AfD just won

AfD just won

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The End of Germany.

We hear about Hollande's popularity being in single digits in France, but what about Merkel? Does more than half of her country hate her, too?

Well we know how polling works on MSM now through Trump, so literally none of them matter.

But today I heard our news say "Merkel has support from more than half of the country". No idea what they cited.

There hasn't even been an election, it's only the (((pollsters))) that are stating she will win. Fuck off OP.

AfD must win. The tide of justice rises.

OP, how new are you?

You're retarded, because AfD is "da ebil nahtzees", Merkel is a Christcuck.

Fuck off back to whatever ignorant cunthole your crawled out of.

Merkel's popularity ratings in September were below 50%.

Keep in mind Germans are the most Borg-minded pozzed people on the planet

Sorry misread the post, OP is a faggot.

Fuck off Shlomo


AfD can't win, user. Germans are too pozzed because the CIA controls their media.


Reported for intl.


The zionist regime in the US dictates who rules Germany. What they desire is a destruction of the German race.




Really shitty trolling or more retardation. Merkel is a rep of the Christian Democrats. Is there some way you can deny this?

Narh… Apparantly MSM needs to loose every election there is, before they understand that they are irellevant.

Stop it, user. I feel my heart beating in my eye.

Nah , there's a bigger chance at seeing a Golden Dawn goverment in Greece than seeing an uncucked Germany in the following 4 years or so

That fucking magazine still infuriates me. In what goddamn world can that image of the family ever be considered a bad thing? I never followed up on any potential outrage from that cover? Did it ever cause some controversy?

Milo Yannopolius is the leader of Holla Forums. Is there some way you can deny this?

Which is neither christian or democratic.
Well, it's a union at least.

Are you really this retared? And who cares about that faggot Milo?

Can you somehow show me the logic that Merkel, who has been a Christian Democrat since her beginnings and served three terms as a Christian Democrat president, is not a Christian Democrat?

She's a literal bolshevik who put on a conservative facade to get elected

What the fuck does a so-called "Christian Democrat" have to do with Christianity you assburgers patient?

Its the lowest its ever been but isnt single digit low

So she's not a Christian?

Do you have any proof against this?

She is no christian, moshe.

(reluctant check)

Merkel the gift that keeps on giving.
Well seems like it is AfD next year or a full out civil war until 2020.

Guess that is what the meeting with Obama was about.

She's a Lutheran just like me.

What, you mean the kind of people who seek political power would lie or put up a facade? No way man! That's nuts! What are you, some kind of conspiracy theorist? Hahaha xD

this, don't forget she was a part of the stasi in east berlin

Yes, and Hillary Clinton is Christian also. She said so herself!

If you use fallacies like this, people can use it against you or whomever you favor just as easily.

Fuck off back to cuckchan.

We still got Merkel's nudes? Any word of that Time Machine or are we on the best timeline so far? Cause if we can I suggest plowing the fuck outta younger her so we don't get a childless old bitch fucking up Germany.

The name of the party doesn't imply that their members are 'Christian Democrats'
Really wonder where the ration between their christians and their democrats lies.

The Christian Democrats are as true to their name as the UK Conservative Party is. Stop with the anti-Christian shilling, Moshe.

Her dad is a pastor and she is the leader of the christian democrats. The small fringe group of 5 christians on pol are the fake christians

I don't know what you're talking about but I hope not.

She's Stasi, tripscunt.

Obviously, HRC isn't Christian. Sorry i for got my >

We should get rid of all religions eventually. I don't know where this bullshit has started invading full/pol/, but it's obvious that outside deus vult maymays it's not an option for a better world.

Secularism is austist af. This "science is all that matters" shit reeks of newfaggotry.

Topkek. So, it's a fallacy to point out that the people who succeed at being politicians usually are the best liars? My bad, I forgot politicians have a proven track record for being the most honest people on earth. I mean, just look at the Clintons, Obama, and the current president of South-Korea.

Keep falling for Jewish tricks. Just remember, no religion is what the Bolsheviks want, what the Jews want, and it's in the Protocols.

False flag, there was no fucking election.

Does it matter?
Talk is cheap, and so is labeling your party; none of her policies have been pro-Chrsitian or democratic.

Reported for intl.

I think he is refering to this picture.

Report all you want. Mods can see I'm not Holla Forums in any way or form.

One of these days irreligious hambeasts like you will dictate how the world runs.

You’re intl. Reported.

Yeah but you'll still be an ugly cuck.

That's a narrow view to look at it. If anything, Merkel's actions have been a very REFORMED Christian view of looking at things, helping the needy etc. If you folks can't even acknowledge that modern Euro Christians are cucked to all hell, you're sitting in a bubble.

Now it's a different thing to see how one would correct this if you really wanted to.

After Brexit and Trump, you think they might want to change tactic, unless this is a new plan? All the nationalist and populist movements result in economic collapse maybe? Easier way to start a civil war with more patriotic governments?

With Brexit the immediate effects bounced back, but the pound is still weaker than before. With Trump the markets bounced back and dollar became even healtheir for a moment. It's hard to see the long-term ramifications, but the clear signal is the MSM promised the world would end after both, and we're still here living normally.

Secularism is cancer.

Her approval rating is in the upper 30 to lower 40 percent. Quite high.

I know someone has an uncensored version. I'm wondering how we can use it for our benefit.


You could have found it yourself easily.

Whatever you say, Satan.

Well, Im glad you had the decency to at least spoiler it.

Tune down your autism, seriously. Members of the Christian Democrat party are Christian Democrats, regardless of their religious beliefs. Despite all your autistic whining, it does not have to be "logical".

AfD wouldn't win anything in the short-term and a 4th term would be enough to destroy Germany as a financial crisis looms. Once those muslim savages stop getting paid all 40+ million across Europe will start an insurrection the same as will happen in the U.S. with our non-whites.

Merkel will win if she runs. Don't pretend Germany isn't that cucked at the moment. AfD is nowhere close to doing anything significant in the country still strangled by historical guilt.

I still would if she had a paper bag over her head. Her body isn't that bad or at least wasn't.

I have had nightmares of that woman having sex with juncker and I do not know why

Gets me everytime

I'm getting suspicions whether arguing about religion in either direction is a D&C tactic similar to ">implying x is white"

Never say never. After all, nobody saw the events of 2016 coming.

It sort of is. I've no qualm with the honest Christian believers here, but it's an honest fact that in today's world the church might only exist to do good in community projects. We'll see how it goes when the boomers all wither away in the next 20 years or so, but in the meantime I think it's vital to get rid of all religion so as not to give Islam a foothold in the West.

Let's assume there is no god or any supernatural force/moral law giver:
The benefit of religion, which separates it from other forms of morality, is in how it affects the people under it.

As a review of basic normative theory, one of the important dichotomies is consequentialist vs. deontological.
consequentialism is aspiring for some end goal,a greater good as it were. This seems very logical at first as when you have a goal to strive for (utilitarianism seeks maximum total happiness with minimum possible unhappiness for example), all actions can be measured to that stick. The problem is these theories lead good people to do bad things under full permission of their conscience as these acts will be for "the greater good." It also relies on individuals to be able to accurately calculate the results of their actions, which many are too inept to do like communists.

Deontology is duty based. It asks not about the results of an action, but whether the action itself is ok. Kant is a more secular example of this framework, but divine command falls under this category as well. This fixes the greater good problem, but the set of rules must be a good set of rules.

Where religion stands out is how it is, in fact, a counter to the problem of consequentialism. While consequential ideologies can make good people do bad things, the fear of the final judgment leads bad people to do good things (assuming the ruleset is a good one). This does necessitate the defense of the faith though. Schisms need to be prevented whenever possible and the political structure needs to maintain control of the prominent religious mouthpieces.

I'd rather people affect themselves, but I'm an utopic faggot anyway so I doubt this discussion will go far. I often have too much faith in humanity.

It is, sort of. The 'kike on a stick' meme was started by shills (leftypol and mods are involved), and unfortunately a large contingent of Holla Forums have been taken in by these falsehoods.

You know how us Amis have been occupying Germany and keeping it cucked since WW2? Well now those troops take orders from Trump and he's repeatedly said that Merkel is fucking awful and has ruined Germany.

Now Ami is your greatest ally.

I don't blame ya and you may be right about that. ANY thread that is about religion or even mentions religion in any circumstance on Holla Forums lately practically attracts spergs, shitposters, and shills playing all sides to come in and fill the thread with (increasingly predictable) posts that get people to be at each others throats. All it does it just get us to be pissed off at each other and focus less on the main issues we're currently dealing with.

I don't mind a discussion or debate on religion, no matter what people's beliefs are here, but as it stands right now, it's probably best to keep threads touching on it sparingly to keep said posters from shitting up threads here.

Remember, no matter what you believe in, we're Holla Forumsacks first, working together to pursue the truth, and to defend our history, heritage, traditions, and our homelands from those who would destroy it.

Neck yourself

you just know the guy in the first pic is a cuck and his wife a whore

fucking jews

Yeah, pretty much. It's the only one that shows at least some results, since we've become pretty good at dealing with everything else.
Even US vs EU shit gets shot down rather quickly these days.

You're probably correct if you think people, as a whole, generally want to do the right thing. The problem is how one defines "the right thing."

BLM thinks they're fighting for equality. They think the system is rigged against them. And the only way they know how to fight against it is to burn down their own communities. And it's not like Ezra Goldbergstein personally whispered Jewish lies in their ears and they just nodded their heads. They came to this conclusion by observing their environment and speaking with others about what they see on TV. They see successful white people and lowlife niggers so they would naturally come to the conclusion that there are systemic disadvantages to being black. They want that to change and are trying to implement it by doing the one thing niggers are best at:
breaking shit.

OK as much as I wanna MAGA, we need to Make Germany Great Again so they can start doing some of the lifting over there and to keep Merkel from being a pain in our ass. How can we help?


The thing is that BLM, no matter how they try to push it even here in Finland (kek), is an American issue, whether Soros-funded or not, something similar would have popped up at some point. It's just the same deal of disregarding certain facts to confirm your own bias, same thing high believers of certain religions do to suit their own moods and agendas.

I'm not saying religion is the worst cancer of the world, but religion is cancer all the same.

what pol thinks (thought it wont tell you) is that it doesnt actually believe in god (except kek), but that religion is still good for civilization because dumb people will behave better with it

those are some nice repeating digits

It's strange that things like BLM don't take hold here in hueland. Maybe we're just an afterthought for the kikes but if even Finland has it, why not us? Maybe it wouldn't work because police here doesn't give two shits.

you are pretty far along compared to what they want for the rest, it's the white homelands and Merica that need the most effort to break on their part.

Merkel will win with the "strong independent white female" vote tipping the scales, as they indulge in their rape fantasies with their little "refugees welcome!" signs. It's a shame, my grandparents came from Germany. I used to like German women and wanted to have kids with one. Now I fucking hate them and think they're despicable, depraved filth. Can't wait for Germany to collapse. There's more good German blood outside of Germany than inside these days. What a fucking disgrace that country is.

if they can get it going in countries like germany or britian they can do it to you to.


direct linking to Washington Post, the rag that hates him most of all, are you a shill or do you not see that they are gaslighting you?

With a 1% African population (at max) and vast majority of them being welfare abusers, I doubt it.

The resentment toward niggers in Finland is mostly toward Somalians, since they tend to do the fuck/rape/get welfare babby/steal/kill thing more often than even our worst Finnish or other criminals.

I know a few Kenyans and Ethiopians who are cool, hard-working etc. Somalis are the worst scu of the earth.

Try reading, faggot. Also this was back in September.

Socjus as a whole is more of an American issue than you might think. You have the political structure in place to implement their crazy ideas over in Europe, but the US if the chief exporter of these ideas. European politics may be pretty pozzed from the top down, but Socjus in the US has been trying to work bottom up for decades.

Religion is inherently top down, though. If these niggers fell in line with a good religion, they wouldn't be breaking everything. Maybe they'd have the work ethic to crawl out of their hole and do whatever possible to allow their children a better life.

No your right lets believe in magic and superstition instead

Yeah I suppose what they want for the rest of the west is Brazil on steroids.
Brazil is mostly shit for a lot of reasons, one of them being racial, but we weren't forced to breed with x or y group, it happened naturally. There wasn't an invisible hand making propaganda and brainwashing people (there is now).
What the future holds for Europe and America is MUCH worse.

She looks like Boris Johnson lel

before you give up on them, remember they are still being punished for being the baddest of goys. We really should be trying to save them at all costs because it is a symbol and we don't cede territory to the enemy ever

If AfD foes not win then there will be war in Europe. If those dunecoons think they can insureect better than angry germans they have another thing coming. Payah!

I believe in you guys, we won't forget Hue land. Hold the line over there brother.

plebs need their religion lest they completly degenerate. How else will you teach them even a semblance of good behavior?

Good point.

Not on Trump's shitposting watch!

Another user pointed ethics and didn't believe in that, but there's more to human morality than Christian morality.

I also find it sometimes concerting that so many anons here call others sheep while often following sheepish behaviors/directions of those on this board.

The Government controls US media as well, but Trump still won.

liek pottery

They never fucking learn, do they? One of the big reasons the Nazi party grew in the early days was the irrationally intense resistance against them which caused something similar to the Streisand effect.

In this case I have no reason not to believe the main stream media.

There are too much libtards that would still vote for her.


Didn't Trump win with white women?

Didn't Trump win with white women?

OP can you be more of a faggot with your phrasing?

You're making it seem like Merkel won.

Wenn man bedenkt, dass Birne Mutti gefickt haben muss, wird mir ganz übel. Der Saumagen auf der Potschnitt-Frisur Ost-Schwester muss ein grässlicher Anblick gewesen sein.

The CDU was founded as a supra denomenational party, trying to untie both Catholics and Protestants. It is not Christian, it is controlled opposition. The Zentrum party was based. Anyway, go home to Tel Aviv, Shlomo.

She was part of the socialist SED Regime. Which makes it impossible for her, kinda.

At the last election Merkel was the one saying multiculturalism is dead.
Now that she's gone back on her word, her support has plummeted.


It is the women. Women are worthless, entitled and degenerate.
But women drop for ultimate alphas like Trump. Even the feminist bulldykes are secretly wet for Trump. It's impossible to get the female vote, if you don't have someone like Trump.

AfD is from the alternative right party from Germany.

Merkel is CDU/CSU. OP is suggesting that AfD will win, because nobody want to see Mutti anymore. You get that now, politically under educated faggot?

Well that just makes you an enemy no different than the mudslimes, why should anyone care what you think?

AfD is Alternative für Deutschland for any anons who don't know about German politics.
Merkel belongs to CDU (Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands - Christian Democratic Union of Germany), AfD has been getting some serious traction as of late.


The German vote is rigged. They have already been caught tearing AfD ballots last time, but no one has done anything about it.
We have to make Trump send observers. Same with France.

I think they'd do the same in US, if the right didn't threaten an armed revolt. I think they realized RWDS is about to become real and pussied out.

You sound like an autistic milo fan who has never talk to a girl. The most right wing people I now a all girls.
Then stop push kike faggots. All of Germany is the problem not just women.

What a perfectly good rack wasted on that face.

Why wouldn't I stand a chance with a German girl? They're some of the easiest women. German women have absolutely no standards and are some of the most "liberated" women on the planet. If I went with a Euro woman I'd go Polish or Hungarian, but with them yeah, I'd probably have no chance. Those are decently loyal women though, so that's why. Although my Polish surname and features might help, who knows.

I was even dumb enough to marry one.

That's just the nature of women. It's men's fault to give them any human rights, but now that the genie is out of the bottle it's a problem.

If there is no alpha like Putin or Trump, women always vote for more rights, more degeneracy, more feminism, more refugees.

It's like children voting for more candy. They don't care about diabetes or their teeth falling out, they just want more rights to candy.

did he not say that were they incorrect?Stop hero worshiping a crooked businessman you flaming fucking nigger faggots

Move to the UK and you'll soon change your tune. Also blaming females for lacking rationality and being over emotional is retarded.

Merkel looks like something from the Adam's family. The one in the middle looks like a nigger mutt. The one on the right looks likes some Australian tranny shit-poster.

Merkel is a jew, she has to be removed.

I hear what you're saying but why then didn't women vote for another rich alpha male like Jean Marie le Pen?

If they are as retarded as you say then it's the men's fault for leading them this way.

I'm never stepping foot in the UK. What's wrong with Polish women in the UK? Nigger-tier whores? What about the ones with pride who prefer to stay in Poland? They're the one's I'd want, but probably couldn't get since I'm not Polish. I did some work for a Polish family here in the US. Good people with strong family values. Much stronger than my own, but I'm third generation American (the more generations in the more things go downhill). My family doesn't do shit together. Those people took care of their parents and had their kids visiting every summer, and they were very close.

Just tell them they're not allowed to vote anymore. They're weaker than we are so they can't force it.

Tschech and Slowaks. You will not find better waifus in all EU ATM. I hate to say it, but a lot of German women are not that attractive anymore. When you are searching wife material that is feminin, can cook, is not fat and not a bitch then you will search an eternity between German girls.

It all depends how much slavic blood they have. The Slavs are all crypto kikes.

That's exactly how the Jews works. They appeal to men's virtues to give the subhuman minorities rights, then they use subhumans to take away the right of the white men.

Since women, niggers, spics and faggots are easy to control with emotions, gibs and degeneracy they will vote for anyone the Jew tells them.

That's the plan. Women can't be trusted with votes.


In a bright future we would only have men with an IQ of 110+ voting

remember that a SINGLE nigger infected thousands of polish women with AIDS? Most of them married or with boyfriends?
polish women are unredeemable coal burning, cheating trash

Don't take the bait, idiot!

Out of curiosity is there any research showing a shift in genetics pre and post-WWII? Were German genetics heavily diluted by Russians or something? I've seen loads of raggedy looking older German women that look like some kind of a Eastern Euro Gypsie mutt mix or something. Long pointed noses, dead eyes, straggly hair etc.

Every now and again I come across a German girl who looks like my ideal woman. But the odd thing is, I see more American white women with these features (nose, eyes, hair, cheeks etc.) than German women in Germany. In Germany I see more Merkels and fucking pointy-nosed gremlins.

Pic related. German girl (twitch streamer). Can't look at her without thinking she's probably "liberated" trash, but man is she cute.

Never heard of that.

Can't this fucking cunt take a hint that literally nobody likes her?

stop baiting, user pls

Most women are absolute trash days sadly. Main problem is most are fucked in the head big league, outwards seeming absolutely normal but disgusting and crazy inside. I got enough experience to sense that shit from miles away these days, but sometimes I come home and I'd just like dinner to be ready, a good wife waiting for me and some sensual fugging at the end of the day. Banging sluts is just making me depressed these days


holy shit how is this possible.
I'm honestly baffled.

rigged polls, they're going all out since Trump won, they're also trying to push that ministry of truth tear shit everywhere. Kikes are shitting themselves


Afd can win as long as we meme it. Just hoping we didn't use up all we had left on Trump.

Basically, demand for labor skyrocketed after WW2 and from mid 50's to late 60's they were taking in "guest workers" from all over the continent (and even fucking Turkey and Morocco) on the condition that they leave after a given time. They never left, nobody made them leave, now much of Germany is descended from those people.

The male treadmill, part of the jewish "liberties".
Fuck lots of sluts, but never recover those demographics and neither produce able citizens. At least, you get to know how fucked things are.

Chaos is infinite, meme magic is as strong as your mind.

I think their genes are still good, but their heads are fucked up.

They move and dress like dudes and they seldom put proper make up and women shoes on. If you travel a lot you will meet more feminin dress women in Eastern EU than in Germany. Specially young girls are getting way too fat to be attractive. It is like they want to be dudes and in a city sometimes there is no difference if you see their back.

They have also read too much liberal and feminist propaganda to understand that they are not worth a dime when they open their mouths. They have become entitled little cunts that do not know what they really want and I personally have no time for that kind of shit.

you can't use up meme magic

Yeah there's just nothing productive coming out of it. It's not even a challenge in the slightest anymore to get to fuck a bish. Don't understand what they are planning to do with their life when they're older, dumb af, can't cook or clean or anything that would make them wife material and are straight psychos most of the time aswell, who on earth would put up with someone like that. Too bad god promised not to flood us in case degeneracy gets too bad again, these days I'd just like for civilisation to start over again. Without kikes.

this is pretty low energy, I know you shills have had a rough month but shit nigger do you not read?

this is old news and the article itself is nothing but a click bait headline. Damn you faggots can't craft a narrative for shit

this x100
Also dudes in bigger cities dress like total fags these days, I live in a normal city and went to bigger ones to party from time to time. I thought it was already bad, but I couldn't believe what I see, I saw packs of guys and acting real hard, while looking like they came straight from some kind of fag festival. Glad when i got outta there, it was getting embarassing after a while, even the turkroaches and other foreigners looked like total fags

That's something else I've been curious about. When the sub-humans "migrate" to Germany, Sweden, etc. are they given those clothes they wear, or is that just how people throughout Europe and the Middle East dress? The tiny little skinny-jean-looking pants, the faggy jackets and tiny little logo shirts and shit. Then everyone I see has the thinest thigh muscles, bony shoulders, and skinny arms. Their chests are narrow, their necks are thin etc. This goes for most Euros, but Middle Easterners and Africans as well.

Maybe my perception of how a man "should look" is skewed, because I swear, most guys these days, whether from the West or not, look like complete faggots to me. So many guys just look so damn frail and small. But those Arabs and inner city whites are the worst.


Kek, nice touch

I always thought that helmet was fucking ugly.

There's a reason European "men" are stereotyped as sissy and faggy. A shame the cancer spread to the rest of the western world like numale syndrome.

We need more things like philosophical religions for atheists, like folkish paganism, and, for those non-materialists like myself, a well-reasoned spirituality, like Hermeticism with a focus on the (literally alive) Norse gods. Maybe you should look into this, as it might change your stance. But yes, religions that exist without sufficient motivation for why it might be true are just silly. Anything lacking parity ("humans are the center of the universe, no aliens or anything, and god, who presides over all of the universe, has a human form designed specifically for this stage in our evolution"!) indicates that it's very unlikely or outlandish.

Asatru is okay-tier, because it's inclined towards the Norse gods, but it lacks some philosophical rigor; why are these gods real and not others? If all gods are real, then how did they get there? Are they real because you want them to be?

Christianity is like a philosophy of deprivation and led by a qliphothic god…so restoring this religion, even if it wasn't alien, is an incredibly terrible idea. Deus Moloch vult!

By the way, most of the people who responded to you were absolutely retarded, making appeals to "if the Jews don't like it, it must be good!" or resorting to ad-homs.

Invest in cat food companies, user.
Hook up Culture has this nasty "insect lamp" effect, taking all of its factor into consideration, with the downfall/collapse of civilization as a bonus. Get ready to see lots of people of our generation dying alone or childless, despite this way of life.
Other than start over, its time to go back.

Well this is a depressing thread

They got worked over pretty hard post-ww2…plus reunification with all those commies. It was pretty well orchestrated by western euro commies/socialists to hijack the whole thing.

Damn, why must glubb always be right

Physically they may be, but don't deny the reality that women wield immense influence. Traditionally from behind the scenes.
THey will not give up their rights easily.


>Never again they say, we must prevent this at all costs
They really never learn from their past mistakes. it's not something whites can overlook either

God that article was funny.

Merkel muss weg

They'll win, and if they don't Germans will finally snap and become RWDS.

Thanks user. Was begining to doubt this place.

Why do Holla Forums fags dicksuck Catholics so hard?

Fucking subhuman mutt. Go look at your

Oh. now we are talking about state funded propaganda?
Take your own poison, you fucking polish subhuman.
Here is your "nationalist" PiS in action.

nvm, they are sowing defeatism again. Must be getting desperate.

Thx Bruder.
As a woke German myself, i seriously hate what my country and people have become. But please don't give up on us.

There's still plenty of redpilled people here. And the reason why things are as bad here is because we're occupied and brainwashed for 70 years and counting.

And that is because the jews fear us more than every other nation. We're their nemesis and boogeyman.

And the only reason they managed to win was because they succesfully schemed the white christian nations into fighting each other.

So we need to work together to reclaim the world and make things right again.

Well goodbye germany.

she doesn't deserve those child-bearing hips

If you're part of a country that was in the allied forces:
Go be mad at yourself.
Ancient Anglos raised these "Germans" as you might call them.
Retarded allies ruined the west and they STILL blame it on Germany.

Either stop being an Eternal Anglo or get consumed by your own asinine bullshit.

…fucking self destructive fools, man. CHRIST!

American women.

Germany never had terror attacks right? It's just German women and little boys getting raped.

stay buttmad
ZOGmerica propaganda and Soviet commiejew indoctrination
keep blaming the only people who allowed Wehrmacht to surrender and rejoin civilian life afterwards instead of being sent to a gulag or a stars and stripes firing squad

Nothing big recently, mostly individual attacks


I have a solution. It's no final one but it's a start:

Inundate the immigrants with pro-degeneracy propaganda. Get them too busy buggering and pozzing each other in fursuits to actually do anything. Sell them on a lifestyle they can't afford and nobody will bail them out of, and dilute their religious beliefs to nothing.
I believe we can make this happen.

shes the shit eating one on the far left ironic af of the original pic m8

Found the Khazar :^)

I need to spare my eyes. I don't have time to look at goblin tits.

you saying you wouldnt hate fuck that commie and end with your lopping her head off with a cleaver just as you climax?

They want children from Janusz, not someone who had to travel 5000 miles to find a woman.


I like public hangings more. Simple calculation, a flick, a fall, a snap, no mess.
I'd rather amuse myself with the two cuties on the right.

you're more of a moral man than me then
I cant see Merkel hating anything more than being fucked by an Aryan native German tbh

Poles that leave Poland and go to the UK are like Mexicans that leave Mexico and go to the USA
same shit, third world cheap labour that take up all the menial labour the poor are supposed to do instead of being welfare sponges

you wish Merkel a quick death?
Mercy is lost on it

I wrote about people who don't go. What you wrote is right though, the people willing to move to another country for muh shekels are more likely to be materialist cosmopolitans, ie. degenerate scum.

I think you forgot what year it is.

A quick, anticlimactic death, yes. To remind every politician of his mortality and that he's using borrowed time. I'm not going to start some degenerate shit like flaying alive or something, just like you don't start plucking every fly's legs and wings out instead of just swatting it.
Then there's the possibility of the bloodshed being an unwitting sacrifice to Moloch or some other old blood god, while the rope has strong memetic ties to Kek.

dated a german girl for a year. they're pretty easy and love americans. sadly they're some of the most brainwashed people ive met, it was a bummer to visit the country. she would occasionally play with the idea of nationalism, especially when we had serious discussions, but she would usually revert back within a week. the liberal programming is strong there

how about this one?
just as she caused rot to fester in Europe so rot will be introduced to her body
plus food for the frogs

Dont know what any of this is

I remember that vid, it was such a huge black pill for me

10/10 hips
6/10 boobs
2/10 face
-9/10 personality

Would gas.

Eternal Anglo. Not even once.

Btw my grandfather was sent into Russian imprisonment and he came out quite alive.
You Anglos were not any better than the Russians, you were the absolute same

but not quite the same :^)

How about using Christmas lights to hang Merkel? Festive AND decorative!
That or hang her with an artificial airway in her throat and use her as a pinata so while she strangles badly it's the beating, not the suffocation that kills her?

Did the Brits send him there? Operation Keelhaul was absolutely shameful. Not just POWs, but civilians fleeing from communism were sent back.
The Cold War only happened because the West allowed it to, letting them gain ground in Iran, selling half of Europe to them at Yalta, hell they were literally building brand new warships and giving them to the USSR for free.
Just another case of blowback.

Nope. Everyone will group up against AfD and unless AfD gets 50.1%, they can't win.

Get ready for at least another term of Merkel.

FDR was butt-buddies with Stalin; there was no "blowback" about it.

No, he was not send there by the Brits. But my point is, that Germans in Russian imprisonment survived as were Germans slaughtered in Anglo imprisonment.
There was no better party at that. Germans survived at both sides and Germans were killed at both sides.

Holla Forums has no leader, the christian democratic party does have a representative and her name is merkel. sage for off topic

FDR was 100% ZOG, he was a Freemason and a Shriner too.
Remember that Shriners swear oaths on the Koran. All the kvetching about Obama, yet the guy who really swore Koran oaths was under our noses all along.

well most folkish heathens believe that the gods of their people have power only over their people, and only in their heartlands, odin will protect frisians and norwegians living in friesland and norway, but no niggers. this is why the AFA receives a lot of kvetching from faggot wiccas for supporting traditional families and folkish values. the core principle is that our ancestors live on through us, and that the gods were most likely important people a long time ago. i think that if Karl Martel, for example, were not a christian, he might have become a god or at least a demigod. merovech, the first king of the franks was said to have been conceived by a seacreature. the god yngvie-freyr, was said to be the ancestor of the first kings of norway, who were named the ynglings, the decendants of yng. he was supposedly the founder of the tribes of the angles, the saxons and the frisians, who were known under the umbrella term of the ingvaones. the angles were named after yng, and my theory is that the frisians were named after freyr. in the dutch province of friesland there is a town named franeker, which comes from froon acker, which means freyrs pasture. similarly, the name of the french town Lyon comes from Lugdunum, at least thats what it was called in the roman times, which comes from the celtic god Lugh.


I thought that was a gook-style rice hat.

Why would I complain when scum decides to remove itself from the gene pool? If they want to make themselves worthless, then I won't stop them.

The average amount of White Males that voted for Trump was 63, so clearly it's race an gender and not religion that matters.

This is true. 99% of white women voted for Trump. Without women, Brexit and Trump would have never happened. Whether it be Hitler, Trump or Farage, they all won exlusively due to women leading nationalist movements into victory while men have been voting predominantly lefits/socialist parties in hope of child support money and gibsmedats.

yet they're all invisible, blending in. When will the right wing qts reveal themselves?

Oy vey, some angry incel MGTOW faggot is questioning the 99%! Instead of being yourself and just talking to people, you try to rape and genocide white women!

Too bad most "nones" are white males. You are shilling in the wrong forum, Shlomo.

sage for off-topic


I see Germany turning into another Sweden: Nationalists in one side and a coalition of good goys on the other.

Well done, Germany. It's about time you uncucked yourselves.
Get that mad bitch away from power and my glorious nation (England) will be your mate. Obviously Portugal is our best friend for ever. I REALLY want to see the EU smashed.
The EU must be destoyed.

They better not be cucked by some Austrian hipster this time.

She looks like a kike to me.

You guys do know that the German people don't have anything to say in that matter and everything that is happning there is controlled form outside forces and because of the will of the people right?


Somehow the pictures didn't get posted.

wow the german electoral procedure is broken as fuck
invite enough nepotism in and you'll never be impeached

Atheists and LARPagans btfo



believe me its not motivated by lust

Jesus fuck, how did Germany manage to stay a nation even in name this way?

Sounds about right. Not even Hitler would want to save modern Germany at this point

If it wasn't for her kike face.
Should have a nice thicc body with childbearing hips.

I had a m8 who lost his virginity to a german girl
she was an exchange student and they got chummy
apparently she wouldnt have regular sex with him for ages and always insisted on being choked and receiving very dry anal
and that was basically how he lost his virginity, she didnt have regular vaginal intercourse with him for a month nope just the chokefucking sodomy
but then again this is the liberal 'well-traveled' german woman I guess

How surprising. You cant expect more from subhuman mongrel anglos.

German hating mutt autist is trying to derail the good news with its autistic fantasy again. How quaint. Like you ever had a chance, mutt.

Confirmed for foreign scum.

Oh, ok here.

I believe you missed the point entirely, foreign scum.

No surprise.

No surprise here. I see you get your argument skills from Merkel. :^)


Confirmed for non western. Feel free to throw more insults at me in lieu of an actual argument of why millennials in nearly every nation is not a lost cause.

Confirmed for illiterate mongrel. When did I even brought up millennials alone? Because of that pic?
Ok, ALL amerishits are subhuman mongrel trashes. Happy :^) ?

I just made a comment about how every millennial is garbage and you flew off the handle like I punched putin in the face in front of a ruskie. I'm just laughing at your impotent rage at a non issue.



Why do you keep showing everyone that you are a half spic part nigger subhuman?

And why do you keep showing everyone you are a habitual liar who loves to hide behind infographs?

Look at this mutt, people.

I'm sorry, you are not foreign scum. You are just an underaged human piece of shit.



never underestimate the german cucks

She looks like james may

The half of the country in Asylum centers.

Listen nigger, just because America's kike government calls spics "white" in criminal reports doesn't mean anyone actually considers them as such. All this is meant to do is inflate white crime statistics.

Keep trying, though.



You euroshits with your false sense of superiority make me laugh.
keep digging that whole, angsty kiddo.

>That feel when you will never get so flustered in an anonymous righted winged BBS forum you will stutter in text form while defending a thread so cancerous they had to fuck off to >>>/britpol/

The accusation was that you were a huge faggot that flew off the handle when I shat on millennials. The proof is the thread itself. Now feel free to cry "mutt" while propping yourself up to be a defender of white culture using nothing but premade pictures and no argument.

America had never left Anglo-Saxon spehere and never had any influence over the major decisions from abandoning slavery for imperialism to current gayass Thatcher dictated neo-liberalism. Beyond the elite taking over the control of Spanish colonies, Americans had always, and will forever be second-third rate Anglo-Saxons. Get that shit right; America is seen as Spanish land with Anglo-Saxons barely ruling over it, word American only exists out of courtesy to the ruling elite, not to the people living on it. You missed that chance in 1700's and will never regain such an opportunity. Whatever batshit insane military or political action you take will play into greater Anglo-Saxon sphere of influence, see middle eastern oil, 'murrica got jack from it and British Petrol now OWNS that shit from Iraq all the way to Saudi Arabia.

BUT the Orange Fuck you chose as president has the potential to fuck the system up so much you as the people might have a chance to barely survive and save your own asses.

There is nothing on this fucking planet sadder then an American Neo-Nazi, not even that Pajeet guy desperately trying to defend better parts of his country though gotta admit anyone going for a "designated shitting streets" defence has to be sadder then an American Neo-Nazi, but I've enough alcohol to kill two teenagers, so cut me some slack, okay?.

I just noticed I can post on Holla Forums sober. Yeah. There is that. I don't want to offend, but you fucks make it too hard.

Wrath of the Awakened Saxon, lad. It applies not just to the English but to all of Northern Europe. I look at it this way: many of the elections in norn Europe, we win either way. So long as the folk continue to polarize, conditions worsen, and the center collapses, we will take our place. It is a question of whether we will have a seat with a bunch of moderate nationalists, or whether we will have to reckon alone against the wild.

A few countries I'm less than optimistic about (Belgium, Sweden, France, maybe a few others), but I don't consider anyone beyond all hope.


There comes the fourth reich. Why aren't you happy about it?

Fuck, that bitch won't rest before she fucks Balkans and rest of the Europe into nothing.

Here is an impossible suggestion;
You don't have to fashion yourself or your politics after a fucking Europena failure.

Reported for lying about American racial purity.


No. The form of 'to be' you were supposed to use there is 'was.'

That is proper, you cunt. I'm not the same retard above but if you're going to get smug.jpg about it you might as well be right.

It's past due.

Yep, reported.

Hitler had blue eyes, bro. (in this universe anyways)

that is beyond fucked up.

stop shitting your ego issues all over this thread you guys

So many butthurt yurocucks ITT

She still leads in the polls by quite a large margin. Though I'm not sure if this is the polls being (((polls))) or just usual suicidal krautcuckery.

The heck?

To be fair, the entire thread went sideways well over an hour ago. I still agree with my original statement that the process that German uses to elect a chancellor seems backwards as fuck and is VERY susceptible to outside influence to fuck the entire thing. Would Germany have to change their entire government order to fix this? Is there a way to fix this that won't require burning the entire thing down?

What's with the D&C and defeatism ITT, holy shit.

the single most retarded faggots on the internet

Spreading kike lies makes you no different from a kike, euroshit. White Americans are overwhelmingly racially pure.
Nah. You just have to convince yourself that it's the case because you have an astoundingly fragile ego.

Come on now, they are not goons or the average leftycuck. No need to be that mean to the average brit.

Germany's constitution and political process was mostly written by the US thats why

Keeping Germany under kike control indefinitely was a critical part of the plan. If control were given to the post WW2 population the ovens would start revving up for real.

How likely is it AfD will win, and if so, how likely will they start stockpiling Zyklon B

How likely do you think it is?
If they do get into power, it's probably because the Jews want them to for some reason. I could sit here and speculate on why that might be but then I'd be talking out of my ass.

THe last "count" has her at 55%.
The months before it was in the low 30s.
Go figure how "accurate and honest" those polls are.

If you fuck up just enough it can still happen.
Schröder, the one before Merkel, fucked up that hard and had to prepone the general elections which he lost in the end and left politics completly.

Make it so that the people, the ones that vote, actually decided in the end as well.
There have bben a coulpe attempts at that but got shot down pretty quickly.


"It's a small, rootless, international clique that is turning the people against each other, that doesn't want them to have peace."

Nah, but I think you overestimate our enemies. As powerful as they are, they do NOT control everything in this world… yet. There are things that are even outside of their control.

But they do control Germany. This is objective fact.

Not every aspect of it.

Grandfather was actually Hitler youth. Or so my mom said. I never really got to know him too well though, and he just recently died.

I doubt Germany can uncuck itself, only America can tbh. You Germans can come to America though!

Your president is ethically German.

I would need a bag but I'd do it

All of Trump's kids have blonde hair and blue eyes, Frauke Petry isn't even white and Angela Merkel is a crypto jew.

They're waking up she's a absolute fucking abomination

Quality effortpost.

People can't usually predict the full outcomes of their actions regardless of how smart they are, so there's a good case to be made there.

On the other hand, modern day Republicans are basically deontology taken to clownish extremes. They'd rather lose while doing the "right" thing than win by being nasty, regardless of how nasty and fanatical their opponents are. Plenty of them hated (and still hate) Trump because Trump is indeed more of a consequentialist in this regard.

You know right Merkel is an Atheist Opportunist Communist

And Hillary Clinton beleives in Democracy
Yeah Right

Does anyone even believe pollsters any more? They got the UK General Election, then Brexit, then the US Presidential Election completely wrong. They're whores, that's all.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul?

i had to smirk sadly tho

Where is this from I see it posted all the time recently?

What are they protesting for?

Good. Maybe the Germans can stop trying to destroy Europe now and we can be friends.
My country voted to leave the EU because it's a disaster.

stasi satan worshiping globalist m8. dictators like to slap the tag christian on everything to lull the populace into a false sense or safety. plus it sounds exactly the opposite of what she really is. the powers that be have to disguise them selves in such ways. no one would be ok with a "satanist dictator" if that's how they presented themselves.

You are now aware that feminism only survives in a society where the very thing they rebel against and want to destroy protects them from the harshness of reality.

Yeah, but Abrahamic religion teaches thou shalt not.. …because the big scary sky daddy will punish you for eternity.
I'm all for respecting a benevolent authority for the good of society, but as has been demonstrated in Ireland, people raised to think this way only behave like civilised humans out of fear of authority and when the authority isn't around the people revert and turn into chimps. There were examples of police forces going on strike (lol) during the troubles and all the good church going folk turned into looting savages.
Then again perhaps most people really aren't capable of developing the strong sense of self and duty and empathy required to maintain a civilised mode of operation without a template like religion.

I'd also suggest that a religion that trains your average person to suppress critical thought (an emphasis on "faith") is inherently dangerous and counter productive to human progress. Especially if it focuses on intensive study during childhood when the brain is most plastic.

Man Holla Forums seems to become more and more autistic by the day. The main point of your original post is ignored only because you called Merkel a "christcuck", which may or may not be true, but it wasn't even the point. The point was that AfD is not Merkels party.

Nah shills are in overdrive cause they lost.

Haha faggots

Are you new?


Perhaps, but at this point I have to wonder what they are even shilling for, and on here of all places. I believe there was a leaked email from CTR where they admitted that 8ch is not easy to subvert because most anons are too aware of shills. That makes me wonder who these idiots are and what their actual, realistic goal is with this, because whatever it is it isn't working.






Look out guise the liberal media just dealt us a satirical death blow.


I can't remember which jew loving party it is but it's almost an exactly analogy to the US dem party. Nepotism and crony-ism all the way up and down. No real social policies just corporate blowjobs and importing migrants.

That last image makes me rage. If I work hard enough to have a spare bed for my aging parents or visiting friends why should I give it up to a shitskin who will probably make a mess of it. If I have a home office to do my taxes and work after hours, host important colleagues or whatever why should I have to give that up. I earned it by my hard work, now you want me to give it away to someone just because of where they were born???

there is a rash of retardation here… we haven't exactly been low profile the past couple months…

Wenn Merkel sick ertrinkt in der blut die Auslander, werden die Deutsche familie noch leben

fuck my german is bad.

hitler if you work hard enough to have a spare bed, make babies to fill it with

No, the Jews do. Trump won because he's (((their))) guy.


And reported. Try harder.

Germany has been dead since 1946.

Literally this. Traditional Christianity IS the past AND the future of the White Race.

The first step is taking women out of power and putting them back in the home like the Bible says.

American in Germany here.
She's as Christian as Hitler was a chink martial arts expert.

They are the Cuckservatives of Germany.

You'd be surprised how much Germans hate Americans, and now after electing Trump, they have this face of a soulless liberal expressing fear. The only good German is a rural German, or dead.

Never date an emigrant. Polish and Hungarian people removed from family are as cancerous as the rest of Europoors.

Defeatism is never okay. Let's meme a rational and emotional Europe back, not the Europoor retardation and psychosis we have now and I have to live through every day.

OP is a faggot, nowhere in the article did it claim that AfD won either by gaining the chancellorship, presidency or a majority in Reichstag parliament.

Well then she's some kind of Abrahamic slave isn't she.

CDU is the rightist party, Merkel is basically the German analogue of Jeb Bush.

Is that Photoshop?

Goodbye, Germany.




More White Males vote Trump then any Christian groups.

If Christianity is such a protector against poz, then why is the highest Mormons at 61?

Why don't we see 80%?


/r/ the wermacht video with the music.
"Go tell a friend" is all I remember. Please Holla Forums Help a finfag.

/r/ werhmacht mp4? That's what it is…


The christcucks are a Holla Forums divide & conquer tactic. Pic related.

We rulers nao.


I'll never understand the mental gymnastics "Trump is a Jew" people pull.

Based gunman

nope. the (((regime))) will simply make itself the winner, like the last 50 years.

fuck em all.

let's kill the bitch and be done with it.

by kek!!

i mean come on guys

the existence of religion (in some form) as part of the common culture of a people will exist. and the nonexistence of religion doesn't count. as people endlessly worry about their death and refuse to acknowledge the end of their existence. causes laymen to fall to whatever "spirituality" that is presented to them. and so can be subverted by that or rather they who control said spirituality. "if god did not exist it would be necessary for man to create him" a nation and a people would do better to found a new or adopt a preferable spirituality. for the maintenance of the "soul" of the individual and the spirit of a nation.

traditional christianity, not this pozzed shit that we have now, held fast to the belief of the soul as well of the influence of the society the world upon the soul. giving personal responsibility to the individual allowing him to be punished justly for his crime as well as acknowledging the necessity for a good culture to exist to prevent a man from being compelled to such acts. the modern meme of christian TOLERANCE is that which is distorying the church and any legitimacy that it had. as it denies both the responsibility of the individual and the responsibility of the society. a man should no longer be punished and a christian can no longer demand that society shape itself into a godly society that does not encourage sin. in the end "humanism" has been the death of traditional christian/european values. denying both the existence of mans dignity under the guise of "making a world where men are no longer led to sin" and denying the necessity of that world to acknowledge a mans responsibility for ones actions. the feeling that one is responsible for ones own actions, a seance of agency, is necessary for a man to be compelled not to do evil.

if we instead fall to nihilism we no longer have the argument of free will and the dignity of men. men are sacks of meat and their is no wrong in killing him or using him as a slave. a successful society demands that it acknowledge the soul of men, their dignity, and their responsibility.

The bible is not the word of God. Verses like Ezekiel are clearly the fruit of jewish mental illness.


Okay, reported.

Is old testament, you retard.


They would rig it anyways and 50% of voters are non-German by then. They probably already made their calculations. As vile as the J*w dictatorship is they aren't completely retarded.

She should be long dead by then. But maybe it's good for the election of a decent party.

Why are Christians so absurdly thin-skinned? It's from your book, retards

Will Germans do anything about it?

unlikely. germany has a voter activity of less than 70%, possibly less. the one who do vote are 50-60+ year old people who always vote either merkels part or the schultz party. it would be highly unlikely for the AFD to get more than 20 percent of votes or more. The voting system in germany is also rigged against new parties, who can be cut out of the equation if the "losers" of the election bond together and have more votes. Also, the media propaganda is in full force effect.

threadly reminder that merkel WAS the most far right candidate who had a chance of winning before she wunt full SJW communist all of a sudden and that germany will very likely get a serious semi-communist for next ruler should she lose.

Ezekiel 23 is describing a whoreish woman who cheated on her man and fucked babylonians and lusts after them. God has her punished for her depravity. Her nose and ears cut off. She is killed by the sword then burned in fire.

4 is about punishing a guy that pissed off God. 4:12 God tells him to eat bread baked on human shit but then decides thats to fucked up and settles for bread cooked on cow shit. Its then fed to the people of Jerusalem which gets wrecked because its filled with degenerates like the whore mentioned in 23.

Ezekiel is old Testament and thus not Christian but Jewish. The entire Old Testament is Jewish/Herbew scripture just reinterpreted to make it seem like Jesus was a pre-conceived idea thus give him legitimacy. The Old Testament is Jewish law, its only in the bible because at the time it was written Christians lived under Jewish rule- until they were basically liberated by the Romans when Rome officially adopted Christianity.

I prefer the Egyptian faith honestly. Praise Kek!

Ethically German, you say? There's an "n" missing somewhere there.. I just know it…

Because Father Taig pozzed their neghole when they were little boys.


America is why Germany is cucked in the first place, it's the American-written constitution that's the root of the hate crime laws, gun control, and inability to hold an EU referendum like the Brits have had.

Don't worry Hitler was from Austria anyway.

I agree the useful goys like my grandparents who fought the Germans and toke many trophies, may have only had bloodlust on their side. But you can't blame them in honoring the ability to fight another Germanic tribe was to much than any politic liability.

Don't worry though the politics of Germania will be undermined by those in power and we will see whether or not the German people have the blood left to exist or falter, such is the way of nature.

Germany was not given to our ancestors but was built by our ancestors from nothing so it must merit it creation.

Nice job falling for divide and conquer, moron.

Jewish mod is bumplocking/deleting any threads that are not pro-trump!!

Board logs can be found here

See related for full understanding

8ch. pl/pol/res/25508.htm

I WILL GET BANNED FOR SAYING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
