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If this is true, it's fucking amazing news.
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If this is true, it's fucking amazing news.
many of the big jews had him as a "potential favorite." God I hope this is accurate.
But the cucks will rally round the 'not Le Pen' vote for the Republican winner, does it not make it easier if the choice is Le Pen v Sarkozy for independents?
No, because the cucks will be unable to agree on who to vote for in union and waste their votes.
that's the narrative on the left, but even they claim "somewhere near ten percent" are leftist strategic voters. Which still means 90% are genuine and rejected him.
Don’t be so sure, since nothing like that happened last time.
That is unfortunate information, but after Trump's victory I feel that the kikes are bickering amongst themselves on how to prevent similar persons from entering power abroad.
That schism will affect how well they can control the cucks and other useful idiots.
Nevermind, misread that post.
They are also apparently forgetting Batclan, Nice, and the odds of another lovely "tanned frenchman" bringing his culture to france with a bomb or something else before final round of election.
"Indeed, according to many pollsters - especially those who can not conceive of a Le Pen presidency - Juppe was expected to be the next president of France; which is why his surprisingly poor showing, in second place with just 26% of the vote per exit polls, could mean he has an uphill climb in his fight with Le Pen, who may be the biggest winner from today's primary."
Redpill me about Fillon?
traitor to the nation of France. He's a lefting cuck who I am pretty sure is 1/4 kike. 20% better than that faggot sarkozie who I have 0 clue what he's still doing in politics.
You mean there isn't going to a Marshall plan for Africa now? hahaha that little frog is so out of his fucking tree. EU bitches all broke, over 50% youth unemployment in .it, .gr., .es and this dumb, little bitch wants to gives nogs tens of billions.
I don't mean to be a dick but the rat-face algerian jew was at 2% approval rating.
Hardly "amazing" nor great news since now Marine's opponent from that party will presumably have a higher approval rating than infectious diarrhea.
I would love to see Marine win, but what are her odds? Everything I know about the French leads me to believe that they would rather be cuckolded by Africans
Racist as fuck picture!
Anything is possible after Trump's win.
Would you have honestly believed that the guy from The Apprentice would snatch the presidency from a Clinton if you were told this 3 years ago?
Won't matter, Le Pen will be betrayed by the cuckservatives in the second round
What a disingenuous charlatan. The same rat-faced Jew (I won't insult Hungary by referring to Sarkozy as Hungarian) who wanted to use state power to force racemixing on French who didn't want it, actually tried to pretend he's a nationalist anti-Islamist. Laughable.
Alright, I've been looking into the French presidential elections this morning, and I'd appreciate bigly if some french bros could comment on the following inferences I've made based on what limited information I've gathered.
(1) As far as I can tell, Le Pen will be the front runner of the first round in April. This leaves the question: who will get the 2nd most votes, socialist candidate or the republican candidate? Judging by the results of 2012, socialist candidate will be the contender for the second round in 2017.
(2) Therefore, the best strategy for Le Pen is to cuck the primaries of the Socialist Party, so that Hollande is the Socialist candidate. This would mean Le Pen runs against a massively unpopular candidate, significantly improving her odds. So French patriots need to go to the socialist primaries in January and vote Hollande.
(3) This is the main thing I'd like to know. Is the overall number of left leaning people in France larger than right leaning people, in absolute terms? That is, if Le Pen were to run against, say, Hollande, is she automatically fucked due to sheer demographics? Note that if there weren't an electoral college system in America, Trump wouldn't get elected. So do we face a similar situation there?
(4) Do french polacks have a Kek'ite strategy to bombard the french scene with the heavy hitting memetic weaponry? What's the game plan here?
The language barrier is a problem for meme magic flow. We need to figure out how to help.
I suppose you could get some french anons to bus old people to city polling stations to create big lines so lazy niggers go home.
holy shit how
The whole immigration thing, who of the west had a positive reaction to this? How many knew this would be trouble from the start? Why are women and children being raped still? Why are they not hung from every pole? Stop being classy and get fashy.
Go to youtube and search for "Sarkozy multiculturalisms speech"
This fucker should have been assassinated.
She may need Sarkozy like Trump needed Shillary.
So everything you read on CNN or Holla Forums
Have the French finally realised this kike Sarkozy who once said the French must miscegenate is not their friend? He's a dirty jew who married another dirty jew and he tells gentiles they must race mix?
As much as a greasy, repulsive kike as he is, I don't like that tape bc it's disinformation. The kike is talking about "integration in french life," which Americans would call Affirmative Action. It's still equally bad since it can read to race mixing, but not what the kike was saying.
Now, in contrast, the UK Green Party candidate DID call for White woman to be forced to mate with niggers and for White men to be either castrated or fixed )will look for article). I can't believe I'm even talking about real things here, feels like it's something out of "The Turner Diaries."
THIs is a real program they greens/commies want to implement
please go the fuck back to reddit with this garbage rather than taint this place.
This is what they actually believe, but even (((they))) have to admit their programs are unrealistic and require FAR too much time and money to make happen.
I just go to 4chong and post uncapped memes or ask for French anons to translate. That or I google translate and they correct me. There's also a discord with French anons with a meme room that help.
A hardcore liberal (i.e. libertarian, in American parlance) with social conservative views. His political positions are actually great, with one huge caveat: he's pro-EU and a civic nationalist.
Mind you, Le Pen is a civic nationalist too.
This guy has no idea what he's talking about by the way.
Marine winning won't change France's demographics problem. Le Pen is a civic nationalist and an "anti-racist". The only reason she is an acceptable Holla Forums candidate is her anti-globalist stance. That's it. She the least of all evils.
France is irredeemably fucked.
Le Pen could have had a chance against Juppé. Against Fillon? Not so much.