Student Debt Bubble

Student Debt now accounts for $1.35 trillion of public debt held by the federal government, spread out to roughly 44 million borrowers with roughly ~30k in debt on average. At least $165 billion is held by private institutions. The cost of college has risen significantly over the past decades. The Federal govt and the banks have an incentive to keep lending this money out to students, who just anecdotally we all realize will not be able to pay this back. Subprime mortgage crisis all over again.

When will the price of college peak? Will the government put a cap on loan gaurantees? Will banks stop lending as much, or will colleges start charging less? What will happen once it starts to fall?

My idea: Students should organize a boycott to stop payment on student loans to crash the economy faster. I think if we let it crash on their terms, the banks will get another bailout and there is nothing we can do. What do you retards think?

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Force the Jews to buy up the debt without compensation, in exchange for the debt being paid off death squads for the communist.

Trump laid out a plan for universities to share risk with the federal government. Meaning that universities providing education which dont provide good jobs in return, get hit every time one of their students default. Gives insentive to lower tuition and to stop offering gender studies.

Gender studies is an elective. Majoring in it is for huge faggots, but you have to have electives. Without electives, you have nothing to talk about at work.

Besides, it's a hilarious class. You should take it.

They'll get a bailout regardless of the circumstances. The Jüden always have a contingency plan.

Best plan of action is to bait-and-switch them into thinking they'll get a bailout, then go full NatSoc and seize investment bank assets and accounts. Then prepare for "Judea Declares War on America!"

This is a good start, but there should be no "share" about it. They should assume all the risk. Universities should not be admitting people unless they honestly believe that person can succeed in their desired field.

I have like 40k myself because I didn't want to get a job so just kept going to college. Never even graduated. Hope the bubble pops and I get off the hook.

I graduated a few years ago and managed to pay off all of my debt within two years. Wiped out most of it with my starting bonus from my first job.

On one hand, it feels good to have gotten through that marxist gauntlet with no lasting debt. On the other hand, I sort of feel like a chump since it's becoming exceedingly obvious that most Americans with student debt will never pay it off. By paying mine off, I've missed out on whatever bailout everyone else gets.

tfw no debt

If students were to organize and manage to get the default rate up to like 20% (It's currently around 11.3%) do you think the impact it would have on the economy would be significant leverage against the deep state/bankers?

I think it might be the only tool young people have to actually try to force system change

That's what I'm banking on. I've been deferring it as long as possible in hopes that it will be bailed out or eased up in some way.

I went back to grad school because I, like you worked my way through college and went to community college and then to a low tier state uni on a scholarship and ended up with a BS with 6k in debt while most people I know have like 40-60k for just undergrad. might as well get a masters before they are worthless tbh

I never understand the people who fail to graduate tbh, you probably just partied the whole time. its just 15 weeks of assignments its not like you are digging the white sea canal

I never went to class and usually dropped half of them. I took max loans and pell grants and spent them on video games. Like I said, I literally only did it so I didn't have to get a job. I am like 6 hours from a BA in math so i could finish up if I wanted (and it is a fairly cheap state school so 6 hours is not a lot).

I think a lot of people just can't put up with the leftist programming. Right/conservative leaning people all get the distinct impression that they aren't wanted or don't belong. Some people just bite down and push through, but I think a lot of people say fuck it and bail. That's probably a big part of why the left/right discrepancy among graduates is so large.

If you're not really confident that you are going to get a good job after graduating then you'll be more likely to drop out when you feel like you don't belong there. Incidentally students in engineering programs are more likely to be right wing or conservative than students in other programs. I posit that conservatives in engineering programs are more likely to tough it out because they are confident it will be worth it in the long run.

at least finish tbh

nice dubs. Just buy gold/silver/tangible assets with all your extra money you have now, then you won't feel like a chump anymore when you see everyone else gets wiped out during the crash

I agreed with this overall but I think Holla Forums sometimes projects itself too much onto normalfags in general. alot of morons in my graduate cohort just fail to complete assignments.

Probably will and then go to grad school.

what for? make sure its an applied degree where you learn applicable skills. Im in for a planning and consulting degree in historic architecture

It doesn't hurt that STEM is autist fodder and autist's singular focus when they are succeeding can easily carry one throughout memeschool.

Way ahead of you. I "sold" all of my valuables to a trusted family member that Sallie Mae can't get their grubby hands on and just stopped giving a fuck. Even if men in suits come knocking on my door they cant touch my car, computer, hell even the gold I've invested in isn't "mine". Fuck 'em.

The worst that's happened is they garnish my wages, but it's hardly nothing compared to what they really want from me. Currently figuring out a way to get out of that too.


damn how much do you owe user?

Well, I've never been a graduate student so the motivations there may be a lot different. I only got a BS, and at my school I'd say at least 50% of the conservatives I knew dropped out or transferred during their first or second years. These weren't Holla Forums-tier right-wingers, just bog-standard republican normies. Mostly reacting to blatant anti-republican progressive rhetoric, not so much the anti-white rhetoric which was minimal at my school, at least at the time I think.

The student debt bubble will probably burst under the Trump administration.

Though its because so many students waste their time for useless degrees. You can and should do the first 2 years at community college and the next 2 at uni. Way cheaper.

Over 100,000
I was a fucking idiot.
I'm just waiting for the bubble to burst or to be put in debtors jail. Whichever comes first.

I'd say it's also because way too many American kids are going to university. Many of them should be going other directions, but it's a modern meme that everybody must go to university or else you're destined to be a homeless addict.

>I'll be able to cruise through graduate school and get to see libshits going through existential and financial crises

I'm actually planning to get a doctorate to teach in University.
A fair number of my professors are actually committed to being unbiased as possible in teaching, and I plan to carry the torch for future generations. My university happens to be one of those flukes where the instructors are mostly based.
I think the main problem that causes such political discrepancy in education is the lack of teachers committed to objectivity and lack of right-wing instructors.

This, this, this, a thousand times this.
The biggest mistake people make is to assume they have to immediately jump into a big-league university.
Get your basic stuff done under community college, you can start specializing at the university level.

What we really need is a creditors jail.

Definitely true, but in a way that's just pushing the question back a generation. The current state of university teachers is caused by the earlier state of university teachers. Leftists are in power in universities now because they were before too, and favored advancement for students who conform to their biases. The institutional left-wing bias perpetuates itself, spreading like a cancer.

I guess it goes all the way back to the KGB subversion stuff Yuri Bezmenov talked about.

Really wish I had done this. Went right to 4 year. Going to graduate with a BS degree in Visual Arts (I know, degenerate), and a minor in Digital Fabrication, which I'm hoping will be enough to get a good CAD/design job. If I'd gone to community first I would have spent a lot less $ on my first years being an idiot and thinking studying photography in an academic setting was a good idea and would have gone right into something more practical and valuable. Fuck.

literally just burning money tbh

Not that I know anything about that field, but shouldn't you be doing that the other way around? BS in digital fabrication, minor in visual arts? Seems like that would be better for CAD shit, but what do I know.

You're definitely right, but they just added the minor, there is no major for that yet. I'm already a senior and if I waited around for them to add the major I'd be in twice as much debt and also want to kill myself twice as much as I already do lol

Failed liberal policies will crash the economy again just like the idea of forcing banks to give unqualified niggers homes at the expense of the country. After the housing crisis, the student debt will happen and then social security will happen. How many more major financial crisis's are we going to be put through in our lifetimes anons? Hopefully soon we will remove the filth and it will serve as a wake up call to future generations that you cannot borrow or print to infinity.

most unis don't have majors in something applied for undergrad that way they can hook you for ((internships))

Perhaps the solution would be to establish universities and academies dedicated to objectivity?
That is to say, political biases are checked at the classroom door and only brought up if relevant (for example, polisci classes, modern history, etc.).
Or, we could reshape how education is dealt here in the states. For example, there are tons of people in university right now who don't need to be there (and they're more than likely the ones incurring huge debts). Rather, we should allow a)people to enter the work force and work their way up, b)enter a trade school to learn a specific craft to start a business or enter a high-paying job, or c)enter higher education with the intent of becoming a scholar or high intelligence-based worker (biologists, medical doctors, etc.).
As of right now, everyone is expected to get at least a university degree. Not everyone is cut out for it.

I think visual arts (along with the other arts) should be considered skills and be included in specialized trade schools.
More theoretical and scientific aspects of art (music theory, history of art, etc.) should be left in university.

My state has a dire need for teachers, user.
I don't think I'll have trouble getting any employment, especially in the coming days.

god I really hope we get our chance, the slow burn is starting to heat up and trump is going to generate a continental salt flat when he takes office

Oy vey filthy goyim dont'cha know college is for entertainment not for education?


you sound like a typical ignoramus who gets himself into the cocktorate spit roast tbh
wow so enlightened

Blaming liberalism is stupid. The banks weren't forced to give loans to people who couldn't pay them back, but by securitizing loans the Banks could make a fortune by turning bad mortgages into AAA-rated Mortage Backed Securities. Blame the banks, not liberalism. I'm about as left as you can go, and everyone I know on the left blames conservative policies. You're wrong, they're wrong; this behavior is not ideological, it's just corrupt.

I have debt and I will refuse to pay. Crash this system

I'm two steps ahead of you there…

Most of the current students I've talked to think it's a good idea but are wary of not paying, but most of the graduates I've talked to are all in favor because a lot of them aren't paying anyway lol

I've got big plans to make it a national boycott, if you hear about the Debt Revolution in a few months, it was me

Do you understand how difficult it is to get an honest-to-God decent job without at least an associate's degree or "experience"?
With ridiculous standards for minimum wages these days, employers are going to be unlikely to hire any schmuck who happens to come by, even if he has a fancy piece of paper from University of Nowhere. Merely entering the workforce is a feat in of itself these days, especially considering how we always repeat to kids that any degree is good, so long as it's a university degree.
Maybe instead of using niggerspeak in your posts, you can help offer some solutions to help rebuild after the debt bubble bursts.

you could easily get the lefties in on this tbh

you are a fucking mong tbh. you literally said one of you "options" was to just "work your way up the line in the workforce". you must be some 20 year old kid who thinks he is gonna do fuck all with a cocktorate except be a part time lecturer

Now that was an argument of substance, Tyrone.
How about you go drink some bleach tbqh famalam smdh fried chicken watermelon ooga booga?

cry more you fucking pretentious undergrad idiot

For sure, I really want it to be a nonpartisan idea though. As a really left leftist, I've noticed that liberals are very prone to orthodoxy. Not that conservatives aren't too, but they at least try to be free-thinking. They'll buy right into it. I want to appeal to conservatives too, because like I said before, Fraud and Corruption have nothing to do with ideology, and all major political ideologies should not tolerate them.

Hot damn, user!
I simply can't believe your grasp of logical argumentation!
Bravo, sir. Truly, you are the most supreme, honest, and true Holla Forumsack™ on the board.
Kudos, and may your dreams be dreams.

College has become a joke anyway



Right back at you, bucko.

I didn't specify what my major is, user.
How did you come to that wrong conclusion?

the problem with this is its basically impossible to default anyway. I like the idea though

you mean discourage the major and shrink the department. you have to have electives and allow free-thought; the problem is right now they are subsidizing the fuck out of this garbage which doesn't get anyone a job

careful about announcing your left ideas on this site, the group-think larper cancer has taken over this board. I don't throw out the ideas of socialism just because of group think gi-joe/cobra bullshit tbh, but I don't announce it on Holla Forums anymore. its funny because stalin wasn't really a communist in any way he was much more akin to the early roman princips

don't even respond to this faggot tbh, he just wants to grandstand and is getting all meme defensive like a typical thin-skin


Well it's one of the things where the only choice is to become a professor, I was just wondering out loud why anyone would do such a thing.

Oh no, I totally agree. The only reason to major in philosophy is to teach it (and learning basic philosophy is good, if only to be acquainted with the Classical schools and medieval thought).
My apologies for assuming you were talking about me.

I study philosophy on my own, but would it be worth taking it in college?

As a major? Only if you intend to teach it.
As a minor? Sure. Coupled with your major, it would give universities more incentive to hire you, since you'd be able to teach more classes than a major with no minor.

Scholars of the holocaust aren't cheap.

no you can learn it on your own and use the internet to help you understand interpretation. history is the only acceptable liberal art

Solid plan. End thread.

Was pretty interesting fam

Where would one go to see the default rate on SLABS?
Also, other ABS'. Thanks

No user you are wrong. The left has fought tooth and nail to create "equal lending" as a policy in banking not conservatives. The left thinks that banks should ignore that some people (niggers) are risky to lend to because muh feelings. You blame deregulation on banks as the source which to some extent is part of the issue but it was your boy Bill Clinton who repealed Glass Steagal act and it was your candidate Bernie Sanders who pushed the idea of education as as right. What you blame conservatives for is really neocon policy and I agree they're shit too. Just as you differentiate liberals to democrats there too is as difference in conservative and neoconservative(jews). It's not conservatives fighting for these worthless degrees backed by govt money and it's honestly your own liberal institutions fucking you raw in tuition costs as they blame whitey who founded the fucking things.

Pay attention you idiot and open your damn eyes. Blame the 1% all you want but all they're doing is giving you the idiotic policies your side pushes for. If you weren't pushing for this unrealistic shit they couldn't make money off you.

30k on average.

How stupid do you have to be not to be able to pay that back within a few ywars?

If you wanted a degree, you could just study abroad in a far cheaper university.
I'm in Bulgaria, in the kliment ohridski university in sofia, studying IT systems
My semester costs around 190$.
My rent per month is around 100$
I can get 3 meals a day for only 5$.
And this is one of the best universities in the country, and in the capital of all places, so you can imagine how much cheaper other places here are.

Sometimes it's funny that the only people who are aware of the Jew are also very much like the Jew themselves.
nothing wrong with screwing kikes over tho

This. Met a lot of burgers in Prague.

On the third picture is incredibly demoralizing.

I got a full ride to a good school. I only came away with like 9k in debt. Not too bad given the doors it's opened for me. My roommate went like 70k in debt though, crazy ass shit.

Sell the debt to China.

Grant them authority to collect from worthless wastrels by organ harvest.

Problem(s) solved

I skimmed the coursereader. 6 novels… Describing any definition of reality from self-described works of fiction is not compatible with majoring in history. Not by my consiousnes. Same as spending years at honest work, THEN exclaiming: "lol, I was just trolling!".

I get it. But the humanities has already been filled beyond the brink with mental-gymnastic seudo-sciences. If any elective course has to go, its gender studies. The field apparantly emerged from some obscure litterature study and premium crack. Cant see how people cant just go back to writing marxist utopia and crack?

College is a meme. Learning a trade or self-education to become self-employed is the future. Hell, fucking furries who draw futa scat porn make more money than your typical blue collar worker.

furry porn art only exists as a trade craft in a highly advanced late stage society, it is not nearly as marketable as masonry and tinsmithing skills

The true indicator of a decadent society.

Silver follows gold and gold rises in times of uncertainty (eg recessions, war). Apparently next year is FIRE COCK and there will be lots of hardships … I have about $6000 cdn in savings and want to invest in something. I assume oil will drop because of the recent Texas find, but who knows what will happen when Trump starts calling the shots. Not sure about currencies, commodities, futures or stocks in general.

I'll probably buy some more silver through my bank in the future but not sure how much. I only work part time at Walmart and have about $4400 left in student loans at $50/mo (i want to pay this back asap) plus i still need my wisdoms out and i dont have benefits which is probably $1800 on top of that. Haven't seen a dentist in years.

It's so bad that a "bailout" (read: I pay for some faggot's gender studies indoctrination) is guaranteed. What we need to do immediately is stop new subprime student loans from being issued to limit the damage and kill that 20 year loan forgiveness bullshit.

Unless its crowding, you should be fine to wait a few years for that. Honestly wisdom teeth getting removed is a kike meme made up by orthodontists for extra shekels. Its only a problem when it fucks up your jaw line

If you don't feel pain and your gum color doesn't look fucked up you should be fine user.

It's not like uni's don't know where the drop outs are. At-risk student is literally an official word for "We know they're going to drop out anyways, but the gov is paying for it so who cares"

With a Libshit degree, and a constantly eroding Jobs Market, it comes down to naivete and bad decision making. Of course there are a couple of retarded people I know in STEM who blow their paltry 30k wages on stupid shit.

Not sure how close you are to the border, but dental work is much cheaper in Mexico, and I live in NM so Juarez is just a 5 hour drive for dental work that is less than half what it costs in the US. You can save hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars on dental work and/or prescriptions. If you are close enough to the border that the cost of the trip is substantially less than the money saved it is worth it.

(((Affirmative action)))

Like that nigger going to med school who fed his child bleach, he could've been your doctor.

Student debt is a bubble, but it's not anywhere near the size of the housing bubble. There are major problems afoot though.

What will happen if everyone default on all types of the loans?

It needs to pop
Universities are part of the big three subverters (along with Hollywood and the (((financial aecot

I'm supposed to care about some cunts gender studies degree caused problems?

So I'm getting let off the hook for being a demi-jobless college-grad bum while the tards who took corporate slave tier jobs and responsibly paid it back get shafted? Schweeet.

Don't have to. People can't pay. Wages are lower, rent and living costs are higher. It was unsustainable from the beginning. Especially the fucking scores of libartz majorz. There are no jobs to be had.

A lot drop due to stress, depression, or financial reasons.

My brother. Screw 'em. Can't wring blood from a stone. I would think I might buy silver/gold and bury it out innawoods pirate-style. Iffin I had assets to hide.

You're assuming they can find a job that pays more than 15k a year, which by the way is poverty line. If you land a 40k a year gig and live like a college student another 2-3 years, then sure. If. If not…

I got a really minor loan compared to everyone else since I got a lot of grant/scholarship money. I'm a year out from graduation and could pay it all off in cash if I wanted to, but I'm instead making the minimum payment possible and using that money towards a house down payment.

In these times should we take the advice of Julius Evola and

Ride the Tigger?

tfw no thing else either
I'm in the same boat


bump for interest

how do we make the bubble pop?

Boycott the universities if you are young: learn a skill and find a job where you can use that skill instead.

If you are a parent, don't pay for your kid's college at all. Make them pay for it if they want to go so bad.

If you are/were a student, and find it hard to get a decent job even with a degree, you could refuse to pay the debt - but this could be risky, as legal consequences might be taken against you unfortunately.

Whatever we do, remember that college is a racket now in the US, a tool for communist indoctrination and a tool to enslave you into debt. We must fight it, not endorse it.
