Not as much to guess about as the last few years but here it is. Any particular meaning to the cards chosen?
The Economist World in 2017 Cover Released
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What the hell? Since when to publications like The Economist give a shit about tarot? Did we meme this?
I guess there are a lot of variations on the cards to dwell over or squint at. I think that's supposed to be zika mosquitos on the Death card
A lot of hard to see faces on the star card
Notice the symbol above the VR guy. Also, what the fuck is up with "the tower", are they actually expecting a communist revolution?
The Economist has put a ton of esoteric shit on their covers for a long time
Either this is fake, or we memed way too hard and should go further
Yea, that picture says a lot.
Ignore the media.
Implement independent media.
Encourage independent reasoning.
Judgement and The star are tilted (different directions) while the other cards are not
sometimes I wonder if they're strictly trying to fuck with us
IMO, probably
I think that's very likely. We're not just that obscure Cambodian shitposting board anymore. We fucked with journalists directly over social media. They noticed us, they are now aware of us and what we represent. They've already tried to 'blow the whistle' several times, but we are too weird and esoteric for the general public to take seriously.
But to drop such bold references to us on the cover of a major magazine? Interesting.
You could ask if they expect a christian revolution as well.
Look at the page nailed to the towers door(an established order collapsing) it seems to mean reformation with the commis and christians in the background maybe symbolizing a struggle between theists and atheists over worldly influence?
There have been conspiracy theories for decades, long before Holla Forums and it would seem a little far-fetched that some graphic designers working for an economic journal would have insight into the esoteric world… the only other way I could see it if they're just sycophants who are doing master's bidding.
magus card ouroboros over the head is a staple symbol
Their version of Trump as judgment looks like my version of Trump as magus, (a.k.a. Nimble Navigator) I didn't think I was that well read into the symbols of the tarot, it's only a hobby.
I'd like to see a high res version to see the faces in the star card.
It's not necessarily a reference to us. Trump (by his own surname) makes one think of tarot, and "The magician" the card has that infinity symbol on it
There is a lot to this image to be sure… what I find funny is that they are memeing either consciously or unconsciously for Trump to become the true God Emperor of Terra.
The infinity loop above the magicians head was always there.
Seems relatively straightforward.
As the card itself portends, we see a collapse of the existing order. Opposing crowds form in the background to fill the power vacuum, on communist and one Christian, possibly representing traditionalism. Tower itself shows a cross and what seems to be a paper stuck to the door, possible reference to Martin Luther's theses and suggesting that the "current order" being struck down here is modern protestant Christianity waiting to be replaced either by a reversion to orthodoxy/catholicism or a switch to atheism.
Trump dominates the world figuratively through the ideas he represents. The Judgement card in tarot generally represents an awakening and a period of self-evaluation, and here it suggests that the world will re-evaluate its philosophy in light of the rebirth of fascist/authoritarian ideas (suggested by Trump holding crown jewels and thus appearing as a king).
Not really sure what to make of this one. Seems to suggest some kind of interconnectivity of virtually all aspects of the world (government, art, science), possibly a reference to the ultimate success of globalism.
References the anti-globalism movement, predicting that people will continue to protest super-national projects like the EU, TPP, etc.
Shows catastrophe by numerous means: we see mosquitos in the top left, possibly a Zika reference, a mushroom cloud reflecting a nuclear holocaust, and a dried river and wilted plants which could suggest some climate-related disasters. The red sun is probably intentional, but its meaning doesn't immediately strike me.
Focuses on the rise of new technologies, prominently VR and 3D printing, suggesting they will be important in the near future. Printer is printing houses; not sure what that's supposed to mean.
Here we see ballot boxes and European politicians on a wheel (apparently Geert Wilders, Marine Le Pen, and Angela Merkel). The implication of the card's title and the ropes binding the politicians to the wheel is that their election (or ejection) is random, but the smiles on Wilders and Le Pen contrast with Merkel's frown to suggest that nationalists will get the best of a chaotic election year in Europe.
Honestly can't make out much from the OP image, looks like just a bunch of portraits of (presumably) famous people.
We JoJo now?
Then we have been foretold.
Oh shit they REALLY know this time
Well it's not a common spread that I know of but the cards them selves meaning are
The (Blasted) Tower: Fighting, Ambition, Change
Judgment: Atonement, Final Decision, Rejuvenation
The World(The Universe maybe as their is no "world" card):Synthesis, Perfection, Recognition
The Hermit: Us(lol), Wisdom sought, Divine Inspiration, Inner strength
Death: Involuntary Changes, Transformation, Time
The Magician :Wisdom, Skill, Adaptation
Wheel of Fortune: Happiness, Destiny, Fate
The Star: Faith, Unexpected Help, Promising Opportunity
Holy shit, okay, I've got a good knowledge of tarot, this is kind of exciting for me. /blog
I just need to look it over first, but that wheel of fortune spooks me.
The printer thing is talking about how they have started 3d printing houses. Housing is going to become much much cheaper in the coming years.
Good interpretation, it's interesting that they've chosen such esoteric imagery. Likely because the events of the past year have rocked their idea of what a sane, orderly word should be, so now they're (maybe on a subconscious level, who knows) trying to interpret events as the product of illogic/magic
Remember how wrong they were about 2015 and 2016? stupid kike faggots and their stupid wet dreams.
fuck off, moefag.
Trump holding a scepter and a Globus cruciger in the Judgment card seems a little interesting to me. Shades of the Holy Roman Empire or something? The Hermit card clearly stands for globalism taking a beating; and the Tower is covered with strangely Christian iconography like what looks like Luther's theses and the crucified man in the background.
What did they predict?
The last two covers for reference
Its not like these pictures can be objectively interpreted
Oh they're just meming how Trump is "going to start le Nuclear War DDD:"
They totally did not see Trump coming.
it would be nice too see the faces in the stars
As much as I've always been one to think that things are preplanned, everything seems to point to the idea that Trump was not planned. Not just the covers here but everything..
They completely ignored Donald Trump in their previous issue. So why pay any attention to that magazine? Fuck them. The Rothschilds should be paying attention to us, not the other way around. The Economist is a joke anyway.
Why are they mixing Christian imagery into this pseudo-pagan pretend divination?
The beauty of being a japanese scat exchange forum with a trillon dollar of pearls mixed with salty cesspit shit that has been brewing on low flame since 2004.
Now the gas has been put on High and the shit and the pearls exploded all over the whole internet. Which is unlimited and can't be simply shut down.
2017 will be battleground between values, now that 2016 gave a voice/power to conservative thinking and Marxism started to crumble, thanks to all the happenings.
[Current Year]++ will be a hell of a ride, but the first step was done this year.
A Nation divided elected the wrong person. (also notice how they're pitting Communists against Christians. Why single-out Christians? Because the Jew hates Christ. Pic related.)
Very simply: Trump will reign for a period of time.
Trump can't devise the means of fixing the problems among the People. The Jews, aka the World Leaders, offer Trump their help through advising him. But he declines. (also note how the three buildings are connected to icons symbolizing the arts and sciences, both of which they control.)
Defying the outreach of the World, then President Trump will even further isolate the Country. (also note the color of the people leading the march - yellow. in illustration, yellow can be used in place of white for white skin. think The Simpsons.)
America as we know it will die through war and disease.
The next Israel Prime Minister, who will rise to power within 10 years, shall be a man who champions Science, and especially Israeli Science. While America burns, he will be hailed as Moshiach.
He will demand all Nations and Peoples serve under his Banner, which is Israel, and he will argue this will prevent another Trump-like leader from rising. Those Nations who join with him prosper, those who do not die.
The New World looks alien at first, but the many diverse peoples - when exalted at least - will go along with anything.
To be fair this one is a lot more explicit than previous years. 2015 and 2016 "predictions" were basically just a bunch of prominent world figures, but using tarot cards carries much more specific messages.
Somehow strikes me as unlikely. You can already build a super cheap house out of steel shipping containers, but that hasn't really caught on either.
I don't know if they're outright suggesting that magic is behind the shift, but it does seem like they've accepted that the world is a lot less predictable than they previously thought that and they've basically lost control of the narrative.
Don't take it too seriously, they deal with pop art. They might only be looking at the pretty imagery.
Even on what seems to be the extended version of that cover Donald Trump isn't there. So I got news to all those who thought the Rothschilds control the events of our time and post their secret plans on the cover of their lame magazine: it's not true.
Generally, how acquainted are journalists with Hermeticism and alchemy? I had the opportunity to snoop at one's library and found shelves filled with the subject, books by Fulcanelli and even Evola.
She had a master's in journalism and advertising.
I'll bet a lot of graphic artists are at least occult tourists; when you deal with imagery and symbolism all day, it seems inevitable that you'd get some leakage from the Collective Unconscious.
I hate Janet Yellen's face.
The freemason jews at The Economist are oblivious. They are playing catch up. We have the lead.
in4 Meme Magic
but Holla Forums has to swallow the space travel pill yet, which means to understand the lies of the "space travel" since the 1960s that are told to the present day.
There is no need to leave the earth, as it is impossible.
Seriously. Remember those threads in January, the tarot card and trump peculiarities?
They know we're aware of their delusional beliefs so they've left us cookie crumbs to what the powers that be are about to commit against us goyim
so new
Tarot deals with universal concepts/emotions. It's inevitable that multiple parties use such a tool to compare an emperor figure.
Parallel, not cause and effect.
I think you're overthinking it. It's more than "look at the pretty pictures," but it's less than some kind of orchestrated conspiracy to tell the world their coming plans, or if they are trying to do that, they've got a pretty good track record of being wrong about how things actually develop.
Memes (perhaps) open the warp; the warp is another dimension, not a velocity.
We're on to you Moshe.
Of course, this represents hubris being punished, the hammer & sickle and the cross represent the two opposing factions of populism: Bernie, Duterte, various left-wing eruo-secessionist movements + Trump, Wilders, Le Pen, etc. vs. the established order that is globalism. The note nailed to the door is certainly a reference to Martin Luther's 99 Theses, I think this could be a reference to how the internet played a role in this revolution, as Luther's Theses played a role in the Protestant revolution via the newly invented printing press. The Tower certainly has the connotation of an act of nature, so make of that what you will.
This card holds very religious connotation… signifying resurrection, awakening, etc. Some versions have locusts and frogs falling on ill-starred fools, others have naked babes rejoicing as an angel trumpets the end of times. Putting Trump on this card whilst holding such religious iconography implies that any religious connotation should not be overlooked. To me, this signifies our foreign policy with Israel. We'll see what happens with the Temple Mount, I suppose. An American flag does cover the eastern hemisphere, I think this might be a belief that Trump will turn a blind eye to what Israel does.
Seems to be a segment of Jacob's Ladder, aka part of the Kabbalah Tree of Life. I'll dig deeper in another post, this is probably very layered.
This is Saturn, aka Chronos aka Satan. He's looking down and watching as the people march past him. Or perhaps he's guiding them, the hermit is usually a reference to time's inevitability, and the flow of things going ever onward. Dunno really.
Straightforward: ending and rebirth. Not as destructive as the Tower.
This is a bit bizarre. The magician is also called the Mountebank, but was originally a sort of vendor, which is befitting. He tricks people into buying things, essentially. It represents innovation/invention, but also parlour magic/prestidigitation.
Merkel, Le Pen, Juppe(?). This seems to me a clear admission that Le Pen will win.
This should represent hope and tranquility, but since its askew, it seems to me to instead indicate wishful thinking and a sort of "fat chance" attitude.
Memetic repeating digits everywhere.
keeps happening
Sinead, go back to where you came from.
Oh no I don't think they think that magic caused anything, it's just like you said that their worldview has been shaken, so they're using magical imagery to express their confusion. Magic is the opposite of order.
Is that sum cheese pizza eaten at an enlightened masonic pizza party?
While perhaps you're correct about it having no particular audience, my point regardless was they leave vague "clues" supposedly to balance out their "karmatic balance"
Its still odd that of all years, they decide this one to tarrot it up. Dunno fam, my kek receptors are ichy. We ought to be careful, more than ever now.
Pretty funny coming from a Rothschild rag, a family we know practice occult shit. I guess they're still salty moloch couldn't beat Kek. I hope they have enough Cheese Pizza to last them before Trump launches his anti-globalist campaign. Maybe if they're lucky a heroic agent of the FSB or FBI stops them from abusing more children.
Planet niburu swinging by right when we nuke ourselves during a zika outbreak
Fourteen children/teenagers ?
Could this be a suggestion that the global pedo rings will be revealed next year?
If you're looking for clues you might as well try to find out who is the artist behind the magazine cover. His or her name must be somewhere in the first pages of the magazine.
sick datamine, here's mine.
Indeed, the Internet did help a lot to carry a paradigm shift.
Interesting way to say "we will achieve our goals no matter how you try to resist, silly goyim".
Taking into account that VR is just a gimmick, a overpriced one that sells by its "innovation" alone. And 3d printing can bring big changes in production.
Interesting, since in their 2016 edition felt like "The Success of Globalism" and how the US flag was hinting (((their))) success.
I remember their last onewith all th world leaders being loaded in fucked up symbolism, and I wasn't sure what to feel about it back then. But now that we have kek on our side I can see them as the memetic weaklings they really are. Their target audience wont understand what they're saying, and we, the people who do understand, don't give a fuck.
Now is that because of coincidence, or because of meme magick retroactively changing the past to suit our memes?
The difference being?
Those are the Trump cards by numerical value. Probably nothing to them.
Notice on the 2016 cover, the robot is black & white. People in black & white are robotic puppets of Rothschild.
Anti-moe is a codeword for anti-white.
Does that mean [Current Year]# is gonna suck?
Thanks for the picture.
Mine is funny because the Priestess and Judgement are basically the complete opposite of the Magician and the Wheel of Fortune. So my talents and desires are apparently being active and really trying to affect the world. And my core personality is to be somehow passive and stay away from everything. These things are the complete opposites of each other. And it describes me so well.
3D printing isn't superior to a CNC machine in most cases. However, it prints houses there, and that is indeed something. Watch vid related.
This is why that LARPagan shit is subversive.
You raise a good point kek. The memes work in exactly the way they intend to work, and we are enjoying the never-ending ride.
Tower is 16 btw.
Seems like some shit tier predictions for what's going to happen before the end of 2017.
The Magician has nothing to do with 3D printing or tech.
VR = virtual reality, here to be understood as us. We operate outside "reality"
3D printing/creation = us influencing real world events, which is to say 3d reality.
Notice that Trump is directly above the Magician.
In fact the progression might not be left to right but up/down: Tower/Death, Judgement/Magician, World/Fortune, Hermit/Stars.
I'm reminded of a passage from the Revelation, paraphrased: "(…) the sky turned black and the stars fell from the firmament."
For some reason I feel this is about the Apocalypse as a whole. The imagery is eerily reminiscent of dreams I had in the last three months or so.
It might just be a recapitulation of events though: "The struggle for power was waged between the liberals and traditionalists (us). An ultimatum was given. With the aid of Heaven the Tower fell, destruction was avoided for the world (but came to the ruling structure). The magicians passed judgement and put Trump in a position of power. It is clear the world is completely mallagable and subject to change/chance. It seems people want right wing governance. The hermits (dare I say wizards in /r9k/ lingo?) are directing everything though they aren't a part of society. The Star? I dunno.
Sounds about right, women tend to make me complacent
You talk like a fag
There is one there. Look closer.
So what do these mean then?
Sounds like you are kind of lost, lonely faggot…
…who is also good at following rules and affecting the world that way.
And you want an end to current year, and also get some power for yourself. If you are an average Holla Forumslack then this should be vague yet accurate.
user Look at me, Look at me. We're the illuminati now.
So what does this say about me user
Yeah that part i can figure out and it shockingly accurate
That or trump was not on the flightplan.
The Economist is no way to predict the weather.
OH MY, 3D printers and Russia and nukes!
Out of touch, party line hacks.
Ignore them, or at least know they are trying to mislead you.
I really don't know enough about this shit to do it, but I still like it, so whatever.
So you are a good goy who doesn't want to step out of line, right?
And you are good at being wise apparently.
Sacrifice and creativity… I guess you are right about hedonistic desires.
If you JUST do it, then you might get lucky.
It looks like you should deal with the petty stuff. Do you have to unfuck your shit, perhaps?
Rate me fams
Economics is a form of magick, tarot fits perfectly
What does this say about me wise user
Well mine are…about what I expected to be honest.
Sun, wheel, magus always seem to crop up with me whenever tarot cards are mentioned.
So I'm well versed in their meanings by this point.
Somewhat familiar with its meaning. The solitude aspect anyway as it fits.
High priestess
Untapped potential, etc. Makes sense I am a lazy fuck at times.
Hierophant is the odd one out for me.
I'm a social and political heretic by nature. I'm an outright fascist for fucks sake.
Still. I support Britain and its history of independence from the continent, of being on top in any relationship and the division of power that makes our government so stable. So guess it makes some sense.
Oh yeah the middle one? It had two core cards. The other was sun. But it wouldn't load for some reason
If this shit is accurate, then you have the personality of a leader. Or I just say this to make you feel good about yourself. Maybe I should work as a fortune teller, it seems to be fun.
You are good at making wise choices. You are, right?
You should be if that is all you want to do.
And you can be lucky with meeting new people and dealing with them.
But you should also listen to yourself.
At this point I really want to work in a circus as a fortune teller.
My core cards seem to be the opposite of each other. I don't understand what the rest means.
Nah, not really "a good goy", I've been arrested before for stupid shit, and I am pretty open about my right wingedness, but not full power levels mind you.
I prefer the interpretation on the website for the hierophant that says wanting to preserve one's culture, ie. European Tradition
I guess I'm a good NatSoc with my beliefs, but keep it low key enough to be tolerated by normies
Not much to say, but doesn't seem innaccurate
Actually yeah, people say i'm creative, and I've actually saved my friends ass when I got arrested (I don't mind dying for my beliefs or friends)
I was always lucky actually. Like winning card games, and stuff like that.
Who doesn't need to unfuck their shit?
Yeah that sounds pretty accurate
Thanks user
A lonely sage who listens to his own bullshit.
But you can give some good advice and affect others that way.
And you want to be in charge.
And if you want to act like a degenerate, then you can get some luck, or something like that.
And you should change a few things if you want to grow.
Thank you FortuneAnon, Namefag if you must but I think you are giving a good service
I have another friend who can read tarot give me the explanation and what you gave was pretty close to what he said.
Let me give you some comfort in your skills since your talent is very apparent.
I do it for free on one of the top 25 boards here, so my talents are put to good use
Keep doing what your doing and you will make other anons understand themselves.
I'll just leave this here.
See Mathew 23:33
33 Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a ==tower==, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country: 34 And when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it. 35 And the husbandmen took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another. 36 Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise. 37 But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence my son. 38 But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance. 39 And they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him. 40 When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen? 41 They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons.
42 Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?
43 Therefore say I unto you, ==The kingdom of God shall be taken from you==, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. 44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.
45 And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them. 46 But when they sought to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude, because they took him for a prophet.
I think the tower card is meant to show political polarization. The tower is the centrists (status quo like Hillary and Jeb) and it has been shattered. So then we have the far left commies vs the far right represented by Christians, both attacking the tower.
Well, I was kind of joking with the good goy and I'm too tired to figure out how to access the full description of every card, so there is that too.
Wew, thanks, Although it's a bit very late, so I have to stop. But I think other anons can take up my mantle.
But the economist is a Rothschild mouthpiece. They can direct the designers to create what they want.
Anybody ID them?
not sure what the the world one is supposed to mean but i wouldn't be surprised if it has to do with banks and deception
not sure what the the star one is supposed to mean since I don't recognize the faces
also, pics related
This cover is fake, or leaked, depending on how stupid you are.
It doesn't even match the Economist aesthetic.
Fuck you, OP.
At first I thought this was a portion of Jacob's Ladder, which is a conjoined 4-section Tree of Life… but it looks like the traditional old international kike kabbalah sephirot, no frills attached. Meh, it's really not that interesting from what I see, but maybe another user knows better.
our physical body, the earth
Represented by the globe, it overrules all other sephirot. Means kingdom in Hebrew, the place where all other sephirot manifest. Also associated with Sarah, Abraham's wife, and shekhinah, the feminine aspect of god. (mother earth, gaia)
ego consciousness - foundation upon which we base our decisions
Represented by Capitol Hill (legislative branch), yesod having the implication of reactivity, and an inability to initiate new things… often entrenched in social conditioning and habit, refusing to take a wider view. Means 'foundation' in Hebrew. Positive yesod is highway hypnosis, dissociating and doing a task automatically to the specifications required of you, by nature of its reactivity/resistance to change.
Associated with Joseph (sold into slavery, worked the system from inside), Diana (virgin huntress, also Artemis), and the moon.
intellectual processor, monitors and continues the projects begun by Nezach
Seems straightforward as Hod is represented by the Supreme Court (judicial branch), and Nezach by the deep state (executive branch). Hod is known to over intellectualize to the point of paralysis. Means 'splendour' in Hebrew. Coming to one's senses' is a reference to Hod checking the Nezach. As such, traditionally, the supreme court monitored the deep state, but Hod has much in common with the internet, which is probably worth noting.
Associated with Leah (married a cuck who dumped her sister Rachel), Mercury, Hermes.. the god trade, commerce, communication, trickery. The first contact one makes with another person through email, for instance, is Hod-to-Hod, no other sephira involved.
creative, artistic, sexual impulses – the initiation of new projects, designs, or love affairs
Again, befitting description for the deep state, as Nezach represents the executive branch with the president as the puppet figurehead. Hebrew for 'victory' or 'eternity' and associated with violent love, not unconditional love. Also aspects of the psyche dealing with rape and drug abuse are nezachian.
Since pizzagate (most of us well before), we all know the depravity behind the scenes, so it works. Associated with Venus and Rachel.
'behind the persona, our real self
Being that this is a landscape of nature, and tifaret has the connotation of 'the creator,' I'd imagine this reflects an understanding of the impermeability of nature's course. Not sure on this one… Hebrew for 'beauty' or 'truth' and certainly holding the connotation of a space where one leaves the herd and individualizes. Also represented by the sun, and seeing through falsehoods.
our ability to be disciplined and make correct judgements
Well, yes, knowledge is power. But gevurah can be seen as a resounding no by nature of its judicial qualities. The god of punishment comes to mind, as does Mars and Aries. This is pretty much the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. A sort of forced benevolence through might, "we have the right decisions" sort of deal.
''our capacity for love, kindness, and joy"
Represented by the drama masks, which in turn, represent the muses of comedy and tragedy. This is unconditional love, but also doubethink. Represented by Jupiter, it can be thought of as an expanding balloon ready to pop. Usually negated by Da'at.
the non-sefira with no attributes linking worlds
Represented by the umbilical cord to spirit, aka the black lines emanating from behind the keter (Sun). Kills anything not strong enough to survive its blow. Represented by pluto, or a black hole.
testing, processing, and validating information/wisdom
Represented by a portrait in red. Looks like a grey tbh lol, but it represents the feminine impulse, Eve, and is the sefira of understanding (embracing knowledge knowing that pain may follow).
our ability to receive inspiration and wisdom from the higher worlds
Represented by what seems to be a holy text. Aquarius, Uranus, unexpected events…Adam… It's really an impulse, but it could be an impulse to hurt or destroy oneself for the sake of it, as well as a spark of creative thought leading to innovation.
crown chakra, that which is closest to god, the source of bliss
I suppose this is the sun… Though it is linked with Neptune. It represents the divine world, Jesus, Buddha, etc. Bright light…
so we are living in an openly occultist society now? good to know tbh
the individual explanations of each card are interesting. Got a few combos but overall what does it mean? Do I go full hermit for pol?
Anyone want to help me figure out these cards?
Death and the emperor together interests me.
wtf i hate trump now can i change my vote
I guess I was the retard all along user
We're living in a metal gear universe now where Trump hijacks the USA to build Outer Tax Haven
If this analysis is correct America needs not only to free itself from the kike (mystery babylon) but also stop abortion, gay marriage and such. The Most High will not show mercy otherwise.
Not exactly.
The fool isn't an idiot. He's the beginning, the start, etc. And doesn't know enough to know that the impossible is impossible.
Seriously, they can't spell judgement right?!
Ooookay… Death actually does make sense as a core card. I am objective oriented and have difficulties forward planning before completion, or atleast towards the end.
Otherwise I personally feel the growth cards are spot on, otherwise it's OK. Probably reading into this too much, but food for thought.
What about Barron, then, Stone Free?
They did spell it right, "judgement" is incorrect while judgment is the correct spelling. You're just a tard.
So you're saying I'm kek?
I just really don't want to ever listen to Thomas Friedman speak anymore. Man is he a bore.
Christian imagery is based almost entirely on astrological memes.
Full un-pozz and cut the root of evil to stop being Sodom or burn to the ground, makes perfect sense.
But wouldnt this apply to the most "progressive" parts of Europe too ?
So close, yet so far. Rest of the video is very interesting.
Yeah but they look like shit. 3D printed homes will be state of the art.
What am I working with guys?
No. Read the provided explanations.
The fool
The Emperor cropped up as another core card for you too.
What that says to me is that you could go on to lead others.
That there's a strong streak of idealism in you and you're only at the beginning of your journey.
But lets look at your desire cards.
The tower
and the chariot
So your desires could be surmised as being not only a great change in the world but also a change in yourself. Into the sort of person who can achieve these things.
So now your growth cards.
Mainly Strength
So what your cards are telling you here is to get out there. Try new things. Develop yourself and master yourself through experience. Develop said inner power, mastery of will, etc.
That way you can achieve your desires.
Look at the articles:
1. Muz Mayor of London comment on Brexit.
(Hopefully Muz to be ejected from all UK)
2. Faggot PM off Canada issues ceremonial statement while drowning Canada and USA in religious lunatics.
.3. Irish Catholic Marxist warming up for 2020 Presidential challenge.
Sorrell, Wojcicki, or Milner, don't know even who they are.
Economist is master of boot licking the liberals.
The power cards make perfect sense to me but having trouble interpreting the rest, can I get some assistance? The card that didn't load was the sun.
This is just nonsense to keep idiots entertained, this is a Rothschild controlled magazine and they are well aware of that so they take advantage of that fact and use it to make purposelly cryptic covers. Basicslly they are laughing in the face of the people who take them very seriously and maybe use them to cover up some big shit that they carry at this time of the year.
Virtual tarot card reading is literally make believe.
I'll do your core cards cos I've got to go sleep soon.
Sun is a good one.
It's light, life, etc.
The sun illuminates your path so that truths can be uncovered and so on.
As it says to stand in the suns rays is to shine and in your own you are a sun.
Someone capable of encouraging, empowering others with confidence and self worth.
Magus is a lot of things. Hidden knowledge and knowledge in general depending on the tradition.
But in this he's the embodiment of informed action. Of thinking through things before you do them.
A self aware individual who is unafraid to act (at his best) which brings a great strength to the individual in question.
You know what user you made me feel all warm and giddy inside
It's true I've always felt that I could do leader things but always figured it was idealism in me. I think I will get off my ass and do shit, once things stabilize a bit for me.
Sorry clicked submit early.
So if I was to guess at what kind of person you are at heart from this.
I'd say someone who wants to show other people the truth or help others improve themselves.
But doesn't want to waste their own time and thus wants to do it in the most efficient, effective and well planned way.
You'd love nothing more than to be the light shining on other people.
But at the same time you remain a bit conflicted over whether you should or not. For fear of consequences or if you're just forcing your own views on others.
Cheers user, I'll think it over, I've never been very spiritual till recently, these are strange times.
Rather accurate to my current life, ta again user
That's not how it works jackass.
Lead or don't, there is no waiting.
Create the action, or be a slave to context.
Be a man, or be an animal. Don't accept a leash.
Obey the spirit of the depths, kill the spirit of the times.
Fuck stability user.
That instability is experience, a chance for you to get out there and develop yourself. Adversity hones the self.
Did Hercules wait for the lion to bugger off and things to calm down?
No he went out there and killed it.
Whatever bullshit is in your life right now is one or more of your trials. So rise to that challenge.
Me neither.
But I seem to have a knack for it unfortunately.
Holla Forums ate my image.
Kek I'm in the middle of moving to a new place m8. I'm not waiting for shit just literally straightening out my home life.
Is their point that 2017 is just unpredictable?
These people are fucking retarded
Yes i would download a house, leave it to the fucking Chinese to make a house printing 3d printer, we should of been the first.
read it again, faggot
The infinity loop was always there but what about 3d piracy and vr? That sounds like some Holla Forums bullshit any other day.
Can`t understand these cards, some occult user help me put this to something useful.
I hope everybody here realizes that the economist represents the most prescient and aware elements of Judaism and ZOG.
I'm not versed in this but this is a pretty good spread considering a power card and a lucky card match, right?
No shit, it owned by one of the biggest ZOG players.
We memed to the past now.
Pretty neat, does that mean I'm the protagonist?
What does this mean?
So I've tried to look at mine since nobody else wanted to.
Power cards
Things I was born strong at
Strong feeling or need to retreat and be alone, and to be free from the material world. And to seek internal and ethereal truth. Yet need to sometimes share with others to guide or teach them, although this time is worn quickly and the Hermit needs to retreat social settings quickly. I have the High Priestess as my other power card, so this must be a very strong strength.
Realm of unseen truthes, untapped potentials, and hidden dangers. The calling of the High priestess is to go beyond the obivous
and visible, and to tap those powers which are veiled from normal vision. While she is passive by nature, she has the power to uncover unknown potential and is very aware of the infinite potential all humans harbor within them. Very patient, she can wait for events to blossom in their own time. Strengthened
by the Hermit and Hanged man. Seeing as the Hermit is my other power card, these must be very powerful.
Desire cards
Ambitions and dreams
Hanged Man (most enigmatic tarot card, very mysterious)
Ambition to sacrificial acts. Notion that sometimes to lose is to win, or simply small sacrifice for a greater good. I create my fate through inaction and accept my fortune passively. I don't struggle to control the path my life takes, I allow myself to be swept by it. Even if I'm called upon to sacrifice myself. I am very at ease with the fate the universe chose for me. I'm thinking this means my dream is to sacrifice myself for something larger than myself, or to some act of herocism.My greatest desire is to be a passenger through life. The Priestess is among my power cards, so this card is strengthens as well.
The Empress (embodies all that is clean and wholesome)
I have a great ambition to create and care for life on a grand scale.I am in tune with nature and it's simplicity, taking joy in them.
Not afraid to let myself loose, to the point of being lavish. I dream to be comfortable with my masculinity and sexuality. I must dream of being earthy, generous, sensual, and enjoying life.
Lucky cards
Elements that favor you
As a personal card The Tower is perfect for the revolutionary or iconoclast or anyone who flourishes in rapidly changing environments. What The Tower brings to the mix is sudden, usually unexpected change. With that change there will be a period of disorder, and there may be loss. However, the loss is probably not yours, since you may well be the agent that created the change to begin with. Many positive things can occur from the change The Tower indicates: Truths will be laid bare, revelations and breakthroughs are not just possible but likely, and nothing spurs creativity like a good dose of chaos and confusion. In the end it is likely that what replaces what was lost in the fall of The Tower will be worth the loss.
When Death or The Sun are among your personal cards, the influence of The Tower may be increased. Having Temperance or The Star in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Tower.
The Chariot is the representation of Victory and the personality traits required to attain victory. The Chariot indicates self-awareness and control. Courage—the ability to overcome fear and confront the unknown head on–is a primary ingredient of any victorious campaign and is denoted by the Chariot. So too is force of will. Often success is as much the product of will power and a refusal to surrender as it is anything else. The Chariot also represents the healthy personality of someone who believes in themselves; someone who can take control of the situation and bring events to a positive end. His successes come in competition with others.
Growth cards
represent influences you will need to take advantage of over the next year to weave your way through life optimally.
hory shit it's all ogre now
Death not only pertains to our physical deaths, but marks ends and beginnings. Death cards are quite exciting despite typically morbid portrayals, as they mark a new beginning. Over the next year I will need to weave my way through the end of the current order to position myself optimally I suppose. Death is strengthened by The Tower, but weakened by the Empress. I have the Empress twice unfortunately, the powers that be will not let go gracefully.
The Emperor is gifted with the skills to successfully lead others. He can turn chaos into order, provide structure to that which is unbound. He is quick of mind and confident in his power and right to rule, and does so in a just manner. Although stern by nature, he truly is the ultimate father figure. He will provide as needed, teach those with unanswered questions, protect the vulnerable, set and maintain boundaries. His perfect world runs on schedule and is free of any disturbances. What the Emperor must be wary of is setting boundaries and rules where none are needed. If he isn’t he may well become a tyrant. He is weakened by my two Empress cards.
I think this must mean that I will have to take advantage of a new leader on the horizon to turn disorder into order, the synchronicity of this with my Tower card tell me a time of great upheaval is upon us, and that through the ashes of death and chaos, a new beginning will be spearheaded by a very strong leader. I am clearly not the strong leader, I appear more to be a reclusive sacrificial idealistic legionnaire, but I will have to use this leader to cement a comfortable life for myself.
And my final two cards…
Core cards
represent your most basic traits–all that you are begins with the influences associated with these cards.
I am very balanced, I work well not only as an individual but as a member of a group. I am guaranteed fulfillment and contentment, but not that I won't be met with challenges and strife. However, The World does indicate that my trials and tribulations will be overcome successfully, and I will ultimately know inner-p-peace and contentment. The World suggests I will find my place in the universe, where it should be. This is weakened by my Hermit card.
holy shit anons I think I'm going to fucking die. Don't forget me guys. ):
And again, The Empress which I already previously looked at. I don't know what it means as a core card. Can you anons please help me interpret what this all means for me?
*as a footnote, my gematria had several mentions of sacrifice as well. This isn't good news.
I never actually bothered to mess with that before. But the number of my Jewish one is exactly the year of my birth. I have no idea what to make of this.
It's sort of like a code language… that is to say, it can be used to pass messages between people "in the know"
Doesn't the EU use a tower somewhere in its symbolism?
The Tower of Babel to be specific.
I notice it's mostly just nonsense. "zeus rules the four corners" mixed in with "i have no real purpose on this planet" makes it real weird.
The infinity is almost never red. The two variations I've seen it in is this economists one and the meme magic edit of the classic magician card. I think its a bit of a subtle nod to a strange esoteric trend they must have noticed by now.
what does it mean, datamining anons? is it good?
It means you're a rulefriend
This is kid stuff. If you really want to know the future, read the Bible.
what about the growth ones?
meant to ask
"The Louise Weiss building is meant to look like painting “The Tower of Babel” by Pieter Brueghel the Elder in 1563. Story says that the Tower of Babel was never completed. So, the EU Parliament is basically continuing the unfinished work of Nimrod, the infamous tyrant, who was building the Tower of Babel to defy God."
This is the original poster, which was used.
Also, I remember one of the original politician involved said they were in fact building babel again and "this time they will succeed", but I could find the original quote.
In addition, there is a sculpture that representes Zeus (the devil) in the form of a bull taking Europa away to rape her. Which is what the EU did: caused European women to be raped.
It looks like I can't sleep. Oh well, I will learn something about meditation in the meantime.
Anyway, I think the order of importance is core>power>desires>luck>growth. Core is who you are, power is what you are good with, luck is just luck, and growth is what should you do. Also, hopefully you all did realize that you just have to scroll down to find an explanation for the cards.
So, your core is that you destroy and create order, if I understand correctly. Your strength is preserving and acting. You want to do something new but relatively mundane. You are just lucky with traditions and keeping things balanced. Lastly, for the remainder of the year you should be creative and yes, stop being a beta. I'd say it's not that terrible. Here's mine again. High Priestess clashes with the Magician, and the Chariot strengthens the meme guy. So again, for me it's all about being the complete opposite of myself.
I dont know how to read anime comics so I dont know that part.
Why Adachi holds onto that cabbage? Is that Hunger/jester social link thing or something?
What's your contribution to the thread, faggot?
Nothing that deep. He's just a poor cop on a tight budget. He would rather spend it on booze and make a bunch of cheap cabbage meals.
Thanks for the insight m8! I was looking way too deep into something that is relatively straight forward if you think about it.
halp me user-kun:
welp I got a number of contradicting stuff but hey it works
help me lad
here's muh set
I don't really think online tarot readings are all that legitimate. I don't even know that spread. Besides, this esoteric garbage is pretty much just that, garbage, in my mind. I just study it because the elites are into it.
Sorry, I'm pretty sure this thread is just a JTRIG exercise in datamining or something lol
Indeed, we all probably got datamemed already
Indeed, we all probably got datamemed already
Because Fuhrer needs a reading too
The Tower (10)
Judgment (20)
The World (21)
The Hermit (9)
Death (13)
The Magician (1)
The Wheel of Fortune (10)
The Star (17)
(total 91)
91st day of 2017 = 4/1 calling it, happening on the fools day.
That's actually a bit depressing if you consider the age and where he spent his childhood.
He did renew Germany and brought quite a lot of order there. What happened later is an other question. It's more interesting how he has no Magician card. His core says to me that he is a wise, lonely man, and his strength is being moderate and keeping traditions alive. Strange. Maybe we should look up people like Stalin and Soros too.
Can one of the lads tell me what's going on with this one?
They're taking the piss.. but rather lightheartedly.
i guess they want us to study economics and finance
at least I have some with the fuhrer
I think hermetic christianity might be the future.
Look up peters keys.
That's both the subverters and the anti subversion.
We're literally in an unseen, silent war, where slip ups mean death.
This predictive mysticism has always seemed to be so broad that no matter what result you get it appears as though it applies to your life. Does anybody actually buy it?
I disagree. Unless we revalue land to its real value.
Which won't happen. Boomers like clay, because they bought the real estate meme.
Chinks are literally 3d printing houses you know
Definitely garbage. A tarot reading tells you as much about yourself as any silly divination ritual.
I figure its as credible as anything else religious so not very
Look at the clock.
Looks familiar..
Trump is The Mule.
user, i think we'll do that ourselves.
Make The Empire Great Again.
That's 2015..
Mine said i was the antichrist
Have High Priestess as a core card and it's even amplified by The Hermit. The shit I'm reading here is spot on, just like my chinese zodiac. I also got a full house.
This fits surprisingly well for me. It may be bullshit, but it's fun bullshit.
Glad I got the Magician in my Power cards. The Devil it a bit worrying, although the website says that it can actually represent distaste for the unholy.
I wonder if the Economist is actually trying to wise up and pander to us in this issue. I mean, the median age here is mid twenty somethings that had a powerful hidden role in one of the most important elections in US history.
Maybe the know Holla Forums is right and being kikes, their need for shekels outweighs any core values they (used to) hold
It's all memes, user. And memes eventually become reality, if they are perceived as truth. Thus, if you perceive this as truth and use the tarot readings as a guideline, you can indeed have a pretty good reflection on who you are and identify core things you need to work with and core things you're good at, which then leads to increased self-knowledge and ultimately success.
You can also simply discard it as nonsense and have no effect from it, choosing to believe and be influenced by something else. Pretty simple, really.
sage for faggotry
r8 or h8
Did I get trips?
No surprise there
Hmm. I decided to try again re-roll with my name and got something very different and, imho, more accurate based on my own introspection.
Can you feel mine?
You know the Economist has fully gone to shit when they let George Clooney publish a fucking article.
"possibly" but you can take it quite literally as well considering Christians are fundamentally opposed to communism. I was visiting a relatives and they had a christian magazine, it talked about cultural values and how the globalist communist were trying to destroy family values to take over countries etc. it read like a fucking Holla Forums or /x/ post.
A shit
Most of the opposition to international jewry historically came from the christian far right in America.
Your stands pretty much suck, bro.
Feels good
Makes sense with his "no drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes" and being the law and order candidate
Is this a good way to make sense of it, or is this blasphemy?
Card | # | + | - | = |-------------------------------------Chariot | 1 | 0 | -1 | 0 |Devil | 1 | 0 | -9 | -8 |Empress | 3 | +1 | 0 | 4 |Hanged Man | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |Hermit | 2 | +1 | -1 | 2 |High Priestess | 1 | +2 | 0 | 3 |Lovers | 1 | +3 | -2 | 2 |Empress 4(+)High Priestess 3(+)Hermit 2Lovers 2(+)Hanged Man 1Chariot 0(-)Devil 8(-)
How so?
What can you tell me about my cards anons?
First is mine, second is my wife's. Feels sort of spooky tbh.
What do these cards mean anons?
Did these cards describe anyone else perfectly?
I am yet to reach ZA WARUDO.
yeah that seems about right
whats it mean fags
I guess if someone here is passing by an issue of it, to take some high res picture.
bretty funny vid tbh
Trump tower got struck by lightning on video a while back I think
what if two middle names?
spic pls go
I'm almost spooked, got me pretty nailed pretty decently from what the short description of the website says.
I looked up my gf's, what kind of effect does having the same core and power cards entail? I know probably 2x strength but why would it line up like that? Just odd.
The descriptions are fairly easy to figure out. The question is, do you understand yourself?
Does anybody have a full screenshot of the jews subversion of physics? Or archived somewhere? It had over 600 replies and pale moon wouldn't let me full screenshot it and it eventually 404 on me
Let's look at the death card
rothschilds releasing their modified mosquitoes to spread zika as retaliation
rising ocean acidity?/fukushima causing mass death of fish
either the overuse of fertilizer causing food shortages, or they're planning something with gmos to cause a corn dieoff
You're misreading the tower card. It doesn't mean christians at large, it means catholics. It's a crucifix.
What will we learn about the catholic church this year? What will it have to do with communism?
Anyway, the overall feeling I get from this piece is that the global elite really feels as though they have lost a huge amount of control.
Trump legitimately makes them worried, as do we. Their plans for the past year did not pan out, and now they're just casting tarot cards trying to figure out what to do. Let's keep them on their toes.
Read part Seven, The villain is the president and his motivation is MAGA
That's jewish subversion of physics.
perhaps they don't know what to do.
I'm not as tech literate as I would like to be but I'll catch on
lurker here, I'll bite.
Hs, soulmates. your desire = her power
her luck = your growth.
fyi, idk shit about this stuff.
you put in no name,
ps merry chrismas
[spoiler/] Lucky bastard sleeps [/spoiler]
[spoiler/] >>>/cuckchan/ [/spoiler]
A tower marked with a cross and Martin Luther's list of grievances shatters and burns. Two crowds watch - one under a communist banner, another under a crucifix. Change is coming.
Trump sits on the American flag and a globe. A scepter and crown is in his hand. A nod to the new president.
Symbols of world governments connected by culture and communication. Represents an increasingly global world.
Moses leads a crowd of anti-globalists out of Egypt and into the promised land. A split globe is in the foreground. Represents the victories of nationalism.
Death sits on a horse. A nuclear explosion. Mosquitos carrying Zika. Famine. Fishing shortages. Represents the dangers in 2017.
Jesus wearing a VR headset and operating a 3d printer. He holds a staff shaped like a light bulb. Represents technological advances
European leaders are tied to a spinning wheel, literally bound to fortune. In the background, storm clouds loom, threatening Merkel. Represents uncertainty of future elections.
"Ordinary people". The star is the reader. Meant for feelgoods and to sell more copies of the magazine.
Interesting. So I'm an innate NEET
So what the hell does having the same cards in 4 sets mean?
You need to MAKE IT HAPPPEN, but your desire is to procastinate.
So a lot of us got the hermit and High priestess cards. Well, you ARE here, kind of in a solitude, kind of sharing. We lurk and lurk and lurk, sometimes teach eachother, sometimes learn.
Also noticed quite a few Towers as the lucky cards. We have waited patiently, so our reward might come with the next disturbance. Perhaps, the same Tower The Economist has in it's cover, is our Tower too.
Jesus Christ, this is way too accurate.
That you should just be yourself.
That's because part of the communist agenda was to undermine Christianity and religion in general as it was an obstacle to revolution, the opium of the people.
Shalom fellow wizards
awwwww, your feelings.
Born too early to explore the stars, too late to explore the world, but just in time to post dank memes.
Do I have the most Wojack cards?
this can't be real, I saw these images floating on the board
Holy shit cant believe how accurate this is. Meme magic is real
Missing card in the middle is the sun
Do link them, hit me up with few archibes to drive the point home.
Journey of fool, etc, etc.
Shit reading. Actual tarot includes a bunch more cards than just major arcana, and they can be inverted too. This shit looks like it was made on purpose to suit everyone.
I think it's safe to conclude that we are in some aspect the Hermit: we meme'd a lot of these issues into the public consciousness.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the kid in the hat with the unicorn and the AR glasses is Trump. The hair under the hat looks familiar and the unicorn symbolism seems relevant here too although I think I'll leave out why because it wold take a long ass time to explain and be too /fringe/ for Holla Forums. Not to mention the age (Trump supporters were relatively young compared to the rest of the party) and Trump's superior use of technology during his campaign. Also notice his position behind Putin and under a worried Cameron (Brexit). And the hat.
In 2015 they couldn't put Trump on the cover, it would be too obvious since he was a real long shot then.
I think you have it right with the Magician. Judgement is also askew. These may represent countervailing forces. Outside of the "order" of the rest of fate, notice that the Star is on top of the Hermit and Wheel. Also notice that the "table" for the spread is the stars themselves, perhaps an attribution to the authorship.
The one on the left second from the bottom looks a bit like Tsarnev. The one below that looks like that creepy woman who was a part of the #pizzaparty instagram feed round-up. They may also be yearbook photos of famous people. We can't tell until we get a closer look.
I believe the three buildings at the bottom are in reference to the three major synarchist movements. Mason/technocrat (Greek), Catholic/monarchist (Roman), and finally, (((Globalist))) (Egyptian), just going on the architectural styles. The three symbols above them are their primary tools of power respectively. Masons - law and order (Gevurah/Hod), Catholics - religious orders and the "power behind the curtain" (Tifaret/Yesod), Globalists - media and sexuality (Hesed/Nezach). Note that all of these are connected by golden arches, but Malkut, Kether, Binah and Hokmah are separate. (((They))) are saying that they don't control everything.
Note that Yesod and Tifaret are not connected, this may indicate that the Catholics lost their power and are dependent / controlled by the Masons and Globalists in turn. Tifaret and Gevurah are connected by two arches, but Tifaret and Hesed are only connected by one. Not sure what that might mean. Binah is in red. The Scarlet Woman is usually Babalon, who's been making a lot of appearances lately. Hockmah is open.
Holy Shit! they have the globe model on three of the first cards and on the third it is showing a crack!
Yeah, this. I am feeling their collective OY VEY from that picture as they scramble to protect their assets and find safe crawlspaces to weather the storm. The message is clear - the goyim know, and they can't shut it down anymore.
Either you didn't fully fill out all the fields, thus resulting in several repeats, or you are some kind of a High Priestess of Justice.
If I can interject for a moment, every character in one of Jojo's videogames has a theme that is heavily influenced (copied) from the song that gives the namesake or the Stand to that particular character. Every one of them, except US President Valentine, who, instead of having a theme that sounds like Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap or My Funny Valentine…He gets Another Brick in The Wall by Pink Floyd
Idk man, channel profile pic looks like a menorah
Maybe I am overthinking though
No this is not a Mandela effect type shit. It really has always been there. How could it not? The infinity symbol is very important in alchemy.
Also this is the gayest thread I've seen in my whole life. The last few tarot threads a few months back were kinda faggy but not that much, this one however is really gay.
The Pied Piper (and Clinton looking at him) in 2015 is also Trump, I think. Just something that seems more prescient now that we have the DNC emails. I don't think that the Pied Piper figure was understood before.
Yes, it sucks that FE is persona non-grata here. FE is not a psy op and the only reason you don't realise it is because you haven't looked into it(you know, beyond the ((explanations)) provided by the masons/"debunkers"). Look for the Truth, Jim!
It's a bit sad that youtube is more underground than this place.
how many niggers and jews did they put in the "The Star" card? OP's pic is for ants
I'm checking out this spread they chose. My guess is they just looked up all the cards they thought were scary sounding and didn't look into their meanings relative to one another.
Ignoring the lack of spread on the cover I will just go over this in the simplest manner I can. Bear in mind I'm wary of over analyzing tarot for personal reasons. So I am examining only the cards as I know them and not the edgy symbolism printed here.
Excuse me while I laugh. They have predicted that people are waking up, it is inevitable, and the establishment is going to be shocked.
The profanity ITT is astonishing, looks like cuckchan fags really fucked our shit up. Instead of properly analyzing the symbols with lots of really wise and knowledgable anons, everyone is larping as Tarot Power Rangers because of a bunch of birth cards.
I'm dissapointed
Does this make me a protagonist for an anime?
Or like the last Jedi from KOTOR 2?
no, you're still the same faggot you were 5 minutes ago
Yeah i agree too. The real trouble however is that this supposed "bastion of free speech & thought" is so subverted by masonniggers that one can't speak about flat earth though. Yeah i know it sounds crazy but that's only because you haven't looked into the subject… there's literally more holes in the official narrative than holes in a swiss cheese… After you inform yourself about the heliocentric model - be honest now, you don't really know it in and out do you - , then compare that with what we see, then compare that with prevailing theories of how what we see is supposed to correspond with how it's supposed to work, then compare that with supposedly "real" nasa footage… none of it makes any sense.
FE is the test of Humanity. FE is the test of your individuality and ability of independent thought…
Anyways, you're right about the mason subversion, just look at the whole "let's worship Ishtar xD" forced bullshit. But FE is a confirmed psyop to make truthers look like retards
The Emperor is gifted with the skills to successfully lead others. He can turn chaos into order, provide structure to that which is unbound. He is quick of mind and confident in his power and right to rule, and does so in a just manner. Although stern by nature, he truly is the ultimate father figure.
The Hierophant represents the protector of a culture’s heritage and traditions. His purpose is to defend and teach the established ways and beliefs a group embraces. He is inherently conventional and a true believer in the power of the group. He loves the structure of the group and its values.
this is some powerful fucking magic.
Where can I find this?
the person I replied to posted the link.
/k/ inna woods
the magician is not actually about memes
notice the image, the infinite symbol, the wires and the vr
I should really get a tarot deck one of these days, there comes a point where i'm not even surprised anymore.
Our meme magic is actually a ancient source of power we just tapped into, like many before us….
Tarot is fun.
Who confirmed it? Who is your authority? Learn to think. Fuck i liked this place better when there weren't so many newfaggots here.
Perhaps the presently emerging solar minimum?
The comet is an ancient symbol of calamity.
The kids are probably the victims, but all see themselves as stars, the "special little snowflake" syndrome they all seem to have, these days.
Tower doesn't represent change, it represents a destructive cycle. Its probably the most negative card in Tarot.
Any ideas as to how The Wheel could be interpreted as a power card?
9/11 2.0 on Trump Tower confirmed? Wouldn't be surprised if someone attempted to bomb it.
You fucking look it up you dumbass cunt and stop being so smug about your retarded ass views. Oh yeah and you're such an oldfag amirite, boi get out my face
They forgot one.
I already have looked it up… For many months… The more i look the more i become certain that everything we are told from the curvature of the earth to the distance to the sun & moon are stories told by masters controlling science and media…
cool the pressure cooker. try to debunk it. it's how everyone got started…
Alright niggers, do I win this or what?
Pretty accurate
I got the magician twice, is it happening guys?
Stay mad christfag.
This was interesting.
When Pluto entered Capricorn (the sign the sun was in at birth.) my life got fucking crazy.
2008 the year Pluto entered Cap. I started doing Psy. Mushroom ritualistically very heavy 1/4 - 1/2 Oz over the weekend to make contact with entities attempting to speak to me through dreams.
I got into Gnostic Archon Theory pretty heavy.
The Mushroom brought me and my wife together and I knew I needed to marry her right away.
Started School, going for Computer Engineering with a focus on Nanotech.
She is a Leo, I processes information and she gets it out to the public.
I've got until 2024 until Pluto leaves Cap, and I'm going to use every opportunity it brings until then.
It's fucking bizarre how aptly this shit describes me.
Time isn't linear you gigantic fag
There is a bit of similarity, you're right.
You seem like a wise man. How do I use mushrooms to find my waifu?
He meant christcuck
Holla Forums is a pagan nationalist board.
Kek is our god, not yahweh,
Oh look an Thelma Ping Pin anime fag.
Yeah I'm sorry, but you sound like a total faggot who barely has his grips on reality.
Either or, that's severely depressing if shrooms is the reason you and your wife have been brought together, and how that ended up with you two getting married, it literally reaks like you're some spergy libshit that only just now started coming to Holla Forums.
inb4 you start whining and get defensive
I'm just stating what I see, just some constructive criticism for you, try not to put your heart on your sleeve and come off in your posts as if you're still naive, but then again that might be because you are naive. More specifically because you think your birth sign has anything to do with relationships when it's more for your own individual sake in terms of, if you're actually destined to do something or are actually in-tune with the universe, God and the like without having to abuse substances to reach such a point.
That's just my two cents there bucko.
Yeah I agree with you, that guy seems pretty fucking autistic with the anime version of that jew guy who thought he was a little meme magician.
When again, that fuck was just a kike, nothing more, nothing less. Hell he's so trivial I don't even know his fucking name anymore, I just recognize his little faggot pizza hut hat. But yeah, avatarfags need to fuck off.
Psst, Hey kike, you're giving yourself away when you improperly misuse ellipses coming off like some illiterate beaner child, you know on top of the fact you think the earth is fucking flat.
I bet you were one of those faggots spamming that Ishtar shit too, take a hike kike.
Nah, I think I won
yawn. how long have you been here? the jew thing started with 2 ellipses afaik. then people started using three but where's the economy in that.. waste of screenspace methinks.
i don't know wtf that ishtar shit is because i haven't been on Holla Forums(i emigrated onwards) since i got banned for spreading flat earth stuff here a month or so again. As always, jews like you gonna jew and want certain viewpoints to not get airtime because they happen to be true. As always, the truth will win out in the end. When this one becomes mainstream the whole establishment is going to fall though.
Prepare for the rope kike. For everyone else that is bluepilled. Yes, us flatearthers thought it was retarded in the start too. But then you actually investigate… which a true Holla Forumsack must do. There was a reason Hitler removed the jews from science and the media and disbanded the freemasons… there will be ((explanations)) to the phenomena, but they are not sufficient. You must use your head and discover the truth. Truth does not fear investigation!
what does mine mean?
Scroll down.
Looks like I'm a fucking fool.
Pretty cool I guess.
best cards?
Did a reading for Hitler…
Seems pretty damn accurate.
what would you say i am?
A damn fool, son.
Couldn't tell you. I was looking to move about 8lbs of dry product, someone said they knew of somebody with connections that could do it. That was the day a goddess knocked on my door and I found my other half.
They do their own thing.
However if you would like some advice on use you should know.
Look up mushroom neuro-genesis, the actives kick start the creation of new brain cells. More importantly it breaks the protein bonds between cells responsible for programmed/compulsive behavior. It also jump starts your brains ability to recognize patterns. It's the break down of the programming and pattern recognition you well take into your day to day life in order to see the game played behind the scenes.
For personal development, context matters.
If you are just looking for study and problem solving for modern issues the Fadiman method works.
If you are European in decent, there are mushroom rites in your history. Though you well need to go pre-Christian.
I would recommend doing this at least once.
The "dude I'm trippin' to EDM" and "free love stuff" well not get you anywhere.
When you can see the patterns hidden in plain sight, it's time to take the next step towards freedom.
Barron has a sweet spread.
Not that you shouldn't give it more than one scenario, and not that you shouldn't be considering much bigger shit, but to deny the glory of EDM and shrooms is to be a boring cunt.
absolutely degenerate, kys
i was thinking more along the lines of useful idiot, or sidekick who is often motivated by the prospects of sex but i mean whatever
actually pretty good in the right setting
Well we've struck twice a day because this was pretty accurate for me.
This thing is telling me to reich, guess I best not disappoint.
dubs emperor of death if you need a right hand i got you
Judgement entails that Trump will be "the judge of all the Earth" - a bringer of death and all that for them it's a bad thing, for us the fire only rises
The Tower means that they are playing marxists versus traditionalists(representas as Christians) - Notice the message nailed to the door of the tower, we won.
The Hermit - Is basically them asking us "Do you feel in charge?"
The Magician - Internet channeled magic that leads to revolution in scientific fields through technomancy
can anyone give a reading of this? and tell me what it means overall?
I'll do your core cards because fuck you lazy cunts.
It's all right there. Easy as balls to interpret.
So lets start with chariot.
So this card suggests you have a competitive nature and the ability to attain victory when you do compete.
Self control and so on.
Though because you have tower as your other core card the influence of the chariot is diminished.
The tower as a core card makes sense for anyone who spends a lot of time here.
You're someone who deep down wants change and have a habit of inducing it around you.
So your core personality traits are a chaotic agent of change with a competitive streak (though a weak one)
What does this mean?
Am I really the only one who can read?
How are you posting here?
Actually, no.
I just realized this. But I'm basically fucking STAR PLATINUM
Get meme'd
Star Platinum is based on the star tarot card.
Which symbolises optimism, discernment and hope.
Uhh dingus, my core card IS The Star as well as Strength.
So I'm basically Jotaro who can summon a fucking Titanic.
The one you linked to has justice and high priestess as its core cards. No stars.
Luegenpress predictions…
No nigger, I know what I posted.
That's my post. You're confusing me for the guy I'm replying to. Do you have your glasses on or are they covered with a thin layer of cummies?
>not wanting the ANGRIEST STAND EVER besides king crimson
I'd buy a deck of Holla Forums Tarot cards just for the keks.
If you want my opinion I'd rather have fucking Giorno's Stand Fucking king crimson is so rad, shame Diavolo got fucked
Though Unlike Jotaro, I'm not going to allow my ability to meme time dwindle away. Cause A star is a thousand times bigger than the world, which means more meme energy from kek
Half tempted to make one.
Though the question is just use the existing cards and draw Holla Forums related imagery for them or make a fullblown Holla Forums specific kek deck?
Could have cards like kek himself.
Perhaps the faggot/OP
Jews, etc.
2x Devil and 3x Lover, what does it mean?
Remember to read what each group is.
And to read the card descriptions provided for you.
I would say make a full blown Holla Forums specific deck. Not all cards about Kek though.
If we do that, I got an idea already.
The Devil = Kike sitting menacingly holding the same couple in the card with chains and shit.
The Tower = A synagogue getting meme'd by a bolt of lightning with Jews flooding out of the little door
The Fool = Feels, and the little dog is a pepe frogger.
I can make my own version of the cards too since I got my tablet.
the blank spot is the sun, seems that they have no card for that
Well just have kek on his own. Essentially the change card.
Then you've got OP (The faggot?) who is probablythe same as the fool but also symbolises unfulfilled promises/potential. Because OP never delivers.
user, who has two forms. Green the light hearted trickster and red the more how to describe it…enlightened trickster?
Unless its just a reskin in which case its easier.
If you were going the reskin option then for the fool green user may be better. Since these days he can be said to represent newfags and beginnings.
Naturally they didn't mention the religion their masters are flooding the west with. No, goys, keep laughing at the bible / fedora-tipping atheists.
Smog, maybe? China, not giving a fuck about the environment, suffers from it, just as London and LA used to.
That sounds like a good idea, then just turn death into Feels.
Gold Experience is aesthetic as fuck
Best Looking Stand 2016
That I agree on 100% percent, though before that I thought Hierophant Green was aesthetic as fuck though.
I can see where you're going with on that one Crazy Diamond is nice too but sometimes it just feels like a palette swapped ZA WARUDO
If you get one of these cards, you are a NEET.
If you get both of these cards, you are a true NEET.
If you get either of these cards more than once and already have both, you are a NEET who is beyond that of a true NEET.
> The Empress is “The Earth Mother” of the Tarot. She embodies all that is nurturing, clean and wholesome. Her powers resonate from her drive to create and care for life on a grand scale. She is in tune with Nature’s rhythm and realizes that life’s most pleasurable moments often stem from the simplest things. She is not afraid to enjoy herself–to let loose—to the point of being lavish. Abundance and luxury are important to her. The Empress is completely comfortable with her femininity and her sexuality. She is sensual, earthy, generous, and likes the good life. Still, her driving force is a need to create and nurture, and fulfilling this need overrides everything else.
Hanged Man:
>The Hanged Man is the most enigmatic card of the Tarot. Even Tarot giants like Waite, Crowley and Levi had trouble deciphering The Hanged Man’s true meaning. Generally The Hanged Man is thought to represent the value of surrender and selfless acts. The Hanged Man embodies the notion that sometimes to lose is to win. Unlike the aggressive Chariot, The Hanged Man creates his fate through inaction and accepts his fortune passively, without resistance. He does not struggle to control the path his life takes, but rather allows events to sweep him where they will, even if he is called upon to sacrifice himself. He is so at ease with the Fate the Universe chose for him that even hanging upside down from a tree does not ruffle him.
it IS a palette swap
Look at my desire set and weep for me.
I was rather amazed when this site last got brought up because of how accurate my spread is. Without going into too much detail, I'm a bit more than just a hobbyist in the esoteric, I hold European tradition as equal to the highest ideal (nobility), and the only thing I personally care about is finding a partner. I'd be a NEET if I wasn't forced to have a career, but at the same time what I do is a very non-linear profession focused on fighting a cultural war against modernity.
Not entirely, Crazy Diamond has… um… spikes?
We mustn't forget the best stand of all.
Well dont most short ranged power stands look like eachother? The stands are related by blood.
You shouldn't feel too bad. You have the same core cards as Trump. In fact you're not the only one in the thread that has Temperance and Hierophant at their core.
I guess I just need to belieeb in myself
Yeah the best stand of all, Tusk
Hadn't though of that actually, you have a good point.
How the fuck, not to sound like a tumblr reading their astrology symbols, but how the fuck does this thing describe me so well
I don't feel bad at all really, in fact I've felt stronger every day for years. I'd assume there'd be quite a few with that combo around here.
Tusk is so cool, eh drinks caprisun and doesn't afraid of anything.
I Kek'd
No, it's card 16 in the Tarot. As in 2016. Year of the Fire Monkey and the Tower. Card 17 is the Star and 2017 is the year of the Fire Cock (Phoenix). Hence the progression from top left to bottom right. 16->17
Interestingly, in the Raider-Waite deck the Star features the bird of wisdom in the tree on it (again, Phoenix).
I tried, but in spite of everything that's happened in the current year +, Holla Forums can never take esoteric stuff seriously.
(((They've))) repeatedly laid out their ambitions for a one world currency by 2018 on their covers for a long ass time. It's even in the slot machine / Greenspan combo from 2015. It's worth paying attention to at least for information purposes.
wtf it told me i was best girl
Meh, late at night is when the esoterica is discussed without much shilling. Of course, Tel Aviv midmornings are sometime around 4am eastern, I guess. Nevertheless, cuckchan did fuck our shit up, but it's not hard to start threads with vaguely esoteric OPs to draw discussion while ignoring shills. Usually the threads in the catalog are all garbage though.
Also, the tarot shit started with a shill or an idiot, but was then pushed by like 10 shills (or 10 IPs) who then got a bunch of retards to play along. It's sort of ridiculous, actually.
I think its 95% because of the gooktoon meme show tbh.
what does it mean Holla Forums?
I like your analysis of the World card, it makes a lot more sense than mine. Hell, I also think that you're right that in the kid with the baseball hat behind Putin might be Trump. I wonder if all those greyed out are really Rothschild puppets… but it would seem silly that LaGarde would be colored, and China seems to be playing along nicely. Not to mention, Putin acts buddy buddy with Israel, but that could be realpolitik.
It means you a shit.
Cold reading is a hell of a trick
The economist couldn't correctly predict Brexit, the FARC peace treaty, or the election of Trump. Who takes this magazine seriously?
It's Tarot. Literally whatever the fuck you want it to mean.
If you can't make up your mind, you can have someone make believe for you.
taking a break from porn
queuing up Common Filth
let's visit that church this week.
What some user started in another thread.
Trump is the embodiment of the Sun card, and yet theres no Sun? Weak.
Aeon card when?
So a while back I looked up tarot decks to get and decided on the crowley deck on the basis of it also being called the Thoth deck.
I said in that past thread "Well kek you win this one."
So looking through it right now for obvious overt symbolism and one of the minor cards. Change?
A crowned snake biting its own tail while its laying in a position of a figure 8.
I'm just going to give a quick analysis of what I can see.
The first card shows a tower being destroyed, now lets examine it further. Both a Crucifix and a Hammer and Sickle are shone, but there's something a lot of people aren't noticing.
On the entrance to the tower we see another cross, and a paper on the door. I think this is a reference to Martin Luther's 95 thesis. This is showing liberalism and Christianity working together to stamp out any non-corrupted denominations left. The pope recently gave all priests the ability to forgive abortions, so we should keep an eye on the strangely adored Pope Francis.
The second card shows our God-Emperor sitting on top of the earth. He is holding a scepter and globe, a symbol of royalty. Something interesting is that he doesn't have a normal looking scepter, it appears to be Hermes' staff - Hermes was a messenger of the gods and ruler of: travel, magic, and medicine - this actually seems to be a positive image of Trump.
But notice the American flag. It is draped over the top of Canada, Europe, and Africa. It doesn't actually touch the United States. I feel like this could be a reference to Trump's policy on NATO, and possibly a prediction that he will put NATO firmly under America's boot. I think it's also a reference to Trump being "on top of the world" as the expression goes. It's kind of funny that that was one of the songs played during his victory celebration.
In the 3rd card we see 3 buildings that are resting on the globe. Two buildings with pillars and one pyramid. I think that the one on the far left is the Parthenon, then the Pantheon, then the pyramid of Giza.Each building has one object coming out of it, a closed book, a painting, and a theater mask.
A closed book seems to represent knowledge that is there, but people need to actually open the book to see it. The painting seems to just represent art, and the last one is either humor or a distraction.
The books are what interest me the most.
Look at the one at the top. It's open right there for you to read, and is even facing just the right way so you can get sunlight to read it.
But that one of the bottom, which I assume is linked to the Greek Parthenon, is close. You have to take the book and open it yourself, then move it so you can read it. Just noticing the book's existence is as difficult as reading the entire open book.
In the 4th card we see people walking in a valley, while being overlooked by a hermit. The people seem to all be protesting globalism. But there's deeper meaning into this. It looks like a reference to the Old Testament where Pharaoh's army was drowned when they tried to cross the parted red sea. The Hermit is actually (((Moses))) overseeing their death. To back this theory up even more. Look in the background, you see 4 pyramids. I think this is a warning that rising populist movement is actually walking into a trap that's being set. If something happened, say the economy crashed, it could easily be blamed on this movement - and it would be crushed quickly.
Now for the 5th card we see one of the horsemen of the apocalypse "death" watching a nuclear explosion. We also see a wave crashing into the dunes on a beach - we know that this is a wave, because there is a fish leftover as the wave is receding. There are two mosquitoes in the sky, and a red sun. On first seeing this I thought it was going to be about Nigeria, it has a huge malaria problem, it's by the ocean, and just recently they found some of those girls who were kidnapped. But what seems to deter that train of thought is the red sun. This is a mainly East Asian symbol. Since Japan doesn't really have a mosquito problem, my guess is that both India and Bangladesh are the victims. During Clinton's presidency India attained the ultimate security against globalism - nuclear weapons.
The 6th one seems a lot more straightforward. A man with a VR headset, holding a non-hermetic staff, is 3d printing buildings. The buildings could be houses with a chimney, since many people have been talking about 3d printing houses. However, I think it's actually a church. The architecture and color fits the small town church style perfectly.
The 7th card.looks like an inquisition style torture wheel. Notice that the spokes of the wheel are actually Fasces a bundle of sticks tied together, which is the origin of the word Fascism. I feel like this ties into the previous Rome building, but I'm not sure how.
If we looks at the people on the wheel, we see three flags. France, Germany, and the Netherlands - all of which are having elections soon. We have Marine Le Pen, Angela Merkel, and I'm not an expert on Dutch politics, but I believe this is a man named Geert Wilders. Notice the election boxes at the bottom of the card - this is talking about the elections in these three countries that are happening soon.
We have lightning striking Angela, so I can't imagine it's a good sign. If you look at the French flag the colors are inverted. Instead of blue, white, and red. It's red, white, and blue. The country's politician, le pen, is the only one standing face up so to speak. So why would the flag be upsidedown? I think it's a sign of distress. I know in America an upsidedown flag is an S.O.S. signal, but I don't know if it's also applied to other countries, especially ones with tri-colours. I honestly have no idea about this Dutch politician, but anyone from the Netherlands should keep an eye out on this guy. He seems to stand the best chance out of the three.
I'm unsure what the celestial signs mean. In the first card the sky is completely blocked out by smoke, then we have Trump standing on the world - but the space around him is still lit up. In the 3rd card the fun is full. In the 4th the it appears to be a half blocked out moon. In the 5th the sun is red. In the 6th the techno-preacher seems to have a halo. In the 7th the moon is out despite the bad weather, and everything is still lit up. I honestly have no clue about the 8th card.
In this thread: Jewish witchcraft - the card game.
Remember folks, Jews are a matriarchy, and their allies are the homosexuals. If you follow their loopy beliefs, that's where it will take you. Christianity, Communism, and other 'brotherhood of Man' nonsense will just make you weak and feminine, like them. Cruel, deceitful, and greedy like a woman.
Trump is no saviour. There are no saviours. Only Nature. The only rule is to fight. And through that, over time, you become stronger, and smarter. Civilization has made us weak, compliant, and gullible. Never forget that.
Catholicism was strong until the reformation, you could argue it is the only reason the West even exists as Orthodoxy led the "Byzantines" to a dead end.
In the tower card, the struck tower obviously represents Western Christianity. But the mob carrying the crucified Christ could be seen as to represent not Christians but rather Jewry/Israel, the split seen as being between Russia and Israel.
Flat earth is a false pill don't swallow.
pretty accurate
It's a big planet
I'm pretty sure the jews in Venice and inside of Constantinople betrayed them.
I forgot to ask: Can someone elaborate upon my cards?
They went full fucking retard, no wonder sham cartomancers get money out of corpie suckers.
Unless they are claiming this will bring about a new era this is fucking moronic
Unless thay claim the nations took/must take this journey to seek enlightment they are fucking moronic
Unless they claim those people are pieces of shit (which they are doing the opposite) they are goigh full-fucking-retard
TL;DR: I think the card draw is pretty on point, but the interpretation they give through imagery is ironically false (as in they are bound to have a fucked year, praise Kek)
Roughly someting along the lines of, you are depressed, you power comes from believing in yourself and being improvisational (espontaneos could also apply), you seek balance and enlightment, you should gow through discovery (in this case it could very well be through travel and women, maybe going for a trip with a girlfriend/getting one there), and the lucky ones are tougher together but it's along the lines of your (or maybe someone who is an integral protective part of you) judgment (as in the personal telling of right and wrong in this case) will give you good results.
But hey, I'm no mage, just some weirdo.
Thank you I'm also open to anyone else's input.
I don't even know what that site is but its supposed to be a honeypot
Airburst nuke? Pic is 50Mt Tsar Bomba, worlds biggest nuke test which exploded at altitude of 3.9km
The tower seems to be the protestant religion collapsing (Plain Cross & Martin Luther's note on door). The remnants/flock to be divided between the Catholics (Crucifix) and the Communists (Atheists)
The mob carrying the cross represents Jewry/Israel.
Now I get why people do this tarrot shit. Mine make me feel like a badass(The missing image is 'The Sun').
Anyone want to rate this/sum it up? I'm looking at it and can't really find anything wrong with it, which would mean it has to be horse shit.
I want to believe.
well there is a comet falling to earth in the picture…
Anyone got any insight? I'm a touch stuck.
Someone help me understand this.
Your power derives from the fact that your the emporor of fools. Nobody can touch your foolishness.
You desire to be a famous strong person. Desire..
At your core you're a naked queen. Never let this go, it's who you really are!
You would be lucky to ever be temperant or sober. Maybe it will happen one day
Gosh! Thanks friend, this really helped me!
No worries, I'll be out back if you need any more sage wisdom
Got anything to offer me aside from the emperor of fools bit (Like an autistic Joker that goes about trolling everyone with truth?)
A lot of Emperor+Fool power
also have the Emperor+Fool combo.
You can download and read the pfd file here.
And reminder that (((The Economist))) is a Globalist kike slave magazine that gives glowing praise to Obango's legacy, shits on anyone who isn't interested in upholding the status quo, and declared that rapefugees and illegals immigrants have great economic value, so gibsmedat! And read the articles for the interpretation of the tarot cards, they are running scared.
read this book, if you want to know better about tarots without the "magic" stuff placed on top of it by (((Renaissance))) "alchemists"…
Anyone have insight? It seems off-topic and narcissistic to post this but tarots and divination stuff kind of fascinates me
You're a fool, user. I got almost the same situation, but with magicians.
that crossed my mind as well
I love the hivemind
(((TBTB))) are declaring open war on us now. While we deal with kikies all the time, froma cademia faggots to nu-male journalists, were now witnessing the final boss kike giving us it's ritual sorry i forgot how this is called ''give a glimpse of your plans to the goyim so that you can be free of charges since you foretold them what you would do unto them, it's their fault if they they for the traps you laid"
As it has alredy been posted above, the last few years they have tried to show how they hoped things would go according to their plans. IIRC in one edition Putin was all melow and happy, just as (((USA))) was about to enter Syria and all the fake gassing narrative was being threaded. Then after the wil of the people, both on the USA armed forces and on the Russian gov, and civils everywhere, their plans got fucked up. Then the cover for the enxt eyar featured a very different, sombre putin and a bunch of things ina different shade.
Now this is pretty fucking straitforward we won't play anymore, we're coming with our full power at you goyim. This gives me a bad feeling, not that we wil fail, mind you, we will wreck their shit up, but rather a feeeling of being declared war upon. This is it anons, the greatest happening of our time is upon us. I hope to fight alongside you dear friends until the very end, and hope we see the world set free from this demonic jewish filth once and for all.
Mark my words, denizens of Holla Forums, my dear companions, that Israel will be sacrificed, and I wouldn't be surprised if "hellfire", be it nuclear or something else, is used. This has been the plan from the very begginign, before any of us were born. The "six million dead jews" has been used as some kind of pre-planned memery on stand-by sorry for my poor vocabulary, I'm completely alien to esoteric things that has been carefully mantained despite strategic failures. See the entire history of Israel and the UN for example. Remember the state of Israel is their sacrificial goat to bring about their "messiah". Things will only get weirder from now on.
To the Christians I say: GOT MIT UNS and to the Kekites I say: Shadilay. United we stand, divided we fall. Remember this fellow anons
it fits