Maybe they got a court notification if they wouldn't comply. Reddit obviously doesn't want to lose its name over conspiracy theories and just closes it down.
But to uncover these sick fucks you have to do very thorough investigations, infiltrate the networks themselves to have a chance at obtaining the CDs. Police actively cover these sick fucks up!
I hope somebody reads this, because you guys have no clue how deep this shit goes. AND IT GETS 0 MEDIA COVERAGE. Vervloessem isn't a retard or a thin foiler he got people convicted and was convicted himself for his discoveries. He receives death threats everyday for his work.
What video? On twitter?
there's a link from twitter that goes into other sources.
Why the fuck are you watching that sick shit?
Victor Salva was convicted and he's still working. Francis Ford Coppola executive produces all his movies.
other people were talking about it in another thread
Shit is fucking disgusting.
The official version has a lot of damning scenes cut
I can't stress this post enough myself.
Vervloessem after his damning evidence got jailed himself. Even if we accumulate enough evidence of these clowns, there would be people needed to confirm suspicions and infiltrate their networks. And when this shit happens you basically get Vervloessem'd which means that a part of the police will work against you and probably jail you. In which case you need backup to deliver the evidence (which Vervloessem had with Morkhoven group). They likely didn't know his entire network.
This shit is like an open secret along with the Dutroux case that happened far in the past. Why don't people pay attention to these cases especially the Zandvoort one? Why are you guys not paying attention to it? It shows exactly what the situation is, and that likely these fragmented groups of pedos operate in similar ways.
Someone with same last name working for his organization donates to a group call "EMILY's List" which shilled for Hillary Clinton.
My half sister has one of those. I've been thinking she's been raped lately. Huh.
ANONS, you are getting into dangerous shit.
I read it a few years ago when the Pedowood threads were taking off on 4chan, but I could have sworn that it was Wikileaks that published some kind of essay or article disclosure or something that basically outlined why exactly the global child pornography and trafficking "industry" would never be taken down, just due to how utterly careful and powerful the true men running the show actually are.
Does anybody know what I'm talking about? It focused especially on Russia and related Slavic states.
search here
. His financial political contributions are 100% Democrat, totaling $8,518. Interestingly, no contributions to Obama. And perhaps more interestingly, all of the candidates to which Coppola has given money have won.
- htt p://
You mean sordid.
I wonder where these "utterly careful and powerful men" even started….
Honestly, there are documentaries and coverups regarding elite pedophile rings for nearly every country in the west with cooperation from eastern countries.
This is fuckin huge, but who better to expose all this than the shitposting legions of Kek (praise be to his name)?
Really though, we're into some deep shit here and whatever happens I'm glad I can shitpost with you guys here and uncover this filth.
has anyone thought to involve those organizations that focus on abused and exploited children, soccer moms can get a crusade going if they have enough evidence to buy what we've found so far
The pedo rings are how they maintain power and leverage over each other. They all do sick shit together, so they have the potential to blackmail each other if one goes off path. Likely the higher in the pyramid you get, the more blackmail you're allowed to hold on those beneath you, while the ones beneath have little to nothing on the ones above. It's likely all connected, all over the world.
The clock is ticking as more and more people are becoming aware.
Why hasn't Trump spoken about this?
Because he's not inaugurated yet. He's on a razor thin line right now. SJW intellegensia is trying to push a fake recount in some of the states Trump won, while ignoring the 3 million illegals who voted Hillary. If Hillary calls it, it's going to throw everything into chaos.
Wait until he's in, then if shit doesn't start flying, we need to get to work.
He did.
This could be huge!
Under visitor posts:
The first American citizen arrested for possession of child porn.
Holy quads and dubs.
I found a huge thread about Dutroux's cover up and how weird the case in general has been handled (the now dead witnesses don't help either) in a wikileaks thread (which constructs the story using multiple leaked documents).
It's not an Alex Jones tier conspiracy theory its something proven.
The thing is the people running the circle can manipulate news, police and coverup about anything it seems. Though the pedophile running the local show does get arrested and caught if they are too careless and stupid.
I suspect that the network would feature the ones at the top having weak ties to the people who mass produce the satanic rituals and pedo torture stuff. As in they don't really know much about each other and rarely have contact, they might just get setup so no real contact is needed. I think there is also a lot of fragmentation in these groups. The ones who go out there, abuse kids and make CD's might know nothing about the higher ups who request the CD's. If you ever heard of tor's redrooms where there are paying clients for sick as shit porn well I suspect that they would use it. You had a man named Skully who made a video named Daisy's destruction featuring the rape of a 2yo and a 9yo. The video was a bit of a myth and almost nobody believed it to be true, until the maker of the video later on got arrested because he did dumb shit that made him visible to every cop.
He didn't really know the faces of the clients who paid him but he mentioned it were rich people from western countries (USA, Germany, UK).
I think there are groups that are highly connected and those groups contain a person who has a link with all the other groups or something like that. I don't really believe the entire huge network is all connected to another, rather that they know certain key people involved in it. The ones at the middle and bottom have no clue who are at the top.
I ain't clicking that shit negro, archive or gtfo
Oh God, don't fucking remind me. I watched like part of that back in the day when it was an ebin Holla Forums meme. Backed out fucking fast. Fucking horrible man.
And right then that fat fuck whispers something to Hillary.
pic related
Jesus what a sickfuck
I have been looking at so many of these twitters I do not see any link I really want to see that sounds like ritual murder I AM GETTING FRANTIC I DO NOT CARE ABOUT LAW I WANT TO SEE THE LEATHER MOMMY MAN NOW
He's just a revolutionary man! Like a modern Marquis de Sade, misunderstood!
Aw fuck, it's real.
just saw what looks like a dog humping a child in a masonic lodge….
This is why there is no proof to red rooms btw because it is cp.
This is what we're dealing with.
Sauce or doesn't exist.
I found one wtf should i do?
Notice now how MSM, Google and Facebook are being championed as the beholders of "truth"?
What a crock of shit. Its stunning the lengths the world is legitimately going through to cover SOMETHING up.
The full truth isn't even out yet…
yeah i was legitimately shaking my head…
The network Vervloessem with his non profit investigation group Morkhoven uncovered basically made thousands of Daisy's destruction type of shit. But also horrendous torture, starvation, shootings, killings and other completely insane crap.
I have yet another article on him including a pictue of a tied up killed (I think shot or tortured to dead) cencored girl (the private parts are cencored):
Vervloessem uncovered 93k pictures. He mailed them to interpol. Intepol said 34k pics they recognized and 56k were completely new to them. It featured very underage children (under 9). Then…. a year silence. Gerrie Ulrich was apparantly just someone who had a shop that was doing poorly he didn't make any huge financial gains so there was no involvement of a large childporn network. Later on newspapers wrote about how the majority were 10-12 and only 710 were of pornographic content. Which is very likely a coverup of the entire story since before that it was about children younger than that, and horrific torture 'porn'.
They didn't only recover the pictures, also CDs with filmed content. Anyhow the group claimed to have a ton of pictures of distinct children and it was featured a lot in media but nothing was ever done with it, except that Gerrie Ulrich was at a much later date caught since he went after some missing German boy (I don't remember the exact story).
Vervloesem himself was also convicted of pedophilia himself yet he pleaded innocent, but due to the content he was investigating he got caught.
It's funny because the group and this man make the link to the bilderberg group and child pornography for years. And now we have the Podesta case and DNC with multiple people involved in pedophile circles. I personally wasn't really aware myself how big and widespread the issue was but only now I see.
I'm guessing the chances are pretty high that the Catholic Church is mixed up in all of this.
fuck these people
what's going on in that pic?
people are freaking out about these? i know a good few are real cp too but come on now
go to the twittergate thread they linked the account there.
I'm sure it wasn't that bad.
Really Rabbi?
I mean she was bretty brown but still that's pretty fucked up.
I found 1 wtf should i do?
Probably exists in one of the archives. There are twitter accounts on this thread that have CP as their background image. It's fucking real. Like it's probably a lot worse than we imagine, especially if they are following the old Canaanite rituals for sacrifice
Catalog everything
You didn't watch it!
That 'little girl' was the one doing the torturing (of a baby) at the direction of Scully.
Yes. Save cp on yr hard drive, good call!
T-that image.
I don't even dare to post it I think I'll just get the party van instantly to my doorstep. That girl is tied up to a toilet post passed out and probably cut at the genitals. My god. How do these people even get off to this kind of fucked up shit?
Those images on those CD's are truly horrifying.
Police response : There is no international pedophile network active.
I've heard extensive accounts of it, never seen it. Don't know if I would ever watch it or where I'd even find it anymore.
archive and report to the FBI.
Then you end up Vervloesem'd. You might mail some stuff to interpol. But not much will come from it and eventually you get charged for pedophilia and gg.
it's, hot forbidden fruit. and now us white knights are going to end it
This is why people get a little testy about this shit not the pedo shit but the illuminati shit. It pisses me off these are FREEMASONS I want to see that "mommy" video so I can actually try and prove this which I very well could I know the distinction of holding the knife up and holding it down as well as numerous occult correspondences to tie this to the elite.
Most of the accounts on that compilation are suspended, how can I help find more? I have some free time tonight to spend hunting pedos
look through these accounts, and their followers:
Censor the nasty bits then
If you are going out of your way to search for cp, and then give it to the feds, you'll get busted, no matter the intent.
Otherwise every pedo could just say, "No, officer, I was only looking for it so I could report it, honest."
You would normally send that kind of stuff to interpol. Though considering how little they did with all the pictures of horrific abuse in the Zandvoort case it might be futile.
Everything is fucking nasty
This as well. Though if you give a transcript of your browsing or post history from your ISP you can reasonably defend yourself in a court case. But possession itself is an offense. Doesn't matter how, if you got stuff saved on your computer regarding to chum puddle you can face a possible penalty.
Here's a censored screen shot.
Isn't that just fucking bullshit? Even if you're trying to bring these degenerates to justice, your the one who gets jail time. What a wonderful world we live in.
“We are at a dangerous place in American culture where a good percentage of people aren’t distinguishing what is a real news source based on real reporting and fact-checking and only reinforcing pre-existing ideas they have,” Ms. Kleinman said.
Happened to pete townshend.
Dear god, that's awful.
Don't quote me but I think as long as it's censored you're cool, probably don't wanna keep it on your machine though.
so is this going to be a movement against pedophilia as a concept, or pedophilia as a practice? because in concept it's a fetish just like any other really, but of course in practice it becomes something illegal and potentially dangerous
Interpol is not a group to be trusted.
You got beastly quads user. I'm not expanding that picture though
Yes this is the hanged man tarot mutilation very common I have seen this edit before and it is occult before sadistic or malicious they think they are becoming enlightened from the ancient and accepted mutilations.
I have to like delete my internet now
Cheese Pizza = CP = Child Porn.
Get it?
Holy fuck this needs to get out!
This is where practicality and rules for the majority supersede the reality. Yes, pedophilia is a mental thing and child abuse is the wicked act. In a perfect world the prior wouldn't be witch hunted and would be helped and the latter would be burned at the stake. However, all people are not capable of thinking for themselves, thus, we must create rules to make certain only one of ours desires. The one desire here is that those who abuse children are damned, ergo, sacrifice helping pedophiles who haven't done anything for the sake of the children.
speaking of chum. Masterchan says that and look at their logo and their occult boards if you think they are not illuminati.
They have a fucking top hat and they joke about chum.
Those fags don't even know what the hanged man means.
But that came from 4chan. Is boardculture leaking? Of have some of the oldfags joined the Cabal?
This type of post re-inforces the masonic intimidation. You have to say no this is evil fuck law I am exposing this
I noticed that the article said that the FBI is neither confirming, nor denying, that they are investigating the pizza ring.
This could mean that they actually are investigating, but don't want to signal to the elite criminals, which would give them time to hide their shit.
I think there is hope anons, once Trump gets into office. He can't declare anything now, because Obama would use his power to pardon the criminals; and he might even be one of them himself. The FBI is generally a right-leaning institution (most security service workers are high-test), and they are just waiting until the old, corrupt, leftist establishment is cleared-out before they strike.
These degenerate fucks are gonna get helicopter'd.
Only for fun i would really like this being truth in the end, only to see the democrats even more destroyed like their corrupt media and their Clinton manipulation in the propaganda
But I don't care so much, but would be awesome if this is truth in the end. And see the people become saviors against them and see their democrats establishment even more destroyed like we will destroy the corrupt democrat media proapganda establishment in the same way CNN become a joke and trash.
I don't read nothing about this, i don't know about nothing, but i really wanted this being truth only to see the democrats even more destroyed after years of manipulation, lies and corruption, after every dirty disgusting strategy of democrats and stupid countries who copy the garbage media of democrats like the joke who is CNN, fake news Hillary Clinton and Democrat garbage propaganda and others in the wikileaks.
I'm not even American or european, but i feel deep disgust of democrats even more after this election when was proved all their corruption, lies, manipulation and dirty strategy to try to get power and remember that they could make the same thing in the past, the control who they have over corrupt american media and all the garbage shit celebrities who the democrats buy and also use them for make propaganda, narrative, manipulation, lies, for their garbage political disgusting party while try to demonize opposition and want to get even more monopoly with all their corrupt media , lies, narrative, fake news, propaganda, manipulation, race bait, gender war, idenitty politics, every trash and dirty strategy, all their garbage are on wikileaks, on youtube, on internet
I would love to know about this being truth only for fun and see the democrats like shit, we can't believe in the word of the media and establishment anymore, they lied about Hillary Clinton being sick and admit this days after Hillary Clinton go down, they invented fake polls for Hillary Clinton, CNN was caugh in thousnads of lies, manipulation and is basically a joke, CNN is batlantly fake news, all the american shit corrupt shit democrat shit propaganda shit media
Even if this in the end becoming nothing, is always good see the establishment angry, and if they become so angry, maybe could have the possibility in the end of some truth or something who they want to hide, maybe could be nothing too, but is impossible to believe in any word of the media and democrat garbage propaganda establishment after all the manipulation, lies and all garbage of CNN caugh in many lies, manipulation, fake news, is impossible to believe in any word of Democrat
and their propaganda
like they tried against Trump and
for Hillary Clinton, cover up hillary clinton, try to demonize trump
Even Ronald Reagan
was called
don't change
their dirty disgusting strategy, their party need to die and be destroyed
after years
of manipulation
and trash
They need to be
for everyone
democrat and
their garbage
in wikileaks
weird coincidence that the sick picture with kid hanging also had #666 in it
One of the mods on the pizzagate sub was a mason, it probably got shut down because their limited hangout and misdirection tactics stopped working.
You are. The guy earlier Vervloesen got convicted twice of pedophilia.
These people were already for a longer time fully aware that people were sniffing around.
Funny thing is that in the Zandvoort case there were heavy implications that members of the Dutch royal family would've partaken in pedophile acts. Funnily that Dutch royalty prince Bernhard was one of the founders of the bilderberg group.
No way that the bilderberg group has nothing to do with pedophilia.
Whenever the enemy tries to force a new meme it is a sure sign of progress on our part. Racist, sexist, xenophobe, etc. completely lost their power so they invent this "alt-right" meme and turn it into a Nazi boogeyman. They are pushing Fake News since "conspiracy theory" and such have failed. We need to stay ahead of the curve and coopt their memes against them of course, but the fact that they are trying to force new memes means we are winning. Hail Victory.
Yea that was in thread 8 or 9
their name was illuminatiprince or something.
A complete charade all of this.
I want to see the mommy man I can not find mommy man. now I am the monster who saw the secret children.I am the bad guy. This is a psyop but I still think this is a crowd-sourced investigation. people are calling this out as elite fraternal orders. That may change the law enforcement machine to work for the people instead of against them.
holy fuck. was that account banned? (((please say it was banned and the FBI is enroute to bulldoze this place and burn that bitch alive)))
Guess the only that can cure this disease are lone wolf operations…
Nazi-pedo memes next?
Lots more where that came from.
This is how we know you're a Redditor. Fuck off.
The Dutch were heavily involved in maritime trade and general (((merchant))) activities for centuries, just like the British.
The UK is the home of the (((Rothschilds))).
Seems like nationals that like to meddle in high finance tend to be filled with NWO members.
They tie them to the toilet to keep them there without shit and piss in the crawlspace or wherever they keep them. When they are older they chain them to the pipes.
A lot of these are in basements.
This thread is way darker than average even for something on this topic on an imageboard. I research news stories with a small amount of people and they've heard about pizzagate and now this, and I can't do anything for them except tell them their sanity is at stake if they keep digging. And I'm not shilling it's just that fucked.
A long fat forefinger and an old bent thumb pulled alongside of a tiny bald vagina to open it up; see how far it could spread and what it would look like. The digits pressed in and squeezed the chubby flesh as hard in as it would stretch, The cunt was dry. As in not cummed in or on, rather than naturally unlubricated as the child was obviously far younger than even prepubescent. This would be the position to investigate the damage wrought on any such childish organ. To see if there were any immediate entry scratches or vicious bites or the faint red burns of a too large adult cock or finger or wooden tool or mass-market plastic dildo having been shoved too thick, too long, too quick, too unready, too uncaring into the minute space just beyond that barely folded, tight shut opening.
The fingers would peel that tiny tot’s cunt open to see what would fit. So far. And what wouldn’t and guess at the damage it might cause, the trail it might leave and the suddenly sobering possibilities of intense public outrage and the crush and arrest and life sentence of a child raper and murderer would have to endure. And would this be worth it. This little cunt attached to a little mouth and flat flesh stretched politely over such small brittle bones and miniature blushes and games and tears and eyes.
It never was innocent. Unless innocence means dumb. It was barely human. Too few years here. And there’s no need to twist the little pig into something less than real: inside that disastrously planned little hole lies all the exact same minutiae that’ll grow up and turn and mold into all the other wonderful possibilities of femaledom and motherhood and great accomplishments and sisterly sense. It’s all there now. Painted with the rules and guides of its absent parents and blossoming into them cancerous knot by knot.
The cunt is small. And still so fucking shut tight that the womb that stenches inchoate beneath the pit is all just one small detail in the bigger truth of someone else’s cruelty. The body is incomplete. The nature is arrested. The changes were just beginning to show and the flesh ready to register more the damage done to it than the promise created for it.
The man who took the photo - filling the frame with nothing but fingers and child slash - must have been interested in the crime rather than the autopsy. The lack of detail is extreme. The photo is a record of the act the hand performed rather than the budding secrets of a child’s artful fascinating vagina. Though the photo can be a perfect replica of both; the crueler intention certainly seems reflected in the fact that the published reproduction crops in so much finer, so much action. Although the long tips of these ages and clawing fingers may be included to give size to the comparatively very small, very young cunt. Below the possible that there were not two men in the room when this shot was taken. In the hotel room. Which would have been best. One hard-on’d rapist to hold the little bawling duct-taped fuckable rat down and then spread her wriggling baby cunt as far as baby sexy flesh would spread between his two dirty smelling-like-her-guts, while the other fucker sits across from the sexualized sweaty rape and snaps as many photos as he can before he needs to jam his own fingers into the little death before she dies or stops crying and faints and ruptures and begs even one more long hard jacking pumping cock squeezing second.
Hold her down.
Tighter. Hold her head back.
capped for posterity
wasn' he featured on some cop show thing where they dug up a body of a child in his hourse?
Ironically enough (or not) the UK had that huge scandal of cult abuse that came to light after that sick faggot Savile died, there were connections to the crown and some strange letters from a certain prince regarding some girls.
That was Scully.
for those of you that want to read up on the billderberg connection
http:// dutroux.blogspot
I want to fucking kill these accounts with fire. I've now seen some shit. Enough internet for the day. I hope the FBI fucks this whole ring up even if it brings the roof down on this country. We cannot have shit like this. I'm deleting my twitter on principle.
Meanwhile, at Comet Pizza…
I feel dead inside now, this shit is sickening beyonf belief.
No one would blame you.
My real question is how the fuck is 4ch Holla Forums not covering this…oh wait, they are consumed with a fucking neo nazi LARPer.
Has anyone tried poking around on /younglove/?
They might have some inside knowledge.
Come on, you can't be that new
And those guys have been at this for centuries, why do you think Palestinians throw themselves at bullets and tanks just to punch one measly soldier
Dont bite your tongue, we were near there at some point
Actually, it's called a "referer", with a typo. Srsly, check the HTTP specs. /autism
Hail Satan
Is that GG Allen?
Holy fuck this shit is actually real.
Honestly I thought you guys were just being massive spergs these last 2 weeks.
why hasn't anyone told Chris Hansen?
James (Jimmy) Alefantis aka jimmycommet
I also haven't been paying any attention to this shit.
I swear to fucking god none of you fuckers better do your usual bullshit about rule of law if these guys end up caught. LEAVE NONE ALIVE
He's just a meme. He can't actually do anything.
boy he is connected to Del Harvey.
They're going to have a hard time pushing a recount if they keeps flinging shit at the electorate and burning the fuck out of their cities. It's more likely to see that he's keeping them in stasis, hanging on his every word to see if they need to bail. We need to add more chaos. Kek loves himself some chaos.
When does the fucking kali yuga end? Damn it Kalki every fucking sign is come to pass when are you coming with the white horse and bright sword
I'm not sure if that was the true intention behind the rapist / torturer maybe some kind of insane ritual? The post I linked in Dutch did mention that there were multiple kids tied up this way, some shot with bullets.
I'm also not entirely sure if the blackish stuff in the toilet is blood.
It does seem likely they keep them there tied up so that the pedophile can do their daywork / coverup before returning or just overall neglect it.
The most fucked up thing is that the CD's contained around 93.000 pictures like this (of which 56000 who weren't known before). Much later media downplayed the story very hard, saying there was little proof and no network. It was just Ulrich, and a lot of pictures were copies and a lot not related to pedophilia. The one who got the CD's from Ulrich said it was nonsense and that all the cds had pedophile stuff on them.
It's not really only jews, then it would be simple because one group that is fragmented would eventually be targeted. Problem is that these networks are interconnected and when there are people that are high in society involved, the police magically delay cases or abandon them. Sometimes even witnesses die mysteriously as in the Dutroux case.
The guy who did that particular video wasn't really high up the chain just some guy who made the videos for people who paid large amounts for it (generally customers from US, Germany, UK). It was through those tor darkrooms.
Color me surprised 4chan/pol/ gets nothing done all the time. It's just media hype the board. During elections there were like permanently 18 threads up talking about some polling numbers.
Soon. we must push the cover up angle.
Makes me want to burn all of these (((Modern Artists)))
It is something to put them on while they are waiting to be sold or drugged and awoken in a ceremony. That is why the kids in the unverified video may have screamed for "mommy" they awaken in the ritual for added effect. They think when awaking that it is all over and that is when they get stabbed. Sad stuff.
Let's have some comic relief between the dark shit that crushes our soul.
Done uploading. I'll host the backup for 24 hours. I encourage everyone to download copies. I've included a zip of the backup in the main folder.
I skipped all of the meta data scans I normally do and removed all my auxiliary scripts from the file, but kept the main script I use to gather the data from a sub. It will not work out the box as anyone who wants to use it needs to set up oauth2 on their own, I removed that section of the script as it is the oauth2 info for my main account.
There were also a few scans I couldn't do such as overlapping subreddit users who also participate in since the sub was banned less than 5 minutes after I completed the main scan. I BARELY made it.
I need to work out a few kinks in part of the script to get a complete user list, but that info is available in the database. When it's fixed it's a complete list of every user who has ever interacted with the sub sorted by most active to least. Might be useful to mass PM users to tell them about the new site, but that also might piss Reddit off, so I will not be including it for public consumption. Don't want to contribute to any witch hunts.
Here is the main folder:
Here is where the HTML versions are:
Example one of the files that is sorted by date:
The links to the comments on the list lead to the HTML folder and are threaded in the final order they were on the sub based on comment score:
Sorry about the crappy formatting. Something went wrong and I am running out of time to trouble shoot it. There is just a bunch of ''' at the top of the page.
The RAW. DB file can he found in the database folder and if anyone knows their way around those types of files you can extract all the info I gathered.
If anyone has webdev skills and wants to contribute I've been wanting to clean up the formatting, add search function, multiple pages, and more of a Reddit looking design. I used some copy/paste JS to make the list sortable and some super basic CSS. But it works.
Any questions let me know. Thanks for all the praise and appreciation. I do this as a hobby and lucky enough I already had the tools ready to go in time go get the sub before it was gone.
I'm not a participate in your sub, but truly hope this help you guys.
kek, but thank you (I guess). Not going to click myself
I am so fucking sick of this shit
That is extremely messed up, how do you know they would do that?
You certainly have posted nearly all of the most provocative posts in this thread.
You okay, Podesta?
Okay. Anybody else can just click on your ID and see what I am talking about. Although I'm not calling you anything but provocative.
Been out of the loop… Did this shit ever connect to that pizza place owned by Nancy pelosi? At least I think it was her? It showed up in the guccifer DMC leaks, and was assumed to be used for money laundering.
except all the pizza gate people are all people heavily associated with DEMOCRATS and have a nice little trips to Obama's whitehouse
Are you fucking scared yet?
Piece of shit.
i'm done. never eating pizza again.
We're going to bring back Catherine wheels for evil sons of bitches like you pedo scum
Evidence needed.
It's a deep state war moron.
Pedo fuckers with ties to the clintons/obama vs probably feds/neo-cons controlling Assange and backing/making a deal with Trump.
You can D&C Trump all you like, but you and your pedo friends are about to get lit up.
Trump needs to abolish masonry, abolish skull and bones. abolish all cults and soon,
Fuck the (((FBI))) and all the other alphabet soup agencies that protect this shit. These (((evil things))) have infiltrated every aspect of life. Don't believe me.... I am sure you heard of some local person being caught that you could never believe would be like that. Teachers, Priests, Congressmen, Campaign advisors ..... (((They))) are everywhere and hide in plain sight. Quit looking at the world as (((they))) want you to see it and you will be able to see the evil in plain sight and then know what needs done.
Can someone post a short video with all the information about pizzagate including all the saved instagram pics? I need to share with people.
During the 80s and early 90s, it was the republicans that were heavily involvedand at the core of the Franklin cover up. Just saying.
Yet we see no republicans being fingered. It's more likely that whomever involved in a deeper level of the child trafficing ring is not tied down to generic D vs R politics, they merely re-attach themselves to whomsoever has power.
If Trump hands the R the reigns of power for longer than 4 years, we're gonna see Republicans get outted, because that's how they work. Blackmail. Entrapment. etc
Michael aquino had his home raided in the 90's. They found tapes of him murdering children but the feds had to close the case because of "National security". That means it is everywhere, The pillars of society. The guillotine executioners are the pedos that is the world we live in. If we want them executed they will spin it to execute us.
(((Mark Pincus))) absolutely ties twittergate together with pizzagate (and also with homocannibals, which another user has an ongoing investigation of here 8ch. net/pol/res/8195856.html)
Who is Mark Pincus?
(((Mark Pincus))) wikipedia here: en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Mark_Pincus
Dig, dig, dig, faggots. This shit is wide, deep, and goes all the way to the top of the food chain.
Friendly reminder that FBI and other lettered agencies are largely useless, and in many cases act to protect these fuckers.
bush senior castrated anton levay's child you moron. Warren buffet is a pedo and a republican.
no he isn't ya dink
We'll see it when we see it.
I'm very aware of the Dutroux affair and Aquino and all the old-hat satanic /fringe/ shit, but to be honest we need to deal with what we have.
We've known of Aquino for decades. It's gone nowhere.
Let's deal with what we have now.
If the FBI and MSM aren't going to do shit, how do we bring these fuckers to justice?
Out them.
Why were his posts deleted?
Background profile alredy tarnished, we just have to expect someone to Bronson them, if ever
The guy is probably going to get the gas, I doubt Duterte wants people like him in the country.
His posts failed the DOST.
Probably a shill. BO/Board volunteer got any screencaps of shillin'?
Hopefully they torture him to death slowly, forcing him to reveal all the info about the connections he got.
I think the people behind the Bushes and the Clintons that did (11 are being dosed by Israel and maybe Russia and white hats in the US. That war in Syria was too much. Israel had a lot of blackmail tapes and realized they were going to be blown up. So a plan was hatched. My Israeli Twitter is fairly convincing. Maybe the Weiner files are part of that.
checked. I'm going to post a link here. It is disgusting and of utmost degeneracy, but after seeing this post think it could potentially loosely be tied to this pizzagate pedophilic community. There are incredibly disturbing posts on this page.
I found this by searching in tumblr for a nearby city…sickens me that this happens nearby
Contained CP, edited out the nudity. It looks like that wasn't enough.
Have you not been in this thread? (I'm interpreting you meaning shill in reference to Mr.6666).
Someone asked if there is anyway to cap what was going on, so someone posted an image of cp that was censored. The two posts removed where one named dd.jpg and the other was something (something like that). One was a girl strung up being burned, the other was a girl tied to a toilet seat with (barbed?) wire.
here is archive version
Nothing would have been enough, it's against global rules to post anything like that.
He said something bad about Trump then ploop everything deleted, probably banned. I don't think he was shilling, more likely just attention whoring.
No such thing as Democrat or Republican. There never was. Simply A FALSE DICHOTOMY to perpetuate their evil.
It's like Satan is coming to this thread. We must be close guys. I've got a cross around my neck.
It's just gay porn mixed with Satanic shit. It's very vile but not CP level. No need to click though; we already know what were fighting.
someone said they were recruiting for a gay satanic porn, and the whole blog is fucked. There's a post about a 10 year old in there. I'd find it but I honestly can barely stomach to look through it it's that bad
Was referring to the Trump stuff mostly.
We are in this shit BECAUSE Trump was picked by the same people who decided to give us trails to the twitter/podesta pedophiles.
Again, deep state conflict.
Ah okay wondered if it was for the Trump stuff or the pics, seems like its the pics which I thought (which is why I posted a broken link to one of those pics instead of posting it there). Another thing is that if I post that stuff on here, well that's confirmation that I downloaded that stuff and have it on my computer which makes me punishable by law.
it was this
Follow the thread it was one of the images from CD's recovered from a pedo ring in the past (that the police covered up for a very long time before arresting only 1 person and saying there was no network despite there allegedly being 93k+ images like the on I shared). It was the Zandvoort case, and it's still going on because high profile people were involved that have not received any punishment whatsoever.
It really makes one thing. When the powers which control the means of justice are involved in criminal acts, they can make it illegal for one to investigate (implicitly in this case).
So what can one do? It's not like a new justice system can be swooped in such that true justice is had. We can't investigate in full since screencaping (even with censoring) may be considered CP. What can be done? If any low-level FBI do read these threads, hopefully they still have enough humanity to wish to do something.
btw, notice the astroturfing against "fake news" and of course, the rise of "Richard Spencer, grand wizard of the alt-right"?
It's all there so people don't actually follow the real alt-right (us), because they don't want people to see these threads.
But don't you think there is a war on against the Bushes and the Clintons and their ilk. And Donald is their man. That it's a world wide intelligence operation, deep state stuff that snuck up the ole' fave Hildawg and got them when they were too busy spirit cooking they didn't realize Donald was really going to win. Their own narcicism did them in. But there is a large nest of Vipers.
I bet (((you people))) are pushing for just that.
I am kekkin hard
Do not click the menu, it has child porn pictures (not censored at all). This is the supposed We The Pizza leak/menu from the "fake" leak the other day where they seemed to be trolls.
It isn't known they were trolls.
what does that mean? If that is a pedo implication need I remind you this is NOT clandestine? This is ORGANIZED CRIME. So there are factions at play. These factions for the most part are tribes of freemasonry. Why is the special word for the master mason "the mysterious child"? That is antichrist or pedo shit and both go hand in hand. Stop deflecting from the intimidators aka masons and jews.
Then click the menu
Fucking Christ, it's legit. These motherfuckers…
no words
Sorry misunderstood you.
Just so you guy's understand what level of fucked up evil we're dealing with. Believe me, for this with lesser stomaches and hearts, don't fucking click the link.
I know it was real porn. I read about the hacksaw and safety pin. I meant those two guy really might have downloaded the stuff from Wet The Pizza laptop and the pics and videos weren't encrypted. It might have been real. They sounded like leg et Anons to me, no professional PsyOps guys and too long and weird for Larpers. And the whole op was shilled heavily. I can't prove it but above a guy said they were trolls and it isn't established. They could be dead.
That only a Jew would to restrict groups predominately for white, Christian, and nationalist men.
Source on both those points?
Pretty sure this is them here posting this:
Again, don't click the menu it has uncensored child porn from a supposed 'menu' from We the Pizza
Mahabone = mysterious child
all occult orders go right back to the lodge.
The sad thing is that is why they call non-initiates "Furniture" Like i said earlier. CP AND SNUFF IS HELD IN BONDAGE TO THE ELITE
It was bad. They were beaten and whipped and tied up. Of all the years I've spent on 4chan and here, nothing has ever rattled me as much as that.
This isn't funny anymore guy's, these motherfuckers are monsters of the highest caliber. I always erred on the side of law and order against these fucks, but after seeing that, all that is out the fucking window. I will personally torture the living shit out of them myself for the pain they inflict. I feel fucking terrible even writing this.
They are showing how they are not dead. So keep in mind what they do as they kill them is very bloody,
Yea, still gonna need source on that, because even now tonnes of Masonic historians and researchers can't agree on what it means or where it came from.
Again, how so, and source?
I mean, fucking Christ dude, is this not evidence? Is this not the smoking gun we've been looking for the entire time?
Proof it's from them, proof it's not fabricated and you may be onto something. The original 2GB threads were so shitty and so suspect, no amount of roleplaying is going to help.
Well the golden dawn and the oto are masonically based and groups like the order of owls do not have buildings or temples. They just do it in the lodge. You can not be a serious satanist without being a mason. Here is why. Because after they really do make good men better. They take advantage of the good men in there by infiltrating and setting up their own cliques that promulgate shit like pizza selling.
You take an edgy kid with a lip ring. Give him a swivel ring and a reason not to act belligerent publicly. You give them the standard of how to behave professionally and you create a monster that can not be controlled.
I am just saying it gets MUCH worse.
this is our foot in the door.
You mean how they were started by guys who were also Masons by now have nothing to do with Freemasonry?
Pretty sure serious satanists can't be Masons. Conflicting beliefs and such.
I feel like just being in this thread will get me v&.
I'm rattled, but fortunately I can stomach it. I expect worse.
Don't you hear them user?
The random police car siren over there, the slight rattle near the door. The quick light of a passing car near the window, that you might mistake for a flashlight. The sound of a car running, even in dead of night. The slight lag on your computer. The random "something's loading" circle around your cursor appearing every now and again.
Becareful user, they might just be coming, coming for you.
what is the source on that?
its good rage fuel, but at the moment its useless without a connection to anything
Jews fester in secret societies, just like their ancestororial canaanites and their demonic orgies/child sacrifice/cannabalism. All of this is tied. Canaanites from Canaan(canna) ba'al (balism), ba'al old Jew word for God.
Checked, checked, and checked. Tie it all together, Kek wills it.
here is a book on this that is used in criminology courses.
If you want to see no evil then go ahead. Masons have no recourse to report ill behavior because you can not impeach a grand master. It could be a jurisdictional thing but this shit is going to be exposed. There is no place for people like you trying to stop what should have been finished in the 1800s.
Be yourself not the image that you are striving for because they have lowered it to the point where frankly anything masonic is suspicious in this day and age.with occult mafias infiltrating it you are on the wrong side of history. We are cleaning up what you guys can't because of the nature of the craft.
ok how bad was the cp from twittergate? was it the kind of shit that would get you life in prison just for owning?
It's the fucking Jews, user. They don't do it to worship some god or some other bullshit, they're just old fashioned greedy and power-hungry.
From Twittergate specifically, it was a shitload of Arab accounts. It's pretty much what you'd get thrown in jail for owning, yes. Not even full gore or beating naked kids, but you'd be in a ton of trouble and your life would be over if you were distributing it.
We'll see. Pay no attention to the red part of this image or its relation to "We the pizza"s logo
Knowing I'll be attacked and told to lurk more, is there a summary of pizzagate that I can get? I tried to stay out of it the last week with school so I didn't get distracted. Reading the thread, but it seems to be ongoing for a while and parts are hard to follow.
Guy in this thread or another (had Guts in their image) said one had beastiality. So, it's a bit more than "not even".
Summary? Circumstancial evidence, circumstancial evidence, circumstancial evidence. Get told you're a pedophile or a shill, circumstancial evidence.
Those threads should be taken as the following: constructing connections. That is all, there is no hard evidence (hard meaning, incriminating as in here).
I mean even the softcore stuff is highly illegal, but yeah it's pretty bad.
In their own, perhaps.
No, it's a Phoenician word for Lord.
Untrue. Tribunals and such are very doable.
Also untrue. Some places are harder than others (like Arkansas at the moment), but it's never impossible. Even in England.
Go back to redit
Go here
It's legit, It's from the voat post, don't dig deeper on that document, for your own good.
Thank You user! Was looking where to start, been staying out of it the last week.
Thanks user!
This is a little bit older but we can maybe now connect some dots (mostly UK) ?
So are they selling pictures or actual time with the kids? The detailed instructions seem very obviously for a form of visual media, but the second paragraph's language implies direct action on behalf of the patron. Also, have any pedos come out to look at the pics to see if they're unique?
Sorry, I'm just going back and forth everywhere between the voat,, and 4chan.
Read the voat thread, OP is an extremely likely hoax/shill attempting to discredit and completely fuck up and shut down the investigation by posting actual fucking CP.
This is how desperate they've become. This is how they shut down the pizzagate subreddit. They're probably going to try it here too. Read the thread.
Everybody catch up to speed on the tactics they're using now.
Hey guys I'm a bit of a tech noob, but I was wondering whether it is smart to use packet analyzers while we dig into this shit?
Is a packet analyzer like wireshark any good?
Or get gud.
I'm clearly not ready though..
.. That picture means this shit might get even worse btw..
>finish eating your pizza after your session
What's that in that link?
It's just a thread. Voat is a offshoot copy of reddit.
Download link is dead, wat do?
They are part of it.
It's not JUST jews.
Clearly lower order masons are digging dirt on the upper order because of this bullshit.
It's gone. Don't bother looking for it.
Keep in mind that nobody will be prosecuted for this, the Pizzagate threads are proof of it and investigators can refer to individual ISP history.
Yeah, no thanks
That's a very optimistic outlook user. But chances are they won't bother looking at all cause traffic load is simply way the fuck too large.
Unless there's a specific request…
It's a plant, don't bother
I'd imagine anyone who isn't a complete omega would get through the questioning fine, after all, they only viewed the material after it was posted in relation to an ongoing concern.
This is only the beginning though, normies will have to be brutally exposed to this shit.
I think Israel might be directly involved with these rings for blackmail reasons. They rely on foreign aid for military and economic purposes. To secure that aid, they'd need blackmail.
I don't even think satan would condone this shit either.
I don't think most user's fears is the FBI. The FBI isn't going to kill you.
They're more worried about black op assholes who'll come after you if just the right information happens to come into their handlers hands.
The more that now about this. The less likely that a "government crackdown" of the vigilante investigators will occur.
Certain individual members might be connected. But overall I doubt the whole organization is connected.
Otherwise this world is doomed.
Is DutDut reachable? Maybe some fli can tip him off
These "Black ops assholes" even scare their lower level "soldiers". This is police corruption at least. If not a meshnet of cultists with an eye on the pulse of the nation. These people are our neighbors. Some of them are family members. This is the nature of the satanists.
They see torture as when you lose your will to live you give your soul to the torturer. They revive and bring people to the edge of death with high voltage. They do Neck ties. They do Concrete shoes. This is who the song dirty deeds was written about these elites.
Absolute despair until your death. If the Dark Brotherhood gets you there is no hope.
One way to do it would be by contacting small third world news agencies, something tells me that they'd be more than interested in this sort of thing.
Any more info on the Perth Comet Pizza? (see last 3 pics of on the other thread.)
I will contact people I know about this. I have several peers that know and are looking into this shit.
Also one of my sister's friends got spiked at a joint near that location. She's fresh out of high school.
Fucking hell please tell me that was unrelated.
Lastly - are frogs used in their symbols at all. I found a severely secured new building covered in them.
Front door is an """electrical switchboard room"""
There are pics of Trump with Israel. I'm saying Israel may be chumming up with Russia and Trump to take down Saudis and Clintons/Bushes a double double cross on both sides. Because Israel realized they are going to end up being blown up from a wider war in ME that HRC is after. I think the whole Israel did all of it meme is a PsyOp to take blame off US and bankers last 3-4 years. Even veterans today names the Jew as responsible for everything and they never tell the truth that often or blatantly. I'm sure no one will believe me. Israel has a conflicted deep state too.
I'm still shocked to realize pizza refers to the bleeding of Child rape and perhaps other red things.
I can't handle any of this shit anymore. I'm fucking burning my tv and saying goodbye to the internet tomorrow.
Often they will spike young woman's drinks to get them to be more alert when clubbing. Not even to necessarily rape them. Woman really do act flirtatious in a shark tank. But they do that for a reason and it is related to bondage. Simply put to have sex with an unconscious person. That is the best case scenario. She was seen as a viable target. That is enemy action user.
Lol wait until more people from AU comment to give yourself some OPSEC but yes. Frogs are relative to monarch programming. Also it is one of the 3 heads of the demon Jabulon.
Frogs are also used like turtles to identify the cabal.
Saddleback Church in SoCal has piped in Frog sounds outside. One of the seven plagues. Satanic . Mega Churches are hacked too.
They stick their willy in the dough and when they pull it out there is sauce all over it.
.. user that's bang on. It's joined to a medical clinic in a fairly disadvantaged suburb.
This is not far from my home…
They also had suspicious payment offers, I'll get back to you on that.
girl second from left is a lesbian
girl second from right is a slut
black guy is a virgin
meant for
And they still will be after seeing this shit.
Two things are happening:
1. They are securing aid and saving their country from being blown up.
2. They are literally aiming to do nothing but leech from non jew pockets in a heist like fashion:
- cause a distraction (terror attacks)
- make the population high or docile or helpless through conditioning (TV media brainwashing, moral subversion, drug supply, general conditioning - possibly through mental torture or torment)
- take their money (bank loans, aid, college loans, fed reserve exploitation, selling media [pre 2005], drug selling, weapon stealing, gold acquisitions, manipulated market chaos, manipulated legislation and governance, blackmail) by "digging under the vault" - subverting
Also not just money now, clearly children as well.
But don't we have a frog mascot now? I bet that was to use us to blame for their deeds.
Post yfw
Apparently Jake Dorsey suspended his own account and then brought it back after an hour. Now he's following zero people. Private message history wiped.
Wonder why he's so afraid.
We also share lingo with them like CP and its connotation to human trafficking. This is a symphony of the elite as a dark awakening. We see the evil now we do not know how to say the illuminati is real. That is what they are counting on.
Except you would not keep a burner phone. It would explain why Hillary broke her phones though because that goes by the menu protocol.
There is something to that I am sure. They where selling "prints" of bloody asses as some sort of trophy.
Is the Norwegian pedoring related to pizzagate?
Fucking hell..
Dont forget to checkout the "like" button on empty pages, most people dont post anything but just like stuff.
oh shit nigger.
Alison Shea
Tumblrgate next?
If it turns out Dorsey is a pedo and DMs were a distribution method for pizza I think that will certainly take the stock to $8.
Check out the lineage of the phoenicians and their relatedness to those who currently occupy Israel. Hint it invokes Turks
Done so. Phoenicians are essentially Celts (and thus, Hittites). They've not been extant as a people since the Arabs claimed north Africa, assuming that the Germanic Vandals hadn't wiped them out prior.
I do, it's called "you know who shot cobain?"
couple possible leads(?);
Tsrha Tsion Mahebere Baleweld Inc,
Kesis Dereje Seyoum
i’m really not sure about this, but it raised my suspicion enough to see if anyone could look at it. it seems possible that they could be trafficking Ethiopian kids into the Washington DC area.
digging led me here:
seems like every preschool, kindergarten, daycare, elementary school in American is on here:
when I google search the owner "Ariel Seidman”, google autocomplete spits up “Rothschild” and “Israel”. Hmmm? is this “Skynet” or something?
before taking the next step downwards, what's a secure cheap vpn service?
Guys I have a problem. My mom has taken an interest in this shit and has been using her twitter to look into it all. She's retweeted people's links to the CP accounts and read the pizzagate leddit on her iphone. This may not have been an issue but I live with her and so if the security services look into her ip they'll see that there's her, and the Holla Forums user. She's saying how "she'll just tell them that it was her" if we get investigated and refuses to use any kind of opsec, saying "she wants to show them that ordinary people are looking into it" and doesn't mind getting arrested. Am I in trouble here?
Slap her in the face and tell her not to be a retard. If she wants to keep updated, tell her to just look at the pizzagate voat community.
Fucking faggots, pizzagate is a thing, nothing's gonna happen to you, your ISP records prove it.
Literally reddit tier Long Live Holla Forums!s.
Maybe you should ask the witnesses of the Dutroux case in Belgium. Oh wait the 23 of them all died mysterious deaths.
The pedophiles, if high ranked in societal functions will not be prosecuted or jailed. The low ranking members in the network get jailed and the high ranking members will just get their sources now from somewhere else while they continue unhindered. It's disgusting but that's the most logical thing to happen considering the Zandvoort case.
…I'm telling hhim to stop his mom from directly linking child porn, you idiot.
Thanks. Will do.
You do realize that you're being completely fucking neutralized by your politically correct Long Live Holla Forums!ery right?
We've discovered a network of child pornography, which nobody has or will investigate.
The sooner the normies get a whiff of what's up, the better.
Fucking wordfilters.
have we really "discovered" a ring, or is it being created to entrap the kind of people who are interested in exposing these sickos and bringing them to justice?
avoiding prison for sharing illegal porn is a different thing than "political correctness"
We've discovered a ring, there's also thousands of smaller rings online.
Better yet you're avoiding bringing the individuals to justice, even if you go to prison (which you won't) it's still worth it, unless you're some nu-male that thinks his sheltered life is worth anything.
Gas yourself, if you were really so smart you'd be doing everything on your own without relying on your (((slavemasters))), literally worse than PRfags
I've found several pedo sharing networks on Tumblr, what do?
@Jack doesn't want any more info to spill about his Satanic Special Pasta nights. .
Don't DL or click these random CP links. If you all remember Brock, boyfriend of CPP owner and CEO of CTR, posted CP on peoples FB pages to get them banned during the election season. He's not afraid to post CP as he is (thinks?) above the law. It's a plan to get these sites taken down and anons arrested.
Give up your inquiries which are completely useless, and consider these words a first warning.
We hope, for your own good, that this will be sufficient.
Stop it, you have given us a frighten!
Seems like some good work, but HTF did you come up with either of these names?
I'm said user. Pincus is also a donor to Clinton's campaign. And he shilled for her many times.
THAT is what I have come to expect from these types. Think A Serbian Film meets Salo, or, 100 days in Sodom
Have a sample of the fruit of my spade digging into
And here's a pastebin with logs of a Possible moloch cultist I baited ages ago.
Get a trip dude, this shit is insane.
excellent digging work
I have no clue how tripcodes work. Also, aren't they for faggots? Well, since I'm a reformed former faggot back in the fucking closet, I guess it's ok?
Have a repost from my thread.
Right now you're alright, you've an ID.
Also, did you ever encounter any of these people in real life? I've always been under the impression that sick shit like this happens but I've never witnessed reports of it on this wide of a scale.
I was the user that lived with butthurt kike. That thread was the one that gave me the courage to start talking about this and open up.
I actually lived as a renter in his place and knew his pathetic slaves. Hell, he was a typical jew with a basement dungeon and naked goyim mowing his lawn.
This isn't the only time Twitter has covered for pedophiles. Anyone familiar with #GamerGate remembers when Twitter systematically shut down accounts tweeting about Sarah Nyberg's pedophilia.
Sarah Nyberg is/was a member of Crash Override Network per the log leaks, which is still listed on Twitter's site as a "safety resource".
It's from a movie, dingus.
I used to be a scout for #OpPedoHunt. Anyone remember that? My job was to Tor up and click all the links.
The situation is starting to resemble the movie Videodrome more and more. Did (((Cronenberg))) know?
Yeah I remember that thread, you're one helluva user I can tell you that.
Are you still scouting? Some of the mainstream social networking sites are absolutely rife with these fuckers, as proven by twittergate.
My specialty is the darker parts of the internet, as these folks are easier to work with, and I don't trust Facebook since Mr MountainofSugar owns everything on it.
I still do twitter scouting though. I survived this long by playing the long game and never trusting the cops. Especially the dead eyed zombie trance ones that look like Mormies. Good lord, they'll do anything to get an arrest but actual investigations.
All this was a vain attempt to lure one of these fucks out my way and whack the fucker, but I realized then there'd be way too much that could go wrong… Now We have us. And we can go full Hotline Miami on these freaks.
The amberlang log was only salvaged because I saved it to drafts from yahoo IM, and all that history was purged after that bitch ran Yahoo into the earth. Disgusting.
One thing that helps investigations like this is having a piece of this evil inside you, like being a quarter kike. I'll never be rid of the internal jew, and He'll never stop subconsciously forcing my brain to think of horrific imagery.
So all I have to do is let it out on a leash and fool these freaks into thinking I'm real. It almost got loose once… That's another story for another thread.
Have some RWDS uniforms and some shit that makes Mr. Burch look like an alpha.
Forgot to mention, but there's more to amberlang's log, it's just on a dead laptop.
There was even an interview with a cannibal faggot that learned the trade from his father
Where do these sorts of individuals hang out in their leisure time?
Also, what the fuck do I do with all of the photos/info and disgusting content I find? I certainly don't trust the police.
That's the crux. I have no idea. Wish we could hand this to Trump.
Checkout Trumps hand gestures, a wonderful revelation.
Also, this fucking sucks mate, the only thing that anyone can do right now is report the accounts, which is stupid since that'll destroy the evidence for others to find.
RWDS couldn't come soon enough.
Must destroy Twitter and Reddit in the new current year. Or… finish this one off with another great victory.
L'Enfant Cafe-Bar
Which is owned by the same people as Boum Boum Room.
2000 18th St NW, Washington, DC 20009
From Jewgle
The requested URL /search?
I don't want to click on original link
Here user, have the contents of the link.
"She's" a trap btw
First pic:
though the rest reads more like ecstasy rave /Burning man degeneracy doesn't it?
It's become extremely clear to me what is happening here. Getting caught was part of their plan.
* the pizza thing is entirely fabricated, they created it like an alternate reality game.
* they are fuelling the flames of armchair investigator groups on pol, reddit etc.
* they will use harassment claims to push this latest 'fake news is bad!' agenda
This is a very simple but effective scheme. I am not telling you to stop digging, I am not saying to stop researching this. I just think we are playing into their hands, they want to shut down every news website that didn't balls to the wall shill for trump. This is how they're going to gain massive public support for it. ("a fake news site ruined my life, these harassers ruined my buisness").
Notice that we've had influx of strange posters goading anons into downloading and running 'cp' .exe programs? You guys need to stay safe, don't self incriminate. Let legal professionals or security experts handle sensitive material.
There is nothing we can do about edgy redditors going out in the real world and "protesting" or twitter harassment. They can fabricate all of that easily and blame it on us. All I want to say is now that we understand the true nature of the alternate reality game, what should we do?
nope. See
and scroll down to the bottom. Make sure you have strong booze to pour in your eyes and down your guts.
Have some cute puppies for after
so first they filterd the twittergate tag out from the trendings.
then injected old news and flooded the tag with bots
created a echo chamber so media can continue to stay silence.
meanwhile, pedos continue, in this very second, even so we know where they are and what names they have, nothing happen.
something is odd, i remember 'anons' a little bit different about this topic.
question anons,
why not just hijack the world trending hashtag?
who the fucks cares about the twitter rules?
Gas yourself.
pic 1: We called their protests fake so they called our news fake.
nothing like what I said at all. Try to argue against the idea I suggested properly instead of ad-hominem?
it only needs, maybe, 10 twitter user who flood/spam the world trending hashtag with the info.
Yea right, so getting caught was part of their plan?
Fuck off shill.
hello, concern troll. I. Can. C. You.
pic 2:
They don't want alternative news sources to have the ability to fight back.
what am I shilling?
why can't I just raise a possibility and have it discussed, instead of CIA niggers shutting down actual thought.
why are you being a fucking nigger? I complimented your digging work earlier in the thread.
nice to see that user is so focused on B& post.
can someone answer?
I had that Idea earlier, I think it's a great idea. use a hastag everyone talks about
It makes no sense at all faggot.
Getting caught with thousands of emails, just to make us investigate a dead-end.
Sorry man. I have to be paranoid. People have been murdered for less than I've dug up.
I can speak Russian, is there anything you want me to translate?
Ukrainian, Russian, same thing.
one person can make, maybe 5 tweets and with a few more user it would created enough to flood the trending hashtags with the facts of twittergate. Let alone pizzagate, people will discover later by themself.
Actually, you guys need to check out the_donald. "Fake News" is dominated by "our" side. I don't know who started it, I'll admit. But I saw it there first and I think it has great potential. I think regardless of who started it "fake news" can't possibly end up benefitting the left. They are the pushers of fake news, they are the ones who get exposed for faking "news" over and over.
They can't turn it around on us since we don't really own any "news" publications. What can they point to other than some alt-right blogs and breitbart? The mainstream is still not even aware of breitbart. It's not a useful scapegoat for them, noone will be convinced, except the existing members of their echo chamber.
Yes! Holy shit yes!
I've literally been waiting years!
A woman died getting this out.
It'll take me a while, what did your college tell you this was about?
It makes sense to me. Regarding the emails: It's called confirmation bias. They're not very convincing if you understand it. Yeah they use weird code words but as soon as you assume it's pedo-codewords you see it everywhere.
I want you to keep pushing and find proof. I am not giving up either.
That said it's not enough to think only at the micro level, in terms of researching codes, emails, mapping out the assocations, etc. We also have to thing big picture, strategy. How did we get where we are. It's possible this entire thing is a distraction or "generative shilling".
I was the first person to point out the redditors were trolling us so I think you'd do well to at least consider my ideas.
Let me reiterate. You are doing excellent digging. I am not telling you to stop. Keep your opsec up and stay safe.
I'm sorry but I can refute this instantly: Obama is the one pushing the fake news block. It's an attack on freedom of speech. Only when you can silence others do liberals look like anything beyond blabbering morons.
Any more details? I can't help with the cryllic gibber jabber, but that looks absolutely fucked
She was a female hacker during OpPedo Hunt, and she with her friends hacked a german political party that was doing industrial espionage and was involved with child sex trafficking.
After she posted that to imgur she was never heard from again and then our screencaps started to be deleted off the server we posted them to and sites started fixing the bugs we used to get around their paywalls. There was a facebooklike clone for setting up pedo incest intergenerational swapping parties. No joke.
From what I understand, this was related to operation Blitzkrieg in 2012. Here's the source page she origionally posted.
Del Harvey used to work on that show "to catch a predator" and she's the head of twitter safety. She was shilling for Quinn and co back then so she is probably the reason why Nyberg got special protection
> archive.
Her name was BelXak and she cried when I told her about why children are worth so little to traffickers. Something about a hot product. She'd never give up on this crusade, so she's probably dead.
Sorry for the time/shitty quality of the translation;
'In the attachments there's previews'
I don't know what the rest means, again sorry.
You're not "refuting" shit. I said it doesn't matter who STARTED it. The meme is destined to kick leftists in the nuts hard, like most memes they start. We occupy it now, we use it in a way that makes sense where their attempts were sketchy. Therefore it ends up being ours. They stop wanting to touch it.
You are doing more than I ever could have hoped for. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
P.S. Thanks for naming the source though.
Thinking about this more yes it doesn't directly benefit the left, it benefits the people manipulate others by controlling the news.
Here's the original release of those documents.
I hope we can lay BelXak's ghost to rest by dragging this evil into the sun and staking it to the earth until it burns to dust.
Hence the pediatrics clinic less than two blocks away and a doctor who specializes in "gross"
It's alright, I'd be willing to give my life up for this cause since I'm also from that area (Ukraine/Russia), and it pains me to see this happen.
I can tell you some more details about the other photographs, the man forwarding the information is a certain Volodymyr Manko, he's a member of certain Ukrainian nationalist parties (Instigators of the 2014 coup), he has ties with the military and it seems that his organisations get funding from German energy corporations.
When did this happen, 2012? Because this could possibly be a reason for the brutal civil war over there, I've been monitoring it since 2013 btw.
Isn't there a quest in fallout 3 that involves a sewer system entrance to Chevy Chase hospital? Riley's Rangers wasn't it?
Could there be a hidden entrance to the place for secret pizza usage?
I've got a hunch about Motorola's death by bombing. It's just a hair prickling feeling on the back of my neck, but something tells me peoplelike monsters like tying up loose ends that get curious in ways that blame an enemy.
I wonder if we can get these to Givi? Or would it be worth trying?
You have to assume it at this point. As above so below.
The situation in Donbass is FUBAR. Mozgovoi was killed by bezler, who is a rebel commander who used to work with poroshenko (illegal arms smuggling), several other donetsk figures also run their own shady networks (lots of them have had personal contacts with poroshenko prior to the war).
Bednov, Dremov and Motorola might have also been killed by their own, I'm not sure though, but Bednov, Dremov and Mozgovoi had cleaned up their neighborhoods so well (they are Russian Orthodox cossacks) that the local crime lords probably complained to their superiors in Kiev, and subsequently Moscow.
Givi is a public image, he has no real power and he isn't really a nice guy. All of the really good guys have been killed either by the FSB or people connected to it.
Also, local crimelords and oligarchs are all connected between themselves, their job is to sell as much of Ukraine as possible as they can in the amount of time they're given, it's really fucked up the situation there it is, girls and women and organs are just a part of the equation.
Also, I legally cannot travel, If I could I would've gone fighting a while ago.
Indeed. All I can do is store this pure hate inside and transmute it into pure energy and power so as to grow ever stronger and harder. Mental alchemy. The kybalion is extremely instructive, wish I had heard of it years ago.
To fight monster one has to clad himself as a monster. But, beware that the mask does not become the face.
For some reason I keep getting dubs. I guess my humble efforts please KEK.
I had no idea the situation was that bad. Holy shit. So it's like the Zone in STALKER, except with 100% more bandits, and bandits dressed as military.. But I wonder if we can D&C these groups by subverting their figurehead. The look on his face as he vows, matches mine as I document this horror. Might be worth a try.
If you have only read the Kybalion you are unlikely to succeed with mental alchemy.
I suggest you read The Arcane Teachings and The Arcane Formulas too. All together roughly 350 pages I think.
If however you have already done that then just ignore this post of mine.
However, good luck.
It's too late for any of that now, there's gonna be a continuation of the war, but it'll only be after some major global event.
Right now though, pizzagate has to be exposed to the normies, all of our efforts lie on how the normies react to it, since the police and other services won't ever help us.
The synchronicity is ramping up beyond words. I'm merely trying to find answers to tune it to my subconscious will. That and seriously helpful links are forming to my friends and family. like a locus of helpful synchronicity.
The police have been bought, paid for and rented out like street whores since their conception. If I see any real proof they're tied in to all this it'll make my decision help remove them from this earth so much easier.
Most caskets are steel these days.
Fuck Geraldo you used to go so hard
Read this, faggots. Read this and take a peek beyond the veil. This is real life, this is documented, this is leaked. This is but a tiny sample of what we are up against. If we ever find a smoking gun of this kind w/regards to pizzagate, we will need to blast the ever loving fuck out of it through the network.
Keep digging fags, and 6f9f50, 122021 and BelXak - thank you for opening our eyes a little.
i don't speak french but i know that word
there are german parts in that imgur album, do you need those in english as well?
Does anyone have a download link for these old NPDhack files?
and a new link for these too?
quad dubs get
Barack Obama’s Connection To Pizzagate & His Lust For Hotdogs! #pizzagate, Wikileaks
The most that thread showed was that some users of Tribe have child porn on their computers. And yet, most of the thread was taken up with larping about "undercover investigations" in the gay fetish underworld and anons getting enraged by degenerate fantasy posts.