America Redpill

Don't like us? No problem.

At the end of the day, you are all American people. You follow our elections. You eat our food. You watch our movies and television shows. You wear our clothes. You copy our vernacular. You access American websites. You copy our Constitution and our laws. You read our books, ponder our art, use our weapons, drive our cars. The global economy is based on the US Dollar. Our military maintains bases on your soil.

When our President speaks, you listen.

Look at everything around you: all American inventions: computer, internet, electricity, even your nerdy glasses, America either invented it, or took something and made it superior

Even the official world language is American English, not British Olde English

Jingoism can lead to decadence. Watch out!

contributed almost nothing to civilization as a whole

except every modern invention


Not saging a retarded bait thread. Not sure where you belong, but it isn't here nigger.

It's all because of niggers too. They built the white[y] house, ya know?

Hate to burst your bubble, ameribro, but you guys can't into electronic warfare as much as poland can't into space. Russia is streets ahead in that game.

What good are all your toys if they're all disabled? It levels the playing field to the point where an army that isn't as "advanced" as you can actually face you toe to toe.

t. Russian-American

2 out of 12 correct. A+ for effort though


this thread is for nothing more than d&c

You did lose to peasant rice farmers and not only that but the War of 1812.

You also lost the US civil war. Proof? Look at the nigger infestation you have now.


I took the bait. I am ashamed

American here. This type of obvious bait thread belongs on 4chan, not Holla Forums.

shit d/c

D&C thread



This has to be an Aussie shitposter. Sage for obvious D&C





Reported for ban evasion.

Who are France, Germany, Britain and Russia during the 19th and 20th centuries for 400 Alex?


Annex Canada already please.

t. Canadian

dont let this post make you hate america, folks


Trevor Moore! He graduated high school with my brother.
His mom and dad are weird.


And yet Americans are the most rootless and negroid worshipping of all white populations. Millions of white children have pictures of 7ft tall gargantuan sportsball negroids plastered all over their suburban rooms while White Mothers tune into Oprah and White Fathers live vicariously through negroid athletes on the couch, and gossip about them at work.

Current Year American culture is negroid culture, and we export that culture to hundreds of millions of other whites across the planet.

Worst of all, the idea of any sort of pride is shut down for 90% whites as soon as someone pipes up with "Da natives was hea first!" You know you're in deep shit when the average white American is desperate to larp with their 1/64th great great great nonexistent Cherokee grandmother instead of their european heritage.

The idea of any sort of pride in their heritage is shut down for 90% whites as soon as someone pipes up with "Da natives was hea first!" And when some turn to Europe in reaction, we are called 'Plastic Paddies', 'Amerimutts', and 'Mystery Meat'(All of which are true).

I don't have a need to seek out an identity like this, but obviously many do. I'd be all for celebrating our young, revolutionary history but it seems like most whites feel so far disconnected from such a thing. And perhaps rightfully so, as many of them came long after we had connected the coasts via rail.

I wouldn't have a problem being from an insignificant place like the Faroe Islands that basically accomplished nothing collectively, if only they weren't so prone to self-hatred, lack of identity, and worship of foreign peoples.

non-Americans arent white
