Truly we are breaking the conditioning.
Kanye West redpilled?
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Kanye/Cudi 2020
There's got to be some way to get this big mouth ranting and raving about kikes.
I guess we'll shoot him last.
I guess I know who I'm voting for 2024
Kanye is only getting better and better in my eyes, although to be fair, he never really had anywhere to go but up. However there have been some glimmers of sunshine in his past, like the time when he "treated" paparazzi and his family to an expensive dinner in order to apologize, and then just walked out without paying
No, neck yourself.
Kanye is fucking woke.
kanye is just trying to be controversial to get press and be a "bad boy" plus this rant allows him to sit on the political fence. even though he said he would vote Trump he can still swing which ever way the money goes. i have serious doubts that he is even his own person. c'mon, he's a black hollywood star. he is controled by handlers.
Kanye is invested in his image. He has to constantly embroiled himself in scandal with various stunts. Otherwise, he'd fade from the spotlight. His narcissistic drive to be validated as a profound artist means that he must be agitating against the status quo, and he recognizes that he'd make a more waves on the right than the left.
Kanye is a stupid fucking nigger if there ever was one. The only reason he manages to speak true in this instance is because he's also a loud-mouthed stupid fucking nigger.
He's just a nigger that can see the tide is turning and he's trying to jump on the Trump train to save himself. Most of Hollyjew and the music industry is going to get purged
His Twitter, if its him writing the shit, which I wager it is.
Just flood his social media with redpill material - don't try to engage, just provide the information, and watch him go.
A dumb loud-mouthed nigger + info on the Jews = "awwww sheiiiiiiiit we bouts the shoah this mudda fugga down!"
Those people trying to jump ship may well be the ones who provide the necessary evidence to secure conviction.
The only reason he "hates" Zuckerberg is because he wouldn't bail him out of Dept, when Kayne begged him too. Nothing more. He's just butthurt he got humiliated by him.
He's not repilled on anything.
His rant is about generic "Ghetto Beefs" with other niggers, standard practice for rappers.
The rest if just about his fans forced him into Political correctness and his done with it.
He can barely even form coherent sentences.
Such amazing insight!
Kayne is so brave! HIS WOKE!! SO REDPILLED! What a stance he's taken here! Kayne 2024!!!
This facebook tier forced meme needs to end.
Slide thread.
Dumb niggers can serve out ends.
2017 is going to be one hell of a year
You're right, we need a more realistic goal for the future. Ivanka 2024. Stealing the first woman pres from the liberals will induce enough salt to kill half of them.
Nope, she ruined that when she converted to judaism and grew three yidlets in her womb.
There goes his black votes in 2020
5D chess, have you ever heard the phrase "keep your enemies closer"?
Didn't he rant about jews a year or two ago? I remember a "based nigger" thread on cuck/pol/
I guess it doesn't run in the blood. Or maybe Jared is fake jew to make them think Trump is kosher
we don't need them. put them on the boat.
get rid of them asap. no exceptions. they need to go.
It was a classic double agent move to get into the enemy camp to know their secrets while absolving yourself of suspicion of being a threat. The Don taught his daughter well.
That's a little too close, don't you think
She was a disposable unit for Trump, like the daughters of old kings
Kanye is fucking insane thou, a broken clock that is somehow giving the good hour
Pick one and only one, faggot.
Sending your daughter to get fucked by the enemy, be it jews, niggers, spics, or gooks, is not some 4d chess move.
The trumps play on a level that only Kek can comprehend. It was a masterful move on Ivankas part, which puts her in perfect position to keep america great in 2024.
This is how Michael Jackson found himself in the endless character assassination that he went through. If Kanye names (((them))) or rocks the boat too much, expect all kinds of insane allegations and strange crimes.
We know how much they like to accuse people of the crimes that they commit, so expect them to call Kanye a pedophile or a murderer.
the jews did this exact same thing to get into the aristocratic blood lines in europe
I think Kanye was just really high that day.
You know those fags from South Park should take a shot at this and include him on the season, sucking up to Trump and trying to leech off his succes to fuel his own campaign. Would be funnier that the other shit they had been doing, and shitting on Kanye is a SP tradition that they haven't used in a while.
what. he'll try to genocide whites at light speed.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
This bot is still running?
Kanye is a dumb nigger, but I'd invite him to try to genocide whites. Take a look at that election map and tell me that the rest of the country wouldn't make quick work of California, NY and Chicago trying to exterminate us.
I've heard that Kanye is a creation of Tavistock? Is there any truth to that? Does anybody have information about this?
kanye is literally autistic but in the best way possible
praise ye
that's post election Holla Forums. praising niggers, jews, dating threads. i might just as well go to reddit.
He is an entertainer. He is quoted as saying he will use Trump's campaign model to won 2020. Everything he does publicly is a calculated act, no matter how dumb you think ti is. This is part of an act for him, he is preforming.
Consider the following: it doesn't matter if Kanye is a rube. What matters is the idea Kanye represents. We could meme him into being the man who leads the blacks to take revenge on the peoples of west africa who had sold them into bondage by seizing their ancestral homeland. The blacks get their 40 acres, we are rid of them, and Kanye can play messiah.
GTFO nigger.
You know exactly a Kanye presidency would be nothing but Bernie retardation on steroids.
How woke are you fam?
He's getting slammed by the trash nogs on twitter and SJW's.
Now he knows what white privilege is like. No opinion for you nigger.
I think his father in law (the tranny) has been having conversations with him.
Do it. Give him https :// (jew-wise blacks making good points) and pics related, also that meme that has the Jesus/Martin Luther quotes on the kikes.
You are justifying genocide.
Wait, I didn't know you were programmed to reply outside of the copypasta. Is this a new feature?
Kanye is an opportunist nigger. He had that one brain cell firing when it counted. Still, may as well make him go full chimp. A few seeds planted on twitter should do it.
Is that nigga performing on a floating platform?
Nah, "You are justifying genocide" has been his canned response to anybody accusing him of preaching to the choir for years.
Nah, the Chinese have been balls deep in Africa for a while.
It's just some autist that likes to post it. Honestly, I quite enjoy it.
I don't twatter but he should be hit with this magic.
Huh, I guess the only black guy I know well enough to not think he'd kill me for KFC was correct when he said, "Yo dem reel nigggas wote fer mang Trump, you feal me?"
smh tbh fam
Kanye always flew pretty close to the flame from what I've read/seen.
I'd imagine he would be in full meltdown after what happened to his wife and now the Trump thing.
Fuck you, that actually got a good laugh out of me.
Of course not, he's just getting himself in line to try and be President, I'll admit he's taking it more seriously than I thought
He might be a low IQ nigger but don't underestimate him and his handlers the way the Left did to Trump
Agreed. If we're going have a thread on this retarded nigger we should be planning on how to destroy him before it ever becomes a possibility.
sage because Kanye is a narcissistic whore of a no-good nigger that don't need no free advertising
Kanye is not just some dumb nigger. You're being a fool to underestimate him just because he's black. For the most part, he has a good idea of what he's doing.
Like user said above, we should just feed him facts on Twitter and see where he goes. It doesn't hurt us if he names the Jew. I know this 8ch/pol/ but c'mon don't let your prejudices lead you to stupid conclusions. There is no reason he can't be another of our assets.
He's got competent people running his show, smarter than Hillary's
Redpill him on kikes.
Remember who bought and sold slaves?
Who is behind the economic collapse?
uhh, you don't get to bring freinds
Nice >reddit spacing moishe
You're a retard.
He's a stupid nigger that's broke and needs the publicity to reignite his image brand.
Get the fuck out of here.
See, you're thinking he can be used. I'm thinking he can be dangerous - much more so than Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton, especially so in the wake of a Trump presidency. If he sounds informed, talks without a filter, and ran for the Democrat ballot you better be prepared because it'll be guaranteed the leftists will do everything they can to get him into power as a major "fuck you" to the 'racist' and 'misogynistic' right that put Trump into power.
He gets it. All we have to do is feed him the information, inevitably he'll look it up for himself and then suddenly realize that, yes, Jews. And then he'll open his fat mouth because he can't not. Pretty much foolproof.
If Kanye went Malcolm X, do you think libs are more likely to call him a new civil rights leader or alt-right? Kanye can be weaponized and dropped on liberals like a relativistic meteor strike. At the very least, puts liberals in circular firing squad position. Either way, we benefit.
"The hard and rigid belongs to the company of the dead: the soft and supple belongs to the company of the living." -Lao Tzu
Y'all are just being autistic. Also: "The best way of conquering an enemy is to win him over by not antagonizing him." -Lao Tzu
Those trying to say Kanye can't be used to the benefit of Holla Forums are either shills or myopic.
Fuck off with that retarded meme, I've been using "Reddit spacing" since 2007.
I think leftists are too short-sighted to recognize the value of a candidate that can actually get a glimpse of reality here and there. They're too afraid to be able to tolerate it even from one of their own. He's a greater danger to libs than us by far.
Purplepilled at best. If he was full redpill he'd encourage niggers to go back to Africa.
Look Kanye is another puppet who his masters are prepping him for 2020
Send him the standard Holla Forums red pill.
we thought they were white dot com
Even simple minded niggers can read it and understand it.
You weren't talking about D&C dipshit, you were talking about how he wasn't just a dumb nigger when in all actuality he is just a dumb nigger. And I didn't say shit about "reddit spacing", I called you a fucking retard, retard
I'm not a burger nor a nigger. Even the few niggers I've had contact with through work were against immigration and would go back to their homelands in the case they didn't get Jewed back there. Go back to reddit.
Fuck off, reddit cancer.
Not if we hijack his mind. Are we all forgetting about the power of ==MEME MAGIC== or something? Are we not witnesses to 2016? To the Trumpening?
A corner has been turned. =ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE== especially if you set your mind to it.
This. Holla Forums should be jumping on this. It's low effort with the potential for huge impact. What Nassim Taleb would call a "grey swan."
But he's not a dumb nigger. Look up his ancestry. He's at least part Igbo - and Igbo mean IQ does not conform to most of Africa. In addition, his mother was an English professor and his dad was associated with the black panthers. He's neither dumb nor clueless.
"There is no greater calamity than to underestimate the strength of your enemy." -Lao Tzu
Kanye is a dumb nigger who makes shit music.
but he has been fucked hard by the fashion and music (((industries))), so he might be sympathetic to our cause
The thing is kanye PLAYS a dumb nigger but in reality knows exactly what is going on.
What would be best for us is if he plans on naming the Jew if he ever gets into office. That way, if he gets assassinated, people will know who was responsible and niggers will get pissed off and start the next race war.
No, he is just afraid because he is involved in all this shit
Precisely. "The Sage wears coarse clothes, while keeping the jade in his bosom." -Lao Tzu
That he allows people to believe that when he obviously isn't is why I suspect he could be so useful. Kanye is a wrecking ball, we only need him to swing in the right direction.
Kanye just supported his presidential rival?
Maybe he's finally realising what lurks beneath LA and washington.
What did he mean by this?
If kanye is committed, this has to happen.
He needs to study professionally first.
But if he does that, he'll lose hollywoods support quickly.
It'll be curious to see what blacks do when they become red-pilled. It seems only a matter of time now. Maybe I should start lurking around WorldStar.
Kanye is lying through his teeth.
His family is probably involved and he probably doesn't want us to dig into that.
Why aren't we digging into his ties?
Some celebs might not know the truth.
If he's true to his word. He could help us destroy the ring but playing the publicity game.
but the jews play a different variant altogether
Only if you want to lose braincells.
Sometimes I'm thankful for you shills helping me to confirm I've got the right idea.
Everyone at the Sacramento show is getting their money back.
Where do you think you are?
Paul Joseph Watson just tweeted a bunch of stuff. Looks like Kanye West is recently redpilled and is coming over to the Dark Side. He's in talks with Alex Jones on doing a bunch of shit together.
He's going to redpill the unwashed masses for us.
Can 2016 get any more extraordinary?
I don't underestimate him either. He's able to get a lot of people to listen to him and take him more seriously than he deserves.
But he can't manage his own finances or keep his shit together. If he's desperately begging other famous people for money over Twitter he'll be totally ineffective at running a campaign. Trump has the power to communicate AND a command of strategy. West is an undisciplined spendthrift drug addict.
Daily reminder that reality isn't real
Shame he's a nigger and can't express his ideas properly
I have no idea what he's trying to convey most of the time. He can barely string together a coherent sentence.