Everyone needs to pay the fuck attention.

Other urls found in this thread:

Like we all don't know about yuri. Bump though, for newfags.


As if this was new
Here's my old Yuri thread

Lad, Yuri is basic entry level Holla Forums

This should be bumped anyway for new fags and pleabit.

I haven't seen this posted in the subs it should be in. We dodged a fucking bullet. I don't think they know that.


Lurk for at least two years before posting. There's already a newfag redpilling thread.

Lurk moar

Да товарищи
I fucking hate communists.


The question is, USSR is gone, so did Soros and the globalists hijack the agenda? Is it a run away train they hopped on?

dear god. CTR is learning.

Thanks for making me take a second look at this thread shill.

Posts have been spaced like that and this ever since I can remember and it has nothing to do with reddit. It is simply a decent way of organizing thought on the chans and somebody has decided to turn it into a point of ridicule.

This is a fresh and clearly forced meme.

So glad I am not the only one who caught that. Shill trying to subvert a thread about subversion.

I hate annoying spacing, but I dunno who the fuck thought that meme up and keeps pushing it. Clearly forced.

Correct The Record, you don't think they just went away Nov 9th did you?

Nice slide there moishe. see

shiggy diggy get the fuck out

The agenda and those subversion techniques were created by globalist KIKES in the first place (as was Communism - nothing other than a subversion technique to bring land under Kike control and to kill off the best of white Christian genetic stock - ie the bourgeoisie middle class and the kulaks) . Soros & Co. aren't jumping on any bandwagon - rather Stalin jumped on the Kike bandwagon and then purged many of them. KGB are NOT a threat any more under Putin.

It's very interesting that (((Google))) are deleting all comments in the Bezmenov videos pointing out these facts. This tells us all we need to know.

OP is either a newfag trying his hardest to fit in or some fag baiting. Either way, reported.

How Jewish of you

How so?

look at the pattern of the posts you retard.


This makes 100% sense now. Thanks.

Reported to your jew boss is what you mean.

I never said it is reddit spacing, I see shills from TRS use it just as often, especially considering the current raid. What you are doing is just adding an extra line in spacing, OP is adding two per sentence for no good reason. OP also talks like a clear outsider who thinks any of this information would be new on Holla Forums
If you haven't seen the full interview yet then watch it now. The content is good, however it is standard for Holla Forums not some redpill level 2 stuff that OP is trying to peddle. OP is just now starting to take the redpill, and won't simply post it in the redpill thread for anons like him.

stop im cringing

Three months lurkfag here, when Yuri describes that students and such were indoctrinated, how was this done? He just goes on to describe other things after he mentions it.

The DNC is strong with this one

Agreed. So the shills are sliding with good anti-Jew content now, are they?

Don't care, no good reason to bitch about the clearly forced reddit spacing meme, you bitched about mere mention of lereddit, bitched about spacing, what am I supposed to think?

Reddit spacing is in fact a CTR meme.

Re-posting good content is rarely doing a disservice to the community, even if it is by a fucking newfag

bump because good content is good content.
Pic semi related.

How new are you? Have you ever heard the phrase, "Lurk more"


Lurk Moar. Your subversion isn't going to work here. Keep trying.

Do you know what ids are? You're bumping your own thread, reddicuck.

…I don't even need to refute this. You're a fucking retard. I'm guessing you don't even know why people hate reddit. I'll give you a hint, it has nothing to do with reddit being popular.

How is it DnC, Holla Forums =/= TRS
Holla Forums has a vastly different community than they do, and they have openly been trying to subvert Holla Forums for a couple months now.
OP said subs and called it pleabit, there is no way OP has been on Holla Forums, or any chan for any extended period of time and needs to learn how to use the catalog.

Well aware, and don't give a fuck. Bump because CTR distracting from the topic at hand.

Important to note that Communism and the extremes of unregulated capitalist banking are 2 sides of the same coin in that both are control systems used by Kikes to gain global control. They outline their aims in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion quite clearly and these are NOT a hoax.


The election is over, it's JIDF again. It's sad that idiots like you think they are in good company on Holla Forums

Stay on reddit where you belong, you will never be anything more than a useful idiot.


Time to lurk more you dumb nigger. Thanks for the entry level shit.

You think this ended in the election? You think after the millions of dollars they poured into shillary they are going to just shake hands and walk away? They are already trying to either kill things before Jan 20 or are preparing for 2020. They are probably doubling down.

Everyone who isn't a newfag or a reddicuck has already watched every Yuri video. Hell, I'm still basically a newfag and I learned about Yuri 3 years ago.

Yes. Millions of dollars is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Now they are trying to infiltrate the Trump camp.

yuri was a charlatan fuckwit


This. If we let the place degenerate to cuckchan levels where they repeat the same threads daily, we're fucked. Direct people to >>>/polarchive/

nice >reddit spacing makes an amazing point when he talks about the concept of >reddit spacing newfags
I really wanted to like this thread too, but OP had to go and be a faggot as usual.

now that's subversive.

This is what nightmares are made of. The question is, what the fuck are the next steps for Trump?

Right now it looks like they are going to keep painting him as crazy, racist, unfit, and use that as an excuse to pardon HRC.

It's just being done to give the perception that there's some huge resistance to populism. I really don't think there is outside of 20-30 year old urbanites. People are too lazy to even pretend to give a shit.

There sure are a lot of words here that amount to nothing. You have to really put in some effort to attain that level of shitposting.

The only real genuine difference between the communities is that there are a lot of people who are tolerant of fags in the TRS community. In truth these communities overlap greatly and have FAR more in common than not.

I fucking hate fags, I won't allow them in any organizations I spawn or in the ethnostate if I live to help write the constitution.

The truth is that this is a fracture point being exploited and magnified by compromised members of TRS and by compromised or manipulated anons.

The truth is that we need to work together to attain the ethnostate with organizations that are also actively working toward it, I can understand fag tolerance but I disavow, but these arguments are absolutely non relevant at this point in time because we are all fucking nobodies LARPing about an ethnostate that does not exist. I am economically libertarian but I will fight alongside my NS brothers and we will argue about the intricacies of economics at a point when it actually matters.

The truth is that if you go around bitching about these kind of things with the end goal of all of our efforts far out of mind you are doing the job of the enemy. Rather than doing actual work everybody stops to argue about faggotry, or whether this or that is from reddit or fagilo or TRS.

What has made and does make Holla Forums great is the fact that anonymity requires us to judge a poster specifically on the ideas and actions he proposes and nothing else. Assigning identity to anons who advocate for this or that intricacy within the realm of advocating for the ethnostate subverts everything that has made us what we are.

Do not bump your own thread you fucking retard


Don't you know OP is always a fag?

Fuck you and fuck whatever shit website you come from. This is where the heavyweights are and your newfaggotry is pathetic