Nationalize Twitter



Trump should buy Twitter and incorporate it as a part of his own personal estate. Twitter is really flailing at this point because it can't make a profit and no one wants to buy it. Trump should buy it in order to maintain the effect that free speech has on society. If Twitter were nationalized, that would just mean handing it over to the commissars after Trump.

I think the value of Twitter to Trump should be apparent enough. Keeping Twitter alive, and maintaining a strict standard of free speech, is in Trump's interest.

He can do this all day, y'know.

It sounds beautiful to me.

Pretty sure buying Twitter would be a conflict of interest and set a bad president. Not like I wouldn't mind, but I just don't see that adding much value in the long-term. Nationalizing would make more sense although I'm against that just the same.

The goal should be to make it as hard as possible to conduct business as a general platform if you're being political.

Nationalizing Hollywood, Media, Banking, and Education I would be down for because it's the only way you could gut the people from the inside in reasonable time. Not so the government can run any of those things, but just long enough to set a foundation that locks those people out that should be locked out.

Going a step further would be to punish any institution receiving federal or government funds of any sort from punish people for their views while in their off time. This would stamp out political correctness to some degree. Open up the books to lawsuits for any business that terminates employees for political views outside the work place.

That's my take if you want to do things by the system, which personally none of us care much for. Unfortunately I think that's exactly what Donald Trump is going to do. Try and use the system to put a leash on the beast rather than making it a complete gimp.

Forgot to add that the best thing he can probably do is go after online companies as monopolies. That is probably the most feasible.

The correct solution is for people to collectively stop being fucking retarded and using (((social media))) to begin with, and if not that then at the very least switch to non-kike owned alternatives (GNU Social, Twister, Diaspora etc.).


I was actually just thinking about this a few days ago.
It shouldn't be nationalized, but the format of social media platform ought not belong to anyone.
Social media is a natural monopoly; no one will go to your site if there is no one on your site. Remember google plus?
So the ultimate twittersphere ought to be managed by a not-for-profit group, or ought to be made a standard that can be implemented.
That way, multiple companies can offer views on the twittersphere through the api. Multiple companies can share the same twitter, multiple companies can share the same person-wall things.
What do you think?

Trump doesn't make unprofitable investments.

This is what we more or less have with GNU Social. The problem, like you stated before, is that people won't adopt a platform if too few other people have adopted the platform. Most normies seem content to flee from one private and proprietary service to the next, migrating with the boom-and-bust, rise-and-fall of platforms and services. Normies only really care about features and convenience. They don't consider privacy or built-in redundancy through a larger, distributed network to be a feature, nor do they care about open source. While I'd like to see GNU Social gain some more traction, it seems like is going to be the next boom.

I don't think Trump would be interested. Pic related.

No one owns media companies for the money they make. They own them because they are influence. Twitter forms a natural extension of Trump's power and influence. The fact that Twitter isn't finding buyers just means it's a better deal for him.

Maybe Thiel should buy a majority stake. It would benefit him for much the same reasons.

Well, it's data most importantly. If Trump's kids ever wanted to run, maintaining twitter for the value its data provides is huge… as long as it doesn't crash, which it really shouldn't, save for bad management (which is the case now).

Anti-trust litigation is the way to go.

Excuse me, are we on cuckchan?

Trump doesn't have the money to buy Twitter.


Is the guy behind it a Kekite or something? Are we actually forming a Nazi Frog Illuminati?

Well, in all fairness, he could muster it up if he wanted to. His assets are easily in excess of two billion…

Very interesting, Shlomo.

The main problem with GNU Social is the two interfaces you have to choose from are both shit in different ways. Qvitter is nice and simple looking, but slow and buggy as fuck; while Statusnet's old UI is reliable and fast, but dated looking and clunky to work with.

I heard somebody was working on a new interface, so we'll see if it's any better.

This would all be such an easy thing to fix if they just hired programmers. Communist innovation!


I prefer GNUSocial over places like Gab and Twatter, but after creating an account on almost every instance because I was bored I could find I have found some big issues with how the instances interact with each other. OStatus is clunky at best and various instances just cannot make contact with other instances in the Federation. Now granted, a lot of the time this is by design, but sometimes stuff it just doesn't work (not being able to remote follow people at all from certain instances). The Federation therefore begins to become quartered into different groups of instances that can't interact with ones from other instances. This is interesting for us, because it could function similar to boards, but it has absolutely no mass appeal at all. Big name people will never move over there because they'll want their tweets to be able to get out to as many people as possible. And if they start to move over for some reason they'll bring a whole bunch of undesirables with them, packing one quartered area of the Federation full of people and essentially killing the others with its mass appeal. People will not be attracted to a decentralized social network at all. If they ever started to use it, they would stick to a few instances. Additionally, with an influx of people there will always be some people that want to cash in on it. If they can't make money off of it, they'll probably try and kill it to the best of their ability. Social networking is beginning to become a brutal enterprise.

Essentially, GNUSocial is not designed to be something big. Making it big would probably kill it. Just a small trickle of users is much more preferable than an influx of cancer like what Gab is about to experience if Twitter tanks.

Also, a new interface would sound great. I personally use Qvitter just because it makes more sense design-wise. It's just a bit clunky and lacking some convenient features that the old UI has.

Google the word "Gabbai".

I'm sure their software could be good. I'm just poking fun of the FSF.

The only real genuine difference between the communities is that there are a lot of people who are tolerant of fags in the TRS community. In truth these communities overlap greatly and have FAR more in common than not.
I fucking hate fags, I won't allow them in any organizations I spawn or in the ethnostate if I live to help write the constitution.
The truth is that this is a fracture point being exploited and magnified by compromised members of TRS and by compromised or manipulated anons.
The truth is that we need to work together to attain the ethnostate with organizations that are also actively working toward it, I can understand fag tolerance but I disavow, but these arguments are absolutely non relevant at this point in time because we are all fucking nobodies LARPing about an ethnostate that does not exist. I am economically libertarian but I will fight alongside my NS brothers and we will argue about the intricacies of economics at a point when it actually matters.
The truth is that if you go around bitching about these kind of things with the end goal of all of our efforts far out of mind you are doing the job of the enemy. Rather than doing actual work everybody stops to argue about faggotry, or whether this or that is from reddit or fagilo or TRS.
What has made and does make Holla Forums great is the fact that anonymity requires us to judge a poster specifically on the ideas and actions he proposes and nothing else. Assigning identity to anons who advocate for this or that intricacy within the realm of advocating for the ethnostate subverts everything that has made us what we are.

Forced meme, fresh as fuck and people have formatted like this for years

The FSF is unfortunatly, a necessary counter ballance to the current open source camp. Which, is getting more and more cucked all the time.

He only needs a majority stake, and he could undoubtedly find others to help him financially if necessary. It's not like he has rich friends or anything.


I hate TRS (and I have better reason than most Holla Forumsacks here tbh) but the status of Twitter and the advantage it can bring the Alt-Right in general if managed correctly is immense. I just think nationalization is the wrong way to go, because that would mean giving up the reins to some libtard after Trump. Much safer for Twitter to remain safely in the private ownership of someone like Trump who would guarantee free speech than the USG which would come under pressure from Judeo-feminist lobbies to "police abuse."

TRS users are walking targets. Having personally met some of them, they're definitely good people for the most part. But they are way too open about their political opinions. If the kikes ever get the jump on us and start to purge, the TRS users will be the first to go. They're too optimistic about it, and don't understand that this could end with many of us dead like it has for many people like us in the past. They'll do the same shit to them that they did to Yockey, or worse. The kikes have no mercy. Their only restriction is what the public will think about it. They have to condition the masses to be okay with the purging, and right now they aren't at that point yet. We may have fun sometimes, but this isn't a game. Standing up to International Jewry publicly means gambling your life that we will be able to get rid of them. Many of them do not yet realize this.

Seriously nigger? If you haven't been vocal about this shit since the economic crisis in 2008, then maybe you're just too young to realize how hard it was to hide your powerlevel when it seemed that complete financial collapse was imminent. Not to mention 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan… I mean, come on. What are you even on about? How hard do you think it is to convince a person that a cabal of international jews controls our government?


Also, I don't give a shit about minor gay little fracture points and only a few mega autists dwell on them. You can decide policy when you fucking have sovereignty, until then, you're a kike slave.

The problem of not being able to follow users from every node actually has a lot to do with Canada's laws reguarding loli… Not even kidding. Any node based in Canada or the UK has to defederate from nodes that allow free speech within the limits of US law (and therefore loli).

Why are you underestimating the most immoral and ruthless people on the planet? Sure, they may be dumb as door nails sometimes, but they still hold a vast amount of power. The only reason that places like here and TRS even exist is because we have done little to no actual damage to them and have instead just been injecting out beliefs into "fringe internet culture" and have created a decentralized army of shitposters across the web. They are still quite confident that the College system has completely brainwashed the youth and they just have to let the pesky old whites die while young whites stop reproducing and die out. If we begin to actually pose a threat to them (most likely by jeopardizing the youth indoctrination system) then they will begin to take swift action against us. And since they control so much wealth, they really do not have to do much work. All thy have to do is convince a large amount of the population that people of our ideology should be purged, and the governments will do the rest. Controlling public opinion has become more powerful than actually being the head of a governmental body (that's what happens when you hand over control to the average citizenry).

And no, I'm not saying that we have to be raging lefties in public. They're not going to come after Trump supporters. But they will come after people that openly call them out and pose a threat to the functionality of their goyim-powered machine. When you're about to redpill somebody in person, always remember to make sure you can trust them. We can't predict what will happen at this point, and if they come after us we absolutely need to be able to not be purged along with the people that were completely open about it. The alternative is that any method of thinking that calls for the resistance of their rule will be completely purged. They let small things slip through the cracks after WWII. They won't be making that mistake again. We're approaching the end of the line, and if it fails we will have to be the ones that keep the truth safe.

You may laugh at this because it just doesn't seem likely. We're just a bunch of people shitposting online after all. Nothing can really come of it. But small meetings of like-minded people are how movements begin. This is just the first time that it has been done electronically rather than in person.

NEVER give money to kikes! There is no fucking reason to buy twitter, just make a new service that is better. That's easy roo, because twitter is going down the shitter with it's selective censorship. Tey can try to censor us, but they don't do shit about terrorists? Guess what, thats aiding and abetting the enemy. Thats treasonunder US law. Shit, patriot act alone gives trump authority to bag and tag the execs at twitter.


Good podcasts and will always tip my hat for creating the coincidence detector.


Exactly. Either use anti-trust or litigate them for violating 1st amendment, citing their own claim that they're public utility company.

Do the same to Facebook.

Best case would be a judgement that forces Facebook, Twitter, all social media, sites to adhere to a standard API that lets any client access their network.

As far as I know, private roads, power companies, ISPs can't refuse to provide service. Use the same logic. Twitter shouldn't be able to refuse other social media clients access to its own database.

This would brake faceberg and twitter's monopolies for good. This will have to be done sooner or later; or we lose internet to jews.


I don't want retards like you in MY ethnostate, you skirt measuring hypocritic fuck. You spend so much time worrying about the gays I'm pretty sure you're at the neocon level of blowing dudes in airport bathrooms and fucking underage male prostitutes in meth-fueled orgies.

You know who creates all the problems?
THE JEW. Work on getting rid of the jew, you fucking waste of skin. The rest of it takes care of itself.


degenerate faggots


to play devil's advocate, even cuckchan refuses to call themselves alt-kike

I am clearly calling for unity against the Jews you moron, you must be some kind of degenerate homosexual to allow your visceral hate of fag haters to cloud your mind so deeply that you fail to comprehend my post.

Fags will be hanged in the ethnostate and this act will be enshrined in the constitution if I have anything to do with it, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it you disgusting faggot.

This thread is comprised of TRS derailing itself as Holla Forumsacks make up their minds about a normie site while faggots try to call us the (((alt-right)))

Not all profit is money, little merchant.

Nobody's going to buy your failing platform for that price, Jack.

pic related
you fucking shills know that anons would stop making TRS threads if you could just give a good fucking reason why you don't like them
TRS is like fucking 8/pol/ they don't have a universal set of values on every fucking issue, some on TRS think fags shouldn't be gassed and some anons feel the same way I don't


Not to mention it might be involved with pedo rings.


we know full well the kikes are merciless but uncle Adolf went up against them in a similar manner, members of his party were shot in the street, attacked, slandered. nothing gets done if we just lurk on anonymous imageboards forever and quite frankly we are out of time. If we don't start making a real goddamn difference now, pretty soon no matter what we we do it won't matter at least in the US, Canada, Britain and France.
I'm an American mutt of only Euro heritage I belong nowhere else, I have nowhere else to go if I sit by and let them win I might as well of lost everything.

Trump can't afford to buy Twitter, most of his fortune is tied in assets and even then Twatter has a really inflated market value because of the kikes propping it up.
Learn some economics before spouting stupid shit

Trump isn't stupid enough to buy a platform that isn't monetizable. Twitter is failing because it's a shitty business model that only is kept afloat through investment. One big dip in the stock market and it will go under.

as much as I have been "shilling" for TRS I will say they give Lawrence Murray way to much credit, the guy is a fucking idiot

Nationalizing Twitter would be very good for us.

so would killing jews but it's just not doable or practical right now

They see fags as "useful" because they have no moral foundations, their race is their god.

>Pretty sure buying Twitter would be a conflict of interest and set a bad president.
kek, also, he could just not use it and there would be no conflict of interest