It's that time of year again, and if you had the faintest hope that a serious person would try to sell Perl6, it's time for that hope to die: is here!
starts out tamely. "Look, we can do stupid stuff." It ends with a module that you can include to cause your comments to execute code. But then there's this: Here's the resultant Grinch code, along with the output it produces:say 42;# OUTPUT:# 1764# Ho-ho-ho!That'll sure be fun to debug!Yeah it sure will.
hey guys in our promised 'clean up the language' revision of Perl5 we have introduced this new unwanted "even after coding in the lang for 10 years I still sometimes fuck up due to this bullshit" feature: 'scalar containers' that appear and disappear depending on subtle syntax cues, with things mostly working the same either way!
Also, here's how people actually using perl6 have been fucking up and adding memory leaks to their code while trying to deal with the scalar-container thing.
Now look at this shit:$collector = 42;$collector = 'meows';say $collector; # OUTPUT: «42|meows»
Just what you always wanted in a programming language.
is written by a new guy, but he comes from the same school of "gratuitous unicode is really cool and we should show it off even though it's actually A. not interesting, B. a source of subtle problems everywhere it comes up, and C. something lots of other languages can do anyway - they just don't advertise that incessantly"
still the code is a big improvement over previous days.
Will this trend continue?
Might you not entirely hate perl6 by Christmas?
Hate Perl6 with all your heart in only 25 days!
Sounds like the perl6 community is the same as the perl5 community. This is why we abandoned the language for Python even though Python was less powerful.
the perl5 community was built on arguments that the language is actually better than other languages, with lists of examples and languages attacked by name with links right on it presented Perl as a serious language capable of serious things, and promoted extensions (strict, warnings) to close off some shenanigans. Perl5's only headache was that a lot of people had written a lot of really shit code in Perl4, and people kept seeing the language through that lens.
granted, perl5 today is a bunch of cucks who won't say a kind word about the language except to say how it could be more appealing to women. But today's community is the one that's seen nothing but decline.
I remember when people started moving from Perl to Python. At the time one of the ways the language was 'more readable' was that it didn't have += style operators. Python's basically a story of how, if you don't have a big company backing you, you can at least make do with a big meme.
I used to work on some pretty big ooperl projects and the datastructures were a total nightmare to deal with. Many of those projects had stalled just because all effort was being spent just keeping them from collapsing from their own weight. Maybe you've forgotten how bad that situation was.
python objectively superior
python's just shit. horrible in all respects. 'useful' in the way a dead pig is useful as a car when someone finally attaches a fucking car to its balls. at the very least use Ruby.
Ha ha, no. Ruby is only for Rails. It's shit for scripting and embedding. Python can do everything.
neither perl nor python are meant for big projects you fucking retard
When you get out of school and into the real world you'll find they're used for big projects, qt.
people use fucking javascript for big projects that doesn't mean it's a good idea so you can fuck right off with your high and mighty attitude
When you're a bit older you'll realize it's not a bad decision to use these languages for large projects. Until then, learn to control your anger as you can't program effectively while mad.
python is the ultimate programming language, it has it all, even generators my man
Terry Davis is as mad as they come but he shat out an OS
Is TempleOS effective at anything?
I don't understand the point of Perl6 tbh. Does it aim to update the language like C++11 did ? Do they also want to introduce every possible programming paradigm into it ? Is it faster than Python or Ruby ?
I feel like Perl is past its heyday. Python and Ruby have now taken its place with their cleaner designs, and Perl6 seems to be the kind of language that facilitate the production of incomprehensible code thru feature abuse.
Larry Wall is a cool guy though. Would love to drink a coffee with him.
Eh, I haven't even given Perl 6 a chance yet, so I don't have any opinion about it. Perl 5 still fulfills all my non-trivial scripting needs (stuff that a small /bin/sh script can't handle). Just today I wrote a small proxy/firewall component for my own use, using the HTTP::Proxy module. 30 lines of code does exactly what I needed.
So that's a no, then.
Netanel Rubin pls go
never heard of him
an extract from a book on parsing in perl6. You're not going to use perl6 for parsing, but if you were, here's how you would do it. relatively serious. minimal unicode.
I think I'll need more posts by Zoffix if I'm to reach my hate goal by Christmas.
god uses templeOS i communicate with god daily with it. god's a real foxy sheila tbh.
Just go read their IRC logs, the guy's packing some serious borderline personality disorder and flips shit at random people and storms off at least monthly. The "pet monkey" slur against an indian guy a few months ago was stellar.
Ironically that's what sets them apart from most other language communities - most of them are so genuinely nice and forgiving they get taken advantage of by shitheels like him. Rust would've tossed him out on his ass at the first offense, hell he's probably permabanned from a lot of perl 5. Fucking ad industry cunt.
uh what. Did you forget a negative or are you just stupid? I spent a lot more time keeping track of types in Forth than in OCaml. You know why? Because Forth doesn't help me *at all* but OCaml will immediately complain when the types in my code stop making sense.
Or are you one of those people that thinks if your compiler doesn't check types, that your code doesn't have them?
blah blah blah. This isn't a review; it's a TED talk about the personal journey of a perl6 guy through a perl6 book.
boring but not hateful. BRING BACK ZOF
ok fair enough but I'm not at a loss for a way to test things in other languages.
I saw that unicode too. Can you guys literally not help yourselves? Do you have a fetish or something?
wtf I don't hate perl6 at all today.
if I had to throw up a quick webserver I could even see myself using this thing
...assuming that centos has perl6 rpms.
starting to get cool. sounds like an adventofcode problem here.
... you ... you stupid motherfuckers.
That one's not entirely their fault, they're just overly excited about making full use of the data files the unicode consortium puts out.
Now if you want something numeric to bitch about, how about there being no shorthand for literal-hex floats like there is in perl 5:
~ $ perl -E 'say 0x1234p-8'18.203125 ~ $ perl6 -e 'say 0x1234 / (1 +< 8)'18.203125
That was added to p5 because it solved a real problem somewhere. Unicode 10? Emoji parsing? Who fucking cares that the language's output looks pretty on an iPhone screen, when it has to be copied and pasted into twitter to get there at all because it lacks the binary data types to speak half the OSI stack?
why not rewrite it in python rust?